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Chapter 1 - The End of Bipolarity

- 1917
Emergence of the Russian/Bolshevik Revolution

- 1979-89
USSR's Involvement in the Afghan War

- 1985
Mikhail Gorbachev Assumes Leadership of the USSR (General Secretary of the Communist

- 1990 March
Lithuania Proclaims Independence, Initiating the Dissolution of the Soviet Union

- 1990 June
Russian Parliament Declares Independence from the Soviet Union

- 1991 June
Boris Yeltsin, No Longer a Member of the Communist Party, Becomes President of Russia

- 8 Dec 1991
Formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

- 25 Dec 1991
Gorbachev Resigns; Official Dissolution of the USSR

- 1992
Czechoslovakia Splits into the Czech Republic and Slovakia

- 2001
Tajikistan Experiences a Decade-long Civil War, Ending in 2001

Chapter 2 - Contemporary Centers of Power

- 1948
Establishment of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC)

- 1949
Formation of the Council of Europe

- 1951
Creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (Treaty of Paris)
- 1957
Establishment of the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) (Treaty of Rome)

- 1979
First Direct Elections to the European Parliament

- 1985
Schengen Agreement

- 1992
Signing of the Maastricht Treaty, Leading to the Formation of the European Union (EU)

- 1999
Introduction of the EU Monetary Union

- 2002
Introduction of the Euro as a Single Currency

- 2012
Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to the EU

- 2020
Brexit: United Kingdom's Exit from the EU

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN):

- 1967
Founding of ASEAN

- 1994
Establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum

- 2003
Formation of ASEAN Communities (Security, Economic, and Socio-Cultural)


- 1949
Establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC)

- 1972
Initiation of Diplomatic Relations between China and the USA

- 1973
Launch of Zhou Enlai's Four Modernizations Program
- 1978
Deng Xiaoping Announces the Open Door Policy and Initiates Economic Reforms

- 1982
Privatization of Agriculture in China

- 1988
Privatization of Industry in China

- 2001
China's Entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO)

India-China Relations:

- 1950
Annexation of Tibet by China

- 1962
Sino-Indian War

- 1964
China Conducts Its First Nuclear Test

- 1979
Visit of Atal Behari Vajpayee to China

- 1988
Visit of Rajiv Gandhi to China


- Aug 1945
Atomic Bombs Dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

- 1964
Japan Joins the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

South Korea:

- 1950-53
Korean War

- 1991
Both Koreas Join the United Nations
Chapter 3 - Contemporary South Asia


- 1947
Pakistan Gains Independence

- 1947-48
Indo-Pak Conflict Over Kashmir

- 1960
Indus Water Treaty Signed with India (Brokered by the World Bank)

- 1965
Indo-Pak War

- 1966
India-Pakistan Sign Tashkent Agreement

- 1971
Bangladesh Liberation War

- 1972
India-Pakistan Sign Shimla Agreement

- 1999
Nawaz Sharif Removed by General Pervez Musharraf

- 2001
Pervez Musharraf Assumes the Presidency

- 1998
Pakistan Conducts Nuclear Tests

- 1999
India-Pakistan Kargil War


- 1971
Bangladesh Liberation War against Pakistan

- 1975
Assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
- 1976
Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between Pakistan and Bangladesh

- 1996
India and Bangladesh Sign the Farakka Treaty for Sharing of Ganga Waters


- 1990 and 2002

Pro-Democracy Movements

- Until 2006
Nepal Remains a Constitutional Monarchy

- 2008
Abolishment of Monarchy; Nepal Becomes a Democratic Republic

Sri Lanka:

- 1948
Sri Lanka (Formerly Ceylon) Achieves Independence

- 1983
Onset of the Civil War

- 1987
India-Sri Lanka Accord; India Sends Peacekeeping Force

- 2009
End of the Civil War


- 1968
Transformation from a Sultanate to a Republic

- 1988
India Sends Troops to Thwart a Coup Attempt

- 2005
Introduction of a Multi-Party System


- 2008
Transition to a Constitutional Monarchy
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC):

