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Meet the 2011 Nobel Laureates

On November 27, 1895, a year beIore he died, AlIred Bernhard Nobel signed his
last will and testament at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris. Eight years beIore
his death the Swedish chemist, inventor and engineer who held 355 patents and
made his Iortune in armaments and explosives (he invented dynamite and ballistite,
and owned the gun-making Iirm BoIors) had an unexpected change oI heart. In
1888, a French newspaper erroneously published Nobel`s obituary it was actually
his brother Ludvig who had died in which it described the inventor as 'the
merchant oI death. Concerned at how he might be remembered, Nobel attempted
to right his wrongs: He bequeathed 94 percent oI his Iortune to establish the Nobel
Prizes to recognize scientists and inventors whose achievements conIerred 'the
greatest beneIit on mankind in the Iields oI Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or
Medicine, Literature and Peace. The Iirst Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901. In
1968, the Sveriges Riksbank (the National Bank oI Sweden) instituted a prize Ior
Economic Sciences in Nobel`s memory. Laureates receive a medal, a diploma and
a sum oI money that varies in relation to the Nobel Foundation`s income that year
in 2011 each prize was worth about $1.45 million. The awards are presented
annually in Stockholm, Sweden (except Ior the Peace Prize, which is presented in
Oslo, Norway).

Yemeni activist Tawakkul Karman, one oI three recipients oI the 2011 Nobel
Peace Prize, at her tent in Change Square in Sanaa, Yemen. Karman's Nobel Peace
Prize draws attention to the role oI women in the Arab Spring uprisings; they have
rebelled not only against dictators but against a traditional, conservative mindset
that Iears women as agents oI change. Women have participated in all the protests
sweeping the Arab world, working both online to mobilize, and on the ground to
march, chant and even throw themselves into stone-throwing clashes with security
Iorces side by side with men. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
Leymah Gbowee oI Liberia is one oI three 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winners.
Gbowee campaigned against the use oI rape as a weapon in her country's brutal
civil war. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
Ellen Johnson-SirleaI, Liberia's current president and presidential candidate oI the
Unity Party (UP), is the third Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Liberia's October 11
general election will be the Iirst domestically organised vote since an on-oII 1989-
2003 civil war and a test Ior a West AIrican country struggling to close the book
on its bloody past eight years aIter the Iighting ceased. REUTERS/Luc Gnago
The 2011 Nobel Prize in literature was awarded on Thursday to poet and author
Tomas Transtromer oI Sweden, whose surrealistic works about the mysteries oI the
human mind won him wide recognition as the most inIluential Scandinavian poet
oI recent decades. (AP Photo/Scanpix, Maja Suslin)
Chemistry Nobel Prize winner Israeli scientist Dan Shechtman won the 2011
Nobel Prize in Chemistry Ior the secret oI quasicrystals, an atomic mosaic whose
discovery overturned theories about solids. (Photo by Lior Mizrahi/Getty Images)
Astronomer Adam Riess in his oIIice at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,
USA. The Royal Swedish Academy oI Sciences has announced that American Saul
Perlmutter, US-Australian citizen Brian Schmidt and US scientist Adam Riess will
share the 2011 Nobel Prize in physics. The trio were honored "Ior the discovery oI
the accelerating expansion oI the universe through observations oI distant
supernovae." (AP Photo/The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation,
Gail Burton)
Australian Academy oI Science ProIessor Brian Schmidt is one oI three US-born
scientists to win the Nobel Prize in Physics Ior discovering that the universe is
expanding at an accelerating pace. (AP Photo/AAS Irene Dowdy)
Saul Perlmutter, one oI three winners oI the Nobel Prize Ior Physics, poses with his
daughter's telescope at his home in Berkeley, CaliIornia aIter hearing he had won.
The Royal Swedish Academy oI Sciences said American Perlmutter would share
the 10 million kronor ($1.5 million) award with US-Australian Brian Schmidt and
US scientist Adam Riess. Working in two separate research teams during the
1990s, Perlmutter in one and Schmidt and Riess in the other, the scientists raced to
map the universe's expansion by analyzing a particular type oI supernova, or
exploding star. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)
Dr. Bruce Beutler, director oI the Center Ior the Genetics oI Host DeIense at UT
Southwestern Medical Center, acknowledges applause Irom attendees at an event
announcing Beutler as a recipient oI the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine in Dallas, Texas. Beutler is one oI three scientists chosen to share the
prize Ior discoveries about the immune system. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)
Canadian-born scientist Ralph Steinman died three days beIore he was awarded the
Nobel Prize in Medicine Ior "his discovery oI the dendritic cell and its role in
adaptive immunity". Steinman died oI pancreatic cancer at the age oI 68, having
extended his liIe using a kind oI therapy he designed. This is the Iirst time in
history, that the Nobel Prize, which is never awarded posthumously, will go to a
dead person. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

