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SEKOLAH ail Us EKSPOR Korfeko PROGRAM STUDI INDEPENDEN KAMPUS MERDEKA CYCLE 6 Modul [PRO-04] Product Packaging Program Studi independen “Be A oistal Exporter BS Kem ler FRAMEWORK ‘The 7n1 Arrows of Export Manapement KLASTER MODUL THE 7N1 ARROWS OF EXPORT MANAGEMENT . EXPORT RESEARCH AND STRATEGY PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT . DIGITAL BUSINESS BRANDING AND MARKETING |. EXPORT BUSINESS MATCHING . EXPORT PAYMENT AND DOCUMENTATION. . EXPORT LOGISTIC . CROSS BORDER CUSTOMS CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT a SEKOLAH EKSPOR Introduction to Product Packaging The art and science behind product packaging are a mixture and combining aspects of aesthetics, functionality, and marketing strategy. Product packaging serves as the first point of contact between a brand and its audience. It is the tangible representation of a company's identity, values, and the essence of the product it houses. The contemporary consumer not only seeks functionality and aesthetic appeal but also values eco-conscious choices, driving brands to reconsider their packaging strategies. The sustainability revolution has revolutionized packaging, prompting brands to adopt eco-friendly alternatives like biodegradable materials and minimalist designs to reduce waste. With consumers prioritizing environmental concerns, sustainable packaging not only reflects ethical values but also offers a competitive edge in the market. Kam us eka Merdeko 2x SEKOLAH EKSPOR Benefits Towards A Good Packaging in Exporting Merseko ‘Communication Benefits Packaging serves functional roles like convenience, Effective export packaging protection, and differentiation, especially for products communicates essential with health and safety risks. Government regulations product information, including often enforce strict laws to prevent tampering, deterring usage instructions and risks and ensuring safety. composition, to meet disclosure laws. Standardized labeling Perceptual Benefits. systems for —_ nutritional Packaging influences consumer perception, with visual information satisfy consumer elements and design impacting consumers’ views on needs, while symbols and seals product quality, economy, and status. Companies edirance titist ond crecibthi) strategically redesign packaging to enhance brand image and appeal to consumer nostalgia, SEKOLAH , us EKSPOR. How the Environment Acts on Kor ieko Product Packaging Because of widespread concern about the growth of solid waste and the shortage of viable landfill sites, the amount, composition, and disposal of packaging material continues to receive much attention. Increasingly, firms are using life-cycle analysis (LCA) to examine the environmental effect of their packaging at every stage from raw material sources and production through distribution and disposal. LCA indicated that the environment would be better served if the amount of solid waste packaging was reduced than if the polystyrene shells were recycle. oH a a chy @ (ee SEKOLAH Kampus, EKSPOR Concerning about Health and Safety of MercSnn Consumers Companies should make sure products and their packages are safe, regardless of the cost. Products that proven to endanger health of individuals and decrease the safety factors, contain a child-resistant safety latch to prevent misuse and accidental fire Measures like child-resistant safety features and sealed lids on food packages address these concerns. Additionally, advancements in packaging technology aim to extend shelf life and prevent spoilage Packaging design utilizes various tools and methodologies to communicate product information effectively, requiring an understanding of anthropology, sociology, psychology, ethnography, and linguistics to cater to diverse consumer backgrounds and preferences *B Kenta el What Differentiates Product Packaging Merson and the Package? Packaging involves wrapping or covering items using materials like cellophane, paper, plastic, etc, while a package refers to the physical object itself, such as a box, container, or bundle. The distinction lies in packaging being an active process, while a package is the final product. This distinction is crucial as packaging serves dynamic functions like containing, transporting, and = #48 dispensing, reflecting its evolving nature. SEKOLAH EKSPOR Marketing Mix and the Role of Packaging Design As a business activity involved in the moving of good from the producer to the consumer, marketing includes advertising and packaging design, merchandising and sales. Packaging design serves to visually communicate product differentiation. Think about it from an appearance standpoint, without distinctive packaging design for all the brands of various products, each product would look remarkably similar. us Kor leka SEKOLAH us EKSPOR Korfeko Designing a Product Packaging with the Brand What exactly constitutes a brand, if packaging design is only one aspect of what makes a brand? A brand is a name, a symbol of ownership, and a representation of goods, services, people, and location as seen through the lens of packaging design. Brands are defined by their presence in our consumer society, by their product consisting of their physical attributes and emotional connotations regarding the value that wants to be delivered by firm owners. The brand becomes the means by which a company differentiates itself in the minds of consumers. SEKOLAH Kam; Ye, EKSPOR Designing a Product Packaging with the Brand MercSnn 1) Composing a Brand Identity oO Brand promise is the tangible aspect of the brand-the essential components including the name, color, symbol, and other design elements The brand identity creates an emotional connection with the consumer. Whether it conveys abstract or concrete ideas about a product, when fused in the product. A brand connection is a “must-have” for marketing, SEKOLAH Kampus 0 EKSPOR Designing a Product Packaging with the Brand Mergeko Brand promise is the assurance or guarantee by the marketer or manufacturer about the product and its claims. Failing to uphold this promise can damage the brand's reputation and drive consumers away, What Indicates a Failure in Product Promises? ww ‘© The design fails to function properly © Typography is difficult to read and the product name is hard to pronounce or understand. ‘© The design communicates a product superior to its competition, but the product is inferior SEKOLAH Kam; Ye, EKSPOR Designing a Product Packaging with the Brand MercSnn Packaging design embodies a brand's values and qualities, forming a visual identity that consumers connect with emotionally. This association between packaging and brand creates brand equity, measured by consumer identification and loyalty Brands with strong equities, built on consistent delivery of quality and reliability, become leaders in their category, simplifying consumer choice. Visual elements like typography, symbols, and colors contribute to brand equity, especially for new brands establishing their image. 