Hellboy The Fury #3

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DARK ETrti4 IOs MIKE MIGNoLA ** DUNCAN FEGREDO # Ayam MIKE MIGNOLA aay DUNCAN FEGREDO ee Colors * DAVE STEWART Letters * CLEM ROBINS Cover ®* MIKE MIGNOLA with DAVE STEWART Designers * MIKE MIGNOLA & Cary GRAZZINI Assistant Editor * DANIEL CHABON Editor ® SCOTT ALLIE Publisher * MIKE RICHARDSON ISRO OU Ue ACS eee ike Rot we eter emt 10956 SE Main Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222. Hellboy: The Fury Copyright © 2011 Mike Mignola. Hellboy™ and all other prominently featured characters are trademarks of Mike Mignola. Dark Horse Comics® and the Dark Horse logo are trademarks of Dark Horse Comics, Inc., registered in various categories and countries, All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the express written permission of Dark Horse Comics, Inc. Names, Perea eae Pt incidents featured i fants Perr tert ta) either plas the product Pmt Pe ad Tne ony ced mrad used eT ecte hi AUC emo aC eee an ee oe eae mere lt ome Cet en ee eee Printed by Cadmus Communications, Easton, PA, U.S.A. ‘THE LAST BATTLE, WHEN THE CHAMPION OF MAN "MONSTERS LONG BURIED WILL ALL RISE AGAIN AND FOR AWHILE IT WiLL BE THEIR WORLD...” eur ! Now irs THe eS Lavine wasre 70 ALL BRITAIN, AND'SCON IT WiLL SPREAD OVER THE WHOLE WORLD... THEN, OUT OF THE ASHES...” ANEW WORLD WILL RISE. THAT'S RAGNA ROK--NOT JUST AN END, BUT A NEW BEGINNING. THING WiLL Be SWEPT ‘AWAY, THis WORLD'S RUN ITS COURSE, BUT ITS NOT THAT It 608s IS HOW It ‘OES. He DRAGon, THE OcpRu HBO TT eScArED ITS PRISON TOO ‘SOON... HELLBOY Rents To BUY THis WORLD A LITTLE MORE TIME... they ace ‘a DRAGCING ME DOWN. Bal | Whe PIG, OF BLL W) THE PLAYERS IN THis THING You es PE eo AL g on enn Tea ons Pre st Ceetas acne —— Do ae [Bens here ooh becouse 1 would plead | Soe oak Fe I always look forward to Richard Corben’s Hellboy, and Being Human has now become a par- ticular favorite. The setup was great—the mood of the story was classic Night Gallery! Then all of a sudden, Virginius Turnbow marries Clayton Quillen, and I’m only on page 3. Needless to say, not only did I love it, I began searching the Internet for how factually based the story was. Found all sorts of people with the names, but no River Head, South Carolina. (Are bold-lettered words to accen- tuate a mood? Or added?) Lots of very unusual names—were they based on anything in particular or just out of the blue? Needless to say, this was a fun one-shot, and the fact that it could be family made it even more so. James Quillen Fairfax, VA ‘Thank you for bringing us this fantastic book (Witchfinder: Lost and Gone Forever|! Being an EC fan and addict, I love John Severin’s art! ‘The story was wonderful too. Looking forward to Hellboy: Being Human. Richard Corben rocks! Keith Helwig Usah Dear Dark Horse, In B.PR.D.: The Dead Remembered #3, page 2, last panel, is Liz setting something behind her back on fire without anyone noticing? Yours, ‘Mattias Nilsson Sweden Nope, that was a little stylistic flourish. The panel description for that one read like so: “Liz explodes. She leaps up from her chair, maybe knock- ing it over. She yells at him. The other people in the donut shop turn to look at her. Bebind her, in her reflection in the glass, she’s orange and yellow, on fire. Probably don’t see Broom’ face in the panel, but if we do see it, he's shocked.” Guys! A Greek person would never greet with “Eimai ceuxaristimenos pou se eitha!” (Iam pleased to have seen you). It is just grammatically wrong. They would say, “[Poso] xairomai pon se vlepo!” (I am [so] happy to see you), which is indeed a nice greeting. But then, seeing as he is a non-Orthodox priest (pretty rare!), perhaps his speech is non-Orthodox as well? Or is he something out of this world entirely? Just kidding. I love these comics, and I