- 1985
Establishment of SAARC

- 2004
Signing of the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) Agreement (Effective in 2006)

- 2007
Afghanistan Joins SAARC

- 2014 November
The 18th SAARC Summit Held in Kathmandu, Nepal

Chapter 4 - International Organizations

United Nations:

- 1941
Signing of the Atlantic Charter by US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister

- 1943
Tehran Conference

- 1948
Yalta Conference

- 24 Oct 1945
Formation of the United Nations (UN); UN Day

- 30 Oct 1945
India Becomes a Member of the UN

- 1965
Expansion of the UN Security Council (UNSC) from 11 to 15 Members

- 2006
Establishment of the UN Human Rights Council

- 2000
Adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (Ended in 2015)

- 2015
Adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Ongoing Until 2030)
- 1994
Suspension of the Trusteeship Council After Palau's Independence

Other International Organizations:

- 1944
Bretton Woods Conference

- 1945
Establishment of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (HQ in
Washington, DC, USA)

- 1957
Founding of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (HQ in Vienna, Austria)

- 1961
Formation of Amnesty International (HQ in London, UK)

- 1978
Establishment of Human Rights Watch (HQ in New York, USA)

- 1995
Creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) (HQ in Geneva, Switzerland)

Chapter 5 - Security in the Contemporary World

- 1972
Adoption of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty

- 1992
Adoption of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)

- 1994
Rwanda's Civil War, Resulting in Massacre of Tutsi Tribal People by Hutu Tribe

- 1997
Kyoto Protocol Addressing Climate Change

- 1974
India's First Nuclear Test (Pokhran-I)

- 1998
India's Second Nuclear Test (Pokhran-II)
Chapter 6 - Environment and Natural Resources

- 1959
Antarctic Treaty Establishes Antarctica as a Scientific Preserve

- 1972
Publication of the Club of Rome's "Limits to Growth"

- 1975
Formation of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples

- 1987
Montreal Protocol Addresses Ozone Depletion; Release of the Brundtland Report

- 1991
Antarctic Environmental Protocol Strengthens Environmental Protection

- 1992
Rio Earth Summit (First Earth Summit) and Adoption of Agenda 21

- 1997
Kyoto Protocol Addresses Greenhouse Gas Emissions

- 2001
Passage of the Energy Conservation Act

- 2002
India Signs and Ratifies the Kyoto Protocol

- 2003
Enactment of the Electricity Act

Chapter 7 - Globalization

- 1991
Adoption of Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization (LPG) Reforms in India

- 1999
WTO Meeting in Seattle, USA, Marked by Widespread Protests

- 2001
First World Social Forum Meeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil

- 2004
Fourth World Social Forum Meeting in Mumbai
Chapter 1 - Challenges in Nation Building

- Aug 1947
India and Pakistan Attain Independence

- Nov 1947
Standstill Agreement with Hyderabad

- Sep 1948
Hyderabad Merges with India

- Jun 1948
First Elections in Manipur, Based on Universal Adult Franchise

- 1920
Nagpur Session of Congress Recognizes Linguistic Principle for State Reorganization

- Dec 1952
Announcement of Andhra State Formation

- Oct 1953
Formation of Andhra State

- 1953
Establishment of the State Reorganization Commission

- 1956
Enactment of the State Reorganization Act (Creating 14 States and 6 Union Territories)

- 1960
Formation of Maharashtra and Gujarat States

- 1963
Creation of Nagaland State

- 1966
Separation of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh from Punjab

- 2000
Formation of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Uttarakhand States

- 2014
Creation of Telangana State
- 2019
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh Transformed into Union Territories

