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Upper Intermediate wordlist with English Profile level description

Part of
Wordlist Definition Example
If it's a good thing that something happened, it is
a good thing noun phrase B2 It’s a good thing I didn’t send that email.
lucky that it happened.

If someone or something has a high level of

a high level of noun phrase B2 A focus puller requires a high level of expertise.
something, they have a large amount of that thing.

If someone or something has a high profile, they Can you name someone from your country with a
a high profile noun phrase
receive a lot of public attention. high profile internationally?
There’s a lot of laughing, shouting and screaming
a lot of A1 a large amount of
– and crying as well.
the physical or mental skill or qualities that you Satellites give us the ability to look at our planet
ability noun B1
need to do something with a global perspective.
used before a number or amount to mean About eight out of ten people said they usually got
about adverb A1
approximately their bread at the supermarket.
abruptly adverb C2 suddenly and unexpectedly Our conversation was abruptly terminated.
adverb as though you are thinking about something else He was playing absent-mindedly with his pen.
absolutely adverb B1 completely The plot was absolutely ridiculous.
to understand and remember facts that you read or
absorb verb C1 It's hard to absorb so much information.
Abstract art involves shapes and colours and not Well, it’s a kind of abstract sculpture, maybe a
abstract adjective B2
images of real things or people. monument.
Schools should focus on academic subjects rather
academic adjective B2 related to education, schools, universities, etc
than vocational training.
the way in which someone pronounces words,
accent noun B1 influenced by the country or area they come from, an American accent
or their social class

accept verb B1 to agree to take something that is offered to you I don't think we can accept that.
when you have the right or opportunity to use or Are patients given access to their own medical
access noun B1
see something records?
accidentally adverb B2 by chance or by mistake I accidentally locked myself out of my flat.
acclaim noun praise from a lot of people She’s won international acclaim and awards.
to happen or exist at the same time as something The teachers' book is accompanied by a video
accompany verb B1
else cassette.
accomplishmen Her greatest accomplishment would be if, one day,
noun C1 when you succeed in doing something good
t her work wasn’t needed!
According to one version, he was blown off course
according to preposition B1 as said by someone or shown by something
by bad weather.
having to be responsible for what you do and able On a film set, everybody is accountable to the
accountable adjective C2
to explain your actions director.
when you say that someone has done something He made a number of accusations against his
accusation noun C1
bad former colleagues.
She has been accused of using his password to
accuse verb B2 to say that someone has done something bad
delete information.
accuse verb B2 to say that someone has done something bad He was falsely accused of murder.
to succeed in doing something good, usually by What do you hope to have achieved after six
achieve verb B1
working hard months in the job?
across-the- happening or having an effect on people at every
adjective There has been an across-the-board improvement.
board level and in every area
to do a particular job, especially one that you do I act as a representive for our members at
act as phrasal verb B2
not normally do different events.
very involved in an organization or planned I play quite an active part in the Screenwriters'
active adjective B2
activity Guild.
a woman whose job is to perform in plays and
actress noun A2 His mother was an actress.
a way of treating pain or illness by putting thin Acupuncture is considered to be an alternative
acupuncture noun
needles into different parts of the body medicine.
to change a book or play so that it can be made
adapt verb B2 Both novels have been adapted for television.
into a film or television programme

a slight change that you make to something so that

adjustment noun B2 We've made a few adjustments to the schedule.
it works better, fits better, or is more suitable

the work of organising and arranging the operation

admin noun He works in the admin department.
of something such as a business
to agree that you did something bad, or that
admit verb B1 He admitted that he didn’t want a job.
something bad is true
advance adjective happening or ready before an event advance planning/warning
the business of trying to persuade people to buy
advertising noun B2 an advertising agency
products or services
If something is advisable, it will avoid problems if
advisable adjective It’s advisable to get tickets for one act only.
you do it.
to make a suggestion about what you think
advise verb B1 someone should do or how they should do I’d advise against it.
to make a suggestion about what you think
advise verb B1 someone should do or how they should do His doctor advised him to take time off work.
someone whose job is to give advice about a
advisor noun C1 a financial advisor
aesthetic adjective relating to beauty and the way something looks the aesthetic appeal of cats

age group noun people of a particular age job training for people in the 16-24 age group
agree verb A2 to have the same opinion as someone Are we all agreed on that?
agree verb B1 to decide something with someone I’m afraid we can’t agree to cancel the entire cost.
a clock that you can set to wake you up at a
alarm clock noun A2 My alarm clock went off at six.
particular time with a loud noise
alien adjective relating to creatures from another planet an alien spacecraft
alive adjective B1 living, not dead Are your grandparents still alive?
all in all phrase B2 considering everything All in all, you have to admit that’s not a bad result!
all sorts of
noun phrase A2 many different things There's sweets, toys and all sorts of things.

when you say that someone has done something

allegation noun C1 allegations of corruption
wrong or illegal, without proof that this is true

to give some time, money, space, etc to be used for The government has promised to allocate extra
allocate verb C1
a particular purpose money for health care.
Satellites allow us to look at our planet with a
allow verb C1 to make it possible for someone to do something
global perspective.
all-purpose adjective used to do many different things an all-purpose tool
someone who supports you, especially when other
ally noun C1 These people became our allies.
people are against you
different from something else but able to be used We can make alternative arrangements if
alternative adjective B2
instead of it necessary.
alternative one of two or more things that you can choose
noun B2 It's a low-fat alternative to butter.
(noun) between
alternatively adverb B2 used to give a second possibility Alternatively, he could hide somewhere and wait.
the main official sent by the government of a
ambassador noun B2 the French ambassador to Britain
country to represent it in another country
Security was increased amid fears of further
amid preposition C1 while something else is happening
terrorist attacks.
amuse verb B2 to make someone smile or laugh Was the structure built just to amuse people?
to keep someone interested and help them to have I bought a magazine to amuse myself while I was
amuse verb B2
an enjoyable time on the train.
the process of examining the details of something
analysis noun B2 a detailed analysis
It's a historic town with some very impressive
ancient adjective B1 very old
ancient buildings and statues.
Stella’s bringing some Indian pop –Bollywood
and all that phrase B1 and everything related to the subject mentioned
music and all that .
and so forth phrase together with other similar things What about games and activities and so forth?
The meal’s all planned – the starters, meat dishes,
and so on phrase A2 together with other similar things
vegetarian dishes and so on.
and other things, which may or may not be similar
and stuff phrase B1 I’ll bring some salsa and meringue and stuff.
or related
By vegetarian dishes, do you mean salads and
and things phrase B1 and other things of a similar type
and what have I think we should stick with balloons and what
phrase and other similar things
you have you.
and whatnot phrase and other things of a similar type OK, now what about snacks and whatnot.
a robot machine controlled by computer which is
android noun We watched a movie about androids.
made to look like a human

a spiritual creature like a human with wings, who

angel noun B1 a statue of an angel
some people believe lives with God in heaven
angle noun C1 the way you think about a situation Try looking at the problem from my angle.
to tell people about something officially or with She announced that she’d require indoor parking
announce verb B1
force or confidence for her moped.
anonymous adjective C2 not giving a name an anonymous phone call
At what time of day do you find it easiest to find
answer noun B1 a solution to a problem
out answers to problems?
to take orders from, obey and explain your actions
answer to phrasal verb On a film set, everybody answers to the director.
to someone

a medicine which cures infections by destroying I’m going to give you a couple of prescriptions.
antibiotic noun C2
harmful bacteria One of them’s an antibiotic, the other’s a painkiller.

to expect something, or to prepare for something

anticipate verb C1 to anticipate a problem
before it happens
anxiety noun B2 the feeling of being very worried That explains his anxiety about her health.
It can be anywhere between two hundred and four
anywhere adverb A2 in or to any place
hundred people.
Nobody knows about this apart from a few
apart from phrase B1 except for or in addition to
to tell someone that you are sorry about something
apologise verb B1 He apologised for the interruption.
you have done
something you say or write to say that you are I would like to receive a formal apology from the
apology noun B1
sorry about something you have done directors of the hotel.
appalled adjective C2 extremely shocked or upset I was appalled by his words and refused to pay.
used to say that something seems to be true,
apparently adverb B2 Apparently, he goes to quite a good school.
although it is not certain
appeal verb B2 to interest or attract someone That doesn’t really appeal to me.
appear in (sth) phrasal verb B1 to perform in a film, play, etc. She appeared in his latest movie.
The gentleman standing at the table appears to be
appear to phrasal verb B1 to seem to
opening the family jewel-box.
applicant noun someone who applies for a job There were over fifty applicants for the job.
There were more than fifty applications for the
application noun B1 an official request for a job
to request something, usually officially, especially What are your reasons for applying for this
apply verb B1
by writing or sending in a form position?
appoint verb C1 to officially choose someone for a job He was appointed as company director last year.
a time you have arranged to meet someone or go How easy is it to make an appointment at a clinic
appointment noun A2
somewhere or with a doctor?
appreciate verb B2 to feel grateful for something We very much appreciated the efforts you made.

when someone learns the skills needed to do a job

Employees who’ve done apprenticeships are better
apprenticeship noun by working for someone who already has skills and
than those with paper qualifications.
A different approach would be to inform the head
approach noun B2 a way of doing something
of the lab.
appropriate adjective B2 suitable or right for a particular situation or person Is this film appropriate for young children?
The council has approved plans for a new
approve verb B1 to allow or officially agree to something
shopping centre.
a curved structure that usually supports
arch noun C2 You enter the palace through a grand marble arch.
something, for example a bridge or wall
someone who studies ancient cultures by looking
archaeologist noun C1 for and examining their buildings, tools, and other He is an archaeologist.
area noun B2 a part of a subject or activity I’ll be looking at four main areas.
arise verb C1 to start to happen or exist I'll let you know if any vacancies arise.
a contest in which two people try to press each
arm wrestle noun He challenged me to an arm wrestle.
other's arm down to see who is stronger

a substance used to treat minor injuries such as

arnica noun He gave me arnica for the bruising.
If the police arrest someone, they take them away
arrest verb B1 to ask them about a crime which they might have She was arrested for hacking into his computer.
artificial adjective B2 not natural, but made by people an artificial flower/lake
If I were you, I’d go for the second as it offers value
as conjunction A2 because
for money.
As far as I can remember it was the fifteenth
as far as phrase B2 as much as

used when you are talking about something that There’s a chance the ISPs will take action as long
as long as phrase B1
must happen before something else can happen as they can all agree to act together.

used to emphasize that someone does know what As you know, money was recently allocated for
as you know phrase B1
you are referring to improvements to the café.
feeling guilty or embarrassed about something you
ashamed adjective B1 You've got nothing to be ashamed of.
have done
to say something to someone as a question which
ask verb A1 If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the big hurry?
you want them to answer
I fell asleep I started to sleep as soon as my head
asleep adjective B1 sleeping or not awake
hit the pillow.
to make a judgment about the quality, size, value, The tests are designed to assess a child's reading
assess verb B2
etc of something skills.
assignment noun C1 a piece of work or job that you are given to do a written assignment
assist verb B2 to help The army assisted in the search.
assistance noun B2 help financial/medical assistance
Most people associate this brand with good
associate verb B2 to relate two things, people, etc in your mind
to think that something is likely to be true, Everything was quiet when I got home so I
assume verb B2
although you have no proof assumed that you had gone out.
I would like to receive an assurance that the
assurance noun C1 a promise
employee has been disciplined.
astonished adjective B2 very surprised I was astonished to hear what he said.
astronomical adjective relating to astronomy astronomical research
at all phrase B1 in any way Sorry but we don’t understand that at all.
at ease phrase feeling relaxed and comfortable I felt completely at ease with him.
at the end of something that you say before you give the most At the end of the day, you have to admit that’s not
the day important fact of a situation a bad result!
the smallest unit that an element can be divided
atom noun B2 an oxygen atom

Another machine attaches the cover to the book

attach verb B1 to join or fix one thing to another
block using hot glue to hold everything together.

something that makes people come to a place or The Eiffel Tower quickly became a tourist
attraction noun B1
want to do a particular thing attraction.
attractive adjective A2 beautiful or pleasant to look at an attractive woman
a quality or characteristic that someone or
attribute noun C2 What skills or attributes does he need in his work?
something has
attribute (sth)
phrasal verb B2 to say that something is caused by something else He attributes his success to hard work.
to (sth)
a book that has been read aloud by an actor and
audio book noun I listen to audio books while I'm driving.

recorded information about a place such as a

audio tour noun You can rent audio tours here.
museum that you can listen to as you visit it

certain to happen as part of the normal process or

automatic adjective C2 You get an automatic promotion after two years.
a wide road in a town or city, often with trees along
avenue noun C1 a tree-lined avenue
awake verb to wake up He awoke at dawn.
a prize given to someone for something they have
award noun B2 She’s won international acclaim and awards.
interested in and knowing a lot about a particular As you're aware, I’m putting together the agenda
aware adjective B2
subject for Monday’s meeting.
I was filled with awe at the sheer size of the
awe noun C2 a feeling of great respect and sometimes fear

a piece of plastic, metal, etc with words or pictures

badge noun B2 She was wearing a badge on her jacket.
on it that you wear on your clothes for decoration

If something baffles you, you cannot understand it

baffle verb The police were baffled by his disappearance.
at all.

when the weight of someone or something is He's good at sailing – he must have a good sense of
balance noun B2
spread in such a way that they do not fall over balance.
balding adjective becoming bald a balding man
ball game noun any game that is played with a ball He enjoyed tennis and other ball games.
ballroom a type of dancing where a man and a woman dance
noun I love ballroom dancing.
dancing together using special steps and music

a row of black lines on something you buy, that a

bar code noun Scan the bar code.
computer reads to find the price
bark noun the hard substance that covers the surface of a tree These trees have very thick bark.
the most important part of something, from which
base noun C2 a solid economic base
other things can develop
being the main or most important part of
basic adjective B1 basic ideas/principles
used to introduce a short explanation about Basically, the producer isn’t very involved in the
basically adverb B2
something interview
a situation, fact, or idea from which something can
basis noun B2 I tend to respond to things on a day-to-day basis.
be someone's If an activity or subject is someone's thing, they are
verb phrase This one isn’t really my thing.
thing very interested in it and like doing it.

Be sure to go to the Kabuki Theatre when you're in

be sure to phrase to be certain to
be used to to be familiar with something, having experienced Do you know anyone who is used to a lot of
verb phrase B1
something it many times pressure in their daily life?
beach noun A1 an area of sand or small stones next to the sea a sandy beach

beauty noun B1 the quality of being beautiful The whole area is famous for its natural beauty.
before long phrase B2 soon He'll be home before long.
We believe that the money should be spent in four
believe verb A2 to think something, without being completely sure
to be confident that something is effective and
believe in phrasal verb B1 Not everyone believes in homeopathy.
an electrical object that makes a ringing sound
bell noun B2 Please ring the bell for attention.
when you press a switch
belong to phrasal verb B1 to be a member of a group or organisation I belong to a local charity.
under something, or in a lower position than
beneath preposition B2 He hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.
something that helps you or gives you an
benefit noun B1 That kind of medicine offers no benefit.
a colourless liquid made from petroleum, from
He was trying to work out the chemical structure
benzene noun which plastics and many chemical products can be
of benzene.
We just don’t have the room. And besides, it’s not
besides adverb B1 used to give another reason for something
just you.
someone or something that is better than any A successful journalist knows how to get the best
best (noun) noun B1
other out of somebody.
bestseller noun B2 a very popular book that many people have bought Her books became bestsellers.
between you an expression used to tell someone that what you Between you and me I think his company's in
and me are about to say should be kept secret trouble.

A DP on big-budget films will experience many of

big-budget adjective B2 costing a large amount of money
the things a director does.
bilingual adjective C1 using or able to speak two languages a bilingual dictionary
connected with the natural processes of living
biological adjective B2 biological sciences
an official document that records when and where
birth certificate noun You must provide a copy of your birth certificate.
a person was born
bite verb B1 to cut something using your teeth She bit into an apple.
bizarre adjective B2 very strange and surprising bizarre behaviour
with dark marks on your skin caused by being hit I feel and hurt my knee. It was black and blue for
black and blue idiom
or having an accident ages.
when people say that someone or something is The manager should take the blame for the team's
blame noun B2
responsible for something bad defeat.
If a place is bleak, it is cold, empty and not
bleak adjective C2 a bleak landscape
blend noun C2 a combination of two or more things Their music is a blend of jazz and African rhythms.
blond adjective A2 with pale yellow hair blond hair
blow up phrasal verb B1 to destroy something or kill someone with a bomb They threatened to blow up the plane.
one of the hard pieces that make the structure
bone noun B1 She broke a bone in her foot.
inside a human or animal
bonfire noun a large fire outside, often used for burning waste We put the old chair on the bonfire.
boom noun a long pole that holds a microphone Make sure the boom stays out of the shot.
bossy adjective B2 always telling other people what to do My sister's really bossy.
to hit a surface and then move quickly away, or to
bounce verb B2 The ball bounced high into the air.
make something do this
box noun A1 a square or rectangular container a cardboard box
the part of a vehicle that makes it stop or go more
brake noun B1 I slammed my foot on the brake.
one of several shops, offices, etc that are part of a
branch noun B1 a bank with branches all over the country
company or organisation
bratty adjective behaving in an unpleasant, childish way your bratty friends
If a system, relationship, or discussion breaks
The relationship between the neighbours broke
break down phrasal verb B1 down, it fails because there is a problem or
down completely.
to get into a building, car or container using force,
break into phrasal verb B1 She broke into someone's locker.
usually to steal something
Do you know anyone who’s broken off an
break off phrasal verb B2 to suddenly stop speaking or doing something
break off phrasal verb to separate from a larger piece One of the branches broke off.
breakthrough an important discovery or development that helps He had his first breakthrough with a collection of
noun B2
(noun) solve a problem short stories at the age of 49.
a flat, rectangular case with a handle for carrying
briefcase noun Where is my briefcase?
documents, books, etc
briefly adjective B1 for a short time We chatted briefly about the weather.
bright adjective B1 full of light or shining strongly It's nice and bright.
brighten (sth)
phrasal verb to make something more colourful and attractive We could brighten up the café with some flowers.
We invite each participant to bring along a
bring along phrasal verb A2 to take someone with you
bring out the
to cause someone to behave badly or show
worst in verb phrase He can bring out the worst in people.
negative qualities

broad adjective B1 including a wide range of things The magazine covers a broad range of subjects.
someone whose job is to speak on radio or
broadcaster noun B2 He was a famous broadcaster in the 1930s.
television programmes
bronze adjective C2 made of bronze (= a shiny orange-brown metal) a bronze statue
a model of the Indian holy man on whose life and
Buddha noun There was a Buddha in the corner of the room.
teachings Buddhism is based
to increase or develop, or to make something Students should follow their interests earlier to
build up phrasal verb C1
increase or develop build up experience.
bullet noun B2 a small, metal object that is fired from a gun a bullet wound
someone who intentionally frightens a person who
bully noun C1 He was such a bully.
is smaller or weaker than them
bungalow noun a house that has all its rooms on the ground floor They live in a bungalow.
I had a lot of bureaucratic hassle trying to get the
bureaucratic adjective C2 involving long and difficult dealings with officials
information I needed.
By that time, we’d been waiting more than two
by that time phrase A2 at that moment
a wire covered by plastic that carries electricity,
cable noun B2 overhead power cables
telephone signals, etc
to discover an amount or number using
calculate verb B2 to calculate a cost/percentage
call (verb) verb B2 to ask someone to come somewhere We called a meeting.
When was the last time you had to call off a
call off phrasal verb B2 to decide that a planned event will not happen
Think of something you find difficult to think about
calmly adverb B2 in a relaxed way
a series of organised activities or events intended
campaign noun C1 an advertising/election campaign
to achieve a result
a vehicle containing a bed, kitchen equipment, etc
camper van noun We went away in our camper van.
that you can live in
the land and buildings belonging to a college or Distance learning isn’t as effective as face to face
campus noun B2
university or on-campus learning.
It can’t have been because I paid. He knew I was
can’t modal verb B1 cannot
going to.
a serious disease that is caused when cells in the
cancer noun B1 body grow in a way that is uncontrolled and not breast/lung cancer

one of the people taking part in an election or Interviewers sometimes observe candidates
candidate noun B2
trying to get a job having group discussions, to see how they interact.

The strings attached to the canopy got tangled

canopy noun the main part of a parachute, made from cloth
around my legs.
caramel noun a sweet made from sugar, milk, and butter chocolates with a caramel centre
Think of something you choose carefully when
carefully adverb A2 with great attention
She threw her bag carelessly into the corner of the
carelessly adverb B2
one of the separate parts of a train where the The front carriage of the train is for first-class
carriage noun C1
passengers sit passengers only.
Think of a subject you wish you’d carried on
carry on phrasal verb B1 to continue doing something
studying for longer.
But even if that’s the case, I still don't think it's
case noun B1 a particular situation or example of something
a book with a list of all the goods that you can buy
catalogue noun B2 from a shop, or of all the books, paintings, etc that a clothing catalogue
you can find in a place

to take part in special enjoyable activities in order The monument is in the shape of a spire and was
celebrate verb B1
to show that a particular occasion is important erected to celebrate the Millennium.

a measurement of temperature in which water

Celsius noun freezes at zero degrees Celcius and boils at 100 250 degrees Celsius
degrees Celcius.
a formal event that is performed on important
ceremony noun B1 a wedding/marriage ceremony
social or religious occasions
a board with a dark surface that you can write on The name of each scene is written on a chalk
chalkboard noun
with chalk board.
challenge verb B2 to invite someone to compete in a game or fight He challenged me to an arm wrestle.

challenge verb to invite someone to compete in a game or fight He challenged Smith to a fight.
to stop having or using one thing, and start having I did ask about changing the date, but half the
change (verb) verb A1
or using another sales team are on a training course.
someone's verb phrase A2 to cause someone to act differently She’s changed people’s minds and behaviour.
to cause someone to think differently or to have
someone's verb phrase B1 She’s changed people’s minds and behaviour.
different beliefs
characterisatio the way in which something is described by I would argue with her characterisation of the
n showing its main qualities country as 'hostile'.
charming adjective B1 pleasant or attractive A row of charming little shops.
check out phrasal verb C1 to go to a place in order to see what it is like Check out the food floors in department stores.
the place in a large shop, especially a food shop,
check-out noun B1 a supermarket checkout
where you pay for your goods
a general medical examination to see if you are
check-up noun Are people encouraged to regular check-ups?
cheek noun B1 the soft part of your face below your eye Tears ran down his cheeks.
cheerful adjective B2 bright and pleasant to look at It's nice and cheerful.
chemical adjective B2 relating to chemistry or chemicals a chemical reaction
a strong, usually wooden, container with a lid,
chest noun C2 a treasure chest
used for keeping things in
Childish behaviour is silly, like that of a small
childish adjective B2 Don't be so childish!
chilly adjective C1 unpleasantly cold a chilly evening
Do patients have a choice between public and
choice noun B1 the things or people you can choose from
private hospitals?
choir noun B2 a group of people who sing together a school/church choir
chore noun C1 a boring job that you must do household chores
circle verb B1 to draw a circle around something Circle the answer you think is correct.
a complete circle that an electric current travels
circuit noun C2 an electrical circuit
I usually react to circumstances and tend to
circumstances noun B2 facts or events that make a situation the way it is
respond to things spontaneously.

someone who works in one of the government

civil servant noun departments responsible for putting central He is a civil servant.
government plans into action

a war between groups of people who live in the

civil war noun He was killed in the civil war.
same country

a society with well developed social organisations,

civilisation noun B2 one of the world's great civilisations
or the culture and way of life of a society
to say that something is true, although you have Other sources claim that he was following the
claim verb B2
not proved it route of an earlier explorer.
to suddenly stop talking, usually because you are What do you do when the person you're
clam up phrasal verb
embarrassed or nervous interviewing just clams up.
to suddenly stop talking, usually because you are He was afraid he would clam up in front of the
clam up phrasal verb
embarrassed or nervous television camera.
classic adjective B2 having a traditional style that is always fashionable classic dance moves
with nothing dirty and everything ordered and in
clean and tidy phrase A2 Wow! The kitchen’s so clean and tidy. Nice work!
the right place
She decides what day and time we should meet to
clean up phrasal verb A1 to make a person or place clean and tidy
clean up the area.
clear adjective A2 easy to understand or see Is that clear?
clear verb B1 to get rid of something He cleared all my doubts.
someone who works in an office or bank, keeping
clerk noun a bank clerk
records and doing general office work

to change your opinion or admit that you are

climb down phrasal verb B2 We climbed down the mountain.
If a business or organization closes down, or if
After a lot of problems with the bank, we had to
close down phrasal verb B2 someone or something closes it down, it stops
close down the factory.
If a business or organisation closes down, it stops
close down phrasal verb B2 My brother's company recently closed down.
clothing noun B2 clothes, especially of a particular type outdoor/protective clothing
a sign or a piece of information that helps you to Police are searching the area for clues to the
clue noun B2
solve a problem or answer a question murder.
a machine from which you can buy coffee and
coffee machine noun I need some coins for the coffee machine.
other hot drinks by putting coins into it
colloquially adverb in an informal situation This is the language we use colloquially.
I don't know how she combines working with
combine verb B2 to do two or more activities at the same time
to have or achieve a particular position in a race, Former justice minister Laurence Taylor came
come verb B1
competition, list, etc. second with 31% of the vote.
Enrico comes across as very serious at first,but
come across phrasal verb C1 to seem to be a particular type of person
actually he’s got a lovely sense of humour.

come across We were walking through the woods when we

phrasal verb B2 to find something by chance
something came across a strange little house.

Discussions are coming along slowly as there are a

come along phrasal verb C2 to start to exist
few problems with the draft contract

If an event or decision comes as a shock,

The results have come as a shock to the ruling
come as phrasal verb disappointment or relief, etc., it causes those
to talk again about something that you mentioned
come back to phrasal verb I’ll come back to that later.
I like the way the sunlight comes down through the
come down phrasal verb A1 to fall and land on the ground
Our wonderful recipes will come in useful for
come in phrasal verb to become involved in a situation, story or plan
parties or quiet dinners for two.
What kinds of technology and equipment are are
come into use verb phrase to start to be used
starting to come into use?
If a book, record, film, etc comes out, it becomes The first of Hrabal’s collected writings came out in
come out phrasal verb B1
available for people to buy or see. 1991.
Would you like to come round for dinner this
come round phrasal verb A2 to visit someone at their house
to be a particular total when numbers or amounts What would you do if a restaurant bill came to a
come to phrasal verb B2
are added together lot less than you expected?
come to If a thought or idea comes to you, you suddenly The image of the famous monster came to the
phrasal verb
someone start to think about it. author in her sleep.
If a problem or difficult situation comes up, it I’m going to be late again tonight - something’s
come up phrasal verb C1
happens. come up at work.
The purpose of mediation is to allow the
come up with phrasal verb B2 to suggest or think of an idea or plan participants to come up with solutions for

to do something to show you remember an

commemorate verb C2 Statues often commemorate a past event.
important person or event in the past with respect
commercial adjective B2 relating to buying and selling things commercial logging
when you are willing to give your time and energy We are looking for someone with talent,
commitment noun B2
to something that you believe in enthusiasm, and commitment.
It’s increasingly common for people to call you
common adjective B1 happening often or existing in large numbers
common a language that everyone in two or more groups
noun phrase B1
language speaks
the natural ability to be practical and to make good The children shouldn't be in any danger as long as
common sense noun B1
decisions they use their common sense.
someone who is able to tell people about their
Being an effective communicator is an important
communicator noun B1 ideas and emotions in a way that other people
part of management.
work that someone who has committed a crime
community Two teenagers were sentenced to 360 hours of
noun phrase does to help other people instead of going to
service community service.
someone who you spend a lot of time with or go
companion noun B2 a travelling companion
somewhere with

to reduce the bad effect of something, or make We believe we should be compensated for our
compensate verb C2
something bad become something good losses.

to pay someone money because you are

Victims of the crash will be compensated for their
compensate verb C1 responsible for injuring them or damaging
to say that something is wrong or that you are
complain verb B1 She complained that she hadn’t had lunch.
annoyed about something
I’d like to make a complaint about the extremely
when someone says that something is wrong or not
complaint noun B1 rude and unprofessional behaviour of one of your
complete adjective B1 used to emphasize what you are saying It was complete rubbish.
involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is
complicated adjective B1 It's kind of complicated.
difficult to understand
complimentary adjective C2 given free, especially by a business a complimentary glass of wine
There is a story connected to the poem's
composition noun C2 the process of writing something
to agree to something that is not exactly what you
compromise verb B2 The ability to compromise is essential for the job.
compromise when you agree to something which is not exactly They talked it over and came up with a
noun B2
(noun) what you want compromise.
If something is compulsory, you must do it
compulsory adjective B2 It’s compulsory to vote here.
because of a rule or law.
adjective able to used computers well You need to be computer literate in this job.
to direct your attention or efforts towards a Do you prefer to concentrate on one problem at a
concentrate on phrasal verb B1
particular activity or subject time or tackle several at once?
if we are discussing or thinking about a particular
concerned adjective B2 That’s it as far as lifestyle is concerned.
trusting someone's ability or believing that I hope that you will be able to restore my
confidence noun B2
something will produce good results confidence in your hotel.
when things must be kept secret, especially in an
confidentiality noun C1 We expect total confidentiality.
official situation
confusion noun B2 when you think that one person or thing is another There was confusion over which baby was which.

connect verb B1 to join two things or places together I think we should connect that page to Portraits.
the feelings or ideas that words or actions give in The word 'second-hand' has connotations of poor
connotation noun
addition to their usual meanings quality.
when all the people in a group agree about
consensus noun C2 to reach a consensus
consent noun C1 permission for someone to do something You can't come without your parents' consent.
the result of an action or situation, especially a bad
consequence noun B2 The ship capsized, with disastrous consequences.
the closure of the factory and the consequent loss
consequent adjective happening as a result of something
of 400 jobs
conservation noun B2 the protection of nature wildlife conservation
conservative adjective C1 not trusting sudden changes or new ideas Older people tend to be very conservative.
to think carefully about a decision or something
consider verb B1 Yes, I think that solution is worth considering.
you might do
The cost of marine expeditions is rising, but the
considerable adjective B2 large or important enough to have an effect
results would be of considerable benefit.
We hope that our proposals will be given serious
consideration noun B2 when you think about something very carefully
consist of (sth) phrasal verb B1 to be made of or formed from something The concert will consist ofa series of songs.
always behaving or happening in a similar, usually
consistent adjective C2 consistent effort/improvement
positive, way
consistently adverb C2 without changing or stopping I've been training consistently for many years.
someone who secretly plans with other people to
conspirator noun All the conspirators were caught.
do something bad or illegal
constantly adverb B2 all the time or often The present machine breaks down constantly.
construct verb B2 to build something from several parts The building was constructed in 1930.
construction noun B2 something large that is built This steel construction is 20m tall.
consumer noun B2 someone who buys or uses goods or services These price cuts are good news for consumers.
when you communicate with someone, especially We will certainly contact you if any suitable
contact verb A2
by speaking to them vacancies arise in the future.
your telephone number, email address, etc. that We have your contact details and we will to get in
contact details noun phrase A2
people can use to talk or write to you touch if we require your assistance.
a small piece of plastic that you put on your eye to
contact lens noun I wear contact lenses.
make you see more clearly

to give something or do something in order to Do come to the meeting if you feel you have
contribute verb B2
achieve something together with other people something to contribute.

something that you do to help produce or develop What contributions will you make to good staff
contribution noun B2
something, or to help make something successful relations?
controversial adjective B2 causing a lot of disagreement or argument a controversial decision/issue
a lot of disagreement and argument about
controversy noun C1 The sculpture caused a lot of controversy at first.
We look forward to discussing them further at a
convenience noun B2 when something is convenient
time of your convenience.
conventional adjective B2 traditional and ordinary conventional farming/medicine
a continuous moving piece of rubber or metal used
conveyor belt noun The goods move along a conveyor belt.
to transport objects from one place to another
convinced adjective B2 completely certain about something I'm not really convinced.
cookie noun A2 a thin, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet chocolate chip cookies
cool down phrasal verb B2 to become less hot She waited for her coffee to cool down.
when you work together with someone or do what
cooperation noun B2 international cooperation
they ask you

someone who reports news for newspapers,

correspondent noun a correspondent for the New York Times
television, or radio, usually from another country

a passage in a building or train with rooms on one

corridor noun B2 We passed in the corridor.
or both sides
dishonest or immoral behaviour, usually by people
corruption noun C1 He was arrested for corruption and bribery.
in positions of power

If something costs a particular amount of money,

cost verb A2 It cost me another twenty pounds.
you have to pay that in order to buy or do it.
cottage noun B1 a small house, usually in the countryside They have a cottage in France.
used to express possibility, especially slight or
could modal verb B2 The waiter could have made a mistake in the bill.
uncertain possibility
used to express possibility, especially slight or He couldn't have felt unhappy with the meal. He
couldn’t modal verb B2
uncertain possibility really enjoyed it.
work done by students as part of their course of Students’ grades should be based on coursework
coursework noun
study rather than final exams.
cover verb B1 to form a layer on the surface of something Snow covered the trees.
to include or deal with a subject or piece of
cover (verb) verb B1 The course covers a range of topics.
the American term for covering letter; a letter that
cover letter noun you send with something else, to explain what you I sent the goods with a cover letter.
are sending
a letter that you send with something to explain To get to the interview stage, you really need to
covering letter noun
what it is or to give more information about it sell yourself in your CV and covering letter.

Deleting online characters may not be a crime, but

crime noun B1 something someone does that is illegal
breaking into someone’s computer certainly is.

someone who says that they do not approve of

critic noun C1 an outspoken critic of the government
someone or something
It was heavily criticised at first but people are
criticise verb B2 to say that something or someone is bad
beginning to warm to it now.
a shape with a long vertical line with a shorter
cross noun A1 horizontal line across it or an object with this The cloth was decorated with crosses.
Satellites are absolutely crucial for doing ocean
crucial adjective B2 extremely important or necessary
made or done in a simple way and without much
crude adjective C2 a crude device/weapon
a short road with houses which is blocked at one
cul-de-sac noun Their house is in a cul-de-sac.
Getting a better chair completely cured my back
cure verb B1 to make someone with an illness healthy again
curious adjective B1 wanting to know or learn about something I was curious about his life in India.
important political or social events which are
current affairs noun a current affairs programme
happening in the world at the present time

all the subjects taught in a school, college, etc or on

curriculum noun B1 the school curriculum
an educational course
a symbol on a computer screen which shows the
cursor noun B2 Put the cursor at the beginning of the word.
place where you are working
cut verb B2 to remove part of a film or piece of writing I think we should cut the ‘About Us’ page.
If you cut down a tree or bush, you make it fall to
cut down (sth) phrasal verb B2 We cut down the old apple tree.
the ground by cutting it near the bottom.

to start eating less of something that is bad for To improve my health, I’ve decided to cut down on
cut down on phrasal verb B2
your health less salty and fatty food.
The folding machine folds the paper and cuts a
cut into phrasal verb A2 to break the surface of something with a sharp tool
little notch into the spine.

to stop people from continuing a telephone What should you do if you get cut off during a
cut off noun B2
conversation by breaking the telephone connection phone call?

a fixed point or level at which you stop including March 31 is the cut-off date for applications to be
cut-off noun
people or things accepted.

a document which describes your qualifications

To get to the interview stage, you really need to
CV noun B1 and the jobs you have done, which you send to an
sell yourself in your CV and covering letter.
employer that you want to work for

to have pleasant thoughts about something you

daydream verb C1 I was staring out of the window, daydreaming.
would like to happen
happening every day as a regular part of your job
day-to-day adjective I tend to respond to things on a day-to-day basis.
or your life
dead or alive phrase whether now living or not We really need to find it. Dead or alive.
deadline noun B2 a time by which something must be done to meet/miss a deadline
when someone performs or presents something to
debut noun C1 She made her debut as a pianist in 1975.
the public for the first time
decade noun B2 a period of ten years I did not meet him again for more than a decade.
to make someone believe something that is not The company deceived customers by selling old
deceive verb B2
true computers as new ones.
decent adjective B2 of a satisfactory quality or level He earns a decent salary.
to choose something after thinking about several What we decided to do was include English
decide verb A2
possibilities summaries.
to make something look more attractive by putting They decorated the room with balloons for her
decorate verb B1
things on it or around it party.
dedicate verb C1 to give your energy, time, etc. completely She’s dedicated herself to saving the panda.
believing that something is very important and
dedicated adjective C1 dedicated teaching staff
giving a lot of time and energy to it
definitely adverb B1 without any doubt That’s definitely the best price we can manage.
to give someone else part of your work or some of You have to be able to delegate if you want to
delegate verb C2
your responsibilities succeed as a manager.
deliberately adverb B2 intentionally, having planned to do something Rikyu had deliberately cut down all the flowers!
delicate adjective C1 needing to be dealt with very carefully It’s a bit delicate.
They were really delighted with the restaurant I
delighted adjective B1 very pleased
where everyone has equal rights and can help to
democratic adjective B2 a democratic discussion/debate
make decisions
to express or show that you have a feeling, quality, He has demonstrated a genuine interest in the
demonstrate verb C2
or ability project.
If one thing depends on another, the first thing is
depend on phrasal verb B1 That depends on what we agree.
affected by the second thing.
the distance from the top of something to the
depth noun B1 The lake reaches a maximum depth of 292 metres.
descent noun a movement down The plane began its descent into Heathrow.
If something is desirable, it is very good or
desirable adjective B2 A good education is highly desirable.
attractive and most people would want it.
used to say that something happened or is true,
I'm still pleased with the house despite all the
despite preposition B1 although something else makes this seem not
problems we've had.

to discover or notice something, especially A submersible detected something enormous

detect verb C1
something that is difficult to see, hear, smell, etc passing beneath it.

when someone continues trying to do something, Andy Murray will need great determination and
determination noun B2
although it is very difficult skill to win this match.
dial verb B1 to make a telephone call to a particular number Dial 0 for the operator.
a form of a language that people speak in a There are many different languages in India and
dialect noun C2
particular part of a country there are even more dialects.
dialogue noun B2 the talking in a book, play, or film The dialogue is very clever.
Where exactly was Vinland? Sources differ on this
differ verb B2 to be different
not easy and needing skill or effort to do or
difficult adjective A1 It’s a difficult situation.
to break or move the ground with a tool, machine,
dig verb B1 Digging the garden is good exercise.
to make a liquid thinner or weaker by adding water
dilute verb You need to dilute this before you drink it.
or another liquid to it
dining room noun A1 a room in which meals are eaten We had dinner in the dining room.
dip verb B2 to put something into a liquid for a short time She dipped the brush into the paint.

someone whose job is to live in another country

diplomat noun B2 and to keep a good relationship between their My father was a diplomat.
government and that country's government

In response to RealGuy’s comments that virtual

to have a different opinion from someone else
disagree verb B1 worlds are a waste of time, I couldn’t disagree
about something
disastrous adjective C1 extremely bad disastrous consequences
to make someone less confident or enthusiastic
discourage verb B2 I didn't mean to discourage her.
about something
discover verb B1 to find something Who has discovered a new club or café recently?

