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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai


“Study Of Measures To Be Taken For Ensuring Cyber Security”

Submitted By

Under The Guidance Of

Prof.Warule B.M.




(2023 – 2024)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai


This is to certify that

Of Sixth Semester have satisfactorily completed Micro Project On

“Study Of Measures To Be Taken For Ensuring Cyber Security”
In subject Management (22509) as per Curriculum of Maharashtra State Board of
Technical Education, Mumbai
For the partial fulfillment of

Diploma in Civil Engineering

In the academic year 2023-2024

Miss.Warule B.M. Mr. Benke V. G.


Dr. Pokharkar S.R


Sr. No. Description

1. Micro-Project Proposal(Part A)

2. Micro-Project Report(Part B)

3. Micro-Project Evolution(Part C)
(PART – A)
Micro-Project Proposal
Study Of Measures To Be Taken For Ensuring Cyber Security

1.0 Brief Introduction :

Cyber security refers to measures taken to protect internet-connected devices.
networks, and data from unauthorized access and criminal use. Additionally, cyber
security ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data over its entire
life cycle.
Cyber security applies to both software and hardware, as well as information on
the internet. It can be used to protect everything from personal information to complex
government systems.
Cyber security refers to the measures taken to protect devices, networks, and data
from unauthorized access and criminal use. Cyber security can span various protection
measures, such as preventing cybercriminals from hacking into computers and other
connected devices and stealing sensitive information Password protection and
encryption are types of cyber security measures. Common types of cyber attacks
include phishing, malware, eavesdropping attacks, and denial-of-service (DoS)

2.0 Aims of the Micro-Project

a. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.

b. Use principles of planning and organising for accomplishment of tasks.

c. Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.

d. Apply principles of safety management in all activities.

3.0 Resources Required
Sr. Name of Resources /
No. Material Specifications Qty. Remarks
Processor Dual Core
1. Computer System G630, RAM 500, HDD 7200 1 Use

2. Operating System Windows 10 1 Use

3. Tool Microsoft Word 1 Use

4. Printer Laser 1 Use

4.0 Action plan

Sr. Details of activity Planned Start Planned Name of
No. date Finish date Responsible
Team Members

1 Search micro project All Members

topics related
To subject.
2 Selection of micro All Members
project title
3 Search & collect All Members
Related to selected topic
4 Completion of micro All Members
project topic
5 Analyze & finalize All Members
collected data
For micro-project report.
6 Designing, editing, All Members
formatting and
Observing the Wooden
Mobile Stand.
7 Implementation of micro All Members
8 Report Preparation, All Members
Names of Team Members Roll No.



Subject Teacher :
Miss.Warule B. M.
(PART – B)
Micro-Project Report
Study Of Measures To Be Taken For Ensuring Cyber Security

Brief Description
Cyber security refers to measures taken to protect internet-connected devices.
networks, and data from unauthorized access and criminal use. Additionally, cyber
security ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data over its entire
life cycle.
Cyber security applies to both software and hardware, as well as information on
the internet. It can be used to protect everything from personal information to
complex government systems.
Cyber security refers to the measures taken to protect devices, networks, and data
from unauthorized access and criminal use. Cyber security can span various protection
measures, such as preventing cybercriminals from hacking into computers and other
connected devices and stealing sensitive information Password protection and
encryption are types of cyber security measures. Common types of cyber attacks
include phishing, malware, eavesdropping attacks, and denial-of-service (DoS)
Cyber security is important in the world of networks where people are always
online doing work and it can provide opportunity for users to protect their personal
information on the network or on device. Cyber security gives Right to know and
Right to information. Computer is safe through cyber security in terms of all
damages from virus, bacteria, online bugs etc.
Cyber security also helps in monitoring the network and protects from various kinds
of threats. Also it protects from all cybercrimes where attackers didn't get entrance on
networks. It allows protecting computers security a high level. Cyber security protects
the confidential data, protects the integrity and availability of computer system and
resource data of systems.
Understanding Cybersecurity:-

