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12 SCIENCE FACT. The Space Shuttle: Reaching Beyond by Walter B. Hendrickson, Jr. As presently designed, the Space Shut- tle can reach only a low-earth orbit, up to a 240k altitude. This is inconvenient, not Only for players of the Damocios Mission™ ‘game, butfor NASA as well. They must send Communications and weather satellites into Geosynchronous orbit 36,000 kilometers ‘above the equator. where they will match earth’srotation. Also, there are space probes to be sent off to distant planets. For these missions, he Shuttle will carry an unmanned upper stage in its cargo bay. in addition 10 the satellite or space probe Ihwould be possible, with a few modi cations in the Shuttle and its flight plan, to extend the craft's range greatly, The fist step in this upgrading of the Shuttle was suggest by Dr Gerald K, O'Neill of Princaton Uni versity in the March 1978 issue of Astronaus ties and Aeronautics: "As designed, the Shuttle Orbiter carries no fuel for its main en- ‘gies. It must bring its external tank (35 met- Nic tons empty weight), almost to orbital en ergy. But olthar by the sacrifice ofa few per cont in payload to additional OMS (Orbital Maneuvering Systern) propeliant, or by stor: ing hydrogen slush rather than liquid hydro gon, the external tankage could be brought into orbit." O'Neill proposes grinding up the exter nal tank to Serve as reaction mass for amass driver (an electromagnetic catapult) power- ‘60 spacecraft. However, if the extemal tank ‘were left attached to the Space Shuttle, it ‘could be refueled in orbit. This could be done by using 9 modification of the boom system (of mid-air fuoling techniques developed by ‘the US Air Fores, Fueling Up In this system, the boom operator on the tanker areraft extends a long, telescop- ing boom. Small elevons, farming a "V" at the end of the boom, allow the boom opera- tor to guide the born as the receiver aircraft moves up, and couples to boom. During this, ‘operation, the pilot of the receiver craft ‘duided by instructions fram the boom oper atar. Once connecied to the boom, the e- ‘ceiver aircraft can be refueled at the rate of Up to2,721.55kq por minute. For uso in space, tho only modifications. needed in this system for orbital refueling ‘weuld be the addition of small thrusters at the ends of the elevons on the boom to allow ‘maneuvering in airless space. These thrust Fs should be powered by cold, inert com: pressed gas to avoid any reaction with any spilod fue ‘Another way to refuel a spacecratt in or: bit would be to dock the vehicles together, and connect ines through thejoined docking ports, Since the docking port of a Space Shut tleis equipment not carried on all fights, tis mounted in the cargo bay just behind the crew's cabin, This means that there would be ino danger of any spilled fuol leaking into the cabin. Also, the propellants used in the Space Shuttle’s external tank are liquid oxy: ‘gen and liquid hydrogen which are non-toxic {and non-corrosive. They are, however, ex- twemely cold; liquid oxygen boils at ~ 183° C and liquid hydrogen boils at ~262.87° C. This is cold enough to freeze anything it touches. Fortunately, conventional space Suits could insulate the fusing crews against these cryogenically cold propellants, Like any rocket propellants, liquid oxy: {gon and liquid hydrogen are an explosive Combination. In fact, even when combined with ust ordinary earthly air, hydrogen is ex plosive, as witness the giant airship Hinden- burg’s disaster. Thus, 10 ba on the safe side, itwould be wise ta drain off any spilt prope! lants into space before the fueling crow re tenters the cabin of either the refueling vehi le or the Space Shuttle The tanker spacecraft is @_ problem, however, because the Space Shustle's exter- al tank can hold 707,100kg of liquid hydro {gen and liquid oxygen propellants. This is nearly six times the payload that a Saturn V Could carry into low-earth orbit. Obviously, a space station would be necded to store enough propellant. to completely refill a ‘Space Shuttle’s external tank in orbit Fortunately, the Space Shutile does not need a full tank of propellants 10 reach goo: synchronous orbit or escape velocity from low-earth orbit. It is alteady going about 23,000 kilometers per hour, so t needs only 11,000 mare kilometers to reach earth's ap proximately 40 kilometers per hour escape velocity. Virually the same amount af velo ity change would be needed to get into.geo. synchronous orbit because the spaceship ‘must fist cmb out to 36,000km, then merch the 1,608km per hour, due east equatorial motion of geasynchronaus orbit. For this ‘would need only around 