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“7 wr RESH ‘ynsciag OAL IL CLUB Na Now You Can Be Among the Tiny Handful of Americans Who Can Enjoy Rare, Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Whenever You Wish ‘These oils are outrageously, insanely bright and flavorful—the best- oiimimen se | olive oils in the world. But you won't Srwaisarmces find them in your supermarket or Sisusccacm — Gourmetstore! smushiwperte Hore's why...and how you can reserve Soeustwetons — YOUF Own private supply. twevluatngolve ol hes Announcing the Fresh-Pressed Olive Ol Club ‘Dear Olive Oil Aficionado: is speci ekg whichapciiolvevarctes, Siomesmtceadfamiy interested, you rust act quickly. ‘onncegrovesseatued oudourte Mediezacean As [tell ll my foodle friends olive olf, unlike wine, does A major olive of opportunity Isat hand, But you're ‘audcbuvber poaseste not improve with time. Justhe opposite. I's at is peak of ‘mosthesenyyfaveclsnd delicious perfection immediately after it's pressed. ‘ea ve on be ae of ‘eeu e peony Ths is why the locals in the olive-growing regions of tay, usereienatbaresitine spain, Greece, and other Mediterranean countries go crazy ub tombundeeiatjut,| as do over fresh- pressed ol. They joyously throw ee, emmeecret vn pr” caesar viva, Yuh Ter blends Hethen des bloom of heavenly taste and extraordinary health benefits. seething tte mass “These marvelous qualities start to fade within three to sb. rodueon’alive at ‘months after botding, and this is tue of all olive of whch is ‘companies would neve da, He pressed lls superior to any other o ‘ ; atta why fr-reedol uperior anyother leo yu sede tdnaiab ano eviehmass "The big problem for us in America Is that only a precious mrocicdolssoMARDEDES srickleoffesh-pressed olive oil ever makesito our shores. Grascltorbacdsonge The vast preponderance of olive ol that finds it way tothe aries ao, US gels shipped months—maybe even ayearafter pressing. and ittravels here by molasses-slow eatgo ship. AS chPeadomeonchin — 2TeSult the ol fesh, bright favor is already on a frocmeradiaew downward spiral by the time itis unloaded at our docks. lends odsuleenyaiher And then it may langulsh addional months, losing more ‘waiabicinAmerica ewe flavor and growing more stale, ast sits store shelves. (Soarinceiy chan {eign raked oa wile “This is why so many of the olive oils sold in gourmet ‘evo salty stores are botled and labeled without reference to their Sas production dates, making timpossibe for you to determine a hhow fresh they are. Remember, 'm speaking now of the production date, nota "best used by" date. Many mass ‘marketers of olive oll purposely omit the produetion date Decause they know that discriminating olive oll overs always prize freshness. Butwithouta production date on the botle, you won't be able to tll. And that’s why you, ust lke Iused {o, have probably been seduced by fancy bottles and prety labels only to bring home ‘mediocre olive oils whose flavors have faded and dulled—maybe even sumed rancid. You and I Insist on Fresh Milk and Fresh Fish. Why Not Fresh Olive Oil? ‘Tome, this sdownsight unfit As consumers we insist on fesh bread sh mish {sh tech meas tech produce Don't wealso have ght fresh lve ol Of course do! But the olive oll ndusty’s distfbution sytem is designed to ship the oll as| inexpensively as possible, via slow cargo ship, resulting in the widespread consumption on. ‘our shores of fat, subpar, even stale oil, regardless of the price you may be willing to pay. TWas Determined to Find a Solution, and I Did Several years ago, became aware ofsome ofthe very greatest, eshest, most ‘outrageously delicious olive olin the world, from Silly, which Teonsider one ofthe ‘world’s most exciting olive oil regions. [Not unexpectedly, eared that most of tis not availabe to usin America, So called the producer try an cajole him int further export..and to see ifthere were any way he ‘could ship there immediately by plane instead ofthe usual, ever-so-slow cargo ship ‘method, He told me that pala forthe shipping he would be Mrxyeyanunone delighted 1 doso, but needed a US. contacto handle the lng owngand mere pesky details of tmportation especially it wanted it Unalyjsusttieatr shipped by plan, since nelther he nr any oder producer ‘Spigandpourkowste ye knew evr deat He fored me by soggesting Why Sere don't you be the first to do it, T.L? If you'll be my importer, Ft ABebalehewomsts Send you my best oft And Til send nat slow cargo ship, then eeseteghlnd ny BBY plan, so you and your fiends tn America can ase (Pendhrcanetns tom etal the same fresh os we celebrate at harvest time hee fn Greece and he brought back Sicily.” tect hat ad ‘tact pen er nd “his s something 'd