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Mories, MDH and Doe Hutapea

Information System Department, BINUS Online Learning, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480,

Faridz, FLM and Leo Muhariansyah

Information System Department, BINUS Online Learning, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480

Henry, HP and Pribadi

Information System Department, BINUS Online Learning, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480,

Teguh,TP and Prasandy

Information System Department, BINUS Online Learning, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480,

Abstract— In an era where technology is growing, this affects teaching and learning activities and accessing information. Technology
allows the remote learning method to be carried out, as was the case during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to learning, technology
also facilitates administrative activities in lectures such as registering for college or applying for cancellation of college registration, both
online and offline. This is often an obstacle where the registration process has difficult financial transactions to make a refund when
prospective students cancel their lectures on certain campuses but do not have time to come directly or offline return to the campus
registered by prospective students. University A is one of the universities that applies online refund technology to an application called
Admission Online. One of the features that will be implemented by the campus is a refund for prospective students. In addition, it has
been used online but has few features, namely refunds and the amount of funds returned according to these criteria. In this study, we
used the prototype model method to solving problems in determining criteria and the appropriate amount of funds. This feature is
expected to make it easier for prospective students to make refunds and support admission activities in carrying out the proposed refund
process. In addition to having an impact on prospective students who will get a nominal refund in accordance with the selected criteria,
students no longer need to come to campus or take care of refunds offline.

Keyword: Admission, Refund, Prototyping


The world is experiencing rapid technological advances in all fields. Ease of human activity, both in human and
applied sciences [1]. This corresponds to [2], which states that the widespread reliance on computers in everyday life, as
well as major technological transformations, have resulted in a few changes in various fields, including education.
Technology has improved various e-learning systems within higher education institutions. This approach has improved
teaching and learning activities. LMS, a relatively new technology widely used in higher education, is considered one of
the information and communication technology tools used in the education industry. [3] It also states that many countries
have made significant investments in technology to enhance learning. Despite all the investment opportunities in
technology infrastructure, devices, and career development to improve the quality of education, many countries are still
outdated and have limited technology to embrace and incorporate LMS in learning and teaching.
Based on findings [4], advances in technology and related digital systems have become an important component
of teaching and learning activities, simultaneously enabling learners to be more successful and improve operational
efficiency. The Covid-19 pandemic has not only impacted the teaching and learning process in universities from offline to
online. This pandemic has also had a major impact globally on the management, organization and social interaction of
universities. Behind the many obstacles faced, universities in Indonesia need to continue to innovate and improve so that
the quality of learning is maintained. One of the innovations applied is the creation of a system that helps prospective
students register for online courses that have the same score in a program [5].
One of the universities that applies online lecture registration is University A. The application used by
University A is Online Admission. Based on data from 2019 to 2022, enrollment using anOnline Admission application is
recorded to increase every year.


2019 2020 2021 2022

Picture 1. Number of applicants for Online Admission application

In addition to providing convenience for prospective students such as the ease of getting information about how to
register for online courses, the ease of filling out registration forms, the ease of completing the required files, and the ease
of making payments.
In this online admission application, there will be additional features related to refunds in several conditions,
such as when prospective students are accepted at state universities or are unable to continue paying for college.
Especially the COVID-19 pandemic has caused tuition fees to increase because institutions spend more to provide teaching
methods that adapt to the pandemic. So there need to be special rules agreed upon between prospective students and
University A in the refund process. Therefore, this study provides solutions on how to implement the refund management
used by prospective students from the front-end side and manage the amount of fees returned to prospective students in
accordance with the refund reasons chosen from the back-end side.
This research begins with an explanation of the prototyping method used for the learning process which aims to
provide interactive tools for potential users and provide input and consideration of the prototype made to produce better
results than before. [6] Then according to him, [7] refunds are influenced by several elements, namely HR and financing
where HR consists of administrators and recipients. While financing refers to the appropriateness of the time of receipt of
a refund (refund). In the study, the refund process occurred online because the research object did not have an LMS so that
it was related to this research using an LMS or online. By referring to this research, this study intends to add a refund
feature to the Online Admission application used by University A using the Prototyping method to get input and
consideration of prospective users to get better results, and meet needs, especially acceptance and management of refund
This research position can be categorized as a study that aims to develop an Online Admission application in
order to increase effectiveness in making refunds. This research focuses on analyzing and designing application
development that can make it easier for prospective students to make refunds through Online Admission and support
admission activities to manage the amount of fees in accordance with the provisions chosen by prospective students. Then
the design of this system uses the Prototyping method that supports the research team in making changes and
adjustments to the system optimally.
Thereare 3 problems that will be discussed, namely, how to analyze the need for refunds made by prospective
students to be applied to the Admission Online application, how to apply the Prototyping method in designing the refund
feature in the Admission Online application, and how the evaluation process of using the refund feature in the Admission
Online application.
The objectivesof this research is:
1.1 Analyze the need for refunds made by prospective students to be applied to the Online Admission application.
1.2 Applying the Prototyping method in designing the refund feature on the Online Admission application.
1.3 Evaluate the use of the refund feature on the Online Admission application.