Do doctors discuss medical treatments openly with
something noun phrase to talk about something in a direct and honest way
their patients?
an illness caused by an infection or by a failure of
disease noun B1 heart disease
health and not by an accident

If you dislocate a part of your body, the bones

dislocate verb I think you've dislocated your shoulder.
move away from their correct position.

I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with your

dissatisfaction noun B2 when you are not pleased or happy with something
a very long piece of writing done as part of a course
dissertation noun She's writing a dissertation on American poetry.
of study
a degree for which you study at home rather than
noun at a university, sending and receiving your work by I'm doing a distance degree.
email or post
a way of studying, especially for a degree, where
distance Distance learning isn’t as effective as face-to-face
noun you study mostly at home, receiving and sending
learning or on-campus learning.
off work by post
the distinction between spoken and written
distinction noun B2 a difference between two similar things

Something that is distinctive is easy to recognise

distinctive adjective C1 a distinctive style of writing
because it is different from other things.

to recognise the differences between two people, Children must learn to distinguish between right
distinguish verb B2
ideas, or things and wrong.
to make someone stop giving their attention to
distract verb B2 Stop distracting me - I'm trying to finish my essay.
a part of a city or country, either an official area or
district noun B1 one that is known for having a particular the fashion district of New York
characteristic or business
to interrupt what someone is doing by making
disturb verb B2 Please don't disturb the animals.
noise or annoying them
to make things or people separate into parts or
divide verb B1 I'll divide you into three groups.
divide into phrasal verb B1 to separate something into different bits I’ve divided my talk into three parts.

the activity of swimming under water or moving The cameras were well below the diving depth of a
diving noun B1
towards the bottom of an area of water whale.

to study a subject, especially in order to discover

do research verb phrase B1 Who has done research into their family history?
new information about it
to be the largest, most important, or most
dominate verb C1 The cathedral dominates the skyline.
noticeable part of something
when money or goods are given to help a person or
donation noun B2 Would you like to make a donation?
someone who gives money or goods to a person or Ten thousand dollars was given by an anonymous
donor noun C2
organisation that needs help donor.
doorway noun C2 an entrance to a building or room through a door She waited in the doorway while I ran back inside.
windows that have two layers of glass to keep a
double-glazing noun Does the house have double glazing?
building warm or quiet
down adjective B2 sad You look a bit down today. Are you OK?
Brenda quickly downed her coffee and ran out of
down verb to drink something quickly
the office.
downside noun C1 the disadvantage of a situation The downside of living in a city is all the pollution.

dozen noun B1 twelve, or a group of twelve There were about a dozen people at the party.
a piece of writing or a plan that is not yet in its
draft noun B2 He made several changes to the first draft.
finished form
to use your knowledge or experience of something
draw on (sth) phrasal verb C1 This position will draw on all your skills.
to help you do something
to imagine something that you would like to If my uncle sent me a gift, I wouldn’t dream of
dream verb B1
happen phoning him.
drop verb B2 to decide to stop including someone or something I think we should drop the ‘About Us’ page.

The book finally drops into the three-knife

drop into phrasal verb B1 to fall into something
trimmer, which cuts the edges of the paper off.

to stop taking part in something before it has Have you ever dropped out of a course or
drop out of phrasal verb
finished competition?
due adjective B1 expected or planned He was due to fly back this morning.
a man of very high social rank in some parts of
duke noun the Duke of Beaufort
dump verb C2 to suddenly end a romantic relationship Why don't you just dump him?
durable adjective remaining in good condition for a long time If something is long-lasting, it is durable.
The singer remained in the hotel for the duration
duration noun C1 the amount of time that something lasts
of his stay in the UK.
something you must do because it is morally or
duty noun B1 It’s our duty to organise this in turn.
legally right
I don’t think they look dynamic enough for our
dynamic adjective B2 full of ideas, energy, and enthusiasm
the part of a telephone that you hold near to your
earpiece noun He tapped the earpiece.
earth noun B2 soil or ground a mound of earth
a change, reaction, or result that is caused by I bought a natural remedy at the chemist’s, but it
effect noun B1
something doesn’t seem to be having any effect.
Being an effective communicator is an important
effective adjective B2 successful or achieving the result that you want
part of management.
effort noun B1 the energy that you need to do something I put a lot of effort into organising the party.

used for saying that the result of two different We can cut salaries or employ fewer people. Either
either way phrase B1
things happening would be the same way, it’s going to be difficult.

elder adjective B1 Your elder sister or brother is older than you. I look like my elder brother.
electrify verb to supply something with electricity an electrified railway
a small object through which an electric current
electrode noun They attached electrodes to his head.
enters or leaves something
I’d say the colours are low-key and, well, quite
elegant adjective B2 stylish or attractive in appearance or behaviour
to remove something from something, or get rid of
eliminate verb C1 Let’s eliminate this one.

belonging to the richest, most powerful, best

elite adjective elite athletes
educated or most skilful group in a society

My dad's always embarrassing me in front of my

embarrass verb C2 to make someone feel ashamed or shy
to appear from somewhere or come out of
emerge verb B2 The printed sections then emerge from the press

the male ruler of an empire (=group of countries

emperor noun C1 Emperor Charlemagne
ruled by one person or government)

the extra force that you give to a word or part of a

emphasis noun B2 The emphasis is on the final syllable.
word when you are saying it
to show that something is especially important or
emphasise verb B2 This further emphasises the family’s helplessness.
needs special attention
to make someone able to do something, or to make Satellites enable us to look at our planet with a
enable verb B2
something possible global perspective.
My company moved to Alabama, so that’s how I
end up phrasal verb B1 to finally be in a particular place or situation
ended up living here.
end up with phrasal verb B1 to have something as the result of doing something You will end up with a lovely, soft mixture.
the ability to keep doing something difficult, You have to have plenty of endurance to compete
endurance noun C2
unpleasant, or painful for a long time in a race.
a country or army that your country or army is
enemy noun B2 enemy forces/territory
fighting against in a war
engage in (sth) phrasal verb C2 to take part in something The two sides have agreed to engage in talks.
enormous adjective B1 extremely large You go through an enormous red gate.
enquire verb B2 to ask someone for information about something Are you staying long? she enquired.

I strongly recommend you take steps to ensure

ensure verb B2 to make certain that something is done or happens
that such an incident doesn’t happen again.

enter verb B1 to start working in a particular job I entered the teaching profession in my forties.
someone whose job is to entertain people by
entertainer noun B2 She is a children's entertainer.
singing, telling jokes, etc

when you feel very interested in something and People give up doing things when hey have no
enthusiasm noun B2
would very much like to be involved in it enthusiasm for them.

enthusiastically adverb B2 with great excitement, pleasure and interest The audience cheered enthusiastically.

entire adjective B2 whole or complete She spent her entire life caring for other people.

entitle verb B2 to give someone the right to do or have something I'm entitled to apply for citizenship.
If you are entitled to something, you have a right
entitled to phrasal verb B2 I feel we’re entitled to a 50% refund of the cost.
to have or do it.
the air, land, and water where people, animals, and
environment noun B1 Most people are concerned about the environment.
plants live
when everyone is equal and has the same
equality noun B2 racial/sexual equality
opportunities, rights, etc
when you show that two amounts are equal using
equation noun C1 It's a simple equation.
mathematical symbols
a period of time in history that is special for a
era noun B2 the Victorian era
particular reason
The monument was erected to celebrate the
erect verb to build or put up a structure
when someone succeeds in getting out of a place or
escape noun C1 There was an escape from the prison last night.
a dangerous or bad situation
Satellites are absolutely essential for doing ocean
essential adjective B1 very important and necessary
used when you are emphasising the basic facts
essentially adverb B2 What he is saying is essentially true.
about something
to start a company or organisation that will
establish verb B2 The brewery was established in 1822.
continue for a long time
used at the end of a list to show that other things
Yeah, salads of course but also vegetarian soup,
et cetera phrase or people could also be added to it; often
pasta, curry et cetera.
abbreviated as etc

ethical adjective C2 relating to what is right or wrong The book raises some serious ethical questions.
Someone's ethnicity is what race or culture they Ideally, the group should be made up of many
ethnicity noun
are from. different ethnicities.
euphoric adjective extremely happy and excited a euphoric mood
used to emphasize that a particular situation Even if you stopped file sharing completely, it
even if conjunction B2
would not change what you have just said wouldn’t lead to a big increase in sales.

a series of classes for adults in a particular subject Evening courses for adults should be partly
evening course noun phrase
that happens in the evening financed by the government.
something that makes you believe that something There’s a lot of evidence that people learn in
evidence noun A1
is true or exists different ways.
exactly adverb A2 used to emphasize what you are saying What exactly did you have in mind?
to look at someone or something very carefully,
examine verb B2 She picked up the knife and examined it closely.
especially to try to discover something
execute verb C2 to kill someone as a legal punishment He was executed for murder.
expect verb B1 to think that something will happen I expect to receive a formal apology
expected adjective B2 You’re expected to respond pretty quickly.
an organised journey, especially a long one for a
expedition noun B1 Peary led the first expedition to the North Pole.
particular purpose
knowledge that you get from doing a job, or from My experience is that rights and responsibilities go
experience noun B1
doing, seeing, or feeling something hand in hand.
someone who has a lot of skill in something or a lot She is one of the world’s top experts on panda
expert noun B1
of knowledge about something conservation.
expertise noun skill the technical expertise of the engineers
to go around a place where you have never been in
explore verb B1 Who loves exploring new towns and cities?
order to find out what is there
to show what you think or how you feel using We’d like to express our gratitude for the efforts
express verb B2
words or actions you made.
extend verb C2 to stretch over a particular object or area of land The spire extends above all the other buildings.
external adjective B2 relating to the outside part of something the external walls of the house
extraordinary adjective B1 very special, unusual, or strange an extraordinary tale of courage
extravagant adjective C2 costing a lot the extravagant lifestyle of a movie star
extremely adverb B1 very, or much more than usual extremely beautiful
If two people make eye contact, they look at each
eye contact noun He refused to make eye contact with me.
other at the same time.
eyesight noun B2 the ability to see She has good eyesight.
a building, area, etc that looks ugly compared to Some people loved the new monument, others
eyesore noun
the things that are around it called it an eyesore.
face a
verb phrase B2 to have to deal with something difficult She’s faced some hard challenges.
They have to face up to reality and be ready to
face up to phrasal verb B2 to start to accept that a difficult situation exists
face-to-face adjective B1 directly, meeting someone in the same place A face-to-face meeting.

face-to-face learning which happens as a result of spending Distance learning isn’t as effective as face-to-face
noun phrase B2
learning time with a teacher and talking with them or on-campus learning.
fairly adverb B1 more than average, but less than very a fairly big family
She was probably the most famous singer of the
famous adjective A1 known or recognized by many people
Arab World.
a situation or event that you imagine, which is not
fantasy noun B2 The big house was just a fantasy.
real or true
far adverb B2 very much It’s a far bigger order than usual.
farmland noun land which is used for or suitable for farming He owns over 100 acres of farmland.
I was really fascinated by all the cultural
fascinated adjective B2 extremely interested
differences I noticed
fascinating adjective B2 extremely interesting The shops are fascinating.
fatal adjective B2 A fatal accident or illness causes death. a fatal car crash
fatigue noun when you feel very tired She was suffering from fatigue.
favour noun B2 when people like something or someone So, we’re all in favour of it.
a strong, unpleasant feeling that you get when you
fear noun B1 think that something bad, dangerous, or She was trembling with fear.
frightening might happen
feasible adjective C1 possible to do Yes, I think that solution is quite feasible.
an amount of money that you pay to do something,
fee noun B1 an entrance fee
to use something, or to get a service
feebly adverb C2 in a way that is unskilful or ineffective If you can draw, however feebly, it helps.
an opinion from someone about something that
feedback noun B2 It's important to get immediate feedback.
you have done or made
We do not feel that there is any need for new tables
feel verb B1 to think something or have an opinion
and chairs.

describes someone who has the same job or

fellow adjective B2 your fellow students
interests as you, or is in the same situation as you

to touch or move things with your fingers because

fiddle with (sth) phrasal verb Stop fiddling with your hair!
you are nervous or bored

to keep making small movements with your hands

fidget verb She fidgeted all the way through the job interview.
or feet because you are nervous or bored

to finally understand or find the solution to

figure out phrasal verb B2 I couldn’t figure out what to do.
something, after thinking for a while
a collection of information and documents about
file noun A2 Would you mind if we keep your records on file?
someone or something
the activity of putting a file onto a special place on
file sharing noun your computer so that many other people can copy There's nothing wrong with file sharing.
it, look at it, or use it by using the Internet

Finally, when I realised that there was nothing

finally adverb A2 after a long time or some difficulty
more I could do, I thought, “Right, I’m dead.”

to think or feel a particular way about someone or I've always found that rights and responsibilities
find verb B1
something go hand in hand.
to discover something or someone that you have At what time of day do you find it easiest to find
find out phrasal verb A2
been searching for out answers to problems?
an amount of money that you must pay for It carries a maximum sentence of five years in
fine noun B1
breaking a law or rule prison prison or a fine of £3,200.
the hard, thin part on the top of the end of your
fingernail noun B2 She has very long fingernails.

the mark made on something by the pattern of The police found fingerprints all over the murder
fingerprint noun
curved lines on the end of someone's finger weapon.

a small object that explodes to produce a loud

firework noun B1 noise and bright colours and is often used to a firework display
celebrate special events

basic medical treatment that you give someone The policeman gave him first aid before the
first aid noun
who is ill or injured in an emergency ambulance arrived.

Madeleine's first language is French, but she also

first language noun A1 the language that someone learns to speak first
knows English and German.
first thing phrase at the earliest time in the day He said he'd phone back first thing tomorrow.

fit adjective A2 healthy, especially because you exercise regularly You have to be physically fit and strong for sailing.
looking too bright, big, and expensive, in a way
flashy adjective flashy gold jewellery
that is intended to get attention
flavour noun B1 the taste of a particular type of food or drink We sell 50 different flavours of ice cream.
She was arrested for a virtual crime, rather than a
flesh-and-blood adjective involving a real person who is present
flesh-and-blood murder.
an illness like a very bad cold, that makes you feel
flu noun B1 I had the flu last week.
hot and weak
Lessons focus on the classic moves of this
focus on phrasal verb B2 to give a lot of attention to one particular subject
entertaining and beautiful dance form.
to give a lot of attention to one particular person,
focus on sth phrasal verb B2 His article focussed on the French Revolution.
subject or thing
You have to be very focused on the conditions
focused adjective B2 giving a lot of attention to one particular thing
around you.
follow verb B1 to understand something Do you follow me?
follow verb C1 to be interested in an event or activity Students should follow their interests.
I'm a lifelong supporter of Crystal Palace football
football club noun A2 a club for people who play football
Many teenagers earn money, for instance by
for instance phrase B1 for example
babysitting or cleaning cars.
for instance phrase B1 for example Jane, for instance, can drive.
for me phrase used to introduce your opinion For me, it’s a choice between two or three.
used for saying that there are a number of reasons
for one reason
phrase for something but that you are not going to explain It just never happened for one reason or another.
or another
them now
forbidden adjective B1 not allowed, especially by law Smoking is forbidden.
the lower part of your arm between your hand and
forearm noun He had a large tattoo on his forearm.
your elbow (=the place where it bends)

the area of a view or picture which seems closest to There's a seated figure in the foreground of the
foreground noun
you painting.
foreign- written or spoken in a language that is not your
adjective foreign-language broadcasts
language own
forever adverb B1 for all time in the future I'll love you forever.
I would like to receive a formal apology from the
formal adjective B2 public or official
directors of the hotel.
formula noun C1 a plan or method that is used to achieve something There's no magic formula for success.
to break something hard such as a bone, or a piece
fracture verb She's fractured her ankle.
of rock
fragile adjective C2 easily broken, damaged, or destroyed a fragile china cup
a structure that goes around the edge of something
frame noun B1 a picture frame
such as a door, picture, window, or mirror

Frankly, I think the tree should be cut down - it's

frankly adverb B2 in an honest and direct way
not safe.
able to live, happen, or exist without being
free adjective B2 They’re free to pass through people’s land.
controlled by anyone or anything
free of charge noun phrase B1 costing nothing Are medicines free of charge?

the right to live in the way you want, say what you
My brother thinks we should have the freedom to
freedom noun B2 think, and make your own decisions without being
vote or not, as we choose.
controlled by anyone else

frontier noun C2 a line or border between two countries or areas frontier guards
a course which someone does for the whole of a
full-time course noun phrase B1
working week
fundamentally adverb C2 in a basic and important way Fundamentally, nothing has changed.
fundraising noun when you collect money for a particular purpose a fundraising event
a ceremony for burying or burning the body of a
funeral noun B2 The funeral will be held next Friday.
dead person
Funnily enough, I was just thinking about you
funnily enough phrase although it seems strange and surprising
when you called.
Have you ever reacted furiously to something on
furiously adverb B2 in a very angry way
Further into the future, we could very well have a
far: at or to a place or time that is a longer distance
further adverb B2 country-wide transport system of small electric
Further into the future, we could very well have a
future noun B1 the time which is to come country-wide transport system of small electric
futurologist noun someone who studies the future I work as a futurologist.
gain verb B1 to get something useful or positive The country gained independence in 1948.
a very large group of stars held together in the In our galaxy alone, there are an estimated 100
galaxy noun
universe billion stars.
someone who plays games, especially computer
gamer noun online gamers
someone who works in a garden, growing plants
gardener noun B2 We employ three gardeners.
and making it look attractive
to think something is true because you have heard I gather you’d like to work out some
gather verb C1
or seen information about it compensation.
a set of parts in a motor vehicle or bicycle that
gear noun B2 a mountain bike with 21 gears
control how fast the wheels turn
someone or something that you like very much and
gem noun She's an absolute gem.
think is very special
generally used to introduce a statement that is mainly or Generally speaking, I think people used to be more
phrase B2
speaking usually true open and friendly.
giving other people a lot of money, presents, or
generous adjective B1 a very generous man
time in a kind way
a polite word for 'man', used especially when
gentleman noun B2 There's a gentleman here to see you.
talking to or about a man you do not know
If something is genuine, it is really what it seems to
genuine adjective B2 a genuine gold necklace
get verb A1 to obtain or buy something Could you get me some chocolate?
get an idea to develop a thought about something that you
verb phrase Mary got the idea for Frankenstein from a dream.
from something want to do as a result of something else

to be able to live or deal with a situation with

get by phrasal verb difficulty, usually by having just enough of I don't know how he gets by on so little money.
something you need, such as money

to communicate with someone by telephoning We have your contact details and we will get in
get in touch verb phrase B1
them, writing, etc. touch if we require your assistance.
get someone To be a successful journalist, you need to be able to
verb phrase B2 to make people want to speak
talking get people talking.
to become familiar with something or someone,
get used to Do you know anyone who takes a long time to get
verb phrase B1 after experiencing it many times or spending a lot
something used to new people?
of time with them
the spirit of a dead person which appears to people
ghost noun B1 Do you believe in ghosts?
who are alive
extremely big, or much bigger than other similar
giant adjective B1 a giant spider
a pale brown root with a strong taste used as a
ginger noun ginger cake
spice in cooking

the most important pieces of information about

gist noun That was the gist of what he said.
something, or general information without details

A dream could give you the idea for a great work

give verb A1 to provide someone with something
of art.

give something to use something for the first time to find out if it
verb phrase B2 I’d like to give this one a try.
a try is suitable or effective

If you give up a habit such as smoking, or give up

give up phrasal verb B1 something unhealthy such as alcohol, you stop I've decided to give up smoking completely.
doing it or having it.

to stop doing something before it is finished

give up on phrasal verb B2 It was so frustrating that I just gave up on it.
because it is too difficult or it is not successful
glad adjective A2 happy about something I’m glad things turned out the way they did.
glamorous adjective attractive in an exciting and special way a glamorous woman
global adjective B2 relating to the whole world the global problem of nuclear waste
Put a bit of glue on both edges and hold them
glue noun C2 a substance used to stick things together
glue verb C2 to stick something to something else with glue Do you think you can glue this vase back together?

go ahead phrasal verb B2 to start to do something Shall I start the lesson?' 'Yes, go ahead.'

go along with phrasal verb to agree with someone's opinion I’d go along with you there.

go away phrasal verb B1 to disappear They hoped the problem would go away.
go hand in If two things go hand in hand, they exist together
phrase C1 Prosperity goes hand in hand with investment.
hand and are connected with each other.
go into phrasal verb A2 to move towards the inside of Large sheets of paper go into the press.
If something that makes a noise goes off, it An alarm clock went off in the candidate’s
go off phrasal verb B2
suddenly starts making a noise. briefcase.
This went on for some years until they finally
go on phrasal verb B1 to last for a particular period of time
complained to the police.
to stop being used, having been replaced by What kinds of technology and equipment have
go out of use verb phrase
something newer gone out of use?
go out of your to try very hard to do something, especially for Everyone went out of their way to make us feel
way someone else welcome. It was lovely.
go over phrasal verb B2 to study or explain something Can you go over that again?
go with
phrasal verb to choose to accept a particular thing We’re going with this one.
something you want to do successfully in the
goal noun B1 The process involves setting specific goals.
a female spirit that people pray to and who they
goddess noun believe has control over parts of the world or the ancient goddess of hunting
good adjective A2 suitable or satisfactory It's a good size.
good at phrase A1 able to do something well I’m good at helping people get on with each other.
something you say when you are surprised or
good lord phrase Good lord! Is that the time?
good with phrase A1 able to deal with something or someone well I’ve always been good with numbers.
kind, friendly, or helpful feelings towards other He gave them a thousand pounds as a gesture of
goodwill noun
people goodwill.
a number or letter that shows how good someone's Steve never studies, but he always gets good
grade noun B1
work or performance is grades.
gradually adverb B2 slowly over a period of time Gradually he began to get better.
someone who has studied for and received a New graduates should usually have some
graduate noun B2
degree (=qualification) from a university internship experience.
to complete your education successfully at a He graduated from Cambridge University in
graduate verb B2
university, college, or, in the US, at school 2006.
grandchild noun A2 the child of your son or daughter My grandchildren came to stay with me.
We’d like to express our gratitude for the efforts
gratitude noun the feeling or quality of being grateful
you made.
green adjective B2 relating to nature and protecting the environment a green activist/campaigner
(the) ground noun B1 the surface of the Earth I sat down on the ground.
grow verb B2 to start to do something gradually People didn't like it at first but grew to love it.
to make certain that something is true or will These dishes guarantee something to everyone's
guarantee verb B2
happen taste.
Students make choices about their future, with the
guidance noun B2 help or advice
guidance of their teachers.
an organisation of people who have the same job
guild noun the Designers' Guild
or interests
someone who plays the guitar, especially as their
guitarist noun B1 He was a guitarist in a rock band.
habitat noun C1 the natural environment of an animal or plant the fox's natural habitat

to use a computer to illegally get into someone

Two British youths were caught hacking into
hack verb else's computer system and read the information
government computers.
that is kept there
an artificial covering of hair used to hide an area of
hairpiece noun Do you think he wears a hairpiece?
the head where there is no hair
Just under half of them buy their lunches from our
half noun A2 one of two equal parts of something; 1 2 ;
halfway adverb in the middle of a period of time the halfway point
hammer (sth) to repeat something to someone a lot of times until We try to hammer it into the children to take care
phrasal verb
into (sb) they remember it crossing the road.
handle verb B1 to deal with something He knows how to handle people.
How will you handle living in a closed
handle (+_ing) verb B1 to deal with something

the action of taking someone's right hand and

handshake noun He had a firm handshake.
shaking it when you meet or leave each other

physically doing something and not only studying

hands-on adjective hands-on experience
it or watching someone else do it
How can we solve this problem and keep everyone
happy adjective A2 satisfied and not worried
happy with phrase A2 satisfied and pleased with I’d be happy with either Cookery or Psychology.
This island is formed from volcanic lava that has
harden verb to become hard and stiff
hardened into rock.
If a ghost or other creature haunts a place, it
haunt verb B2 A murdered knight haunts the castle.
appears there often.
have a People have a tendency to learn languages in the
verb phrase to often do something
tendency to big cities.

to have a short conversation with someone about a

have a word verb phrase B2
particular subject, usually with no one else present

to be considering something, intending to do

have in mind verb phrase What exactly did you have in mind?
headteacher noun A2 the person in charge of a school She was sent to the headteacher.
heal verb B2 to make a person healthy again traditional methods of healing

when you make regular payments to an insurance

noun B2 company in exchange for that company paying Does everyone have health insurance?
most or all of the costs of your medical care

health- Health-conscious people try to keep themselves

adjective I think the people here are quite health-conscious.
conscious healthy.
according to some religions, the place where good
heaven noun B2 They think they will go to heaven.
people go when they die
It was heavily criticised at first but people are
heavily adverb B1 a lot or to a great degree
beginning to warm to it now.
heights noun high places I've always been scared of heights.
to help someone, especially by giving them money
help out phrasal verb B2 Are families expected to help out with patient care?
or working for them
here and there phrase B2 in several different places but without any pattern Neil took us here and there sightseeing.

when someone is considered by most people to be

Would you say that doctors and nurses have a
high status noun phrase important and a lot of respect and admiration is
high status?
felt for them
using technology that provides very clear, detailed
high-definition adjective a high-definition lens
to emphasize something or make people notice His blonde hair and blue suit highlight his
highlight verb B2
something innocence.
Describe a a high-pressure situation in your work
high-pressure adjective B2 involving pressure which is greater than usual
or studies.
to take control of an aircraft during a journey,
hijack verb The plane was hijacked by terrorists.
especially using violence
a person who goes for a long walk in the
hiker noun On sunny days the trails are full of hikers.
important in history or likely to be important in It's a historic town with some very impressive
historic adjective B1
history ancient buildings and statues.
historically adverb C1 in a way that is connected to history Historically, this was a mill town.
an attempt to make people believe something
hoax noun The police said the bomb threat was a hoax.
which is not true
Fundamentalist beliefs hold sway over whole
hold sway phrase to have power or a very strong influence

Another machine attaches the cover to the book

hold together phrasal verb B1 to make something stay in one piece
block using hot glue to hold everything together.
hollow adjective C2 having a hole or empty space inside a hollow shell/tube
homeless adjective C1 without a place to live 10,000 people were made homeless by the floods.

Homeopathic medicines use extremely small

homeopathic adjective homeopathic medicine/remedies
amounts of natural substances to treat illnesses.

a way of treating illnesses using very small Some people consider homeopathy to be no better
homeopathy noun
amounts of natural substances than a sugar pill.
the first page that you see when you look at a
homepage noun I've set Facebook to be my homepage.
website on the Internet
homesick adjective feeling sad because you are away from your home I felt homesick when I went to university.
If you want my honest opinion, I think your hair
honest adjective B1 sincere and telling the truth
looks awful.
hook up with to get together with someone in order to do
phrasal verb Why don't you hook up with some mates to do it?
(sb) something
I hope that you will be able to restore my
hope verb A2 to want something to happen or be true
confidence in your hotel.
used, often at the start of a sentence, to express
hopefully adverb B1 Hopefully he won't go out of business.
what you would like to happen
When she saw me, she ran over and hugged me
horrified adjective C2 very shocked and kissed me on both cheeks. I felt absolutely
someone who invites people to a meal or a party,
host noun B2 He is a wonderful host.
or to stay in their home
a place where natural hot water comes up out of
hot spring noun We bathed in a hot spring.
the ground
feelings, qualities, and behaviour that are typical of
human nature noun It's human nature to want to be loved.
most people

the department of an organisation that deals with

human finding new people to work there, keeping records
noun She works in human resources.
resources about all the organisation's employees, and
helping them with any problems

describes someone who has been made to feel The waiter looked humiliated when he saw the size
humiliated adjective C2
ashamed or stupid of the tip they gave him.
hunt noun C1 a search for something or someone a job hunt
a mental state like sleep, in which a person's Police placed witnesses under hypnosis in an effort
hypnosis noun
thoughts can be easily influenced by someone else to gain additional information.

an understanding, thought, or picture in your A dream could give you the idea for a great work
idea noun A2
mind of art.
a stupid person or someone who is behaving in a
idiot noun B2 Like an idiot, I believed him.
stupid way
used when you want to say how doing something
if only phrase B1 simple would make it possible to avoid something If only I’d asked for some advice.

ignore verb B2 to pay no attention to something or someone You can't ignore it, the problem won't go away.
illness noun B1 a disease of the body or mind Unfortunately I couldn't go because of illness.
illness noun B1 a disease of the body or mind a serious/terminal illness
the use of words or pictures in books, films,
imagery noun The poem is famous for its beautiful imagery.
paintings, etc to describe ideas or situations
imaginary adjective C1 not real but imagined in your mind The story takes place in an imaginary world.
A game designer has to have plenty of
imagination noun B1 the ability to create ideas or pictures in your mind
Something which is imaginative is new or clever
imaginative adjective C1 an imaginative use of colour
and often unusual.
to create an idea or picture of something in your
imagine verb B1 I can imagine it in the kitchen.
happening or done without waiting or very soon The government has promised to take immediate
immediate adjective B2
after something else action.
immigration noun B2 when someone comes to live in a different country immigration policy
the effect that a person, event, or situation has on Latino singers have had a major impact on pop
impact noun B2
someone or something music this year.
to make a law, system, plan, etc start to happen or Our new computerised system will soon be fully
implement verb B2
operate implemented.

The vacuum inside the tube caused it to implode

implode verb to fall towards the inside with force
when the external air pressure was increased.

to suggest or show something, without saying it This implies that he has some sympathy for their
imply verb C2
directly situation.
If you receive a job offer, it’s really important that
important adjective A1 valuable, useful, or necessary
you get it in writing.
to officially order that a rule, tax, punishment, etc
impose verb C1 to impose a ban/tax
will happen
If an action or event is impossible, it cannot
impossible adjective B1 an impossible task
happen or be done.
an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or It caused a lot of controversy – it made a big
impression noun B2
someone impression on people.
Someone or something that is impressive makes It's a historic town with some very impressive
impressive adjective B2
you admire and respect them. ancient buildings and statues.
In addition to his flat in London, he has a villa in
in addition noun B1 as well
Sources are in agreement that Leif Eriksson died
in agreement phrase B2 having the same opinion
in about 1020.
in and out phrase into and out of a place People were wandering in and out.
used to give another reason for something that you
in any case phrase B2 In any case, that room's too small.
are saying, or that you have done
being the person who controls or is responsible for The director of photography is in charge of the
in charge of phrase B1
someone or something camera and lighting crew.

used before saying the truth about something, In fact most travel writers find it hard just to make
in fact phrase B1
usually when it is not what you would expect a living.

If you are in favour of a plan or an idea, you agree

Most people are in favour of reducing traffic in
in favour phrase B2
with it or approve of it. cities.
in order to celebrate or show respect for someone
It's a bronze statue, erected in honour of Saigo
in honour of phrase B2
or something Takamori.
in part phrase partly He is in part to blame for the accident.
in particular phrase B1 especially For Hilary in particular it was interesting.
in place phrase B2 in the correct position I tend to make sure everything's in place.
In response to RealGuy’s comments that virtual
in response to phrase B2 as a reaction to worlds are a waste of time, I couldn’t disagree
in that case phrase B2 because of the mentioned situation Well, in that case, I’ve got another idea.
preventing someone from doing what they want to Spencer wants to be the next President, but Gomez
in the way phrase
do is in the way.
in two minds idiom C1 unable to decide about something I’m in two minds about this one.
What kinds of technology and equipment are in
in use phrase A2 used
regular use nowadays?
Beetle grubs stay inactive underground until
inactive adjective not active or working
a unit for measuring length, equal to 2.54
inch noun B1 The snow was 6 inches deep in some places.
I suggest you take steps to ensure that such an
incident noun B2 an event, especially one that is bad or unusual
incident doesn’t happen again.
include verb A2 to make something part of something else He included the story in his book on France.
not able to do your job, or things that you are
incompetent adjective incompetent managers
expected to do, successfully
when something causes difficulty such as The Director apologised for any inconvenience
inconvenience noun C1
unexpected changes or effort caused.
incredibly adverb B2 extremely I remember feeling incredibly lonely.
independently adverb B2 They’re expected to work independently.
someone or something that has an effect on
influence noun B2 He was quite a positive influence on me.
another person or thing
We regret to inform you that we are unable to
inform verb B1 to tell someone about something
offer you a position at this time.
inform verb B1 to tell someone about something If he calls me again, I shall inform the police.
when someone puts a drug into your body using a
injection noun C2 an insulin injection
a coloured liquid that you use for writing, printing,
ink noun B1 My pen has run out of ink.
or drawing
inn noun a small hotel in the countryside They stayed at an inn.
Inner feelings, thoughts, etc are ones that you do
inner adjective B2 a profound sense of inner peace
not show or tell other people.

a quality in someone's character that allows them He was one of those people who have a lot of inner
inner strength noun phrase B2
to stay calm and succeed in difficult situations strength.
innocent adjective B2 not guilty of committing a crime He claims to be innocent of the crime.
innovative adjective C1 using new methods or ideas an innovative approach to programme making
the ability to understand what something is really The book provides a fascinating insight into the
insight noun C1
like, or an example of this world of art.
I regret I didn’t insist on seeing a director at the
insist on phrasal verb B1 to demand something forcefully
Scientists and engineers get a lot of inspiration
inspiration noun B2 a sudden good idea about what you should do
from dreams.
to give someone an idea for a book, play, painting,
inspire verb B2 Srinivasa Ramanujan was inspired by dreams.
to make someone feel that they want to do A drama teacher at school had inspired Sam to
inspire verb B2
something and can do it become an actor.
to put a piece of equipment somewhere and make
install verb B1 The school has installed a burglar alarm.
it ready to use
to say or do something to someone that is rude and
insult verb B2 How dare you insult me in front of my friends!
intend verb B1 to want and plan to do something What do you intend to do after this job?
intend verb B1 to have as a plan or purpose The vase was intended to be a gift.
At school, teachers say he interacted well with
interact verb B2 to talk and do things with other people
other students.
interior noun B2 the inside part of something the grand interior of the hotel
between the highest and lowest levels of
intermediate adjective B1 intermediate students
knowledge or skill
inside a person, object, organisation, place or
internally adverb C1 This medicine should not be taken internally.
a period of time spent doing a job as part of New graduates should usually have some
internship noun
becoming qualified to do it internship experience.

a meeting in which someone asks you questions to To get to the interview stage, you really need to
interview noun B1
see if you are suitable for a job or course sell yourself in your CV and covering letter.

