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Gale, a Cengage Learning company


Analysis, Context & Criticism on Commonly Studied Novels

Each entry, or chapter, focuses on one novel. The following elements are contained in each entry: Introduction,
Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical and Cultural Context, Critical Overview,
Sources, For Further Study, Criticism, Media Adaptations, Compare and Contrast Box, What Do I Read Next?,
and Study Questions. Each volume is indexed by author, title, nationality/ethnicity, subject, and theme and
includes a glossary of literary terms.

Author Title Series Vol

Fast Howard April Morning NFS 35
Lipsyte Robert Contender, The NFS 35
Anderson Laurie Halse Fever 1793 NFS 35
Abani Chris Graceland NFS 35
Tan Amy Joy Luck Club, The (Film entry) NFS 35
Wolff Virginia Euwer Make Lemonade NFS 35
Spiegelman Art Maus NFS 35
Ishiguro Kazuo Never Let Me Go NFS 35
Maugham W. Somerset Of Human Bondage NFS 35
Behn Aphra Oroonoko NFS 35
Hinton S. E. Outsiders, The (Film entry) NFS 35
London Jack Sea Wolf, The NFS 35
Staples Suzanne Fisher Shabanu NFS 35
Maguire Gregory Wicked NFS 35

Eliot George Adam Bede NFS 34

Lewis Sinclair Arrowsmith NFS 34
Kafka Franz The Castle NFS 34
Potok Chaim Davita's Harp NFS 34
Steinbeck John East of Eden (Film entry) NFS 34
Crichton Michael Great Train Robbery, The NFS 34
Waugh Evelyn Handful of Dust NFS 34
Verne Jules Journey to the Center of the Earth NFS 34
Malamud Bernard Natural, The (Film entry) NFS 34
Tarkington Booth Magnificent Ambersons, The NFS 34
Avi Nothing but the Truth NFS 34
Butler Octavia E. Patternmaster NFS 34
Nexo Martin Andersen Pelle the Conqueror NFS 34
Glass Julia Three Junes NFS 34

Bellow Saul Adventures of Augie March NFS 33

McKinley Robin Beauty NFS 33
Myers Walter Dean Glory Field, The NFS 33
Faulkner William Intruder in the Dust NFS 33
Stevenson Robert Louis Kidnapped NFS 33
Cather Willa Lost Lady, A NFS 33
Christie Agatha Murder on the Orient Express NFS 33
Dickens Charles Nicholas Nickleby NFS 33
Achebe Chinua No Longer at Ease NFS 33
Guest Judith Ordinary People (Film entry) NFS 33
Austen Jane Sense and Sensibility (Film entry) NFS 33
Petry Ann Street, The NFS 33
Bloor Edward Tangerine NFS 33

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Gale, a Cengage Learning company

Author Title Series Vol

McEwan Ian Atonement NFS 32

Boulle Pierre Bridge over River Kwai, The NFS 32
Fielding Henry Joseph Andrews NFS 32
Cooper James Fenimore Last of the Mohicans, The (Film entry) NFS 32
Parks Gordon Learning Tree, The NFS 32
Bunyan John Pilgrim's Progress, The NFS 32
Benitez Sandra Place Where the Sea Remembers, A NFS 32
Courtenay Bryce Power of One, The NFS 32
Crutcher Chris Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes NFS 32
Smiley Jane Thousand Acres, A NFS 32
Lee Harper To Kill a Mockingbird (Film entry) NFS 32
Melville Herman Typee NFS 32
James Henry Wings of the Dove NFS 32
L'Engle Madeleine Wrinkle in Time, A NFS 32

Tan Amy Bonesetter's Daughter, The NFS 31

Burns Olive Ann Cold Sassy Tree NFS 31
Herbert Frank Dune NFS 31
Scott Sir Walter Ivanhoe NFS 31
Lahiri Jhumpa Namesake, The NFS 31
Greene Graham Power and the Glory, The NFS 31
Twain Mark Prince and the Pauper, The NFS 31
Goldman William Princess Bride, The NFS 31
Alexie Sherman Reservation Blues NFS 31
Orczy Emmuska Scarlet Pimpernel, The NFS 31
Anderson Laurie Halse Speak NFS 31
Smith Betty Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A NFS 31
Head Bessie When Rain Clouds Gather NFS 31
Pirsig Robert Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance NFS 31

