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Stranger with a

A Complete Wild West Mini-Campaign Game

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

What you’ll need!
Welcome to ‘The Stranger with a GUN’ Wild West mini campaign…where you will make your
own western adventure! The game is played in three make your own adventure ‘acts’ which
can played in its entirety in an evening. Before each act players will read what is happening
in the story and then face a decision. Both sides reveal their decision which leads to the
scenario and it’s set up. There are a possible 27 different scenarios to choose from…the three
that you choose will tell the story of your western! Here is a list of what you will need to

You will need a variety of Wild West miniatures (any scale is fine, but 28mm is the most

x2 bounty hunters x4 dismounted cowboys

x4 Indian warriors x3 horses
x6 Mexican vaqueros x5 townfolk

x4 small adobe buildings x1 stone well
x4 buttes (or steep hills) x9 tombstones
x1 mine entrance stone walls
river (blue felt works well) x3 boulders
scrub x1 out house

Accessories CARDS
Yellow and blue tokens are useful to mark characters To play Ruthless, you’ll need a standard poker deck.
that are Lily Livered or holding fire for “Got You
Covered!” You can also use the sheet of markers that Character cards are also included. Print them out on
is included. Print them out on card stock and cut them card stock to use.

Game Mat Rules & Scenarios

A 24-inch square, game mat for you to use as a playing While you’re welcome to use any game system you
surface. This can be of any convenient tan colored want, we’ve included our favorite Wild West rules,
material. Felt is cheap and easy to use. Ruthless, along with a series of linked scenarios!

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Written by Mark Fastoso & Brian Dewitt Inspired by A Town Called Malice

Each player should start a game with 2-4 characters.

On FOOT ” or ” (Open vs. Rough)
At the beginning of a turn, each player is dealt five On HORSE 12” or ” (Open vs. Rough)
cards from a standard poker card deck. Each player
chooses one card at the beginning of a turn and Rough ground includes scrub, shallow rivers, fences,
places it face down on the table. The cards are turned and any obstacles players predefine as such.
over and revealed simultaneously.

The highest card goes first, allowing that player to

take actions with all of their models. Other players
activate in sequence, ending with the lowest card.
Ties are decided by suit: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, This action allows a character to defer his shooting
and Clubs in that order. If a 3 was played during this until later in the turn. Place any sort of marker or
phase of the game, that player may also discard any token on the model as a reminder. He may then take
number of cards from his hand. At the end of every one un-aimed shot at any enemy using a Move action
turn, players replenish their hand back to five cards. within line of sight. The marker is removed after the
shot or if the character is wounded or a different
In addition to determining initiative, cards can also be action is performed.
played throughout the turn to resolve Snap Shots, Get
Your Courage Up, and brawling in Fisticuffs.

"If there ain't going to be any rules, let's get the

For each Shoot action, roll 1d10 + modifiers to hit.
fight started." Butch Cassidy
Cross off ammunition on the character s sheet.

When a player has the initiative, each character they +1 Firer is Aiming
control may take 2 actions or up to 3 actions if a 7 -1 Target in partial or soft cover
card was played for initiative. Actions may be taken -2 Target in hard cover (rocks, buildings)
in any combination, including the same action twice! -2 Firing when mounted on horseback

MOVE AIM If a hit is scored, roll on the Darn, I Been Hit table
GOT YOU COVERED! SHOOT for wound results. When shooting at a mounted
MOUNT RELOAD 3 SHOTS target, roll again to determine if the horse or the rider
DISMOUNT GET YOUR COURAGE UP! is hit (1-5 is the horse, 6-10 is the rider).

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Type Short Long Rounds Special Fisticuffs occur as soon as two characters are moved
into base-to-base contact. Both players must select
Derringer - 2
one card from their hand. The highest score wins.
Shotgun 2 +1 to hit at
Some character traits may offer a bonus on combat,
Close Range
and being mounted adds +1 to the value of your
Revolver 6 Fanfire Fisticuffs card. If a is played, it s a Low Blow, and
Buntline 6 Fanfire the card wins if it matches the opponent card s suit
Bow - Free Reload If you cannot play a card or remain unconscious from
Repeating 10 a prior Severe Wound, you lose automatically.
Rifle Fisticuff losers suffer one wound on the hit table.
Sharps 1

