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#1: Baby, you give me so much happiness and I want to give you nothing less.

Forever is just a start for us. We belong in each other�s arms. I love you.

#2: Having you in my life gives me a reason to live, a cause to fight for, and
hopes to look up to every day. Thank you for being a part of me.

#3: Thanks to you, my life has never felt this good. Perfection is your second
name, and beauty is your complete definition. I promise to keep your heart safe
from heartbreaks or any other emotional baggage. I promise to love you all my life.

#4: Given a chance, I would like to be the sun that heats your warm smile, the air
you breathe in those cute lungs, but most of all, I am glad my favorite wish has
come to pass; to be the love of your life. I will forever be indebted to you for
teaching me how to love.

Romantic Love Text Messages For Her

#5: You�re all I ever wanted, love. You made me feel loved in ways I couldn�t
expect. I would never ask for more. I want you and me together forever. From now
till my last breath, will I continue to cherish you. I love you, sweetheart.

#6: Darling, you came into my life as a blessing and made me feel alive as the days
went by. You�re the best gift nature has given me. I want to use this opportunity
to tell you how much I love and cherish you.

#7: I call you my queen because you made me a king. You�ve turned our relationship
into paradise, and I never want to live without you. With you is where my heart
belongs. I love you!

#8: A day without you is like a day without air. I wouldn�t breathe if I ever lost
you. Nothing else completes me like you do, my love.

#9: If loving you was a mistake, darling, then I wouldn�t want to be right. You
make me feel whole, and you complete me. That�s why I choose to call you my
soulmate. I love you, baby.

#10: Dear girlfriend, it seems loving you is the only right decision I�ve ever
made. I�m glad we have a good thing going on. I�m sending love, hugs, and kisses.

#11: Baby, I�ve never been scared of letting go of something until you came into my
life. The thought of living without you is scary, and I would never trade you for
anything in the world. I love you with all I have.

#12: Darling, whenever I look at you, I feel like I�ve met an angel in person. No
one can ever be as sweet as you are. You light up every part of me, and I will
never stop looking at you. Please stick around for the remaining parts of our
lives. I love you, queen of my heart.

#13: Dear girlfriend, nothing compares to the joy I have when I�m with you. You�re
my sunshine amidst the storm. In you, I find peace. Thanks for being mine.

Romantic Love Text Messages For Girlfriend

#1: Loving someone and being loved back the same way is the most fulfilling thing
in the entire world. I wish I met you a little bit sooner to press my lips against
yours and get more chances to hug you. Cheers to many more years of being together!

#2: Most times, I lie around wondering whether love is worth fighting and dying
for. Then I sit back and think about us, and I get ready for you because I would
die for you without a second thought. That is how much I love and treasure you. You
are simply the best.

#3:Getting to know you is magical because you are angelic in every aspect. Thank
you for calling me yours and accepting me for who I am, with all my imperfections.
In you, I find peace, comfort, and bliss.

#4: Sweetheart, this is my vow to you today. I�ll be your lover, your friend, and
I�ll love you like there�s no tomorrow. This heart belongs to you forever, baby.

#5: I can�t even imagine how life would be without you. It would be like a river
without water, a beach without sand, and a body without a brain. I�m empty without
you, my love.

#6: I have tried my best to be the best hubby in the whole wide world. As a soldier
in this love affair, my mission is to make you the happiest and most fulfilled
woman. Let me love you endlessly till the end of our days. Feel appreciated, dear

#7: I don�t know how many years I have left, but I know I�ll spend every moment
with you. No one on the planet makes me as happy or as lively as you do. Every
second spent with you is worth more than a thousand lifetimes without you.

#8: Dear girlfriend, If I could own a drop of water to show you how much I loved
you, then l would be the owner of the Mississippi.

#9: Baby, seeing your smile brightens my days. On my darkest days, all I crave is
your smile and your electric touch. In so many ways, you heal every broken part of

#10: You gave me light in the dark, water in times of thirst, joy in my saddest
moments. All I want is for you to be happy forever. Let me make you the happiest
woman on the planet.

#11: If an Angel asked me to make a wish, I would ask for more days because there�s
not enough time in the world to show you how much you mean to me.

#12: Every day before I wake up and retire to bed, you are the only thought that
crosses my mind. I would like to be your sun moon and stars combined. I dropped a
tear in the ocean and the day I find it is the day I stop looking for it.

#13: You�re the one that entered my life from nowhere but suddenly became my world
instead. Stay by my side forever because I could never live without you, my love..

