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GP Project Final Segments

1. Hrithik- Giving an introduction speech.

(I invite Gurvansh to ………..)

2. Gurvansh will give his research work.

(Now I invite Tahirah to……..)

3. Tahirah will give her research work.

(Over to Hrithik)

4. Hrithik- Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you, the leader of one of the groups of the
Yanomami Tribe…. His Majesty King……..

5. Riena- Please rise…. And do this courtesy

6. Ayaan will do his talk in the language.

7. Tahirah will give the honey to Mrs. Sunayn, but Ayaan will rush and before she eats,
he will gobble the honey and later Mrs. Sunayana will also take a sip.

8. Riena will give her lines.

(Thank you Hrithik…)

9. Hrithik will deliver the conclusion speech.

(Thank you our beloved esteemed viewers)

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