am just, glad I was given occasion to write an e-mail and ‘express my appreciation—no, gratitude—for the work you guys are doing. Alll the best, Yannis Natsinas Thanks, Yannis. Dunno what to tell you. My stepfather is Greek and grew up speaking Greek with his mother. L asked him for a greeting, and he ran through a few options with me. I got help with the spelling from another son of Greek immigrants. I find that whenever we use language from another country, we get letters pointing out inaccuracies — even though we go to some trouble to get the lines ‘from native speakers in many cases. My stepdad is not Greek born, but we've had complaints on our use of German, when it comes directly from the guys who edit, translate, and publish Hellboy in Germany. We do our best. Dear Hellmail, Just finished reading issue #2 of B.PR.D. Hell on Earth: Gods! Now that’s more like it! Lots of words, which kept my attention for at least fifteen minutes! Excellent. As usual, the art by Guy was great! I was sorry to hear he'd be leaving to concentrate on his own project. Anyway, the highlight of the issue for me was the meeting between Abe, Devon, and Kate. It was also very interesting to see Professor O’ Donnell reenter the scene. Crazy old guy! Thank you for taking me away from Japan’s disaster distress for a little while after the earthquake, tsunami, and reactor dysfunctions. Alan Bowman Saga City, Japan Dear Mike Mignola, Please have my babies. With that out of the way, I stumbled upon your work after seeing the first Hellboy movie while I was in high school. I have to say, the comics are better than the movie (I say this, even as a del Toro fan) mostly because of the art. Your use of negative and positive space is astounding, and very inspirational. As well, the story, dialogue, and even the layout are very breathtaking. I don’t own as many of the com- ics as I would like, but I plan to own them all! Thank you for the hard work and inspiration. With much respect and admiration, Meagan Douglas Scott, I just finished reading the final issue of Hellboy: The Storm and the first issue of Hellboy: The Fury back to back. The book is better than ever. I haven't read a new comic in months for a number of rea- sons but .. . well, ’'m back. Dropping in on the local comic shop, buying my comics, reading them ... it’s more than nostalgia. I truly love the whole experience. Sincerely, Matt Strackbein Longmont, CO Dear Dark Horse folk, I’m writing this to Hellmail, but it could’ve been sent to any of your editorial niches—though I'd have to be snarkier in a Creepy letter. Just finished my first read of Hellboy: Being Human. | appreciate that little tale on so many levels, First, let me say thanks for all the great artists who have joined on to help your projects. Richard Corben is one of my comic-art idols (right there with that Severin fellow working on Witchfinder). And let no one think I don’t appreciate any of the other artists who have contributed to your titles. I don’t believe there’s a piker among them. Far from it! Anyway, Mr. Corben hit the ball out of the park in Being Human. Second, thanks for the nod to John Steinbeck, having Roger reading Of Mice and Men. My aborted master’s thesis was on Steinbeck and his commitment to “non-teleological” thinking. (“Non-teleological” meaning, roughly, “not end- orientated”; he was often trying to say that what we choose to do right now matters. Nothing’s written in stone.) Well, except for Roger, eh? And that’s why this story, Being Human, was particularly satisfying, even if, in the long run, it turns out to be a red herring. Because I’ve long thought it wouldn't be a cheat if Roger had, over time, “earned” a soul, and thus might one day be “carnated” (as opposed to reincarnated). And since the Mignolaverse seems to run on real time (geez, long-lived