100,000k9 of prope lants. However, the Space Shuttle is design. fed to re-enter the earth’s atmosphere at no ‘more than 29,000 kilamaters per hour, which ‘means that it must get back into low-earth orbit before landing, thus requiring another 100,000kg of fuel. To get the Shuttie, with this added propellant, off to either geosyn Cchronous orbit or deep space, about 300, 000k ‘more propellant willbe needed. This makes 3 total of 400,000kq of propellant that would have to be supplied ta the Space Shuttle in low-earth orbit for it to get to geosynchro- nous orbit or beyond. In other words, we still need an orbiting filing station for the Space Shuttle. At loast now we trimmed it down to four Saturn V-size payloads which could easily be dock fed together in orbit either automatically or manually. Rather than a Saturn V, which is out of production, the launch vehicle used would probably be an HLLV (Heavy Lilt Launch Vehicio} of the type designed at the 1975 study of space colonies directed by NASA's Ames Research Center and Stan ford University and under the sponsorship of NASA and the American Society for Engi- neering Education (SEE), This HLLV is de- fived from Space Shuttle technology and, in fact, uses parts of the Space Shuttle systom, ‘The core ofthe vehicle would be a modi fied Shuttle external tank with four Space Shuttle main engines attached to its aft end For added it, four Space Shuttle solid rock et boosters would be strapped to the sides of this cote. Atop this is mounted a 120,000k9 payload. Four of these pavioads would be Sufficient to provide the regular propellants to reach escape velocity, and later return to low-earth orbit. The extra 41,030.78kq_ of ppayload could be used for the space station refueling crew and equipment plus a litle ex tra fuel for midcourse corrections. It would take about four years to get the Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle manufactured and launched, About the same amaunt of time would be required for a revived Saturn V. This time span i necessary because the launch facilites at the Kennedy Space Cen ter, including the mobile launch platform that transports the spacecraft from the assembly building to the pad, have been modified 10 handle the Space Shuttle. They would, therefore, have to be remodified for any new launch vehicles since the service towers left ‘over from the moon program were cut down to the hoight af a Space Shuttle ‘Speeding Up the Launch 11 there were less than four years lead time to reach the Damocles objective betore someone else gor there first, then the propel lant for reeling the modified Space Shuttle ‘would have to be cartied up by other Shut- ties. An unmodified Space Shuttle has a pay toad limit of 28,000kg to an equatorial orbit, which means that” fourteen launchings ‘would be needed to build up the 400,000k3 needed for refueling or, more precisely, re propelling the Space Shuttle. NASA plans to have about one Space Shuttle fight per week once the craft becomes operational, Using a fleet of four. So the orbiting filing Station would be roceiving its fist customer in about fifteen weeks — barring any delays ‘caused by mishaps such as fuel spi, There are, however, ways to shorten this assembly line. NASA plans'to nearly double the Space Shuttle’s lifting ability by mounting a Titan liquid booster module un, ‘dor the Shuttle’s external tank. This added booster will come in handy even in normal ‘operations of the Space Shuttle from Van denberg Air Force Base, California. Lacking the added momentum of earth's rotation, the Space Shuitla — without the booster — can put only 11,000kg into low polar orbit, but with the Titan liquid booster module attach: 2d, it could put about 19,000kg into polar orbit. Basically, this booster module's a pair of Titan Il first stage engines drawing their pro- pollants from four 3meter-long tanks. To: {gothor with its bracing, this assombly is 10.5 ‘meters long, extending 7.4 meters below the ower dome of the external tank. The lows ‘edge of the Titan liquid fueled booster mod lle comes about even with the nozzles on the Shuttles solid rocket boosters, The Titan liquid booster module weighs 14.818kg emp. ty, and. 174,633kg when filed with prope! lants. These propellants are 54,885kg of blended hydrazine and unsymmettic dimeth- yihydrazine fuel and 103,873kq of nitrogen Tetroxide oxidizer. These are the same stor able, but highly corrosive, chemicals that are Used as propellants in the Space Shutti’s Orbital Maneuvering system, (On launch, the Titan liquid module's engines would ignite five seconds after launch at an altitude of about 61 me ters, adding sts 209,950kg of thrust to the 