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PARIS, TEXAS Screenplay by Sam Shepard and Wim Wenders . September 21, 1983 (DEVEL 5 GRAVEEARD, bird's eye view. The camera glides iver @ vast, empty landscape. SUPER~IMPOSED) TRANS’ POV jeeper, almost to the ground. UD, reftail-havk, Just sitting down on pointed rock. “Very still. Looking. Tor thin man approaching, still at ite a distance. He moves teadily toward the camere. ‘Ear. DAY a L oC Gy LONELY GAS STATION ExT. /bay C2, Trpvis arrfves at 2 gas station on afrenote highway. No car in sight. goes difectly to the water hose. He tries th turn it on, but it's ary. Travis enters the adobe building. pool hall. looks around. the room and p with nothing but s: stly Mexican brands. Travis| closes the fridge and turns to the ice box next to it. He opens the 1. There's nothing but ice cubes ih it. Travis grabs a handful and stakts eating the ice. Suddenly, he follapses. The attendant approaches him cautiously, audges hin No movement from Travis. He chucktes. introduction of himself. th his foot. This is his usual ‘The attendant approaches hin cautiously, nudges him with bis foot. No movement from Travis. Gas ATTENDANT What tie hell... Gooking down’ én Tra¥is, passed out on the floor) Who aye you? (pause) tm lagy. ATTENDANT Hey, man, you drunk An arrd eyelids. It only si if the eyeball: Somebody cities and wis with one of lows the as still REV. 10/1/83 REV. 10/1/83 CCS i Travis is Iyig on a stretcher in the back of the ambulance. His eyes are open now, The doctor is sitting beside him. [there is somebody else ériving, but jwe only see his back. The car is sppeding down the empty highway. Nothing from ffravis. Pause. Travile just states. warooned between some tragic event in Wis past ahd the helplessness of his present situation. He remains silent and without eny reaction. Travis op answer. He seens gue Medical Clinic|sign hanging fin the landscape on the/lonely bighwely. \- TNT. DUSK Cy DocTOR Well, boy, looks like you got yer bell rung pretty good, huh? You got a name? You know whith side a‘ the border yer on? Tf you done somethin’ illegal, I'm gonna kick yer butt right outa’ here. You understand that? You wanna taik tome, son? I'm a doctor, believe it or not. (pause) Como te llamas? Maybe you hablas espanol? Huh? REV. 10/3/83 Gy CLINIC int. /WcET Gy Tedvis is lying on 2 make-shift exqmination table. The doctor is examining Travis. Travis just stares up, DOCTOR This ain't no monastery for fugitives. I don’t care what kinda’ condition yer in. I spent too much time in this place to cultivate any sympathy. All the sympathy’s been burnt right outa’ me. So you wanna’ talk to me, you. talk to me now or I'm makin' a U-turn right outa’ this room, and you'll never see me again. poctoR Lay down. (forces Travis to lay down on the table) Lay down, stupid. (continues examination)’ All right. Guess somethin’ musta’ cut yer tongue off. Hither that or you got somethin’ to hide ‘cause I can tell you hear me plain enough. The doctor| moves! he table and starts| going|through |Travis* possession, He jerumpled business chrd in let. «s+ Buh... Walter A. Henderson. (to Travis) Now, I wanna ask you one last question, You see this here card? jusiness it, Travis The doctor holds up the card with Walt's name on just stares at it. Is this you? Or a relative a' yours? Kin? I'm gonna call this here number and see if they can tell ite who you are. I ain't got beds enough to be puttin’ up mutes. ‘The doctor leaves. Trav! ceiling. It's as though questions called up memo: associations in his ming impossible to answer. lL to Travis. nguage is useless 5. DAT. MD Za @. wall thar bal: in vor! bacl pho Te! to During ti sees int Aste stat Seow WIDE aD WALT'S BILLBOARD AND SIGN COMPANY, is six to eight years younger Travis. His business is a card and sign painting company jurbank. He's supervising the yard when he's called to the . Thé call is from Texas. a very bed connection; he has jut inte the phone. & uke Shar wide ‘ANNE GD ‘conversatifn, Walt Anne ‘gross