If someone or something intrigues you, they I was really intrigued by all the cultural
intrigue verb C2
interest you very much. differences I noticed
to help someone to experience something for the This course introduces you to the skill of creative
someone to verb phrase B2
first time writing.
alone and not having help or support from other
isolated adjective C1 I just felt so isolated.
item noun B1 a single thing in a group of things or on a list the last item on the list
jammed adjective C2 full of people It’s a busy area, jammed with people.
jocular adjective funny or intended to make someone laugh a jocular comment
joke verb B1 to say funny things, or not be serious Are you joking?
something or someone that makes you feel very
joy noun B2 She's a joy to work with.
a sudden movement off the ground or off a high
jump noun B2 He won with a jump of 8.5 metres.

an area of land, usually in tropical countries,

jungle noun B1 jungle animals
where trees and plants grow close together
junior adjective B2 low or lower in rank a junior minister/senator
behaviour or treatment that is fair and morally
justice noun B2 She tried to bring about fairness and justice for all.
to have something permanently or for the whole of How can we solve this problem and keep everyone
keep verb A2
a period of time happy.
keep an
phrase B2 to go to a meeting or event that has been arranged I always keep my appointments.
to hope that things will happen in the way that you
keep my I always keep my fingers crossed when my flight
verb phrase C2 want them to, sometimes putting one finger over
fingers crossed takes off.
another to bring good luck
to continue without stopping or changing or to
keep up phrasal verb B1 continue something without allowing it to stop or It can be difficult to keep up your concentration.
to move at the same speed as someone or
keep up with
phrasal verb B2 something that is moving forward so that you stay I couldn't keep up with him.
level with them
When a football match or other event kicks off, it What time do football matches in your country
kick off phrasal verb C1
starts. usually kick off?
I will do my homework - I just need a little
kickstart noun something that makes something start to happen
to go down into or stay in a position where one or
kneel verb B2 She knelt down beside the child.
both of your knees are on the ground
a place where pieces of string, rope, etc have been
knot noun C2 I untied the knots.
tied together
information and understanding that you have in She’s used her knowledge and training to benefit
knowledge noun B1
your mind the environment.
laboratory noun B1 a room used for scientific work research laboratories
to not have something, or not have enough of
lack verb B2 She really lacks confidence.
a building that you can easily recognize, especially The Statue of Liberty is one of the world's most
landmark noun C1
one that helps you to know where you are famous landmarks.

the appearance of an area of land, especially in the It looked odd at first but now people just see it as
landscape noun B1
countryside part of the landscape.
communication between people, usually using There are many different languages in India and
language noun A1
words there are even more dialects.
a strong beam of light that has medical and
laser noun B2 a laser beam
technical uses
a group of teams which compete against each other
league noun B1 top/bottom of the league
in a sport

to not take something with you when you go away

leave verb A2 If we leave it where it is, no one’ll see it.
from a place, either intentionally or by accident

a formal talk given to a group of people in order to Seminars are a waste of time. Students learn much
lecture (noun) noun B1
teach them about a subject more from lectures.
the process of going to court so that a decision can They came up with a compromise so there was no
legal action noun phrase
be made officially by law need for legal action.
If a bank lends money, it gives money to someone
lend verb A2 who then pays the money back in small amounts Would you lend me fifty euros?'
over a period.
A person's life's work is the work which is most
She’s made preserving the natural world her life’s
life’s work noun important to them and to which they give a lot of
time and effort
lifelong adjective C2 for all of your life a lifelong friend/interest
lifetime noun B2 the period of time that someone is alive I can't see it happening within my lifetime.
similar to or in the same way as someone or Nowadays the mine at Wieliczka is like a huge
like preposition A2
something underground city.
limitation noun C1 a rule or situation that limits something space limitations
linguistic adjective C1 relating to language or linguistics There is huge linguistic variety in India.
to make a connection between two or more people,
link verb B2 I think we should link that page to Portraits.
things, or ideas
liquefy verb to change into a liquid form Gases liquefy under pressure.
a substance, for example water, that is not solid
liquid noun B1 The chocolate turns back into a liquid.
and that can be poured easily
listener noun C1 someone who listens I'm a good listener.
having the real or original meaning of a word or They were responsible for literally millions of
literally adverb B2
phrase deaths.
pieces of paper and other waste that are left in
litter noun B2 There was a lot of litter in the street.
public places
load noun B1 A load of something is a lot of that thing. I printed a load of leaflets.
locate verb B2 to find the exact position of someone or something Who finds it difficult to locate places on a map?
If something is located in a particular place, that is
locate verb B1 a cottage located in the countryside
where it is.
logging noun the activity of cutting down trees for wood logging companies.
The logical thing is to return the tree to the garden
logical adjective B2 using reason
a design or symbol used by a company to advertise
logo noun B1 a corporate logo
its products
long term adjective B2 continuing a long time into the future long-term unemployment
long-lasting adjective C2 continuing for a long period of time If something is long-lasting, it is durable.
long-term adjective B2 continuing a long time into the future A long-term commitment.
look at phrasal verb B2 to consider a subject carefully I’ll be looking at four main areas.
look forward to used at the end of a formal letter to show that you We look forward to discussing them further at a
phrasal verb B2
(+_ing) hope to hear from someone soon time of your convenience.
thinking about and planning for what will happen
looking ahead phrasal verb C2
in the future
lose your
phrase B2 to suddenly become very angry He doesn't often lose his temper.
I’d say the colours are low-key and, well, quite
low-key adjective not attracting attention
low-quality adjective B1 of a poor standard A low-quality science fiction movie.
lyrics noun B2 the words of a song The song has beautiful lyrics.
The majority of people in this country own their
majority noun B2 more than half of a group of people or things
How easy is it to make an appointment at a clinic
make verb A2 to produce or create something
or with a doctor?
make good use Do you think you made good use of your time at
verb phrase B2 to use something effectively, with good results
of something school or college?

to understand or think about someone or People didn’t know what to make of the tower at
make of phrasal verb C2
something in a particular way first.
to have a meaning or reason that you can
make sense verb phrase B2 It makes a lot of sense.

make someone to cause someone to have doubts about something

verb phrase B1
think or to consider something very seriously

something feel verb phrase B1 to cause something to seem a particular way It’d make the room feel a lot bigger .
(+ adj)
to take action so that you are certain that Make sure you see the Great Buddha while you're
make sure verb phrase A2
something happens, is true, etc there.
make up one's
verb phrase B1 to decide something I can’t make up my mind about it.

a serious disease that you can get in hot countries

malaria noun Many people died of malaria.
if a mosquito (=small insect) bites you

Shortly before the crash the pilot had reported a

malfunction noun a failure to work or operate correctly
malfunction of the aircraft's navigation system.

The director of photography manages the camera

manage verb B1 to be in control of an office, shop, team, etc
and lighting crew.

to control someone or something in a clever way so He knows how to manipulate people to get his won
manipulate verb
that they do what you want them to do way.

the way in which a person talks and behaves with Do doctors tend to have a formal or informal
manner noun B2
other people manner towards patients?
to produce something, usually in large numbers in Local industries manufacture plastic products,
manufacture verb B2
a factory boats, and clothing.
map verb to represent an area of land in the form of a map It must be amazing to map an unexplored area.
marine adjective found in the sea, or relating to the sea marine creatures/life
the activity of rubbing or pressing parts of
massage noun someone's body in order to make them relax or to to have a massage
stop their muscles hurting
massive adjective B2 very big a massive building
master noun C2 someone who does something very well He was a master of disguise.
The maximum amount of something is the largest
maximum adjective B1 the maximum temperature/speed
amount that is allowed or possible.
used to talk about what is possibly true or will
may modal verb B2 He may have felt a bit ill after eating too much.
possibly happen
If you say that something may well happen, you
may well phrase B2 She may well have forgotten what I looked like.
mean that it is likely to happen
mean verb B1 to have a particular meaning What do you mean by ‘special ingredient’?
in the time between two things happening, or The mother is ill. The child, meanwhile, is living
meanwhile adverb B1
while something else is happening with foster parents.
a way of achieving something or dealing with a
measure noun B2 This arrangement is only a temporary measure.

a metal disc given as a prize in a competition or

medal noun B2 a bronze medal
given to someone who has been very brave

medicine noun A2 a substance used to cure an illness or injury Do you know if you’re allergic to any medicine?
to think calm thoughts for a long period in order to
meditate verb I meditate twice a day.
relax or as a religious activity
a person who belongs to a group or an
member noun A2 I’m a member of the Screenwriters’ Guild
relating to the mind, or involving the process of
mental adjective B2 mental health/illness
to briefly speak or write about something or Earlier I mentioned how folding machine folds the
mention verb B1
someone paper.
Interestingly, several sites make no mention of his
mention noun B2 a brief remark
an experienced person who gives help and advice
mentor noun I had a great mentor in my first job.
to someone with less experience
a piece of electrical equipment for recording or
microphone noun B2 You will need to use a microphone.
broadcasting sounds, or for making sounds louder

a piece of scientific equipment which uses lenses

microscope noun (=pieces of curved glass) to make very small We looked at the cells under the microscope.
objects look bigger
middle-aged adjective B1 in the middle of your life before you are old A middle-aged piano teacher.
might have modal verb B2 used to talk about what was possibly true He might have been a bit angry. It’s hard to say.
When weather is mild, it is less cold than you
mild adjective B1 a mild winter
would expect.

mince your If you do not mince your words, you say what you
phrase Rob was not a man to mince his words.
words mean directly, even if this upsets people.

mind verb A2 to be annoyed or worried by something If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the big hurry?

an underground system of holes and passages

mine noun B2 He worked at the mine.
where people dig out coal or other minerals
miniature adjective C2 extremely small a miniature camera
The minimum amount of something is the smallest
minimum adjective B1 How much is the minimum wage?
amount that is allowed, needed, or possible.

a politician who is responsible for a government

minister noun B2 a finance/health minister
department or has an important position in it

Don’t miss the well-stocked Hakuhinkan toy store

miss noun A2 to not do an activity
in Tokyo.
misunderstandi when someone does not understand something
noun B2 How would you deal with a misunderstanding.
ng correctly

to (cause different substances to) combine, so that The bottle-makers crush the ingredients to a
mix verb B2
the result cannot easily be separated into its parts powder and mix them up.
If you have mixed feelings about something, you
mixed feelings phrase B1 I’ve got mixed feelings about that one
are pleased and not pleased at the same time.

when there is a mistake because things are

mix-up noun B2 There was a mix-up with the bags at the airport.
using the newest ideas, design, technology, etc and
modern adjective A2 modern art/architecture
not traditional
If you are modest, you do not talk in a proud way
modest adjective C1 He's very modest about his achievements.
about your skills or successes.
the smallest unit of a substance, consisting of one
molecule noun a hydrogen molecule
or more atoms
monolingual adjective using only one language monolingual dictionaries
a statue or building that is built to honour a special The monument is in the shape of a spire and was
monument noun B2
person or event erected to celebrate the Millennium.
a small motorcycle which also has pedalsparts
which you press with your feet to move forward
moped noun She gets around town on a moped.
which can be used when starting it or travelling up
a hill
Just a minute. I’ve more or less finished this
more or less phrase B2 almost
morning glory noun a type of flower which opens in the morning We planted some morning glories.
When she saw me, she ran over and hugged me
mortified adjective very embarrassed and kissed me on both cheeks. I felt absolutely
the first language that you learn when you are a Their mother tongues are regional languages and
mother tongue noun B2
child are absolutely different.
mother tongue noun the first language you learn when you are a baby My mother tongue is French.
to make someone enthusiastic about doing
motivate verb C1 Teaching is all about motivating people to learn.
to change place or position, or to make something It’s better to move all that information to the
move verb A2
change place or position homepage.
move along phrasal verb A2 to go forwards towards the end of something The book moves along a conveyor belt.
to change from one subject to another when you
move on phrasal verb C1 Let’s move on to how you can get into the business.
are talking or writing
movie noun A1 a film Casablanca' is my favourite movie.
mull over phrasal verb to think carefully about something for a long time I spent a long time mulling it over.
multilingual adjective using or speaking more than two languages
multi-task verb to do several activities at the same time Most mothers are good at multi-tasking.
used to show that you think something is very
must modal verb B2 I think she must have felt homesick.
likely or certain to be true
something strange or unknown that cannot be
mystery noun B1 an unsolved mystery
explained or understood
If something mystifies someone, they cannot
mystify verb understand or explain it because it is confusing or She must have been mystified by my cold reaction.
a thin piece of metal with a sharp end, used to join
nail noun B2 a three-inch nail
pieces of wood together
narrative noun C2 a story or description of a series of events The class will focus on dialogue and narrative.

to make a number or list of things smaller and

narrow down phrasal verb C2 clearer, by removing the things that are least I’ve narrowed it down to these two.
important or suitable
Something that is natural exists or happens
Do you know anyone who has natural talent in
natural adjective B1 because of nature, not because it was made or
done by people.
Nearly all of them said they’d be interested in
nearly adverb A2 almost
buying from us.
Nearly all the sandwiches we make have meat in
nearly all phrase A2 all except a very small number of
The next time, event, person, or thing is the one
next adjective A2 nearest to now or the one that follows the present Next thing I knew, I was falling fast.
Some see homeopathy as no better than a sugar
no better than phrase having no more qualities or advantages than
no way phrase B1 certainly not There’s no way I’d just telephone.
to officially suggest a person or their work for a
nominate verb C1 He was nominated for an award.

If something is none of someone's business, they

none of my Maybe it’s none of my business but what's the
idiom B2 do not need to know about it, although they want
business problem?
to, because it does not affect them.

always trying to find out private things about other I don’t want to be nosy but do you know what’s
nosy adjective C2
people going on?
not mind (+ – If you wouldn't mind doing something, you are
verb phrase B1 I wouldn’t mind doing a course in First Aid.
ing) willing to do it.

not think much to not think someone or something is good or Where I live, people generally think highly of
verb phrase
of important doctors but they don’t think much of teachers.

a cut in the shape of the letter V on the edge or

notch noun He cut a notch in the wood.
surface of something
words that you write down to help you remember
note noun C1 I have made a note of your telephone number.
novel adjective C2 new or different from anything else a novel idea/approach
novelist noun B2 a person who writes novels He is a children's novelist.
at the present time, especially when compared to Nowadays people celebrate Bonfire Night
nowadays adverb B1
the past together.

relating to the energy that is released when the

nuclear adjective B2 nuclear weapons/waste
nucleus (=central part) of an atom is divided
null adjective having no substance or value Their readership was null.
oat noun a type of grain that people eat or feed to animals oat biscuits
to do what you are told to do by a person, rule, or
obey verb B2 If you refuse to obey the law, you'll be arrested.
CVs usually include a main objective, details of
objective noun B2 something that you are trying to achieve
experience and references.
If you are obliged to do something, you have to do Sellers are not legally obliged to accept the highest
obliged to phrase B2
it. offer.
obliged to do Landowners are obliged to let us walk on their
verb phrase B2 to be forced to do something
something land.
observe verb B2 to watch someone or something carefully Children learn by observing adults.
obsolete adjective C1 not used now obsolete equipment
obtain verb B2 to get something to obtain permission
obvious adjective B1 easy to understand or see It's a bit obvious.
obviously adverb B1 in a way that is easy to understand or see Obviously, they had a lucky escape.
According to the police, the shooting occurred at
occur verb B2 to happen, often without being planned
about 12.30 a.m.
various things of different types, usually small and Look! here a box of odds and ends from our old
odds and ends phrase C2
not important or of little value flat.
away from the direction in which a ship, aircraft,
off course phrase The ship was blown off course.
etc. should be moving
offensive adjective B2 likely to make people angry or upset an offensive remark
offer verb B1 to give or provide something That kind of medicine offers no benefit.
to say that you will pay a particular amount of
offer verb B2 We can offer a refund on the room rental.
official when someone tells a person in authority that If you are really unhappy with the service you
noun phrase B2
complaint something is wrong or not satisfactory could make an official complaint.
a language that has a special importance in a
noun phrase B2 country, often the language used in its courts and
In the old days, people used to celebrate Bonfire
old days noun phrase a period in the past
Night in their back gardens.
used for adding emphasis to questions, often when
on earth phrase How on earth did she manage that?
the speaker is surprised or angry
on the grounds I’d reject the first on the grounds that it could be
phrase B2 for the reason that
that too cold.
On the other hand, you have people who say that
on the other used for introducing an opposite opinion or way of
phrase B2 even if it is illegal, it doesn't hurt the music
hand thinking about something

on the way phrase going to happen soon It’s chilly, isn’t it? Winter’s definitely on the way.
a way of learning that involves the use of Is the use of online learning in teaching small
online learning noun phrase A2
computers and the Internet children a good idea?
open adjective A2 not closed or fastened The Eiffel Tower opened to the public in May 1889.
If someone has an open mind, they consider ideas
When it comes to politics, I try to keep an open
open mind noun phrase B2 and opinions that are new or different to their
If an organisation or business operates, it is
Our company is operating under very difficult
operate verb B2 working, and if you operate it, you manage it and
conditions at present.
make it work.
to make a machine or piece of equipment do what
operate verb B2 You have to be trained to operate the machinery.
it is designed to do
She spoke to everyone involved and got their
opinion noun B1 a thought or belief about something or someone
being too certain that your strong opinions are
opinionated adjective She's a very opinionated young woman.

a situation in which it is possible for you to do We were pleased to have the opportunity to
opportunity noun B1
something, or a possibility of doing something discuss your qualifications and expectations.

opposed to If you are opposed to a plan or activity, you

phrase C1 We're opposed to any tax increases.
(sth) disagree with it and want to stop it or change it

We have the option of hiring someone to do the

option noun B1 a choice
the cause of something, or where something begins
origin noun B2 the origin of the universe
or comes from
special and interesting because of not being the Where do you come up with your best or most
original adjective B1
same as others original ideas?
other side noun phrase B2 the opposite way of considering a situation I'd like to present the other side of the story.

used when saying what will happen if someone

They should send her to prison, otherwise,
otherwise conjunction B1 does not obey an order or do what has been
everyone’ll start doing this.
out adverb no longer included These two are out.
out of place phrase not right or suitable for a particular situation I just felt so out of place.
Just over 150 people were surveyed including 40
over preposition A2 more than a particular amount, number, or age
from local businesses.
He's trying to overcome his drug addiction and
overcome verb B2 to deal with and control a problem or feeling
find a job.
to hear what someone is saying when they are not
overhear verb C2 I overheard him telling her he was leaving.
talking to you

If something is overrated, it is considered to be

overrated adjective I think his work is overrated.
better or more important than it really is.

to watch work as it is done in order to make certain The director of photography oversees the camera
oversee verb
that it is done correctly and lighting crew.
to go past a vehicle or person that is going in the
overtake verb B2 It's dangerous to overtake on a bend.
same direction
He taught me a lot about determination – I owe
owe verb B2 to have to pay money back to someone
him a lot.

I’m going to give you a couple of prescriptions.

painkiller noun a drug which reduces pain
One of them’s an antibiotic, the other’s a painkiller.

a tall tree with long leaves at the top which grows

palm tree noun C1 We sat under the palm trees.
in hot countries
a large, black and white animal that lives in forests
panda noun He is an expert on pandas.
in China
a small piece of metal used to hold several pieces
paperclip noun I fastened the sheets with a paperclip.
of paper together
a large piece of cloth which is fixed to your body by
parachute noun B2 strings and helps you to drop safely from an Her parachute failed to open.
All participants finishing the race will receive a
participant noun C1 someone who is involved in an activity
pass through phrasal verb B1 go from one side to the other The sections pass through the folding machine.
a long, narrow space that connects one place to There's a passage to the side of the house, leading
passage noun B2
another to the garden.
passion noun C1 when you like something very much a passion for football
a secret word that allows you to do something,
password noun B1 Key in your password.
such as use your computer
patient adjective B1 having patience I’ve never met anybody so patient.
to cover a path or road with flat stones, bricks,
pave over phrasal verb They want the whole area paved over.
concrete, etc
pavement noun B1 a path by the side of a road that people walk on It's illegal to park on the pavement.
a large tent that is used for outside events or a
pavilion noun We visited the pavilion.
decorative building in this shape
peculiar adjective B2 strange, often in an unpleasant way The wine had a peculiar, musty smell.
someone who you write friendly letters to
pen friend noun A2 I have a French pen friend.
regularly, but you have never met

the ability to deal well with people and form good You must be able to work independently and have
people skills noun phrase
relationships with them, especially at work strong organisational and people skills.
perfectly adverb B2 used to emphasise the word that follows To be perfectly honest, I don't really care.
A persistent person continues to do something
persistent adjective C2 He can be very persistent sometimes.
although other people do not want them to.

relating to the private parts of someone's life,

personal adjective B1 It's just a personal thing.
including their relationships and feelings

the quality of having a very strong or interesting

personality noun B2 Who do you know has a big personality?
Personally, I think it’s amazing that someone so
personally adverb B1 used when you are going to give your opinion
young could do that.
the department of an organisation that deals with
personnel noun C1 finding people to work there, keeping records I need to speak to someone in Personnel.
about them, etc
Being unemployed has made me see things from a
perspective noun C1 the way you think about something
different perspective.
persuasive adjective C1 able to make people agree to do something I don't find it very persuasive.
something that exists or happens, usually
phenomenon noun C1 storms, lightning, and other natural phenomena
something unusual
to make a copy of a document with a machine
photocopy verb which produces copies of documents using light I need to photocopy some papers.
and electricity
physically adverb B2 in a way that relates to the body You have to be physically fit and strong for sailing.
physicist noun someone who studies physics My father is a physicist.
treatment for illness or injury in which you
physiotherapy noun
practise moving parts of your body
to lift someone or something using your hands, a The gathering machine picks an ‘A’ section up, then
pick up phrasal verb A2
tool or a machine a ‘B’ section and so on.
pill noun B1 a small, hard piece of medicine that you swallow a vitamin pill

a container that is filled with sweets or small

piñata noun presents and is hit with sticks until it breaks, used We made a piñata for Maria's party.
at celebrations
using ideas and methods that have never been
pioneering adjective C2 pioneering techniques
used before
pirate noun B1 someone who attacks ships and steals from them They were attacked by pirates.
a small point that forms part of the image on a
pixel noun The image is formed of thousands of pixels.
computer screen
place verb B2 to put something in a particular position My idea is to place another page here.
a substance that is not a medicine but which a
patient takes, thinking it is a medicine. The
purpose of a placebo is either to make a patient
The placebo effect is far more powerful than most
placebo noun feel better because they think they have been
people realise.
treated, or to compare the effect of no medicine
with the effect of medicine when it is given to other
to annoy someone, especially by asking repeated
plague verb C2 We plagued him with questions.
I like to plan ahead because then I have a long time
plan ahead phrasal verb B1 to decide what you are going to do in advance
to look forward to things
a large, round object in space that moves around
planet noun B1 Jupiter is the largest planet of our solar system.
the sun or another star
I play quite an active part in the Screenwriters'
play a part in verb phrase B2 to be involved in something
poet noun B1 someone who writes poems He was a French poet.
an opinion, idea, or fact which someone says or I take your point but I have to disagree with you
point noun B2
writes there.

to make a person notice someone or something,

When I pointed this out, the clerk said, “Don’t
point out phrasal verb B2 usually by telling them where they are or by
cause trouble”.
holding up one of your fingers towards them

a game played with cards in which people try to

poker noun They played poker all evening.
win money from each other
a long, thin stick made of wood or metal, often
pole noun C2 tent poles
used to hold something up
a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular
policy noun B2 situations that has been agreed by a government, foreign policy
business, etc
when people are asked questions to discover what A recent poll indicated that 77 percent of
poll noun
they think about a subject Americans supported the president.

a collection of designs, pictures, documents, etc

portfolio noun that represents a person's work, or the large, flat He showed us his portfolio.
container that it is carried in

portrait noun B2 a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone a portrait of the princess

If a book or film portrays someone or something, it Yeames portrays the Parliamentarian soldiers
portray verb C2
describes or shows them. with some sensitivity.
What are your reasons for applying for this
position noun B2 a job

Something that is positive makes you feel better The cost of marine expeditions is rising, but the
positive adjective B2
about a situation. results would have a positive effect on all our lives.
possess verb C1 to have or own something They simply don’t possess the talent.
There’s also the possibility that ‘thought
possibility noun B1 a chance that something may happen or be true recognition’ could allow you to just think a number
instead of dialling it.
postgraduate a course of study that a person does after they have These days you need to do postgraduate courses to
noun phrase
course received their first degree get a good job.
a round container, usually used for storing things
pot noun B1 a flower pot
or cooking

There have been a number of articles criticising

potentially adverb B2 possibly
homeopathic remedies as potentially lethal.

pour into phrasal verb B1 to make a liquid flow into something The operator pours ink into the printing press.
suitable or useful for a situation which may involve
practical adjective C1 That’s not really practical.
some difficulty
Practice is important if you want to be good at
practice noun A2 when you repeat an activity to improve your ability
prayer noun B1 the words you say to a god Shall we say a prayer for him?
when someone or something is considered more
precedence noun C2 to give precedence to something
important than another person or thing

behaving in a very formal and unnatural way by

precious adjective B2 giving too much attention to details that are not She's so precious about her art.
important and trying too hard to be perfect.

To be precise, the chocolate seals off the filling

precise adjective B2 used to give exact details of something
from the oxygen in the air
I predict that mobile phones will become obsolete
predict verb B1 to say what you think will happen in the future
by 2020.
prepared to phrasal verb B2 willing to We’re prepared to add an extra $250.
Painkillers are the most common drugs prescribed
prescribe verb C2 to say what medical treatment someone needs
by doctors in Britain.
The purpose of this proposal is to present some
present verb B2 to give people information in a formal way
to keep something the same or prevent it from
preserve verb B2 to preserve peace
being damaged or destroyed
when someone tries to make someone else do
pressure noun B2 They are under pressure from the music industry.
something by arguing, persuading, etc.
when you stop something from happening or stop
prevention verb B2 the prevention of disease
someone from doing something
a feeling of satisfaction at your achievements or She felt a great sense of pride as she watched him
pride noun B2
the achievements of your family or friends accept the award.

the daughter of a king or queen, or one of their

princess noun B1 He married a princess.
close female relatives
a basic idea or rule which explains how something The organisation works on the principle that all
principle noun B2
happens or works members have the same rights.
to produce writing or images on paper with a
print onto phrasal verb A2 The press prints 16 pages onto the paper
prior to phrase C1 before a particular time or event three weeks prior to her death
something that is very important and that must be Tell us about something which is a high priority in
priority noun B2
dealt with before other things your life.
prison noun B1 a place where criminals are kept as a punishment He's spent most of his life in prison.
The company has new procedures for dealing with
procedure noun B2 the official or usual way of doing something
proceed to (do to do something after you have done something She sat down and proceeded to tell me her life
verb C2
sth) else story.
a series of actions that you take in order to achieve
process noun B2 And that’s the whole process.
a result
proficient adjective very good at something She's proficient in two languages.
Technology has progressed rapidly in the last 100
progress verb B2 to improve or develop in skills, knowledge, etc
prolong verb C1 to make something last longer Eating a good diet can prolong your life.
to say that you will certainly do something or that He promised that he’d have the corporate logo
promise verb B1
something will certainly happen tattooed on his forearm.
promote verb B2 to advertise something The band is promoting their new album.
a fact or a piece of information that shows
proof noun B2 There’s no proof that it works.
something exists or is true
Writing a letter is considered the proper thing to
proper adjective B1 socially acceptable
We hope that our proposals will be given serious
proposal noun B2 a suggestion for a plan
We also propose that the company buy several
propose verb B2 to suggest a plan or action poster-size prints to brighten up the walls even
I propose that we delay our decision until we have
propose verb B2 to suggest a plan or action
more information.

Prospective buyers, employers, parents, etc., are

prospective adjective C1 not yet buyers, employers, parents, etc., but are We interview all the prospective candidates.
expected to be in the future.

the first model or example of something new that

prototype noun a prototype for a new car
can be developed or copied in the future

We’d be willing to come here again provided we

provided conjunction B2 only if
can sort out this problem.
pry verb to try to discover private things about people I don't mean to pry but is something wrong?
psychology noun B2 the study of the human mind and feelings child psychology
public noun B1 all ordinary people The Eiffel Tower opened to the public in May 1889.
If you do something publicly, everyone can see it, I would like to see homeopaths debating publicly
publicly adverb C2
hear it, or know about it. with their critics.
punishment noun B2 when someone is punished Is community service a useful punishment?
purchase verb B2 to buy something Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.

pure adjective B1 A pure substance is not mixed with anything else. pure gold

puritanical adjective B1 having very strict ways of behaving They are puritanical about speaking one language.
an activity that you spend time doing, often when
pursuit noun outdoor pursuits
you are not working
to fix a large piece of equipment or system into a It’s a very old building but we’ve decided to put in
put in phrasal verb A1
room or building, ready to be used central heating.
The operator puts the sheets into the folding
put into phrasal verb A1 to place something inside something
to decide or arrange to delay an event or activity I know I should see a dentist but I keep putting it
put off phrasal verb B1
until a later time off.
to make a device operate, or to cause a device to
put on phrasal verb A2 play something, such as a CD or video, by pressing Do you mind if I put the television on?
a switch
put someone at The first question an interviewer asks should put
verb phrase B2 to make someone start to feel relaxed
ease them at ease.
put someone
verb phrase C2 to make someone feel nervous If you put somebody on edge, they won't be able to.
on edge
The gathering machine puts a complete set
put together phrasal verb B2 to move things next to each other
together to make a ‘book block'.
The hotel was full so I asked Abbas to put me up
put up phrasal verb B2 to stay somewhere for the night
for a few days.

to accept unpleasant behaviour or an unpleasant

put up with phrasal verb B2 They simply put up with the problem.
situation, although you do not like it

to accept unpleasant or annoying behaviour

put up with (sb) phrasal verb B2 I don't know how she puts up with him.
although you do not like it
a soft, grey substance that becomes hard when it is
putty noun dry and is used to fasten glass into windows or to The putty around the windows is cracked.
fill small holes in wood

qualify verb B2 to pass exams so that you are able to do a job He's recently qualified as a doctor.
Three quarters of local people said they need cakes
quarter noun A2 one of four equal parts of something; 1 4
for special occasions.
a document or a statement saying how much a
quote noun C2 We got three quotes for the work.
piece of work will cost
a device for receiving, for scientific study, the
They use radio telescopes to search the skies for
radio telescope noun electomagnetic waves sent out by objects in space
signals from alien civilisations.
such as stars
rail noun C2 the metal tracks that trains run on The train travels along the rails.
rain or shine idiom whatever the weather is We’re going rain or shine. Nothing will stop us.
to say, do, or feel something because of something I usually react to circumstances and tend to
react verb B2
else that has been said or done respond to things spontaneously.
something you say, feel, or do because of
reaction noun B2 What was his reaction to the news?
something that has happened
the number and type of people who read a
readership noun These magazines have a very young readership.
particular newspaper, magazine, etc

She had her first real success when she began

real adjective B2 important, proper
performing at the Arabic Theatre Palace.

Kekulé realised that benzene molecules have the

realise verb B1 to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly
shape of a ring.
showing things and people as they really are, or
realistic adjective B1 That statue is very realistic.
making them seem to be real
the set of situations most humans have to deal
People may seek real-world justice for people who
real-world noun with in their lives, rather than what happens in
harm them virtually.
stories, films, etc
Bright, modern, reasonably priced events
reasonably adverb B1 in a fair way, showing good judgment
to react to a suggestion or piece of work in a The monument was badly received when it was
receive verb C1
particular way first built.
recommend verb B1 to advise someone that something should be done I’d strongly recommend it.

information that is written on paper or stored on

record noun B2 Would you mind if we keep your records on file?
computer so that it can be used in the future

to become healthy or happy again after an illness,

recover verb B1 It takes a long time to recover from surgery.
injury, or period of sadness
to talk or write about someone or something,
refer to (sth) phrasal verb B2 She did not refer to the past.
especially briefly

a letter that is written by someone who knows you, CVs usually include a main objective, details of
reference noun B2
to say if you are suitable for a job or course experience and references.

reflex noun a physical reaction that you cannot control She's good at sport, she must have quick reflexes
If you can, try out a mountain onsen - they’re
refreshing adjective C1 making you feel less hot or tired
wonderfully refreshing.
refuse verb B1 to say that you will not do or accept something They refused my job application.

refuse verb B1 to say that you will not do or accept something I asked him to leave but he refused.

Today, the Tower is widely regarded as a striking
something as verb phrase B2 to consider something in a particular way
piece of structural art.
regional Their mother tongues are regional languages and
noun phrase B2 a language that is used only in a part of a country
language are absolutely different.

to put information about someone or something,

register verb B1 Is he registered with the authorities to sell alcohol?
especially a name, on an official list

used to say that you are sorry that you have to tell We regret to inform you that we are unable to
regret verb B2
someone about a situation offer you a position at this time.

happening or doing something often, especially at

regular adjective B1 regular exercise
the same time every week, year, etc.

