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Ayu Suciani1, Desy Irafadillah Effendi2, Evi Zulida3, Soedirman Z4

1Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi, FKIP, Universitas Samudra

2Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, FKIP, Universitas Samudra

3Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Universitas Samudra

Jl, Prof. Dr. Syarief Thayeb, Meurandeh, Langsa Lama, Kota Langsa, Aceh, 24416, Indonesia
4Program Studi PGSD, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala

4Jl. Teuku Nyak Arief No. 441, Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia


Received: 17 October 2020, Repaired: 09 August 2021, Approved: 10 August 2021

Dunia sedang menghadapi era revolusi industri 4.0 dimana segala sesuatu serba terkoneksi
dengan mesin. Dalam mewujudkan SDM yang siap akan era revolusi industry 4.0,
pemerintah melakukan beberapa usaha melalui pendidikan. Karakter merupakan salah satu
landasan kemajuan suatu bangsa. Karakter tidak diwariskan secara lahir, namun perlu
dipupuk hingga tumbuh menjadi karakter yang diinginkan bangsa. Karakter dapat
dibentuk melalui pendidikan sekolah mata pelajaran geografi. Pembelajaran geografi akan
memperkenalkan kepada siswa tentang wilayah dimana mereka berada. Dengan demikian,
pembelajaran geografi dapat diarahkan untuk mengembangkan karakter religus,
nasionalis, mandiri, gotong royong dan integritas yang cinta tanah air. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter siswa dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran
berbasis karakter. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada MGMP Geografi SMA di Kota Langsa
dan Kabupaten Aceh Timur yang berjumlah sebanyak 27 orang guru. Teknik
pengumpulan data adalah wawancara dan mengumpulkan informasi jenis media
pembelajaran pada materi geografi di SMA dan karakter yang dibutuhkan dalam
mempelajari geografi. Hasil penelitian yaitu (1) Guru memilih sebanyak 83% materi
geografi SMA membutuhkan video sebagai media pembelajaran, video dianggap mampu
memberikan penjelasan berupa gambar dengan gerakan serta suara, dengan demikian,
video dapat membantu siswa untuk memahami materi geografi; (2) Multimedia interaktif
merupakan media yang cocok untuk menumbuhkan karakter mandiri pada siswa. Media
ini bersifat interaktif dimana media akan menyajikan materi atau informasi yang sesuai
dengan siswa inginkan, oleh karena itu guru harus mampu mengembangkan multimedia
interaktif untuk siswanya; (3) Guru memiliki kesulitan yang sama dalam pengembangan
media pembelajaran geografi. Kesulitannya yaitu kurangnya keterampilan dalam
penggunaan teknologi IT.

Kata kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Pendidikan Karakter, Pendidikan Geografi, Revolusi


The world is facing the era of industrial revolution 4.0, where everything is connected to
machines. In realizing human resources that are ready for the era of the industrial
revolution 4.0, the government makes several efforts through education. Character is one
of the cornerstones of the progress of a nation. Character is not inherited from birth but
needs to be nurtured to grow into the nation's character. The character can be formed
through school education in geography subjects. Learning geography will introduce
students to the area where they are located. Thus, geography can develop religious,

263| Vol 13 No. 2 – 2021 Jurnal Geografi Vol 13 No.2 (263-272)

Available at
e-ISSN: 2549–7057 | p-ISSN: 2085–8167

nationalist, independent, cooperative, and integrity characters who love the homeland. This
study aims to determine the character of students in the development of character-based
learning media. This research was conducted at the Geography MGMP of SMA in Langsa
City and East Aceh Regency, totaling 27 teachers. Data collection techniques are
interviews and information on the types of learning media on geography material in high
School and the characters needed to study geography. The research results are (1) Teachers
choose 83% of high school geography materials that require video as a learning medium.
Videos are considered capable of providing explanations in the form of images with
movement and sound. Thus, videos can help students understand geography material; (2)
Interactive multimedia is a suitable medium to foster independent character in students.
This media is interactive where the media will present material or information according
to what students want; therefore, teachers must develop interactive multimedia for their
students; (3) Teachers have the same difficulty in developing geography learning media.
The difficulty is the lack of skills in the use of IT technology.