from Fhe office the wokkshop. L the call, he hangs up and of some ‘of his painters in thd is there for a moment, thinking, then goes into the workshop where Annel has gone. REV. 10/27/83 EXT, LATE AFTERNOON (2) | | WALT (into phone) Hello... yeah, yeah, that’s me... Yeah... What?... Wait a second... Doctor who?. (pause) That's my brother?... Are you sure?. Cen I talk to him?... Well, this has Kinda caught me up short here. I haven't heard from my brother in over four years? What? Okay... All right, give me the exact location of your hospital there... (pause) Okey... all right, all right, 1isten, thanks for the call, doctor, I'11 be right down there. 1'11 get down there as fast as T can, Tell him I'm coming, okay?... Okay... CuL- ANE Walt \comes into the workshop where his wife, ANNE, is giving some zo one of the workers. Cu WIT graplic wo) S Gap (aay INT. LATE AFTERNOON Med 2-S from? doctor in South Texas. A place called Terlingua. He says he's found ‘Travis. AMIE Chino, Is he ali right? al I'f-not sure. This doctor had such a thick German accent, I couldn't hardly unierstand him. t're you going to do? {ur W411 I'LL go down there. z 3 1, honey, what else can 1 do? I> chn't just leave him down there. at about Hunter? What am I supposed tell hin? (CONTINUED) oO lama I don't know. “Tell him I went on a[trip or something. betfer just tell him the truth. Bree ‘Dir. /evennie GY wide is Tying on a bed in a corner of the big main room of the clinic. In shother corner, TWO MEXICANS are sitting on mattresses, smoking end drinking silently. They are wettfacks, obviously, who are given er here. SE, standing at Travis’ bed putting ! on his skin, sees the uneaten tray od at Travis’ bed. NURSE You're not hungry? You oughta’ eat. something, you know, Can't live on air. (to the Mexicans, in Spanish) A little crazy, this one, The doctor called his family. They thought he was dead. . is is silent. The nurse takes tray avay and leaves. Mexicans in the corner watch is suspiciously. Pov. is turns to look out thp window e bis bed, then turns back to at the ceiling. QO & 2 ENT. /bUsK (Gy Welt sits in an airplane by the window. | In front of him, soms peperwork thst hs took with him from tht office. But he can't concentfste on his work. Hs-locks out the) window. O 10. BEY, 10/3/83 7 CEERIC, Ear NigeT OY <=) (75)_G&ST STATION/SOMMNHERE IN TEXAS Wait has| been driving - He stops in @ gas station as the jaun goes down to get coffee and cbeck his map to find Terlingud. Ea 7NIGHT “Cay ue REV, 10/4/83 (GA) RENTAL _CAR/ON THE ROAD TO" BIG BEND EET. 7am (GAY. CBA-D) wide The car pagbes the camera and drives down a hil: The land swallows it up. No other cars are on the road. (@)_RENTAL CAR/ON THE ROAD TO BIC BEND INT. DAWN Straight through the tries to find some sic on the car radio, can get is Mexican from the Rio Grande. is in Spanish, even MALT (talking to the radio) What is this? Mardacchi Polka Cucaracha? What country is this, anyway? 1 thought this was the U.S.A. Where's George Jones, Bob Wells, Tanmy Wynette? (turns off radie) Basta with the polka! (he starts singing) “The stars at night are big and bright, Deep in the heart of Texas, ‘Reminds me of the one I love, Deep in the heart of Texas... " 12, REV. 10/3/83 @) cLINIC, ExT, erga _@) porch, He hums a dtrange Mexican melody, very softly to himself. The "tWo wetbacks aye asleep, one of them bnoring with His head on the table, the other s bene! sounds of a great failed grackle whistling in the night. In front of Travis} inner eyes some images appear|from the time when he was Living| in Mexico. 7 13. REV. 9/30/83 oO (oy Vision: Mowe WOT : int. bay Cy An OLD[ INDIAN man watching over Travis is in very bad shape.| His head is smashed in. His whble body is bruised. The” with ) The Old Indian lays Jeaves ‘and herbs on Travis’ wouhds the next Gay to help in healihg Cida- |) (HOA) WESTON: A MEXICAN HOUSE EXT. DAY GOAy Just a flonely house with some chickeys in front of it and a pick-uf truck with a Mexican licens¢ plate. Coad) 6D Cop) (oe DOSED CED E-P (LOBY VISION?]