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Received: 6 March 2019 Revised: 12 January 2020 Accepted: 30 January 2020

DOI: 10.1111/vru.12859


Radiographic differentiation of mediastinal versus pulmonary

masses in dogs and cats can be challenging

Jennifer Ruby Scott Secrest Ajay Sharma

Department of Biosciences and Diagnostic

Imaging, College of Veterinary Medicine, Abstract
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia The ability to differentiate thoracic masses of mediastinal and pulmonary origins is often con-
founded by their complex spatial relationship. The objectives of this retrospective, observational
Jennifer Ruby, Department of Biosciences
cross-sectional study were to assess radiographic differentiation of mediastinal versus pulmonary
and Diagnostic Imaging, College of Veterinary masses, and to determine if there are any correlations with specific radiographic findings. Tho-
Medicine, University of Georgia, 2200 College racic radiographs of 75 dogs and cats with mediastinal and/or pulmonary masses identified on CT
Station Rd, Athens, GA 30605.
were reviewed. Radiographic studies were anonymized, randomized, and reviewed twice by three
reviewers. Reviewers categorized the origin of each mass(es) as mediastinal, pulmonary, or both.
On the second review, the presence or absence of 21 different radiographic findings was recorded
for each mass. Agreement between the radiographic and CT categorization of mass origin, as well
as inter- and intraobserver agreement, was calculated. Overall agreement between radiographs
and CT was moderate for both mediastinal (68.6%) and pulmonary masses (63%). Overall, inter-
observer agreement was moderate (𝜅 = 0.50-0.74), with moderate to strong intraobserver agree-
ment (𝜅 = 0.58-0.93). Masses within the mediastinum were significantly more likely to displace
other mediastinal structures. Alternatively, masses lateral to midline and in the caudal thorax were
found to be significantly positively correlated with a pulmonary origin. The results of this study
highlight the limitations of radiography for differentiation of mediastinal and pulmonary masses,
with mass location and displacement of other mediastinal structures potentially useful for radio-
graphic findings that may help improve accuracy.

computed tomography, lung, thorax

1 INTRODUCTION branchial cyst, esophageal enlargement, hernia, abscess, hematoma, or

granuloma (such as secondary to Spirocerca lupi infection).4,5
Mediastinal masses are not uncommon in the dog and cat, and may Given the complex spatial relationship between the mediastinum
be found incidentally on screening thoracic radiography or in asso- and surrounding pulmonary parenchyma and the spatial and contrast
ciation with coughing, dyspnea, or other respiratory-related clinical resolution limitations of two-dimensional radiography, oftentimes it
signs.1–3 The most common neoplastic etiologies of mediastinal ori- can be difficult to distinguish between a mass of mediastinal versus pul-
gin in the dog and cat include malignant lymphadenomegaly (eg, sec- monary origin.4 Generally, pulmonary masses can be found lateral to
ondary to multicentric lymphoma) and thymoma, with ectopic thy- midline with distinct margins contrasted by adjacent gas-filled lung.4
roid tumor, heart base tumors, and other neoplasms occurring less However, medially located pulmonary masses or mediastinal masses
frequently.1 Mediastinal masses of nonneoplastic etiologies include that deviate away from midline can easily be misclassified.4 If a mass is
reactive lymphadenopathy (sternal, mediastinal, or tracheobronchial), determined to be arising from the pulmonary parenchyma, an alternate

Portions of this study were presented at the ACVR Scientific Conference in Fort Worth, TX on October 19th, 2018.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.