characters with past lives come in handy, eh?), a carnated Roger should quickly be reaching the preadolescent/ adolescent age of interest/utility. So the bookend tale would be called Human Being? (I just hope I didn’t jinx or nix the story I’d like to see, with my big, fat Michigan mouth. Or, rather, pen.) I await The Fury. And I hope this isn’t an extended Faulkner/Shakespeare reference, because that ends “signifying nothing.” Yet, over time, both works have been quite significant. Ironic, eh? And none of this is a tale “told by idiots.” You guys rock. Also, I mentioned my aborted master’s thesis; FYI, instead of teaching English, I’m now a meat cutter. Who reads. And whether the richness of this story line is planned or simply archetypal, it resounds. And who wouldn’t like to be resundant? Thanks for the rides. Rob Van Hoorne Dear Hellmail crew, The other night I put a DVD in the player, and there was a preview for Mike Mignola’s Amazing Screw-On Head movie. Our three-year-old son, Sammy, yells out, “Daddy, look! It’s Hellboy pic- tures!” Yup, three, and recognizes Mignola’s artwork. Thank you for helping kids learn about fine art. Jason Santa and family Grass Valley, CA Be careful. My son has recently had his Hellboy lunch box confiscated at school, and he’s only twice as Sat Alle PS. I can’t adequately express my love for the work Duncan and Mike and Clem and Dave have done on this book. I think we ended this one well. In the fall, be sure to check out the hardcover graphic novel House of the Living Dead. Because after that it'll be a bit of a wait. And then... DARK HORSE 2011 UT ve been rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Rewatching, because I watched this stuf voraciously Jong before working on the comics. tm supposed to be rewatching Ange n order to be better equipped to lsunch ‘the Angel & Faith series. But felt like I had to go back to ‘the beginning, and then dive into Season 3, when all the juicy stuff goes dovm between Buily, Faith, and Angel That's where, for me, all the intensity of Buffy and Angel's romance blossomed, which recently had them listed as TV's number-one Al-Time Sexiest Couple in Entertainment Weekly. That's when Faith showed up ‘and started to ruffle feathers and self-destruct, and it's also partly how Angel and Faith ended up with their own comics series (launching this month). Angel ‘once sought to mentor Faith What i se could pay him back now that she's a wise, stron (ger, sturdier version of her eatir self? That third season ofthe TV show, more than eny other, solidified who these characters would be to one another. Then. Now. Forever. With Joss Whedon (the guy who started it all, fr all you newbs) laying the foundation, and the ever-talented Christos Gage leading the charge alongside atist—one of iy favorites!—Rebekah Isaacs, Angel & Faith promises tobe athiling romp through the grayest streets of London, whore two fan-favorite characters wil truly come to undes- stand the meaning of redemption. (And it's about time Faith had the spotight!) [My TV viewing has taken me into Season 4 of Buy, and start on Ange soon, hoping to watch them concurrentty (nerd!) Joss planted an homage inthe very frst issue of Season 9 that hearkens back tothe episodes fm watching row. I's always a pleasure to find yourself unexpectedly in onthe joke ... and Joss so good at making the reader or viewer feel ike they're a part ofthe characters’ every experience from the very beginning ‘With Season 9 Joss is working with te insanely talented Andrew Chambliss, who moonlighted as a TV writer for DARK HORSE HEROES! Ce er eran) Peon tn runes re 05 pari oT Terra Pere rice) Dothouse and The Vampire Diaries, and now is comics scribe extraordinaire! (Okay, so he's stil dong the TV thing, currently with Jane Espenson on Once Upon a Time, but | like to think