Fanfire allows up to 6 rounds to be fired in a single "Fast is fine, but accuracy is

action at Short Range, but s are needed to hit. everything." Wyatt Earp

If one of your characters is about to be fired upon or

Characters must check to see if they become lily
engaged in Fisticuffs by an enemy character, you can
livered when they (or their horse) are hit (including
try to get the draw on him and shoot first or duck
a Graze), or if they see a friendly character killed.
for cover. You succeed by playing any card from your
hand that is higher than the one the opponent used to
In either circumstance, a character must roll their
activate at the start of the current turn. Opponents
Toughness value or higher on 1d10. If they fail the
cannot play a card of their own to react. Snap Shots
test, they are marked with a lily livered token. Lily
are a single shot without Aiming. Ducking for cover
livered characters must move toward cover on their
allows you to move toward nearby cover.
next turn and remain in cover. They also suffer a -1
penalty on Shooting actions.

Characters can recover from being lily livered by

being in cover and taking a Get Your Courage Up
For each hit on a target, roll 1d10 and cross off the action. Roll 1d10 + the value of any card in your hand.
corresponding wound hit on the character card. You are not required to expend a card and any
decision to do so must be made before the roll. If the
ROLL LOCATION RESULT result is equal or higher than your Toughness, you
1-2 Leg Only one Move per turn are no longer lily livered. Any face card or Ace is a
3-4 Arm Only one Shoot per turn shot of whiskey and automatically passes the test!
5-6 Graze No effect
7-8 Chest Cannot Aim
9 Severe Wound Knocked Unconscious! "They said I killed six or seven men for snoring.
10 Head Just Plain Dead! I ain r e. I onl killed one man for noring."
John Wesley Hardin
A character is killed when he crosses off his last hit
against any single wound location. Horses are killed
when they suffer any combination of three total hits.

Tip over a model who suffers a Severe Wound. They At the end of each turn, both sides roll 1d10. If the
will recover from being knocked unconscious and roll is less than the number of your characters
stand up automatically if the controlling player uses currently dead or lily livered, the remaining men
an Ace or 4 for initiative on any subsequent turn. skedaddle and the scenario ends!

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

with a

A “Ruthless” 3-Act Campaign By Mark Fastoso

The Campaign Key Concepts

For decades the Blanco family has run the town of San VICTORY
Luis on the New Mexico border. So, they didn’t take to The name of the game is GOLD! Each scenario lists ways
kindly to John Bannon when he rode into town and made which an individual player or an entire side can get gold.
himself the sheriff. Soon the silver mines, saloons and CHARACTER GOLD is given to an individual player, GANG
stage-coach were all working for him. Tensions between GOLD is given to every player on a team. At the conclusion
the Blancos and Bannon were boiling over when a quiet of the last scenario the individual player with the most
stranger with a wicked gun rode into town. Who will win GOLD wins and Clint Eastwood will play them in the
control of San Luis? movie. Then total up all the gold for all of the players for
each team. The team with the most gold wins control of
This mini-campaign is loosely based on the film ‘A Fistful
San Luis.
of Dollars” and is structured in quick “acts” that could be
played in a single evening. Both sides face decisions that The Stranger with a GUN and Bounty Hunters
allow for a great deal of replay value and let the players Both teams may try to hire the Stranger before each act.
write their own story in the West…. Each team secretly bids a number of gold and then
simultaneously reveal their bids. The Stranger may then
accept any one of the bids or refuse them all. If he accepts
"Are you gonna skin those smokewagons or just whistle
a bid he follows all the rules of that team for the act. If he
Dixie?” - The Stranger
refuses all bids he chooses and one bounty hunter and
enters the board on any edge on turn one. He can only get
CHARCTER GOLD for that act.
Player Briefings
A team may also choose a bounty hunter at add to their
Divide the players into three teams—one is given the team for an act. They roll 1d6 with the result being the
Bannon’s Story and the other receives the Blanco’s Story. amount of gold them must spend to add the bounty hunter
The third team, ‘The Stranger with a GUN,’ does not have to their team.
a story. The Bannons and Blancos can bid gold to hire The
Stranger for an individual act. Each Bannon team player CASUALTIES
starts with three gold. Each Blanco starts with two gold. At the end of each act, any characters that were killed are
The Stranger start with no gold. The campaign is best permanently removed from the campaign. Characters that
played with two Bannon, three Blanco and one Stranger survived but took some number of wounds may return for
player. the next act, but always return with one preexisting
wound of your choice marked as permanent.
The begin read Act One and make a decision. When the Note that during a scenario, characters may elect to move
opposing team has done the same declare your decision off a table edge to disengage (…and survive), but doing so
for the chosen scenario and the chosen set up. Play the counts as being “Lily Livered” for Skedaddle.
game and repeat until you have played all three acts.