Christie Agatha A.B.C. Murders, The NFS 30

Verne Jules Around the World in 80 Days NFS 30
Patchett Ann Bel Canto NFS 30
Dickens Charles Bleak House NFS 30
Yolen Jane Briar Rose NFS 30
Myers Walter Dean Fallen Angels NFS 30
Salinger J. D. Franny and Zooey NFS 30
Llewellyn Richard How Green Was My Valley NFS 30
Defoe Daniel Journal of the Plague Year, A NFS 30
Hardy Thomas Jude the Obscure NFS 30
de Saint-Exupery Antoine Little Prince, The NFS 30
White T. H. Once and Future King, The NFS 30
Braithwaite E. R. To Sir, With Love NFS 30
Jen Gish Typical American NFS 30

Frank Pat Alas, Babylon NFS 29

Coelho Paulo Alchemist, The NFS 29
Rand Ayn Anthem NFS 29
Swarthout Glendon Bless the Beasts and the Children NFS 29
Yezierska Anna Bread Givers NFS 29
Peck Robert Newton Day No Pigs Would Die, A NFS 29
Lightman Alan Einstein's Dreams NFS 29
Allende Isabel Eva Luna NFS 29

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Author Title Series Vol

Asimov Isaac I, Robot NFS 29
Mann Thomas Magic Mountain, The NFS 29
Austen Jane Mansfield Park NFS 29
Bradbury Ray Something Wicked This Way Comes NFS 29
More Sir Thomas Utopia NFS 29
Choi Sook Nyul Year of Impossible Goodbyes NFS 29

Tolstoy Leo Anna Karenina NFS 28

Steinbeck John Cannery Row NFS 28
Vonnegut Kurt Cat’s Cradle NFS 28
Danticat Edwidge Dew Breaker NFS 28
Ford Ford Maddox Good Soldier , The NFS 28
Doyle Arthur Conan, Sir Hound of the Baskervilles, The NFS 28
Desai Kiran Hullaballoo in the Guava Orchard NFS 28
Dangaremba Tsitsi Nervous Conditions NFS 28
Austen Jane Northanger Abbey NFS 28
Dostoyevsky Fyodor Notes from Underground NFS 28
Watkins Yoko Kawashima So Far From the Bamboo Grove NFS 28
Hudson Jan Sweetgrass NFS 28
Woolf Virginia Waves, The NFS 28
DeLillo Don White Noise NFS 28


Clemens Samuel Langhorne Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The NFS 1
Plath Sylvia Bell Jar, The NFS 1
Wright Richard (Nathaniel) Black Boy NFS 1
Morrison Toni (Chloe) Bluest Eye, The NFS 1
Heller Joseph Catch-22 NFS 1
Salinger J(erome) D(avid) Catcher in the Rye, The NFS 1
Bradbury Ray (Douglas) Fahrenheit 451 NFS 1
Hemingway Ernest (Miller) Farewell to Arms, A NFS 1
Shelley Mary Wollstonecraft Frankenstein NFS 1
Tan Amy (Ruth) Joy Luck Club, The NFS 1
Garcia Marquez Gabriel (Jose) Love in the Time of Cholera NFS 1
Steinbeck John (Ernst) Of Mice and Men NFS 1
Guest Judith (Ann) Ordinary People NFS 1
Austen Jane Pride and Prejudice NFS 1
Hawthorne Nathaniel Scarlet Letter, The NFS 1

Cormier Robert (E.) Chocolate War, The NFS 2

Tyler Anne Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant NFS 2
Keyes Daniel Flowers for Algernon NFS 2
Fitzgerald F. Scott Great Gatsby, The NFS 2
Conrad Joseph Heart of Darkness NFS 2
Cisneros Sandra House on Mango Street, The NFS 2
Angelou Maya I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings NFS 2
Ellison Ralph (Waldo) Invisible Man NFS 2
Lord of the Flies NFS 2
Cather Willa Sibert My Antonia NFS 2
Kesey Ken (Elton) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest NFS 2
Knowles John Separate Peace, A NFS 2
Achebe (Albert) Chinua Things Fall Apart NFS 2
Lee (Nelle) Harper To Kill a Mockingbird NFS 2

