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Much time had passed as the happy couple stayed cooped up together in their castle.

They lived together in bliss until his new wiIe became very sick. Sawyer called to every doctor
in his kingdom and abroad in order to Iind a cure Ior his wiIe's unknown disease. Not a single
doctor could Iind a cure. Within a month, she became more oI a ghost than a woman. Sawyer sat
beside her bed crying and holding her hand, wishing that there was something he could do. He
cried day and night hoping that a miracle would save the love oI his liIe. To his dismay, she died
quietly in his arms. The kingdom had never been so solemn. His emotions were echoed by his
people, and as he mourned, they mourned along with him.
Concealed within his room, the night was the only one who knew his heart's new desire: death.
He desired to die so he could eternally be with his love. He couldn't bear to live another second
without her in his arms. Though he never told Puck oI his suicidal wish, Puck had a Ieeling that
now was a time when Captain Sawyer should never be alone. It was decided that that night, Puck
was to take Sawyer out to a nearby tavern so he could keep an eye on his grieving Iriend.
As the night wore on, the two drank more than they ever had beIore. Captain was intent on
drinking away his sorrows and Puck drank them away with him. Though they continued to drink,
his sorrows were persistent and they remained Sawyer's constant companion until he spotted the
most beautiIul girl he had ever seen. She was sitting in the corned by herselI seemingly enjoying
the night. Captain Sawyer couldn't resist the urge to get up an talk to her, so he hoisted himselI
oII the seat and sauntered over to introduce himselI. Puck was wary, Ior unknown reasons, as he
watched the two talk, but he was happy that Sawyer's mind was momentarily relieved oI the pain
oI his wiIe's death.
The next two nights, Captain Sawyer met with that same girl and he seemed just as happy as he
had been when his wiIe was alive. AIter the third night's meeting, Sawyer came home and
declared his love aloud Ior this new woman. Puck tried to reason with him and tell him that it
was not true love, but Sawyer would not listen. Captain Sawyer stated that he could not love
another woman aIter meeting her and that he would have her Ior his new wiIe. The people in his
kingdom were astounded by his sudden change oI heart, but were nonetheless happy that he was
once again in good spirits.
The next day, his soon-to-be wiIe, Vanessa, was getting ready Ior their next dat. Instead
oI the beautiIul maiden Sawyer previously met walking out oI her closet, Ursula walked out.
Once again, Ursula had transIormed herselI into a gorgeous woman in order to deIeat Captain
Sawyer. This time, Ursula was not just any girl, she was a beautiIul one whom he could Iind
comIort in aIter his wiIe's death. This time, she would not Iail. Ursula could see that she had
Iinally captured Captain Sawyer's Iickle heart and now could put the rest oI her plan into action.
That night, aIter he asked her to marry him, she would suddenly die. Just as he had when his Iirst
wiIe died, he would vow to take his own liIe. Without another girl to step in and steal his heart,
Captain Sawyer would kill himselI, and she would then wake Irom her Ialse slumber. By the end
oI the night, the valiant Captain Sawyer would be no more. As Ursula talked oI her plan aloud in
her room, Puck had been passing by. He heard oI her plan and set out to warn Sawyer.
That night, Vanessa and Sawyer strolled through a serene meadow not Iar Irom the place they
had met. AIter a little while, he bent down on his knee and asked Vanessa to marry him. She
Iaked surprise and enthusiasm as he stood up to kiss her. Then, as he began did, she slumped in
his arms and Iell to the ground. Captain called out to her over and over again, searching Ior a
heartbeat or an answer. As he tried and tried, depression again set over him Ior he knew she had
died. He was beside himselI in grieI that he didn't know what to do. He looked around searching
Ior someone to help him, but they were all alone. He looked down and the jeweled dagger on his
belt and knew how to Iind his happiness once again. He sang his goodbye to the world and his
sorrows and plunged the dagger into his heart and Iell to the ground beside Vanessa.
All along, Puck had been searching Ior Captain Sawyer but could not Iind him anywhere. As he
heard a scream Irom the meadow, he prayed that it was not his Iriend's and he raced toward it.
He was too late. He Iound Sawyer's body all alone, Ursula was nowhere in sight. Puck liIted
Captain Sawyer's body and quietly walked back to town. The people stood silent and conIused as
a part a way Ior Puck. That night, a Iuneral procession was held in honor oI Captain Sawyer. A
message was sent out and a reward posted Ior the capture and death oI Ursula the night as well.
The people then agreed to erect a statue oI him in the meadow bearing his Iamily's coat oI arms,
Crede Quod Non Semper Videt, to warn others not to make the same mistake he did, Ior beauty
is not only skin deep.

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