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IN Drosophila melanogaster

Name : Yessi Rizki M
NIM : 100210103062
Group : 3

Tittle : Monohibryd Crossing in Drosophila melanogaster
II. bjective :
1. To know the manner to multiply Drosophila melanogaster
2. Exercise to make monohibryd crossing
3. To calculate Ienotipe ratio oI F1 and F2 heredity
The Basic of Theory
Monohybrid cross is a cross between two species oI the same with a diIIerent nature.
Monohybrid cross is highly related to Mendel's laws I or the so-called law segresi. This law
reads, "In the Iormation oI gametes Ior genes that are couples would disegresikan into two
First learned oI Mendel's monohybrid nature at the time oI crossing experiments on peas
(Pisum sativum). So Iar in the monohybrid crosses always apply the law oI Mendel I.
Indeed in the liIetime oI Mendelian trait is not known modern descendants, have not
known oI the nature oI chromosomes and genes, especially nucleic acids that Ioster the genetic
material. Mendel called the genetic material only determinant Iactor (determinant) or shortened
by a Iactor.
Monohybrid In Plants
Character height rod to rod dominant Iorce on the generally low plants, including corn. In
the presence oI corn is also known characters such as sugarcane stem growth. In the bread mold
Neurospora mycelium is also known that the red color oI characters against a white dominant.

Monohybrid In Animals
In guinea pigs, as well as in other animals, dominant gene causing abnormal
pigmentation and alelnya causing an albino. Normal pigmented guinea pig who is a Iurry black.
Black guinea pig mated with an albino guinea pig. Her children are all black. II the child was
married each other it will produce a black: white 3: 1.
Monohybrid In Humans
Such synthetic chemicals called PTC, there is a class oI people who can taste it will Ieel
bitter and a class oI people who can not taste it will Ieel the amber. Bitter taste due to a dominant
gene. In addition to tasting many other properties that Iollow the nature oI monohybrid crosses,
namely: polydactyly, phenylketonuria, Huntington's chorea brown teeth, crstic Iibrosis. (Arianto,
Among the Iirst to use Iruit Ilies as the object oI Genetics is the study oI Thomas Hunt
Morgan who managed to Iind the discovery oI sexual origin. Species oI Iruit Ily, Drosophila
melanogaster, a common insect that is generally not dangerous, which is eating Iungus that
grows on the Iruit. Fruit Ilies are easy to breed insects. From one marriage alone can be
generated hundreds oI oIIspring, and a new generation can be bred every two weeks. These
characteristics make the Iruit Ily into a perIect organism Ior genetic
ClassiIication oI Drosophila melanogaste :
Kingdom : Animalia
Phyllum : Arthropoda
Kelas :Insecta
Ordo : Diptera
Famili : Drosophilidae
Genus : Drosophila
Spesies :Drosophila melanogaster
(Borror, 1993)
The Iirst person that doing marriage crossing is Groger Mendel (1822-1884). Previous
Mendel called gene as determination Iactor. And then chromosomes has be Iound by Wilhem
Roux and with the experiment by T. Boveri dan W.S. Sutton (1902), that veriIy that gene is part
oI chromosome. Genes will inherited Irom parents to their Iiliation by gamet (Suryo, 2008).
Monohybrid crossing is crossing between two same species and one diIIerent character.
Monohybrid crossing very related with The Law oI Mendle I or called with Segregation Law.
This law read in gamet Iormation Ior the gene that has pairs will segregated into two child.
So that until now in monohybrid crossing always used The Law oI Mendle I. the gene that
located in same locus in chromosomes, when gametogenesis happen gene one alel will separated,
each go to one gamet (Yatim,1986).
Some important things about marriage monoibrid:
1. All indiIidu F1 is uniIorm.
2. II dominance seemed Iully, then indiIidu F1 has a dominant phenotype like its parent.
3. At the time the F1 heterozygote Iorms gametes, there was segregation oI alleles, so that
gametes have only one allele only.
4. II dominance is Iully visible, then the marriage monohybrid produce oIIspring with a
ratio oI 3:1
(Change, 2008).
In Genetics Modul explain iI there are 12 judgement, why Drosophila melanogaster
used in genetics practicum. Because they have several priority, as Iollows:
1. Easy to acquired
Drosophila melanogaster is kosmopolit insect. In Indonesia there are more than 600 kinds oI
IruitIlies Irom Drosophilidae Iamily. And thus no all oI IruitIlies can be Iound in Drosophila
melanogaster kind, but this species can cared selI.
2. Easy to cared
Drosophila melanogaster usually cared in a jam bottle that contain with banana medium. Beside
that not need steril condition like in microbiology practice. Although thus, better all oI tool to be
steril Iirst to avoid Iungus contamination. The growing oI Iungus can be checked by giving Na-
benzoat and tape Ior Iermentasion procces.
3. Cheap care cost
Because the Iood medium is very simple so this cared not too expensive. But we must diligent to
replace the medium each 2 week.
4. Not need any place
Mutant supply usually cared in jam bottles. One bottle can contain approximately 300-500 adult
IruitIlies. This bottle can stored in shelI.
5. This size in plain view
Even iI their size 2-55 mm, the morpholoIy and the characteristic mutant can observe with wide
awake eyes.
6. Doessn`t danger
This IruitIlies not transmit the disease or be mediator Iemale trader.
7. Have many Iiliation
A Iemale IruitIlies can produce 500 eggs as long as their liIe.
8. Have short liIe cycle
Their liIe cycle about 10-15 days.
9. VariatiI
This IruitIlies has Ienotipe that easy diIIerented in eyes colour, eyes shape, body colour, and
wings shape.
10.A simple chromosome
Just have 4 pairs oI choromosome, so as easy to calculate. Meanwhile in saliva gland there is
politen chromosome that has giant size and has Iunction to identiIy gene place.
11.Has many oI mutant
A history oI biology study indicate that Drosophila sp. Is organism that has many oI mutant. In
so that very exactly iI used as animal trial in genetic practicum.
12.The male IruitIlies not crossing over
The male Drosophila not crossing over. So crossing over can calculate well. In other animal or
other plant, crossing over can occur in two parental.
The other common trait oI Drosophila melanogaster are:
- Sized small, between 3-5 mm.
- The edge oI the wing veins (costal vein) has two parts terinteruptus close to his body.
- Grouse (Arista) typically in the Iorm oI Ieathers, has a branching 7-12.
- Crossvein posterior generally straight, not curved. Compound eyes are round and
slightly colored red ellipse.
- There oceli eye on the top oI the head with a smaller size than the compound eyes.
- Thorax hairy-Iur with a white base color, while the Iive-segmented abdomen and black
striped wing length, colored transparent, and the position stems Irom the thorax.