In general, education is a planned initiative of the teaching and learning process to produce students who are
active in developing their potential and can meet the needs of themselves and the community [8].
Universities are major producers of patented technology and commercialization of their patents is a growing
source of income [9].
Admission is one alternative that is taken into consideration in allocating students who register at the university
in accordance with the test results that have been carried out [10].
Refund is a mechanism or means of providing compensation provided by business actors to consumers,
generally carried out in the form of refunds or exchanges of goods [11].
According to [12], Prototyping is a software development method that uses an approach to create designs in
stages so that they can be immediately evaluated by potential users. With this method, developers and potential users can
interact with each other during the process of prototyping thesystem. In Prototyping, there are 5 (five) framework
activities, namely, Communication, Quick Plan, Modelling Quick Design, Construction of Prototype, and Deployment
Delivery & Feedback.

Picture 2. Prototypemodel according to Pressman

3.1 This research was conducted using the Prototyping method because in the product development process, users
can take part in the product development process by evaluating and providing feedback. Prototyping method
that has the following process:
3.1.1. Communication
At this stage, communication and collaboration are carried out between developers and prospective users to
interact with each other in determining the purpose of the system to be developed.

3.1.2. Quick Plan

At this stage, a general description of the system is carried out.

3.1.3. Modelling Quick Design

At this stage, the interface design of the application to be developed both from the Front End and Back End

3.1.4. Construction of Prototype

At this stage, the prototype begins to be worked on in accordance with the general purpose and approved

3.1.5. Deployment Delivery & Feedback

At this stage, the prototype is submitted to prospective users for evaluation. Potential users can find out
whether the application is as needed by providing feedback. Developers can find out what needs to be
improved from the prototype that has been created based on feedback from potential users. Along with the
evaluation of prospective users, the Communication stage is repeated followed by the next stages until the
satisfaction of prospective users with the required application is achieved.

3.2 In this study, refunds are taken from the formula:


X = Refunds
Y = Funds that have come in
Z = Funding cuts
Funding deductions are obtained based on application features on the Back End managed by admissions.

Picture 3. Back End in refund

Cutting funds is divided into 2 types for each type of payment provided at University A, namely deduction of
funds with a fixed amount and deduction of funds with a percentage amount. A fixed amount of deduction
indicates that the type of payment will be deducted according to the value entered by the admission on the
application from the Back End side. While withholding funds by a percentage amount indicates that the type of
payment will be deducted based on a percentage of the value of the type of payment.


4.1 Result
This research uses the Prototyping method in terms of analyzing the needs of prospective users to determine the
refund process from the Front End and Back End.

Picture 4. Use Case of Online Admission Application

The picture above is a use case used in the Online Admission application between prospective students and

Picture 5. Class Diagram Refund on Online Admission application

The picture above is a class diagram used for the refund process through the Admission Online application.

The implementation stage is a continuation of application design which is carried out after the application is
agreed. Here are the results of the refund feature on the Front End and Back End sides of the Online Admission

4.1.1 The "College Accepted" option is one of the features that prospective students choose when choosing the refund
Picture 6. Front End “Accepted at other Campus”

The "Did not graduate from high school" option is one of the features that prospective students choose when
choosing the refund option.


Picture 7. Front End “Not graduate from high school”

4.1.3 The "Upload Refund Documents" page is a menu provided for prospective students to upload the required refund

Picture 8. Front End “Upload Refund Document”

4.1.4 The "Refund Verification" page is a menu used by admissions to manage the amount of refunded fees according to

Picture 9. Back End “Refund Verification”

4.2 Discussion
In this study, a prototype of the refund process from the Front End and Back End side was approved by
prospective users. These results are obtained after all stages of the prototyping method with more than one cycle.
As for what causes more than one cycle, it is at the Construction of Prototype stage, where improvements to
prototypes that have been made previously are carried out in accordance with the evaluation given by prospective
users. This is also an input for developers to need to re-analyze the needs of potential users. Through this research, it is
hoped that the experience of prospective users in using the refund feature on the Admission Online application can
provide overall satisfaction.


5.1 Conclusion

Based on the results of the development of the refund feature on the Online Admission application using
the Prototyping method, it was concluded that the prototype made and evaluated by prospective users had met the
agreed needs. Therefore, the refund feature can contribute to prospective students in submitting and for admission in
effectively managing the amount of fees that must be refunded.

From the results of the analysis conducted on the Online Admission application, here are some things that
can be given as a consideration for further application development.

Picture 10. The type of refund chosen by prospective students

In the refund type selection display, it should be made in the form of a dropdown so that it is more flexible
in adding or subtracting types according to further needs.

It is recommended that in the refund verification display, you should add a status column that indicates whether
the refund process has been carried out by the financial party or not. This is informative to help prospective students
find out the status of refunds.

And added a report feature that helps the admission party in knowing the number of refund applications
that occur each period. This is also an evaluation of the development of the Online Admission application.

5.2 Suggestion

In conducting this research only on one user because the time for this research is limited, it is necessary to
evaluate prospective users who can find out whether the application is as needed by providing feedback. Developers
can find out what needs to be improved in the prototype that has been created based on feedback from potential users.
Along with the evaluation of prospective users, the communication stage is turned back and continued with the next
stages so that prospective users' satisfaction with the required application can be achieved.


We would like to thank Mr. Budi Kusniadi as Manager of Software Solution Group 1 IT division of Bina Nusantara
University for allowing us to conduct research at Bina Nusantara University.

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