- 2020
Merger of Dadra and Nagar Haveli with Daman and Diu

Chapter 2 - Era of One-Party Dominance

- 1885
Founding of the Indian National Congress

- 26 Nov 1949
Adoption of the Indian Constitution

- 26 Jan 1950
Enactment of the Indian Constitution

- 25 Jan 1950
Establishment of the Election Commission of India

- Oct 1951 - Feb 1952

First General Elections (Known as 1952 Elections)

- 2004
Adoption of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) Nationwide

- 1957
Formation of the First Non-Congress Government in Kerala by CPI

- 1959
Dismissal of the CPI Government in Kerala via President's Rule

- 1934
Formation of the Congress Socialist Party

- 1948
Separation of the Socialist Party from Congress

- 1925
Founding of the Communist Party of India (CPI)

- 1964
Split in CPI Leading to CPI and CPI-M
- 1951
Establishment of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh

- 1959
Formation of the Swatantra Party

Chapter 3 - Politics of Planned Development

- 1929
Onset of the Great Depression

- 1944
Bombay Plan Proposes Economic Reforms

- 1950
Formation of the Planning Commission of India

- 1951-56
First Five-Year Plan (Drafted by K. N. Raj)

- 1956-61
Second Five-Year Plan (Drafted by P. C. Mahalanobis)

- 1961-66
Third Five-Year Plan

- 1966-69
Plan Holiday with Three Annual Plans

- 1960s
Green Revolution and Droughts in Bihar

Chapter 4 - India's External Relations

- 1947-64
Jawaharlal Nehru Serves as Prime Minister and External Affairs Minister

- 1964
Death of Jawaharlal Nehru

- Mar 1947
Asian Relations Conference Held in New Delhi
- 1949
International Conference for the Freedom of Indonesia from Dutch; Formation of the
People's Republic of China

- 1950
China Annexes Tibet

- 1954
Panchsheel Agreement Signed Between India and China

- 1955
Bandung Conference

- 1956
Suez Canal Crisis (Britain's Attack on Egypt)

- 1959
Dalai Lama Seeks Asylum in India

- 1961
First Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit in Belgrade, Serbia

- Oct 1962
Sino-Indian War

- 1971
US President Richard Nixon's Secret Visit to China via Pakistan

- 1976
Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between India and China

- 1979
Visit of Atal Behari Vajpayee as External Affairs Minister to China

- 1988
Visit of Rajiv Gandhi as Prime Minister to China

Chapter 5 - Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System

- 1964
Death of Jawaharlal Nehru

- 1964-66
Lal Bahadur Shastri's Tenure as Prime Minister
- 1966
Tashkent Agreement with Ayub Khan; Death of Lal Bahadur Shastri; Indira Gandhi Becomes
Prime Minister

- 1967
Fourth General Elections (Labelled as a 'Political Earthquake'); Incident of Gaya Lal in
Haryana; Launch of the Ten-Point Program

- 1969
Presidential Election; Split in the Congress Party; V. V. Giri Elected President;
Nationalization of Fourteen Banks; Resignation of Finance Minister and Deputy Prime
Minister Morarji Desai

- 1971
Abolition of Privy Purse; Fifth General Elections; "Garibi Hatao" (Eradicate Poverty) and
"Indira Hatao" (Remove Indira) Campaigns; Re-election of Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister

Chapter 6 - The Crisis of Democratic Order

- 1969
Formation of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) [CPI-ML] by Splitting from

- 1973
Kesavananda Bharati Case Establishes the "Basic Structure Doctrine" in India; Appointment
of Justice A. N. Ray as Chief Justice of India, Bypassing Three Seniors

- Jan 1974
Gujarat Agitations (Led by Morarji Desai)

- Mar 1974
Bihar Agitations (Led by Jayaprakash Narayan)

- May 1974
Railway Strike (Led by George Fernandes)