c 2020 American College of Veterinary Radiology

Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2020;1–9. 1


differential diagnoses list is considered including neoplasia (primary 2.2 Imaging analysis
pulmonary carcinoma, histiocytic sarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma,
Computed tomography studies were randomized, anonymized, and
or metastatic neoplasia), abscess, hematoma, or granuloma.1,4,6 It is
initially reviewed by three readers (second year radiology resident
critical to distinguish between masses of mediastinal and pulmonary
and two ACVR-certified radiologists). By consensus, readers classified
origin for prioritization of differential diagnoses, guiding tissue sam-
intrathoracic masses as mediastinal, pulmonary, or both (eg, patient
pling, and for surgical planning.
has two masses with one each in the mediastinum and pulmonary
Computed tomography (CT) is superior to radiography in the detec-
parenchyma). For the radiographic review, in each group (mediasti-
tion and characterization of intrathoracic lesions providing better
nal, pulmonary, both), half of the radiographic studies were randomly
contrast resolution and elimination of superimposed anatomy, with
selected and duplicated to assess intraobserver agreement. All orig-
increasing availability in veterinary medicine.7 Additionally, CT is par-
inal and duplicated radiographic studies were anonymized, random-
ticularly useful for tumor staging and for the evaluation of surgical
ized, and evaluated by the same three readers individually. Readers
resectability and presence of malignant vascular invasion.2 However
were blinded to signalment and diagnosis, reviewing all studies on stan-
radiography remains the initial diagnostic test of choice given the
dard image archiving and communication system software (version
widespread availability and relatively low cost.
9.5.2, OsiriX Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland). Reviewers were able
Based on our review of the literature, the accuracy of diagnos-
to manipulate the images as needed, including changing window width,
ing mediastinal masses verses pulmonary masses on radiography in
window level, and magnification.
small animals has not been previously published. In humans, the radio-
During the first radiographic evaluation, reviewers determined if
graphic characteristics of mediastinal masses include obtuse mar-
radiographs were of diagnostic quality. If radiographic quality was
gins with the surrounding lung, a lack of air bronchograms within
deemed adequate, reviewers then determined if a mass or masses
the mass, and lack of movement of the mass between inspiratory
were present, and categorized them as mediastinal, pulmonary, or
and expiratory radiographs.8,9 In veterinary medicine, it has been
both. This review was again repeated on the same cases after an 8-
suggested that masses with the following features are likely to be
week interval. In addition, the presence or absence of 21 different
mediastinal in origin: the mass lies adjacent to midline, the mass
radiographic features including thoracic location of the mass (midline
is in a position consistent with the cranioventral or caudoventral
or lateral to midline; cranial, middle or caudal thorax; dorsal or ven-
mediastinal reflection, or the mass causes deviation of a mediastinal
tral thorax), margination (ill-defined or well-defined margins), opac-
ity (internal mineralization, air bronchograms within the mass), and
The objectives of this study were twofold: to determine the agree-
relationship to adjacent structures (displacement of mediastinal struc-
ment of diagnosing a mediastinal versus pulmonary mass on thoracic
tures, broad-base of contact with thoracic wall, summation vs. silhou-
radiography as compared to CT, and to determine if there are any
etting of adjacent pulmonary vessels, abnormal adjacent pulmonary
discriminatory radiographic imaging characteristics associated with
pattern, displacement and/or narrowing of bronchi, bronchus leading
mediastinal or pulmonary origins.
into mass) was assessed by each reader. For the purposes of this study,
displacement of mediastinal structures referred to masses that dis-
placed an individual or a few mediastinal structures in relation to each
2 MATERIALS AND METHODS other; masses that were associated with a complete lateralized shift
of all mediastinal structures did not qualify for this criterion. Addition-
2.1 Sample population ally, the presence of pleural effusion, pulmonary nodules, and osseous
changes adjacent to the mass were recorded.
In this retrospective, observational cross-sectional study, the elec-
tronic medical records of the University of Georgia Veterinary Teach-
ing Hospital were searched from 2008 to 2017 for dogs or cats that had
2.3 Data analysis
either a mediastinal and/or a pulmonary mass diagnosed on thoracic
CT, and also had thoracic radiographs available. A mass was defined Statistical analyses were selected and performed by a PhD statisti-
as a structure approximately 3 cm or larger. Pathologic alterations of cian, and all analyses were performed in R (R Core Team) in the rel
normal anatomy (eg, lung lobe torsion or diaphragmatic hernia) were 1.3.1 (2017) package or SAS V 9.4 (Cary, NC). Fleiss kappa coefficients
included if a concurrent mass effect was present. Cases were included were calculated to quantify intraobserver variability for each of the
if two- or three-view thoracic radiographs (right lateral and/or left lat- three readers, and to calculate interobserver variability for the origi-
eral and dorsoventral or ventrodorsal projections) were available for nal studies on the first and second radiographic reviews. Cohen’s kappa
review and obtained within 35 days of the CT exam. A single reviewer coefficients were calculated to compare each of the three readers’
recorded the following from the medical record: patient signalment first and second readings to the CT reference standard. Additionally,
(species, age, sex), CT protocols, and if available, surgery or necropsy a second reference standard (“best right answer”) was created that
reports, and/or cytologic or histopathologic diagnoses. Cases were accounted for any cytologic and/or histopathologic results available,
excluded if a diagnosis was not obtained via fine needle aspiration, core which were considered to supersede the CT findings. Cohen’s kappa
or surgical biopsy, and/or necropsy exam. coefficients were calculated to compare each of the three readers’ first