' The Method of Research
4 Tools
a. Binocular microscop or loupe
b. Culture bottle and spon plug
c. The label oI HVS paper
d. Petry disk that completed with cotton as anesthetization place back (re-etherizer)
e. Pippet
I. The bottle that contain with alcohol to kill IruitIlies that not required
g. Small brush number 1
4.2 Materials
a. Cotton
b. Ether liquid
c. Alcohol
d. Stock oI Drosophila melanogester that has normal Ienotipe, mutant oI white-eyes
IruitIlies and mutant oI curly IruitIlies
e. The banana medium
I. Na-benzoat to hold up the Iungus

a. Production oI banana medium

b LLerlsasl

Take 5 king banana and tape with comparison 3:1
lve nabenzoaL for hold up the Iungus
Investigated culture bottle
Squash 2 materials in beaker glass
Give 3-5 drop oI ether in cotton
Knock the bottle slowly, iI IruitIlies in bottle mouth
Open the cover oI bottle with Iast
Observe the IruitIlies Put the conk IruitIlies in white paper
Silence until 20 minutes
Input the cotton in bottle mouth
Calculate the IruitIlies, aIter the IruitIlies has conk
Separate the death IruitIlies with the IruitIlies that still alive
Doing reeterasi iI the IruitIlies become conscious
Kill the IruitIlies that not required
n Make nrosslng

dCrosslng l

Put out imago Iorm the culture bottle aIter reeterasi
Out put the IruitIlies that new hatch
Choose the Iemale
Take 2 culture bottle the wild type and eyemissing
Take 5 normal Iemale and 5 mutant male
Separate Iollow the genre Anaesthetize the IruitIlies
Put the IruitIlies in pupasi paper
Watch order the conk IruitIlies not Iall in wet medium
Input 5 oI pairs in culture bottle
Stored the bottle in place that has specied
Give inIormation kind and date oI crossing and name
Cover the bottle with spon
Make data list
Calculate total the IruitIlies thas appear, in tenth days
Write when the Iirst IruitIlies appear
In seventh days move all oI parental
Make crossing between F1 IruitIlies

' The Results of Research
Bottle 1
ay Life cycle escription
0 Crossing
Put 3 normaIemale
1 Eggs White colour, oval, and long like a point
2 Eggs White colour, oval, and long like a point
3 Eggs White colour, oval, and long like a point
4 Eggs White colour, oval, and long like a point
5 Eggs White colour, oval, and long like a point
6 Eggs White colour, oval, and long like a point
7 Eggs White colour, oval, and long like a point
8 Eggs White colour, oval, and long like a point
9 Larva instar I White colour, like worm, have segment, bit move,
the size approximately 1 mm
10 Larva instar II The size bigger than larva instar I, active to move,
they have spirakel
11 Larva instar III The size approximately 4 mm, begin to avoid the
Iood, the anterior spirakel has several extrusion
12 Pupa The colour become dark (brown-blackish), stick in
glass or paper, not move
13 Pupa The colour become dark (brown-blackish), stick in
glass or paper, not move
14 Imago Small and bright colour