The United States government rejected the

reject verb B2 to refuse to accept or agree with something
reject verb B2 to refuse to accept or agree with something Why do they reject the other ideas?
related to (sth) phrase B2 connected to or similar to something The language is related to French.
relatively adverb B2 quite, when compared to other things or people Eating out is relatively cheap.
relentless adjective never stopping or getting any less extreme relentless criticism
related or useful to what is happening or being
relevant adjective B2 relevant information
talked about

the good feeling that you have when something

relief noun B2 It'll be such a relief when these exams are over.
unpleasant stops or does not happen

Many victims of crime are reluctant to go to the

reluctant adjective C1 not wanting to do something
remarkably adverb C1 in a way that makes you feel surprised He works remarkably long hours.
I bought a natural remedy at the chemist’s, but it
remedy noun B2 something that makes you better when you are ill
doesn’t seem to be having any effect.
If you remember a fact or something from the past,
remember (+
verb A1 you keep it in your mind, or bring it back into your I remember feeling incredibly lonely.
to arrange to continue an official agreement that I've decided not to renew my golf club membership
renew verb B2
was going to end soon this year.
renowned adjective C2 famous The Lake District is renowned for its beauty.
the amount of money that you pay to rent
rental noun The price includes flights and car rental.
repair verb A2 to fix something that is broken or damaged I must get my bike repaired.
doing or saying the same thing several times,
repetitive adjective C1 a repetitive job
especially in a way that is boring
Someone you report to at work is the person in
report to phrasal verb authority who gives you tasks and checks that you On a film set, everybody reports to the director.
do them.
If something has reportedly happened or is
Two students were reportedly killed and several
reportedly adverb C2 reportedly a fact, people say it has happened or is
the opinion that people have about someone or
reputation noun B2 something based on their behaviour or character Both hotels have a good reputation.
in the past
when someone studies a subject in detail in order Research suggests that people learn in different
research noun B1
to discover new information ways.
residence noun C2 a building where someone lives the Queen's official residence
when someone tells their employer that they are
resignation noun C2 a letter of resignation
leaving their job
when someone fights against someone who is
resistance noun C2 a symbol of national resistance
attacking them
It’s the camera operator’s responsibility to make
responsibility noun B2 something that it is your job or duty to deal with
sure the camera moves smoothly
having control and authority over something or The director is responsible for interpreting the
responsible for phrasal verb B1
someone screenplay.
I hope that you will be able to restore my
restore verb C1 to make something good exist again
confidence in your hotel.
restore verb B2 to repair something old to restore antiques
a document which describes your qualifications
résumé noun B1 and the jobs that you have done, which you send to She asked to see my résumé.
an employer that you want to work for

a part at the back of the eye, which is affected by

retina noun a damaged retina
light and sends messages to the brain

revise verb B2 to change something so that it is more accurate a revised edition of the book
Scientists may have solved the riddle of Saturn's
riddle noun a situation or event that you cannot understand
right adjective A1 correct or true Maybe you’re right about that.
Hikers have the right to walk on public or
right noun B2 something that the law allows you to do
privately owned land.
I think I’m right in saying that you can rent an
right in saying phrase correct in your opinion or explanation
audio tour.
If I remember rightly, it’s a two or three hours by
rightly adverb B2 in a correct way
rigid adjective C2 not able to change or be changed easily I found the rules a little too rigid.
someone or something that is competing with
rival noun C2 business/political rivals
another person or thing
roam verb to move around a place without any purpose gangs of youths roaming the street at night
roar noun C2 a loud, deep sound a lion's roar
a machine controlled by a computer, which can
robot noun B1 They use robots in the factory.
move and do other things that people can do

the job someone or something has in a particular

role noun B2 I’ve recently taken on the role of their teacher.
someone you try to behave like because you Jane is such a good role model for her younger
role model noun C1
admire them sister.
involving an activity in which people pretend to be
role-playing adjective a role-playing game
other people
an exciting relationship of love between two They got married last September after a
romance noun B1
people, often a short one whirlwind romance.
rosebush noun a short, thick plant with roses They planted a rosebush in the garden.
Do you like to round off a big meal with a coffee or
round off phrasal verb to complete an event or activity in a pleasant way
something sweet?

to move a substance backwards and forwards over

rub verb B2 Rub the cream into your skin.
a surface so that it covers it and goes into it

to decide or state that something is impossible or

rule (sth) out phrasal verb will not happen, or that something or someone is We've ruled out several dates already.
not suitable
to decide or state that something is impossible or
I’d rule it out since it might not involve everyone
rule out phrasal verb C2 will not happen, or that something or someone is
not suitable
run something to tell someone about something so that they can
phrasal verb Can you run that past me again?
past someone give their opinion about it
run up/down verb phrase A1 to move on your feet at a faster speed than walking He ran up the stairs.
rural adjective B2 relating to the countryside and not to towns a rural area
a bad situation where you do the same things all
rut noun C2 the time, or where it is impossible to make I need to get out of this rut.
safely adverb B1 in a safe way We all arrived safely.
a fixed amount of money that you receive from Usually people don’t ask about salary and but it’s
salary noun B1
your employer, usually every month discussed later when they offer you something.

say verb B1 to tell someone about a fact, thought, or opinion I'd rather not say.
to look around an area quickly to try to find a He loved to scan the night sky looking for stars
scan verb C1
person or thing and planets.
the attractive, natural things that you see in the The Grand Canyon is famous for its spectacular
scenery noun B1
countryside scenery.
a plan that gives events or activities and the times
schedule noun B2 I have a very busy schedule today.
that they will happen or be done
someone who has studied a subject and knows a
scholar noun C1 a legal scholar
lot about it
If something has no scientific basis, according to
scientific basis noun phrase B2 It has no scientific basis.
science it is not true or does not exist.
sci-fi noun science fiction He's a big sci-fi fan.
to speak angrily to someone because they have
scold verb Their mother scolded them.
done something wrong
screenplay noun a story that is written for television or for a film I write screenplays for films.
screenwriter noun someone who writes the story for a film She's a screenwriter.
a piece of art that is made from stone, wood, clay,
sculpture noun B1 It’s a huge sculpture in the shape of an angel.
to close an entrance or container so that air or
seal off phrasal verb C2 The chocolate seals off the filling from the air.
liquid cannot enter or leave it
Police are continuing their search for the missing
search noun B1 when you try to find someone or something
second a language that you speak that is not the first
noun B1
language language you learned as a child
something that you tell no one about or only a few
secret noun B1 I know how to keep a secret.
section noun B1 one of the parts that something is divided into a non-smoking section in a restaurant
to imagine or think about something or someone I can see the Sahara turning into a vast solar
see verb B2
in a particular way power station.
seek verb B2 to try to find or get something to seek advice/a solution
The guard with the sobbing young girl seems to be
seem verb B1 to give the effect of being; to be judged to be
comforting her.
the ability to make yourself do things that you do
self-discipline noun C2 Do you have a lot of self-discipline?
not want to do
confidence in yourself and a belief in your qualities Those who receive training have a better self-
self-esteem noun C1
and abilities esteem.
a meeting of a group of people with a teacher or
Seminars are a waste of time. Students learn much
seminar noun B2 expert for training, discussion, or study of a
more from lectures.

send verb A1 to cause something to go from one place to another He sent me a text.
You mentioned that being a sports producer was
sense noun B2 the meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence
‘repetitive’. In what sense?

able to understand what people are feeling and

sensitive adjective B2 be sensitive to people's feelings
deal with them in a way that does not upset them

a punishment that a judge gives to someone who It carries a maximum sentence of five years in
sentence noun B2
has committed a crime prison prison or a fine of £3,200.
to give a punishment to someone who has
sentence verb B2 He was sentenced to five years in prison.
committed a crime
thinking or speaking sincerely about something We hope that our proposals will be given serious
serious adjective B2
and not joking consideration.
Our students take their responsibilities very
seriously adverb B1 in a serious way
session noun B1 a period during which you do one activity a weekly aerobics session
set verb B2 to establish or cause to exist The process involves setting specific goals.
As a mediator, you set up and guide the discussion
set up phrasal verb B1 to arrange for an event or activity to happen
at all times.
a town or village which people built to live in after
settlement noun C2 a Jewish settlement
arriving from somewhere else
shack noun a small simple building that has been badly built Their house is little more than a shack.
a colour, especially when referring to how dark or
shade noun B2 a pale/dark shade of grey
light it is
a dark area made by something that is stopping the
shadow noun B1 The tree had cast (=made) a long shadow.
in a way that is bad and should make you feel
shamefully adverb C1 The children were shamefully neglected.
embarrassed and guilty
shell noun C2 a hard outer covering for something caramel in a chocolate shell
It’s better to shift all that information to the
shift verb C1 to move something to another place
shine verb B1 to produce bright light The sun was shining brightly through the window.
to use a camera to record a film or take a
shoot verb C1 Most of the film was shot in Italy.
short term adjective B2 lasting a short time short-term memory
I got a good shot of them leaving the hotel
shot noun B2 a photograph

If a picture, film, map, etc shows something, that

show verb B1 This painting shows an imaginary scene.
thing can be seen in the picture, film, etc.

a place where people go to pray because it is

shrine noun They prayed at the shrine.
connected with a holy person or event
angry and bored because something unpleasant
sick and tired idiom I’m sick and tired of watching TV. It’s boring!
has been happening for too long
another effect that a drug has on your body in
side effect noun C1 addition to the main effect for which the doctor Headaches are one side effect of this drug.
has given you the drug
If you had more time, what course would you sign
sign up phrasal verb B1 to arrange to do an organized activity
up for?
The sculpture signifies that you have arrived
signify verb to be a sign of something
making something complicated seem simple by
simplistic adjective It seems quite simplistic.
ignoring many of the details
I’d rule it out since it might not involve everyone
since conjunction B1 because
single adjective B1 considered on its own; separate from other things She got top marks in every single subject.

a funny television programme that is about the

sitcom noun same group of people every week in different He starred in several sitcoms.
size noun A2 how big or small something is It's a good size.
sketch verb C1 to draw a rough picture I sketched a map for him on a scrap of paper.
the pattern that is made against the sky by tall
skyline noun the New York skyline
slack noun a period of time when someone is not very busy We need a little slack in the schedule.

the activity of sliding over snow and ice on a long

sledding noun Free time activities include dog sledding.
platform with strips of wood or metal under it
In the cities, people do things in a slightly different
slightly adverb B2 a little
to become slower or to make something become I don’t understand what you’re saying. Please slow
slow down phrasal verb B2
slower down.
smoothly adverb B2 without any sudden movements or changes Make sure the camera moves smoothly.
Photographers snapped the Princess everywhere
snap verb to take a photograph of someone or something
she went.
sob verb B2 to cry in a noisy way She started sobbing.
used to show that this is an informal, little known,
so-called adjective B2 or new name that something or someone is know the so-called 'Robin Hood tax'
a device that changes energy from the sun into
solar panel noun We installed solar panels in our house.
solar power noun energy that comes from the sun We want to use more solar power.
solution noun B1 the answer to a problem I came up with a brilliant solution.
Would you say your work or home life involves
solve verb B1 to find the answer to something
solving lots of problems?
used to say that you do not know exactly when
You’ll have to tell him sooner or later. Why not
sooner or later phrase B2 something will happen, but you are sure that it will

used to show sympathy or sadness for a person or I am sorry to say that we already have enough
sorry adjective B2
situation volunteers and we will not be needing any more.

to deal satisfactorily or successfully with a

If people haven’t sorted out their differences after
sort out phrasal verb B2 problem, a situation, or a person who is having
two hours, then they’re not going to.
how something seems to be, from what is said or
sound noun C2 I like the sound of this one.
sour adjective very unfriendly or unpleasant Their relationship suddenly turned sour.

a small spacecraft, with no one travelling in it, sent

Space probes allow us to gather data about other
space probe noun into space to make measurements and send back
information to scientists on Earth
an unusual type of action in a film, or an
The new Harry Potter film includes some very
special effects noun entertainment on stage, created by using special
frightening special effects.
a group of plants or animals which share similar
species noun B2 a rare species of bird
used to refer to a particular thing and not To be more specific, the chocolate seals off the
specific adjective B2
something general filling from the oxygen in the air
specifically adverb C1 for a particular reason, purpose, etc It was a magazine specifically about languages.

spike noun a long, thin shape with a sharp point at one end The spike extends above all the other buildings.

the narrow part of a book cover where the pages

spine noun are joined together and which you can see when it The spines of the books were damaged.
is on a shelf
a tall, pointed tower on the top of a building such
spire noun We gazed up at the church spire.
as a church
relating to deep feelings and beliefs, especially
spiritual adjective B2 a spiritual leader
religious beliefs

If two people who have a romantic relationship

split up phrasal verb B1 She has just split up with her boyfriend.
split up, they finish their relationship.

spontaneous adjective doing things suddenly and without planning them I tend to be quite spontaneous.
I usually react to circumstances and tend to
spontaneously adverb
respond to things spontaneously.
to increase, or move to cover a larger area or affect The smoke soon spread into all the rooms in the
spread verb B2
a larger number of people house.

If you do something on the spur of the moment,

spur noun C2 I usually act on the spur of the moment.
you do it suddenly, without planning it.
squeeze verb B2 to press something firmly She squeezed his hand and said goodbye.
stair noun one of the steps in a set of steps stair lights
a level of quality, especially a level that is Talk about an organisation which you feel has
standard noun B2
acceptable high standards.
to look at someone or something for a long time
stare verb B2 Sean was staring at me.
and not move your eyes
to begin by doing something, or to make To start off, I'll just say a few words about the
start off phrasal verb B1
something begin by doing something printing press itself.
to begin your life, or the part of your life when you
He started out as a poet but became a famous for
start out as phrasal verb C1
work, in a particular way his short stories.
startle verb to suddenly surprise or frighten someone The sound startled me.
Other sources state that he was following the route
state verb B2 to officially say or write something
of an earlier explorer.
a model that looks like a person or animal, usually It's a bronze statue, erected in honour of Saigo
statue noun B1
made from stone or metal Takamori.

the position that you have in relation to other

status noun C1 The pay and status of nurses has improved.
people because of your job or social position

a very strong metal made from iron, used for

steel noun B2 the steel industry
making knives, machines, etc
steer verb B2 to control the direction of a vehicle I tried to steer the boat away from the bank.

The next step could be uploading a brain onto a

step noun B2 one of the things that you do to achieve something
computer, then programming it into an android.
stick verb put (informal) My idea is to stick another page here.
If it is stormy, the weather is bad with a lot of wind
stormy adjective B2 a stormy night
and rain.
an explanation of why something happened, which
story noun A2 I'd like to present the other side of the story.
may not be true
straightforward adjective B2 easy to do or understand The task looked fairly straightforward.

the long, dried stems of plants such as wheat

straw noun C1 (=plant for grain), often given to animals for a straw hat
sleeping on and eating
a good quality or ability that makes someone or
strength noun C1 What would you say are your greatest strengths?
something effective
striking adjective B2 very attractive The colours are very striking.
strong adjective B1 If a taste, smell, etc is strong, it is very noticeable. I love the strong colours
strongly adverb B2 very much or in a very serious way I’d strongly recommend it.
structure noun C2 a building or something that has been built the tallest structure in Paris
style noun B1 a way of designing hair, clothes, furniture, etc I’m not so sure about the style.
submarine noun a boat that travels under water They use a research submarine.
If a government or other organisation subsidises
subsidise verb something, it pays part of the cost of it, so that We have a subsidised restaurant at work.
prices are reduced.
substance noun B2 a solid, liquid, or gas a dangerous substance
something that has a good result or that is very If the film is a big success, the director will get
success noun B1
popular most of the credit.
She performed in cities such as Damascus and
such as phrase A2 for example
Suddenly, he noticed that the garden was full of
suddenly adverb B1 quickly and unexpectedly
fantastic flowers.
to say that someone or something is suitable for I suggest you take steps to ensure that such an
suggest verb B1
something incident doesn’t happen again.
Research suggests that people learn in different
suggest verb B2 to make something seem likely to be true
suit verb B2 to make someone look more attractive It wouldn’t suit our living room.
sum noun B1 an amount of money a large/small sum of money
to describe briefly the important facts or The purpose of a conclusion is to sum up the main
sum up phrasal verb B2
characteristics of something or someone points of an essay.

to describe briefly the main facts or ideas of The purpose of this proposal is to summarise the
summarise verb B2
something reaction of the staff to your ideas.

The climbers hope to reach the summit before

summit noun C1 the top of a mountain
sunlight noun B2 the light from the sun Sunlight broke through the clouds.
super adjective used to emphasise an adjective super fast
(the) things that cannot be explained by our knowledge
noun B2 She's very interested in the supernatural.
supernatural of science or nature
to watch a person or activity and make certain that The director of photography supervises the
supervise verb B2
everything is done correctly, safely, etc camera and lighting crew.

someone who likes a particular sports team and I’m a lifelong supporter of Crystal Palace football
supporter noun B1
wants them to win club.
sure adjective A2 certain I'm not so sure about the style.
surface noun B2 the top or outside part of something the Earth's surface
when a doctor cuts your body open and repairs or
surgery noun B2 Surgery should be considered as a last resort.
removes something
feeling surprise because something has happened I’d be surprised if a prototype isn’t available in
surprised adjective A2
that you did not expect about five years.
Surprisingly, he managed on his own at first but
surprisingly adverb B1 unexpectedly or in a way that is unusual nowadays he gets funding from the regional
to think that someone may have committed a Although the woman committed a crime, she isn't
suspect verb B2
crime or done something bad suspected of murder.
to think that someone may have committed a
suspect verb B2 He was suspected of drug dealing.
crime or done something bad
a large, white bird with a long neck which lives on
swan noun B2 a swan's nest
lakes and rivers
swap verb C1 to exchange one thing for another I think we should swap Landscapes and Weddings.

sweep up (sth) phrasal verb B2 to clear something away using a brush We swept up the broken glass.
I think we should switch Landscapes and
switch verb B2 to exchange one thing for another
switch off phrasal verb B1 to turn off a light, television, etc by using a switch Do you ever switch off your phone? When?

symbol noun B2 a sign or object that is used to represent something A heart shape is the symbol of love.

when you show that you understand and care I have no sympathy for people who say they can't
sympathy noun B2
about someone's problems find work but are really just too lazy to look.

a long piece of music for an orchestra (=large

symphony noun They played Beethoven's fifth symphony.
group of different musicians)
a physical feeling or problem which shows that you What exactly are your symptoms? Well, just a
symptom noun B2
have a particular illness really painful sore throat.
Do you prefer to concentrate on one problem at a
tackle verb B2 to try to deal with a problem
time or tackle several at once?
Now let’s take a look at how you can get into the
take a look phrase B1 to look at something
We must take action before the situation gets
take action phrase B2 to do something to deal with a situation
to arrange for a lawyer to tell you what the law
take legal They weren't sure about their rights so they
verb phrase B2 states or how you should behave according to the
advice decided to take legal advice.

take on phrasal verb B2 to accept a responsibility I’ve recently taken on the role of their teacher.

I strongly recommend you take steps to ensure

take steps verb phrase to do things to achieve something
that such an incident doesn’t happen again.

how much people start to use or accept a service,

take up phrasal verb B1 or sometimes a product, that has become available I took up sailing when I was living in Brazil.
to them
a story, especially one which is not true or is My grandfather used to tell us tales of his time as a
tale noun B2
difficult to believe pilot during the war.
Do you know anyone who has natural talent in
talent noun B1 a natural ability to do something
Do you know anyone who is talented at
talented adjective B1 with talent; able or skilful
talk verb A1 to say things to someone I can’t really talk about it right now.
to discuss something with someone, often to find
talk something They talked it over and came up with a
phrasal verb B2 out their opinion or to get advice before making a
over compromise.
tangle verb to become twisted together The rope was tangled around my legs.
to do a type of dance in which the rhythm is kept
tap dance verb He started tap dancing around the office.
by the noise of the dancer's shoes on the floor

a piece of work, especially something unpleasant

task noun B2 The focus puller’s main task is to focus the camera.
or difficult
to put a design on someone's skin using ink and a
tattoo verb He had an angel tattooed on his arm.

money that you have to pay to the government

tax noun B1 They're putting up the tax on cigarettes.
from what you earn or when you buy things

the government department that is responsible for

(the) taxman noun Too much of what we earn goes to the taxman.
collecting taxes
taxpayer noun C2 a person who pays tax This is a waste of taxpayers' money.
One of her techniques was to repeat a single line of
technique noun B1 a particular or special way of doing something
a song’s lyrics.
telly noun C1 television What's on the telly tonight?
tend to phrasal verb B2 to generally behave in a particular way People tend to keep to themselves now.
something that someone often does, or something
tendency noun C1 She has a tendency to talk for too long.
that often happens
a structure made of metal poles and cloth which is
It only took twenty minutes to put the tent up
tent noun B1 fixed to the ground with ropes and used as a cover
(=make it ready to use).
or to sleep under

terminate verb If you terminate something, you make it end. His contract has been terminated.
terribly adverb B1 very She must be terribly happy about it.
terrific adjective B1 excellent a terrific opportunity
terror noun B2 a feeling of being very frightened There was a look of terror on his face.
used at the beginning of a sentence to show that Thankfully, the whole family was out and no one
thankfully adverb C1
you are pleased or grateful about something got hurt.

that kind of Right. Well, I think we should have balloons and

phrase B1 similar objects
thing candles and that kind of thing.
That way, she’ll be paying something back to
that way phrase as a result of doing that
the change from the year 1999 to 2000 in the
the Millennium phrase Where did you celebrate the Millennium?
Western calendar
Do you think the use of these things in teaching
the use of phrase A2 the act of using something
young children is a good idea?
the whole a complete description of a situation, including
noun phrase That’s not the whole picture.
picture every aspect of it
theme noun B2 the subject of a book, film, speech, etc The theme of loss runs through most of his novels.

a park with entertainments, such as games,

theme park noun machines to ride on, restaurants, etc, that are all a Disney theme park
based on one idea
someone whose job is to treat a particular type of
therapist noun a speech therapist
mental or physical illness

The region has suffered severe flooding and

therefore adverb B1 for that reason
tourists are therefore advised not to travel there.
thief noun B1 someone who steals things a car thief
used when you are talking about something whose
thingummy noun We’d need a thingummy - erm, a video camera.
name you cannot remember
used to refer to something or someone when you
thingy noun OK, and how about a thingy for her to wear?
cannot remember their name
If you ask someone what they think about
What do you think about your country’s football
think about phrasal verb A1 something or someone, you are asking for their
opinion of them.
I know people who are always thinking ahead to
think ahead to phrasal verb C2 to think about things that will happen in the future
their next holiday.
I find that thinking aloud helps me to solve
think aloud phrasal verb to automatically say what you are thinking
As I get older, I think back to my schooldays more
think back to phrasal verb B1 to remember something that happened in the past
and more.

think for to make your own decisions and form your own The best school teachers encourage children to
verb phrase
yourself opinions, without depending on other people think for themselves.

to consider someone to be important and have a Where I live, people generally think highly of
think highly of phrasal verb C2
lot of respect for them doctors but they don’t think much of teachers.

think long and I thought long and hard about what shoes to wear
verb phrase to consider something for a long time
hard about today.
Can you think of three reasons why you started
think of phrasal verb B1 to get an idea in your mind
studying English?
think on your I really don’t enjoy situations where I have to think
idiom to make a quick decision or give an answer quickly
feet on my feet.
I can’t think straight if there’s music on while I’m
think straight verb phrase to think clearly
trying to work.
think twice to consider whether what you are planning to do If I won a lot of money, I’d think twice about
verb phrase C1
about will have good results telling my friends.
thoroughly adverb B2 very carefully Homeopathy has been tested thoroughly.
thought noun B1 an idea or opinion What are your thoughts on the new design?
to discuss a plan or problem in detail until you
thrash (sth) out phrasal verb We sat round the table and thrashed it out.
reach an agreement or find a solution
someone or something that is likely to cause harm
threat noun B2 a threat to the environment
or damage
to be likely to cause harm or damage to something He threatened to take legal action against the
threaten verb B2
or someone newspaper.
They were really thrilled with the restaurant I
thrilled adjective B2 very excited and pleased
the back part of your mouth and the passages
throat noun B1 a sore throat
inside your neck
throughout adverb B2 during the whole of a period of time He yawned throughout the performance.
used after saying a fact to introduce what then The guard fell asleep, thus allowing Bates to
thus adverb B2
happened as a result escape.
tight adjective B2 firm and difficult to move Make sure the knot is tight.
tiny adjective B1 extremely small a tiny baby
the American spelling of tyre; the rubber covering
tire noun A2 One of my tires burst.
for a wheel
to tell you the used before saying your real opinion or feeling To tell you the truth, I think owning your own
verb phrase B1
truth about something business is quite stressful.
tobacco noun C1 dried leaves that are inside cigarettes pack of tobacco
How about if we ask LogoForum to tone down the
tone down phrasal verb to make something less forceful
colours a little?
a piece of equipment that you use with your hands
tool noun B2 I have a special tool for shaping the wood.
in order to help you do something
a small, thin stick that you use to remove pieces of
toothpick noun He used the stick as a toothpick.
food from between your teeth
total adjective B2 extreme or complete It was a total waste of time.
someone who visits a place for pleasure and does The Eiffel Tower quickly became a tourist
tourist noun A2
not live there attraction.

a competition with a series of games between

tournament noun B1 a golf/tennis tournament
many teams or players, with one winner at the end

tower noun B1 a very tall, narrow building, or part of a building a church tower
to buy and sell goods or services, especially This will increase costs for companies trading with
trade verb B2
between countries Asia.
following the customs or ways of behaving that
It’s well worth staying at a ryokan, a traditional
traditional adjective B1 have continued in a group of people or society for a
long time
Traditionally, it’s a celebration for an entire
traditionally adverb B2 according to tradition; in a traditional way
the process of learning the skills you need to do a Those who receive training have a better self-
training noun B1
particular job or activity esteem.
transferable adjective able to be used in different situations transferable skills
to change written or spoken words from one
translate verb B1 We were asked to translate a list of sentences.
language to another
to broadcast something, or to send out signals The information is transmitted electronically to
transmit verb C1
using radio, television, etc the central computer.
transpose verb to use something in a different situation I was able to transpose my skills to the new job.
a flat object with higher edges, used for carrying
tray noun B2 She came back carrying a tray of drinks.
food and drinks
to give medical care to someone for an illness or Do hospitals treat people immediately or are there
treat verb B2
injury waiting lists?
something which you do to try to cure an illness or
Does your health insurance cover every kind of
treatment noun B2 injury, especially something suggested or done by
a doctor
There's a trend towards more locally produced
trend noun B1 a general development or change in a situation
television programmes.
a way of learning the best way to do something by I taught myself to paint, learning by trial and
trial and error phrase C2
trying different methods error.
tricky adjective B2 difficult to deal with or do That would be tricky.
used many times before and proved to be It’s a tried and tested team-building activity for
tried and tested phrase
successful adults.
trim noun when you cut something to make it tidy The hedge needs a trim.
triumph noun C1 an important success, achievement, or victory Barcelona's 2-0 triumph over Manchester United

trouble noun B2 inconvenience or effort I had to go to the trouble of collecting it myself.

a large road vehicle for carrying goods from place
truck noun B1
to place
I trust that you will be able to restore my
trust verb B1 to hope and expect that something is true
confidence in your hotel.
try out to use something to discover if it works or if you If you can, try out a mountain onsen - they’re
phrasal verb B2
something like it wonderfully refreshing.
a large container that you fill with water and sit in
tub noun I always sing in the tub.
to wash
turn down phrasal verb B2 to refuse an offer or request I had to turn down their dinner invitation.

to move the switch on a machine, light, etc so that

turn off phrasal verb A2 it stops working, or to stop the supply of water, He turned off his alarm clock.
electricity, etc
to happen in a particular way, or to have a
turn out phrasal verb B2 I’m glad things turned out the way they did.
particular result
to move an object or page so that a different side or
turn over phrasal verb B1 The press turns the paper over.
surface is on the top
to increase the level of sound or heat that a
turn up phrasal verb B1 Will you turn up the TV? I can’t hear.
machine produces
the number of people at an event, such as a
turnout noun They blamed the low turnout on the bad weather.
meeting or election
to turn part of your body to face a different She twisted her head so she could see what was
twist verb C2
direction happening.
type verb B1 to write something using a keyboard I need to type up my notes.
Typically you’ll have at least three, four coffees a
typically adverb B1 used for saying what usually happens
ubiquitous adjective seeming to be in all places the ubiquitous security cameras
Just under half of them buy their lunches from our
under preposition A2 less than a number, amount, or age
These virtual goods are goods under Dutch law, so
under preposition B2 according to a rule, law, etc
this is theft.
to know the meaning of something that someone As we understand it, the Board has three main
understand verb A2
says suggestions.
used to say that you wish something was not true Unfortunately Dominic can’t make it – he’s still at
unfortunately adverb A2
or that something had not happened the office.
unheard of adjective never having happened before It’s unheard of to reply to a job offer by text.
relating to everyone in the world, or to everyone in Kittens and puppies have an almost universal
universal adjective B2
a particular group appeal.
Many people believe that there is life elsewhere in
universe noun B1 everything that exists, including stars, space, etc
the universe.
Unless that happens, they’ll just be afraid of losing
unless conjunction B1 except if
customers to their rivals.
describes a spacecraft, or a place where military
unmanned adjective guards work, that has no people present to operate an unmanned mission to the planet Mars
or be in charge of it
unobtrusive adjective not attracting attention Unobtrusive and low-key are synonyms.
An unspoiled place is beautiful because it has not
unspoiled adjective C1 an island with clean, unspoiled beaches
been changed or damaged by people.

to open a knot or something that has been tied

untie verb B2 I untied my shoelaces and kicked off my shoes.
with a knot
to remove the cover from an object as part of an
unveil verb The statue was unveiled at the very end of 1999.
official ceremony
up adjective B1 not in bed I was up all night writing an essay.
The news of the take over upped the company’s
up verb to make something increase
share price by 6%.
It’s up to the DP to make sure the team delivers
up to phrase B1 the responsibility of
what the director wants.
upcoming adjective C1 An upcoming event will happen soon. the upcoming elections
to copy computer programs or information
upload verb B1 electronically, usually from a small computer to a I uploaded some of the images.
larger one or to the Internet
urge noun C2 a strong wish or need I resisted a powerful urge to slap him.
use something
phrasal verb A1 to put something to a particular purpose You could cut it in half and use it as a cup.
use something I suppose you could use them for packing fragile
phrasal verb A1 to put something to a particular purpose
for things.
use up phrasal verb B2 to finish a supply of something I’ve used up all the milk. Can you buy some more?
utter adjective C2 used to emphasise something She dismissed the article as utter nonsense.
Tell me if you hear of any vacancies for
vacancy noun C1 a job that is available for someone to do

when someone is given a vaccine (= substance put

All the children have received two vaccinations
vaccination noun C2 into the body through the skin with a needle) to
against measles.
stop them from getting a disease

a substance that is given to people to stop them

vaccine noun C2 a flu vaccine
from getting a particular disease
a vehicle that is used for carrying things but which
van noun B1 I borrowed my brother's van.
is smaller than a truck
vanish verb B2 to disappear suddenly The sun vanished behind the trees.
varied adjective B2 consisting of many different things or types a varied diet
If things of the same type vary, they are different
vary verb B2 Sources vary on this question.
from each other.
vast adjective B2 extremely big a vast amount of money
something such as a car or bus that takes people
vehicle noun B1 The driver of the vehicle was unhurt.
from one place to another, especially using roads

In one version, he was blown off course by bad

version noun B2 someone's description of what has happened
What were you doing at the very beginning of last
very adjective C2 used to emphasize a noun
someone who has suffered the effects of violence,
victim noun B2 victims of crime
illness, or bad luck
a person belonging to a race of Scandinavian
people who travelled by sea and attacked parts of
Viking noun northern and southern Europe between the 8th a Viking settlement
and the 11th centuries, often staying to live in
places they travelled to
using computer images and sounds that make you Do you think people should be punished for virtual
virtual adjective B2
think an imagined situation is real crimes?

when a computer produces images and sounds

virtual reality noun B2 virtual reality games
that make you feel an imagined situation is real

in a way that uses computer images and sounds

virtually adverb B2 All these things can be experienced virtually.
that make you think an imagined situation is real
virtue noun C2 a good quality that someone has Patience is not among his virtues.
visible adjective B2 able to be seen Through a doorway, more soldiers are visible
visibly adverb C2 in a way that can be seen He was visibly upset.
an idea or image in your mind of what something
vision noun B2 a vision of a better society
could be like in the future
to create a picture in your mind of someone or
visualise verb I can't quite visualise what you mean.
Satellites are absolutely vital for doing ocean
vital adjective B2 necessary

a strong feeling that you are right for a particular

vocation noun C2 He knew that teaching was his true vocation.
type of work, or a job that gives you this feeling

when people are taught the skills and knowledge

vocational Schools should focus on academic subjects rather
noun phrase that prepare them for jobs rather than for
training than vocational training.
university studies
work that people do because they want to do it and I occasionally do voluntary work for a local
voluntary work noun phrase
for which they are not paid charity.
a piece of paper that can be used instead of money
voucher noun I have some vouchers to spend in the book shop.
to pay for goods and services
wander verb B2 to walk slowly about a place without any purpose They wandered aimlessly around the town.
If you warm to an idea, you start to become Nobody liked it at first but people warmed to it
warm to phrasal verb
interested in or enthusiastic about it. after a while.
warm to (sth) phrasal verb to start to like something People are beginning to warm to the idea.
a person who has experience and skill in fighting in
warrior noun C1 Greek warriors
a war, especially in the past
a tower built especially around the edges of prisons
and army camps, the top of which provides a good
watchtower noun There were watchtowers all around the prison.
position from which to see anyone who is coming
a line of higher water that moves across the surface
wave noun B1 I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks.
of the sea or a lake
the length of radio wave used by a radio company
wavelength noun C2 What wavelength are they on?
for broadcasting its programmes
Your job is to collect information in the fastest way
way noun A2 how you do something
way of (+ing) phrase A2 a method for doing something What’s the easiest way of giving up smoking?
What’s the best way to travel around your
way to phrase A2 a method for doing something
weak adjective B2 difficult to see or hear The colours are a bit weak.
a wild plant that you do not want to grow in your
weed noun C2 Dandelions are common weeds.

If something is well worth doing, you should do it It’s well worth staying at a ryokan, a traditional
well worth phrase B1
because it is very enjoyable or very useful. inn.

good at planning things carefully and keeping

well-organised adjective B2 A good manager has to be well-organised.
things tidy
Don’t miss the well-stocked Hakuhinkan toy store
well-stocked adjective having a large supply of things for use or sale
in Tokyo.
a very large animal that looks like a large fish, lives
whale noun B1 in the sea and breathes air through a hole at the They hunt for whales.
top of its head
what’s-her- used for referring to a woman or girl when you Can you bring your CDs by what’s-her-name? The
name cannot remember or do not know her name Brazilian guitarist?

what’s-his- used for referring to a man or boy when you

noun I can ask what’s-his-name ...Kerry’s cousin.
name cannot remember or do not know his name
any object or person whose name you have
whatsit noun What about a Mexican whatsit?
temporarily forgotten or do not know
They've introduced a system whereby people share
whereby adverb C2 by which
widespread adjective C1 affecting or including a lot of places, people, etc a widespread problem

the mental power to control your thoughts and

will noun B2 have the will to succeed
actions or to succeed in doing something difficult

We’d be willing to come here again provided we

willing adjective B1 wanting to do something
can sort out this problem.
to get the most points in a competition or game, or The movie won an Oscar for Best Foreign Film in
win verb A2
the most votes in an election 1967.
the distance between the ends of the wings of a
wingspan noun The eagle has an enormous wingspan.
bird, insect or aircraft
to want a situation that is different from the one
wish phrase B1 I wish I’d thought about it more carefully.
that exists
work verb B1 If something works, it is effective and successful. Homeopathy works for me.
One of his most famous works is a story written in
work noun B2 a painting, book, piece of music, etc
a single sentence.
If you work as something, that is what you do as
work as phrasal verb A1 I work as a writer.
your job.
Many firms understand that giving work
work a period of time in which a student temporarily
noun experience to students will benefit everyone in the
experience works for an employer to get experience
long term.
to spend time trying to improve something, What skills did you have to work on when you
work on phrasal verb B2
especially a skill were younger?
to succeed gradually in getting an important job by
work one’s way repeatedly changing your job for a more important Stella worked her way up from shop assistant to
verb phrase
up one, having started your working life with little regional manager.
power or responsibility

to understand something or to find the answer to

work out phrasal verb B2 Wait there while I work out what to do.
something by thinking about it
to do things that will help you to achieve a Write down a goal you are working towards at the
work towards phrasal verb
particular thing moment.
to do things with another person or organization in Her professor worked with the government to
work with phrasal verb A1
order to achieve something improve things.
when a group of people meet to learn more about
workshop noun C1 something by discussing it and doing practical a workshop on crime prevention

worldwide adverb B2 in all parts of the world 10 million copies have been sold worldwide.
It might be worth speaking to the two workers
worth (+ ing) phrase B1 how important or useful someone or something is
worthless adjective C1 not important or useful He made me feel stupid and worthless.
Zen noun a religion that developed from Buddhism a Zen rock garden

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Unit 14
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Upper Intermediate wordlist with English Profile level description

Part of
Wordlist Definition Example Unit
job training for people in the 16-24 age
age group noun people of a particular age Unit 01
all sorts of things phrase A2 many different things There's sweets, toys and all sorts of things. Unit 01

and everything related to the subject Stella’s bringing some Indian pop –
and all that phrase B1 Unit 01
mentioned Bollywood music and all that .
What about games and activities and so
and so forth phrase together with other similar things Unit 01

The meal’s all planned – the starters, meat

and so on phrase A2 together with other similar things Unit 01
dishes, vegetarian dishes and so on.

and other things, which may or may not be

and stuff phrase B1 I’ll bring some salsa and meringue and stuff. Unit 01
similar or related
By vegetarian dishes, do you mean salads
and things phrase B1 and other things of a similar type Unit 01
and things?
and what have I think we should stick with balloons and
phrase and other similar things Unit 01
you what have you.
and whatnot phrase and other things of a similar type OK, now what about snacks and whatnot. Unit 01
to make a judgment about the quality, size, The tests are designed to assess a child's
assess verb B2 Unit 01
value, etc of something reading skills.
a piece of plastic, metal, etc with words or
badge noun B2 pictures on it that you wear on your clothes She was wearing a badge on her jacket. Unit 01
for decoration

when the weight of someone or something is He's good at sailing – he must have a good
balance noun B2 Unit 01
spread in such a way that they do not fall over sense of balance.

the most important part of something, from

base noun C2 a solid economic base Unit 01
which other things can develop
an official document that records when and You must provide a copy of your birth
birth certificate noun Unit 01
where a person was born certificate.
The magazine covers a broad range of
broad adjective B1 including a wide range of things Unit 01
phrasal to increase or develop, or to make something Students should follow their interests earlier
build up C1 Unit 01
verb increase or develop to build up experience.

the place in a large shop, especially a food

check-out noun B1 a supermarket checkout Unit 01
shop, where you pay for your goods

someone who is able to tell people about their

Being an effective communicator is an
communicator noun B1 ideas and emotions in a way that other people Unit 01
important part of management.
to agree to something that is not exactly what The ability to compromise is essential for the
compromise verb B2 Unit 01
you want job.

phrasal to direct your attention or efforts towards a Do you prefer to concentrate on one problem
concentrate on B1 Unit 01
verb particular activity or subject at a time or tackle several at once?

