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Final Test

Grade 4

I. Match the questions with the answers

1. Are you 11? A. Yes, it is.

2. What's your favorite color? B. Been of course.
3. When do you get up in the mornings? C. Yes, I do.
4. Where do you go on your holidays? D. Blue, Definitely.
5. Who is your best friend? E. sometimes when he's scared of
silly things?
6. Do you like going on adventures with Ben? F. Half past seven
7. Does Ben ever make you angry? H. No, I'm ten.
8. Is it fun being an Explorer? I. I go to the beach.

II. Read and complete the question.

9. How old are you?

10.____Do you live?
11. ____You got any brothers or sisters?
12._____Your favorite color red?
13._____Your school got a uniform?
14._____ Is your favorite subject?
15._____Do you get home from school?
16._____You tell your best friend, everything?

III. Complete the words then draw lines.

IV. Write the sentences under the picture.

V. Put their name

VI. Join the sentences with and, but, so and because. (just write the conjunction

1. There are fields near our village. People love having picnics there.
There are field near our village and people loving having picnics there.
2. It started to rain___we went home
3. John went to the USA____he stayed in Chicago,
4. Kate like visiting her ankle____it took two hours by car.
5. The film was boring___we left the cinema
6. Don't go across that Old Bridge____it's dangerous.

VII. Complete this with past progressive tense

VIII. Speaking
1. What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you were younger?
2. Please describe escape plans for you hose if something danger happened.

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