F1 generation oI bottle 1
Female mutant : 11
Male mutant : 20
Take 5 pairs oI conk IruitIlies
Put in culture bottle
Stored in place that has specied
Anaesthetize the IuitIlies
Separate the genre
Get F2 IruitIlies in tenth days
Out put the parental in seventh days
Always write the kind oI crossing
Calculate the total Write the Ienotipe
Make data list
Doing X
Female normal : 0
Male normal : 0
' nalysist
In the practicum this time we discuss about monohybrid crossing in Drosophila
melanogaster. In this practicum we try to cross the Drosophila normal type with the eyenissin
mutant IruitIlies. And then we calculate the total F1 that produced.
At the Iirst we doing is anaesthetize the normal IruitIlies until the IruitIlies has conk. We
not make the medium because the medium has prepared by assistant. We give the ether in cotton,
not too much in orther that the IruitIlies not death. AIter the IruitIlies has conk, we separate the
Iemale and male IruitIlies. In the mutant bottle we carry out same manner to take the IruitIlies
mutant. We give the ether in cotton, and we put the cotton in plastic that consist oI mutant
IruitIlies. AIter the mutant has conk, we separate the Iemale and male mutant.
In the Iirst bottle we Iilling with 3 normal male and 3 Iemale mutant. We choose the
virgin normal male Ior crossing, in orther that the result was valid. In our observe, eggs arise in
Iirst day, the eggs has white colour, oval shape and long, the eggs like a point. The size
approximately 0,5 mm. Untill 8
days still eggs. In the 9
th days
eggs hatch to larva instar I. In 10


larva instar I has molting become larva instar II. In the 11

larva instar II has second
molting become larva instar III. In the 12

larva instar III become pupa, and they stop to
move. Pupa occurs in 2 days, until 13
days. And in 14
the imago arise Irom the pupa. The liIe
cycle oI IruitIlis long bit because several Iactors, like temperature that not suitable. The Iungus in
culture bottle can aIIect the monohybrid crossing, in orther that parent not lay Iast.
In the second bottle we Iilling 3 normal Iemale and 3 mutant male. We has same carry
out Ior this bottle, but the result very diIIerent with the Iirst bottle. In this bottle was Iailed. No
egg, and no Iiliation. This happen maybe because we has mistake when we identiIying the genre
oI IruitIlies, maybe the temperature when we stored the bottle not suitable with the IruitIlies
habitation. According to literature, iI temperature reach 30 or more it can cause Iruit Ily be steril.
II the IruitIlies steril so they cannot make the Iiliation.
The total oI imago aIter we have calculate is, in the Iirst bottle contain oI 11 Iemale
mutant oI eyenissin and 20 male mutant oI eyenissin. Meanwhile in bottle 1 there is not the
normal IruitIlies. In this case, we can make possibility oI the genotype in Iruit Ily. Usually gene
in mutant is dominat and normal is resessive. So we can make crosses:
In monohybrid crossing between the normal male with the Iemale mutant(eyenissin)
IruitIlies produce the Iilial:
P : () X
x () X
F1 :


AIter we calculate the Iilial, acquirement the result :
Carrier eyenissin Iemale () : 50
Mutant eyenissin male() : 50
In our case, we get the result oI monohybrid crossing is 100 mutant that consist oI 11 mutant
Iemale(35) and 20 mutant male(65). Our result diIIerent with the crosses above, because not
always the result oI research same with theory.
To knowing the validity oI crossing data we used chi square test to knowing the
probability Ior our result:
Chi-square test Ior normal male with mutant Iemale
4 Phenotype comparison : normal : Eym 3 : 1
4 Degree oI Iredoom : 2 1 1
4 Phenotype amount : 2
4 Amount oI phenotype result : 0 : 31
Count table oI Chi-square
Normal Mutant Total
Observed value (A) 0 31 31
Expected value (H) 23,25 7,75 31
,A-H, -23,25 23,25
,A-H, - 0,5 -23,73 22,75
,A-H, - 0,5}2 563,11 517,56
,A-H, - 0,5}2
24,21 66,78 90,99
Used Yates correction, deviation value is mines by 0,5.
According to table oI chi square, 90,99 located less than 1 . So Irom the result chi square value
90,99, and because X
calculate ~ X
in table so in our observation about monohybrid crosses
reject the hypothesis.

' Conclusion
Based on the data and analysist above, we can get the conclusion , as Iollows:
1. Monohybrid cross is a cross between two species oI the same with a diIIerent nature.
Monohybrid cross is highly related to Mendel's laws I or the so-called law segresi.
2. Drosophila melanogaster used in genetics practicum. Because they have several priority
like easy to acquired, easy to cared, cheap care cost, not need any place, this size in plain
view, doessn`t danger, have many Iiliation, have short liIe cycle, variatiI, a simple
chromosome, has many oI mutant, the male IruitIlies not crossing over.
3. Our result in monohybrid crossing that we have done is:
4 Crossing in bottle 1 : normal male with mutant Iemale
Mutant male : 20
Mutant Iemale : 11
4 Crossing in bottle 2 : normal Iemale with mutant male not produce Iilial because
several Iactors that can aIIected.
4. From Chi-square test we get result that 1 Ior our research, so our research reject the
hypothesis. This Chi-square test Ior bottle 1, because in bottle 2 there is not Iilial.
5. The Iactors that can aIIect the probability are manner to carry the IruitIlies, sterile oI
medium, accuracy the practican when calculate Iilial


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