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Author Title Series Vol

Bronte (Jane) Emily Wuthering Heights NFS 2

Blair Eric (Arthur) Animal Farm NFS 3

Kincaid Jamaica Annie John NFS 3
Chopin Katherine Awakening, The NFS 3
Dostoevsky Feodor Crime and Punishment NFS 3
Paton Alan (Stewart) Cry, the Beloved Country NFS 3
Didion Joan Democracy NFS 3
Gibbons Kaye Ellen Foster NFS 3
Lowry Lois Giver, The NFS 3
Gardner John Grendel NFS 3
Kogawa Joy Nozomi Obasan NFS 3
Forster E.M. Passage to India, A NFS 3
Vonnegut Kurt, Jr. Slaughterhouse-Five NFS 3
Hardy Thomas Tess of the d'Urbervilles NFS 3
Hurston Zora Neale Their Eyes Were Watching God NFS 3
O'Connor Flannery Wise Blood NFS 3
Dorris Michael (A.) Yellow Raft in Blue Water, A NFS 3

Remarque Erich Maria All Quiet on the Western Front NFS 4

Silko Leslie (Marmon) Ceremony NFS 4
Potok Chaim Chosen, The NFS 4
Baldwin James (Arthur) Go Tell It on the Mountain NFS 4
Dickens Charles (John Huffam) Great Expectations NFS 4
Atwood Margaret (Eleanor) Handmaid's Tale, The NFS 4
Mason Bobbie Ann In Country NFS 4
Bronte Charlotte Jane Eyre NFS 4
Gordimer Nadine July's People NFS 4
Malamud Bernard Natural, The NFS 4
Wiesel Elie(zer) Night NFS 4
Crane Stephen (Townley) Red Badge of Courage, The NFS 4
Bellow Saul Seize the Day NFS 4
Faulkner William (Cuthbert) Sound and the Fury, The NFS 4
Anderson Sherwood Winesburg, Ohio NFS 4
Naylor Gloria Women of Brewster Place, The NFS 4

Gaines Ernest J(ames) Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The NFS 5

Kingsolver Barbara Bean Trees, The NFS 5
Walker Alice (Malsenior) Color Purple, The NFS 5
Dick Philip K(indred) Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? NFS 5
Card Orson Scott Ender's Game NFS 5
Wharton Edith Ethan Frome NFS 5
Rolvaag O(le) E(dvart) Giants in the Earth NFS 5
Alvarez Julia How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents NFS 5
Hugo Victor (Marie) Les Miserables NFS 5
Esquivel Laura Like Water for Chocolate NFS 5
Erdrich Louise Love Medicine NFS 5
Garcia Marquez Gabriel One Hundred Years of Solitude NFS 5
Hinton S(usan) E(loise) Outsiders, The NFS 5
Steinbeck John (Ernst) Pearl, The NFS 5
Hemingway Ernest (Miller) Sun Also Rises, The NFS 5
Dickens Charles Tale of Two Cities, A NFS 5

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Author Title Series Vol

Clemens Samuel Langhorne Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The NFS 6
Morrison Toni (Chloe) Beloved NFS 6
Huxley Aldous (Leonard) Brave New World NFS 6
Swift Jonathan Gulliver's Travels NFS 6
McCullers (Lula) Carson (Smith) Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, The NFS 6
Allende Isabel House of the Spirits NFS 6
Sinclair Upton (Beall) Jungle, The NFS 6
Le Guin Ursula K(roeber) Left Hand of Darkness, The NFS 6
Hemingway Ernest (Miller) Old Man and the Sea, The NFS 6
Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr I(sayevich) One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich NFS 6
Doctorow E(dgar) L(aurence) Ragtime NFS 6
Hesse Hermann Siddhartha NFS 6
Camus Albert Stranger, The NFS 6
Stowe Harriet (Elizabeth) BeecherUncle Tom's Cabin NFS 6
Kingston Maxine (Ting Ting) Hong Woman Warrior, The NFS 6