I've been training consistently for many

consistently adverb C2 without changing or stopping Unit 01
convinced adjective B2 completely certain about something I'm not really convinced. Unit 01
a fixed point or level at which you stop March 31 is the cut-off date for applications
cut-off noun Unit 01
including people or things to be accepted.
to give someone else part of your work or You have to be able to delegate if you want to
delegate verb C2 Unit 01
some of your responsibilities succeed as a manager.
someone whose job is to live in another
country and to keep a good relationship
diplomat noun B2 My father was a diplomat. Unit 01
between their government and that country's
successful or achieving the result that you Being an effective communicator is an
effective adjective B2 Unit 01
want important part of management.

belonging to the richest, most powerful, best

elite adjective elite athletes Unit 01
educated or most skilful group in a society

the ability to keep doing something difficult, You have to have plenty of endurance to
endurance noun C2 Unit 01
unpleasant, or painful for a long time compete in a race.

when you feel very interested in something People give up doing things when hey have
enthusiasm noun B2 Unit 01
and would very much like to be involved in it no enthusiasm for them.

used at the end of a list to show that other

Yeah, salads of course but also vegetarian
et cetera phrase things or people could also be added to it; Unit 01
soup, pasta, curry et cetera.
often abbreviated as etc
to look at someone or something very
She picked up the knife and examined it
examine verb B2 carefully, especially to try to discover Unit 01
eyesight noun B2 the ability to see She has good eyesight. Unit 01

feebly adverb C2 in a way that is unskilful or ineffective If you can draw, however feebly, it helps. Unit 01

an opinion from someone about something

feedback noun B2 It's important to get immediate feedback. Unit 01
that you have done or made
healthy, especially because you exercise You have to be physically fit and strong for
fit adjective A2 Unit 01
regularly sailing.
giving a lot of attention to one particular You have to be very focused on the
focused adjective B2 Unit 01
thing conditions around you.
follow verb B1 to understand something Do you follow me? Unit 01
follow verb C1 to be interested in an event or activity Students should follow their interests. Unit 01

Many teenagers earn money, for instance by

for instance phrase B1 for example Unit 01
babysitting or cleaning cars.
If something is genuine, it is really what it
genuine adjective B2 a genuine gold necklace Unit 01
seems to be.
get verb A1 to obtain or buy something Could you get me some chocolate? Unit 01
a pale brown root with a strong taste used as
ginger noun ginger cake Unit 01
a spice in cooking
the most important pieces of information
gist noun about something, or general information That was the gist of what he said. Unit 01
without details
something you want to do successfully in the
goal noun B1 The process involves setting specific goals. Unit 01
good adjective A2 suitable or satisfactory It's a good size. Unit 01
I’m good at helping people get on with each
good at phrase A1 able to do something well Unit 01
good with phrase A1 able to deal with something or someone well I’ve always been good with numbers. Unit 01

someone who plays the guitar, especially as

guitarist noun B1 He was a guitarist in a rock band. Unit 01
their job
to take control of an aircraft during a journey,
hijack verb The plane was hijacked by terrorists. Unit 01
especially using violence
phrasal to get together with someone in order to do Why don't you hook up with some mates to
hook up with (sb) Unit 01
verb something do it?
the ability to create ideas or pictures in your A game designer has to have plenty of
imagination noun B1 Unit 01
mind imagination.
happening or done without waiting or very The government has promised to take
immediate adjective B2 Unit 01
soon after something else immediate action.
in particular phrase B1 especially For Hilary in particular it was interesting. Unit 01

between the highest and lowest levels of

intermediate adjective B1 intermediate students Unit 01
knowledge or skill
inside a person, object, organisation, place or
internally adverb C1 This medicine should not be taken internally. Unit 01
junior adjective B2 low or lower in rank a junior minister/senator Unit 01
behaviour or treatment that is fair and She tried to bring about fairness and justice
justice noun B2 Unit 01
morally correct for all.
to not have something, or not have enough of
lack verb B2 She really lacks confidence. Unit 01
a group of teams which compete against each
league noun B1 top/bottom of the league Unit 01
other in a sport
limitation noun C1 a rule or situation that limits something space limitations Unit 01
listener noun C1 someone who listens I'm a good listener. Unit 01
The logical thing is to return the tree to the
logical adjective B2 using reason Unit 01
garden centre.
The majority of people in this country own
majority noun B2 more than half of a group of people or things Unit 01
their houses.
to have a meaning or reason that you can
make sense phrase B2 It makes a lot of sense. Unit 01
The director of photography manages the
manage verb B1 to be in control of an office, shop, team, etc Unit 01
camera and lighting crew.
relating to the mind, or involving the process
mental adjective B2 mental health/illness Unit 01
of thinking

If you are modest, you do not talk in a proud

modest adjective C1 He's very modest about his achievements. Unit 01
way about your skills or successes.

multi-task verb to do several activities at the same time Most mothers are good at multi-tasking. Unit 01

Something that is natural exists or happens

Do you know anyone who has natural talent
natural adjective B1 because of nature, not because it was made or Unit 01
in something?
done by people.
Where I live, people generally think highly of
to not think someone or something is good or
not think much of phrase doctors but they don’t think much of Unit 01
obvious adjective B1 easy to understand or see It's a bit obvious. Unit 01

If something is overrated, it is considered to

overrated adjective I think his work is overrated. Unit 01
be better or more important than it really is.

persuasive adjective C1 able to make people agree to do something I don't find it very persuasive. Unit 01

You have to be physically fit and strong for

physically adverb B2 in a way that relates to the body Unit 01
a container that is filled with sweets or small
piñata noun presents and is hit with sticks until it breaks, We made a piñata for Maria's party. Unit 01
used at celebrations
possess verb C1 to have or own something They simply don’t possess the talent. Unit 01
when you repeat an activity to improve your Practice is important if you want to be good
practice noun A2 Unit 01
ability at something.

behaving in a very formal and unnatural way

by giving too much attention to details that
precious adjective B2 She's so precious about her art. Unit 01
are not important and trying too hard to be

psychology noun B2 the study of the human mind and feelings child psychology Unit 01

an activity that you spend time doing, often

pursuit noun outdoor pursuits Unit 01
when you are not working

phrasal to fix a large piece of equipment or system It’s a very old building but we’ve decided to
put in A1 Unit 01
verb into a room or building, ready to be used put in central heating.

She's good at sport, she must have quick

reflex noun a physical reaction that you cannot control Unit 01
related or useful to what is happening or
relevant adjective B2 relevant information Unit 01
being talked about
a situation or event that you cannot Scientists may have solved the riddle of
riddle noun Unit 01
understand Saturn's rings.
the attractive, natural things that you see in The Grand Canyon is famous for its
scenery noun B1 Unit 01
the countryside spectacular scenery.
someone who has studied a subject and
scholar noun C1 a legal scholar Unit 01
knows a lot about it
the ability to make yourself do things that you
self-discipline noun C2 Do you have a lot of self-discipline? Unit 01
do not want to do
confidence in yourself and a belief in your Those who receive training have a better
self-esteem noun C1 Unit 01
qualities and abilities self-esteem.
able to understand what people are feeling
sensitive adjective B2 and deal with them in a way that does not be sensitive to people's feelings Unit 01
upset them
set verb B2 to establish or cause to exist The process involves setting specific goals. Unit 01

making something complicated seem simple

simplistic adjective It seems quite simplistic. Unit 01
by ignoring many of the details
I sketched a map for him on a scrap of
sketch verb C1 to draw a rough picture Unit 01
If a taste, smell, etc is strong, it is very
strong adjective B1 I love the strong colours Unit 01
Do you know anyone who has natural talent
talent noun B1 a natural ability to do something Unit 01
in something?
Do you know anyone who is talented at
talented adjective B1 with talent; able or skilful Unit 01
something that someone often does, or
tendency noun C1 She has a tendency to talk for too long. Unit 01
something that often happens

Right. Well, I think we should have balloons

that kind of thing phrase B1 similar objects Unit 01
and candles and that kind of thing.

a complete description of a situation,

the whole picture phrase That’s not the whole picture. Unit 01
including every aspect of it
The region has suffered severe flooding and
therefore adverb B1 for that reason tourists are therefore advised not to travel Unit 01

used when you are talking about something We’d need a thingummy - erm, a video
thingummy noun Unit 01
whose name you cannot remember camera.

used to refer to something or someone when

thingy noun OK, and how about a thingy for her to wear? Unit 01
you cannot remember their name
If you ask someone what they think about
phrasal What do you think about your country’s
think about A1 something or someone, you are asking for Unit 01
verb football team?
their opinion of them.
phrasal to think about things that will happen in the I know people who are always thinking
think ahead to C2 Unit 01
verb future ahead to their next holiday.
phrasal I find that thinking aloud helps me to solve
think aloud to automatically say what you are thinking Unit 01
verb problems.
phrasal to remember something that happened in the As I get older, I think back to my schooldays
think back to B1 Unit 01
verb past more and more.
to make your own decisions and form your
The best school teachers encourage children
think for yourself phrase own opinions, without depending on other Unit 01
to think for themselves.
Where I live, people generally think highly of
phrasal to consider someone to be important and
think highly of C2 doctors but they don’t think much of Unit 01
verb have a lot of respect for them
think long and I thought long and hard about what shoes to
phrase to consider something for a long time Unit 01
hard about wear today.
phrasal Can you think of three reasons why you
think of B1 to get an idea in your mind Unit 01
verb started studying English?
think on your to make a quick decision or give an answer I really don’t enjoy situations where I have
idiom Unit 01
feet quickly to think on my feet.
I can’t think straight if there’s music on while
think straight phrase to think clearly Unit 01
I’m trying to work.
to consider whether what you are planning to If I won a lot of money, I’d think twice about
think twice about phrase C1 Unit 01
do will have good results telling my friends.
a competition with a series of games between
tournament noun B1 many teams or players, with one winner at a golf/tennis tournament Unit 01
the end
the process of learning the skills you need to Those who receive training have a better
training noun B1 Unit 01
do a particular job or activity self-esteem.
transferable adjective able to be used in different situations transferable skills Unit 01
to create a picture in your mind of someone
visualise verb I can't quite visualise what you mean. Unit 01
or something
good at planning things carefully and keeping
well-organised adjective B2 A good manager has to be well-organised. Unit 01
things tidy
used for referring to a woman or girl when
Can you bring your CDs by what’s-her-
what’s-her-name noun you cannot remember or do not know her Unit 01
name? The Brazilian guitarist?

used for referring to a man or boy when you

what’s-his-name noun I can ask what’s-his-name ...Kerry’s cousin. Unit 01
cannot remember or do not know his name
any object or person whose name you have
whatsit noun What about a Mexican whatsit? Unit 01
temporarily forgotten or do not know

the mental power to control your thoughts

will noun B2 and actions or to succeed in doing something have the will to succeed Unit 01

accidentally adverb B2 by chance or by mistake I accidentally locked myself out of my flat. Unit 02

alive adjective B1 living, not dead Are your grandparents still alive? Unit 02
Nobody knows about this apart from a few
apart from phrase B1 except for or in addition to Unit 02
to think that something is likely to be true, Everything was quiet when I got home so I
assume verb B2 Unit 02
although you have no proof assumed that you had gone out.
being the main or most important part of
basic adjective B1 basic ideas/principles Unit 02
The whole area is famous for its natural
beauty noun B1 the quality of being beautiful Unit 02
bizarre adjective B2 very strange and surprising bizarre behaviour Unit 02
one of the hard pieces that make the structure
bone noun B1 She broke a bone in her foot. Unit 02
inside a human or animal
to hit a surface and then move quickly away,
bounce verb B2 The ball bounced high into the air. Unit 02
or to make something do this
box noun A1 a square or rectangular container a cardboard box Unit 02
one of several shops, offices, etc that are part
branch noun B1 a bank with branches all over the country Unit 02
of a company or organisation
briefly adjective B1 for a short time We chatted briefly about the weather. Unit 02
By that time, we’d been waiting more than
by that time phrase A2 at that moment Unit 02
two hours.
Think of something you find difficult to think
calmly adverb B2 in a relaxed way Unit 02
about calmly.
The strings attached to the canopy got
canopy noun the main part of a parachute, made from cloth Unit 02
tangled around my legs.
Think of something you choose carefully
carefully adverb A2 with great attention Unit 02
when shopping.
She threw her bag carelessly into the corner
carelessly adverb B2 Unit 02
of the room.
one of the separate parts of a train where the The front carriage of the train is for first-
carriage noun C1 Unit 02
passengers sit class passengers only.

a book with a list of all the goods that you can

catalogue noun B2 buy from a shop, or of all the books, a clothing catalogue Unit 02
paintings, etc that you can find in a place

a formal event that is performed on

ceremony noun B1 a wedding/marriage ceremony Unit 02
important social or religious occasions
choir noun B2 a group of people who sing together a school/church choir Unit 02
circle verb B1 to draw a circle around something Circle the answer you think is correct. Unit 02
If something costs a particular amount of
cost verb A2 money, you have to pay that in order to buy It cost me another twenty pounds. Unit 02
or do it.
intentionally, having planned to do Rikyu had deliberately cut down all the
deliberately adverb B2 Unit 02
something flowers!
to break or move the ground with a tool,
dig verb B1 Digging the garden is good exercise. Unit 02
machine, etc

If you dislocate a part of your body, the bones

dislocate verb I think you've dislocated your shoulder. Unit 02
move away from their correct position.
due adjective B1 expected or planned He was due to fly back this morning. Unit 02
a man of very high social rank in some parts
duke noun the Duke of Beaufort Unit 02
of Europe
earth noun B2 soil or ground a mound of earth Unit 02
phrasal My company moved to Alabama, so that’s
end up B1 to finally be in a particular place or situation Unit 02
verb how I ended up living here.
enthusiastically adverb B2 with great excitement, pleasure and interest The audience cheered enthusiastically. Unit 02

to start a company or organisation that will

establish verb B2 The brewery was established in 1822. Unit 02
continue for a long time
a strong, unpleasant feeling that you get when
fear noun B1 you think that something bad, dangerous, or She was trembling with fear. Unit 02
frightening might happen
Finally, when I realised that there was
finally adverb A2 after a long time or some difficulty nothing more I could do, I thought, “Right, Unit 02
I’m dead.”
an illness like a very bad cold, that makes you
flu noun B1 I had the flu last week. Unit 02
feel hot and weak
for instance phrase B1 for example Jane, for instance, can drive. Unit 02
to break something hard such as a bone, or a
fracture verb She's fractured her ankle. Unit 02
piece of rock
Have you ever reacted furiously to
furiously adverb B2 in a very angry way Unit 02
something on TV?

someone who works in a garden, growing

gardener noun B2 We employ three gardeners. Unit 02
plants and making it look attractive

generally used to introduce a statement that is mainly Generally speaking, I think people used to be
phrase B2 Unit 02
speaking or usually true more open and friendly.

to be able to live or deal with a situation with

phrasal I don't know how he gets by on so little
get by difficulty, usually by having just enough of Unit 02
verb money.
something you need, such as money

A dream could give you the idea for a great

give verb A1 to provide someone with something Unit 02
work of art.
gradually adverb B2 slowly over a period of time Gradually he began to get better. Unit 02
(the) ground noun B1 the surface of the Earth I sat down on the ground. Unit 02
have a tendency People have a tendency to learn languages in
phrase to often do something Unit 02
to the big cities.
heights noun high places I've always been scared of heights. Unit 02
when someone comes to live in a different
immigration noun B2 immigration policy Unit 02
include verb A2 to make something part of something else He included the story in his book on France. Unit 02

when something causes difficulty such as The Director apologised for any
inconvenience noun C1 Unit 02
unexpected changes or effort inconvenience caused.
incredibly adverb B2 extremely I remember feeling incredibly lonely. Unit 02
a sudden movement off the ground or off a
jump noun B2 He won with a jump of 8.5 metres. Unit 02
high place
an area of land, usually in tropical countries,
jungle noun B1 jungle animals Unit 02
where trees and plants grow close together

to not take something with you when you go

leave verb A2 away from a place, either intentionally or by If we leave it where it is, no one’ll see it. Unit 02
If a bank lends money, it gives money to
lend verb A2 someone who then pays the money back in Would you lend me fifty euros?' Unit 02
small amounts over a period.
Shortly before the crash the pilot had
malfunction noun a failure to work or operate correctly reported a malfunction of the aircraft's Unit 02
navigation system.
master noun C2 someone who does something very well He was a master of disguise. Unit 02

in the time between two things happening, or The mother is ill. The child, meanwhile, is
meanwhile adverb B1 Unit 02
while something else is happening living with foster parents.

an underground system of holes and passages

mine noun B2 He worked at the mine. Unit 02
where people dig out coal or other minerals

misunderstandin when someone does not understand How would you deal with a
noun B2 Unit 02
g something correctly misunderstanding.
when there is a mistake because things are There was a mix-up with the bags at the
mix-up noun B2 Unit 02
confused airport.
morning glory noun a type of flower which opens in the morning We planted some morning glories. Unit 02

The next time, event, person, or thing is the

next adjective A2 one nearest to now or the one that follows the Next thing I knew, I was falling fast. Unit 02
present one.

observe verb B2 to watch someone or something carefully Children learn by observing adults. Unit 02

to say that you will pay a particular amount of

offer verb B2 We can offer a refund on the room rental. Unit 02
being too certain that your strong opinions
opinionated adjective She's a very opinionated young woman. Unit 02
are correct
We have the option of hiring someone to do
option noun B1 a choice Unit 02
the cleaning.
He taught me a lot about determination – I
owe verb B2 to have to pay money back to someone Unit 02
owe him a lot.
a large piece of cloth which is fixed to your
parachute noun B2 body by strings and helps you to drop safely Her parachute failed to open. Unit 02
from an aircraft
a long, narrow space that connects one place There's a passage to the side of the house,
passage noun B2 Unit 02
to another leading to the garden.
a round container, usually used for storing
pot noun B1 a flower pot Unit 02
things or cooking
the daughter of a king or queen, or one of
princess noun B1 He married a princess. Unit 02
their close female relatives

to say that you will certainly do something or He promised that he’d have the corporate
promise verb B1 Unit 02
that something will certainly happen logo tattooed on his forearm.

A pure substance is not mixed with anything

pure adjective B1 pure gold Unit 02
Many victims of crime are reluctant to go to
reluctant adjective C1 not wanting to do something Unit 02
the police.
If you remember a fact or something from the
remember (+ ing) verb A1 past, you keep it in your mind, or bring it I remember feeling incredibly lonely. Unit 02
back into your mind.
Police are continuing their search for the
search noun B1 when you try to find someone or something Unit 02
missing girl.
to cause something to go from one place to
send verb A1 He sent me a text. Unit 02
a small simple building that has been badly
shack noun Their house is little more than a shack. Unit 02
The sun was shining brightly through the
shine verb B1 to produce bright light Unit 02

If a picture, film, map, etc shows something,

show verb B1 This painting shows an imaginary scene. Unit 02
that thing can be seen in the picture, film, etc.
In the cities, people do things in a slightly
slightly adverb B2 a little Unit 02
different way.
relating to deep feelings and beliefs,
spiritual adjective B2 a spiritual leader Unit 02
especially religious beliefs
to increase, or move to cover a larger area or The smoke soon spread into all the rooms in
spread verb B2 Unit 02
affect a larger number of people the house.
Suddenly, he noticed that the garden was full
suddenly adverb B1 quickly and unexpectedly Unit 02
of fantastic flowers.
super adjective used to emphasise an adjective super fast Unit 02
tangle verb to become twisted together The rope was tangled around my legs. Unit 02
tend to B2 to generally behave in a particular way People tend to keep to themselves now. Unit 02
tight adjective B2 firm and difficult to move Make sure the knot is tight. Unit 02
I had to go to the trouble of collecting it
trouble noun B2 inconvenience or effort Unit 02
a large road vehicle for carrying goods from
truck noun B1 Unit 02
place to place
Typically you’ll have at least three, four
typically adverb B1 used for saying what usually happens Unit 02
coffees a day.
to open a knot or something that has been I untied my shoelaces and kicked off my
untie verb B2 Unit 02
tied with a knot shoes.

a piece of paper that can be used instead of I have some vouchers to spend in the book
voucher noun Unit 02
money to pay for goods and services shop.

a line of higher water that moves across the I could hear the waves crashing against the
wave noun B1 Unit 02
surface of the sea or a lake rocks.
Your job is to collect information in the
way noun A2 how you do something Unit 02
fastest way possible.
affecting or including a lot of places, people,
widespread adjective C1 a widespread problem Unit 02
to want a situation that is different from the
wish phrase B1 I wish I’d thought about it more carefully. Unit 02
one that exists

Schools should focus on academic subjects

academic adjective B2 related to education, schools, universities, etc Unit 03
rather than vocational training.
to happen or exist at the same time as The teachers' book is accompanied by a
accompany verb B1 Unit 03
something else video cassette.
used to say that something seems to be true,
apparently adverb B2 Apparently, he goes to quite a good school. Unit 03
although it is not certain
appeal verb B2 to interest or attract someone That doesn’t really appeal to me. Unit 03
when someone learns the skills needed to do
Employees who’ve done apprenticeships are
apprenticeship noun a job by working for someone who already Unit 03
better than those with paper qualifications.
has skills and experience
feeling guilty or embarrassed about
ashamed adjective B1 You've got nothing to be ashamed of. Unit 03
something you have done
assignment noun C1 a piece of work or job that you are given to do a written assignment Unit 03

ball game noun any game that is played with a ball He enjoyed tennis and other ball games. Unit 03

used to introduce a short explanation about Basically, the producer isn’t very involved in
basically adverb B2 Unit 03
something the interview

be someone's If an activity or subject is someone's thing,

phrase This one isn’t really my thing. Unit 03
thing they are very interested in it and like doing it.

be used to to be familiar with something, having Do you know anyone who is used to a lot of
phrase B1 Unit 03
something experienced it many times pressure in their daily life?
an electrical object that makes a ringing
bell noun B2 Please ring the bell for attention. Unit 03
sound when you press a switch

between you and an expression used to tell someone that what Between you and me I think his company's in
phrase Unit 03
me you are about to say should be kept secret trouble.

Their music is a blend of jazz and African

blend noun C2 a combination of two or more things Unit 03
the part of a vehicle that makes it stop or go
brake noun B1 I slammed my foot on the brake. Unit 03
more slowly
break off to separate from a larger piece One of the branches broke off. Unit 03
a vehicle containing a bed, kitchen
camper van noun We went away in our camper van. Unit 03
equipment, etc that you can live in
the land and buildings belonging to a college Distance learning isn’t as effective as face to
campus noun B2 Unit 03
or university face or on-campus learning.
phrasal Think of a subject you wish you’d carried on
carry on B1 to continue doing something Unit 03
verb studying for longer.
Do patients have a choice between public
choice noun B1 the things or people you can choose from Unit 03
and private hospitals?
chore noun C1 a boring job that you must do household chores Unit 03
having a traditional style that is always
classic adjective B2 classic dance moves Unit 03
clear verb B1 to get rid of something He cleared all my doubts. Unit 03

What kinds of technology and equipment are

come into use phrase to start to be used Unit 03
are starting to come into use?

when you are willing to give your time and We are looking for someone with talent,
commitment noun B2 Unit 03
energy to something that you believe in enthusiasm, and commitment.

work done by students as part of their course Students’ grades should be based on
coursework noun Unit 03
of study coursework rather than final exams.
to include or deal with a subject or piece of
cover (verb) verb B1 The course covers a range of topics. Unit 03
all the subjects taught in a school, college, etc
curriculum noun B1 the school curriculum Unit 03
or on an educational course
If you cut down a tree or bush, you make it
cut down (sth) B2 fall to the ground by cutting it near the We cut down the old apple tree. Unit 03

deadline noun B2 a time by which something must be done to meet/miss a deadline Unit 03

believing that something is very important

dedicated adjective C1 dedicated teaching staff Unit 03
and giving a lot of time and energy to it

when someone continues trying to do Andy Murray will need great determination
determination noun B2 Unit 03
something, although it is very difficult and skill to win this match.
dialogue noun B2 the talking in a book, play, or film The dialogue is very clever. Unit 03
a very long piece of writing done as part of a She's writing a dissertation on American
dissertation noun Unit 03
course of study poetry.
a degree for which you study at home rather
distance degree noun than at a university, sending and receiving I'm doing a distance degree. Unit 03
your work by email or post

a way of studying, especially for a degree,

Distance learning isn’t as effective as face-to-
distance learning noun where you study mostly at home, receiving Unit 03
face or on-campus learning.
and sending off work by post

to recognise the differences between two Children must learn to distinguish between
distinguish verb B2 Unit 03
people, ideas, or things right and wrong.

a part of a city or country, either an official

district noun B1 area or one that is known for having a the fashion district of New York Unit 03
particular characteristic or business

when money or goods are given to help a

donation noun B2 Would you like to make a donation? Unit 03
person or organisation
phrasal to stop taking part in something before it has Have you ever dropped out of a course or
drop out of Unit 03
verb finished competition?
effort noun B1 the energy that you need to do something I put a lot of effort into organising the party. Unit 03

when someone succeeds in getting out of a There was an escape from the prison last
escape noun C1 Unit 03
place or a dangerous or bad situation night.

a series of classes for adults in a particular Evening courses for adults should be partly
evening course phrase Unit 03
subject that happens in the evening financed by the government.
extremely adverb B1 very, or much more than usual extremely beautiful Unit 03
learning which happens as a result of
face-to-face Distance learning isn’t as effective as face-to-
phrase B2 spending time with a teacher and talking with Unit 03
learning face or on-campus learning.
describes someone who has the same job or
fellow adjective B2 interests as you, or is in the same situation as your fellow students Unit 03
basic medical treatment that you give The policeman gave him first aid before the
first aid noun Unit 03
someone who is ill or injured in an emergency ambulance arrived.

phrasal to give a lot of attention to one particular Lessons focus on the classic moves of this
focus on B2 Unit 03
verb subject entertaining and beautiful dance form.

for me phrase used to introduce your opinion For me, it’s a choice between two or three. Unit 03

fragile adjective C2 easily broken, damaged, or destroyed a fragile china cup Unit 03
Frankly, I think the tree should be cut down -
frankly adverb B2 in an honest and direct way Unit 03
it's not safe.
a course which someone does for the whole of
full-time course phrase B1 Unit 03
a working week
Funnily enough, I was just thinking about
funnily enough phrase although it seems strange and surprising Unit 03
you when you called.
gain verb B1 to get something useful or positive The country gained independence in 1948. Unit 03

to become familiar with something or

get used to Do you know anyone who takes a long time
phrase B1 someone, after experiencing it many times or Unit 03
something to get used to new people?
spending a lot of time with them

give something a to use something for the first time to find out
phrase B2 I’d like to give this one a try. Unit 03
try if it is suitable or effective
If you give up a habit such as smoking, or give
give up B1 up something unhealthy such as alcohol, you I've decided to give up smoking completely. Unit 03
stop doing it or having it.
to stop being used, having been replaced by What kinds of technology and equipment
go out of use phrase Unit 03
something newer have gone out of use?
kind, friendly, or helpful feelings towards He gave them a thousand pounds as a
goodwill noun Unit 03
other people gesture of goodwill.
to make certain that something is true or will These dishes guarantee something to
guarantee verb B2 Unit 03
happen everyone's taste.

physically doing something and not only

hands-on adjective hands-on experience Unit 03
studying it or watching someone else do it
I’d be happy with either Cookery or
happy with phrase A2 satisfied and pleased with Unit 03
headteacher noun A2 the person in charge of a school She was sent to the headteacher. Unit 03
used, often at the start of a sentence, to
hopefully adverb B1 Hopefully he won't go out of business. Unit 03
express what you would like to happen
a stupid person or someone who is behaving
idiot noun B2 Like an idiot, I believed him. Unit 03
in a stupid way
an idea, feeling, or opinion about something It caused a lot of controversy – it made a big
impression noun B2 Unit 03
or someone impression on people.
in two minds idiom C1 unable to decide about something I’m in two minds about this one. Unit 03

What kinds of technology and equipment are

in use phrase A2 used Unit 03
in regular use nowadays?

someone or something that has an effect on

influence noun B2 He was quite a positive influence on me. Unit 03
another person or thing

Inner feelings, thoughts, etc are ones that you

inner adjective B2 a profound sense of inner peace Unit 03
do not show or tell other people.

a quality in someone's character that allows

He was one of those people who have a lot of
inner strength phrase B2 them to stay calm and succeed in difficult Unit 03
inner strength.
to help someone to experience something for This course introduces you to the skill of
someone to phrase B2 Unit 03
the first time creative writing.
to continue without stopping or changing or
phrasal It can be difficult to keep up your
keep up B1 to continue something without allowing it to Unit 03
verb concentration.
stop or change
a formal talk given to a group of people in Seminars are a waste of time. Students learn
lecture (noun) noun B1 Unit 03
order to teach them about a subject much more from lectures.
lose your temper phrase B2 to suddenly become very angry He doesn't often lose his temper. Unit 03

make good use to use something effectively, with good Do you think you made good use of your
phrase B2 Unit 03
of something results time at school or college?
make up one's
phrase B1 to decide something I can’t make up my mind about it. Unit 03
a metal disc given as a prize in a competition
medal noun B2 a bronze medal Unit 03
or given to someone who has been very brave

an experienced person who gives help and

mentor noun I had a great mentor in my first job. Unit 03
advice to someone with less experience

If you have mixed feelings about something,

mixed feelings phrase B1 you are pleased and not pleased at the same I’ve got mixed feelings about that one Unit 03
The class will focus on dialogue and
narrative noun C2 a story or description of a series of events Unit 03

to make a number or list of things smaller

narrow down C2 and clearer, by removing the things that are I’ve narrowed it down to these two. Unit 03
least important or suitable

no way phrase B1 certainly not There’s no way I’d just telephone. Unit 03
to officially suggest a person or their work for
nominate verb C1 He was nominated for an award. Unit 03
a prize
If you wouldn't mind doing something, you
not mind (+ –ing) phrase B1 I wouldn’t mind doing a course in First Aid. Unit 03
are willing to do it.
obviously adverb B1 in a way that is easy to understand or see Obviously, they had a lucky escape. Unit 03

a way of learning that involves the use of Is the use of online learning in teaching
online learning phrase A2 Unit 03
computers and the Internet small children a good idea?
patient adjective B1 having patience I’ve never met anybody so patient. Unit 03
Personally, I think it’s amazing that someone
personally adverb B1 used when you are going to give your opinion Unit 03
so young could do that.
to annoy someone, especially by asking
plague verb C2 We plagued him with questions. Unit 03
repeated questions.

postgraduate a course of study that a person does after they These days you need to do postgraduate
phrase Unit 03
course have received their first degree courses to get a good job.
prayer noun B1 the words you say to a god Shall we say a prayer for him? Unit 03
a feeling of satisfaction at your achievements She felt a great sense of pride as she watched
pride noun B2 Unit 03
or the achievements of your family or friends him accept the award.

qualify verb B2 to pass exams so that you are able to do a job He's recently qualified as a doctor. Unit 03

remarkably adverb C1 in a way that makes you feel surprised He works remarkably long hours. Unit 03
someone you try to behave like because you Jane is such a good role model for her
role model noun C1 Unit 03
admire them younger sister.

a plan that gives events or activities and the

schedule noun B2 I have a very busy schedule today. Unit 03
times that they will happen or be done

a meeting of a group of people with a teacher

Seminars are a waste of time. Students learn
seminar noun B2 or expert for training, discussion, or study of Unit 03
much more from lectures.
a subject
Our students take their responsibilities very
seriously adverb B1 in a serious way Unit 03
phrasal If you had more time, what course would
sign up B1 to arrange to do an organized activity Unit 03
verb you sign up for?
how something seems to be, from what is said
sound noun C2 I like the sound of this one. Unit 03
or written
squeeze verb B2 to press something firmly She squeezed his hand and said goodbye. Unit 03

Surprisingly, he managed on his own at first

surprisingly adverb B1 unexpectedly or in a way that is unusual but nowadays he gets funding from the Unit 03
regional government.
phrasal I’ve recently taken on the role of their
take on B2 to accept a responsibility Unit 03
verb teacher.
used at the beginning of a sentence to show
Thankfully, the whole family was out and no
thankfully adverb C1 that you are pleased or grateful about Unit 03
one got hurt.

Do you think the use of these things in

the use of phrase A2 the act of using something Unit 03
teaching young children is a good idea?

the American spelling of tyre; the rubber

tire noun A2 One of my tires burst. Unit 03
covering for a wheel
to tell you the used before saying your real opinion or To tell you the truth, I think owning your
phrase B1 Unit 03
truth feeling about something own business is quite stressful.

used to say that you wish something was not Unfortunately Dominic can’t make it – he’s
unfortunately adverb A2 Unit 03
true or that something had not happened still at the office.

use something phrasal

A1 to put something to a particular purpose You could cut it in half and use it as a cup. Unit 03
as verb
use something phrasal I suppose you could use them for packing
A1 to put something to a particular purpose Unit 03
for verb fragile things.
a vehicle that is used for carrying things but
van noun B1 I borrowed my brother's van. Unit 03
which is smaller than a truck
varied adjective B2 consisting of many different things or types a varied diet Unit 03

a strong feeling that you are right for a

vocation noun C2 particular type of work, or a job that gives you He knew that teaching was his true vocation. Unit 03
this feeling
when people are taught the skills and
vocational Schools should focus on academic subjects
phrase knowledge that prepare them for jobs rather Unit 03
training rather than vocational training.
than for university studies
a period of time in which a student Many firms understand that giving work
work experience noun temporarily works for an employer to get experience to students will benefit everyone Unit 03
experience in the long term.
phrasal to spend time trying to improve something, What skills did you have to work on when
work on B2 Unit 03
verb especially a skill you were younger?
phrasal to do things that will help you to achieve a Write down a goal you are working towards
work towards Unit 03
verb particular thing at the moment.
There’s a lot of laughing, shouting and
a lot of A1 a large amount of Unit 04
screaming – and crying as well.

Abstract art involves shapes and colours and Well, it’s a kind of abstract sculpture, maybe
abstract adjective B2 Unit 04
not images of real things or people. a monument.

a woman whose job is to perform in plays and

actress noun A2 His mother was an actress. Unit 04
to change a book or play so that it can be
adapt verb B2 Both novels have been adapted for television. Unit 04
made into a film or television programme

If something is advisable, it will avoid

advisable adjective It’s advisable to get tickets for one act only. Unit 04
problems if you do it.

the main official sent by the government of a

ambassador noun B2 the French ambassador to Britain Unit 04
country to represent it in another country

amuse verb B2 to make someone smile or laugh Was the structure built just to amuse people? Unit 04

It's a historic town with some very

ancient adjective B1 very old Unit 04
impressive ancient buildings and statues.

a spiritual creature like a human with wings,

angel noun B1 who some people believe lives with God in a statue of an angel Unit 04
It can be anywhere between two hundred
anywhere adverb A2 in or to any place Unit 04
and four hundred people.
appear in (sth) B1 to perform in a film, play, etc. She appeared in his latest movie. Unit 04
He was appointed as company director last
appoint verb C1 to officially choose someone for a job Unit 04

a curved structure that usually supports You enter the palace through a grand marble
arch noun C2 Unit 04
something, for example a bridge or wall arch.
artificial adjective B2 not natural, but made by people an artificial flower/lake Unit 04
As far as I can remember it was the fifteenth
as far as phrase B2 as much as Unit 04
something that makes people come to a place The Eiffel Tower quickly became a tourist
attraction noun B1 Unit 04
or want to do a particular thing attraction.

recorded information about a place such as a

audio tour noun You can rent audio tours here. Unit 04
museum that you can listen to as you visit it

a wide road in a town or city, often with trees

avenue noun C1 a tree-lined avenue Unit 04
along it
If something baffles you, you cannot The police were baffled by his
baffle verb Unit 04
understand it at all. disappearance.
the hard substance that covers the surface of
bark noun These trees have very thick bark. Unit 04
a tree
Be sure to go to the Kabuki Theatre when
be sure to phrase to be certain to Unit 04
you're in Tokyo.
If a place is bleak, it is cold, empty and not
bleak adjective C2 a bleak landscape Unit 04
phrasal to destroy something or kill someone with a
blow up B1 They threatened to blow up the plane. Unit 04
verb bomb
a large fire outside, often used for burning
bonfire noun We put the old chair on the bonfire. Unit 04
bratty adjective behaving in an unpleasant, childish way your bratty friends Unit 04

breakthrough an important discovery or development that He had his first breakthrough with a
noun B2 Unit 04
(noun) helps solve a problem collection of short stories at the age of 49.

made of bronze (= a shiny orange-brown

bronze adjective C2 a bronze statue Unit 04

a model of the Indian holy man on whose life There was a Buddha in the corner of the
Buddha noun Unit 04
and teachings Buddhism is based room.

to take part in special enjoyable activities in

The monument is in the shape of a spire and
celebrate verb B1 order to show that a particular occasion is Unit 04
was erected to celebrate the Millennium.
charming adjective B1 pleasant or attractive A row of charming little shops. Unit 04
phrasal Check out the food floors in department
check out C1 to go to a place in order to see what it is like Unit 04
verb stores.
to do something to show you remember an
commemorate verb C2 important person or event in the past with Statues often commemorate a past event. Unit 04
consist of (sth) B1 to be made of or formed from something The concert will consist ofa series of songs. Unit 04
someone who secretly plans with other people
conspirator noun All the conspirators were caught. Unit 04
to do something bad or illegal
construct verb B2 to build something from several parts The building was constructed in 1930. Unit 04
construction noun B2 something large that is built This steel construction is 20m tall. Unit 04

controversial adjective B2 causing a lot of disagreement or argument a controversial decision/issue Unit 04

a lot of disagreement and argument about The sculpture caused a lot of controversy at
controversy noun C1 Unit 04
something first.
cover verb B1 to form a layer on the surface of something Snow covered the trees. Unit 04

It was heavily criticised at first but people

criticise verb B2 to say that something or someone is bad Unit 04
are beginning to warm to it now.

a shape with a long vertical line with a shorter

cross noun A1 horizontal line across it or an object with this The cloth was decorated with crosses. Unit 04

when someone performs or presents

debut noun C1 She made her debut as a pianist in 1975. Unit 04
something to the public for the first time

I did not meet him again for more than a

decade noun B2 a period of ten years Unit 04
to be the largest, most important, or most
dominate verb C1 The cathedral dominates the skyline. Unit 04
noticeable part of something
The singer remained in the hotel for the
duration noun C1 the amount of time that something lasts Unit 04
duration of his stay in the UK.

the male ruler of an empire (=group of

emperor noun C1 Emperor Charlemagne Unit 04
countries ruled by one person or government)

the extra force that you give to a word or part

emphasis noun B2 The emphasis is on the final syllable. Unit 04
of a word when you are saying it
enormous adjective B1 extremely large You go through an enormous red gate. Unit 04
someone whose job is to entertain people by
entertainer noun B2 She is a children's entertainer. Unit 04
singing, telling jokes, etc
She spent her entire life caring for other
entire adjective B2 whole or complete Unit 04
The monument was erected to celebrate the
erect verb to build or put up a structure Unit 04
used when you are emphasising the basic
essentially adverb B2 What he is saying is essentially true. Unit 04
facts about something
euphoric adjective extremely happy and excited a euphoric mood Unit 04
to stretch over a particular object or area of The spire extends above all the other
extend verb C2 Unit 04
land buildings.
extraordinary adjective B1 very special, unusual, or strange an extraordinary tale of courage Unit 04

extravagant adjective C2 costing a lot the extravagant lifestyle of a movie star Unit 04

a building, area, etc that looks ugly compared Some people loved the new monument,
eyesore noun Unit 04
to the things that are around it others called it an eyesore.