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Act One: Rise of the Blancos
John Bannon, Sheriff of San Luis, New Mexico, stands on his porch drinking his morning coffee. He is
content as he thinks about how far his organization has come over the past year. Money is coming in from
a silver mine, a stake in the saloon, providing protection for the stage-coach....but his day dreaming is cut
short when a dusty cow-poke appears at his side and whispers in his ear, “The Blanco brothers are
planning to make a move on you.” The Blancos have been a thorn in his side since he arrived. What is your

1. Gather the boys and ride out to take the fight to the Blancos before they hit you! (Set Up 1)
2. Tell the boys to gather up their shootin’ irons, guard your various concerns and halt money-making
operations until the Blancos have been dealt with. (Set up 2)
3. Ignore the Blancos and keep the money flowing in from all of your concerns. (Set up 3)

Act Two: John Bannon Fights Back!

John Bannon hears a knock at his door. He cocks his six shooter points it at the door and asks who’s there.
When he hears that it is the town’s Mayor, he breathes a sigh of relief and holsters his gun. The town is
frightened by the Blancos and demands that Bannon do something to ‘take care’ of them. There are even
rumors that they captured Mr. Ames, the banker from back east! What do you do?

1. Tell him not to worry. Bannon has just heard that the Blancos robbed a Mexican Army wagon train
and massacred all the soldiers. But there is a survivor at Boot Hill...he was presumed to be dead but
a bounty hunter was there and says they are still breathing. Bannon will take some men, get the
survivor and nurse him back to health. When the story comes out the Mexican Army will take care
of the Blancos! (Play Scenario 4)
2. Tell the Mayor that the smart play is to let others do the dirty work. Bannon has made a deal with a
band of Mescalaro Apaches. They know where the Blancos hide out and in exchange for some
supplies and an agreement to leave their lands alone they have agreed to take out the Blancos.
(Play Scenario 5)
3. “They have taken Mrs. Ames!” shouts Bannon! “Those low down dirty scoundrels!” Bannon knows
that Mr. Ames banking connections are key to his plans to turn San Luis into a boomtown. He vows
to get him back...but he’ll need more muscle and considers hiring a bounty hunter to join a long.
(PlayScenario 6)

Act Three: Showdown

A horrifying shriek rips through the air. Townsfolks line the streets and stare in horror as mothers shield
their children’s eyes and rush them away. A solitary horse walks down the street with Tom Jode, one of
Bannon’s men, tied to the saddle...his throat cut and a sign nailed to his back. It reads, “Courtesy of the
Blancos Brothers.” How do you react?

1. Tell the boys that it’s time to settle all accounts with the Blancos. Order them to strap on their
shootin’ irons and get ready to wipe the Blancos from the face of the earth...or let no man come
back alive. (Set up 1)
2. Calm the townsfolk, bury poor Tom Jode and call for the Marshall. Since the Blancos left a sign
admitting to murder, the Marshall should be eager to help arrest the whole lot of them! (Set up 2)
3. Try to lull the Blancos into a false sense of security by spreading the rumor that John Bannon will
be giving up being a lawman and leaving town. (Set up 3)

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Act One: Rise of the Blancos
It is time for the Blanco brothers to take over the dusty New Mexican town of San Luis. For years the
Blanco clan has run things, and no one complained...or if they did the Blancos set them straight. But John
Bannon moved in a year ago and under the guise of being the ‘Sheriff’ has cut in the Blanco’s action. It’s
time that the Blanco’s set him straight! What is your plan?

1. Set up a trap for Bannon. Try to bushwhack him and his men! (Play Scenario #1)
2. Raid the Bannon’s silver mine outside of town. Close down their operation and steal some silver!
(Play Scenario #2)
3. Ride into town, shoot it up and let everyone know who is in charge in San Luis. Humiliate Bannon
in front of everyone and gain a fearsome reputation. (Play Scenario #3)

Act Two: John Bannon Fights Back!

Benito Blanco, eldest of the Blanco brother, is having rough morning. His head is pounding from the cheap
tequila that he and his men guzzled down last night in celebration of finally pushing back on John Bannon.
‘We’ll finish those dirty Bannons tomorrow,’ he thinks to himself as he heaves up last night’s dinner.
Nevertheless, he downs another shot of tequila, steadies himself and shouts to his sleeping men, ‘Ok
hombres! Let’s go finish the job and gun down those Bannons!” He then proceeds to fall down and pass out
dead drunk. What do you do?