he's a comics waiter first and foremost. Creepy? Mostly.) With series artist Georges Jeanty setting the stage, Season 9 wil join Buy in the aftermath of Season 8, where she was the supreme general ofa Slayer legion. Now she's a soo-Slayer ‘espresso maker, exploring her ‘twenties with anew apartment ‘and “roomies.” i's a welcome change of pace, though still struggle forthe ever identity- crisised Butly. Willow is magicless, and alte peeved. Dawn and Xander are trying out the domesticated scene in San Fran. As promised, the focus is about these wonderfully (super) human characters. ‘Meenwhile .. ve also been working on another Whedon related project that’s been on the stands for a month. The Dahouse comics were bom straight out ofthe TV show, expanding upon the story started inthe muct-oved pair of episodes titled “Epitaph” The comics focus on the postapacalyptic landscape and follow two groups of key characters struggling to survive ‘and fight against an unseen technological enemy. Even i You erer't familiar withthe show, the comics provide a great launching point ito this strange new world, with a cast of characters dealin with identities, whether their ‘own o those forced upon them. Andrew Chambliss, Maurissa Tancharoen, and Jed Whedon, who wrote for the show (including the “Epitaph” episodes), have reunited {or this five issue miniseries It's an exciting year for Whedon fans, and for fans of great, criginal tales starring some of the most intriguing charac- ters on TV orin comics. Id say Im biased because work on these projects, but | was biased fong before | climbed in the sandbox. ad Butty Editor ers the Dark Hor Sed are Cra nas Pee eer ats er Cen en ea Mike Fichardson President and Publisher + Nail Honkerson Executive Vice President + Tom Wied Chiet Financial Officer + Randy Stradi Viee President of Publishing + Michael Metens Vico Prosdent of Book Trade Sales + Ante Neon Vice Prosident of Business Aairs + [Micha Hershman Vieo President of Marketing » David Scroony Vioo President of Product Development » Dale LaFountain Viee President of Information Technology * Dalene Voge! Senior Director of | Print, Design, and Production + Ken zi Goneral Counsel + Davey stad EitoialDieetor« Scott ‘Alia. Senior Managing Esitor + (vis Warner Senior Books Editor * Diana Schutz Executive Editor + Cary Grazini Director ‘of Print and Development + Lia Fibaechi Art Director + Cara Niece Director af Scheduling * Ealitoriak: Daniel Chabon, Rachel Edin, Jim Gibbons," Ane Gulion, Siera Hahn, Cart Hom, emia Joferson, Fediye Lins, Davo Marshell John Sehork, Phiip Simon, Patick Thorpe, Brendan ight * Production nd Design: Tina Alessi, Amy Arandts, Justin Couch, Heather Doornint, Mt Dryer, Chistionne Gouireau, Krystal Hennes, Cis Horn, Jason Hvam, Clay Janes, Ayan Jorgensen, Kat Larson, Troy Look, David Nestle, ich, Powers, Stephen Reich, Jason Ricker, Susan Tad, lan Tucker + Marketing: Tosher Alford Jeremy Atkins, ub. Diver, Amy. Huey, Spencer Newin- Cushing, Matt Parkinson, Metisse Richadson, Pat Richardson, Kat Yedeo + Sales and Licensing: Mark Semerd, Ka Dugan, Michael Gombos, Nick Mowat, Sareh Robertson, Tim Wieseh + Internet and TT ‘Andrew Brookins, Chase Caster, Patick Curtain, Mike Denning Josh Blot, Aaron Johnson, Tom Kishel, Warren ‘Stovens, Miles ‘Stokes, Grant Thomas, Tistan Wessington + Product Development: Rebecce Dudes, Chis Gasin + Business Development: Lucas Seechinor + Schesiuling: Casey Goodwin, Christine Niece + Operations: Curt Bike, Kevin Freeman, June Groat, Jeremy Heton, Bll Pers + Recounting: Nicole Lapalme, Reymond Leste, Tara Rayoun, Kim Schetig, Cynthia SiverBiggi, Kendra Sundberg ‘Administration: Teresa Gresham, “Zach Klassen te ag ISSUE THREE +H Mike MIGNOLA Duncan FEGREDO DIRECT SALES DIRECT SALES I 00314 615681 °

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