#14: You�re the queen of my kingdom and the best thing that ever happened to me.
Being with you has been and will always be my greatest blessing. I love you,

Romantic Love Messages For Her

Romantic Love Messages For Her
#1: I am lucky to have such a phenomenal person in my life. You have become closer
than a sister to me and just as caring as my parents. You are the only person who
completes me, and I will always be grateful to you.

#2: You are the owner of my soul, heart, and body. Everything I am belongs to you
because I belong to you. You and I will stand the test of time and overcome the
worst encounters. I love you more than words could describe.

#3: Thanks to your kind heart, your generosity, and heartwarming assurance, life
has become much better. We deserve all the happiness in the world..

#4: Every day, I wish you sweet memories and adventures to make you more
enlightened. Nothing brings me joy, like knowing I have a smart woman for a
partner. Thank you for holding me down this whole time.

#5: With you, I have realized what it means to be in love. I�ve become so selfish
that I can�t stay a day without you. You are my dream, my prize, and my heart�s

#6: Call me crazy because I�m about to write your name in the sky for the whole
world to see how much you mean to me. I love you!

#7: If there�s another lifetime, I�ll still choose you over and over again, my
love. I can�t imagine a life without you, darling.

#8: Honey, I want to let you know that I�ll always be around regardless of the
situation. This love will last forever, so please allow me to love you more than I
already do, baby.

#9: Be my Juliet and let me be your Romeo. Be my Bonnie and let me be your Clyde.
Be my Rose and let me be your Jack. I don�t mind sinking in this ship of love with
you, my dear.

#10: You share my dreams, baby, and I share yours. In you, I found a strong
connection and a love that is deeper than anything I ever expected. You surprise me
with everything you do, and I want to be your man forever. Be mine always.

#11: It�s hard to explain myself or to put all this together in one statement. The
only easy course is loving you. Just one look into your eyes makes everything in my
life glow.

#12: You make me want to see the sunrise every day, to know I have another day to
hold you and love you with all I have. I treasure you, baby girl.

#13: If I were a lion, I would roar so majestically in the jungle to let you know
how much I love you. If I were a dancer, I would break my waist to show how much
you mean to me. I love you, and you will always be my heart�s desire.

Romantic Love Text Messages For Wife

#1: Most people concentrate on how fast their lives are moving, but all I ever
think about is how you soothe everything revolving around me. Thank you for being

#2: Each time my phone rings or vibrates, you are the first person that comes to
mind. If I had a way to spend every minute of every hour with you for the rest of
my life, I would be the happiest person alive.

#3: In a world where people are motivated by various factors and dreams, my sole
motivation is you and the future I want us to have. Cheers to a brighter future.

#4: I can�t comprehend which is better between waking up next to you or sleeping
next to you every day. Hurry back home so I can conclude.

#5: Darling, you�re the true definition of beauty. Your majesty shines through my
life and it makes my life colorful. Shine on baby!

#6: You�re my last love, everything I ever desire, I find in you and more. Keep
blessing me with your love baby.
#7: When we met, I pretended to be a strong man with a lot of walls built around my
heart, but you demolished those walls and found your way in. I never planned on
loving you but now my life will go astray if you leave me. I love you.

#8: As water keeps a plant growing, petrol keeps a car moving, so does your love
keep me going. Your love strengthens me when I�m weak, makes me smile when I�m sad
and gives me hope when I�m lifeless. I love you.

#9: Stay with me, don�t go far away from me because a day without you is a total
blackout. Come back and light up my dark world. I love you, my sunshine.

#10: Sweeter than honey, brighter than the stars at night, beautiful than a
peacock, calm like a dove, you�re just outstanding in every way, my queen. I love
you, baby.

#11: I live for you baby. You�re the key that opens my heart, the queen of my heart
and you captivate my soul with your charming smile. I promise to love you forever.

#12: I would stand in the presence of kings, soldiers, commissioners and the whole
world at large just to tell them how much you mean to me. I�m not afraid to love
you baby, just scared of losing you. Please stay with me forever, my princess.

#13: My love, you deserve the best and I would travel thousands of miles just to
make you happy. I�m using this medium to tell you I care about you and how I will
never stop caring. I love you, wifey.

Long Romantic Love Text For Her

Long Romantic Love Text For Her
#1: Nothing in this world compares to the joy I have when I�m with you baby. They
say love is blind, but I can see it through your eyes baby. You bring me some much
joy and all I ever want to do is reciprocate it. I love you, baby.

#2: I�ll be your shoulder to lean on, baby. Your soldier in times of battle, your
clown when you want to laugh, your advisor when you need counsel. All this, just to
show you how much I care about you. No one else comes before you, my love.