She was probably the most famous singer of

famous adjective A1 known or recognized by many people Unit 04
the Arab World.
fascinating adjective B2 extremely interesting The shops are fascinating. Unit 04
a small object that explodes to produce a loud
firework noun B1 noise and bright colours and is often used to a firework display Unit 04
celebrate special events
forbidden adjective B1 not allowed, especially by law Smoking is forbidden. Unit 04
a ceremony for burying or burning the body
funeral noun B2 The funeral will be held next Friday. Unit 04
of a dead person
phrasal This went on for some years until they
go on B1 to last for a particular period of time Unit 04
verb finally complained to the police.

to complete your education successfully at a He graduated from Cambridge University in

graduate verb B2 Unit 04
university, college, or, in the US, at school 2006.

People didn't like it at first but grew to love

grow verb B2 to start to do something gradually Unit 04
according to some religions, the place where
heaven noun B2 They think they will go to heaven. Unit 04
good people go when they die

It was heavily criticised at first but people

heavily adverb B1 a lot or to a great degree Unit 04
are beginning to warm to it now.

important in history or likely to be important It's a historic town with some very
historic adjective B1 Unit 04
in history impressive ancient buildings and statues.
a place where natural hot water comes up out
hot spring noun We bathed in a hot spring. Unit 04
of the ground
Something which is imaginative is new or
imaginative adjective C1 an imaginative use of colour Unit 04
clever and often unusual.

Someone or something that is impressive It's a historic town with some very
impressive adjective B2 Unit 04
makes you admire and respect them. impressive ancient buildings and statues.

In addition to his flat in London, he has a

in addition noun B1 as well Unit 04
villa in Italy.
in order to celebrate or show respect for It's a bronze statue, erected in honour of
in honour of phrase B2 Unit 04
someone or something Saigo Takamori.
inn noun a small hotel in the countryside They stayed at an inn. Unit 04
intend verb B1 to have as a plan or purpose The vase was intended to be a gift. Unit 04
jammed adjective C2 full of people It’s a busy area, jammed with people. Unit 04
a place where pieces of string, rope, etc have
knot noun C2 I untied the knots. Unit 04
been tied together
a building that you can easily recognize,
The Statue of Liberty is one of the world's
landmark noun C1 especially one that helps you to know where Unit 04
most famous landmarks.
you are
the appearance of an area of land, especially It looked odd at first but now people just see
landscape noun B1 Unit 04
in the countryside it as part of the landscape.

look forward to phrasal used at the end of a formal letter to show that We look forward to discussing them further
B2 Unit 04
(+_ing) verb you hope to hear from someone soon at a time of your convenience.
lyrics noun B2 the words of a song The song has beautiful lyrics. Unit 04
phrasal to understand or think about someone or People didn’t know what to make of the
make of C2 Unit 04
verb something in a particular way tower at first.
to cause someone to have doubts about
make someone
phrase B1 something or to consider something very Unit 04
to take action so that you are certain that Make sure you see the Great Buddha while
make sure phrase A2 Unit 04
something happens, is true, etc you're there.
Don’t miss the well-stocked Hakuhinkan toy
miss noun A2 to not do an activity Unit 04
store in Tokyo.
using the newest ideas, design, technology,
modern adjective A2 modern art/architecture Unit 04
etc and not traditional

a statue or building that is built to honour a The monument is in the shape of a spire and
monument noun B2 Unit 04
special person or event was erected to celebrate the Millennium.

a thin piece of metal with a sharp end, used to

nail noun B2 a three-inch nail Unit 04
join pieces of wood together
novelist noun B2 a person who writes novels He is a children's novelist. Unit 04
at the present time, especially when Nowadays people celebrate Bonfire Night
nowadays adverb B1 Unit 04
compared to the past together.

In the old days, people used to celebrate

old days phrase a period in the past Unit 04
Bonfire Night in their back gardens.

The Eiffel Tower opened to the public in May

open adjective A2 not closed or fastened Unit 04
a tall tree with long leaves at the top which
palm tree noun C1 We sat under the palm trees. Unit 04
grows in hot countries

a large tent that is used for outside events or a

pavilion noun We visited the pavilion. Unit 04
decorative building in this shape
peculiar adjective B2 strange, often in an unpleasant way The wine had a peculiar, musty smell. Unit 04
poet noun B1 someone who writes poems He was a French poet. Unit 04
The Eiffel Tower opened to the public in May
public noun B1 all ordinary people Unit 04
phrasal The hotel was full so I asked Abbas to put me
put up B2 to stay somewhere for the night Unit 04
verb up for a few days.

She had her first real success when she began

real adjective B2 important, proper Unit 04
performing at the Arabic Theatre Palace.

showing things and people as they really are,

realistic adjective B1 That statue is very realistic. Unit 04
or making them seem to be real

to react to a suggestion or piece of work in a The monument was badly received when it
receive verb C1 Unit 04
particular way was first built.
to advise someone that something should be
recommend verb B1 I’d strongly recommend it. Unit 04
to become healthy or happy again after an
recover verb B1 It takes a long time to recover from surgery. Unit 04
illness, injury, or period of sadness
If you can, try out a mountain onsen -
refreshing adjective C1 making you feel less hot or tired Unit 04
they’re wonderfully refreshing.
Today, the Tower is widely regarded as a
something as phrase B2 to consider something in a particular way Unit 04
striking piece of structural art.
restore verb B2 to repair something old to restore antiques Unit 04
I think I’m right in saying that you can rent
right in saying phrase correct in your opinion or explanation Unit 04
an audio tour.
If I remember rightly, it’s a two or three
rightly adverb B2 in a correct way Unit 04
hours by bus.
to tell someone about a fact, thought, or
say verb B1 I'd rather not say. Unit 04
a piece of art that is made from stone, wood,
sculpture noun B1 It’s a huge sculpture in the shape of an angel. Unit 04
clay, etc
section noun B1 one of the parts that something is divided into a non-smoking section in a restaurant Unit 04

a place where people go to pray because it is

shrine noun They prayed at the shrine. Unit 04
connected with a holy person or event

The sculpture signifies that you have arrived

signify verb to be a sign of something Unit 04
a funny television programme that is about
sitcom noun the same group of people every week in He starred in several sitcoms. Unit 04
different situations
the pattern that is made against the sky by tall
skyline noun the New York skyline Unit 04
a long, thin shape with a sharp point at one The spike extends above all the other
spike noun Unit 04
end buildings.
a tall, pointed tower on the top of a building
spire noun We gazed up at the church spire. Unit 04
such as a church
phrasal to begin your life, or the part of your life when He started out as a poet but became a
start out as C1 Unit 04
verb you work, in a particular way famous for his short stories.

a model that looks like a person or animal, It's a bronze statue, erected in honour of
statue noun B1 Unit 04
usually made from stone or metal Saigo Takamori.

a very strong metal made from iron, used for

steel noun B2 the steel industry Unit 04
making knives, machines, etc
the long, dried stems of plants such as wheat
straw noun C1 (=plant for grain), often given to animals for a straw hat Unit 04
sleeping on and eating

structure noun C2 a building or something that has been built the tallest structure in Paris Unit 04

something that has a good result or that is If the film is a big success, the director will
success noun B1 Unit 04
very popular get most of the credit.
The climbers hope to reach the summit
summit noun C1 the top of a mountain Unit 04
before nightfall.
the government department that is Too much of what we earn goes to the
(the) taxman noun Unit 04
responsible for collecting taxes taxman.
One of her techniques was to repeat a single
technique noun B1 a particular or special way of doing something Unit 04
line of a song’s lyrics.
the change from the year 1999 to 2000 in the
the Millennium phrase Where did you celebrate the Millennium? Unit 04
Western calendar
The theme of loss runs through most of his
theme noun B2 the subject of a book, film, speech, etc Unit 04
throughout adverb B2 during the whole of a period of time He yawned throughout the performance. Unit 04

someone who visits a place for pleasure and The Eiffel Tower quickly became a tourist
tourist noun A2 Unit 04
does not live there attraction.
a very tall, narrow building, or part of a
tower noun B1 a church tower Unit 04

following the customs or ways of behaving

It’s well worth staying at a ryokan, a
traditional adjective B1 that have continued in a group of people or Unit 04
traditional inn.
society for a long time
Traditionally, it’s a celebration for an entire
traditionally adverb B2 according to tradition; in a traditional way Unit 04
to change written or spoken words from one We were asked to translate a list of
translate verb B1 Unit 04
language to another sentences.
a flat object with higher edges, used for
tray noun B2 She came back carrying a tray of drinks. Unit 04
carrying food and drinks
try out phrasal to use something to discover if it works or if If you can, try out a mountain onsen -
B2 Unit 04
something verb you like it they’re wonderfully refreshing.
phrasal to happen in a particular way, or to have a
turn out B2 I’m glad things turned out the way they did. Unit 04
verb particular result
relating to everyone in the world, or to Kittens and puppies have an almost
universal adjective B2 Unit 04
everyone in a particular group universal appeal.
to remove the cover from an object as part of The statue was unveiled at the very end of
unveil verb Unit 04
an official ceremony 1999.
What were you doing at the very beginning
very adjective C2 used to emphasize a noun Unit 04
of last year?

phrasal If you warm to an idea, you start to become Nobody liked it at first but people warmed to
warm to Unit 04
verb interested in or enthusiastic about it. it after a while.

warm to (sth) to start to like something People are beginning to warm to the idea. Unit 04

a person who has experience and skill in

warrior noun C1 Greek warriors Unit 04
fighting in a war, especially in the past

a tower built especially around the edges of

prisons and army camps, the top of which There were watchtowers all around the
watchtower noun Unit 04
provides a good position from which to see prison.
anyone who is coming close

If something is well worth doing, you should

It’s well worth staying at a ryokan, a
well worth phrase B1 do it because it is very enjoyable or very Unit 04
traditional inn.
Don’t miss the well-stocked Hakuhinkan toy
well-stocked adjective having a large supply of things for use or sale Unit 04
store in Tokyo.
to get the most points in a competition or The movie won an Oscar for Best Foreign
win verb A2 Unit 04
game, or the most votes in an election Film in 1967.

the distance between the ends of the wings of

wingspan noun The eagle has an enormous wingspan. Unit 04
a bird, insect or aircraft
One of his most famous works is a story
work noun B2 a painting, book, piece of music, etc Unit 04
written in a single sentence.
Zen noun a religion that developed from Buddhism a Zen rock garden Unit 04

as though you are thinking about something He was playing absent-mindedly with his
absent-mindedly adverb Unit 05
else pen.
a slight change that you make to something so
We've made a few adjustments to the
adjustment noun B2 that it works better, fits better, or is more Unit 05
relating to beauty and the way something
aesthetic adjective the aesthetic appeal of cats Unit 05
agree verb A2 to have the same opinion as someone Are we all agreed on that? Unit 05
all-purpose adjective used to do many different things an all-purpose tool Unit 05

anxiety noun B2 the feeling of being very worried That explains his anxiety about her health. Unit 05

phrasal The gentleman standing at the table appears

appear to B1 to seem to Unit 05
verb to be opening the family jewel-box.

If I were you, I’d go for the second as it offers

as conjunction A2 because Unit 05
value for money.
attractive adjective A2 beautiful or pleasant to look at an attractive woman Unit 05
interested in and knowing a lot about a As you're aware, I’m putting together the
aware adjective B2 Unit 05
particular subject agenda for Monday’s meeting.
blond adjective A2 with pale yellow hair blond hair Unit 05
bright adjective B1 full of light or shining strongly It's nice and bright. Unit 05
involving long and difficult dealings with I had a lot of bureaucratic hassle trying to
bureaucratic adjective C2 Unit 05
officials get the information I needed.
a particular situation or example of But even if that’s the case, I still don't think
case noun B1 Unit 05
something it's right.
to stop having or using one thing, and start I did ask about changing the date, but half
change (verb) verb A1 Unit 05
having or using another the sales team are on a training course.
cheerful adjective B2 bright and pleasant to look at It's nice and cheerful. Unit 05
a strong, usually wooden, container with a lid,
chest noun C2 a treasure chest Unit 05
used for keeping things in
a war between groups of people who live in
civil war noun He was killed in the civil war. Unit 05
the same country
clothing noun B2 clothes, especially of a particular type outdoor/protective clothing Unit 05
the result of an action or situation, especially The ship capsized, with disastrous
consequence noun B2 Unit 05
a bad result consequences.
the closure of the factory and the consequent
consequent adjective happening as a result of something Unit 05
loss of 400 jobs
always behaving or happening in a similar,
consistent adjective C2 consistent effort/improvement Unit 05
usually positive, way
In response to RealGuy’s comments that
to have a different opinion from someone else
disagree verb B1 virtual worlds are a waste of time, I couldn’t Unit 05
about something
disagree more.
disastrous adjective C1 extremely bad disastrous consequences Unit 05
an entrance to a building or room through a She waited in the doorway while I ran back
doorway noun C2 Unit 05
door inside.
durable adjective remaining in good condition for a long time If something is long-lasting, it is durable. Unit 05

I don’t think they look dynamic enough for

dynamic adjective B2 full of ideas, energy, and enthusiasm Unit 05
our business.
elder adjective B1 Your elder sister or brother is older than you. I look like my elder brother. Unit 05

stylish or attractive in appearance or I’d say the colours are low-key and, well,
elegant adjective B2 Unit 05
behaviour quite elegant.
to remove something from something, or get
eliminate verb C1 Let’s eliminate this one. Unit 05
rid of something
to show that something is especially This further emphasises the family’s
emphasise verb B2 Unit 05
important or needs special attention helplessness.
the air, land, and water where people, Most people are concerned about the
environment noun B1 Unit 05
animals, and plants live environment.
execute verb C2 to kill someone as a legal punishment He was executed for murder. Unit 05

favour noun B2 when people like something or someone So, we’re all in favour of it. Unit 05

phrasal to touch or move things with your fingers

fiddle with (sth) Stop fiddling with your hair! Unit 05
verb because you are nervous or bored

looking too bright, big, and expensive, in a

flashy adjective flashy gold jewellery Unit 05
way that is intended to get attention

the area of a view or picture which seems There's a seated figure in the foreground of
foreground noun Unit 05
closest to you the painting.
forever adverb B1 for all time in the future I'll love you forever. Unit 05
a structure that goes around the edge of
frame noun B1 something such as a door, picture, window, or a picture frame Unit 05
someone or something that you like very
gem noun She's an absolute gem. Unit 05
much and think is very special

a polite word for 'man', used especially when

gentleman noun B2 There's a gentleman here to see you. Unit 05
talking to or about a man you do not know

extremely big, or much bigger than other

giant adjective B1 a giant spider Unit 05
similar things
go along with to agree with someone's opinion I’d go along with you there. Unit 05
go with phrasal
to choose to accept a particular thing We’re going with this one. Unit 05
something verb
relating to nature and protecting the
green adjective B2 a green activist/campaigner Unit 05
to be considering something, intending to do
have in mind phrase What exactly did you have in mind? Unit 05
to emphasize something or make people His blonde hair and blue suit highlight his
highlight verb B2 Unit 05
notice something innocence.
If you want my honest opinion, I think your
honest adjective B1 sincere and telling the truth Unit 05
hair looks awful.
imaginary adjective C1 not real but imagined in your mind The story takes place in an imaginary world. Unit 05

to create an idea or picture of something in

imagine verb B1 I can imagine it in the kitchen. Unit 05
your mind
to suggest or show something, without saying This implies that he has some sympathy for
imply verb C2 Unit 05
it directly their situation.
If you are in favour of a plan or an idea, you Most people are in favour of reducing traffic
in favour phrase B2 Unit 05
agree with it or approve of it. in cities.
an innovative approach to programme
innovative adjective C1 using new methods or ideas Unit 05
to make someone feel that they want to do A drama teacher at school had inspired Sam
inspire verb B2 Unit 05
something and can do it to become an actor.
joke verb B1 to say funny things, or not be serious Are you joking? Unit 05
similar to or in the same way as someone or Nowadays the mine at Wieliczka is like a
like preposition A2 Unit 05
something huge underground city.
long-lasting adjective C2 continuing for a long period of time If something is long-lasting, it is durable. Unit 05

I’d say the colours are low-key and, well,

low-key adjective not attracting attention Unit 05
quite elegant.

make something
phrase B1 to cause something to seem a particular way It’d make the room feel a lot bigger . Unit 05
feel (+ adj)

to produce something, usually in large Local industries manufacture plastic

manufacture verb B2 Unit 05
numbers in a factory products, boats, and clothing.
to briefly speak or write about something or Earlier I mentioned how folding machine
mention verb B1 Unit 05
someone folds the paper.
miniature adjective C2 extremely small a miniature camera Unit 05
novel adjective C2 new or different from anything else a novel idea/approach Unit 05
out adverb no longer included These two are out. Unit 05
a small piece of metal used to hold several
paperclip noun I fastened the sheets with a paperclip. Unit 05
pieces of paper together
perfectly adverb B2 used to emphasise the word that follows To be perfectly honest, I don't really care. Unit 05

an opinion, idea, or fact which someone says I take your point but I have to disagree with
point noun B2 Unit 05
or writes you there.
a game played with cards in which people try
poker noun They played poker all evening. Unit 05
to win money from each other

If a book or film portrays someone or Yeames portrays the Parliamentarian

portray verb C2 Unit 05
something, it describes or shows them. soldiers with some sensitivity.
renowned adjective C2 famous The Lake District is renowned for its beauty. Unit 05

when someone fights against someone who is

resistance noun C2 a symbol of national resistance Unit 05
attacking them
right adjective A1 correct or true Maybe you’re right about that. Unit 05
to imagine or think about something or I can see the Sahara turning into a vast solar
see verb B2 Unit 05
someone in a particular way power station.
The guard with the sobbing young girl seems
seem verb B1 to give the effect of being; to be judged to be Unit 05
to be comforting her.
a colour, especially when referring to how
shade noun B2 a pale/dark shade of grey Unit 05
dark or light it is
size noun A2 how big or small something is It's a good size. Unit 05
sob verb B2 to cry in a noisy way She started sobbing. Unit 05
straightforward adjective B2 easy to do or understand The task looked fairly straightforward. Unit 05
striking adjective B2 very attractive The colours are very striking. Unit 05

style noun B1 a way of designing hair, clothes, furniture, etc I’m not so sure about the style. Unit 05

She performed in cities such as Damascus

such as phrase A2 for example Unit 05
and Baghdad.
to say that someone or something is suitable I suggest you take steps to ensure that such
suggest verb B1 Unit 05
for something an incident doesn’t happen again.
suit verb B2 to make someone look more attractive It wouldn’t suit our living room. Unit 05
sunlight noun B2 the light from the sun Sunlight broke through the clouds. Unit 05
sure adjective A2 certain I'm not so sure about the style. Unit 05
a sign or object that is used to represent
symbol noun B2 A heart shape is the symbol of love. Unit 05
I have no sympathy for people who say they
when you show that you understand and care
sympathy noun B2 can't find work but are really just too lazy to Unit 05
about someone's problems
thought noun B1 an idea or opinion What are your thoughts on the new design? Unit 05

a piece of equipment that you use with your

tool noun B2 I have a special tool for shaping the wood. Unit 05
hands in order to help you do something

a small, thin stick that you use to remove

toothpick noun He used the stick as a toothpick. Unit 05
pieces of food from between your teeth

Barcelona's 2-0 triumph over Manchester

triumph noun C1 an important success, achievement, or victory Unit 05
ubiquitous adjective seeming to be in all places the ubiquitous security cameras Unit 05

unobtrusive adjective not attracting attention Unobtrusive and low-key are synonyms. Unit 05

utter adjective C2 used to emphasise something She dismissed the article as utter nonsense. Unit 05

virtue noun C2 a good quality that someone has Patience is not among his virtues. Unit 05
Through a doorway, more soldiers are
visible adjective B2 able to be seen Unit 05
weak adjective B2 difficult to see or hear The colours are a bit weak. Unit 05
If something works, it is effective and
work verb B1 Homeopathy works for me. Unit 05
abruptly adverb C2 suddenly and unexpectedly Our conversation was abruptly terminated. Unit 06

She has been accused of using his password

accuse verb B2 to say that someone has done something bad Unit 06
to delete information.
accuse verb B2 to say that someone has done something bad He was falsely accused of murder. Unit 06

to agree that you did something bad, or that

admit verb B1 He admitted that he didn’t want a job. Unit 06
something bad is true
the business of trying to persuade people to
advertising noun B2 an advertising agency Unit 06
buy products or services
All in all, you have to admit that’s not a bad
all in all phrase B2 considering everything Unit 06
different from something else but able to be We can make alternative arrangements if
alternative adjective B2 Unit 06
used instead of it necessary.
Security was increased amid fears of further
amid preposition C1 while something else is happening Unit 06
terrorist attacks.
anonymous adjective C2 not giving a name an anonymous phone call Unit 06
If the police arrest someone, they take them
She was arrested for hacking into his
arrest verb B1 away to ask them about a crime which they Unit 06
might have committed.
used when you are talking about something
There’s a chance the ISPs will take action as
as long as phrase B1 that must happen before something else can Unit 06
long as they can all agree to act together.
astonished adjective B2 very surprised I was astonished to hear what he said. Unit 06
at the end of the something that you say before you give the At the end of the day, you have to admit
idiom Unit 06
day most important fact of a situation that’s not a bad result!
phrasal to get into a building, car or container using
break into B1 She broke into someone's locker. Unit 06
verb force, usually to steal something

to say that something is true, although you Other sources claim that he was following
claim verb B2 Unit 06
have not proved it the route of an earlier explorer.

It’s increasingly common for people to call

common adjective B1 happening often or existing in large numbers Unit 06
you first.
work that someone who has committed a
community Two teenagers were sentenced to 360 hours
phrase crime does to help other people instead of Unit 06
service of community service.
going to prison
if we are discussing or thinking about a
concerned adjective B2 That’s it as far as lifestyle is concerned. Unit 06
particular thing
I think we should connect that page to
connect verb B1 to join two things or places together Unit 06
to think carefully about a decision or Yes, I think that solution is worth
consider verb B1 Unit 06
something you might do considering.
Deleting online characters may not be a
crime noun B1 something someone does that is illegal crime, but breaking into someone’s computer Unit 06
certainly is.

cut verb B2 to remove part of a film or piece of writing I think we should cut the ‘About Us’ page. Unit 06

to have pleasant thoughts about something I was staring out of the window,
daydream verb C1 Unit 06
you would like to happen daydreaming.
to imagine something that you would like to If my uncle sent me a gift, I wouldn’t dream
dream verb B1 Unit 06
happen of phoning him.
to decide to stop including someone or
drop verb B2 I think we should drop the ‘About Us’ page. Unit 06
engage in (sth) C2 to take part in something The two sides have agreed to engage in talks. Unit 06

used to emphasize that a particular situation Even if you stopped file sharing completely,
even if conjunction B2 Unit 06
would not change what you have just said it wouldn’t lead to a big increase in sales.

expected adjective B2 You’re expected to respond pretty quickly. Unit 06

face-to-face adjective B1 directly, meeting someone in the same place A face-to-face meeting. Unit 06

the activity of putting a file onto a special

place on your computer so that many other
file sharing noun There's nothing wrong with file sharing. Unit 06
people can copy it, look at it, or use it by using
the Internet

an amount of money that you must pay for It carries a maximum sentence of five years
fine noun B1 Unit 06
breaking a law or rule in prison prison or a fine of £3,200.

He said he'd phone back first thing

first thing phrase at the earliest time in the day Unit 06
She was arrested for a virtual crime, rather
flesh-and-blood adjective involving a real person who is present Unit 06
than a flesh-and-blood murder.
someone who plays games, especially
gamer noun online gamers Unit 06
computer games
go ahead B2 to start to do something Shall I start the lesson?' 'Yes, go ahead.' Unit 06
to use a computer to illegally get into
Two British youths were caught hacking into
hack verb someone else's computer system and read the Unit 06
government computers.
information that is kept there
historically adverb C1 in a way that is connected to history Historically, this was a mill town. Unit 06
the first page that you see when you look at a
homepage noun I've set Facebook to be my homepage. Unit 06
website on the Internet
If you receive a job offer, it’s really
important adjective A1 valuable, useful, or necessary Unit 06
important that you get it in writing.
In response to RealGuy’s comments that
in response to phrase B2 as a reaction to virtual worlds are a waste of time, I couldn’t Unit 06
disagree more.
At school, teachers say he interacted well
interact verb B2 to talk and do things with other people Unit 06
with other students.
to make a connection between two or more
link verb B2 I think we should link that page to Portraits. Unit 06
people, things, or ideas
long-term adjective B2 continuing a long time into the future A long-term commitment. Unit 06
low-quality adjective B1 of a poor standard A low-quality science fiction movie. Unit 06

The maximum amount of something is the

maximum adjective B1 the maximum temperature/speed Unit 06
largest amount that is allowed or possible.

a way of achieving something or dealing with This arrangement is only a temporary

measure noun B2 Unit 06
a situation measure.
middle-aged adjective B1 in the middle of your life before you are old A middle-aged piano teacher. Unit 06

to change place or position, or to make It’s better to move all that information to the
move verb A2 Unit 06
something change place or position homepage.
movie noun A1 a film Casablanca' is my favourite movie. Unit 06
On the other hand, you have people who say
on the other used for introducing an opposite opinion or
phrase B2 that even if it is illegal, it doesn't hurt the Unit 06
hand way of thinking about something
music industry.

other side phrase B2 the opposite way of considering a situation I'd like to present the other side of the story. Unit 06

used when saying what will happen if

They should send her to prison, otherwise,
otherwise conjunction B1 someone does not obey an order or do what Unit 06
everyone’ll start doing this.
has been suggested
a secret word that allows you to do
password noun B1 Key in your password. Unit 06
something, such as use your computer
place verb B2 to put something in a particular position My idea is to place another page here. Unit 06

a painting, drawing, or photograph of

portrait noun B2 a portrait of the princess Unit 06
The purpose of this proposal is to present
present verb B2 to give people information in a formal way Unit 06
some suggestions.

when someone tries to make someone else do They are under pressure from the music
pressure noun B2 Unit 06
something by arguing, persuading, etc. industry.

a place where criminals are kept as a

prison noun B1 He's spent most of his life in prison. Unit 06
Writing a letter is considered the proper
proper adjective B1 socially acceptable Unit 06
thing to do.
I propose that we delay our decision until we
propose verb B2 to suggest a plan or action Unit 06
have more information.
punishment noun B2 when someone is punished Is community service a useful punishment? Unit 06

the set of situations most humans have to

People may seek real-world justice for
real-world noun deal with in their lives, rather than what Unit 06
people who harm them virtually.
happens in stories, films, etc
If something has reportedly happened or is
Two students were reportedly killed and
reportedly adverb C2 reportedly a fact, people say it has happened Unit 06
several wounded.
or is true.
someone or something that is competing with
rival noun C2 business/political rivals Unit 06
another person or thing
involving an activity in which people pretend
role-playing adjective a role-playing game Unit 06
to be other people
seek verb B2 to try to find or get something to seek advice/a solution Unit 06

a punishment that a judge gives to someone It carries a maximum sentence of five years
sentence noun B2 Unit 06
who has committed a crime in prison prison or a fine of £3,200.

to give a punishment to someone who has

sentence verb B2 He was sentenced to five years in prison. Unit 06
committed a crime
It’s better to shift all that information to the
shift verb C1 to move something to another place Unit 06
sour adjective very unfriendly or unpleasant Their relationship suddenly turned sour. Unit 06
the position that you have in relation to other
status noun C1 The pay and status of nurses has improved. Unit 06
people because of your job or social position
stick verb put (informal) My idea is to stick another page here. Unit 06
an explanation of why something happened,
story noun A2 I'd like to present the other side of the story. Unit 06
which may not be true

phrasal to describe briefly the important facts or The purpose of a conclusion is to sum up the
sum up B2 Unit 06
verb characteristics of something or someone main points of an essay.

to think that someone may have committed a Although the woman committed a crime, she
suspect verb B2 Unit 06
crime or done something bad isn't suspected of murder.

to think that someone may have committed a

suspect verb B2 He was suspected of drug dealing. Unit 06
crime or done something bad

I think we should swap Landscapes and

swap verb C1 to exchange one thing for another Unit 06
I think we should switch Landscapes and
switch verb B2 to exchange one thing for another Unit 06
We must take action before the situation gets
take action phrase B2 to do something to deal with a situation Unit 06
taxpayer noun C2 a person who pays tax This is a waste of taxpayers' money. Unit 06

terminate verb If you terminate something, you make it end. His contract has been terminated. Unit 06

That way, she’ll be paying something back to

that way phrase as a result of doing that Unit 06
These virtual goods are goods under Dutch
under preposition B2 according to a rule, law, etc Unit 06
law, so this is theft.
unheard of adjective never having happened before It’s unheard of to reply to a job offer by text. Unit 06

Unless that happens, they’ll just be afraid of

unless conjunction B1 except if Unit 06
losing customers to their rivals.
using computer images and sounds that make Do you think people should be punished for
virtual adjective B2 Unit 06
you think an imagined situation is real virtual crimes?

when a computer produces images and

virtual reality noun B2 sounds that make you feel an imagined virtual reality games Unit 06
situation is real
in a way that uses computer images and
virtually adverb B2 sounds that make you think an imagined All these things can be experienced virtually. Unit 06
situation is real

worldwide adverb B2 in all parts of the world 10 million copies have been sold worldwide. Unit 06

when you say that someone has done He made a number of accusations against
accusation noun C1 Unit 07
something bad his former colleagues.
Alternatively, he could hide somewhere and
alternatively adverb B2 used to give a second possibility Unit 07
to keep someone interested and help them to I bought a magazine to amuse myself while I
amuse verb B2 Unit 07
have an enjoyable time was on the train.

At what time of day do you find it easiest to

answer noun B1 a solution to a problem Unit 07
find out answers to problems?

to expect something, or to prepare for

anticipate verb C1 to anticipate a problem Unit 07
something before it happens
A different approach would be to inform the
approach noun B2 a way of doing something Unit 07
head of the lab.

to say something to someone as a question If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the big
ask verb A1 Unit 07
which you want them to answer hurry?

the smallest unit that an element can be

atom noun B2 an oxygen atom Unit 07
divided into
awake verb to wake up He awoke at dawn. Unit 07
a colourless liquid made from petroleum,
He was trying to work out the chemical
benzene noun from which plastics and many chemical Unit 07
structure of benzene.
products can be made
chemical adjective B2 relating to chemistry or chemicals a chemical reaction Unit 07
phrasal If a business or organisation closes down, it
close down B2 My brother's company recently closed down. Unit 07
verb stops operating.

to have or achieve a particular position in a Former justice minister Laurence Taylor

come verb B1 Unit 07
race, competition, list, etc. came second with 31% of the vote.

Enrico comes across as very serious at

come across C1 to seem to be a particular type of person first,but actually he’s got a lovely sense of Unit 07

come across phrasal We were walking through the woods when

B2 to find something by chance Unit 07
something verb we came across a strange little house.

Discussions are coming along slowly as

come along C2 to start to exist there are a few problems with the draft Unit 07
If an event or decision comes as a shock,
phrasal The results have come as a shock to the
come as disappointment or relief, etc., it causes those Unit 07
verb ruling party.

phrasal to become involved in a situation, story or Our wonderful recipes will come in useful for
come in Unit 07
verb plan parties or quiet dinners for two.

phrasal If a book, record, film, etc comes out, it The first of Hrabal’s collected writings came
come out B1 Unit 07
verb becomes available for people to buy or see. out in 1991.

phrasal Would you like to come round for dinner this

come round A2 to visit someone at their house Unit 07
verb weekend?
phrasal to be a particular total when numbers or What would you do if a restaurant bill came
come to B2 Unit 07
verb amounts are added together to a lot less than you expected?
come to phrasal If a thought or idea comes to you, you The image of the famous monster came to Unit 07
someone verb suddenly start to think about it. the author in her sleep.
phrasal If a problem or difficult situation comes up, it I’m going to be late again tonight -
come up C1 Unit 07
verb happens. something’s come up at work.
The purpose of mediation is to allow the
come up with B2 to suggest or think of an idea or plan participants to come up with solutions for Unit 07
involving a lot of different parts, in a way that
complicated adjective B1 It's kind of complicated. Unit 07
is difficult to understand
There is a story connected to the poem's
composition noun C2 the process of writing something Unit 07
cottage noun B1 a small house, usually in the countryside They have a cottage in France. Unit 07

to choose something after thinking about What we decided to do was include English
decide verb A2 Unit 07
several possibilities summaries.
delicate adjective C1 needing to be dealt with very carefully It’s a bit delicate. Unit 07
not easy and needing skill or effort to do or
difficult adjective A1 It’s a difficult situation. Unit 07
to make someone stop giving their attention Stop distracting me - I'm trying to finish my
distract verb B2 Unit 07
to something essay.
a piece of writing or a plan that is not yet in
draft noun B2 He made several changes to the first draft. Unit 07
its finished form
when everyone is equal and has the same
equality noun B2 racial/sexual equality Unit 07
opportunities, rights, etc
when you show that two amounts are equal
equation noun C1 It's a simple equation. Unit 07
using mathematical symbols
feasible adjective C1 possible to do Yes, I think that solution is quite feasible. Unit 07

phrasal to finally understand or find the solution to

figure out B2 I couldn’t figure out what to do. Unit 07
verb something, after thinking for a while

to think or feel a particular way about I've always found that rights and
find verb B1 Unit 07
someone or something responsibilities go hand in hand.

phrasal to discover something or someone that you At what time of day do you find it easiest to
find out A2 Unit 07
verb have been searching for find out answers to problems?

written or spoken in a language that is not

foreign-language adjective foreign-language broadcasts Unit 07
your own
fundamentally adverb C2 in a basic and important way Fundamentally, nothing has changed. Unit 07

get an idea from to develop a thought about something that Mary got the idea for Frankenstein from a
phrase Unit 07
something you want to do as a result of something else dream.
the spirit of a dead person which appears to
ghost noun B1 Do you believe in ghosts? Unit 07
people who are alive

phrasal to stop doing something before it is finished

give up on B2 It was so frustrating that I just gave up on it. Unit 07
verb because it is too difficult or it is not successful

a female spirit that people pray to and who

goddess noun they believe has control over parts of the the ancient goddess of hunting Unit 07
world or nature
halfway adverb in the middle of a period of time the halfway point Unit 07
If a ghost or other creature haunts a place, it
haunt verb B2 A murdered knight haunts the castle. Unit 07
appears there often.
an understanding, thought, or picture in your
A dream could give you the idea for a great
idea noun A2 Unit 07
mind work of art.
You can't ignore it, the problem won't go
ignore verb B2 to pay no attention to something or someone Unit 07

the use of words or pictures in books, films, The poem is famous for its beautiful
imagery noun Unit 07
paintings, etc to describe ideas or situations imagery.