or second reviews to this “best right answer” standard. A 95% confi- 3.2 Retrospective computed tomographic data
dence interval was calculated for all Fleiss and Cohen’s kappa statistics.
Computed tomography examinations were performed using either a
Interpretations of strength of agreements were made using published
dual slice (HiSpeed NX/i Pro; GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) or
guidelines.10 For those cases with both a mediastinal and a pulmonary
64-slice multidetector CT unit (Sensation 64; Siemens, Malvern, PA).
mass, each type of mass was evaluated separately within the medi-
Studies were performed with patients under sedation or general anes-
astinal and pulmonary categories, respectively. Using the “best right
thesia with various anesthesia protocols, in either sternal or dorsal
answer” reference standard to categorize cases, the 21 radiographic
recumbency. Images were acquired as a helical volume with a medium-
features were analyzed using generalized linear mixed models. In order
frequency soft tissue algorithm, a slice thickness of 0.6-3 mm, and a
to simplify the multivariable analysis, only cases where all reviewers
variable pitch (0.8-1.5). Most cases had several reconstructions avail-
agreed there was a single mass (either mediastinal or pulmonary) were
able including a high-frequency (lung) algorithm with a 0.6-2.0 mm slice
included for analysis. A single (univariable) fixed binary factor for each
thickness in transverse, dorsal, and/or sagittal planes. All studies had
criteria was used for each generalized linear mixed model. A random
both pre- and postintravenous contrast series performed (iohexol 600
intercept for each animal was included to model within animal correla-
mgI/kg; GE Healthcare, Vacaville, CA) in either two (precontrast and
tion since there were three sets of criteria identified by three review-
delay) or three (precontrast, arterial, and delay) phases.
ers for each animal. A binary distribution with a logit link function was
used. Criteria with P < .10 in univariable analyses were considered
for inclusion in a multivariable generalized linear mixed model. Simple
3.3 Final diagnosis
correlations and collinearity diagnostics were used to evaluate crite-
ria multivariable analyses for collinearity. All criteria with P < .10 not In the mediastinal group, 22 of 26 cases (84.6%) had a definitive diag-
identified as causing collinearity were entered into a multivariable gen- nosis based on core or surgical biopsy or necropsy exam, while the
eralized linear mixed model. Odds ratios and a 95% confidence interval remaining four of 26 cases (15.4%) had a diagnosis based on fine nee-
were calculated. dle aspiration. Diagnoses included thymoma (eight), lymphoma (three),
thyroid carcinoma (two), and one each thymic lymphoma, thymic squa-
mous cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, esophageal leiomyosarcoma, aor-
tic body carcinoma, neuroendocrine tumor, undifferentiated malignant
neoplasia, metastatic adenocarcinoma, abscess, and infiltrative lipoma.
Three cases were misclassified into the mediastinal group based on
consensus of CT findings. Two cases, misclassified in the mediasti-
3.1 Animals
nal group, were surgically confirmed lung masses (pulmonary papil-
A total of 75 patients (65 dogs, 10 cats) met the inclusion criteria. lary adenocarcinoma and undifferentiated sarcoma). The third case,
Using CT as the reference standard, cases were assigned to the incorrectly classified in the mediastinal group, was later classified in
following groups: 26 mediastinal, 42 pulmonary, and seven “both.” the “both” category due to necropsy findings of a severely enlarged
In the mediastinal group, there were 23 dogs and three cats. In the tracheobronchial lymph node (malignant undifferentiated neoplasia
pulmonary group, there were 36 dogs and six cats and the “both” from an unknown primary), which was poorly delineated from adjacent
group consisted of six dogs and one cat. Breeds represented in the smaller lung masses on the CT study.
mediastinal group included Labrador Retrievers (five), mixed-breed In the pulmonary group, 24 of 42 cases (57.11%) had a definitive
dogs (five), Yorkshire Terriers (three), German Shepherd Dogs (two), diagnosis based on core or surgical biopsy or necropsy, which included
Domestic Longhair cats (two), and one each of nine other breeds. Gen- pulmonary papillary adenocarcinoma (eleven), primary pulmonary
der distribution in the mediastinal group included 13 castrated males, histiocytic sarcoma (three), bronchoalveolar carcinoma (three),
12 spayed females, and one intact male. The age-range for the medi- adenosquamous carcinoma (two), hematoma (two), and one each
astinal group was 3-14 years (median 9 years). Breeds represented in hemangiosarcoma, pulmonary papillary adenoma, and lung lobe tor-
the pulmonary group included Labrador Retrievers (seven), Domestic sion. Eighteen pulmonary cases (42.9%) had a presumptive diagnosis
Shorthair cats (five), mixed-breed dogs (three), West Highland Terriers based on fine needle aspiration, which included 14 cases of carcinoma,
(three), Australian Shepherds (three), Boxers (two), Shih Tzus (two), two cases of a poorly differentiated neoplasm, and one case each of
Cocker Spaniels (two), Miniature Schnauzers (two), Dachshunds (two), squamous cell carcinoma and metastatic mammary carcinosarcoma.
Doberman Pinschers (two), and one each of nine other breeds. Gender In the “both” group, three of seven cases (42.9%) had a defini-
distribution in this group included 25 spayed females, 16 castrated tive diagnosis based on endoscopic or surgical biopsy or necropsy,
males, and one intact male. The age range for the pulmonary group and included a case of multicentric plasmacytoma in the lung with
was 6-16 years (median 10 years). The “both” group included two a concurrent thymoma, a case of blastomycosis in the lung and
Boston Terriers, one each of a Boxer, Mastiff, Miniature Schnauzer, intrathoracic lymph nodes, and a case of pulmonary adenosquamous
Basenji, and Domestic Shorthair cat consisting of three spayed females carcinoma with concurrent thymic lymphoma. The remaining four
and four castrated males with an age-range of 6-12 years (median cases were presumptively diagnosed based on fine needle aspira-
10 years). tion of the lung and/or mediastinal mass (all remaining mediastinal

