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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VII

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada
huruf a, b, c, atau d pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!

1. He … to office by train everyday

A. go
B. goes
C. gone
D. went
2. My friend and I … Match everyday
A. learned
B. learn
C. learnes
D. learning
3. Why does... this fruit every month?

A. they take
B. you take
C. we take
D. he take
4. My mother ... rice every day.
A. cooking
B. cooks
C. cook
D. cooked
5. What do... in your store ?
A. Tiara buys
B. he buys
C. they buys
D. she buys

6. Everybody…….. work hard everydayt

A. don't
B. isn't
C. isn't
D. aren't
7. Fiona and her sister always… Mandarin conversation at home.
A. practicing
B. practice
C. Practices
D. practiced
8. Verb 1 – Verb 2 – Verb 3 - Ving (kehilangan )
A. lost- losted- losted- losting
B. lose - lose -lost - losting
C. lose - lost -lost -losing
D. losse - losssed- losseted - lossing
9. Matthew.... at school today.
A. is not
B. do not
C. does not
D. are not
10. Rogate : ... your father sitting down ?
Rey : No, …
A. is, not
B. are, he does not
C. is, he is not
D. am, I do not
11. Verb 1 - Verb 2 - Verb 3 - Ving (berbicara)
A. Spoke -spoken -spoked - spoking
B. speak - spoke - spoken - speaking
C. speak -speaked -speaked- speaking
D. spoken - spoked - speaked- speaking
12. Verb 1- Verb 2 - Verb 3 - Ving (makan)
A. ate - ated - ated -ating
B. eat -eated - eated -eating
C. eat - ate- eaten -eating
D. eat - eats -ate - eating
Read the text and answer questions 13 to 15!
Daily activity of Renita and her sister
My sister and I get up early every day. We make the beds and clean the house. We also help mother to
prepare breakfast for the family. But before that we never forget to do some exercise.
13. We also help mother to prepare breakfast for the family.
A. Renita and her sister.
B. Renita and I.
C. Renita and her friend.
D. Renita and her mother
14. What is the title of the short text above?
A. Daily activity of Renita and I
B. Renita and her sister
C. Daily activity of Renita and her sister
D. Renita and I
15. What does anita do before prepare breakfast?
A. make the bed
B. do some exercise
C. clean the house.
D. cooking at the kitchen

II. Answer the following questions.

Complete the paragraph with the words below.
a. arrive f. get up
b. do exercise g. go to bed
c. enjoy h. go back home
d. fall asleep i. hang out
e. fly j. have

My Daily Routine
Some of my friends think have a boring daily routine, but I like it. I usually (16) ... at about 6:00 or 6:30
in the morning, after my alarm clock wakes me up. First, brush my teeth, and shave, and wash my face.
Then, I get dress and go downstairs to (17) .... breakfast with my family. I always have coffee, cereal, and
lots of fruit. That's me in the picture with my wife. I take a bus to work because I don't like to drive, and
always (18) ... at my office before 8:00. I'm never late for work. Five o'clock is my favorite time of the
day because I finish work and (19) ... and see my wife and children again.I have two boys, Thomas, who
is six years old and Patrick, who is eight. We eat dinner together in our dining room at around 6:00, and
after that I (20) ... with my wife and kids at home. We really (21) .... watching our favorites TV program
together. In addition, two or three times a week I (22) ...the evening, so I can stay strong and healthy. I
think that this is very important! Finally, at about 9:30, I (23) .... read for a while, and then (24) ... sure,
some people think my daily routine is a little boring - but on weekends and holidays I love to
(25) ...airplanes for fun! It's my favorite hobby.

Arrange these sentences into a correct sentence...
26. send - link - can - the - you - ?
27. you - the - picture - ? - in - group - our - share - can
Translate into english
28. Keiko dan Alex adalah murid rajin
29. Mereka tidak tinggal di kota
30. Ibu saya adalah seorang perawat dan ayah saya adalah seorang polisi.Mereka adalah orangtua yang
baik.saya biasanya membuka pintu rumah jika mereka pulang kerja.

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