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The civil procedure under Rule 70 of the court involves several key steps:

1. Filing of the Complaint: The legal process begins with the plaintiff filing a
formal complaint outlining their claims against the defendant.

2. Issuance of Summons: Once the complaint is filed, the court issues a summons
to notify the defendant of the lawsuit and provide them with a deadline to

3. Answer Filing: The defendant must respond to the complaint within a

specified period by filing an answer. This document outlines the defendant's
defenses and responses to the plaintiff's claims.

4. Discovery: Both parties engage in the discovery process to gather evidence and
information relevant to the case. This can include depositions, interrogatories,
and document requests.

5. Motion for Summary Judgment: Either party may file a motion for summary
judgment if they believe there are no genuine disputes of material fact and that
they are entitled to judgment as a matter of law. The court will review the
evidence presented during discovery to determine if a trial is necessary.

6. Trial: If the court does not grant a summary judgment, the case proceeds to
trial. During the trial, both parties present their arguments and evidence before
a judge or jury.

7. Judgment: After the trial, the judge or jury deliberates and issues a judgment
based on the evidence presented. The judgment determines the outcome of the
case, including any damages awarded or relief granted to the prevailing party.

Overall, Rule 70 sets out the procedural framework for civil litigation, ensuring that
cases are conducted fairly and efficiently through each stage of the legal process.

【Answer】: 1. The process begins with the filing of a complaint. 2. The defendant is
served with the complaint. 3. The defendant has a certain period to respond, typically
30 days. 4. The defendant’s response is called an answer. 5. If the defendant does not
respond within the specified time, they may be defaulted. 6. The court may then enter
a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff. 7. If the defendant wishes to contest the
default judgment, they can file a motion to vacate the default judgment.
【Explanation】: 1. The first step in the civil procedure is the filing of a complaint.
This is a formal statement by the plaintiff that outlines the basis for the lawsuit. 2.
After the complaint is filed, the defendant must be served with it. This means that
they are officially informed of the lawsuit. 3. The defendant has a specific period,
usually 30 days, to respond to the complaint. 4. The defendant’s response is called an
answer, and it can be a general or specific answer. 5. If the defendant does not
respond within the specified time, they may be defaulted, meaning they are
automatically found in favor of the plaintiff. 6. If the defendant is defaulted, the court
may enter a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff. 7. However, if the defendant
wishes to contest the default judgment, they can file a motion to vacate the default
judgment. This is a request to the court to set aside the default judgment.
The civil procedure under Rule 70 of the court involves a structured process that
guides how civil cases are handled. Here is a detailed explanation of each step:

1. Filing of the Complaint: The legal action begins with the plaintiff filing a formal
complaint with the court. This document outlines the plaintiff's claims against the
defendant, including the facts and legal basis for the lawsuit.

2. Issuance of Summons: Once the complaint is filed, the court issues a summons to
notify the defendant of the legal action. The summons informs the defendant of the
lawsuit, provides details about the case, and sets a deadline for the defendant to

3. Answer Filing: The defendant must respond to the complaint by filing an answer
within a specified time frame, usually around 30 days. In the answer, the defendant
addresses each allegation in the complaint, admitting or denying them and presenting
any affirmative defenses.

4. Discovery: Both parties engage in the discovery process to gather relevant

information and evidence for the case. Discovery methods include depositions (sworn
testimony), interrogatories (written questions), requests for documents, and requests
for admissions.

5. Motion for Summary Judgment: Either party can file a motion for summary
judgment if they believe there are no genuine disputes of material fact and that they
are entitled to judgment as a matter of law. The court reviews the evidence presented
during discovery to determine if there are grounds for summary judgment.

6. Trial: If the court does not grant a summary judgment, the case proceeds to trial.
During the trial, both parties present their arguments, evidence, and witnesses before a
judge or jury. The judge or jury then decides the outcome of the case based on the
evidence presented.

7. Judgment: After the trial, the judge or jury deliberates and issues a judgment. The
judgment determines the rights and obligations of the parties, including any damages
awarded, injunctions granted, or other relief provided.

Overall, Rule 70 governs the orderly progression of civil cases through the court
system, ensuring that parties have the opportunity to present their case, gather
evidence, and receive a fair resolution through the legal process.