Tyler Anne Accidental Tourist, The NFS 7

Dodgson Charles Lutwidge Alice's Adventures in Wonderland NFS 7
Wouk Herman Caine Mutiny, The NFS 7
Voltaire Candide NFS 7
Flagg Fannie Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe NFS 7
Steinbeck John (Ernst) Grapes of Wrath, The NFS 7
Adams Douglas (Noel) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The NFS 7
Yoshimoto Mahoko Kitchen NFS 7
Gaines Ernest J(ames) Lesson before Dying, A NFS 7
Naylor Gloria Mama Day NFS 7
Melville Herman Moby-Dick NFS 7
Wright Richard (Nathaniel) Native Son NFS 7
Blair Eric (Arthur) Nineteen Eighty-Four NFS 7
Joyce James (Augustine Aloysius) Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A NFS 7
Kafka Franz Trial, The NFS 7

Faulkner William (Cuthbert) As I Lay Dying NFS 8

Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich Brothers Karamazov, The NFS 8
London John Griffith Call of the Wild, The NFS 8
Cervantes Saavedra Miguel de Don Quixote NFS 8
Ballard J(ames) G(raham) Empire of the Sun NFS 8
Tolkien J(ohn) R(onald) R(euel) Hobbit, The NFS 8
Butler Octavia E(stelle) Kindred NFS 8
Bulgakov Mikhail (Afanas'evich) Master and Margarita NFS 8
Fuentes Carlos Old Gringo, The NFS 8
Kerouac Jean-Louis Lebris de On the Road NFS 8
Dreiser Theodore (Herman Albert)Sister Carrie NFS 8
Morrison Toni (Chloe) Song of Solomon NFS 8
Christie Agatha (Mary Clarissa) And Then There Were None (aka Ten Little Indians)NFS 8
Christie Agatha (Mary Clarissa) Ten Little Indians (aka And Then There Were None)NFS 8
Oates Joyce Carol them NFS 8
Woolf (Adeline) Virginia To the Lighthouse NFS 8

Le Guin Ursula K(roeber) Always Coming Home NFS 9

Melville Herman Billy Budd NFS 9
Dickey James (Lafayette) Deliverance NFS 9
Malamud Bernard Fixer, The NFS 9

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Author Title Series Vol

Mitchell Margaret (Munnerlyn) Gone with the Wind NFS 9
Alvarez Julia In the Time of the Butterflies NFS 9
Cooper James Fenimore Last of the Mohicans, The NFS 9
Nabokov Vladimir (Vladimirovich) Lolita NFS 9
Norway Nevil Shute On the Beach NFS 9
Dinesen Isak Out of Africa NFS 9
Machiavelli Niccolo Prince, The NFS 9
Defoe Daniel Robinson Crusoe NFS 9
Haley Alex(ander Murray Palmer)Roots NFS 9
Brown Rita Mae Ruby Fruit Jungle NFS 9
Hinton S(usan) E(loise) Tex NFS 9

Rand Ayn Atlas Shrugged NFS 10

Tyler Anne Breathing Lessons NFS 10
Dickens Charles (John Huffam) Christmas Carol, A NFS 10
Garcia Marquez Gabriel (Jose) Chronicle of a Death Foretold NFS 10
Green Hannah Dead of the House, The NFS 10
Momaday N(avarre) Scott House Made of Dawn NFS 10
Forster E(dward) M(organ) Howard's End NFS 10
Mailer Norman (Kinsley) Naked and the Dead, The NFS 10
Kingsolver Barbara Pigs in Heaven NFS 10
Clavell James (duMaresq) Shogun NFS 10
Green Bette Summer of My German Soldier NFS 10
Tolstoy Leo (Nikolaevich) War and Peace (Voina i mir) NFS 10

Wharton Edith Age of Innocence, The NFS 11

O'Hara John (Henry) Appointment in Samarra NFS 11
Allison Dorothy E. Bastard Out of Carolina NFS 11
Shange Ntozake Betsey Brown NFS 11
Conroy Frank Body and Soul NFS 11
Toomer Jean Cane NFS 11
Auel Jean M(arie) Clan of the Cave Bear, The NFS 11
Crutcher Chris(topher C.) Crazy Horse Electric Game NFS 11
Stevenson Robert Louis Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde NFS 11
Power Susan Grass Dancer, The NFS 11
Ellis Bret Easton Less than Zero NFS 11
Hardy Thomas Return of the Native, The NFS 11
Forster E(dward) M(organ) Room with a View, A NFS 11
Laurence (Jean) Margaret Stone Angel, The NFS 11
Adams Richard (George) Watership Down NFS 11