never done or even considered, 1 soe eweficabmoe checked out te cost of shipping ol hereby plane and, 10 ‘my surprise, found thatfor small quanles the costs not Nou Simian oh, ‘Las working in New York City as the Associate Editor of ‘popular food and wine newsleter a the time. Earler in my career, Thad also been a chet So, thanks to those two jobs, Thad access to hundreds of foodie friends and contacts. ‘asked them, “Would you be interested in trying authentic fresh pressed olive oll the likes of ‘which you've never tasted?” Many said “Sure” | mulled everything over and thought, “Why nor?" This could be an opportunity to bring these outrageously flavorful ols at long ast nto the U.S, and Tknew they would be a huge hitwith my foodie fiends. Isn’t This How Vito Corleone Started? ‘Wel, their response was overwhelming! My resh-pressed oll had ereated a sensation. Foodies and chefs could not get aver what a difference justpresced freshness made inthe favor oftheir oll.and thus on thefr salads, ther fish, their veggies, thelr grilled meats, and thelr beans. Everything you would normally sprinkle with ordinary gourmet store olive oll ‘could now come gloriously alive with the avors of fresht-pressed oll! After the ol was gone, peopl stared asking me—in some A ratoaicadgen cases begging! for more. "J, you've spoiled us! Youcant five usa teste ofpareis ike this and then cits off We heed more ofthat fresh presed ol We ca’ twlta whole year un the ne harvest in Sly. You mustfind us mare ow please {found myself daydreaming.‘ What if] could find such hharves-fresh, highest-quality olive ol, made somewherein, ‘the world, anywhere inthe world, every three months or s0—so that we could enjoy, year round, fresh-pressed olive oll atthe peak of ts avor and intensity? And what if could arrange to have it shipped conveniently right to the front door of anyone who wants I? “4s This Even Feasible?” I Asked Myself Agricultually, yes. Thanks to diferences in climate, the annual harvest mes are different the world over. For example, from the late summerto the early winter, someone, ‘somewiere—in aly In Spain, in France, in Greece, in Tunsl, in Tsael, in Callfornla, et is pressing fresh olive al But what aboutlate winter to carly summer? No problem, AG ynarecieasndgocet _‘t turned out! Thanks to émigrés who left their Iaiyilioeteaiveis | Mediteranean homelands decades ago and smuggled Dusaedoreiesiyseaned prized live tree eutngs ou of thelr countries often hidden Seti rwihist nil eso vd aes td sone ofthe words setienssseedap greatest olive ol producers are flourishing nthe Southem {etetvalcpaek* emiaphere That means thet during de winter and up to Fann eeeteS,, early summer, we can obain fresh, highest quality olive oi IdrwyiuctpObbowt fom he sun-Ksted groves of Argentina Chil, Ausualla, Wwillaissthehoessand New Zealand, et. {es lve tae ‘trough my moth ‘And so I did it—I took the plunge. eft my jb at the food “Seach ceqmlertee errata Ret oe, hacer Theda cu] ‘Aan Toe used tonsalad.nty Hunter, and launched our exclusive club, The Fresh- Pressed ‘romemade al Uait re Olive Ou Club, ‘panola my wate bean ‘This announcements your invitation t join us on this pecan eermane ‘wonderful, ever-so-much-fun adventure in the greatest taste ‘mauete enimore.Canyou ad health benefits that the word’ freshest ove olls ean feeltholove Whateleecint bestow. say he lve oes oc end nvstank yt — Four times a yearroughly in November, February, May Sear Gowe, Newport. and July—L travel the worl, following the sun to sample hundreds of fresh-presed olive ols right at harvest timo In each olive-growing region. pick out the top three, best-of the best ols Then I put my treasures on ajet plane and, after they land in America, have them botled by hand and rushed right to your door by ‘express delivery truck. “This the kindof live ol tha the talians call “novella” though other counties don't ‘use the same crm. In every case, no matler what the region of orig, I secure for our Club ‘Members the freshest, most flavorful and healthiest olive oils avalable inthe world, delivered atthe peak of freshness and health benefits. Sowhen you become a Charter Member of The Fresh- Pressed Olive Oil Club, you ean ‘expees three botles (you'l have a choice of two sizes) ofthe world's freshest olive ol 10 show up at your home four times a year. You will never have co expend a drop of energy, ot ‘waste a second of your precious time in racking down great alive ol. You wil be, quite Iiteraly, one of the few people onthe planet with a continual supply of just pressed, insanely fesh olive oll Discover a World of Olive Oil Pleasures You've Never Dreamed off Asin wine, the possible permutations of taste and