1. Don’t wake Benito. Let everyone sleep it off and start again tomorrow when everyone is fresh. (Set
Up #1)
2. Throw a bucket of cold water on Benito, get him up and get all the guys ready. He’ll be howlin’ mad
but his foul mood won’t fair well for Bannon! (Set Up #2)
3. Leave Benito to sleep it off. Gather up the most sober guys and head out to take on Bannon. (Set up

Act Three: Showdown

Benito Blanco has had enough of John Bannon and all his men. He is seething with rage, which is fueled by
shot after shot of tequila, when Juan bursts in with a present for him. A cowboy is thrown to the ground,
his face beaten and bloodied. It is Tom Jode, one of Bannon’s trusted men. Benito looks him over and tells
Tom that he wants him to deliver a message to John Baxter. It’s time to settle accounts between the
Blancos and Bannons once and for all. What do you do?

1. Enough is enough! Fire the boys up and ride right into town and kill Bannon and all of his men!
(Play Scenario #7)
2. Benito has an idea. If he can lure most of Bannon’s men way from town he might be able to catch
the Sheriff on his own and gun him down. He orders a couple of his men to ride out to the silver
mine and shoot it up. Maybe Bannon will send his men to help...and as today is the day that the
carpetbagger might be signing the deal to open a bank John Bannon surely won’t leave town. (Play
Scenario #8)
3. An informer enters Benito’s cantina. The man says that for a small price he has a piece of
information that Benito will find useful. Benito looks the man over and says, “Ok, I’ll pay you but
you are going to stay here in this cantina until I am sure what you tell me is worth the gold.” The
man tells him that John Bannon’s wife is going to be on the next stagecoach out of town headed
back east for safety. Benito and his men saddle up and intercept the coach and grab Mrs. Bannon.
It’s time to head to town trade her life for his. (Play Scenario #9

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Scenario 1: AMBUSH!
John Bannon and some of his men are on their way to
check up on their silver mine. The path leads through
a narrow pass surrounded by large buttes. The pass
has a watering hole, so it is the perfect place to stop
and give the horses a drink…it is also a perfect place
for the Blancos to ambush Bannon.

The Gangs:
John Bannon and three members of the Baxter Gang.

Benito and five members of the Blanco Gang.

The Man with No Name Himself (If he is not hired by a gang, he enters the board on turn one from any

Set up 1: Bannon places two figures in the middle of the table with two bags of gold. The remainder enter
from any edge on turn 4. The Blancos start with half their men anywhere on the board and the remainder
enter from any edge on turn 3.

Set up 2: Bannon places two figures in the middle of the table with two bags of gold. The Blancos then
place all of their figures anywhere on the table. The Bannons then place the rest of their figures anywhere
on the table more than 6-inches from all the Blancos.

Set up 3: Place all of the Bannons in the middle of the table with two bags of gold. The Blancos start with
half their men anywhere on the board, the remainder enter from any edge before turn 3. Each Bannon
player receives one Gold at the end of the game.

The table has four buttes and a watering hole which are impassable. Cactus should also be spread around
the table.

Character Gold Gang Gold

+1 gold for each enemy killed +1 gold for each team member if the other team
+1 gold per gold bag exited off of the table. (If a side skedaddles.
skedaddles, characters currently holding gold but still
on the table do NOT get to keep the gold.)
+2 gold for a bounty hunter that kills or knocks out a
wanted man.

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Scenario 2: THE MINE
The Blancos decide to try and hit the Bannon
where it hurts and ride out to shut down his
silver mine. A few sticks of dynamite should do
the trick…

The Gangs:
John Bannon and three members of the Baxter Gang.
Benito and five members of the Blanco Gang. One stick of dynamite. A character within 2-inches of the
mine can throw it in using a shoot action and destroy the mine.
The Stranger (If he is not hired then he and a bounty hunter enter the board on turn one from any edge.)

Set up 1: Bannons place two characters (not including John Bannon) within 6-inches of the mine. The rest
enter on turn 2 from any table edge. The Blancos set up anywhere more than 18-inches from the mine.
One bag of gold is in the miner’s shack and one is in the middle of the board.

Set up 2: Bannons place all of their characters within 6-inches of the mine. The Blancos set up at least 18-
inches from the mine. One bag of gold is in the miner’s shack and one is in the middle of the board.