™ FAC | Peopje who Tyavis met in Mexiqo, just Jook{ng at pen and fridadly. L (0) Coe) . (OC) VESTON: ADOBE “RUT. ‘EXT. /DAY ‘Cocy The Old Yndian who nursed Travis crosses 4nto the adobe hut from outside, |while a neighbor crosses out in She backsroud. BACK TO: Travis’ suddenlly gets up from the ground and puts his jacket on, “He walks straight out Hack into the desert. 1a. iy ONTTTED iy chine ExT. /MomNING Czy Wal} is exhaudted from driving and not| sleeping. | He arrives at the clipic, gets dut of his car and over to {the doctorg who is “ sitting in a doai on et Front porfh of the dinic (3-3) ED DOCTOR You must be the brother of the mute. WALT Mute? DOCTOR Yeah, we couldn't squeeze the time a! day outa’ him, Must be in some kind of a jam, buh? WALT I don't know, I haven't seen ‘him in over four years. DOCTOR Is that right? Well, a lot can happen to aman in four years I guess. All kinds a’ trouble. Expensive trouble. WALT What do you mean? DOCTOR Well, down here, a man gets himself into a fix sometimes and it costs a Tittle to get him back out. We're kinda’ on the edge a’ things down here, if you understand what I mean. CO , (CoNTINvED) 15. oO REV. 10/1/83 ay CONTENTED: L TaD WALT No, I don't understand what you wean. I wish you'é just get to the point ‘cause a to see my brother. ght, sir, all right, but first like to ask you somethin’. Did Then be musts’ been mixin' with some hard ‘cause that kinda’ damage don't om fallin’ outa’ bed. ad of damage? Bad enopgh to kill most men I know. But fed up. Looks like he dida't have jonal medical help either. I'd like to see my brother now, if you dda't mind. REV.. 10/1/83 ; CO ay CONTINGED: 2 zy Dron 's been gone since early this morning. TE vas too'late to let you Snow. He have all his possessions nevertheless. Saved them, We'd be glad to turn ‘en over to you... soon a6 you take care ‘of our little reward. Your brother ran one big bill, you know. . | ok 1B. REV, 10/4/83 13) HIGHWAY /RENTAL CAR INT. -Etr./bay_Ci3) backs “his car out of the clinie((3-1) WALT'S Pov drive onte the road. But he only goes" a sort way. Already at the next . Gxodavoat he polis over xo the side, (5-9((3-19 Shodid he go on the paved highway oF dhe dust road? He hesitates. He “TRAY, ‘and. stops. road behind the Hey, Travis. Dog't you recognike me? It's Walt. It's your waLr What in the hell's happened to you anyway? You look like forty miles : of rough road. (CONTINUED) 1. of id, Travis |just states. Walt|opens tbe]front dofr of the car wekles, |tries to|make = joke WALT Well, and— Led okay? (C4) DRIVING TOWARD MARATHON/RENTAL CAR INT. ~EXT./DAY (14) Ca ériving, glanchs in rear view yor at Travis in|back seat, s is looking opt of the window. » aukward, doesa't know quite now |to break the ice. He picks up lastic bag andjhands it back WALT Your stuff's in there. They gave it to me at the clinc. Boy, you sure picked one helluva spot to land in. can't blame. you. for running out on "en. Long pause. Ttavis|stares at the bag] doesn't open it, sets it.on the seal beside bin. RaLT Look, we've got a little bit of traveling to do, 80 I hope you're ‘not gona clam up on me for the whole trip. Might get. kinda lonely. i: (pause) \ Trav, would you mind telling me vhere é you disappeared to for the last four years? \ (pause) : Have you seen Jane at ali? Or talked > to her? Trafis tenses up. Fach question ‘ drifes hin further inside himself. : Thefe is no hostility; he simply canft speak. He had no words: for whak took. place. Fer a while,’ they acibe on in silence WALT You know, Anne and 1 gave up on you. We actually thought you were dead. Travis slowly closes his eyes. O r 21. UnDE 54 Cis) MARATHON MOTEL, The car} pulls up in front of one of the bungalows. Walt and Travis get out. med 28 TA Te, 7a | They home into the room. Walt looks arounfi, then opens the curtains. Travif just stand in the middie of ee . Walt looks at his brotber, sits. pn the Travis sits-on his Wed, ep = WALT (5A-1 No answer fro Walt moves o to the door. tredis just Walt