texture in olive oll are inline, and you will experience the finest of every variety as a Charter Member of The Fesh-Pressed ‘Ottve OU Club. (hy watch and varied dlghs vat your palate As AG se restaive ot have ‘you anticipate the pleasures about to come your way, keep cqecumcieerucuet” —_Inmind thatthe oie oll word died in ovo paral ‘Seocjesmsantte made fom unspe clive and ofl mde trom pe oles Bivirtacticoaingss aed when te olves te pickedunrpe mem Ae, ee ripe— makes all the difference in the character of the olive. imtinteetiewmey ars prewed fom tom And you wl experienc: lous : tsamplesal slong the pecrum. seer Hampstead, NC Forexample, you'll taste the full character of te green olive oll thatis such a favorite among olive oll lovers the ‘world over. I's made from green, or unripe, olives and isa teat fr the eyes, with Its highly attractive greenish glint. ‘Then comes the Navor—variously described as grassy, herbaceous, fairy, and always intense. Latiy, this type of i fresh-pressed oll has a “pepperiness” to, which is most readily detectable as a sing inthe back ofthe throat—highly | desirable whten the ois being used to enliven food, just as, | peppers desirable in the same way. Every Region Produces Its Own Unique Flavors, Textures Asyou'llalso discover, one ofthe great things about olive ‘ll made from unripe olives i ts fascinating variability. ‘Not unlike wine whieh i A ectrmmonnomn dependent on trol olives to, ake on the character ofthe ‘heycaltcmparewit” rion where they're grown. In green ol produced under seyhiogeesicisioe the Tecan aun, forexample, yl experience a lvor thas Iealguemetgrcey.Se alot lke raw artichoke heartsand connolseeurs of health ‘ewsalesi every dunks wil wally ecognize the strong aor connection of ssatietestiz! Tyscan alive ll Whestras- ‘heel puinesn—* Coperas this with another great “green frm the SEEMEESEE south ofspain in Andalusia where the wonder Picual Ferudieerraeciwad ove ylldsollthat are reminlscent of te stems and ines Sunpimea A ofcipe tomatoes. ender en tan oc Teateacnt ances And hen there's the teri green” Peloponnisos region sauiddgaticwiterwihout of Greece, where the characer of the oll seems to capture ‘euttamatoes Wear 54 the very essence of green olives themselves. some ofouraitoewisspeng’s EVERY apenas Ineach case, the ol! releases its bright, distinctive Charms tym Weingast? ye moment ithits your tongue, Olive Oils Made from Ripe, Black Olives Are Much Gentler, Milder... More Buttery ‘And i heven't even begun to describe the rich attractions of esh pressed olive ofl made ‘rom ripe olives—oll that is much gente, milder smoother, rounder. The look of tis different as wel, usually a glimmering gold—from fat, precious drops squeezed out of black live, ‘Theo mostTanous eins fortis ind ofc are Coseoimampetsays Provence, ithe soithof ane, nd ig, where he ssiltwesictioertoed French River segues into the allan Rivers Ofte als EatSiceTanccyesngt fom both placen one woud sy they ae milly ray, of nspedalosasnes. S071 and most important—buttery, both in texture and favor. ty seamed veges. ‘These milder, ipe-olive olive ots will ear their own a fal place in your ment planning. When you receive pa. Siyhubandandiwe SPeCial place in your menu pl yn ESSetluseatacsnes them, chey wil be perfect for foods with subtle Navors that SGhacumisdog wimisan Youdon't want to overpower. Fish, for example. Were you to het Wenwvelounditinbe Pura green olive oll over apiece of steamed halibut, you ‘egeetsryousaid Meew wouldnot acte the fish at all. Golden Provencal ol, Seep ining hse ‘however, will layer a mild patina ofbuttery lavor over the ernonindiems? snowy wile sh pereey preserving the tase ofthe ‘Asa member of The Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club you will, ‘quick'y become a connoisseur ofthe finest fesh-pressed olive oil rom all ver the world! Every new botde will be a delicious adventure in olive oll appreciation, accompanied by ‘the Chib tasting notes, recipes, and recommendations for use. a“ RSVP TODAY! Amazing Reale best eases” — youd lke to become a Charter Member of The Fresh- ostane Basow,Pisburt Pressed Olive Oll Club pleas lt me know right away, 80 8 ‘we'll have enough time to make the arrangements with our artisanal producers in time for the next harvest and shipping dates. make your lif simple by offering just wo ‘options. ll you have todo is piek one ofthe following options. Option #1, Best Value: 500-ml Set: large set of three 500-ml (16.9 ounce) fesh- pressed supreme exra virgin olive oil for only $124 per quarter (plus $15 shippingand handling). This works out to one 600m (16.9 ounce) fresh-pressed botde per month. ‘Option #2, Excellent Value: 250-m Set: A smaller