James Henry Ambassadors, The NFS 12

Kingsolver Barbara Animal Dreams NFS 12
Anaya Rudolfo A(lfonso) Bless Me, Ultima NFS 12
Emecheta Buchi Bride Price, The NFS 12
Atwood Margaret (Eleanor) Edible Woman NFS 12
Alcott Louisa May Little Women NFS 12
Woolf (Adeline) Virginia Mrs. Dalloway NFS 12
Norris (Benjamin) Frank(lin Jr.) Octopus, The NFS 12
Kosinski Jerzy (Nikodem) Painted Bird NFS 12
Mendez Miguel Peregrinos de Aztlan (Pilgrims in Aztlan) NFS 12
Updike John (Hoyer) Rabbit, Run NFS 12
du Maurier Daphne Rebecca NFS 12

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Author Title Series Vol

Fox Paula Slave Dancer, The NFS 12
Paton Alan (Stewart) Too Late the Phalarope NFS 12
Irving John (Winslow) World According to Garp, The NFS 12

Faulkner William (Cuthbert) Absalom, Absalom! NFS 13

Warren Robert Penn All the King's Men NFS 13
Waugh Evelyn Brideshead Revisited NFS 13
Bowen Elizabeth Death of the Heart, The NFS 13
Tan Amy (Ruth) Kitchen God's Wife, The NFS 13
McCullers (Lula) Carson Member of the Wedding, The NFS 13
Defoe Daniel Moll Flanders NFS 13
Taylor Kamala (Purnaiya) Nectar in a Sieve NFS 13
Welty Eudora (Alice) Optimist's Daughter, The NFS 13
Ishiguro Kazuo Remains of the Day, The NFS 13
Guterson David Snow Falling on Cedars NFS 13
Atwood Margaret (Eleanor) Surfacing NFS 13
Banks Russell (Earl) Sweet Hereafter, The NFS 13
Thackeray William Makepeace Vanity Fair NFS 13
Baum L(yman) Frank Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The NFS 13

Atwood Margaret Cat's Eye NFS 14

Hemingway Ernest For Whom the Bell Tolls NFS 14
Springer Marilyn Harris Hatter Fox NFS 14
Bellow Saul Herzog NFS 14
Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary NFS 14
Davis Rebecca Harding Margret Howth: A Story of To-Day NFS 14
Dickens Charles Oliver Twist NFS 14
Austen Jane Persuasion NFS 14
Zindel Paul Pigman, The NFS 14
Irving John Prayer for Owen Meany, A NFS 14
Porter Katherine Anne Ship of Fools NFS 14
Morrison Toni Sula NFS 14
Dumas Alexandre Three Musketeers, The NFS 14
Dos Passos John U.S.A. NFS 14
Emecheta Buchi Wrestling Match, The NFS 14

Wilson John Burgess Clockwork Orange, A NFS 15

Jewett Sarah Orne Country of the Pointed Firs, The NFS 15
Hesse Hermann Demian NFS 15
Wharton Edith House of Mirth NFS 15
Lamming George (William) In the Castle of My Skin NFS 15
Foden Giles Last King of Scotland NFS 15
Bellamy Edward Looking backward 2000-1887 NFS 15
Welty Eudora Losing Battles NFS 15
Lewis (Harry) Sinclair Main Street NFS 15
Hardy Thomas Mayor of Casterbridge NFS 15
Hinton S(usan) E(loise) Rumble Fish NFS 15
Mori Kyoko Shizuko's Daughter NFS 15
Kinsella W(illiam) P(atrick) Shoeless Joe NFS 15

West Nathanael Day of the Locust, The NFS 16

Greene Graham (Henry) End of the Affair, The NFS 16
Burney Fanny Evelina NFS 16

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Author Title Series Vol

Turgenev Ivan Fathers and Sons (Ottsy i deti) NFS 16
Rand Ayn Fountainhead, The NFS 16
Gaines Ernest J(ames) Gathering of Old Men, A NFS 16
Puzo Mario Godfather, The NFS 16
Conrad Joseph Lord Jim NFS 16
Camus Albert Plague, The NFS 16
Hinton S(usan) E(loise) That Was Then, This Is Now NFS 16
James Henry Turn of the Screw, The NFS 16