#3: By faith, I know we can make this work someday. I will just keep my hopes up.
Until then, I�ll keep you in my mind. Your touch will forever caress me with
tenderness, and your kisses will keep the flame in my heart alive. I hope that one
day, you and I will be together forever. Dearest future girlfriend.

#4: Even if I was a musician, I couldn�t find the Lyrics to describe you, even as a
writer, I couldn�t find the right words to tell you how much you mean to me. You
are just too perfect for me. I love you!

#5: From the look in your eyes the first day we met, I knew I was in trouble
because of the way you gazed at me. Your pretty smile got my heart racing, but I
knew it was a new dawn of an endless blissful world. Thanks for portraying the
truest form of love in my life. I want you forever.

#6: I don�t how life would have turned out had it not been for your support. Like a
shoulder to the cloth, like the nail to the finger, like the eye to the head, you
have been closer than a sister or a brother. Thank you for always being my haven. I
love you endlessly.

#7: Telling you �I love you� sounds like an understatement because the word love
doesn�t fully describe what I truly feel for you. If only we had a physical way of
measuring exactly how much I love you, then I�d be the happiest person on the
planet. Forever is just the beginning for us.

#8: Baby love, what would life be without you? So tasteless, boring, and not fun.
You came into my life, added spices to it and made me so fulfilled. I could never
have enough of you. I will love you till the end of our tomorrows.

#9: If loving you was evil, then I�d have turned hellfire to my heaven. If being
with you was a crime, I would be ready to become a terrorist. If showing my
feelings to you would make me offend everyone in the world, I would be ready to be
alone for the rest of my life. I�m scared of pouring my feelings on you because
they are stronger than a rock. I love you so much, my rib.

#10: What�s the meaning of food without salt? What�s the meaning of having eyes
that can�t see? Tell me what�s the use of legs that can�t walk? What�s the use of
water that can�t quench thirst? Tell me the meaning of my life without you! I love

#11: Even the fiercest forest once grow from a small nursery. We started like a
dam, but now we have grown to an ocean. How would I ever come out of this love?
Baby, I fall for you all over again every day. Letting go of you could kill me
because you�re my lifejacket.

Wholesome Messages for Her

#1: My queen, I love you with every breath that is within me. That�s why I will
always stick by your side, throughout the good times and bad. No one else is worthy
of my love but you.

#2: Each time, I get lost in your eyes and become overwhelmed because I have never
experienced something like this before.

#3: Everything about you mesmerizes me and makes me crave for our future. You are
the holder of my tomorrows, and I hope to find more reasons to love you even better
with time.

#4: You have a sense of humor that makes me smile effortlessly, but that is the
least of your superpowers. I love how you walk, how you talk, and most importantly,
how you think. I want you to fall asleep in my arms every day for the rest of your

#5: Home is wherever you are. I look forward to seeing you every evening because
you calm the wildest waves of my soul. You fill me with so much compassion and awe,
and I will always be grateful to God for you.

#6: The best feeling in the world is loving you and knowing you love me back the
same way. Words and deeds are not enough to tell you how amazing you are, but I
will spend the rest of my life trying to demonstrate it.

#7: I am not a great reader, but I�ll always be ready to book an appointment with
you. I would go to war for you without a second thought and do all it takes to see
you happy. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.

#8: Seeing or thinking of you puts a smile on my face because you are my ultimate
happiness. Loving and caring for you comes naturally, a clear indicator of how good
you are for me.

#9: To the one who makes my heart beat faster and my face look brighter, I wish you
the best today, and I hope all your dreams come true, just as you became real for
me. You are a dime and a great leader in the making.
#10: Even with my eyes wide open, I still think about you and the fun times ahead.
Nothing would make me happier than creating new memories and writing our beautiful
story together. I love you.

#11: To the one whom I fiercely love, may your dreams get answered, and may you
live a fulfilled life ahead. No one understands me as you do, and no one could ever
take your position in my life.

#12: Seeing you for a second makes my day whole, and I know you are everything I
need to make it through the numerous hurdles in life. It�s a privilege to know you
and a blessing to be called yours. I cherish you.

#13: Thank you for being my friend, partner, and confidant. Being in love with you
has helped me grow and given me insights into a lot of things. Your beauty,
majesty, and words of wisdom have transformed me into a better man. Thank you.

#14: With your smile that is brighter than the sun and your eyes magnificent as the
ocean, I believe you can achieve everything you set your mind to do. So smile
because our future only gets brighter and better.

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