Keywords: Learning Media, Character Education, Geography Education, Digital


At this time, the world has entered Triatna, C., & Permana, J., 2013). Character
the era of the fourth generation industrial education can develop students' ability to
revolution (industrial revolution 4.0), continuously behave well to become God's
which can be marked by increased creatures and trustworthy leaders
connectivity, interaction, and development (Mulyasa, 2013). The moral crisis or lack of
of digital systems, artificial intelligence, character of a society can be seen from the
and visuals. The development of the frequent occurrence of social cases such as
industrial revolution 4.0 uses intelligent corruption, acts of violence, porno-action,
engineering and the internet of things as pornography, drug use, and kidnapping.
the coffers of movement and connectivity Therefore, character education is needed
of humans and machines (Government of by every individual so that social causes
Indonesia, 2007). Since 2018 Indonesia has can be minimized to create a safe and
entered the era of the industrial revolution comfortable environment.
4.0. The government has made various Although the demand for the use of
efforts to deal with changes in the 4.0 technology continues to increase, students'
revolution era. character must still be prioritized in
One of the efforts made is through learning activities. The focal point in KDP
education. Education is essential to policies is religion, nationalism, integrity,
prepare skilled and globally competitive independence, and cooperation
human resources, even becoming one of (Kemendikbud, 2017). Teachers must help
the national development missions. One of students to grow and familiarize their
the national development priorities character. Various things can be done to
contained in the National Long-Term foster the good habits and behavior of
Development Plan (RPJP) 2005-2025 is the students. The thing that the teacher can do
formation of national character through is from learning resources.
education (Ramdhani, M. A., 2017) School is a virtual environment for
Education is expected to play a role the implementation of character education.
in overall national development beneficial Learning media as a learning resource is
for oneself, society, and the nation. one of the keys to character education
Character is understood as a typical way of (Mulyasa, 2013). Geography is one of the
thinking and behaving in a person's family, subjects in high school that studies the
community, nation, and state (Kesuma, D., region (region). All phenomena that occur

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in an area can be studied through a conducted related to character education in

geographic approach. Learning geography geography lessons. The list of studies can
can introduce. Several studies have been be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. List of Character Education Studies in Geography Lessons

Title, Author, Year
Study Research Result
Integrated Character The character education 1. The character of the Indonesian nation is the
Education in studied is attitude and attitude and behavior that refers to Pancasila
Geography Learning behavior as the nation's ideology.
2. Geography is a subject at the SMA/MA level
that is very appropriate as a forum for the
Muhsinatun Siasah integration of character education. The
essence of Geography is the study of nature,
humans, and the reciprocal relationship
between the two.
2010 3. Character education integrated into
geography learning can use various
strategies, including Value Clarification
Technique (VCT), to clarify values,
especially those related to current events.
Multimedia Development of learning Multimedia learning geography based on
Development of multimedia that includes character education is considered feasible
Geography Learning cognitive, affective, and and effective to improve student learning
Based on Character behavioral aspects and outcomes and character.
Education empowering social
functions and shaping
Mei Vita Romadon children's character related
Ningrum, to responsibility,
Muhammad Iksan, intelligence, resilience, and
Bagus Sugiarto care for the environment.

Development of Development of geography 1. Learning devices based on
Character Education- learning tools based on environmental care character education,
Based Geography environmental care the subject matter of the hydrosphere
Learning Tools character education on the includes components of basic
main subject of the competence, character values of
Asymanidar, Dede hydrosphere environmental care, standard material
Rohmat, Mamat (hydrosphere), and environmental-
Ruhimat based learning materials that are
adapted to environmental conditions,
2013 regions, school vision, and mission,
learning activities that lead to the
formation of a caring character for the
environment and an attitude scale
instrument to determine the extent to
which students are concerned about the
2. The learning tools (syllabus, lesson
plans, and worksheets) developed in
this study are effectively used as
learning tools in schools to build the
environmental care character of
students in geography subjects in high

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e-ISSN: 2549–7057 | p-ISSN: 2085–8167

Character-Based Character-based geography This learning design is seen as effective as a