2,481,160.2kg thrust of the Space Shutle's mmain engines and boosters. After about 200, seconds, the Titan Il engines stop fring, and the liquid booster is dropped off If this launch were made fram the Ken- nedy Spa ‘AFB, the thrust augmented Shuttle could cary 60,368kg into low-earth orbit. Thus, the filing station needed for refueling the Shuttle could be established in just eight flights. The retuelable Shuttle would get off fon the ninth Tight, cutting the whole time ‘down ta a minimum of nine weeks from fist launch to last. ‘The Wingless Way There is @ way of cutting the time down, ‘even further without resorting to new and Arist’ rendering of Space Shuttle visitng 9 Space Operations Cer terin cart orbit! Netionel Aeronautics and Space Administration) larger vehicles which would requ launch facilities, This method req use of a stripped dawn, unmanned, wing loss, one-way version af the Space Shuttle With just the solid racket boosters and the three Space Shuttle main engines as power, his vehicle could carry 68,000Kg into low earth orbit. This booster could pur the orbital filing station together in six fights, with a manned Shuttle bringing up the refueling crew and equipment on the seventh flight, Then the refuelabie Shuttle would go up on the eighth fight Stick @ Titan liquid booster module Under the unmanned shuttle and it could put 112,860k9_ into low-earth orbit. This. ap proach could put up the 400,000ky of fuel ws ‘want with alittle payload to spare in just four flights. The extra payload could either be sed for more propellant with the refueling ‘erew andequipment coming upon aconven: tional Space Shuttle, ar for remote-control ed refueling equipment. Since ihe unmanned Shutleis thesame size and configuration as the present manned Space Shuttle, it would need litle modifica thon in the laurich facilities. All that would be needed is modification of equipment or pro Cedures at the launch control and flight con rol centers, to deal with an unmanned vehi cle instead of a manned one. Since the con: ventional Space Shuttle cannot be flown un Manned, ths means that the unmanned Shui tle wil require either remote controls or an autopilot Jowaver the propellants are delivered to low-earth orbit, once the Space Shuttle is refueled with its 400,000kq or propellants, it Could travel anywhere in space within thirty days! flying time, at 40,000 kilomet hour. It could even go inio moon orbit ing an Apollo Lunar Module-type er landing on the lunar surfacs 13 The 30-day range limit is not due to the Shuttle’s speed, but to the limits ofits life Support system” If it were equipped wih a completely closed life support system that recycled ll food, air, and water, the orbitally: refueled Space Shuttle would have virtually tnlimited range. With @ full tank of propel lants, the Shuttle could even go into orb around Mars or Venus. However, the land. ing craft needed for sending men dawn to the surface of Mars would be 100 large for the Shuttle. Nor could the Shuttle land on ‘Mars. even if a suitable base were provided forit, because its wings are not suited tothe thin Martian ar Asa matter of fact, the Space Shuttle's wings are just useless dead weight when itis 1 airless Space. This is shown by the fact that an unmanned, wingless, expendable Shuttle could carry 65,000kg into orbit even without a Titan liquid fueled booster, while the conventional winged, reusable ‘Space Shuttle can carry only 29,000kg into low farth orbit, The conventional Space Shuttle does, however, have several advantages, not the least of which is that itis reusable and thus greatly reduces its operating costs. In ‘addition, the Space Shuttle can return up to 14,500kg to earth, This makes possible such experiments as the European Space Associa tion's Spacelab, a manned laboratory de: signed 10 be carried into space and back in the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle Setbacks for NASA 11 was because being reusable made it less expensive 10 operate that the Space Shuttie was developed in the first place. Even before NASA suffered its severe and traumatic budget cuts after the first manned n landing, the agency found that ex andable boosters and single-use spacecralt lust too expensive to supply a perma: pace station, What was neoded ware reusable spacecraft. Originally, the. Spac puttle was 10 be just the first of a whole fleet af reusable spacecraft According 10 @ 1968 plan made by NA npletely reusable Space Shuttle, ith both orbitar and booster being winged and reusable, was anticipated, This Shuttle would act as a ferry, carrying men and sup: s to a huge Space Base staffed by one hundred people — in low-earth orbit — by the end of the 1970'S. Other smaller, Skylab: Sized space stations would be in higher-earth Orbits, and orbiting the moon. A permanent base would be established on the moon, an by now preparations would be underway for ‘manned Mors thigh ‘An unstreamined 31,751kg spacecratt called a Space Tug, would carry six people 5,896. 