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Date 13/09/2023

Topic: Someone who inspires me

Every day in our life we get inspired by something or by different people in our life. Despite being
inspired by many we all have somebody in our lives who inspires us the most. This choice may differ
from person to person. We are all heading forward in our lives to become successful. It is only
inspiration that makes a great difference in our thoughts and helps us achieve our goals and achieve
success. Inspiration is necessary for motivating us in our life. Inspiration helps boost us to do things
that are important to achieve what we desire in our lives. We can be inspired by anything whether it is
a person, activity, or thing.
Many people inspire me: Johnny Depp, Rowan Atkinson, and Gabriel Iglesias. Every of them has one
thing in common, comedy. All of them are actors and they have worked on some of the best comedy
movies I have ever seen. In a world like ours, some adults lack happiness. That could be from many
different reasons like stress, work, fighting, etc. Children are happy in this world, but we must not
forget that some couples/people don't have kids. By expressing happy feelings from their movies or
shows they make us feel good.
They try to make people all around the world happy by expressing those great feelings in their movies
and shows which give us great positive energy that everyone needs. Johnny Depp has played many
characters and my favorite Jack Sparrow. Gabriel Iglesias is known for his shows with moments from
his life that are funny. And then my favorite actor of all time, Rowan Atkinson. He played Mr. Bean
which everyone in the world knows him for and my character Johnny English. Whenever I see their
moves, shows, interviews, etc what I see is happiness. That’s why they inspire me. They know how to
make people/the public happy.
I love to see people happy. It brings me a happy smile and a flaming but lifeful sensation. It’s the best
feeling I have. The 3 of them give me this sensation but from them, I learn how to make others happy
and remind us life is full of great things that we enjoy. It's not every day that you get the chance to
enjoy it but I would say enjoy it to the maximum. There is an old saying that reminds me; “Yesterday
is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift. That’s why it's called the present.”

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