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The use of comma-exercises

In the sentences below insert commas, where necessary.

1. ‘Daddy, can you help me?’ ‘Of course, just wait a minute.’
2. If you put a tooth under the pillow, the Tooth Fairy will come.
3. Will she help me if I ask her?
4. She has been teaching and helping the youth in the local youth centre.
5. ‘Come, I’ll show you what I mean.’
6. The new shoes, which she gave me for my birthday, were really expensive.
7. She didn’t say a word, for she was thinking about the right answer.
8. The children went to the forest because they wanted to pick some flowers.
9. I strongly believe that this should never happen again.
10. My brother, who is a famous politician, works round the clock.
11. I will forgive you, but you need to try harder to improve your behaviour.
12. They walked and walked until they reached the city walls.
13. He got up and looked around, but he couldn’t see anything.
14. He wants to tidy up his room before his mother gets back from work.
15. The children were so busy doing their task that they didn’t notice that the teacher
had left the classroom.
16. ‘Tell me when she comes.’ ‘When she does, I will, don’t worry James’
17. Whenever I hear this song I remember our last date in Berlin.
18. Unfortunately, we cannot accept your application.
19. When he came back from school, he went into hid room, and stayed there for the
rest of the evening.
20. As I was saying before, we were not able to accomadate you in this room due to
the computer glitch.

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