Set up 3: Bannons place two characters (not including John Bannon) within 6-inches of the mine. The rest
enter on turn 3 from any table edge. The Blancos set up anywhere more than 18-inches from the mine.
One bag of gold is in the miner’s shack and one is in the middle of the board.
The buttes are impassable. Two characters can fit in the mine entrance and get hard cover. There should
be cactus scattered around the table.

Character Gold Gang Gold

+1 gold for each enemy killed +2 gold for each Bannon team member if the mine is
+1 gold per gold bag exited off of the table. (If a side not destroyed.
skedaddles, characters currently holding gold but still +2 gold for each Blanco Team member if the mine is
on the table do NOT get to keep the gold.) destroyed.
+2 gold for a bounty hunter that kills or knocks out a
wanted man.

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Mr. Ames, a banker from back East, is
considering investing in San Luis…possibly
opening a bank. John Bannon is keen on making
friends with this carpetbagger and getting a
taste of his money. He has invited him to the
town and has the local photographer all set to
take his picture in front of what John hopes will
be the new bank. Everything is set…as soon as
Mr. Ames finishes up in the out-house he’ll get
his picture made.

The Gangs:
Bannon: John Bannon and three members of the Bannon Gang

Blancos: Benito and five members of the Blanco Gang.

The Stranger (If he is not hired, he and a bounty hunter enters the board on turn one from any edge.)

Set up 1: Place the photographer in the center of the table and John Bannon within 2-inches. The rest of
his men enter on turn one from any edge. They may be mounted. Mr. Ames starts in the outhouse. The
Blancos setup anywhere more than 12-inches from Bannon.

Set up 2: Place the photographer in the center of the table and John Bannon within 2-inches. The rest of
his men set up anywhere on the table. Mr. Ames starts in the outhouse. The Blancos enter on turn one
anywhere on the table.

Set up 3: As Set up 1 but the rest of Bannon’s men enter on turn two on foot.

Character Gold Gang Gold

+1 gold for each enemy killed out of sight of all townsfolk. +1 gold for each team member if your team
-1 gold for each enemy killed in sight of any townsfolk. controls Mr. Ames at the end of the scenario.
+2 gold for a bounty hunter that kills or knocks out a
wanted man
+1 gold if you move Mr. Ames off of the table
+1 gold per enemy defeated in fisticuffs
+1 gold if you are the first player to win a fisticuffs in sight
of the photographer
-3 gold per townsfolk you kill

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Scenario 4: BOOTHILL
A Mexican Army wagon train strayed off its trail
and passed too close to the Blancos. Never on to
look a gift horse in the mouth, Benito set up and
ambush and massacred the Mexicans and stole
their weapons and supplies. With no survivors
no one would be the wiser. That is until word
arrived that one of the soldiers is still breathing
up on Boothill.

The Gangs:
Bannon: John Bannon and three members of the Bannon Gang.

Blancos: See Set Up.

The Stranger: If he is not hired, he and a bounty hunter enter the board on turn one from any edge.

Set up 1: Place all of the Bannons within 6-inches of one table edge. The Blanco gang consists of any four
characters with a toughness of 6-7. They enter anywhere on the opposite board edge on turn one. Each
coffin contains 1 bag of gold.

Set up 2: The Bannons enter on turn one on one table edge. The Blanco gang consists of any six
characters which must include Benito. They enter anywhere on the opposite board edge on turn one. As
they are hung-over they all shoot with a -1 but fisticuffs at a +1. Each coffin contains 1 bag of gold.

Set up 3: Place all of the Bannons within 6-inches of one table edge. The Blanco gang consists of any four
characters except Benito. They enter anywhere on the opposite board edge on turn one. Each coffin
contains 1 bag of gold.

Character Gold Gang Gold

+1 gold for each enemy killed +2 gold if a character from your side contacts the
+2 gold for a bounty hunter that kills or knocks out a Mexican soldier. (Blancos and Bannons only. The
wanted man Stranger gains nothing even if he is working for one
+1 gold per bag of gold held by the character of the gangs.)

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Scenario 5: APACHE DAWN
John Bannon decides that its time to cut cards with
the devil and let others do his dirty work. He cuts a
deal with local Apache chief Great Hawk who will
ambush the Blancos in exchange for supplies and a
land deal. The Apaches find the Blancos watering
their horses and manage to steal a few before they
start their attack.

