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Hydropower is a renewable source oI energy as it is generating by a combination oI the

unending rain cycle and the abrupt topography oI the earth.
2. It is non-polluting and hence environment Iriendly.
3. Though hydroelectric power projects take a long time to be built, they have a very long liIe.
The Iirst hydro-project completed in 1897 is still in operation.
4. Cost oI generation, operation and maintenance is lower than the other sources oI energy.
5. Ability to start and stop quickly and instantaneous load acceptance/rejection makes it suitable
to meet peak demand and Ior enhancing system reliability and stability.
6. Hydroelectric power plants oIIer higher eIIiciency (over 90 per cent) as compared to thermal
power (35 per cent) and gas (50 per cent).
7. Cost oI generation is Iree Irom inIlationary eIIects aIter the initial installation.
8. Storage based hydro schemes oIten provide additional beneIits oI irrigation, Ilood control,
drinking water supply, navigation, recreation, tourism, etc.
9. Hydropower projects, being located in remote regions, lead to development oI interior
backward areas in terms oI inIrastructure Iacilities like educational institutions, health centers,
roads, telecommunication, etc.

Power Generation in Hydroelectric Power Plants

The hydroelectric power plants utilize kinetic and potential energy oI the water Ilowing in the
river and convert it into electricity. Throughout the world there are large numbers oI
hydroelectric power plants and there are some countries in the world that rely heavily on the
electricity produced Irom the hydroelectric power plants. Let us see what makes hydroelectric
power plants as one oI the best options aIter thermal power plants to produce electricity on large
scale basis.
Advantages of Hydroelectric Power Plants
1) No fuel required: One oI the major advantages oI the hydroelectric power plants is that they
don`t require any Iuel Ior producing power. The hydroelectric power plants utilize renewable
energy oI water to generating electricity.
2) ost of electricity is constant: Since no Iuel is required Ior the hydroelectric power plants,
the cost oI electricity produced by them is more or less constant. It does not depend on the cost
oI Iuels like coal, oil and natural gas in the international market. The country doesn`t even have
to import the Iuel Ior running the hydroelectric power plant thus saving lots oI local currency.
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3) No air-pollution is created: Since the hydroelectric power plants don`t burn any Iuel no
pollution is caused by them. It does not emit harmIul gases and particulate matter, thus keeps the
surrounding atmosphere clean and healthy Ior living.
4) Long life: The liIe oI hydroelectric power plants is longer than the liIe oI thermal power
plants. There are some hydroelectric power plants that were built more than 50-100 years ago
and are still running.
5) ost of generation of electricity: For the working oI hydroelectric power plant very Iew
people are required since most oI the operations are automated, thus operating costs oI
hydroelectric power plants are low. Further, as the hydroelectric power plants become older, the
cost oI generation oI electricity Irom it becomes cheaper since initial capital cost invested in the
plant is recovered over the long period oI operations.
6) an easily work during high peak daily loads: The daily demand oI power is not constant
throughout the day. The peak power occurs at night. It is very diIIicult to start and stop the
thermal and nuclear power plants on daily basis. The hydroelectric power plants can be easily
started and stopped without consuming much time. Water can be collected in the dam throughout
the day and this can be used to generate electricity during peak periods.
7) Irrigation of farms: Water Irom the dams can also be used Ior the irrigation oI Iarm lands
thus producing the agriculture outputs throughout the year even in the areas where there is scanty
or no rainIall.
8) Water sports and gardens: In vicinity oI the dams the water Irom reservoir can be utilized to
develop public recreational Iacilities like water parks Ior water sports and gardens.
9) Prevents floods: The dams also help prevent Iloods in the areas adjoining the large rivers.

actors Affecting the Selection of Site for Dams

Apart Irom the construction oI the dam, selecting proper site Ior the dam is very crucial.
Selecting the proper site will help carrying out construction oI the strong dam and it will also
help reduce risks due to natural disasters like earth quake. Here are some oI the important Iactors
to be considered while selecting the site Ior the dam Ior hydroelectric power plants:
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1) Good topographical location along the path of river: The best location along the path oI the
river is river canyon or at the location where there is narrowing oI the river. II the aim is to store
maximum amount oI water, then the volume oI basin above dam should be calculated so that
suIIicient quantity oI water can be stored in it. The perIect site is one where there is wide and Ilat
2) Right geological structure: The rock structure on which the dam will be constructed should
be strong enough to sustain the weight oI dam and water stored in the dam. The rock structure
should be able to sustain all the visible and invisible Iorces. The rock structure should be stable
and there should be least occurrence oI the earthquakes in the region. The rock structure should
not allow the seepage oI water and it should be waterprooI.
3) Sufficient water is available: The Ilow oI water where dam is constructed should be
suIIicient enough to Iill the dam. There is lots oI loss oI water Irom dam due to evaporation, the
Ilow oI river water should be able accommodate this loss oI water without aIIecting the
production oI electricity Irom the hydroelectric power plant.
People living around the areas where storage basin is going to be constructed and the areas that
will be submerged should be convinced to move Irom there and they should be given proper
compensation and suitable resettlement areas. II this Iactor is ignored the chances oI the success
oI the hydroelectric power plant will reduced.

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