Cyber security measures include preventing, detecting, and responding to cyber

attacks. Any information stored on an internet-connected device, computer system, or
network can be hacked. With the proper measures in place, this can be prevented.
Given that the world is more reliant on computers than ever before, cyber security has
become essential.
Cyber security ranges from simple to complex. As a basic preventative
measure, most devices come equipped with password protection to prevent hacking.
Updating software is another straightforward way to prevent cyber attacks.
If a system is attacked or at risk of an attack, specific measures might be taken
depending on the type of attack. Encryption, for example, is one way to prevent
attacks, and certain antivirus software can detect suspicious activity online and block
most software attacks. In order to ensure that a system is secure, it's essential to
understand the risks and vulnerabilities inherent to that specific device or network and
whether or not hackers can exploit those vulnerabilities.

Types of Cyberattacks:-
Cyber security professionals should have an in-depth understanding of the following
types of cyber security threats
1. Malware
Malware is malicious software such as spyware, ransomware, viruses and worms.
Malware is activated when a user clicks on a malicious link or attachment, which leads
to installing dangerous software. Cisco reports that malware, once activated, con:

• Block access to key network components (ransom ware)

• Install additional harmful software
• Covertly obtain information by transmitting data from the hard drive (spyware)
• Disrupt individual parts, making the system inoperable
2. Emoted
The Cyber security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) describes
Emoted as "an advanced, modular banking Trojan that primarily functions as a
downloader or dropper of other banking Trojans, Emoted continues to be among the
most costly and destructive malware.

3. Denial of Service
A denial of service (DoS) is a type of cyber attack that floods a computer or
network so it can't respond to requests. A distributed DoS (DDoS) does the same
thing, but the attack originates from a computer network. Cyber attackers often use a
flood attack to disrupt the "handshake" process and carry out a DoS. Several other
techniques may be used, and some cyber attackers use the time that a network is
disabled to launch other attacks. A botnet is a type of DDoS in which millions of
systems can be infected with malware and controlled by a hacker, according to Jeff
Melnick of Netwrix, an information technology security software company.
Botnets, sometimes called zombie systems, target and overwhelm a target's processing
capabilities. Botnets are in different geographic locations and hard to trace.

4. Man in the Middle

A man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack occurs when hackers insert themselves
into a two-party transaction. After interrupting the traffic, they can filter and steal data,
according to Cisco. MITM attacks often occur when a visitor uses an unsecured public
Wi-Fi network. Attackers insert themselves between the visitor and the network, and
then use malware to install software and use data maliciously.

5. Phishing
Phishing attacks use fake communication, such as an email, to trick the receiver
into opening it and carrying out the instructions inside, such as providing a credit card
number. "The goal is to steal sensitive data like credit card and login information or to
install malware on the victim's machine," Cisco reports
6.SQL Injection
A Structured Query Language (SQL) injection is a type of cyber attack that
results from inserting malicious code into a server that uses SQL. When infected, the
server releases information. Submitting the malicious code can be as simple as
entering it into a vulnerable website search box.

7. Password Attacks
With the right password, a cyber attacker has access to a wealth of information.
Social engineering is a type of password attack that Data Insider defines as "a strategy
cyber attackers use that relies heavily on human interaction and often involves tricking
people into breaking standard security practices." Other types of password attacks
include accessing a password database or outright guessing. Businesses should use
different cyber security measures to keep their

. Common cyber security measures:-

Businesses should use different cyber security measures to keep their business
data, their cash flow and their customers safe online. These measures should aim to
prevent risks from various sources, including:

a) Internet-borne attacks, e.g. spyware or malware

b) User-generated weaknesses, e.g. easily guessed passwords or misplaced
c) Inherent system or software flaws and vulnerabilities
d) Subvert system or software features
e) Essential cyber security measures

The following processes and tools are fairly easy to introduce and, combined, they
will give you a basic level of security against the most common IT risks.
Use strong passwords
Strong passwords are vital to good online security. Make your password difficult to
guess by:

a) Using a combination of capital and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols

b) Making it between eight and 12 characters long
c) Avoiding the use of personal data
d) Changing it regularly
e) Never using it for multiple accounts
f) Using two-factor authentication

Create a password policy for your business to help staff follow security best
practices. Look into different technology solutions to enforce your password policy, e
g scheduled password reset. For detailed guidance on passwords, read the National
Cyber Security Centre's (NCSC) guide on using passwords to protect your data and
consider different password strategies that could boost your business security.