Beetle grubs stay inactive underground until

inactive adjective not active or working Unit 07
innocent adjective B2 not guilty of committing a crime He claims to be innocent of the crime. Unit 07
Scientists and engineers get a lot of
inspiration noun B2 a sudden good idea about what you should do Unit 07
inspiration from dreams.
to give someone an idea for a book, play, Srinivasa Ramanujan was inspired by
inspire verb B2 Unit 07
painting, etc dreams.
to put a piece of equipment somewhere and
install verb B1 The school has installed a burglar alarm. Unit 07
make it ready to use
to say or do something to someone that is How dare you insult me in front of my
insult verb B2 Unit 07
rude and offensive friends!

to go down into or stay in a position where

kneel verb B2 She knelt down beside the child. Unit 07
one or both of your knees are on the ground

to think calm thoughts for a long period in

meditate verb I meditate twice a day. Unit 07
order to relax or as a religious activity
a piece of scientific equipment which uses
microscope noun lenses (=pieces of curved glass) to make very We looked at the cells under the microscope. Unit 07
small objects look bigger
If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the big
mind verb A2 to be annoyed or worried by something Unit 07
a politician who is responsible for a
minister noun B2 government department or has an important a finance/health minister Unit 07
position in it
the smallest unit of a substance, consisting of
molecule noun a hydrogen molecule Unit 07
one or more atoms
phrasal to think carefully about something for a long
mull over I spent a long time mulling it over. Unit 07
verb time
something strange or unknown that cannot
mystery noun B1 an unsolved mystery Unit 07
be explained or understood

If something is none of someone's business,

none of my Maybe it’s none of my business but what's
idiom B2 they do not need to know about it, although Unit 07
business the problem?
they want to, because it does not affect them.

always trying to find out private things about I don’t want to be nosy but do you know
nosy adjective C2 Unit 07
other people what’s going on?
null adjective having no substance or value Their readership was null. Unit 07
special and interesting because of not being Where do you come up with your best or
original adjective B1 Unit 07
the same as others most original ideas?

relating to the private parts of someone's life,

personal adjective B1 It's just a personal thing. Unit 07
including their relationships and feelings

something that exists or happens, usually storms, lightning, and other natural
phenomenon noun C1 Unit 07
something unusual phenomena

when people are asked questions to discover A recent poll indicated that 77 percent of
poll noun Unit 07
what they think about a subject Americans supported the president.

suitable or useful for a situation which may

practical adjective C1 That’s not really practical. Unit 07
involve some difficulty
to improve or develop in skills, knowledge, Technology has progressed rapidly in the
progress verb B2 Unit 07
etc last 100 years.
Prospective buyers, employers, parents, etc.,
prospective adjective C1 are not yet buyers, employers, parents, etc., We interview all the prospective candidates. Unit 07
but are expected to be in the future.

pry verb to try to discover private things about people I don't mean to pry but is something wrong? Unit 07

phrasal to decide or arrange to delay an event or I know I should see a dentist but I keep
put off B1 Unit 07
verb activity until a later time putting it off.

the number and type of people who read a These magazines have a very young
readership noun Unit 07
particular newspaper, magazine, etc readership.

to understand a situation, sometimes Kekulé realised that benzene molecules have

realise verb B1 Unit 07
suddenly the shape of a ring.
reject verb B2 to refuse to accept or agree with something Why do they reject the other ideas? Unit 07

to change something so that it is more

revise verb B2 a revised edition of the book Unit 07
a period of time when someone is not very
slack noun We need a little slack in the schedule. Unit 07
solution noun B1 the answer to a problem I came up with a brilliant solution. Unit 07
Would you say your work or home life
solve verb B1 to find the answer to something Unit 07
involves solving lots of problems?
It was a magazine specifically about
specifically adverb C1 for a particular reason, purpose, etc Unit 07
If it is stormy, the weather is bad with a lot of
stormy adjective B2 a stormy night Unit 07
wind and rain.
(the) things that cannot be explained by our
noun B2 She's very interested in the supernatural. Unit 07
supernatural knowledge of science or nature
a large, white bird with a long neck which
swan noun B2 a swan's nest Unit 07
lives on lakes and rivers

Do you prefer to concentrate on one problem

tackle verb B2 to try to deal with a problem Unit 07
at a time or tackle several at once?

a story, especially one which is not true or is My grandfather used to tell us tales of his
tale noun B2 Unit 07
difficult to believe time as a pilot during the war.
talk verb A1 to say things to someone I can’t really talk about it right now. Unit 07
terror noun B2 a feeling of being very frightened There was a look of terror on his face. Unit 07
thief noun B1 someone who steals things a car thief Unit 07
used after saying a fact to introduce what The guard fell asleep, thus allowing Bates to
thus adverb B2 Unit 07
then happened as a result escape.
tricky adjective B2 difficult to deal with or do That would be tricky. Unit 07
a large container that you fill with water and
tub noun I always sing in the tub. Unit 07
sit in to wash
to turn part of your body to face a different She twisted her head so she could see what
twist verb C2 Unit 07
direction was happening.
vanish verb B2 to disappear suddenly The sun vanished behind the trees. Unit 07

phrasal to understand something or to find the

work out B2 Wait there while I work out what to do. Unit 07
verb answer to something by thinking about it

how important or useful someone or It might be worth speaking to the two

worth (+ ing) phrase B1 Unit 07
something is workers privately.
If it's a good thing that something happened,
a good thing phrase B2 It’s a good thing I didn’t send that email. Unit 08
it is lucky that it happened.
to understand and remember facts that you
absorb verb C1 It's hard to absorb so much information. Unit 08
read or hear

the way in which someone pronounces words,

accent noun B1 influenced by the country or area they come an American accent Unit 08
from, or their social class

the work of organising and arranging the

admin noun He works in the admin department. Unit 08
operation of something such as a business
advance adjective happening or ready before an event advance planning/warning Unit 08
a clock that you can set to wake you up at a
alarm clock noun A2 My alarm clock went off at six. Unit 08
particular time with a loud noise

something you say or write to say that you are I would like to receive a formal apology from
apology noun B1 Unit 08
sorry about something you have done the directors of the hotel.

I was appalled by his words and refused to

appalled adjective C2 extremely shocked or upset Unit 08
I fell asleep I started to sleep as soon as my
asleep adjective B1 sleeping or not awake Unit 08
head hit the pillow.

I would like to receive an assurance that the

assurance noun C1 a promise Unit 08
employee has been disciplined.
bilingual adjective C1 using or able to speak two languages a bilingual dictionary Unit 08
with dark marks on your skin caused by being I feel and hurt my knee. It was black and
black and blue idiom Unit 08
hit or having an accident blue for ages.
It can’t have been because I paid. He knew I
can’t modal verb B1 cannot Unit 08
was going to.
cheek noun B1 the soft part of your face below your eye Tears ran down his cheeks. Unit 08

with nothing dirty and everything ordered Wow! The kitchen’s so clean and tidy. Nice
clean and tidy phrase A2 Unit 08
and in the right place work!

someone who works in an office or bank,

clerk noun a bank clerk Unit 08
keeping records and doing general office work

colloquially adverb in an informal situation This is the language we use colloquially. Unit 08

common a language that everyone in two or more

phrase B1 Unit 08
language groups speaks
I’d like to make a complaint about the
when someone says that something is wrong
complaint noun B1 extremely rude and unprofessional Unit 08
or not satisfactory
behaviour of one of your staff.
complimentary adjective C2 given free, especially by a business a complimentary glass of wine Unit 08

trusting someone's ability or believing that I hope that you will be able to restore my
confidence noun B2 Unit 08
something will produce good results confidence in your hotel.

conservative adjective C1 not trusting sudden changes or new ideas Older people tend to be very conservative. Unit 08

used to express possibility, especially slight or The waiter could have made a mistake in the
could modal verb B2 Unit 08
uncertain possibility bill.
used to express possibility, especially slight or He couldn't have felt unhappy with the meal.
couldn’t modal verb B2 Unit 08
uncertain possibility He really enjoyed it.
dead or alive phrase whether now living or not We really need to find it. Dead or alive. Unit 08
decent adjective B2 of a satisfactory quality or level He earns a decent salary. Unit 08
They were really delighted with the
delighted adjective B1 very pleased Unit 08
restaurant I chose.

a form of a language that people speak in a There are many different languages in India
dialect noun C2 Unit 08
particular part of a country and there are even more dialects.

when you are not pleased or happy with I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction
dissatisfaction noun B2 Unit 08
something with your staff.
My dad's always embarrassing me in front
embarrass verb C2 to make someone feel ashamed or shy Unit 08
of my friends.
I strongly recommend you take steps to
to make certain that something is done or
ensure verb B2 ensure that such an incident doesn’t happen Unit 08
expect verb B1 to think that something will happen I expect to receive a formal apology Unit 08
to show what you think or how you feel using We’d like to express our gratitude for the
express verb B2 Unit 08
words or actions efforts you made.
I was really fascinated by all the cultural
fascinated adjective B2 extremely interested Unit 08
differences I noticed

the language that someone learns to speak Madeleine's first language is French, but she
first language noun A1 Unit 08
first also knows English and German.

used for saying that there are a number of

for one reason or It just never happened for one reason or
phrase reasons for something but that you are not Unit 08
another another.
going to explain them now

I would like to receive a formal apology from

formal adjective B2 public or official Unit 08
the directors of the hotel.

glad adjective A2 happy about something I’m glad things turned out the way they did. Unit 08

grandchild noun A2 the child of your son or daughter My grandchildren came to stay with me. Unit 08

in several different places but without any

here and there phrase B2 Neil took us here and there sightseeing. Unit 08
feeling sad because you are away from your
homesick adjective I felt homesick when I went to university. Unit 08
I hope that you will be able to restore my
hope verb A2 to want something to happen or be true Unit 08
confidence in your hotel.
When she saw me, she ran over and hugged
horrified adjective C2 very shocked me and kissed me on both cheeks. I felt Unit 08
absolutely horrified.
someone who invites people to a meal or a
host noun B2 He is a wonderful host. Unit 08
party, or to stay in their home
describes someone who has been made to feel The waiter looked humiliated when he saw
humiliated adjective C2 Unit 08
ashamed or stupid the size of the tip they gave him.
used when you want to say how doing
if only phrase B1 something simple would make it possible to If only I’d asked for some advice. Unit 08
avoid something unpleasant
in and out phrase into and out of a place People were wandering in and out. Unit 08
I suggest you take steps to ensure that such
incident noun B2 an event, especially one that is bad or unusual Unit 08
an incident doesn’t happen again.

We regret to inform you that we are unable

inform verb B1 to tell someone about something Unit 08
to offer you a position at this time.

phrasal I regret I didn’t insist on seeing a director at

insist on B1 to demand something forcefully Unit 08
verb the time.
If someone or something intrigues you, they I was really intrigued by all the cultural
intrigue verb C2 Unit 08
interest you very much. differences I noticed
alone and not having help or support from
isolated adjective C1 I just felt so isolated. Unit 08
other people
to move at the same speed as someone or
keep up with (sb) B2 something that is moving forward so that you I couldn't keep up with him. Unit 08
stay level with them

communication between people, usually There are many different languages in India
language noun A1 Unit 08
using words and there are even more dialects.

linguistic adjective C1 relating to language or linguistics There is huge linguistic variety in India. Unit 08

used to talk about what is possibly true or will He may have felt a bit ill after eating too
may modal verb B2 Unit 08
possibly happen much.
If you say that something may well happen, She may well have forgotten what I looked
may well phrase B2 Unit 08
you mean that it is likely to happen like.

He might have been a bit angry. It’s hard to

might have modal verb B2 used to talk about what was possibly true Unit 08

mince your If you do not mince your words, you say what
phrase Rob was not a man to mince his words. Unit 08
words you mean directly, even if this upsets people.
monolingual adjective using only one language monolingual dictionaries Unit 08
Just a minute. I’ve more or less finished this
more or less phrase B2 almost Unit 08
When she saw me, she ran over and hugged
mortified adjective very embarrassed me and kissed me on both cheeks. I felt Unit 08
absolutely mortified!

the first language that you learn when you are Their mother tongues are regional
mother tongue noun B2 Unit 08
a child languages and are absolutely different.

the first language you learn when you are a

mother tongue noun My mother tongue is French. Unit 08
multilingual adjective using or speaking more than two languages Unit 08

used to show that you think something is very

must modal verb B2 I think she must have felt homesick. Unit 08
likely or certain to be true
If something mystifies someone, they cannot
She must have been mystified by my cold
mystify verb understand or explain it because it is Unit 08
confusing or complicated.
According to the police, the shooting
occur verb B2 to happen, often without being planned Unit 08
occurred at about 12.30 a.m.

various things of different types, usually small Look! here a box of odds and ends from our
odds and ends phrase C2 Unit 08
and not important or of little value old flat.

a language that has a special importance in a

official language phrase B2 country, often the language used in its courts Unit 08
and parliament
out of place phrase not right or suitable for a particular situation I just felt so out of place. Unit 08

someone who you write friendly letters to

pen friend noun A2 I have a French pen friend. Unit 08
regularly, but you have never met
to make a person notice someone or
phrasal something, usually by telling them where they When I pointed this out, the clerk said, “Don’t
point out B2 Unit 08
verb are or by holding up one of your fingers cause trouble”.
towards them
proficient adjective very good at something She's proficient in two languages. Unit 08
They are puritanical about speaking one
puritanical adjective B1 having very strict ways of behaving Unit 08
We’re going rain or shine. Nothing will stop
rain or shine idiom whatever the weather is Unit 08
something you say, feel, or do because of
reaction noun B2 What was his reaction to the news? Unit 08
something that has happened
phrasal to talk or write about someone or something,
refer to (sth) B2 She did not refer to the past. Unit 08
verb especially briefly
to say that you will not do or accept
refuse verb B1 I asked him to leave but he refused. Unit 08

regional a language that is used only in a part of a Their mother tongues are regional
phrase B2 Unit 08
language country languages and are absolutely different.

used to say that you are sorry that you have to We regret to inform you that we are unable
regret verb B2 Unit 08
tell someone about a situation to offer you a position at this time.
related to (sth) phrase B2 connected to or similar to something The language is related to French. Unit 08
I hope that you will be able to restore my
restore verb C1 to make something good exist again Unit 08
confidence in your hotel.
rigid adjective C2 not able to change or be changed easily I found the rules a little too rigid. Unit 08
an exciting relationship of love between two They got married last September after a
romance noun B1 Unit 08
people, often a short one whirlwind romance.
a language that you speak that is not the first
second language noun B1 Unit 08
language you learned as a child
angry and bored because something I’m sick and tired of watching TV. It’s
sick and tired idiom Unit 08
unpleasant has been happening for too long boring!

used to say that you do not know exactly

You’ll have to tell him sooner or later. Why
sooner or later phrase B2 when something will happen, but you are sure Unit 08
not now?
that it will happen
I am sorry to say that we already have
used to show sympathy or sadness for a
sorry adjective B2 enough volunteers and we will not be Unit 08
person or situation
needing any more.
If two people who have a romantic
split up B1 relationship split up, they finish their She has just split up with her boyfriend. Unit 08
strongly adverb B2 very much or in a very serious way I’d strongly recommend it. Unit 08
I strongly recommend you take steps to
take steps phrase to do things to achieve something ensure that such an incident doesn’t happen Unit 08

a park with entertainments, such as games,

theme park noun machines to ride on, restaurants, etc, that are a Disney theme park Unit 08
all based on one idea

They were really thrilled with the restaurant

thrilled adjective B2 very excited and pleased Unit 08
I chose.
to buy and sell goods or services, especially This will increase costs for companies
trade verb B2 Unit 08
between countries trading with Asia.
a way of learning the best way to do I taught myself to paint, learning by trial
trial and error phrase C2 Unit 08
something by trying different methods and error.
I trust that you will be able to restore my
trust verb B1 to hope and expect that something is true Unit 08
confidence in your hotel.
to walk slowly about a place without any
wander verb B2 They wandered aimlessly around the town. Unit 08
If someone or something has a high level of
A focus puller requires a high level of
a high level of phrase B2 something, they have a large amount of that Unit 09
If someone or something has a high profile, Can you name someone from your country
a high profile phrase Unit 09
they receive a lot of public attention. with a high profile internationally?

having to be responsible for what you do and On a film set, everybody is accountable to the
accountable adjective C2 Unit 09
able to explain your actions director.
phrasal to do a particular job, especially one that you I act as a representive for our members at
act as B2 Unit 09
verb do not normally do different events.
very involved in an organization or planned I play quite an active part in the
active adjective B2 Unit 09
activity Screenwriters' Guild.
phrasal to take orders from, obey and explain your On a film set, everybody answers to the
answer to Unit 09
verb actions to someone director.
area noun B2 a part of a subject or activity I’ll be looking at four main areas. Unit 09
Another machine attaches the cover to the
attach verb B1 to join or fix one thing to another book block using hot glue to hold everything Unit 09
belong to B1 to be a member of a group or organisation I belong to a local charity. Unit 09

A DP on big-budget films will experience

big-budget adjective B2 costing a large amount of money Unit 09
many of the things a director does.

when people say that someone or something The manager should take the blame for the
blame noun B2 Unit 09
is responsible for something bad team's defeat.

boom noun a long pole that holds a microphone Make sure the boom stays out of the shot. Unit 09

bullet noun B2 a small, metal object that is fired from a gun a bullet wound Unit 09

someone who intentionally frightens a person

bully noun C1 He was such a bully. Unit 09
who is smaller or weaker than them

to discover an amount or number using

calculate verb B2 to calculate a cost/percentage Unit 09
caramel noun a sweet made from sugar, milk, and butter chocolates with a caramel centre Unit 09
a measurement of temperature in which
Celsius noun water freezes at zero degrees Celcius and boils 250 degrees Celsius Unit 09
at 100 degrees Celcius.
a board with a dark surface that you can write The name of each scene is written on a chalk
chalkboard noun Unit 09
on with chalk board.
clear adjective A2 easy to understand or see Is that clear? Unit 09
phrasal to talk again about something that you
come back to I’ll come back to that later. Unit 09
verb mentioned earlier
a continuous moving piece of rubber or metal
conveyor belt noun used to transport objects from one place to The goods move along a conveyor belt. Unit 09

cookie noun A2 a thin, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet chocolate chip cookies Unit 09

cool down B2 to become less hot She waited for her coffee to cool down. Unit 09
made or done in a simple way and without
crude adjective C2 a crude device/weapon Unit 09
much skill
phrasal to break the surface of something with a The folding machine folds the paper and cuts
cut into A2 Unit 09
verb sharp tool a little notch into the spine.
to stop people from continuing a telephone
What should you do if you get cut off during
cut off noun B2 conversation by breaking the telephone Unit 09
a phone call?
used to say that something happened or is
I'm still pleased with the house despite all the
despite preposition B1 true, although something else makes this Unit 09
problems we've had.
seem not probable

dip verb B2 to put something into a liquid for a short time She dipped the brush into the paint. Unit 09

Something that is distinctive is easy to

distinctive adjective C1 recognise because it is different from other a distinctive style of writing Unit 09
divide into B1 to separate something into different bits I’ve divided my talk into three parts. Unit 09
There were about a dozen people at the
dozen noun B1 twelve, or a group of twelve Unit 09
The book finally drops into the three-knife
drop into B1 to fall into something trimmer, which cuts the edges of the paper Unit 09
something you must do because it is morally
duty noun B1 It’s our duty to organise this in turn. Unit 09
or legally right

used for saying that the result of two different We can cut salaries or employ fewer people.
either way phrase B1 Unit 09
things happening would be the same Either way, it’s going to be difficult.

to appear from somewhere or come out of The printed sections then emerge from the
emerge verb B2 Unit 09
somewhere press
phrasal to have something as the result of doing
end up with B1 You will end up with a lovely, soft mixture. Unit 09
verb something
exactly adverb A2 used to emphasize what you are saying What exactly did you have in mind? Unit 09
expertise noun skill the technical expertise of the engineers Unit 09
an amount of money that you pay to do
fee noun B1 something, to use something, or to get a an entrance fee Unit 09

flavour noun B1 the taste of a particular type of food or drink We sell 50 different flavours of ice cream. Unit 09

I'm a lifelong supporter of Crystal Palace

football club noun A2 a club for people who play football Unit 09
football club.
a plan or method that is used to achieve
formula noun C1 There's no magic formula for success. Unit 09
glamorous adjective attractive in an exciting and special way a glamorous woman Unit 09

Put a bit of glue on both edges and hold them

glue noun C2 a substance used to stick things together Unit 09
to stick something to something else with Do you think you can glue this vase back
glue verb C2 Unit 09
glue together?
go into A2 to move towards the inside of Large sheets of paper go into the press. Unit 09
go out of your to try very hard to do something, especially Everyone went out of their way to make us
phrase Unit 09
way for someone else feel welcome. It was lovely.
go over B2 to study or explain something Can you go over that again? Unit 09
an organisation of people who have the same
guild noun the Designers' Guild Unit 09
job or interests
This island is formed from volcanic lava that
harden verb to become hard and stiff Unit 09
has hardened into rock.
Describe a a high-pressure situation in your
high-pressure adjective B2 involving pressure which is greater than usual Unit 09
work or studies.
Another machine attaches the cover to the
hold together B1 to make something stay in one piece book block using hot glue to hold everything Unit 09
10,000 people were made homeless by the
homeless adjective C1 without a place to live Unit 09
If an action or event is impossible, it cannot
impossible adjective B1 an impossible task Unit 09
happen or be done.

being the person who controls or is The director of photography is in charge of

in charge of phrase B1 Unit 09
responsible for someone or something the camera and lighting crew.

used before saying the truth about something, In fact most travel writers find it hard just to
in fact phrase B1 Unit 09
usually when it is not what you would expect make a living.

preventing someone from doing what they Spencer wants to be the next President, but
in the way phrase Unit 09
want to do Gomez is in the way.
a coloured liquid that you use for writing,
ink noun B1 My pen has run out of ink. Unit 09
printing, or drawing
lifelong adjective C2 for all of your life a lifelong friend/interest Unit 09
liquefy verb to change into a liquid form Gases liquefy under pressure. Unit 09
a substance, for example water, that is not
liquid noun B1 The chocolate turns back into a liquid. Unit 09
solid and that can be poured easily
having the real or original meaning of a word They were responsible for literally millions
literally adverb B2 Unit 09
or phrase of deaths.
If something is located in a particular place,
locate verb B1 a cottage located in the countryside Unit 09
that is where it is.
look at B2 to consider a subject carefully I’ll be looking at four main areas. Unit 09
mean verb B1 to have a particular meaning What do you mean by ‘special ingredient’? Unit 09
a person who belongs to a group or an
member noun A2 I’m a member of the Screenwriters’ Guild Unit 09
a piece of electrical equipment for recording
microphone noun B2 or broadcasting sounds, or for making sounds You will need to use a microphone. Unit 09
move along A2 to go forwards towards the end of something The book moves along a conveyor belt. Unit 09
phrasal to change from one subject to another when Let’s move on to how you can get into the
move on C1 Unit 09
verb you are talking or writing business.
a cut in the shape of the letter V on the edge
notch noun He cut a notch in the wood. Unit 09
or surface of something
It’s chilly, isn’t it? Winter’s definitely on the
on the way phrase going to happen soon Unit 09
If an organisation or business operates, it is
Our company is operating under very
operate verb B2 working, and if you operate it, you manage it Unit 09
difficult conditions at present.
and make it work.
to make a machine or piece of equipment do You have to be trained to operate the
operate verb B2 Unit 09
what it is designed to do machinery.
to watch work as it is done in order to make The director of photography oversees the
oversee verb Unit 09
certain that it is done correctly camera and lighting crew.
to go past a vehicle or person that is going in
overtake verb B2 It's dangerous to overtake on a bend. Unit 09
the same direction
phrasal The sections pass through the folding
pass through B1 go from one side to the other Unit 09
verb machine.
the quality of having a very strong or
personality noun B2 Who do you know has a big personality? Unit 09
interesting character
phrasal to lift someone or something using your The gathering machine picks an ‘A’ section
pick up A2 Unit 09
verb hands, a tool or a machine up, then a ‘B’ section and so on.
I play quite an active part in the
play a part in phrase B2 to be involved in something Unit 09
Screenwriters' Guild.
a long, thin stick made of wood or metal,
pole noun C2 tent poles Unit 09
often used to hold something up
phrasal The operator pours ink into the printing
pour into B1 to make a liquid flow into something Unit 09
verb press.
To be precise, the chocolate seals off the
precise adjective B2 used to give exact details of something Unit 09
filling from the oxygen in the air
phrasal to produce writing or images on paper with a
print onto A2 The press prints 16 pages onto the paper Unit 09
verb machine

something that is very important and that Tell us about something which is a high
priority noun B2 Unit 09
must be dealt with before other things priority in your life.

a series of actions that you take in order to

process noun B2 And that’s the whole process. Unit 09
achieve a result
phrasal The operator puts the sheets into the folding
put into A1 to place something inside something Unit 09
verb machine.

phrasal The gathering machine puts a complete set

put together B2 to move things next to each other Unit 09
verb together to make a ‘book block'.

a soft, grey substance that becomes hard

putty noun when it is dry and is used to fasten glass into The putty around the windows is cracked. Unit 09
windows or to fill small holes in wood

happening or doing something often,

regular adjective B1 especially at the same time every week, year, regular exercise Unit 09
quite, when compared to other things or
relatively adverb B2 Eating out is relatively cheap. Unit 09
Someone you report to at work is the person
phrasal On a film set, everybody reports to the
report to in authority who gives you tasks and checks Unit 09
verb director.
that you do them.

something that it is your job or duty to deal It’s the camera operator’s responsibility to
responsibility noun B2 Unit 09
with make sure the camera moves smoothly

phrasal having control and authority over something The director is responsible for interpreting
responsible for B1 Unit 09
verb or someone the screenplay.
the job someone or something has in a I’ve recently taken on the role of their
role noun B2 Unit 09
particular situation teacher.
rosebush noun a short, thick plant with roses They planted a rosebush in the garden. Unit 09
run something phrasal to tell someone about something so that they
Can you run that past me again? Unit 09
past someone verb can give their opinion about it
safely adverb B1 in a safe way We all arrived safely. Unit 09
a story that is written for television or for a
screenplay noun I write screenplays for films. Unit 09
screenwriter noun someone who writes the story for a film She's a screenwriter. Unit 09

phrasal to close an entrance or container so that air or The chocolate seals off the filling from the
seal off C2 Unit 09
verb liquid cannot enter or leave it air.

You mentioned that being a sports producer

sense noun B2 the meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence Unit 09
was ‘repetitive’. In what sense?
shell noun C2 a hard outer covering for something caramel in a chocolate shell Unit 09
to use a camera to record a film or take a
shoot verb C1 Most of the film was shot in Italy. Unit 09
I got a good shot of them leaving the hotel
shot noun B2 a photograph Unit 09
smoothly adverb B2 without any sudden movements or changes Make sure the camera moves smoothly. Unit 09

an unusual type of action in a film, or an

The new Harry Potter film includes some
special effects noun entertainment on stage, created by using Unit 09
very frightening special effects.
special equipment

used to refer to a particular thing and not To be more specific, the chocolate seals off
specific adjective B2 Unit 09
something general the filling from the oxygen in the air

the narrow part of a book cover where the

spine noun pages are joined together and which you can The spines of the books were damaged. Unit 09
see when it is on a shelf
a level of quality, especially a level that is Talk about an organisation which you feel
standard noun B2 Unit 09
acceptable has high standards.

phrasal to begin by doing something, or to make To start off, I'll just say a few words about
start off B1 Unit 09
verb something begin by doing something the printing press itself.
The next step could be uploading a brain
one of the things that you do to achieve
step noun B2 onto a computer, then programming it into Unit 09
an android.
sum noun B1 an amount of money a large/small sum of money Unit 09

to watch a person or activity and make certain The director of photography supervises the
supervise verb B2 Unit 09
that everything is done correctly, safely, etc camera and lighting crew.

someone who likes a particular sports team I’m a lifelong supporter of Crystal Palace
supporter noun B1 Unit 09
and wants them to win football club.
Now let’s take a look at how you can get into
take a look phrase B1 to look at something Unit 09
the business.
a piece of work, especially something The focus puller’s main task is to focus the
task noun B2 Unit 09
unpleasant or difficult camera.
trim noun when you cut something to make it tidy The hedge needs a trim. Unit 09
phrasal to move an object or page so that a different
turn over B1 The press turns the paper over. Unit 09
verb side or surface is on the top
type verb B1 to write something using a keyboard I need to type up my notes. Unit 09
It’s up to the DP to make sure the team
up to phrase B1 the responsibility of Unit 09
delivers what the director wants.
upcoming adjective C1 An upcoming event will happen soon. the upcoming elections Unit 09
urge noun C2 a strong wish or need I resisted a powerful urge to slap him. Unit 09
an idea or image in your mind of what
vision noun B2 a vision of a better society Unit 09
something could be like in the future
work that people do because they want to do I occasionally do voluntary work for a local
voluntary work phrase Unit 09
it and for which they are not paid charity.
What’s the easiest way of giving up
way of (+ing) phrase A2 a method for doing something Unit 09
What’s the best way to travel around your
way to phrase A2 a method for doing something Unit 09
phrasal If you work as something, that is what you do
work as A1 I work as a writer. Unit 09
verb as your job.
to succeed gradually in getting an important
work one’s way job by repeatedly changing your job for a Stella worked her way up from shop
phrase Unit 09
up more important one, having started your assistant to regional manager.
working life with little power or responsibility

the physical or mental skill or qualities that Satellites give us the ability to look at our
ability noun B1 Unit 10
you need to do something planet with a global perspective.
She’s won international acclaim and
acclaim noun praise from a lot of people Unit 10
Her greatest accomplishment would be if,
accomplishment noun C1 when you succeed in doing something good Unit 10
one day, her work wasn’t needed!
According to one version, he was blown off
according to preposition B1 as said by someone or shown by something Unit 10
course by bad weather.
alien adjective relating to creatures from another planet an alien spacecraft Unit 10

to make it possible for someone to do Satellites allow us to look at our planet with
allow verb C1 Unit 10
something a global perspective.
someone who supports you, especially when
ally noun C1 These people became our allies. Unit 10
other people are against you
angle noun C1 the way you think about a situation Try looking at the problem from my angle. Unit 10

someone who studies ancient cultures by

archaeologist noun C1 looking for and examining their buildings, He is an archaeologist. Unit 10
tools, and other objects
astronomical adjective relating to astronomy astronomical research Unit 10
a prize given to someone for something they She’s won international acclaim and
award noun B2 Unit 10
have achieved awards.
beach noun A1 an area of sand or small stones next to the sea a sandy beach Unit 10

under something, or in a lower position than

beneath preposition B2 He hid the letter beneath a pile of papers. Unit 10
something that helps you or gives you an
benefit noun B1 That kind of medicine offers no benefit. Unit 10
connected with the natural processes of living
biological adjective B2 biological sciences Unit 10
someone's phrase A2 to cause someone to act differently She’s changed people’s minds and behaviour. Unit 10
change to cause someone to think differently or to
phrase B1 She’s changed people’s minds and behaviour. Unit 10
someone's mind have different beliefs

the way in which something is described by I would argue with her characterisation of
characterisation noun Unit 10
showing its main qualities the country as 'hostile'.

someone who works in one of the government

civil servant noun departments responsible for putting central He is a civil servant. Unit 10
government plans into action

a society with well developed social

civilisation noun B2 organisations, or the culture and way of life of one of the world's great civilisations Unit 10
a society

a sign or a piece of information that helps you Police are searching the area for clues to the
clue noun B2 Unit 10
to solve a problem or answer a question murder.
commercial adjective B2 relating to buying and selling things commercial logging Unit 10
someone who you spend a lot of time with or
companion noun B2 a travelling companion Unit 10
go somewhere with
If something is compulsory, you must do it
compulsory adjective B2 It’s compulsory to vote here. Unit 10
because of a rule or law.
when all the people in a group agree about
consensus noun C2 to reach a consensus Unit 10
conservation noun B2 the protection of nature wildlife conservation Unit 10

The cost of marine expeditions is rising, but

considerable adjective B2 large or important enough to have an effect Unit 10
the results would be of considerable benefit.

when you work together with someone or do

cooperation noun B2 international cooperation Unit 10
what they ask you
Satellites are absolutely crucial for doing
crucial adjective B2 extremely important or necessary Unit 10
ocean research.
curious adjective B1 wanting to know or learn about something I was curious about his life in India. Unit 10
dedicate verb C1 to give your energy, time, etc. completely She’s dedicated herself to saving the panda. Unit 10

the distance from the top of something to the The lake reaches a maximum depth of 292
depth noun B1 Unit 10
bottom metres.
descent noun a movement down The plane began its descent into Heathrow. Unit 10

to discover or notice something, especially

A submersible detected something enormous
detect verb C1 something that is difficult to see, hear, smell, Unit 10
passing beneath it.
Where exactly was Vinland? Sources differ
differ verb B2 to be different Unit 10
on this question.
to make someone less confident or
discourage verb B2 I didn't mean to discourage her. Unit 10
enthusiastic about something
Who has discovered a new club or café
discover verb B1 to find something Unit 10
to interrupt what someone is doing by
disturb verb B2 Please don't disturb the animals. Unit 10
making noise or annoying them
the activity of swimming under water or
The cameras were well below the diving
diving noun B1 moving towards the bottom of an area of Unit 10
depth of a whale.
to study a subject, especially in order to Who has done research into their family
do research phrase B1 Unit 10
discover new information about it history?

a change, reaction, or result that is caused by I bought a natural remedy at the chemist’s,
effect noun B1 Unit 10
something but it doesn’t seem to be having any effect.

to make someone able to do something, or to Satellites enable us to look at our planet with
enable verb B2 Unit 10
make something possible a global perspective.
a country or army that your country or army
enemy noun B2 enemy forces/territory Unit 10
is fighting against in a war
a period of time in history that is special for a
era noun B2 the Victorian era Unit 10
particular reason
Satellites are absolutely essential for doing
essential adjective B1 very important and necessary Unit 10
ocean research.
something that makes you believe that There’s a lot of evidence that people learn in
evidence noun A1 Unit 10
something is true or exists different ways.
an organised journey, especially a long one Peary led the first expedition to the North
expedition noun B1 Unit 10
for a particular purpose Pole.

someone who has a lot of skill in something She is one of the world’s top experts on
expert noun B1 Unit 10
or a lot of knowledge about something panda conservation.

to go around a place where you have never

explore verb B1 Who loves exploring new towns and cities? Unit 10
been in order to find out what is there

face a challenge phrase B2 to have to deal with something difficult She’s faced some hard challenges. Unit 10

a situation or event that you imagine, which is

fantasy noun B2 The big house was just a fantasy. Unit 10
not real or true
farmland noun land which is used for or suitable for farming He owns over 100 acres of farmland. Unit 10

phrasal to give a lot of attention to one particular His article focussed on the French
focus on sth B2 Unit 10
verb person, subject or thing Revolution.
able to live, happen, or exist without being
free adjective B2 They’re free to pass through people’s land. Unit 10
controlled by anyone or anything

the right to live in the way you want, say what

My brother thinks we should have the
freedom noun B2 you think, and make your own decisions Unit 10
freedom to vote or not, as we choose.
without being controlled by anyone else

a line or border between two countries or

frontier noun C2 frontier guards Unit 10
a very large group of stars held together in the In our galaxy alone, there are an estimated
galaxy noun Unit 10
universe 100 billion stars.
global adjective B2 relating to the whole world the global problem of nuclear waste Unit 10

habitat noun C1 the natural environment of an animal or plant the fox's natural habitat Unit 10

a person who goes for a long walk in the

hiker noun On sunny days the trails are full of hikers. Unit 10
an attempt to make people believe something
hoax noun The police said the bomb threat was a hoax. Unit 10
which is not true
feelings, qualities, and behaviour that are
human nature noun It's human nature to want to be loved. Unit 10
typical of most people
the effect that a person, event, or situation Latino singers have had a major impact on
impact noun B2 Unit 10
has on someone or something pop music this year.
The vacuum inside the tube caused it to
implode verb to fall towards the inside with force implode when the external air pressure was Unit 10
Sources are in agreement that Leif Eriksson
in agreement phrase B2 having the same opinion Unit 10
died in about 1020.
inform verb B1 to tell someone about something If he calls me again, I shall inform the police. Unit 10

information and understanding that you have She’s used her knowledge and training to
knowledge noun B1 Unit 10
in your mind benefit the environment.
laboratory noun B1 a room used for scientific work research laboratories Unit 10
A person's life's work is the work which is
She’s made preserving the natural world her
life’s work noun most important to them and to which they Unit 10
life’s work.
give a lot of time and effort
pieces of paper and other waste that are left in
litter noun B2 There was a lot of litter in the street. Unit 10
public places
to find the exact position of someone or Who finds it difficult to locate places on a
locate verb B2 Unit 10
something map?
logging noun the activity of cutting down trees for wood logging companies. Unit 10

to represent an area of land in the form of a It must be amazing to map an unexplored

map verb Unit 10
map area.
marine adjective found in the sea, or relating to the sea marine creatures/life Unit 10
Interestingly, several sites make no mention
mention noun B2 a brief remark Unit 10
of his companions.
When weather is mild, it is less cold than you
mild adjective B1 a mild winter Unit 10
would expect.
The minimum amount of something is the
minimum adjective B1 smallest amount that is allowed, needed, or How much is the minimum wage? Unit 10
relating to the energy that is released when
nuclear adjective B2 the nucleus (=central part) of an atom is nuclear weapons/waste Unit 10
to do what you are told to do by a person, If you refuse to obey the law, you'll be
obey verb B2 Unit 10
rule, or instruction arrested.
If you are obliged to do something, you have Sellers are not legally obliged to accept the
obliged to phrase B2 Unit 10
to do it. highest offer.
obliged to do Landowners are obliged to let us walk on
phrase B2 to be forced to do something Unit 10
something their land.
away from the direction in which a ship,
off course phrase The ship was blown off course. Unit 10
aircraft, etc. should be moving
the cause of something, or where something
origin noun B2 the origin of the universe Unit 10
begins or comes from
a large, black and white animal that lives in
panda noun He is an expert on pandas. Unit 10
forests in China
a path by the side of a road that people walk
pavement noun B1 It's illegal to park on the pavement. Unit 10
Being unemployed has made me see things
perspective noun C1 the way you think about something Unit 10
from a different perspective.
physicist noun someone who studies physics My father is a physicist. Unit 10
using ideas and methods that have never been
pioneering adjective C2 pioneering techniques Unit 10
used before
a large, round object in space that moves Jupiter is the largest planet of our solar
planet noun B1 Unit 10
around the sun or another star system.
The cost of marine expeditions is rising, but
Something that is positive makes you feel
positive adjective B2 the results would have a positive effect on all Unit 10
better about a situation.
our lives.