The Gangs:
All four Apache Characters. Some or all may be mounted.
See set up below.
The Stranger If he is not hired then he and a bounty hunter enter the board on turn one from any edge.
Set up 1: Place all of the Apaches within 6-inches of one or more table edges. The Blanco gang consists of
any three characters other than Benito. They are placed anywhere in the scrub. 1 Gold Bag is placed in the
center of the board. Three horses are touching the stream not in scrub.
Set up 2: The Apaches enter on turn one on one or more table edges. The Blanco gang consists of any six
characters which must include Benito. They are placed anywhere in the scrub. As they are hung-over they
all shoot with a -1 but fisticuffs at a +1. 1 Gold Bag is placed in the center of the board. Three horses are
touching the stream not in scrub.
Set up 3: The Apaches enter on turn one on one or more table edges. The Blanco gang consists of any six
characters with a toughness of 6-7. They are placed anywhere in the scrub. 1 Gold Bag is placed in the
center of the board. Three horses are touching the stream not in scrub.

Two buttes, a c-shaped river with scrub, a scattering of cactus and three rocks in the river bend. Two
characters can hide behind one rock. The river is shallow and is considered rough terrain for movement.
Apaches only can move on and off the buttes by using both actions.

Character Gold Gang Gold

+1 gold for each enemy killed +2 gold for each Bannon team member if less than
+1 gold per gold bag exited off of the table. (If a side half of the Blancos exit the table
skedaddles, characters currently holding gold but still +2 gold for each Blanco team member if half or more
on the table do NOT get to keep the gold.) of their characters exit the table.
+2 gold for a bounty hunter that kills or knocks out a
wanted man.

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Scenario 6: SAVE MRS. AMES

A package arrives for the carpetbagger banker Mr.

Ames…in it is a lock of his wife’s golden hair and a note
from the Blancos. They say that she is their ‘guest’ and
once Mr. Ames leaves San Luis they will put her on a train
headed east. But he better be out of town in twenty-four
hours. Sheriff Bannon puts together a posse and rides out
to rescue her!

Scatter cactus around the table.

The Gangs:
John Bannon and three members of the Bannon Gang and The Stranger with a GUN
Benito and five members of the Blanco Gang. Except for Set Up 3, see below.

Set up 1: All of the Bannons are placed anywhere on the table within 6-inches of an edge or edges. The
Blancos are placed randomly in the building with only one character in the outhouse. Mrs. Ames is in a
building. 1 Bag of gold is in each building.

Set up 2: The Bannons enter on turn one on any table edge or edges. The Blancos are placed randomly in
the building with only one character in the outhouse. As they are hung-over they all shoot with a -1 but
fisticuffs at a +1. Mrs. Ames is in a building. 1 Bag of gold is in each building.

Set up 3: The Bannons enter on turn one on any table edge or edges. The Blanco gang consists of any six
characters with a toughness of 6-7. They are placed randomly in the building with only one character in
the outhouse. Mrs. Ames is in a building. 1 Bag of gold is in each building.
If the Blanco character guarding Mrs. Ames is killed or defeated in fisticuffs she is free and controlled by
the Bannons. Until then she is controlled by the Blancos.

Character Gold Gang Gold

+1 gold for each enemy killed +2 gold for each team member if your team has Mrs.
+1 gold per gold bag exited off of the table. (If a side Ames at game’s end.
skedaddles, characters currently holding gold but still
on the table do NOT get to keep the gold.)
+2 gold for a bounty hunter that kills or knocks out a
wanted man.

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Scenario 7: SHOWDOWN
The Blancos have decided that the time has
come to settle matters with the Bannon.
Benito gathers his men, takes several shots
of tequila and rides off to call out Bannon in
the center of town. John Bannon rallies the
townsfolk to fight for their way of life.

The Gangs:
Bannon: John Bannon and three members of the Bannon Gang. Set Up 2 adds Marshal White.
Blancos: Benito and five members of the Blanco Gang. Two characters may be mounted.
The Stranger (If he is not hired, he and a bounty hunter enters the board on turn one from any edge.)
Set up 1: All of the Baxters are placed anywhere on the table within 6-inches of one edge. The Rojos are
placed within 6-inches of the edge opposite the Baxters. 1 Bag of gold is placed in the center of the board.

Set up 2: John Baxter and Marshal White are placed in the center of the table. The remaining Baxters are
placed randomly in the buildings. The Rojos enter from one or more table edges. 1 Bag of gold is in each

Set up 3: The Baxters enter on turn one on any table edge or edges. The Rojos are placed in the center of
the board. 1 Bag of gold is in each building.