7kg of payload frars low-earth or : ‘arth orbit, or between lunar o bit and the moon's surface, It would also be used for unmanned satelites and space probe ‘weighing up to 18, M3kg. The tug could even be equipped with remote manipulators, ike the one used in the Space Shuttle cargo bay, or work around space stations. For flights between the the moon orbit, nuclear rockets would be Used, starting in the late 1970's. The proto type of the engine for this spacecraft was the NERVA, for Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehi ‘le Application, which had just completed its arth orbit and 14 ground tests at Jackass Flats, he time NASA develope: space plans, Moon transportation system in Class G-Zoro, on this pla The manned Mars expedi Nevada, by its grandiase The author based the earth his. navel combine all of the reusable sp: NASA's 1968 plan, except the Sk and Space Shuttle. A 6-man s ving quarters on each ship. and six nuclear Shuttles would boost them off towards Mars. Four of these would separate and re turn to earth orbit, while the remaining Wo. ‘one on each ship, would carry the expedition for the rest of the mission. Each ship woul have the capabiity of carrying the entire twelve person expeditian if something should happen to the ather. How such an ex pedition might turn out, with international backing, was dramatized in The Far Cal, bY jardan R. Dickson. OF course, the Mars expedition went much more smoothly in NASA's 1969 plan than it did in Dickson's novel. In the NASA plan, the first expedition would explore t Martian atmosphere with unmanned probes, then send down a landing craft that was sort of a cross between @ Viking probe and an Apollo Lunar Module. Again, like the Apollo moon flights, more Mars fights would follow at the rate of one every time Mars and Earth wore propery lined up, or every 25 to 26 months. This would lead to a semi-perma nent base by the mid 1880's, and a perma nent base with @ manned, Mars-orbiting satelite by 1990 80, if NASA had been able to carry aut its 1969 plans, there would be no problem about how players of he Damocies Mission {game would reach their goal. They could hop an space tugs and go. Untortunatel ter the Apalia pragram and the Vietnam War, Congress and the American public were in 1no mood for any more grandiose space ven tures, Asa result, NASA's budget cuts were 0 deep that the agency was lucky to salvage the orbiter portin of the Space Shuttle. The st of NASA's manned space exploration ‘dreams had to be shelved and forgotten about for atime Adapting for Surviv: The product of this rude awakening isa winged Space Shuttle orbiter which cigs. bat-lke tits huge external tank, flanked by two solid racket boosters. During launch, the orbiter’s engines draw their fuel from the hhuge external tank while the solid rocket boosters add ther push. The solid rocket boosters drop off on the way into space and parachute into the ocean where they can be Fecavered and reused. The orbiter also re turns to land on a jat runway, usually at Ed wards Air Force Base, or the Kennedy Space Center. The external ank, however, burns up ring reentry over tho oc Ghee this makeshift Space Shuttle has passed its test flights, which are currentiy under way, NASA and the Ar Force plan to use it for all their space missions, For this, purpose, they plan a fleet of four Shuttles For satelites and space probes gaing beyand the 240km coiling of the Space Shuttle, the Ar Force has devised an Inertial Upper Stage JUS) from existing unmanned rackets. NA. SA also plans ta use some existing uppe Depiction of Space Shutle launching the Space Tug US Air Force photo) stages, such as the Agena and Centaur, wit the Space Shuttle in adaition to the IUS. Apollo-1US here was one Apollo Command and Service Module combination left over from the Apolla program. It this could be refur bished for fight ide Damocles Mission player ing their goal without the nged of a refueling station on low-earth orbit. Fully loaded for fight, the Apollo Command and Service Module com: bination’ weighs 10,298,6kg, including the weight of the three man crew. With a 14,484, 5kg IUS booster attached, you would have a hybrid spacecraft weighing a total of 24,781kg — woll within the weight limit of a Conventional Space Shuttle. This Shuttle would deposit the Apollo US combination in