Geography Education education is a learning vehicle for population learning. Through a
As a Population design that presents contextual approach,
Learning Vehicle content that is oriented not geography learning is designed with the
only on the realm of following themes:
Tumor Sidauruk education the population as a contextual theme.
knowledge and skills but Learners learn by experience to observe,
2013 also attitude-oriented. reason, and present alternative solutions to
population problems around their
environment. Learning habits like this are
an effort to grow students' character who
care and are responsible for the continuity of
human life on Earth and learn to live in
harmony with their environment.
Integrating the Values 1. Analyze the values of 1. The local wisdom values of the
of Local Wisdom of local wisdom of the Karampuang indigenous people are
the Karampuang Karampuan indigenous religion, care for the environment, love
Indigenous Peoples in people the homeland, hard work, honesty,
Character Education 2. and integrate local friendship, social care, responsibility,
Oriented Geography wisdom in geography and friendship.
Learning in High learning. The approach 2. Integrating the values of local wisdom
Schools used in this research is of the Karampuang indigenous people
a qualitative case study. in geography learning in class XI on
essential competencies 3.6 Analyzing
Erman Syarif local wisdom in agriculture, mining,
industry, and tourism, especially in
2019 using natural resources. Integrating
local wisdom values is expected to
create an education system with quality
and human character resources.

Table 1 there are five studies on RESEARCH METHODS

character education in geography The research location was
education. Among the five studies, there is conducted in Kota Langsa and Kabupaten
only one study that examines geography- Aceh Timur. Kota Langsa is located at 04°
based learning media for character 24' 35.68'' – 04° 33' 47.03” LU and 97° 53'
education. The results showed that 14.59'' – 98° 04' 42.16'' BT while Kabupaten
multimedia learning geography based on Aceh Timur is located at 4° 09' 21.08” - 5°
character education was considered 06' 02.16” LU and 97° 15' 22.07” - 97° 34'
feasible and effective to improve student 47.22” BT. The location map can be seen in
learning outcomes and character. Figure 1.
However, no study on geography learning The population of this study was all
media has been based on five religious 27 people of the Geography MGMP of
characters, nationalism, integrity, Langsa City and East Aceh High School.
independence, and cooperation. Data collection techniques are interviews.
This research can reference the The information collected is information
characters needed in studying geography on the type of learning media on
and be the initial basis for teachers geography material in high school and the
developing character-based learning characters needed in studying geography.
media. In other words, teachers can
develop learning media that can help
students develop the characters needed in
learning geography.

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Figure 1. Research locations in Langsa City and East Aceh District

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION learning in the field. At the same time, the
Types of Geography Learning geography learning materials for the SMA
Media level are 18 materials. Therefore, the teacher
In this study, there were seven types chooses from seven types of learning media
of geography learning media, including based on the needs of high school geography
video, images, audio, audiovisual, teaching material. The results of the election can be
aids, interactive multimedia, and direct seen in Figure 1.


Audio Video Picture Learning Aids Interactive Multimedia Field Study

19 18 19

14 14 14 14 14
12 12

7 7
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4
3 3 3
1 1

Basic Knowledge Map, PJ, and GIS Geography Earth as Living Lithosphere Atmospheric Hydrosphere
of Geography Basics Research Space Dynamics Dynamics Dynamics

Figure 2. Types of Classroom Geography Learning Media X

267| Vol 13 No. 2 – 2021

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e-ISSN: 2549–7057 | p-ISSN: 2085–8167

Based on Figure 2, class X has six second-order learning media except for the
geography learning materials. In all class X basic knowledge of geography, which
materials, the need for the same type of requires audio media in the second place
learning media is in the first order, namely before image media. Geography research
video, and in the fourth-order, namely materials require learning media through
interactive multimedia. Furthermore, four of direct learning in the field after video media.
the six materials require pictures as the


Audio Video Picture Learning Aids Interactive Multimedia Field Study

19 18 18
17 17
16 16
14 14 14
12 12

9 9 9
8 8
6 6 6
5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1

Indonesian Flora and fauna Natural Food, Industry Population Indonesian Natural Disaster
Maritime Axis resources and Energy Dynamics Cultural Management

Figure 3. Types of Geography Learning Media Class XI

In Figure 3, class XI has seven is the opposite. While the props are in the
geography learning materials. Six of the last order except for the maritime axis
seven materials require video as the first material, Indonesia is in fifth place before
order and pictures as learning media, while studying directly in the field.
learning media in food, industry, and energy


Audio Video Picture Learning Aids Interactive Multimedia Field Study

16 16 17
13 13

6 6 6 6
3 3 3
1 1 1

Regional Planning Urban Village Spatial Interaction Utilization of Maps, PJ, GIS Developed and Developing