TA B L E 1 Agreement of radiographic evaluation with CT by reader

First radiographic review (95% CI) Second radiographic review (95% CI)
Reader Mediastinal Pulmonary Mediastinal Pulmonary
Reviewer 1 0.71 (0.54-0.87) 0.64 (0.46-0.82) 0.75 (0.62-0.89) 0.72 (0.57-0.87)
Reviewer 2 0.49 (0.28-0.70) 0.42 (0.18-0.66) 0.64 (0.47-0.8) 0.66 (0.49-0.83)
Reviewer 3 0.67 (0.50-0.85) 0.57 (0.37-0.78) 0.75 (0.61-0.89) 0.67 (0.50-0.84)

Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.

TA B L E 2 Intraobserver agreement of the 36 duplicated thoracic The results of univariable analysis of the 21 different radiographic
radiography studies features are listed in Table 4. Criteria identified with P < .05 in uni-
Reader Mediastinal (95% CI) Pulmonary (95% CI) variable analyses for mediastinal and pulmonary “best right answer”
Reviewer 1 0.93 (0.79-1.0) 0.84 (0.71-0.97) were as follows: on/near midline, displacement of other mediastinal
Reviewer 2 0.61 (0.47-0.75) 0.61 (0.47-0.75) structures, air bronchograms within the mass, lateral to midline, bor-

Reviewer 3 0.58 (0.44-0.72) 0.73 (0.59-0.87)