Control access to data and systems

Make sure that individuals can only access data and services for which they are

For example, you can:

1. Control physical access to premises and

computers network

2. Restrict access to unauthorised users

3. Limit access to data or services through application controls

4. Restrict what can be copied from the system and saved to storage devices

5. Limit sending and receiving of certain types of email attachments

Modern operating systems and network software will help you to achieve most of
this, but you will need to manage the registration of users and user authentication
systems - eg passwords. For more information, read NCSC's introduction to identity
and access management controls.
Put up a firewall
Firewalls are effectively gatekeepers between your computer and the internet.
They act as a barrier to prevent the spread of cyber threats such as viruses and
malware. It's important to set up firewall devices properly and check them regularly to
ensure their software/firmware is up to date, or they may not be fully effective. Read
more about firewalls in server security.

Use security software

You should use security software, such as anti-spyware, anti-malware and anti-virus
programs, to help detect and remove malicious code if it slips into your network. See
out detailed guidance to help you detect spam, malware and virus attacks. Update
programs and systems regularly Updates contain vital security upgrades that help
protect against known bugs and vulnerabilities. Make sure that you keep your software
and devices up-to-date to avoid falling prey to criminals

Monitor for intrusion

You can use intrusion detectors to monitor systems and unusual network
activity. If a detection system suspects a potential security breach, it can generate an
alarm, such as an email alert, based upon the type of activity it has identified. See
more on cyber security breach detection.

Raise awareness
Your employees have a responsibility to help keep your business secure. Make
sure that they understand their role and any relevant policies and procedures, and
provide them with regular cyber security awareness and training. Read about insider
threats in cyber security.

• Trends of Cyber Security:-

Web security
Cyber criminals create their fake servers which look exactly like the original one with
their malicious code so that one can easily visit and input the personal information and
they can easily track all detail. Cyber security need to put more emphasis on protecting
web servers so that users can't be dragged into it and be safe. Always check twice
while doing any transaction and see about the server in detail.

Cloud space and its services.

These days everyone is preferring for cloud space to store data. This latest
service becomes the challenge for cyber security as it requires large number of access
and applications to prevent important information. Hackers know all techniques to get
into it.

Mobile Networks
Mobile is the need everyone. We can see in everyone's hand and its user do
almost every activity on mobile. From social media to banking, from pictures to
videos, WhatsApp chat etc. are very common and it's a big concern for the cyber
security. These days 'cyber security and firewalls becoming permeable as people are
using different kind of devices like smartphones, IPad, Tablet ete, all of which require
high level of security with two factor authentication. Mobile phones are very prone to
cybercrime and user must download latest software and application and make
themselves protect from cybercrime.

Encrypted Code
Encryption is the process of encoding messages where only users or coders can read
that and hackers doesn't know about it and unable to read the code. Therefore,
encryption of code is must in the system or networks. Every user must learn how to
encode the messages and keep their data encrypted safe.

Encryption at every level is important and protect the data privacy and the
integrity. But use of encryption is the big challenge for cyber security. Encrypted
code not only secure persona data on computers or mobile but it is also helpful and
secure data on all networks which is present online.

Important Of Cyber Security:-

Cyber security is important as every organisation whether private both financial
and non-financial, corporate and military also access their data online and keep data,
programs, process, files on computers, clouds, and other devices. And these data must
be important and carries sensitive information may be

personal information, intellectual property, financial information, unauthorized data

etc. which might be access by the cybercrimes and that is why cyber security is very
important and everyone must know all safety measures which need to be taken while
working on networks.

It's importance is risen these days. Fundamentally, our community is increasing for
internet and network from days before and many of them doesn't aware of hackers and
data stolen. They easily trust anyone online and share the details. Even many of them
share all personal detail on the wall of their social media which is highly not
recommended. Cloud storage are also risky where people share their identity
information like PAN, AADHAR, Social security number, bank details, credit card
number which is very unsafe.