%5s for GD
1.Remember, during GDs companies do not look Ior the best. They are just
looking Ior the better 4-5 candidates in each group.So don`t try to be the best just try
that you are among the better 4-5 candidates. II all oI you try to do the best, you all lose.
2.Take GD as a Iormal discussion at your workplace. Then, you will automatically
start working as a team.
3.Try to initiate the GD. Only one oI you in each group can do so. So don`t panic
over initiation.
4.II you don`t understand the topic then listen to the Iirst 2-3 speakers, assimilate
and then get into the discussion.
5.Show that you are interested in the GD.
6.Respect others viewpoints. Even iI you want to diIIer don`t disrespect others`
7.Keep a smiling and happy Iace. No body likes a swollen Iace.
8.Body language should not be oIIensive or deIensive. Use a calm posture with a
Iirm Ioothold.
9.use your hands to express yourselI but don`t overdo it. It should look natural.
Never point Iingers at anyone.
10.Even iI you are dominating continue to respect others and encourage somebody
who has been trying to speak. But you will rarely get such a chance.
11.II you can add such points to the discussion which lay the greatest impact on the
GD you are a winner.
12.voice modulation is important. You should know when to raise your voice and
when to be soIt during the GD. You should be expressive.
13.No matter how much you speak but iI you are not expressive, iI you seem to be
disinterested, iI you don`t make eye contact you cannot succeed.
14.Don`t deviate Irom the topic. II the group has deviated then the one who brings
back to the topic gets additional points.
15.Sometimes you will be given a choice between two topics, one topic has to be
chosen by the group Ior discussion. Do this to show maturity oI the batch.
16.Keep a Iew GD topics in mind and make yourselI comIortable with it.
Sometimes you might be asked to suggest a topic to the group. One topic will then be
selected by the group Ior discussion.
17.II you have been given chest numbers Ior the GD then wear it in a way that the
number is easily visible to all (specially the recruiter). Otherwise iI he cannot see your
number he might not be able to give scores to you.
18.II you have been given chest numbers Ior the GD address each other by chest
numbers rather than names in the GD. This makes reIerencing easy Ior the recruiter (He
does not know you by names)

%5s for 3tervew
1.Have a cool, calm and soothing persona.
2.Open the door soItly and close it behind you.
3.When you say 'May I come in Sir or 'Good Morning Sir, you should seem to
have loads oI energy and enthusiasm.
4.Take your seat. Say 'Thanks and seat yourselI in a comIortable posture.
5.II you have a problem oI waving hands a lot during interviews then keep your
Iile on your lap and hold it with your hand. So, now your hand is engaged in some
6.Your voice should be such that you seem to be assertive and not arrogant.
7.Be conIident. When you have given right answer and you are not conIident about
it, it as good as a wrong answer. You have nothing to lose even iI you are conIident Ior a
wrong answer.
8.Remember that the interviewer is a human with a ego. He has come to give you a
job, so never hurt his ego.
9.Be modest and not a high Ilier.
10.Big companies don`t want Ireshers with dreams oI bringing about huge changes
overnight. There are senior people Ior this purpose. So be modest and show your zeal to
11.Body language should not be oIIensive or deIensive.
12.Look at all the interviewers in the panel while you answer the questions, giving
more importance to the one who has asked the question.
13.Wear spotless ironed clothes. Try to look as good as you can. Your looks make
the Iirst impression and the interview Iollows.
14.Get dressed in Iormals.
15.A man is known by his shoes. Wear well polished good Iormal shoes. Ladies
should not wear Iootwear that makes a '9,9,sound. Also do not overdo your make-
16.Shabby looks is a good enough reason Ior an interviewer to reject a candidate.
17.Don`t show your desperation Ior the job. Show that you are genuinely
18.Don`t Iear stress interviews. The idea oI such interviews is to see how well you
handle stressIul situations and your consistency oI thoughts. So be calm, cool and poised
in such situations
!sychometrc %est
Psychometric Test as done at Hero Honda Ltd. at Kolkata. These tests are done to know
how a person will react under some situations. On the Iirst side oI the sheet oI the
test there were around70 words like loyal, sympathetic etc. and the candidates had to say
what their view about how others perceived them was. On the other side oI the sheet were the
same set oI words, but no one had to say how they perceive themselves at work. Once the Iirst
side was completed, one could not come back to it. Trick: The main trick to tackle these tests is
being yourselI and has consistency in your views. Time matters so complete it in the
stipulated time. There is no right or wrong answers to this test as it all
matters whether you suit the company`s proIile, so be true. This proIiling is what
we call LUCK
"uesto3s o3 Summer !roject
Where have you done your Summer Project?
What was the topic? Did you choose it yourselI?
Why did you choose this topic?
Who is the CEO oI the company?
What is the turnover oI the company?
What did you do as your Iieldwork? You did Ior marks or you liked to do so?
What did you learn Irom your Iieldwork? Does it make you a better HR proIessional?