der effacement of pulmonary vessels, bronchus leading into mass, cra-
nial thorax, mid-thorax, caudal thorax, dorsal thorax, and ventral tho-
Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
rax. Additional criteria with P < .10 in univariable analyses for medi-
astinal “best right answer” were as follows: ill-defined margins, dis-
TA B L E 3 Interobserver agreement of the 91 thoracic radiographic tinct margins, and mass mineralization, and for pulmonary “best right
studies answer” the criterion was narrowed and/or displaced bronchi, which
brought the total number of criteria under consideration for the multi-
Review Mediastinal (95% CI) Pulmonary (95% CI)
variable model up to 14 criteria for mediastinal and 12 criteria for pul-
1 0.62 (0.49-0.75) 0.50 (0.37-0.63)
monary. Mass mineralization was removed from consideration since
2 0.74 (0.61-0.87) 0.72 (0.59-0.85)
it caused convergence problems due to very few masses identified
Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval. with this criterion. High collinearity was identified for the following
radiographic features, which were excluded from multivariable analy-
sis: on/near midline (collinearity with lateral to midline), distinct mar-
masses represented enlarged sternal, cranial mediastinal, and/or tra-
gins (collinearity with ill-defined margins), and cranial and ventral
cheobronchial lymph nodes), and included two cases of histiocytic sar-
thoracic locations (collinearity with caudal and dorsal locations,
coma and one case each of pulmonary carcinoma and chronic lympho-
respectively). This brought the total number of criteria under consider-
cytic leukemia.
ation for the multivariable model up to 10 criteria for mediastinal and
10 criteria for pulmonary.
3.4 Radiographic reviews On the multivariable analysis (Table 5), the criterion that signifi-
Agreement in mass location between radiographs and CT for the first cantly (P < .05) positively correlated to a mediastinal mass was dis-
and second radiographic reviews of the 75 original cases is listed in placement of other mediastinal structures (Figure 1). For pulmonary
Table 1. On the first review, the combined overall agreement for the masses, caudal thoracic and lateral to midline location were found to
three reviewers was 62.3% for mediastinal masses and 54.3% for pul- be significantly positively correlated (Figure 2).
monary masses. Overall agreement was similar on the second review at
71.3% for mediastinal masses and 68.3% for pulmonary masses. Using
the “best right answer” standard (available cytology or histopathol- 4 DISCUSSION
ogy findings supersede CT categorization) compared to radiographs,
comparing the combined agreement of mass origin between the first Differentiating masses of mediastinal versus pulmonary origin is
and second reviews was 67.3% and 74.3% for mediastinal masses, and important for generating an accurate list of differential diagnoses, tis-
60.0% and 71.7% for pulmonary masses, respectively. Between both sue sampling, and treatment planning. The objectives of this study
reviews, overall agreement with CT was similar for the radiology res- were to assess radiographic differentiation of pulmonary and medi-
ident (73.0% for mediastinal and 68.0% for pulmonary) and boarded astinal masses and to determine if there were any specific radio-
radiologists (63.8% for mediastinal and 58.0% for pulmonary). graphic findings associated with a mass of pulmonary or mediastinal
Intraobserver agreement of the 36 duplicated cases is listed in origin. The study results suggest that radiographic differentiation of
Table 2. Overall intraobserver agreement varied between moderate pulmonary and mediastinal masses can be difficult with only moderate
to strong (𝜅 = 0.58-0.93), and was similar for mediastinal (𝜅 = 0.71) accuracy and inter- and intraobserver agreement. Despite analysis of
and pulmonary (𝜅 = 0.73) masses. Interobserver agreement is listed in 21 different radiographic criteria, the only factor that proved to sig-
Table 3 with moderate agreement for both mediastinal (𝜅 = 0.62-0.74) nificantly positively correlate with a mass within the mediastinum was
and pulmonary masses (𝜅 = 0.50-0.72) on both reviews. whether the mass displaced other mediastinal structures. In addition,

TA B L E 4 Univariable analysis of 21 radiographic criteria of mediastinal and pulmonary masses using best right answer

Criteria Mediastinal P-value Pulmonary P-value

On/near midline .0000* .0000*
Vessels overlying mass on both lateral images .3208 .3208
Broad base of contact with thoracic wall .1373 .1373
Ill-defined margins .0758* .0758*
Displacement of other mediastinal structures .0124* .0124*
Air bronchograms within the mass .0162* .0162*
Narrowed and/or displaced bronchi .0472* .0472*
Lateral to midline .0000* .0000*
Distinct margins .0949* .0949*
Abnormal pulmonary pattern adjacent to mass .3067 .3067
Border effacement of pulmonary vessels .0000* .0000*
Bronchus leading into mass .0035* .0035*
Mass mineralization n/a† n/a†
Cranial thorax .0000* .0000*
Mid-thorax .0141* .0141*
Caudal thorax .0123* .0123*
Dorsal thorax .0027* .0027*
Ventral thorax .0018* .0018*
Pleural effusion .9501 .9501
Pulmonary nodules .5049 .5049
Adjacent osseous changes n/a‡ n/a‡

*All criteria that reached significance of P < .1 in the univariable analysis were included in the multivariable analysis.
†This criterion was removed from the univariable analysis due to quasi-separation of data.
‡No cases were identified with this criterion.