Figure 4. Types of Class XII Geography Learning Media

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In Figure 4, class XII has four Therefore, teachers must be able to make
geography learning materials. Three of the their learning media according to the needs
four materials require the same order in the and character of their students.
first to fourth media: video, images, audio, The teacher found several difficulties
and interactive multimedia. At the same in developing learning media that matched
time, the material for regional planning the needs of geography material. A common
requires media with a sequence of images, difficulty found was the availability of
videos, audio, learning in the field, materials and tools in schools. Even though
interactive multimedia, and teaching aids. the teacher has prepared the media in
Delivering high school geography PowerPoint, the unavailability of a projector
material always requires learning media. in each class causes the teacher not to use the
Video and image media are the most needed media. Especially on map material, PJ and
media in all geography learning materials. GIS require teaching aids and direct practice,
The need for videos and pictures in all which requires materials and tools provided
geography learning materials is based on directly by the school so that learning
concrete geography material. Although objectives are achieved. As a result, the
concrete material is tangible and can be seen, teacher only explains the material verbally
such as lithospheric dynamics material, with examples of familiar phenomena.
which discusses volcanoes that have a Another difficulty is that there is a
confirmed form, students will not lack of expertise in the use of IT-based
understand volcanoes only through verbal media. Meanwhile, in the era of the digital
explanations. Therefore, it must be shown revolution, learning media cannot be
directly visually through pictures, videos, separated from technology. In addition, the
and straight to the field. use of technology as a learning medium will
Interactive multimedia is also needed significantly assist teachers and students in
for all materials but does not rank first, even learning geography. The limited ability of
though interactive multimedia can present teachers in developing IT-based media is
images, audio, and video attractive. In due to the very lack of facilities in schools
addition, the advantages of interactive and the lack of competency training for
multimedia are that it can make students teachers. Although there is no special
learn on their own because there are technology training for teachers, teachers
explanations, examples, and practice can develop themselves self-taught through
questions. This is caused by the system of online training. Self-development
providing media by teachers more often independently requires a solid and stable
downloads from the internet and is internet signal, but it is not found in the area
combined with homemade ones. This is where they live and even at school.
often done because it is considered more
practical and efficient. The most often Expected Student Characters in Geography
downloaded media are videos and images Materials
and materials in the form of ready-to-use The results showed that all high
power points. While interactive multimedia school geography materials required five
is not widely presented on the internet, there characters. The order of character
are still not many interactive multimedia requirements needed can be seen in Figure 4.
developers for geography material.

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The Characters are Expected in Learning Geography

Religious 167

Mutual Cooperation 170

Integrity 181

Nationalist 197

Independent 200

150 160 170 180 190 200 210

Figure 4. The Characters are Expected in Learning Geography

Based on Figure 4. the sequence of multimedia can be used by teachers in the

characters starting from the most dominant classroom and students wherever they are.
in geography learning is independent, In addition, teachers can provide examples
nationalist, integrity, cooperation, and through phenomena from students' areas to
religious character. Independent character is foster nationalism, integrity, cooperation,
the first order that must be possessed in and religious character. Therefore, teachers
every high school geography material. The must be able to create interactive multimedia
teacher hopes that students can learn from for their students. Thus, teachers can help
various sources without depending on students to be able to grow independent
others and have high fighting power to characters by continuously monitoring the
realize their goals. use of interactive multimedia by students.
In learning geography, the
surrounding environment can be a source of CONCLUSION
learning. With an independent character, 1. Characters in geography learning start
students will always see the phenomena with the most dominant being
around them as a source of learning. independent, nationalist, integrity,
Furthermore, students will begin to find out cooperation, and religious. The teacher
from various references so that they are expects the independent character in
expected to build other characters. However, geography learning so that students
teachers still have to help students to build always want to learn starting from
these characters incredibly independent themselves and keep learning anytime
characters. and anywhere.
2. Learning media needed in geography
Learning Media of Geography based on learning materials include class X basic
Character Education knowledge of geography, map, PJ, and
The type of geography learning GIS basics, geography research, Earth as
media that is most needed in each material is living space, lithosphere dynamics,
video. The reason, because the video is atmospheric dynamics, and hydrosphere
widely available on the internet. While the dynamics. Class XI materials include the
main character needed in learning Indonesian maritime axis, flora and
geography is independent. To grow fauna, natural resources, food, industry,
independent characters, teachers are not energy, population dynamics, Indonesian
enough to use videos as explanations. cultural diversity, natural disaster
Instead, teachers must create learning media management. Class XII materials include
that suits the needs of students. Regional Planning, urban village spatial
Various types of media can be interaction, utilization of maps, PJ, GIS,
combined into one, namely through and developed and developing countries.
interactive multimedia. Interactive

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3. Teachers choose 83% of high school Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional.

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