Dreiser Theodore (Herman Albert)American Tragedy, An NFS 17

Chandler Raymond (Thornton) Big Sleep, The NFS 17
Mann Thomas Death in Venice NFS 17
Alexie Sherman (Joseph) (Jr.) Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, The NFS 17
Hijuelos Oscar Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love, The NFS 17
Evans Mary Ann Mill on the Floss, The NFS 17
Steinbeck John (Ernst) Red Pony, The NFS 17
Keneally Thomas (Michael) Schindler's List NFS 17
Waugh Evelyn (Arthur St. John) Scoop NFS 17
Hoeg Peter Smilla's Sense of Snow NFS 17
Herbert Frank (Patrick) Soul Catcher NFS 17
Wells H(erbert) G(eorge) Time Machine, The NFS 17
Bridal Tessa Tree of Red Stars, The NFS 17
Cleage Pearl (Michelle) What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day NFS 17

Allende Isabel Daughter of Fortune, The NFS 18

Austen Jane Sense and Sensibility NFS 18
Borland Harold Glen When the Legends Die NFS 18
Cormier Robert (Edmund) I Am the Cheese NFS 18
Fielding Henry Tom Jones NFS 18
Kundera Milan Unbearable Lightness of Being, The NFS 18
Lawrence D(avid) H(erbert Richards) Sons and Lovers NFS 18
Murdoch (Jean) Iris Under the Net NFS 18
Price (Edward) Reynolds Long and Happy Life, A NFS 18
Rossi Jean Baptiste Very Long Engagement, A NFS 18
Stoker Abraham Dracula NFS 18
Swift Graham (Colin) Waterland NFS 18
Wolfe Thomas (Clayton) Look Homeward, Angel NFS 18

Atwood Margaret Alias Grace NFS 19

Lewis Sinclair Babbitt NFS 19
Dumas Alexandre Count of Monte Cristo, The NFS 19
Koestler Arthur Darkness at Noon NFS 19
Cather Willa Death Comes for the Archbishop NFS 19
Steinbeck John East of Eden NFS 19
Hardy Thomas Far from the Madding Crowd NFS 19
Lee Lilian Farewell My Concubine NFS 19
Golden Arthur Memoirs of a Geisha NFS 19
James Henry Portrait of a Lady, The NFS 19
Fitzgerald F. Scott Tender Is the Night NFS 19
London Jack White Fang NFS 19
Rhys Jean Wide Sargasso Sea NFS 19

Twain Mark Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A NFS 20

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Author Title Series Vol

Dickens Charles Hard Times NFS 20
Hawthorne Nathaniel House of the Seven Gables, The NFS 20
Hugo Victor Hunchback of Notre Dame, The NFS 20
Crane Stephen Maggie: A Girl of the Streets NFS 20
Leroux Gaston Phantom of the Opera, The NFS 20
Wilde Oscar Picture of Dorian Gray, The NFS 20
Eliot George Silas Marner NFS 20
Wharton Edith Summer NFS 20
Fitzgerald F. Scott This Side of Paradise NFS 20
Stevenson Robert Louis Treasure Island NFS 20
Wells H. G. War of the Worlds, The NFS 20
Grahame Kenneth Wind in the Willows, The NFS 20

Coetzee J. M. Dusklands NFS 21

Austen Jane Emma NFS 21
Fowles John French Lieutenant's Woman, The NFS 21
Graves Robert I, Claudius NFS 21
Gide Andre Immoralist, The NFS 21
Ellison Ralph Waldo Juneteenth NFS 21
Kipling Rudyard Kim NFS 21
Hammett Dashiell Maltese Falcon, The NFS 21
Sartre Jean-Paul Nausea NFS 21
Butler Octavia Parable of the Sower NFS 21
Hughes Langston Tambourines to Glory NFS 21
O'Connor Flannery Violent Bear It Away, The NFS 21

Johnson James Weldon Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man, The NFS 22

Sewell Anna Black Beauty NFS 22
Frederic Harold Damnation of Theron Ware, The NFS 22
Bradbury Ray Dandelion Wine NFS 22
Agee James Death in the Family, A NFS 22
Lewis Sinclair Elmer Gantry NFS 22
Roy Arundhati God of Small Things, The NFS 22
Eco Umberto Name of the Rose, The NFS 22
Spark Muriel Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The NFS 22
Rushdie Salman Satanic Verses, The NFS 22
Styron William Sophie's Choice NFS 22
Abe Kobo Woman in the Dunes, The NFS 22