TA B L E 5 Final multivariable model for mediastinal and pulmonary masses

P-value Odds ratio (95% CI)

Mediastinal criteria
Displacement of other mediastinal structures .0213* 16.9 (1.5-185.9)
Lateral to midline .0037* 0.05 (0.01-0.4)
Mid-thorax .0089 0.03 (0.003-0.4)
Caudal thorax .0027* 0.01 (<0.001-0.2)
Pulmonary criteria
Displacement of other mediastinal structures .0213* 0.06 (0.005-0.7)
Lateral to midline .0037* 20.1 (2.7-148.7)
Mid-thorax .0089 29.6 (2.4-370)
Caudal thorax .0027* 138 (5.7 → 1000)

*Criterion reached significance of P < .05 on multivariable analysis.

masses lateral to midline and in the caudal thorax were found to be sig- is an unavoidable bias of the dataset.4 Additionally, canine primary
nificantly positively correlated with a pulmonary origin. pulmonary adenocarcinomas have been reported to more commonly
Overall agreement of radiographic evaluation with CT studies was occur in the center or periphery of the caudal lung lobes.6,11–13
surprisingly limited, varying from weak to moderate (𝜅 = 0.42-0.75) Despite these known associations, radiographic accuracy for dis-
depending on the reviewer. In general, accuracy was somewhat tinguishing masses in these two locations was only moderate. These
better for mediastinal masses (66.8%) as compared to pulmonary findings underscore the inherent limitations of radiography. Computed
masses (61.3%). The authors attribute this to the more predictable tomography is well known to be superior to radiography for the assess-
location of mediastinal masses, generally occurring on midline, which ment of intrathoracic structures and subtle or complex pathologic

F I G U R E 1 Left lateral (A) and ventrodorsal (B) thoracic radiographs and transverse postcontrast CT image (C) in a soft tissue window (window
width 290 HU, window level 45 HU) at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra of a 12-year-old female spayed Airedale terrier with a cranial
mediastinal mass diagnosed as a thymic squamous cell carcinoma on surgical biopsy. Note the dorsal displacement of the trachea by the cranial
mediastinal mass on the radiographs

F I G U R E 2 Right lateral (A) and ventrodorsal (B) thoracic radiographs and transverse postcontrast CT image (C) in a lung window (window
width 1400 HU, window level −500 HU) at the level of the eighth thoracic vertebra of an 11-year-old male castrated West Highland White Terrier
with a left caudal lung lobe mass diagnosed as a pulmonary adenocarcinoma on surgical biopsy. Note the lateral and caudal location of the mass on
the radiographs

lesions due to the three-dimensional nature of CT imaging and displaced the esophagus dorsolaterally (Figure 3). The authors specu-
superior contrast resolution.7,14–18 In a prior study, CT was found late that availability of additional images reconstructed with a high fre-
to provide new information on pathologic location in 80% of cats quency (lung) algorithm may have improved accuracy for these cases
and 67.8% of dogs when compared to thoracic radiographs.7 The specifically. However, these cases particularly highlight that while the
limited accuracy of radiographic assessment in this study supports the criterion of a mass being lateral to midline was found to be sig-
continued use of CT for investigation of intrathoracic masses. nificantly positively correlated with a pulmonary origin, pulmonary
Despite the utility of CT for assessing intrathoracic masses, this masses can still be found on midline (Figure 4). Thus, while the criteria
modality is not a perfect test to distinguish mass location as evidenced found to be significantly correlated with masses of mediastinal or pul-
by the 4% misdiagnosis rate in the study reported here of CT com- monary location may help prioritize lesion location, these criteria are
pared with histopathology. All three miscategorized studies were per- not absolute, and other mass origins should still be considered, albeit
formed on the dual-slice CT scanner with only a soft tissue algorithm deprioritized.
available for review. Two of the misclassified studies were primary pul- Intraobserver agreement was moderate to strong for all review-
monary masses miscategorized as “mediastinal.” Interestingly, both of ers, with a slight difference between mediastinal and pulmonary cases
these pulmonary masses were within the caudal thorax on midline and based on the reviewer. This is suggestive of the inherent biases of each