- 1975
Assembly Elections in Gujarat

- 12 June 1975
Allahabad High Court Declares Indira Gandhi's Election Invalid

- 24 June 1975
Supreme Court Imposes Partial Stay
- 25 June 1975
Jayaprakash Narayan Organizes a Rally at Ramlila Ground; National Emergency Declared by
President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Under Article 352

- 21 Mar 1977
End of the Emergency

- 1977
Formation of the Janata Party (First Non-Congress Government at the Center); Morarji
Desai Becomes Prime Minister (Until 1979)

- May 1977
Appointment of the Shah Commission to Investigate Emergency Excesses

- 1979
Charan Singh Becomes Prime Minister with Congress Support

Chapter 7 - Regional Aspirations

Jammu & Kashmir:

- Oct 1947
Pakistan Attacks Kashmir; Maharaja Signs Instrument of Accession to India

- Mar 1948
Sheikh Abdullah Becomes the Prime Minister of Kashmir

- 1974
Agreement Between Indira Gandhi and Sheikh Abdullah

- 1982
Death of Sheikh Abdullah; Farooq Abdullah Assumes Office as Chief Minister

- 2016
Mehbooba Mufti Becomes the First Woman Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir

- 5 Aug 2019
Abrogation of Article 370 and splitting of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh into Union
Territories (UTs)

- 31 Oct 2019
Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh Officially Become UTs

- 1920
Formation of the Akali Dal

- 1966
Creation of the State of Punjab

- 1973
Presentation of the Anandpur Sahib Resolution

- 1984
Operation Blue Star; Assassination of Indira Gandhi (31 Oct); Anti-Sikh Riots

- 2005
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Expresses Regret Over the Anti-Sikh Riots

- July 1985
Rajiv Gandhi-Longowal Accord (Punjab Accord)

The North-East:

- 1960
Formation of the All-Party Hill Leaders Conference in Assam

- 1966
Start of Armed Struggle by the Mizo National Front Against India

- 1986
Peace Agreement Between Rajiv Gandhi and Laldenga

- 1979
Launch of the Anti-Foreigner Movement by the All-Assam Students’ Union (AASU)

- 1985
Rajiv Gandhi-AASU Accord (Assam Accord)

- 1974
First Democratic Election to the Sikkim Assembly

- 1975
Full Integration of Sikkim with India

- 1961
Liberation of Goa (Operation Vijay); Transformation into a Union Territory

- 1987
Goa Attains Statehood

Chapter 8 - Recent Developments in Indian Politics

- 16th Century
Babri Masjid Constructed by Mir Baqi

- 1978
Formation of the Mandal Commission; Establishment of the Bahujan Samaj Party by Kanshi

- 1980
Submission of the Mandal Commission Report; Formation of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

- 1984
Establishment of the Bahujan Samaj Party by Kanshi Ram

- 1985
Shah Bano Case

- 1986
Passage of the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act; Unlocking of the
Babri Masjid Premises

- 1989
Congress Defeat in Lok Sabha Elections; Formation of the National Front Government
Under V. P. Singh

- 1990
Acceptance of Mandal Commission Recommendations (27% Reservation for OBCs)

- Dec 1992
Demolition of the Babri Masjid

- May 1991
Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi

- 1992
Indira Sawhney Case on Reservation
- 1993
Mumbai Violence Following Babri Issue

- 2002
Anti-Muslim Riots in Gujarat After the Godhra Incident

Prime Ministers:

- 1989-90
National Front Government: Prime Minister V. P. Singh

- 1990-91
Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar

- 1991-96
Congress Government: Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao

- May 96- Jun 96

Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee

- 1996-97
United Front Government: Prime Minister H. D. Deve Gowda

- 1997-98
United Front Government (with Congress Support): Prime Minister I. K. Gujral

- 1998-99 and 1999-04

NDA I & II: Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee

- 2004-14
UPA I & II: PM Dr. Manmohan Singh

- 2014-Present
NDA III & IV: PM Narendra Modi

** The End **

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