Four townsfolk are placed within 4-inches of the center of the board. They will move in a random direction on John
Bannon’s card. If they enter a building, they will lock the door and only let Bannons enter. Blancos can try to open a
locked door by shooting it and rolling a 6+ on 1d10. (Hit is automatic.) Townfolk will defend themselves.

Character Gold Gang Gold

+1 gold for each enemy killed +1 gold for each Blanco team member if John
+1 gold per gold bag exited off of the table. (If a side Bannon is killed.
skedaddles, characters currently holding gold but still on +1 gold for each Bannon team member if Benito
the table do NOT get to keep the gold.) Blanco is killed.
+2 gold for a bounty hunter that kills or knocks out a
wanted man.
-1 gold per townsfolk killed

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Scenario 8: HIGH NOON
The Blancos have lured most of Bannon’s men
out of town by staging a fake raid at the silver
mine. John Bannon himself has stayed in town
to attend to business and keep the good
townsfolk calm. But it is a trap! The Blancos
are heading to town with most of their men to
gun down the good (?) sheriff! Bannon gets
wind of what is happening and tries to rally
the townsfolk to his side.

The Gangs:
Bannon: John Bannon, Fred Butterworth, Mr. Ames, Ansel Weston and Travis Cobb. Set up 1 adds any
one Baxter gang member. Set up 2 adds Marshal White.
Blancos: Benito and five members of the Blanco Gang. Two of them may be mounted.
The Stranger: If he is not hired, he and a bounty hunter enter the board on turn one from any edge.
Set up 1: John Bannon and gang member are placed in the center of town. The townsfolk are placed
randomly in buildings. The Blancos enter on turn one on one or more table edges. 1 Bag of gold is placed
in each building. Townsfolk start neutral and roll to join Baxter. (See below.)
Set up 2: John Bannon and Marshal White are placed in the center of town. The townsfolk are placed
randomly in buildings. The Blancos enter on turn one on one or more table edges. 1 Bag of gold is placed
in each building. Townsfolk start neutral and roll to join Bannon. (See below.)
Set up 3: John Baxter is placed in the center of town. The townsfolk are placed randomly in buildings.
The Rojos enter on turn one on one or more table edges. The Townsfolk start as part of Baxters gang and
do not have to roll. (See below). 1 Bag of gold is placed in each building.
At the beginning of each turn starting on turn two each Townsfolk character rolls 1d10. If they roll = or greater than their
toughness they join the Bannons. Until then they stay in their buildings with the doors locked. Blancos can try to open a locked
door by shooting it and rolling a 6+ on 1d10. (Hit is automatic.) Townfolk will defend themselves.

Character Gold Gang Gold

+1 gold for each enemy killed +1 gold for each Blanco team member if John Bannon
+2 gold for a bounty hunter that kills or knocks out a is killed.
wanted man +1 gold for each Bannon team member if Benito
+1 gold per bag of gold held by the character Blanco is killed.
-1 gold per townsfolk killed, if not yet part of
Baxter’s gang. (Unconscious from fisticuffs is not
considered killed. You can knock them out!)

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Scenario 9: HOSTAGES
The Blancos have kidnapped John Bannon’s wife
from the stagecoach. They plan to use her to force
Bannon to leave San Luis. But word reaches Bentio
that Bannon has captured one of his most trusted
men. They propose a swap and the Blancos head to
town. This can’t end well.

The Gangs:
John Bannon, a hostage and three members of the Bannon Gang. Set up 2 adds Marshal White.
Benito, a hostage and five members of the Blanco Gang. Two of them may be mounted.
The Stranger If he is not hired then he and a bounty hunter enter the board on turn one from any edge.
Set up 1: The Bannons are placed within 6-inches of one board edge. The Blancos enter on turn one on the
opposite table edge. 1 Bag of gold is placed in each building with a random Townsfolk.

Set up 2: The Bannons and Marshal White are placed in the center of town. The Blancos enter on turn one
on one or more table edges. 1 Bag of gold is placed in each building with a random Townsfolk.

Set up 3: John Bannon and the hostage are placed in the center of town. The rest of the Bannons enter on
turn one on one or more table edges. Three Blancos and their hostage start within 6-inches of Bannon and
his hostage. The remaining Blancos enter on turn one on one or more table edges. 1 Bag of gold is placed
in each building with a random Townsfolk.

Hostages will only move with a character leading them.

Four townsfolk are placed within 4-inches of the center of the board. They will move in a random direction on John
Bannon’s card. If they enter a building, they will lock the door and only let Bannons enter. Blancos can try to open a
locked door by shooting it and rolling a 6+ on 1d10. (Hit is automatic.) Townfolk will defend themselves.

