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Most Terrible Fear

by: Kathleen Mae T. Eslier

Nightmares can visit us, even at the most unexpected times. We all have
something that we fear, an event that we’re most scared to happen in reality. Today, I
share with you a dream that I wish not to happen in my life or to everyone, and a
dream that could wreck my entire being if it is true.

I was running out of nowhere. The place was all dark, quiet, and only the sound
of the wind is all you can hear at that point. Sweat was all over my face and my body. I
kept shouting my parents’ name and even my siblings, but none of them respond to my
calls. I stopped. My family’s presence then showed up right in front of me, they were all
smiling. It wasn’t a normal smile. They were smiling from ear to ear and they’re not
even blinking while looking at me. Creepy smiles that could give shivers to your spine.
As I was about to call each of them, they all shout at me and their mouths become so
big and their eyes turned black, black as a charcoal. So scared, that I covered both my
ears and close my eyes. And when I opened them, I woke up, only to witness that my
mom and dad was in front of me, with worried look on their faces. My face was so wet
because of tears flowing like a river. That was the worst nightmare ever.

Dreams can be good, but it can also be bad, or even terrible. Dreams that are
extremely bad are considered nightmares. Having nightmares like what I had, is by far
the most terrifying event that I have ever experienced in my entire life. One thing that I
have learned about this nightmare is that, some dreams are not really meant to come

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