【Answer】: 1. The process begins with the filing of a complaint. 2. The defendant is
served with the complaint. 3. The defendant has a certain period to respond, typically
30 days. 4. The defendant's response is called an answer. 5. If the defendant does not
respond within the specified time, they may be defaulted. 6. The court may then enter
a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff. 7. If the defendant wishes to contest the
default judgment, they can file a motion to vacate the default judgment.
【Explanation】: 1. The first step in the civil procedure is the filing of a complaint.
This is a formal statement by the plaintiff that outlines the basis for the lawsuit. 2.
After the complaint is filed, the defendant must be served with it. This means that
they are officially informed of the lawsuit. 3. The defendant has a specific period,
usually 30 days, to respond to the complaint. 4. The defendant's response is called an
answer, and it can be a general or specific answer. 5. If the defendant does not
respond within the specified time, they may be defaulted, meaning they are
automatically found in favor of the plaintiff. 6. If the defendant is defaulted, the court
may enter a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff. 7. However, if the defendant
wishes to contest the default judgment, they can file a motion to vacate the default
judgment. This is a request to the court to set aside the default ju
In civil procedures involving contempt under Rule 71 of the court, the following steps
are typically followed:

1. The filing of a Complaint: The process begins with the plaintiff filing a formal
complaint with the court, outlining the specific instances of contempt by the

2. Issuance of Summons: Once the complaint is filed, the court issues a summons to
notify the defendant of the contempt charges and provide them with a deadline to

3. Answer Filing: The defendant must respond to the contempt charges by filing an
answer within a specified period. In the answer, the defendant addresses each
allegation of contempt and presents any defenses they may have.

4. Discovery: Both parties engage in the discovery process to gather evidence related
to the contempt charges. This can include obtaining documents, conducting
depositions, and gathering other relevant information.

5. Motion for Summary Judgment: Either party may file a motion for summary
judgment if they believe there are no genuine disputes of material fact regarding the
contempt allegations. The court will review the evidence presented during discovery
to determine if a trial is necessary.

6. Trial: If the court does not grant a summary judgment, the case proceeds to trial.
During the trial, both parties present their arguments and evidence related to the
contempt charges before a judge.

7. Judgment: After the trial, the judge evaluates the evidence presented and issues a
judgment on whether the defendant is in contempt. The judgment may include
penalties or sanctions for the contemptuous behavior.

Overall, Rule 71 provides a framework for addressing contempt in civil proceedings,

ensuring that parties accused of contempt have the opportunity to respond to the
allegations and present their case before a decision is made by the court.
Rule 60
【Answer】: 1. The plaintiff files a complaint. 2. The defendant is served with the
complaint. 3. The defendant files an answer. 4. Discovery begins. 5. Discovery ends.
6. The plaintiff files a motion for summary judgment. 7. The court hears the motion
for summary judgment. 8. The court rules on the motion for summary judgment. 9. If
the motion for summary judgment is denied, the case proceeds to trial. 10. The trial
begins. 11. The trial ends. 12. The court issues a judgment.

【Explanation】: 1. The plaintiff files a complaint: This is the first step in a civil
procedure. The plaintiff, who is the party initiating the lawsuit, files a complaint
outlining the allegations against the defendant. 2. The defendant is served with the
complaint: The defendant, who is the party being sued, is served with the complaint.
This means that the defendant is officially notified of the lawsuit and the allegations
against them. 3. The defendant files an answer: The defendant responds to the
complaint by filing an answer. This is a legal document in which the defendant
admits, denies, or pleads no answer to the allegations in the complaint. 4. Discovery
begins: Discovery is the process by which the parties obtain evidence to support their
claims or defenses. This can include depositions, interrogatories, and requests for
production of documents. 5. Discovery ends: At the end of the discovery period, the
parties have gathered all the evidence they need to prepare for trial. 6. The plaintiff
files a motion for summary judgment: The plaintiff can file a motion for summary
judgment if they believe that there are no factual disputes to be resolved and that they
are entitled to judgment as a matter of law. 7. The court hears the motion for summary
judgment: The court will hear arguments from both sides on the motion for summary
judgment. 8. The court rules on the motion for summary judgment: The court will rule
on the motion, either granting it or denying it. 9. If the motion for summary judgment
is denied, the case proceeds to trial: If the court denies the motion for summary
judgment, the case will proceed to trial. 10. The trial begins: The trial is where the
parties present their case to the court. 11. The trial ends: The trial ends when both
sides have presented their case. 12. The court issues a judgment: After hearing all the
evidence, the court will issue a judgment, either in favor of the plaintiff or the

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