Character Gold Gang Gold

+1 gold for each enemy killed +1 gold for each Bannon team member if Benito Blanco is
+2 gold for a bounty hunter that kills or knocks out a killed
wanted man +1 gold for each Blanco team member if John Bannon is
+1 gold per bag of gold held by the character killed
+2 gold if the hostage you are trying to rescue makes it off
-1 gold per townsfolk killed, if not yet part of Baxter’s
of the table.
gang. (Unconscious from fisticuffs is not considered killed.
You can knock them out!) -2 gold for each hostage that is killed

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

3 5
Bounty Hunter Apache gang
Gunfighter: +1 to all shooting rolls including Fanfire
Lucky: one reroll per act

4 4
Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter
Cold Stare: Can snap shot by using any card.

Buntline special

4 6
Bounty Hunter Bounty hunter
Bitter Ender: Ignore first wound Schofield: reload up to 6 shots at once.
Near-sighted: +1 to hit at short, -2 to hit at long

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

5 (Wanted!) 4
Blanco gang Blanco gang
Dirty cheat: Each turn may pick a card from his hand and Aim for the heart: +1 to all long-range shots.
randomly swap it with another player’s card.

6 6
Blanco gang Blanco gang
2 Six-Shooters: Fires twice when he shoots but the second
shot only hits on a natural 10.

(Wanted!) 4 (Wanted!) 6
Blanco gang Blanco gang
Brawler:”+1 in fisticuffs Stubborn: Ignore penalty for arm wounds.

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

(Wanted!). 5 6
Blanco gang Blanco gang

7 3
Blanco gang Bannon gang
Sneaky: May +1 or -1 to his activation card after all Cool Hand: Ignore first failed toughness roll.
the cards are revealed. Hatred: +1 on all shots against benito blanco.

4 8
Lawman Bannon gang (Carpet bagger)
Law dog: can not shoot until an enemy character Yella Belly: -1 in fisticuffs
fires. Greenhorn: -2 to all shots.

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

(Wanted!) 5 4
Bannon gang Bannon gang
Throwing knife: May throw his knife and engage in Windage: +1 on all long range shots.
fisticuffs from 2-inches away. If he loses = no effect


4 (Wanted!) 5
Bannon gang Bannon gang
Brawler: +1 in Fisticuffs

4 4
Bannon Gang Bannon gang
Loudmouth: -1 to enemy toughness rolls caused by his Fat Fingers: -1 to all shots
hits. Upper-cut: +2 in fisticuffs

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

7 5
Bannon gang Bannon gang
Prospector: If Sam survives an act roll 1d10. 8-10
controlling player gains one gold.
Sharps Carbine

4 6
Townsfolk (Brothel Bouncer) Townsfolk (Undertaker)
Boxer: +2 in Fisticuffs Grim Reaper: May adjust the roll on the “Darn, I been
hit!’table by +1 or -1 after rolling.

7 6
Townsfolk (Newsman) Townsfolk (Photogrpaher)
Information: Can pick a card from his hand and Get ya name in the papers!: First character that
randomly swap it with another player’s card. wins fisticuffs in his sight gains one gold.

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

6 7
Apache gang Apache gang
Stealthy: -1 to all shots against him.

Sharps Carbine

(Wanted!) 4 6
Apache Gang Townsfolk (Undertaker)
Bowie Knife: May adjust the hit result by +1 or -1 in fisticuffs Grim Reaper: May adjust the roll on the “Darn, I been
Expert Rider: Only -1 when shooting while mounted. hit!’table by +1 or -1 after rolling.

7 6
Townsfolk (Newsman) Townsfolk (Photogrpaher)
Information: Can pick a card from his hand and Get ya name in the papers!: First character that
randomly swap it with another player’s card. wins fisticuffs in his sight gains one gold.

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Got ya Got ya Got ya Got ya Got ya Got ya
covered! covered! covered! covered! covered! covered!

Got ya Got ya Got ya Got ya Got ya Got ya

covered! covered! covered! covered! covered! covered!

Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

Your Next Adventures

Ride with Crazy Horse, Custer, Chief Gall,

Marcus Reno and the entire cast of characters
from the Battle of the Little Bighorn as you
compete to tell the best story of the battle. Can
you spin the best tale and create the most
convincing sole survivor’s tale?

• 9 Scenarios
• All the famous characters
• Mini-campaign rules
• Play the entire campaign in an


Dennis Daughetee (Order #43855203)

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