II I call your reIerences, what will they say about you?
Do you consider yourselI as a risk taker? Describe a situation in which you had to take risk?
What kind oI environment would you like to work in?
What kinds oI people would you rather not work with?
What are 2 or 3 examples oI tasks that you do not particularly enjoy doing? Indicate how you
remain motivated to complete those tasks?
Describe the appropriate relationship between supervisor and subordinates?
How have you worked as a member oI teams in the past?
Are you a team leader or a team player? (MaFoi)
What is your management style?
What is the diIIerence between an organization and institution? (MaFoi)
What is your understanding oI a growing company? (Sterlite)
Do you have any idea about this company and any speciIic reason Ior joing it? (ACC, Jindal)
What is meant by competitive advantage?
What do you understand by competitiveness oI a Iirm?
How do you measure your own success?
What are your short and long term career goals?
Have you taken your breakIast?
Why do you seem to be low in your energy levels?
Why did you choose HR as a proIession?
What in you makes you an HR proIessional?
Why XISS? (Arvind Mills)
Are you satisIied with XISS? (Arvind Mills)
Relate any issues oI your liIe with topics in OB? (VSNL)
Why is there a dip in your graduation marks? (Shaw Wallace, Jindal)
How many Iinger rings do you wear? (Arvind Mills)
What do you like most about Mumbai? (VSNL)
What do you mean by proIessional attitude? (VSNL)
What is the immoral activity that you can`t tolerate? (TCS)
What is the principle oI your liIe? (TCS)39

What according to you is unethical? (TCS)
Do you have any reservations on working Iar away Irm home? (Hero Honda)
What is your vision Ior yourselI? (MaFoi)
Do SWOT analysis oI yourselI, Bihar and Jharkhand? (MaFoi)
Give your views on Laloo as a Iather, politician and ChieI Minister? (MaFoi)
What is your motto in liIe? (VSNL)
Do you go to church? (VSNL)
What is current turnover oI this company? (VSNL,Sterlite)
Do you have problems in working in locations in the outskirts? (LPS)
Which is one thing you dislike in your Iriends? (Eveready)
Speak on a topic Ior one minute e.g. 'II the grass was blue and the sky was green? (Eveready)
What is your rank in class? (TCS, MaFoi, Eveready)
Can people be nurtured as seeds? (TCS)
What is the diIIerence between stakeholder and shareholder? (TCS)
Is TCS a stakeholder oI XISS? (TCS)
Whom do you admire most in the corporate world? (IPCL)
Why do you think you are Iit Ior HR/IR? (IPCL)
II I don`t take you, will you count it as a personal Iailure? (TCS)
What according to you, is the most important attribute oI an HR person? (TCS)
Is your Iamily supportive or it pressurizes you Ior diIIerent matters? (Arvind Mills)
Will you leave our organization within one year? What are the pre-requisites Ior
you to stick with us? (LPS)
What is your concept oI luxury oI liIe? Do you read a lavish liIe? (LPS)
what are your salary expectations? Will you settle with a less salary? (LPS)
how can you relate Iaith in God to HR? (LPS)
Are you a very conservative or broad minded person? (Arvind Mills)
II I send you to Ghana, will you go there and work? (TCS)
Do you drink and smoke or go to discos? How will you adjust to the high society
environment? (TCS)
II you join our organization, will you leave it within 6 months iI your parents Iorce you to get
married? (Arvind Mills)
Who are the competitors oI TCS? (TCS)
Who is your idol and why? (Arvind Mills)40

Can you give a remedy to stop boozing in an organization? (TCS)
II a group oI your employees are caught in a red light area oI Indonesia, what action will you
take as the HR personnel? (TCS)
JustiIy business ethics in today`s organisational context? (TCS)
How will you do your job? (INDAL)
Which books do you read? (VSNL, Arvind Mills, MaFoi, TCS)
Do you like Harry Potter? (VSNL)
Name one part oI your body that represents all management Iunctions? (Crompton Greaves)
What drives you?
How would you deal with an arrogant employee who Iails to listen to you but is sincere
towards work? (TCS)
What are the values and ethics oI the corporate world? (TCS)
Can you handle stress? Give us instances Ior this? (TCS)
As you`ve been in Ranchi all your liIe, will you be comIortable going out? (TCS)
Do you think Communication labs are important? (TCS)
Speak on the topic 'HR is Rubbish Ior 3 minutes? (TCS)
Would you be comIortable going to Jamaica? (TCS)
What is Rajasthan`s major source oI living? Give me 5 reasons why I should I visit Rajasthan?
Do you think your hobbies will help you in proIessional liIe? (Sterlite)
Do you think language is a barrier Ior an IR manager? (Sterllite)
You have 60 seconds, 'SelI yourselI to us ? (Sterlite)
How do you think that you are competent to your Iriends and why should we take you?
You are Iickle-minded and not capable oI taking certain decisions( seeing the switch oI your
subjects Irom Bio in 2 toComputers in Grads and now to HR).Comment.(Sterlite)

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