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Invisalign Treatment Options

Clinical conditions"
Deep bite
Narrow arch
Class II div 1
Flared teeth
Class II div 2
Class III
Uneven smile
Open bite
Misshapen teeth
Anterior crossbite
Posterior crossbite

"Clinical Conditions and General Notes are for your reference and statistical purposes only
and will NOT be considered as treatment planning instructions
General Notes"

"Patient main concern is upper front teeth.

1. Arch to treat
Nothing on opposite arch
Diagnostic model on opposite arch
Passive aligners on opposite arch
Nothing on opposite arch
Diagnostic model on opposite arch
Passive aligners on opposite arch

2. Teeth to treat
Full Arch
Anterior Only

3. Tooth movement restrictions (ex. bridges, ankylosed teeth, Implants, etc.)

None (move all teeth)
These specific teeth should not be moved

Doctor is solely responsible for the completion and interpretation of x-rays and other diagnostic
Select any tooth / teeth you want to maintain the current position of any teeth. e.g. bridges, ankylosed
teeth, implants, or if you want to maintain the posterior occlusion as is.

4. Attachments (To specify attachments, see Clinical Preferences)

Place attachments as needed
Do not place attachments on these teeth

If no attachments can be placed due to restorative work or any other situation, make sure to specify this to the CAD Designer.
Take into consideration that movement may be compromised if the proper attachment is not applied.

5. Anterior-Posterior (A-P) Relationship



Improve canine relationship only

Improve canine & molar relationship (specify details in Special


Correction to Class 1 (canine & molar)

Tooth movement options (If selecting more than one option, indicate amount and sequence in
Special Instructions)
Posterior IPR
Class II/III Correction Simulation (Elastics required)
Precision Cuts - may compromise aligner strength and durability
Yes (Specify in Precision Cuts Interface)
Distalization (Elastics required)
Precision Cuts-may compromise aligner strength and durability
Yes (Specify in Precision Cuts Interface)
Mandibular advancement (MA) (Use of clinical preferences will be limited during the MA
The teeth under and adjacent to the precision wings should be present and stable throughout the Mandibular
Advancement phase of treatment. In a small percentage of cases, precision wings for MA cannot be placed due to
combination of several factors, such as interarch space, crown height, etc / Learn More

End of MA phase set up position Learn More

Edge to edge position
Lower arch 1 mm beyond edge to edge position
Lower arch 2 mm beyond edge to edge position
MA Staging Learn More
2 mm incremental advancements to the end of MA phase set up position (recommended)
Single advancement to the end of MA phase set up position (Note: Please consider patient comfort)
Asymmetrical Movement of the Lower Arch Learn More
Shift lower arch to improve midlines (up to 2 mm) during the MA phase (Note: This may create slight
asymmetrical advancement of the right and left side)
Do not shift the lower arch to improve midlines during the MA phase
Precision Cuts for Vertical Elastics Learn More
Yes (Specify in Precision Cuts Interface)

Orthognathic surgical simulation

Specify extractions for A-P correction in the extractions grid under the Spacing & Crowding section.

6. Overjet
Show resulting overjet after alignment
Maintain initial overjet (may require IPR)
Improve resulting overjet with IPR

7. Overbite
Show resulting overbite after alignment
Maintain initial overbite (may require IPR)

Correct open bite

Extrude anterior teeth
Intrude posterior teeth
Extrude anterior teeth
Intrude posterior teeth
Other (e.g. surgical simulation) - specify in Special Instructions

Correct deep bite

Intrude anterior teeth
Extrude posterior teeth
Intrude anterior teeth
Extrude posterior teeth
Other (e.g. surgical simulation) - specify in Special Instructions

8. Bite Ramps (Aligner protrusions on the lingual of the upper incisors)

Automatically place precision bite ramps whenever lower incisor intrusion is more than 1.5
Place Bite Ramps on lingual of these upper teeth
Note: Placement of Bite Ramps will take the place of the upper anterior intrusion features (Pressure Areas)
if applicable.
Central incisors
Lateral incisors
Note: In some cases, bite ramps placement may not be possible due to excessive overjet.

The default selection on the Prescription Form is to automatically place the precision bite ramps for upper incisors. Bite Ramps
will automatically be placed for moderate and severe deep bite cases requiring at least 1.5 mm of lower incisor intrusion.

9. Midline
Show resulting midline after alignment
Maintain initial midline (may require IPR)
Improve midline with IPR
to patient's right
to patient's left
to patient's right
to patient's left

10. Posterior Crossbite (if present)

Do not correct

11. Spacing & Crowding (Arch Length Discrepancy)

Close all spaces
Leave specific spaces / Edit specific spaces


Resolve Upper Primarily As needed None




IPR-Posterior Right

IPR-Posterior Left

Resolve Lower Primarily As needed None




IPR-Posterior Right

IPR-Posterior Left


Extract these teeth

SmartForce solution will be applied for first premolar extraction unless otherwise instructed. Specify in Special Instructions the
type of anchorage preferred
● Maximum anchorage: up to 2mm of posterior mesial bodily movement possible in the ClinCheck treatment plan
● Moderate anchorage: 2mm-5mm of posterior mesial bodily movement possible in the ClinCheck treatment plan
For ancillaries (ie. Power Arms), specify in Special Instructions.

12. Eruption compensation - available for erupting or unerupted permanent dentition

Patient Type: Teen
If eruption compensation is requested, the primary tooth (if present) will be virtually extracted and an eruption compensation for
the permanent tooth will be placed from stage 1.
Please ensure that the primary tooth is extracted or not present prior to delivery of the first set of aligners.

Space for eruption compensation will be based on predicted tooth size

Add eruption compensation for the following teeth

Terminal molar tabs

Add terminal molar tab on the following teeth

Stage to start terminal molar tabs

12. Special Instructions
When typing in special instructions:
1. Give a goal.
2. Specify how you want to achieve your goal.
3. Itemize your instructions.
4. Avoid general terms:
● Close the space… Where, how?
● Fix LL4… Fix what and how?

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