leaves. L- REV. 10/5/83 ERT. Day _G5) war This is nice, huh? Well, what do you think, Trav? You want to get cleaned up? Maybe take a-shower or something? I think I'l1 go into town and get you some clothes. You can use a new set of clothes, can't you? What size shoes do you wear? Let's see. (looking at their feet to measure, then looking at Travis) So where'd you get that beard? It’s pretty snazzy. (pause) Okay, I'LL just zip into town and zip back, I'll be rigbt back, okay? You'll be okay, won't you, Trav? (pause) I'll be right back, 22, REV. 10/5/83 O He gets bp and moves ‘The sound of shim start humming. me melody that we heard in ; Travis takes off his the water ttts the s the hospit d. Out of the sleeve Lining of his coat, he pulls an | envelope that was hidden there, He unwarps it. It contains a strange map and a [photograph of an enpty piece of jand. Travis smiles and suddeniy {he Spanish words of the song that he id humming come to him and he sings {hen loudly. He seens happy. vos \ REW.- 10/5/83 a (16) MARATHON NAT STREET HARDWARE Ber, Joa ey Walt cotes driving up the main street of the Little town of Marathon). Most shops are closed, forever.) The only place to buy clothes is the hardware store. Walt looks at the display of cheap : work cloehes and boots. He sighs and enters the hardware stort . Qloa-t (164) THARATHON MOTEL EXT. 7DAY__(16A) ‘Travih walks down the lonely. highway, leaving the motel behind. A police car passes him on the highway. ee ‘MARATHON MOTEL, TNT. 7oay G7) Walf comes back into the motel room with two paper bags of new clothes and|a shoe box, But there is no WALZ Gooking in closet) Damn it. Walt gets back into the car with the bags and drives off, leaving the motel door open. 23. [8-1 REV. 10/7/83 C8} DIRT ROAD, "AL _CAR]RATEROAD TRACKS EXT, /AFTERNOON (6. ‘Travis walks algng the railroad tracks back out into the. desert. Walt sees him ffom a distanfe. He gets out of hisicar, walks pp to the tracks and just|stands therp in Travis' vay. Tavis comes up to him and stops. | Pav. ‘teapis doesn't peewee: He just looks down the Failroad tracks. They move to the car on the road. Travis stays s{lent. te WALT Would you mind telling me where you're headed? “what's out there? ‘Travis, would you mind telling me why you want to walk straight out into the middle of nowhere?) There's nothing out there! (pause) Don't you trust me or something? I'm. just trying to help you out. That's all. (pause) Come on, Trav. nuh. Let's gét in the car, 2h. O REV. 10/7/83 Gga-D TSR) BARBER SHOP_IN FORT STOCKTON aN, aa ESTABLISHING SHOT of Fort Stockton with "Bob's Barber Shop" in the forpground. a long bib around his ne Mexican BARBER starts td shave. Every once in a while their meet, then| they look away from other. ‘There is music from a Jette recorder, an aria from a . Bizdt opere, "The Pearlfishers." aay gt RANCHO MOTEL/RENTAL CAR INT. -Ear. use eB) Seen tinjough the windshield of the rental dar. They are driving into a Littld western town with lots of motels 4nd neon signs. The car pulls iuto the EL. RANCHO and stops ih front of the office. FADE OUT: . 26a. s “ REV, 10/7/83-° (ig) EL RANCHO MOTEL TNT, EVENING CIS), Oo vis is shaved and dressed up in stiff, new clothes. There is hing ludicrous about the whole ing. But Travis accepts it all. [gust looks at himself in the ror. Walt enters from the loining room, WALT fiow does it feel to have fresh clothes on? Huh? Pat No answer from Travis. 