law-earth orbit. Then, it would p ‘way of rea the IUS would boost the Apollo spacecraft 1p to geosynchronous abit. Alter the Ap spacecraft had finished its rendezvous with the Damoacles objective, or whatever ‘mission ithad, it could use its Service Mod Ule engine to deorbt for return to earth This mission could be accomplished in fone flight, reducing the delays due to mis haps, Only the time needed to ready the vehi fe for the launch and to train the crew ‘would have to be considered, Theres, how ‘ever, one hitch in the latter factor. The con: tyols of the Apollo are nat like those of th Space Shuttle. Fortunately, NASA's Space Shuttle Orbital Fight Test team has four as tronauts who have flown in Apollo space craft: John W. Young, Fred W. Haisio, Jt Jack R. Lousma, and Vanoe D. Brand. Two father astronau's, Robert L. Crippen and Richard H., Truly, have served on the support teams for Skylab and Apoalla-Soyue missions We now havea prime crew for the Apo! lo wha have flown it before, plus a backup ‘crew of one who has flown it and two who are at least familiar with the craft. For the ‘Space Shuitle prime crew, we stil hava two of NASA's Orbital Fight Test Team left, Joe H. Engle and C. Gordon Fullerton. For the Shuttle’s backup crew, and for astronaut Support crew of the entire project, NASA would have to draw on its reserve corps of Ttis therefore possible that the proposed hybrid Space Shuttle IUS-Apollo combina tion would be ready to gowith a trained crew ff astronauts, in about six months. This i patty much the same time it would take for the orbital refueling scenarios we have dis cussed. Basides, in those cases there would be the additional time, and complications, required for setting up the orbiting filing sta tion. Among these complications would be the time required to train astronauts in the mid-air relueling techniques used by an Air Force tanker crew, of to train an Alr Force tanker crew as astronauts. Ineither casa, the ‘ume required would be quite a bit more than New Visions Ironically, atthe same time that NASA was trying, unsuccessfully, to sell its 1968 plans for Space exploration to Congress, another even more imaginative dream was being proposed by Dr. O'Neill. This was his concept of huge space colonias with dimen: sions measured in kilometers, which would be builtin the LaGrange point, 6, equally distant from the earth and moon, out of ma ‘al catapulted off the moon, The moon was selected bacause it is ‘easier to get off the airless, low gravity moon than earth. This isillustrated by the fact that it took a Titan I ICBM with a first stage pro ducing 196,000kg thrust, and a second stage with 45,000kg thrust to put two men in earth orbit. The Lunar Module, however, needed only @ single 1,600kg thrust engine 10 put {two men into orbit from the lunar Surface. Independently of O'Neill, Dr. Peter E Glaser, Vieo- President of Arthur D. Lite, Inc., proposed a concept of Space Solar Power Satolites (SPS). These would be huge solar-eneray collectors rivaling. the space colonies in size. Circling the earth in synchronous orbit, they would convert solar energy to electricity, beaming it back to earth The idea of Space Solar Power Sate: lites was quickly picked up by Or, O'Neill asa Way that his space colonies could pay for themselves, In fact, it looks as if might be more economical, and less damaging to farth’s environment, to build the solar power sateltes from lunar material sent to the LS Colany, rather than from paris sent up from arth, it would take @ multitude of launch: Ings from earth to put up the 45 Space Solar Power Satelites that would complete. th network. This isthe reason that the 1975 NA- SA-ASEE Conference on space colonies de- veloped the Heavy Launch Vehicle which we mentioned earlier The idea of space colonies and Space Soler Power Satellites soon begen to gather 8 fair amount of popular support, both in the ‘aerospace community and with the general publ, Since space is NASA's middle name, the agency was quick to join in the study of space colonies and Space Solar Power Sat- elites. The principal contribution of NASA ‘was its participation in the 1878 conference ‘at Ames, which considered all aspects of the subject of space colonies and Space Solar Power Satellites This study, naturally, included the wide variety of spacecraft needed to move people land equipment between earth, moon and space colonies. The Space Shuttle, with 3 passenger module Fitted in its camo bay — in he mariner of the European Space Agency's Spacelab — would carry the people to low. ‘arth orbit. Most cargo would be brought up to low-earth orbit by Heavy Lift Launch Veh cles similar to the one mentioned