2x SEKOLAH Kampus 0 EKSPOR Designing a Product Packaging with the Brand Mergeko Consumers develop trust in brands when they have positive experiences with the products that carry their names. When a brand fulfils its promise to the customer, that customer stays loyal to the brand and starts to make repeat purchases, which leads to brand preference, ‘Among the values that are essential to brand loyalty are strength and consistency. Loyal customers have nearly obsessive faith in their brands. Think about the brands that people identify with and use to define themselves. Brands become integral to consumers’ self- identity as a means of self-expression. SEKOLAH Kampus 0 EKSPOR Designing a Product Packaging with the Brand Mergeko 5) Repositioning When Change is Needed Brand repositioning involves redefining a product's marketing approach to enhance competitiveness and brand differentiation. This process includes Defining design strategies and competitive prospects Evaluating the visual brand equity of the current packaging design Redesign. Repositioning is done with the intention of improving the brand's standing and moking it competitive in the market. SEKOLAH Kampus 0 EKSPOR Designing a Product Packaging with the Brand Mergeko When extending a brand into new product lines, existing brand equities should be considered alongside new marketing objectives. Existing design elements may be kept to maintain the consumer's perception of the brand promise. Brand extensions can involve introducing new products within the same category or branching out into entirely new categories which offers greater variety of choice providing consumers with diverse choices while ensuring consistent quality SEKOLAH Kampus, EKSPOR Designing a Good Package Design for MerSco= the Society Package design, as a component of S6Gletall@gnamies, discloses a great deal about the cultural values of the market. Packaging design must catch the consumer's attention right away because it is predominantly used in marketplaces (GGifGral[EGmbols are used to convey cultural values through careful use of design elements and in-depth market research Packaging design often aims to project cultural values or appeal to broader consumer bases. Brand and packaging value may be defined by specific customer groups’ opinions. SEKOLAH EKSPOR Objectives to Notice in Designing The marketer or manufacturer should ideally offer precise, comprehensive information and connect directly to quantifiable objectives for the packaging design. Market positioning guides design direction, and helps us determine where to place the product in the competitive retail space Ultimately, the primary objective of packaging design is to boost sales by effectively communicating the brand promise and product attributes to consumers ener —, SEKOLAH us EKSPOR Korfeko Packaging Design Pri ‘iples Packaging design principles are customized to meet specific goals, aiming to achieve balance tension, proportion, and appeal. Design elements such as color, typography, structure, and images contribute to the designer's ability to communicate effectively, It is also the main components of an attractive design. SEKOLAH us EKSPOR Korfeko The Primary Display Panel The brand identification and the main communication elements always have @ designated space, known as the principle or Primary Display Panel (PDP). This section, typically the front of the packaging, Is crucial for conveying the marketing and brand strategy effectively Basic elements of PDP includes: 2 © brand mark «ingredient copy «instructions © brand name © net weight * barcode * productname nutritional information * expiration hazards =) A well-designed PDP ensures ¢lear communication of product information, guiding consumers on usage, function, and differentiation from other varieties on the shelf SEKOLAH us EKSPOR Korfeko Structure and Materials in Packaging Design The box is perceived as the product, embodying the brand's visual identity. Companies may use alternative materials for packaging to promote environmental benefits: Alternative One: Foldable Cartons. Made of cardstock or corrugated paperboard, these cartons are scored, folded, and tabbed to form a framework. Alternative Two: Boxes that are flexible in shape. Sturdy preassembled setup boxes made from thick chipboard or paperboard, often laminated with decorative materials. Used for high-end products like jewelry and cosmetics SEKOLAH s EKSPOR Karngeko 3R Principle on Packaging Design There has been concerns with manufacturing and production waste and its effects on the environment An environmental movement promoted the segregated collection of specific waste kinds in an effort to promote industry reuse. Lighter packaging net only uses less energy during transportation but also less resources during production, allowing for the shipment of more lighter goods. SEKOLAH us EKSPOR Korfeko Packaging and Life-Cycle Assessment One of the objective methods for assessing the environmental impact of a process, activity, or product is life cycle assessment (LCA). The LCA method counts the energy and materials consumed, as well as the trash released into the environment. The "eradle-to- grave” model, starting from raw material extraction to end-of- life disposal, enhances sustainability and competitiveness for greener practices. SEKOLAH s EKSPOR Karngeko The LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) Process 1. Evaluate all stages of a product's lifecycle, where each operation influences the next. 2. Estimate cumulative environmental impacts, covering all stages from extraction of raw material to product disposal. 3. Provide a comprehensive view of the environmental aspects of a product or process and and accurately depict the true impact of product selection, ener SEKOLAH EKSPOR Environmental Factors Packaging designers face competing agendas from production, marketing, and consumer demand, requiring compromises for effective and affordable delivery to customers. Factors like product demand, production processes, distribution systems, company policies, government regulations, marketing, retailer requirements cand consumer preferences affects the environmental factors of product packaging. Therefore, each stage of the production process may be better understood in the technical specifications of product development, but failing to meet consumer needs may have an impact on sustainability Kam us jeko Merdeko SEKOLAH EKSPOR ‘N ener Conclusion Product packaging plays a pivotal role in influencing consumer perceptions, driving purchasing decisions, and _ ultimately contributing to the success of a product in the market. A well- designed and thoughtful packaging design not only enhances the overall customer experience but also establishes a strong connection between the consumer and the brand, Businesses must recognize the strategic importance of packaging as a key element in their marketing mix, constantly adapting to evolving trends and consumer expectations to stay competitive and resonate with their target audience. SEKOLAH ail Us EKSPOR Korfeko Thanks! Any questions? Program Studi independen “Be A oigitsl Exportor

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