set of three 250-md (@.4S ounce) bottles of fresh pressed supreme exra virgin olive il fo only $87 per quarter (plus $12 shipping and handling). This works out one 250ml (8.45 ounce) fresh pressed botle per ‘month. Whichever option you select, your oils willbe accompanied by my "Pressing Report” describing the producer, olive varieties, regions, harvest and delivery details of your shipment. You wil also receive our tasting notes foreach ol, @ game plan for an olive-o tasting party, and suggestions for ways io enjoy each of the lls, emphasizing seasonal recipes and traditional uses. a Never a “Minimum Commitment’... ates <_Jaiiseetere And You Can Cancel at Any Time ierreteaareeran) Fatmsceclnapyeg Therelsno minimum number of quarers that you mast ‘Soest doy enol end you can cancal your merabesthipat anytime Yelena vertex” Moreover every quately shipmen ls protected by ok loved munchie we had. Many ‘100% money-back guarantee. Just let us know if you're tamtepmasonstiehel seid with your selections for any reason, and youl ‘reteentbaunnines ive 1008 of our money back that shipment, oo Gatmancpunad " quertons kod So yout beauty nothing. inl, of SSdmmyandsnpba couse, youletths chance ip by inwhich xs youTbe Tougeeaddibodseast missing the opportunity o secure your own private, Tedstaisandtemette Continuous source fae, esi pressed ie slew ‘her oda nus source of ae fe ‘how 1 get more ofthis Liquid " ‘id lsorieetobaveyou eacecaraaa wees ‘The offer we're presenting here i avallable nowhere else ‘Tunic’ AmicOswen, -—TOt In stores catalogs, anywhere. Indeed, I don'tknow of ea any other service in the world that delivers precious fesh- _presed olive ols right to your door quarterly. This is traly 2 ‘rst, and you can be a Charter Member ofthe world’s fst such Clubt ‘Wows URI Ra Amazed he Thatr Bleue Eb tre olive oils were ee OE eee aa And So Will Your Guests! tre nig iy ‘Mituh teyatimetnt _ Turgeyouto be among the handfal of Americans who will ‘Ticticcirtoman — beabletwenjoy these great eshlls without needing your ‘im dhpedbetec Gyn private tnd plot to whikyou around the gabe I sqowtetwerstie=! | means you need never again sete for mediocre, lator stale ‘seesinmmsbet pasts” hive ll! You can now let the dishes you serve be eee dramatically enhanced by these ol’ lvely, vibrant favors ee and quality. And, ifyou can ever partwith one of your ‘weasured bottles, think of what a fabulous exclusive and personal git it would make fora foodie friend who would ‘have no other way to experience such taste! ‘Similarly, this one of those litle luxuries, aa most reasonable price, that can add such ‘delight and satisfaction and comfort to every meal you serve and partake. We all deserve such simple daily pleasure these days! ‘What inspires me to say thar? (vou 02s 2s Ghetehclocdn ouaicion _Pethapsyou ave traveled to Italy or other lands, where ‘omaoes moraralaabed2 the culture encourages people to celebrate the pleasure of Ibitwemadethebexslad being alive, of taking time from the daly grind and our eingens Nertohmes everyday cares to appreciate kiends and family, co celebrate dnicefsnew my sure fine food and drink t mealtime. Ingrnent” Opti Cale, aches Perhaps you've noticed, as have I, how this attitude adds a lle sparkle and romance to daily life chatwe in America usually forego, with our noses so close wo the grindstone and ‘our thoughts so often on tomorrow and not the pleasure ofthe moment. Well, for me, one ‘way Tintend to bring more simple dally pleasure into my life sto indulge myself with these gloriously Navorful, ever so-healthy fresh pressed olive oils whenever I wish, This (Club brings you so much dining pleasure at such reasonable cost. Indeed, these fesh- pressed, super-healthy ols can add vibrant favor and nutritional goodness to mote than 100 meals over the next three months fr less than the price ofa single dinner at a restaurant! you appreciate the value that such a delightful daly pleasure can represent, invite you to join me inthis exciting adventure, our year-ong, follow the-sun quest for the {greatest and freshest olive oils inthe world, 2s you vicariously travel the globe with meto ‘capture this precious liquid gold. Who can rests such graat taste and euch great fun? Yoursfor abuts Foot Le — ‘TJ. Robinson, ‘The Olwe OM Hunter” PAS. mtease provide your acral sueet adéresson the Order Form, and nota PO box, as FodExand UPS cannot deliver toa PO box address. Te overnight shipping companies ‘weuure also need your phone number, incase they havea question about delivery. Thank yout Click Here to Enroll in Fresh- Pressed Olive Oil Club (©2016 Frosh Press Ove Oi LLC Al Rights Reserved.

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