2) ‘Travis ‘t sey anything. He stands up [as Walt moves in the room to him. Just stand up. Let me take @ look at you. Just stand up, Let me look at it without your hat for a second. Just take. your hat off for a second. ‘Travis removes his Hat, and Walt takes it. That's it, Turn around. (as Travis turns) Wait a minute, you've got labels. Walt takes the labels off the seat of Travis! idvis as he hides Travis' old dusty hat [in the drawer. Are the shoes all right? (pause) Well, look we can always get you new stuff in California when we get there, I just thought that for right now it would be good to have something clean, Do they feel okey? Travis is silent. Okay... Stick your belt on and let's go get something to eat, I'm starved. Walt leaves the room, and Travis puts his belt on and looks at himself 25. eee © - etn tre ¢ REVS, LO/7 #83 weds TNr-7RIGeT (Oy lacross froh each other A WAITRESS has just brought their fool. Travis stares at his |plate; he fon't eat. WALT You're sure you're not. hungry? . (pause) . You oughta’ eat something. When was the lest time you hed something to eat? Travis stares: at |his plate 9f food. I talked to the doctor. At the clinic. He told me that. you'd gotten ail busted up. (pause) You don't have to tell me anything about it. T'm just trying to help you out. That!s all. Long pause. Walt eats. Travis, do you remember your son -- unter? Well, he's with us. He's been with me and Anne. ever since you diaeppeared. We didn't know what else to do so we just kept him with us. He was just standing at the door. , All he could tell us was that somebody, had brought bim there in acar.. Hevdidn't know anything about what had happened to you or Jane, Re was juat very disturbed. We tried everything we could to find out where you were. We exied to locate Jane. She vanished, too. There wasn't anything else we could do. Travis is just sitting theré. He starts to cry sifently. to handle this s{tuation. eos Damn it, man -~ Travis -- I don't know what happened to-you-- I don't know what kind of trouble you got into but— I'm your brother, you know. You can . talk to me. (CONTINUED) 26. GD EP (20) CONTINUED Travis stays sileht. Walt gets up fron the table. - 20) MALT I'm tived of doing ALL the talking. i'm gonna go give Anne a call. 27. Fuul* how “ : Tour © REV. 10/7/83 teh 20) walt HONE SOOEM OUTSIDE THE RESTAURANT Ext, /wicat___@iy jomes “out of the restaurant red and mpves to a phone booth outside., In tl background we can see Travis sittifg at the table from behind, When Anne It takes Walt by surprise. he call is answered, it is not yn the other end, but Hunter. Hi, Huntey, it's daddy, I thought you were in bdd already. Guess who|I-am visiting here in Texas? HUNTER (vio.) who? WALT Your fath¢r. Do you remember your father? HUNTER “ No. WALT Not at all? wuwrer (va) L senenber) he was kinda’ skinny. WALD (laughs) He was? HUNTER (V.01) I think heZpas. (CONTINUED) x/ 28. O . REV...10/7/83 (iy COMTINDED: “T iy out there for a visit. Would you like ey. Well you wobldn't... Well, a place called Fbrt Stockton, Texas} Yeah, yeah, I'm with Travis 29. “ so REV LO/B/BB oo oO i. MOTE, ROOM TNE. (NIGHT GE 2 ‘Travis site'jon the flor near his bed. He watches the i.V. screen. There is no|lprogram on it, just a strange and jhypnos: In |the adjoining on [his bed, asleep on.| He feel asleep teading. te see something behind it. some images are gaining shape: “GAS TRAVES VISION: "VIOLENCE int arcet Gay A dark figure of a man, chasing 2 woman through e narrow and long room. She tries to hide from hin, but he drags her out of the corner she is trying to hide in, He beats Cut her up bedly. ‘These images aré only seen as distorted nightmarish fragnents, neither of the two figures is recognizable. The almost. silent; the only sound is the desperate ctying of a child. : : - Ste 8 Sy RE, 10/8/83" noe QSA-| C) (25) EL RANCHO MOTEL ROO Tet, 7RiGaE 3) Travis Iboks at these images from deep down inside him with wide open eyes. He starts talking in 2 voiceless, helpless rage, until he is finally able to shake his visions off. He gets up and walks to the window. He pulls the curtaing open and looks out. we ‘TRAVIS Not one of his bones shall be broken. 265-1) 25) MOTEL NG FOOL, Ext. (NiGET (3) TRAVIS' 2.0.7. The swinming pool of the motel) in the moonlight. ‘The highway ke right behind it. No car and np person in eight. QSA-| (5A) TRAVIS’ Vision CSAD Travis frossing the Rio Grande at night, farrying his belongings in a bundlp over his head. a1. REV, 10/10/83 _ EXE, MGERING 2B) eet. bay (37) The cay pulls out of the EL RANCHO WOTEL dnd goes down the street one block 40 the next gas station. 