eariier. To the Moonand Mars For transportation from low-earth orbit © the moon and space colonies, the Scien. tists at the 1976 NASA-ASEE conforenc considered the NERVA, However, in Space Settlements, a Design Study, by Richard D. ‘Johnson, of NASA's Ames Research Center, land Charles Holbrow, of Colegate Univers ty, they report: "The NERVA nuclear rocket isrejected in favor of the Space Shuttle Main “Schematic drawing of Space Shuttle /top! and Shute derivative (bottom) used for wansporting ‘people and goods to ow earth obit National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Engine (SSME). NERVA offers some high performance, but represents a new develop: ment, and involves the safety considerations ‘associated with nuciear systems. The SSME represents an available, well undorstood en ine. Moreover, with oxygon for refueing available at L-5 from processing of lunar ores ustnial operations, the SSME vehicle performance would approach that of NER Va." Eventually, refueling for. both the SSME vehicles, and the nuclear rockets Could be made avaliable from the moon. This SSME powered craft is, n effect, an updated version of the Space Tug propos: fd in NASA's 1969 plan It would be made up fof saveral modules for fuel, cargo, and/or passengers, so itis called an SSME Modular “Tug. Such a spacecraft could carry 200 peo: fle, oF 800 tons to the moon or L-8. Obvious. ly, this makes ita good candidate for the manned Mars fights NASA dreamed of in 1969. Indeed, in "Marsin 19852" Analog, June 1981), Bob Parkinson suggests using the 'SSME Modular Tug, which he calls an Orbit al Transfer Vehicle [OTV), as part of the as: sembly of manned spacecratt for a Mars ax edition. An upper stage from a Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle would provide the push to get each ship off to Mars, and the Orbital ‘Transfer Vehicles would provide the powe {for maneuvering into Mars orbit, and return: ing to earth. Spacelabs, upgraded from Space Shuttle payloads to free-ving spac Stations, would serve as living quarters for two of the three ships. A third ship would carry a Mars Excursion Module (MEM), like the one proposed in NASA's 1969 plan All of these studies show that the tech: nology developed for the Space Shuttle, and the Shuttle self, can bo extended to take us back to the moon and beyond to L'6 and Mars, It is more practical, however, to send an unstreamlined, or deep-space ship, bull {rom Space Shuttle technology on missions beyond low-eerth orbit because propellants 18 ‘are not wasted pushing along the wings and heat shielding which are unnecessary in outer space. Besides, if 3 spacecraft is designed for use solely outside the atmos phere, solar calls, antennas, and sensors an be placed anywhere they wil be able to do their job most efficiently Developing a new spacecraft takes sev. feral years from the fist plans 10 the final, operational product, even if nothing goes ‘wrong. The! Space ‘Shuttle, in sts present form, for example, was expected to take eight years from the beginning of develap- ‘ment to its fst operational fight. (Actually, the Shuttle is now two years behind because NASA's tight budget resulted in some tech nical problems that delayed development. Thus, if there is @ hurry to send men somewhere beyond low-earth orbit, such as 10 rendezvous wih a visiting alien artifact, it etter 10 go with modifications of existing spacecraft, There are currently two possibil ties: One is a revived Apollo Command and Servioe Module with a Shuttle to carry it to jow-earth orbit, and an IUS to carry it on 0 geosynchronous orbit: the other is a Shuttle that carries is external tank all the way into law-earth orbit. Here, such a Shuttle can be felveled fram a store ol propellants sent up by unmanned Shuttles given an extra Boost from Titan liquid fueled boosters. Ml Feodback Results: ‘Ares™ Magazine nr. 10 ‘Rank tem Raving 1 Return of the Stainless 738 ‘Steel Rat™ Game 2 Returnof the Stainless 6.61 ‘Steel Rat (story) 3 Designer's Notes. 6st 4 Games aa 5 DeltaVee Enhanced «6.38 6 CampofAlla-Aksbar 6.08 7 Science forScience 5.97 Fiction 8 Books: 581 2 Film & Television 580 10 There's Only One ea _ Universe 11 Facts for Fantasy ser 12 DragonNotes 556 13 Media 547 Overall 674 ‘Ares! Magazine nr. 11 Rank em Rating 1) Albion: Land of 680 Focrie™ Game 2 Designer's Notes: ess 3 You Againstthe System 6.49 4 Games 638 5 Chichevache 19 8 AHlistory of the Thied 5.99 Fomorian War 7 Sclencetfor Science 5.89. Fiction 8 Power Points of Albion 587 2 Books 583 10 Facts for Fantasy 578 11 Film & Television 544 12 DragonNotes, 827 13° Media 807 Overall 6.38

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