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Exercise Using the B2 words.

1. Absorb 2. Accommodate
3. Accomplish 4. Activate
5. Adjust 6. Anticipate
7. Assign 8. Assure
9. Bid 10. Boost
1. I bid 1 dollar for the chair. <Offer> Increase, impulse.
2. I bid farewell to all my friends. <say
3. I have bidden farewell to them.
11. Chase 12. Cheer
13. Chop 14. Clarify
15. Classify 16. Compose
The class is composed of foreign people.
17. Comprise 18. Confess
My team is comprised of many students.
19. Consult 20. Convey
He needed to consult with an attorney. To share feelings or ideas.
21. Cope 22. Crack
You have to cope with many challenges.
23. Cruise 24. Dare
I dare not say that.
25. Delete 26. Depart
27. Deposit 28. Derive
29. Devote 30. Differ
31. 32.

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