32-33. (2B)_GAS STATION/RENTAL CAR Walt firives into’ the gas statdon and cits the engine} Travis Lays in the back seat whbre he seeds quite| comfortable. {He studied the nap of Texas. ‘The gas Station ATTENDANT movés to Walt's window. 2 ‘The gttendant moves to the pumps. Wait|turns to Travis. of JJexas and pause: of Haris. Tatp 36 the first pord Travis has spoken in Wat's pfesence. Be turhs to look at him, startl the} sound of the Travpis has beens ee his finger across the| map ap. at the tok by oP Ree 10/10 783" . NE. -ExT./oay (28) iar (to attendant) Fill ic with unleaded, please. You know, I'm getting a little sick of this silence stuff, You can talk.. I can be silent, too, you know, I'd just as soon neither one of us said another word the whole trip if you want to know the truth. ‘TRAVIS Paris. wat What? TRAVIS Paris. wat Paris? TRAVIS Did you ever go to Paris? (CONTINUED) 34. Fo. Fl ‘ mo “REW.” 10/10/83 . (ey confine: There is|2 pause while théy both sit there. ? / g Travis chuckles to hinseld, lost 4 thoughts. He[Tooks| out of the winded. By at Nd. Es wé31, can we go’ there now? . wae Gjaughs) It's a littie out of the way. war Nd, I never got to go to Burope. Anne tdiks about it all the time. She wants tq go because she's from France, you rgmember. But we never seem to get the time because my business keeps me pretty sy. you know. 35. REV. "10/10/63" highay, the landstape passing in tHe background. They|sit silently. ExT, DAY By 36-38. the clinic. Travis stares at the Ir view mitror. Cu Pu Kou: pero 30-3 We seq the photo Travis] holds. INT. -EXxT. DAY Goy war What's that? TRAVIS S What? : want That that you've got in your hand. TRAVIS (leans forward) Oh. Two things. WALT What are they? TRAVIS Une~ Well, one is um -~ What do they call-- 1 forget what they call this one, but this other one is a un-~ picture, waLr (frustrated with Travis’ slowmess) A picture of what? ‘TRAVIS A picture of-- A picture of Paris. (CONTINUED) 39. seat to Walt. Walt laughs, because Travis hhnds the polaroid over the all he ee is a vacant lot. Walt hanlis the polaroid back to Travis. He lavgs. (30) waLT Paris? TRAVIS Yes. A picture of a piece of Paris: veut: Where'd you get a picture of Paris? Can I see it? TRAVIS Yes. WALT This is it? This is Paris? This locks just like Texas to me. ‘TRAVIS It 48. war Paris, Texas? ‘TRAVIS It's right here on the map. WALT You mean, the "Paris, Texas’? 5 really a place called (CONTINUED) 40. Oo (30) CONTE Travis hgnds the picture back to walt. Walt studies it closely. GO) TRAVIS It's right here. WALT Well, how come you've got a picture of a vacant Paris, Texas? ‘TRAVIS . It's mine. WALT I know it's yours, but how come you got at? TRAVIS Tum-- I-~ purchased it. In the mail. Tong time ago. WALT You bought a picture of a vacant lot through the mail? TRAVIS No, I bought the land. wat You bought this lot? TRAVIS Yes. wat Oh, lemme see it again. WALT There's nothing on it. T Go conned: 5 [) ‘TRAVIS (laughs) Empey. WALT Why in the hell would you buy a vacant lot in Paris, Texas for Christ's sake? : TRAVIS i (erying hard to remember) I uh-- I forgot. WALT (handing pélaroid back to Travis) Here, Tra Travis takps picture back and stares hard at it|as though hoping the reason will come back to him. 41k. REY.” 10/13/83 G1)_EL PASO ATRPORT/RENTAL CAR PARKING TOT Ext. DAY GI) 2-5. . Walt returns/the car to thd-car rental place} Again Travig doesn't want to get put. yaw Pow. = BID (opening Travis' door) Come on, Trav. Let's go. : Travis looks around at the| terminsl ane airstrip. paves Where're we going? WALT We going to fly to Los Angeles. You're not afraid of flying, are you? TRAVIS , We're leaving the ground? WALT Yeah. ‘TRAVIS Why? wALT Because it would take too long to driv Ie would take an extra two days and i can't afford the time, Trav. TRavis wALT It's just--'It's easier to fly. It's faster. Come on. There's nothing to it. Did you ever fly before? TRAVIS A long time ago. (CONTINUED) 42.

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