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Everyday Vocabulary Walking Test

1. He was completely drunk. I watched him ______ 7. If you join the army, you’ll have to learn to ______.
across the road and fall down.
A) trudge
A) crawl B) stagger
B) trip C) slip
C) wander D) march
D) stagger
8. Please, don’t ______ away from the main group or
2. It’s very pleasant for a tourist to ______ round a new you’ll get lost.
city with no particular purpose or destination.
A) stroll
A) crawl B) stray
B) trip C) creep
C) wander D) limp
D) stagger
9. Before babies can walk, they can only ______ on their
3. It was a lovely day so we decided to ______ in the hands and knees.
park for an hour.
A) crawl
A) stroll B) trip
B) stray C) wander
C) creep D) stagger

D) limp
10. I’m afraid someone will ______ over that piece of
4. His injured foot made him ______ badly. wood and fall.

A) stroll A) crawl
B) stray B) trip
C) creep C) wander
D) limp D) stagger
5. Be careful or you’ll ______ on this icy bit of pavement. 11. It began to rain and we had to ______ into a shop to
keep dry.

A) trudge A) trudge
B) dash B) dash
C) slip C) slip
D) march D) stray
6. Everyone was asleep when I returned so I had to 12. The exhausted men had to ______ for five miles
______ to my room without making a noise. through the snow.

A) stroll A) trudge
B) stray B) dash
C) creep C) slip
D) limp D) wander

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Everyday Vocabulary Walking Test

Answer Key:

1: D 7: D
2: C 8: B
3: A 9: A
4: D 10: B
5: C 11: B
6: C 12: A

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