• Challenges in Cyber Security:-

There are few challenges while doing effective cyber security in an organization or for
personal reasons:

1. Network Security - The networks are not secure enough as there are many
unwanted users who can attack and destruct the interventions.

2. Application Security- Application of both computer and mobile device need to

be updated and tested on regular basis to ensure any kind of attacks.
3. Data Security Securing data on applications and network need second layer of
security which is very challenging. One must protect their data very highly by two
factor authentication so that no one can easily access it.

4. Application Security- Application of both computer and mobile device need to

be updated and tested on regular basis to ensure any kind of attacks.

5. Data Security Securing data on applications and network need second layer of
security which is very challenging. One must protect their data very highly by two
factor authentication so that no one can easily access it.

6. Cloud Security Protecting data 100 percent on cloud is very challenging as its
require large amount of space and online safe environment.

7. Mobile Security- It involves every type of security from login to space, from
chat to banking which again require conscious user's involvement.

Cyber Ethics:-
Cyber ethics is the code of internet. It is the practice which is use for good chance to
use proper and safer internet. There are few things which need to be consider for
cyber ethics-
A. Offensive language- Do not use rude and any kind of violent language
B. Cyber Bully- Never do any cyber bully as it's a crime.
a. Plagiarism - Never plagiarised any content of any one as it us under stolen and
b. Involvement- Do not involve with anyone else computer or network as its
comes cybercrime.
c. Copyright- Obey the copyright rules, never download material or software's
which involve the information of other. Always us free data available on
internet or software's. Cyber ethics are important and must be followed by
everyone and if everyone takes the responsibility then cybercrime will decline.
Safety Major Of Cyber Security:-
Basic precautions must be taken by everyone who use internet and online
transactions and work:

1. Internet Security Suite- One can use various anti malware software that
are available for purchase either through online or offline that helps them to
protect and secure their information from various malware.
2. Strong Password- One should use strong and new password frequently.
Password must be changed frequently by using combination of letters, numbers
and special characters and try to erase history of browser once work done
specially if using public or common computers or laptop.
3. Regular Update Software - It is important for OS and internet security to
update regular software to avoid any kind of cybercrime as criminal's use
known exploits and flaws to gain access of system.
4. Manage Social Media Settings- It is always very important to keep
personal and private information locked down. Cyber criminals keep an eye on
social media information so it must be locked and frequently change like
password. Share as much less information on social media so that anyone won't
be able to guess security questions answers.
5. Intensify Home Network- Home network must have strong encrypted
password and have virtual private network. A VPN stands for Virtual Private
Network; which allows you to create a secure connection to another network
over the internet.. It allows you to connect to the public networks more
securely. It's a great idea to use VPN in both public and personal network so
that it protects everywhere.

6. Secure Personal Computer- This can be done by activating computer

firewall, using anti- virus, malware software and block spyware attacks by
regularly installing and updating software's.
7. Secure Mobile Devices- Mobile devices must be updated and password
protected in two-factor authentication and applications must be downloaded
from trusted sources.
8. Install latest Operating System- Current and updated operating system
must be used in Windows, Mac, Linux to prevent potential attacks on older

• Aim of Micro Project

a. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.

b. Use principles of planning and organising for accomplishment of tasks.

c. Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.

d. Apply principles of safety management in all activities.

• Course Outcomes Integrated

a. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.

b. Use principles of planning and organising for accomplishment of tasks.

c. Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.

d. Apply principles of safety management in all activities.

• Actual Resources Used

Sr. Name of Resources /
No. Material Specifications Qty. Remarks
Processor Dual Core
1. Computer System G630, RAM 500, HDD 7200 1 Use

2. Operating System Windows 10 1 Use

3. Tool Microsoft Word 1 Use

4. Printer Laser 1 Use

5.0 Skill Developed/ learning out of this Micro-project
• Leadership - Project managers are the project leaders and often, the
Leaders too. ...
• Communication - Any project management skills list is sure to
Communication near the top. ...
• Collaboration. ...
• Time management. ...
• Organization. ...
• Problem solving. ...
• Adaptability.

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