McDermott Alice Charming Billy NFS 23

Ondaatje Michael English Patient, The NFS 23
Pynchon Thomas Gravity's Rainbow NFS 23
Brookner Anita Hotel du Lac NFS 23
Cunningham Michael Hours, The NFS 23
Greenberg Joanne I Never Promised You a Rose Garden NFS 23
Kertesz Imre Kaddish for a Child Not Born NFS 23
Eliot George Middlemarch NFS 23
Rushdie Salman Midnight's Children NFS 23
Huong Duong Thu Paradise of the Blind NFS 23
Maugham W. Somerset Razor's Edge, The NFS 23
Shields Carol Stone Diaries, The NFS 23
William J., and Eugene
Lederer Burdick Ugly American, The NFS 23

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Author Title Series Vol

Welch James Winter in the Blood NFS 23

Hulme Keri Bone People, The NFS 24

Wilder Thornton Bridge of San Luis Rey, The NFS 24
Lurie Alison Foreign Affairs NFS 24
Blume Judy Forever . . . NFS 24
Robinson Marilynne Gilead NFS 24
Faulkner William Light in August NFS 24
Lewis C. S. Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The NFS 24
Eugenides Jeffrey Middlesex NFS 24
Kingsolver Barbara Poisonwood Bible, The NFS 24
Hesse Hermann Steppenwolf NFS 24
Updike John Toward the End of Time NFS 24
Oates Joyce Carol We Were the Mulvaneys NFS 24

Chabon Michael Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, The NFS 25

Roth Philip American Pastoral NFS 25
Frazier Charles Cold Mountain NFS 25
Dickens Charles David Copperfield NFS 25
Cooper James Fenimore Deerslayer, The NFS 25
Russo Richard Empire Falls NFS 25
Buck Pearl Good Earth, The NFS 25
Moring Marcel In Babylon NFS 25
Ford Richard Independence Day NFS 25
Okada John No-No Boy NFS 25
Hegi Ursula Stones from the River NFS 25
Jin Ha Waiting NFS 25

Pasternak Boris Doctor Zhivago NFS 26

Bellow Saul Humboldt's Gift NFS 26
Shaara Michael Killer Angels, The NFS 26
Jones Edward P. Known World, The NFS 26
Tolkien J. R. R. Lord of the Rings, The NFS 26
Brooks Geraldine March NFS 26
Dick Philip K. Martian Time-Slip NFS 26
Uchida Yoshiko Picture Bride NFS 26
Lawrence D. H. Rainbow, The NFS 26
Bronte Anne Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The NFS 26
Joyce James Ulysses NFS 26

Malamud Bernard Assistant, The NFS 27

Saramago Jose Blindness NFS 27
Kundera Milan Book of Laughter and Forgetting, The NFS 27
Lessing Doris Golden Notebook NFS 27
Stein Gertrude Ida NFS 27
Martel Yann Life of Pi NFS 27
Munro Alice Lives of Girls and Women NFS 27
Stead Christina Man Who Loved Children, The NFS 27
Pamuk Orhan My Name is Red NFS 27
Kidd Sue Monk Secret Life of Bees, The NFS 27
Highsmith Patricia Talented Mr Ripley, The NFS 27
Carroll Lewis Through the Looking Glass NFS 27

Tolstoy Leo Anna Karenina NFS 28

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Author Title Series Vol

Steinbeck John Cannery Row NFS 28
Vonnegut Kurt Cat’s Cradle NFS 28
Danticat Edwidge Dew Breaker NFS 28
Ford Ford Maddox Good Soldier , The NFS 28
Doyle Arthur Conan, Sir Hound of the Baskervilles, The NFS 28
Desai Kiran Hullaballoo in the Guava Orchard NFS 28
Dangaremba Tsitsi Nervous Conditions NFS 28
Austen Jane Northanger Abbey NFS 28
Dostoyevsky Fyodor Notes from Underground NFS 28
Watkins Yoko Kawashima So Far From the Bamboo Grove NFS 28
Hudson Jan Sweetgrass NFS 28
Woolf Virginia Waves, The NFS 28
DeLillo Don White Noise NFS 28

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