F I G U R E 3 Challenging cases: Left lateral (A) and ventrodorsal (B) thoracic radiographs and transverse postcontrast CT image (C) in a lung
window (window width 1400 HU, window level −500 HU) at the level of the second intercostal space of 12-year-old female spayed Cocker Spaniel
with a left cranial lung lobe mass diagnosed as a pulmonary papillary adenocarcinoma on surgical biopsy. While this case was correctly classified
on CT evaluation, none of the three reviewers correctly classified this mass as pulmonary in origin on the radiographic review. This case is one of
the few examples of pulmonary masses that did not follow the pattern of being located lateral to midline and in the caudal thorax. Images (D-F)
represent a case in which there was a lack of consensus between reviewers; right lateral (D) and ventrodorsal radiographs (E) and a transverse
postcontrast CT image (F) in a soft tissue window (window width 290 HU, window level 45 HU) at the level of the third intercostal space of a
6-year-old male child castrated Norfolk Terrier with a left cranial lung lobe torsion. Only two of the three reviewers correctly classified this lesion
as pulmonary. While this lesion was located lateral to midline, the cranial location was misleadingly suggestive of a mediastinal origin

reviewer based on various training, clinical experience, and/or the pref- carefully consider categorization of each mass as compared to the first
erential use/emphasis of specific roentgen signs in prioritizing lesion review, subsequently improving agreement.
location. Interestingly, intraobserver agreement showed higher accu- A potential limitation of this study is the time delay of up to 35 days
racy for the resident reviews compared to the radiologists. Possible between acquisition of radiographic and CT studies. While lesions may
reasons include resident bias during data collection/organization, rel- have undergone some changes during this time frame, cases were only
atively more time spent on evaluating images and/or criteria for dif- included for evaluation if a distinct mass or masses were identified on
ferentiation of mass origin by the resident, influence of level of train- radiographs. For the purposes of this study to solely determine mass
ing where novices tend to be more detail oriented compared with origin, the time delay between studies was considered inconsequential.
experts, or a combination thereof.19 Of note, however, there is the This study is further limited by the number of cases reviewed. There
slight improvement in overall accuracy of all reviewers between radio- were several criteria in the univariable analysis, and one criterion in the
graphic reviews one and two. This may represent an interpretation multivariable analysis that trended toward significance (P < .1), how-
bias of having seen the same cases before, despite an 8-week inter- ever, did not reach a significance of P < .05 on the final analysis. With
val between the first and second reviews. Alternatively, while evalua- a larger dataset, these criteria could potentially prove to be significant.
tion of the 21 different criteria on the second review was not intended Further studies could be useful to prospectively investigate whether
to guide decision making for determining a mass’s origin, critical anal- the inclusion of those criteria that were found to be significant in dis-
ysis of each of these factors may have caused the reviewers to more tinguishing mediastinal and pulmonary masses improves radiographic

F I G U R E 4 Misclassified case: Left lateral (A) and ventrodorsal (B) radiographs and a transverse postcontrast CT image (C) in a soft tissue
window (window width 290 HU, window level 45 HU) at the level of the eight intercostal space of a 14-year-old female spayed Jack Russell Terrier
with a surgically confirmed pulmonary papillary adenocarcinoma. This case was incorrectly classified as mediastinal on the CT evaluation based on
reviewer consensus predominately due to subjective midline location and displacement of mediastinal structures. Additionally, based on the
radiographic review this case represents another case in which there was a lack of consensus between reviewers, while the primary bronchus of
the right caudal lung lobe is abruptly tapered adjacent to the mass on the radiographs, the mass is located close to midline, which were
confounding characteristics. Only two of the three reviewers correctly classified this mass as pulmonary in origin on the radiographic review

agreement with CT. An additional bias of the study is the exclusion of Category 3
cases without a definitive diagnosis and those that did not proceed to
(a) Final Approval of the Completed Article: Ruby, Secrest,
CT for further evaluation. Generally, excluded masses included those
that were deemed to be nonresectable and/or difficult to sample, such
as heart base tumors, or lesions with a typical appearance on radio-
graphs or CT, such as branchial cysts or primary pulmonary masses for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
which the owner chose not to pursue additional diagnostics.
The authors thank Dr. Deborah Keyes for assistance in statistical
Accurate assessment of the origin of a mass is critical for prioritiza-
tion of differential diagnoses, guiding tissue sampling, and for surgical
planning. This study found that masses within the mediastinum were
significantly more likely to displace other mediastinal structures. Alter- CONFLICT OF INTEREST

natively, masses lateral to midline and in the caudal thorax were found The authors declare no conflict of interest.
to be significantly positively correlated with a pulmonary origin. These
imaging features may be helpful in differentiating pulmonary and medi-
astinal masses and may improve overall radiographic accuracy.
Jennifer Ruby
Scott Secrest


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