when someone or something is considered

precedence noun C2 to give precedence to something Unit 10
more important than another person or thing

to keep something the same or prevent it

preserve verb B2 to preserve peace Unit 10
from being damaged or destroyed
a device for receiving, for scientific study, the
They use radio telescopes to search the skies
radio telescope noun electomagnetic waves sent out by objects in Unit 10
for signals from alien civilisations.
space such as stars
to put information about someone or
Is he registered with the authorities to sell
register verb B1 something, especially a name, on an official Unit 10
Hikers have the right to walk on public or
right noun B2 something that the law allows you to do Unit 10
privately owned land.
roam verb to move around a place without any purpose gangs of youths roaming the street at night Unit 10

roar noun C2 a loud, deep sound a lion's roar Unit 10

a machine controlled by a computer, which
robot noun B1 can move and do other things that people can They use robots in the factory. Unit 10
to look around an area quickly to try to find a He loved to scan the night sky looking for
scan verb C1 Unit 10
person or thing stars and planets.
to speak angrily to someone because they
scold verb Their mother scolded them. Unit 10
have done something wrong

a town or village which people built to live in

settlement noun C2 a Jewish settlement Unit 10
after arriving from somewhere else

used to show that this is an informal, little

so-called adjective B2 known, or new name that something or the so-called 'Robin Hood tax' Unit 10
someone is know as

a small spacecraft, with no one travelling in it,

Space probes allow us to gather data about
space probe noun sent into space to make measurements and Unit 10
other planets.
send back information to scientists on Earth

a group of plants or animals which share

species noun B2 a rare species of bird Unit 10
similar characteristics
stair noun one of the steps in a set of steps stair lights Unit 10
to look at someone or something for a long
stare verb B2 Sean was staring at me. Unit 10
time and not move your eyes
startle verb to suddenly surprise or frighten someone The sound startled me. Unit 10

Other sources state that he was following the

state verb B2 to officially say or write something Unit 10
route of an earlier explorer.
submarine noun a boat that travels under water They use a research submarine. Unit 10
If a government or other organisation
subsidise verb subsidises something, it pays part of the cost We have a subsidised restaurant at work. Unit 10
of it, so that prices are reduced.
surface noun B2 the top or outside part of something the Earth's surface Unit 10
sweep up (sth) B2 to clear something away using a brush We swept up the broken glass. Unit 10
someone or something that is likely to cause
threat noun B2 a threat to the environment Unit 10
harm or damage
to broadcast something, or to send out signals The information is transmitted electronically
transmit verb C1 Unit 10
using radio, television, etc to the central computer.
the number of people at an event, such as a They blamed the low turnout on the bad
turnout noun Unit 10
meeting or election weather.
everything that exists, including stars, space, Many people believe that there is life
universe noun B1 Unit 10
etc elsewhere in the universe.

describes a spacecraft, or a place where

unmanned adjective military guards work, that has no people an unmanned mission to the planet Mars Unit 10
present to operate or be in charge of it

If things of the same type vary, they are

vary verb B2 Sources vary on this question. Unit 10
different from each other.
In one version, he was blown off course by
version noun B2 someone's description of what has happened Unit 10
bad weather.

a person belonging to a race of Scandinavian

people who travelled by sea and attacked
Viking noun parts of northern and southern Europe a Viking settlement Unit 10
between the 8th and the 11th centuries, often
staying to live in places they travelled to

Satellites are absolutely vital for doing ocean

vital adjective B2 necessary Unit 10

the length of radio wave used by a radio

wavelength noun C2 What wavelength are they on? Unit 10
company for broadcasting its programmes

a wild plant that you do not want to grow in

weed noun C2 Dandelions are common weeds. Unit 10
your garden
a very large animal that looks like a large fish,
whale noun B1 lives in the sea and breathes air through a They hunt for whales. Unit 10
hole at the top of its head

phrasal to do things with another person or Her professor worked with the government
work with A1 Unit 10
verb organization in order to achieve something to improve things.

used before a number or amount to mean About eight out of ten people said they
about adverb A1 Unit 11
approximately usually got their bread at the supermarket.

happening or having an effect on people at There has been an across-the-board

across-the-board adjective Unit 11
every level and in every area improvement.
to make a suggestion about what you think
advise verb B1 someone should do or how they should do I’d advise against it. Unit 11
to make a suggestion about what you think
advise verb B1 someone should do or how they should do His doctor advised him to take time off work. Unit 11
when you say that someone has done
allegation noun C1 something wrong or illegal, without proof allegations of corruption Unit 11
that this is true
to tell people about something officially or She announced that she’d require indoor
announce verb B1 Unit 11
with force or confidence parking for her moped.
to tell someone that you are sorry about
apologise verb B1 He apologised for the interruption. Unit 11
something you have done
applicant noun someone who applies for a job There were over fifty applicants for the job. Unit 11

a contest in which two people try to press

arm wrestle noun He challenged me to an arm wrestle. Unit 11
each other's arm down to see who is stronger
at ease phrase feeling relaxed and comfortable I felt completely at ease with him. Unit 11
a book that has been read aloud by an actor
audio book noun I listen to audio books while I'm driving. Unit 11
and recorded
certain to happen as part of the normal You get an automatic promotion after two
automatic adjective C2 Unit 11
process or system years.
balding adjective becoming bald a balding man Unit 11
a row of black lines on something you buy,
bar code noun Scan the bar code. Unit 11
that a computer reads to find the price

someone or something that is better than any A successful journalist knows how to get the
best (noun) noun B1 Unit 11
other best out of somebody.
bite verb B1 to cut something using your teeth She bit into an apple. Unit 11
phrasal Do you know anyone who’s broken off an
break off B2 to suddenly stop speaking or doing something Unit 11
verb engagement?
a flat, rectangular case with a handle for
briefcase noun Where is my briefcase? Unit 11
carrying documents, books, etc
bring out the
to cause someone to behave badly or show
worst in phrase He can bring out the worst in people. Unit 11
negative qualities
someone whose job is to speak on radio or
broadcaster noun B2 He was a famous broadcaster in the 1930s. Unit 11
television programmes
phrasal to decide that a planned event will not When was the last time you had to call off a
call off B2 Unit 11
verb happen meeting?
a series of organised activities or events
campaign noun C1 an advertising/election campaign Unit 11
intended to achieve a result
to invite someone to compete in a game or
challenge verb B2 He challenged me to an arm wrestle. Unit 11
to invite someone to compete in a game or
challenge verb He challenged Smith to a fight. Unit 11

phrasal to suddenly stop talking, usually because you What do you do when the person you're
clam up Unit 11
verb are embarrassed or nervous interviewing just clams up.

phrasal to suddenly stop talking, usually because you He was afraid he would clam up in front of
clam up Unit 11
verb are embarrassed or nervous the television camera.

phrasal She decides what day and time we should

clean up A1 to make a person or place clean and tidy Unit 11
verb meet to clean up the area.
phrasal to change your opinion or admit that you are
climb down B2 We climbed down the mountain. Unit 11
verb wrong
If a business or organization closes down, or
phrasal After a lot of problems with the bank, we had
close down B2 if someone or something closes it down, it Unit 11
verb to close down the factory.
stops operating.
I don't know how she combines working with
combine verb B2 to do two or more activities at the same time Unit 11
phrasal I like the way the sunlight comes down
come down A1 to fall and land on the ground Unit 11
verb through the clouds.
to say that something is wrong or that you are
complain verb B1 She complained that she hadn’t had lunch. Unit 11
annoyed about something
These price cuts are good news for
consumer noun B2 someone who buys or uses goods or services Unit 11
someone who reports news for newspapers,
correspondent noun television, or radio, usually from another a correspondent for the New York Times Unit 11
dishonest or immoral behaviour, usually by
corruption noun C1 He was arrested for corruption and bribery. Unit 11
people in positions of power

important political or social events which are

current affairs noun a current affairs programme Unit 11
happening in the world at the present time

phrasal to start eating less of something that is bad To improve my health, I’ve decided to cut
cut down on B2 Unit 11
verb for your health down on less salty and fatty food.
to express or show that you have a feeling, He has demonstrated a genuine interest in
demonstrate verb C2 Unit 11
quality, or ability the project.
down adjective B2 sad You look a bit down today. Are you OK? Unit 11

Brenda quickly downed her coffee and ran

down verb to drink something quickly Unit 11
out of the office.
I entered the teaching profession in my
enter verb B1 to start working in a particular job Unit 11
to keep making small movements with your
She fidgeted all the way through the job
fidget verb hands or feet because you are nervous or Unit 11
the hard, thin part on the top of the end of
fingernail noun B2 She has very long fingernails. Unit 11
your finger
the lower part of your arm between your hand
forearm noun He had a large tattoo on his forearm. Unit 11
and your elbow (=the place where it bends)

get someone To be a successful journalist, you need to be

phrase B2 to make people want to speak Unit 11
talking able to get people talking.
phrasal If something that makes a noise goes off, it An alarm clock went off in the candidate’s
go off B2 Unit 11
verb suddenly starts making a noise. briefcase.
something you say when you are surprised or
good lord phrase Good lord! Is that the time? Unit 11

an artificial covering of hair used to hide an

hairpiece noun Do you think he wears a hairpiece? Unit 11
area of the head where there is no hair

Just under half of them buy their lunches

half noun A2 one of two equal parts of something; 1 2 ; Unit 11
from our shop.
handle verb B1 to deal with something He knows how to handle people. Unit 11
not able to do your job, or things that you are
incompetent adjective incompetent managers Unit 11
expected to do, successfully
item noun B1 a single thing in a group of things or on a list the last item on the list Unit 11

jocular adjective funny or intended to make someone laugh a jocular comment Unit 11

something or someone that makes you feel

joy noun B2 She's a joy to work with. Unit 11
very happy
phrasal When a football match or other event kicks What time do football matches in your
kick off C1 Unit 11
verb off, it starts. country usually kick off?
a design or symbol used by a company to
logo noun B1 a corporate logo Unit 11
advertise its products

to control someone or something in a clever He knows how to manipulate people to get

manipulate verb Unit 11
way so that they do what you want them to do his won way.

to (cause different substances to) combine, so

The bottle-makers crush the ingredients to a
mix verb B2 that the result cannot easily be separated into Unit 11
powder and mix them up.
its parts
a small motorcycle which also has pedalsparts
which you press with your feet to move
moped noun She gets around town on a moped. Unit 11
forward which can be used when starting it or
travelling up a hill
Nearly all of them said they’d be interested
nearly adverb A2 almost Unit 11
in buying from us.
Nearly all the sandwiches we make have
nearly all phrase A2 all except a very small number of Unit 11
meat in them.
obtain verb B2 to get something to obtain permission Unit 11
more than a particular amount, number, or Just over 150 people were surveyed
over preposition A2 Unit 11
age including 40 from local businesses.
A persistent person continues to do
persistent adjective C2 something although other people do not want He can be very persistent sometimes. Unit 11
them to.
the department of an organisation that deals
personnel noun C1 with finding people to work there, keeping I need to speak to someone in Personnel. Unit 11
records about them, etc
someone who attacks ships and steals from
pirate noun B1 They were attacked by pirates. Unit 11
The company has new procedures for
procedure noun B2 the official or usual way of doing something Unit 11
dealing with complaints.
proceed to (do to do something after you have done She sat down and proceeded to tell me her
verb C2 Unit 11
sth) something else life story.
put someone at The first question an interviewer asks should
phrase B2 to make someone start to feel relaxed Unit 11
ease put them at ease.
put someone on If you put somebody on edge, they won't be
phrase C2 to make someone feel nervous Unit 11
edge able to.
Three quarters of local people said they need
quarter noun A2 one of four equal parts of something; 1 4 Unit 11
cakes for special occasions.
to say that you will not do or accept
refuse verb B1 They refused my job application. Unit 11
to arrange to continue an official agreement I've decided not to renew my golf club
renew verb B2 Unit 11
that was going to end soon membership this year.
doing or saying the same thing several times,
repetitive adjective C1 a repetitive job Unit 11
especially in a way that is boring
when someone tells their employer that they
resignation noun C2 a letter of resignation Unit 11
are leaving their job
a document which describes your
qualifications and the jobs that you have
résumé noun B1 She asked to see my résumé. Unit 11
done, which you send to an employer that you
want to work for
phrasal to complete an event or activity in a pleasant Do you like to round off a big meal with a
round off Unit 11
verb way coffee or something sweet?
to move on your feet at a faster speed than
run up/down phrase A1 He ran up the stairs. Unit 11
phrasal As a mediator, you set up and guide the
set up B1 to arrange for an event or activity to happen Unit 11
verb discussion at all times.
phrasal to become slower or to make something I don’t understand what you’re saying.
slow down B2 Unit 11
verb become slower Please slow down.
to take a photograph of someone or Photographers snapped the Princess
snap verb Unit 11
something everywhere she went.
phrasal to turn off a light, television, etc by using a
switch off B1 Do you ever switch off your phone? When? Unit 11
verb switch
a long piece of music for an orchestra (=large
symphony noun They played Beethoven's fifth symphony. Unit 11
group of different musicians)
how much people start to use or accept a
take up B1 service, or sometimes a product, that has I took up sailing when I was living in Brazil. Unit 11
become available to them
to do a type of dance in which the rhythm is
tap dance verb kept by the noise of the dancer's shoes on the He started tap dancing around the office. Unit 11
to put a design on someone's skin using ink
tattoo verb He had an angel tattooed on his arm. Unit 11
and a needle
terrific adjective B1 excellent a terrific opportunity Unit 11

someone whose job is to treat a particular

therapist noun a speech therapist Unit 11
type of mental or physical illness

to be likely to cause harm or damage to He threatened to take legal action against

threaten verb B2 Unit 11
something or someone the newspaper.
phrasal How about if we ask LogoForum to tone
tone down to make something less forceful Unit 11
verb down the colours a little?
I was able to transpose my skills to the new
transpose verb to use something in a different situation Unit 11
turn down B2 to refuse an offer or request I had to turn down their dinner invitation. Unit 11
to move the switch on a machine, light, etc so
turn off A2 that it stops working, or to stop the supply of He turned off his alarm clock. Unit 11
water, electricity, etc
phrasal to increase the level of sound or heat that a
turn up B1 Will you turn up the TV? I can’t hear. Unit 11
verb machine produces
Just under half of them buy their lunches
under preposition A2 less than a number, amount, or age Unit 11
from our shop.
up adjective B1 not in bed I was up all night writing an essay. Unit 11
The news of the take over upped the
up verb to make something increase Unit 11
company’s share price by 6%.
phrasal I’ve used up all the milk. Can you buy some
use up B2 to finish a supply of something Unit 11
verb more?
someone who has suffered the effects of
victim noun B2 victims of crime Unit 11
violence, illness, or bad luck
They've introduced a system whereby people
whereby adverb C2 by which Unit 11
share cars.
when you have the right or opportunity to use Are patients given access to their own
access noun B1 Unit 12
or see something medical records?

a way of treating pain or illness by putting Acupuncture is considered to be an

acupuncture noun Unit 12
thin needles into different parts of the body alternative medicine.

to give some time, money, space, etc to be The government has promised to allocate
allocate verb C1 Unit 12
used for a particular purpose extra money for health care.
I’m going to give you a couple of
a medicine which cures infections by
antibiotic noun C2 prescriptions. One of them’s an antibiotic, Unit 12
destroying harmful bacteria
the other’s a painkiller.
There were more than fifty applications for
application noun B1 an official request for a job Unit 12
the post.
a time you have arranged to meet someone or How easy is it to make an appointment at a
appointment noun A2 Unit 12
go somewhere clinic or with a doctor?
The council has approved plans for a new
approve verb B1 to allow or officially agree to something Unit 12
shopping centre.
a substance used to treat minor injuries such
arnica noun He gave me arnica for the bruising. Unit 12
as bruises

used to emphasize that someone does know As you know, money was recently allocated
as you know phrase B1 Unit 12
what you are referring to for improvements to the café.

Most people associate this brand with good

associate verb B2 to relate two things, people, etc in your mind Unit 12
attribute (sth) to phrasal to say that something is caused by something
B2 He attributes his success to hard work. Unit 12
(sth) verb else
I was filled with awe at the sheer size of the
awe noun C2 a feeling of great respect and sometimes fear Unit 12

a type of dancing where a man and a woman

ballroom dancing noun I love ballroom dancing. Unit 12
dance together using special steps and music

to think something, without being completely We believe that the money should be spent in
believe verb A2 Unit 12
sure four areas.
phrasal to be confident that something is effective
believe in B1 Not everyone believes in homeopathy. Unit 12
verb and right
phrasal to make something more colourful and We could brighten up the café with some
brighten (sth) up Unit 12
verb attractive flowers.
a serious disease that is caused when cells in
cancer noun B1 the body grow in a way that is uncontrolled breast/lung cancer Unit 12
and not normal
a general medical examination to see if you
check-up noun Are people encouraged to regular check-ups? Unit 12
are healthy
Childish behaviour is silly, like that of a small
childish adjective B2 Don't be so childish! Unit 12
chilly adjective C1 unpleasantly cold a chilly evening Unit 12

a machine from which you can buy coffee and

coffee machine noun I need some coins for the coffee machine. Unit 12
other hot drinks by putting coins into it
the feelings or ideas that words or actions The word 'second-hand' has connotations of
connotation noun Unit 12
give in addition to their usual meanings poor quality.

You can't come without your parents'

consent noun C1 permission for someone to do something Unit 12
when you think about something very We hope that our proposals will be given
consideration noun B2 Unit 12
carefully serious consideration.
The present machine breaks down
constantly adverb B2 all the time or often Unit 12
We look forward to discussing them further
convenience noun B2 when something is convenient Unit 12
at a time of your convenience.
conventional adjective B2 traditional and ordinary conventional farming/medicine Unit 12
someone who says that they do not approve of
critic noun C1 an outspoken critic of the government Unit 12
someone or something
to make someone with an illness healthy Getting a better chair completely cured my
cure verb B1 Unit 12
again back problems.
to make someone believe something that is The company deceived customers by selling
deceive verb B2 Unit 12
not true old computers as new ones.
where everyone has equal rights and can help
democratic adjective B2 a democratic discussion/debate Unit 12
to make decisions
to make a liquid thinner or weaker by adding
dilute verb You need to dilute this before you drink it. Unit 12
water or another liquid to it
to talk about something in a direct and honest Do doctors discuss medical treatments
something phrase Unit 12
way openly with their patients?
an illness caused by an infection or by a
disease noun B1 heart disease Unit 12
failure of health and not by an accident
the distinction between spoken and written
distinction noun B2 a difference between two similar things Unit 12
to make things or people separate into parts
divide verb B1 I'll divide you into three groups. Unit 12
or groups
The downside of living in a city is all the
downside noun C1 the disadvantage of a situation Unit 12
phrasal If you are entitled to something, you have a I feel we’re entitled to a 50% refund of the
entitled to B2 Unit 12
verb right to have or do it. cost.
The book raises some serious ethical
ethical adjective C2 relating to what is right or wrong Unit 12

knowledge that you get from doing a job, or My experience is that rights and
experience noun B1 Unit 12
from doing, seeing, or feeling something responsibilities go hand in hand.
fairly adverb B1 more than average, but less than very a fairly big family Unit 12
fatal adjective B2 A fatal accident or illness causes death. a fatal car crash Unit 12
fatigue noun when you feel very tired She was suffering from fatigue. Unit 12
We do not feel that there is any need for new
feel verb B1 to think something or have an opinion Unit 12
tables and chairs.
free of charge phrase B1 costing nothing Are medicines free of charge? Unit 12
Further into the future, we could very well
far: at or to a place or time that is a longer
further adverb B2 have a country-wide transport system of Unit 12
distance away
small electric cars.

If two things go hand in hand, they exist Prosperity goes hand in hand with
go hand in hand phrase C1 Unit 12
together and are connected with each other. investment.

Students make choices about their future,

guidance noun B2 help or advice Unit 12
with the guidance of their teachers.

hammer (sth) phrasal to repeat something to someone a lot of times We try to hammer it into the children to take Unit 12
into (sb) verb until they remember it care crossing the road.
heal verb B2 to make a person healthy again traditional methods of healing Unit 12
when you make regular payments to an
insurance company in exchange for that
health insurance noun B2 Does everyone have health insurance? Unit 12
company paying most or all of the costs of
your medical care
Health-conscious people try to keep I think the people here are quite health-
health-conscious adjective Unit 12
themselves healthy. conscious.
phrasal to help someone, especially by giving them Are families expected to help out with patient
help out B2 Unit 12
verb money or working for them care?
when someone is considered by most people
Would you say that doctors and nurses have
high status phrase to be important and a lot of respect and Unit 12
a high status?
admiration is felt for them
Fundamentalist beliefs hold sway over whole
hold sway phrase to have power or a very strong influence Unit 12
Homeopathic medicines use extremely small
homeopathic adjective amounts of natural substances to treat homeopathic medicine/remedies Unit 12
a way of treating illnesses using very small Some people consider homeopathy to be no
homeopathy noun Unit 12
amounts of natural substances better than a sugar pill.
hunt noun C1 a search for something or someone a job hunt Unit 12
a mental state like sleep, in which a person's
Police placed witnesses under hypnosis in an
hypnosis noun thoughts can be easily influenced by someone Unit 12
effort to gain additional information.
Unfortunately I couldn't go because of
illness noun B1 a disease of the body or mind Unit 12
illness noun B1 a disease of the body or mind a serious/terminal illness Unit 12
to officially order that a rule, tax,
impose verb C1 to impose a ban/tax Unit 12
punishment, etc will happen
in part phrase partly He is in part to blame for the accident. Unit 12

independently adverb B2 They’re expected to work independently. Unit 12

when someone puts a drug into your body

injection noun C2 an insulin injection Unit 12
using a needle
How easy is it to make an appointment at a
make verb A2 to produce or create something Unit 12
clinic or with a doctor?
a serious disease that you can get in hot
malaria noun countries if a mosquito (=small insect) bites Many people died of malaria. Unit 12
the way in which a person talks and behaves Do doctors tend to have a formal or informal
manner noun B2 Unit 12
with other people manner towards patients?

the activity of rubbing or pressing parts of

massage noun someone's body in order to make them relax to have a massage Unit 12
or to stop their muscles hurting

Do you know if you’re allergic to any

medicine noun A2 a substance used to cure an illness or injury Unit 12
Some see homeopathy as no better than a
no better than phrase having no more qualities or advantages than Unit 12
sugar pill.
offer verb B1 to give or provide something That kind of medicine offers no benefit. Unit 12
on the grounds I’d reject the first on the grounds that it could
phrase B2 for the reason that Unit 12
that be too cold.
If you are opposed to a plan or activity, you
opposed to (sth) phrase C1 disagree with it and want to stop it or change We're opposed to any tax increases. Unit 12
I’m going to give you a couple of
painkiller noun a drug which reduces pain prescriptions. One of them’s an antibiotic, Unit 12
the other’s a painkiller.
treatment for illness or injury in which you
physiotherapy noun Unit 12
practise moving parts of your body
a small, hard piece of medicine that you
pill noun B1 a vitamin pill Unit 12

a substance that is not a medicine but which a

patient takes, thinking it is a medicine. The
purpose of a placebo is either to make a
The placebo effect is far more powerful than
placebo noun patient feel better because they think they Unit 12
most people realise.
have been treated, or to compare the effect of
no medicine with the effect of medicine when
it is given to other patients.

a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in

policy noun B2 particular situations that has been agreed by a foreign policy Unit 12
government, business, etc
There have been a number of articles
potentially adverb B2 possibly criticising homeopathic remedies as Unit 12
potentially lethal.
Painkillers are the most common drugs
prescribe verb C2 to say what medical treatment someone needs Unit 12
prescribed by doctors in Britain.

when you stop something from happening or

prevention verb B2 the prevention of disease Unit 12
stop someone from doing something
a basic idea or rule which explains how The organisation works on the principle that
principle noun B2 Unit 12
something happens or works all members have the same rights.

a fact or a piece of information that shows

proof noun B2 There’s no proof that it works. Unit 12
something exists or is true
We hope that our proposals will be given
proposal noun B2 a suggestion for a plan Unit 12
serious consideration.
We also propose that the company buy
propose verb B2 to suggest a plan or action several poster-size prints to brighten up the Unit 12
walls even more.
If you do something publicly, everyone can I would like to see homeopaths debating
publicly adverb C2 Unit 12
see it, hear it, or know about it. publicly with their critics.
Tickets must be purchased two weeks in
purchase verb B2 to buy something Unit 12
Bright, modern, reasonably priced events
reasonably adverb B1 in a fair way, showing good judgment Unit 12
The United States government rejected the
reject verb B2 to refuse to accept or agree with something Unit 12
the good feeling that you have when
It'll be such a relief when these exams are
relief noun B2 something unpleasant stops or does not Unit 12

something that makes you better when you I bought a natural remedy at the chemist’s,
remedy noun B2 Unit 12
are ill but it doesn’t seem to be having any effect.

repair verb A2 to fix something that is broken or damaged I must get my bike repaired. Unit 12

when someone studies a subject in detail in Research suggests that people learn in
research noun B1 Unit 12
order to discover new information different ways.

to move a substance backwards and forwards

rub verb B2 over a surface so that it covers it and goes into Rub the cream into your skin. Unit 12
to decide or state that something is
rule (sth) out impossible or will not happen, or that We've ruled out several dates already. Unit 12
something or someone is not suitable
to decide or state that something is
phrasal I’d rule it out since it might not involve
rule out C2 impossible or will not happen, or that Unit 12
verb everyone equally.
something or someone is not suitable

rural adjective B2 relating to the countryside and not to towns a rural area Unit 12

If something has no scientific basis, according

scientific basis phrase B2 It has no scientific basis. Unit 12
to science it is not true or does not exist.

thinking or speaking sincerely about We hope that our proposals will be given
serious adjective B2 Unit 12
something and not joking serious consideration.
in a way that is bad and should make you feel
shamefully adverb C1 The children were shamefully neglected. Unit 12
embarrassed and guilty

another effect that a drug has on your body in

side effect noun C1 addition to the main effect for which the Headaches are one side effect of this drug. Unit 12
doctor has given you the drug

I’d rule it out since it might not involve

since conjunction B1 because Unit 12
everyone equally.
substance noun B2 a solid, liquid, or gas a dangerous substance Unit 12
Research suggests that people learn in
suggest verb B2 to make something seem likely to be true Unit 12
different ways.

to describe briefly the main facts or ideas of The purpose of this proposal is to summarise
summarise verb B2 Unit 12
something the reaction of the staff to your ideas.

when a doctor cuts your body open and Surgery should be considered as a last
surgery noun B2 Unit 12
repairs or removes something resort.
a physical feeling or problem which shows What exactly are your symptoms? Well, just
symptom noun B2 Unit 12
that you have a particular illness a really painful sore throat.
money that you have to pay to the
tax noun B1 government from what you earn or when you They're putting up the tax on cigarettes. Unit 12
buy things

a structure made of metal poles and cloth

It only took twenty minutes to put the tent up
tent noun B1 which is fixed to the ground with ropes and Unit 12
(=make it ready to use).
used as a cover or to sleep under
thoroughly adverb B2 very carefully Homeopathy has been tested thoroughly. Unit 12

to give medical care to someone for an illness Do hospitals treat people immediately or are
treat verb B2 Unit 12
or injury there waiting lists?

something which you do to try to cure an

Does your health insurance cover every kind
treatment noun B2 illness or injury, especially something Unit 12
of treatment?
suggested or done by a doctor

used many times before and proved to be It’s a tried and tested team-building activity
tried and tested phrase Unit 12
successful for adults.
to know the meaning of something that As we understand it, the Board has three
understand verb A2 Unit 12
someone says main suggestions.

when someone is given a vaccine (= substance

All the children have received two
vaccination noun C2 put into the body through the skin with a Unit 12
vaccinations against measles.
needle) to stop them from getting a disease

a substance that is given to people to stop

vaccine noun C2 a flu vaccine Unit 12
them from getting a particular disease

when a group of people meet to learn more

workshop noun C1 about something by discussing it and doing a workshop on crime prevention Unit 12
practical exercises
worthless adjective C1 not important or useful He made me feel stupid and worthless. Unit 12
absolutely adverb B1 completely The plot was absolutely ridiculous. Unit 13
to agree to take something that is offered to
accept verb B1 I don't think we can accept that. Unit 13
I’m afraid we can’t agree to cancel the entire
agree verb B1 to decide something with someone Unit 13
alternative one of two or more things that you can choose
noun B2 It's a low-fat alternative to butter. Unit 13
(noun) between
at all phrase B1 in any way Sorry but we don’t understand that at all. Unit 13

We just don’t have the room. And besides, it’s

besides adverb B1 used to give another reason for something Unit 13
not just you.
If a system, relationship, or discussion breaks
phrasal The relationship between the neighbours
break down B1 down, it fails because there is a problem or Unit 13
verb broke down completely.
phrasal We invite each participant to bring along a
bring along A2 to take someone with you Unit 13
verb supporter.
a house that has all its rooms on the ground
bungalow noun They live in a bungalow. Unit 13
call (verb) verb B2 to ask someone to come somewhere We called a meeting. Unit 13

to reduce the bad effect of something, or We believe we should be compensated for

compensate verb C2 Unit 13
make something bad become something good our losses.

to pay someone money because you are

Victims of the crash will be compensated for
compensate verb C1 responsible for injuring them or damaging Unit 13
their injuries.
complete adjective B1 used to emphasize what you are saying It was complete rubbish. Unit 13
compromise when you agree to something which is not They talked it over and came up with a
noun B2 Unit 13
(noun) exactly what you want compromise.
when you think that one person or thing is There was confusion over which baby was
confusion noun B2 Unit 13
another which.
a passage in a building or train with rooms on
corridor noun B2 We passed in the corridor. Unit 13
one or both sides
a short road with houses which is blocked at
cul-de-sac noun Their house is in a cul-de-sac. Unit 13
one end
That’s definitely the best price we can
definitely adverb B1 without any doubt Unit 13

phrasal If one thing depends on another, the first

depend on B1 That depends on what we agree. Unit 13
verb thing is affected by the second thing.
dining room noun A1 a room in which meals are eaten We had dinner in the dining room. Unit 13

someone who gives money or goods to a Ten thousand dollars was given by an
donor noun C2 Unit 13
person or organisation that needs help anonymous donor.

to give someone the right to do or have

entitle verb B2 I'm entitled to apply for citizenship. Unit 13
Someone's ethnicity is what race or culture Ideally, the group should be made up of
ethnicity noun Unit 13
they are from. many different ethnicities.
phrasal to start to accept that a difficult situation They have to face up to reality and be ready
face up to B2 Unit 13
verb exists to compromise
far adverb B2 very much It’s a far bigger order than usual. Unit 13
when you collect money for a particular
fundraising noun a fundraising event Unit 13
to think something is true because you have I gather you’d like to work out some
gather verb C1 Unit 13
heard or seen information about it compensation.
giving other people a lot of money, presents,
generous adjective B1 a very generous man Unit 13
or time in a kind way
go away B1 to disappear They hoped the problem would go away. Unit 13
How can we solve this problem and keep
happy adjective A2 satisfied and not worried Unit 13
everyone happy.
to have a short conversation with someone
have a word phrase B2 about a particular subject, usually with no Unit 13
one else present
hollow adjective C2 having a hole or empty space inside a hollow shell/tube Unit 13
to make a law, system, plan, etc start to Our new computerised system will soon be
implement verb B2 Unit 13
happen or operate fully implemented.

used to give another reason for something

in any case phrase B2 In any case, that room's too small. Unit 13
that you are saying, or that you have done

in that case phrase B2 because of the mentioned situation Well, in that case, I’ve got another idea. Unit 13

to have something permanently or for the How can we solve this problem and keep
keep verb A2 Unit 13
whole of a period of time everyone happy.
keep an to go to a meeting or event that has been
phrase B2 I always keep my appointments. Unit 13
appointment arranged

to hope that things will happen in the way

keep my fingers I always keep my fingers crossed when my
phrase C2 that you want them to, sometimes putting Unit 13
crossed flight takes off.
one finger over another to bring good luck
the process of going to court so that a They came up with a compromise so there
legal action phrase Unit 13
decision can be made officially by law was no need for legal action.
load noun B1 A load of something is a lot of that thing. I printed a load of leaflets. Unit 13

massive adjective B2 very big a massive building Unit 13

to make someone enthusiastic about doing Teaching is all about motivating people to
motivate verb C1 Unit 13
something learn.
a type of grain that people eat or feed to
oat noun oat biscuits Unit 13

when someone tells a person in authority that If you are really unhappy with the service
official complaint phrase B2 Unit 13
something is wrong or not satisfactory you could make an official complaint.

used for adding emphasis to questions, often

on earth phrase How on earth did she manage that? Unit 13
when the speaker is surprised or angry

If someone has an open mind, they consider

When it comes to politics, I try to keep an
open mind phrase B2 ideas and opinions that are new or different Unit 13
open mind.
to their own.
a thought or belief about something or She spoke to everyone involved and got their
opinion noun B1 Unit 13
someone opinion.
He's trying to overcome his drug addiction
overcome verb B2 to deal with and control a problem or feeling Unit 13
and find a job.
All participants finishing the race will
participant noun C1 someone who is involved in an activity Unit 13
receive a medal.
passion noun C1 when you like something very much a passion for football Unit 13
phrasal to cover a path or road with flat stones,
pave over They want the whole area paved over. Unit 13
verb bricks, concrete, etc
to make a copy of a document with a machine
photocopy verb which produces copies of documents using I need to photocopy some papers. Unit 13
light and electricity

a collection of designs, pictures, documents,

portfolio noun etc that represents a person's work, or the He showed us his portfolio. Unit 13
large, flat container that it is carried in
prepared to B2 willing to We’re prepared to add an extra $250. Unit 13
We’d be willing to come here again provided
provided conjunction B2 only if Unit 13
we can sort out this problem.
to make a device operate, or to cause a device
put on A2 to play something, such as a CD or video, by Do you mind if I put the television on? Unit 13
pressing a switch
to accept unpleasant behaviour or an
put up with B2 unpleasant situation, although you do not like They simply put up with the problem. Unit 13
phrasal to accept unpleasant or annoying behaviour
put up with (sb) B2 I don't know how she puts up with him. Unit 13
verb although you do not like it
the amount of money that you pay to rent
rental noun The price includes flights and car rental. Unit 13
the opinion that people have about someone
reputation noun B2 or something based on their behaviour or Both hotels have a good reputation. Unit 13
character in the past
sci-fi noun science fiction He's a big sci-fi fan. Unit 13
something that you tell no one about or only a
secret noun B1 I know how to keep a secret. Unit 13
few people
session noun B1 a period during which you do one activity a weekly aerobics session Unit 13

a dark area made by something that is

shadow noun B1 The tree had cast (=made) a long shadow. Unit 13
stopping the light
considered on its own; separate from other
single adjective B1 She got top marks in every single subject. Unit 13
to deal satisfactorily or successfully with a
phrasal If people haven’t sorted out their differences
sort out B2 problem, a situation, or a person who is Unit 13
verb after two hours, then they’re not going to.
having difficulties
to arrange for a lawyer to tell you what the
They weren't sure about their rights so they
take legal advice phrase B2 law states or how you should behave Unit 13
decided to take legal advice.
according to the law
to discuss something with someone, often to
talk something phrasal They talked it over and came up with a
B2 find out their opinion or to get advice before Unit 13
over verb compromise.
making a decision
terribly adverb B1 very She must be terribly happy about it. Unit 13

phrasal to discuss a plan or problem in detail until

thrash (sth) out We sat round the table and thrashed it out. Unit 13
verb you reach an agreement or find a solution

the back part of your mouth and the passages

throat noun B1 a sore throat Unit 13
inside your neck
tobacco noun C1 dried leaves that are inside cigarettes pack of tobacco Unit 13
total adjective B2 extreme or complete It was a total waste of time. Unit 13
visibly adverb C2 in a way that can be seen He was visibly upset. Unit 13
We’d be willing to come here again provided
willing adjective B1 wanting to do something Unit 13
we can sort out this problem.
to succeed in doing something good, usually What do you hope to have achieved after six
achieve verb B1 Unit 14
by working hard months in the job?
someone whose job is to give advice about a
advisor noun C1 a financial advisor Unit 14
the process of examining the details of
analysis noun B2 a detailed analysis Unit 14
something carefully

a robot machine controlled by computer

android noun We watched a movie about androids. Unit 14
which is made to look like a human

to request something, usually officially, What are your reasons for applying for this
apply verb B1 Unit 14
especially by writing or sending in a form position?

We very much appreciated the efforts you

appreciate verb B2 to feel grateful for something Unit 14
suitable or right for a particular situation or
appropriate adjective B2 Is this film appropriate for young children? Unit 14
arise verb C1 to start to happen or exist I'll let you know if any vacancies arise. Unit 14
assist verb B2 to help The army assisted in the search. Unit 14
assistance noun B2 help financial/medical assistance Unit 14
a quality or characteristic that someone or What skills or attributes does he need in his
attribute noun C2 Unit 14
something has work?
a situation, fact, or idea from which I tend to respond to things on a day-to-day
basis noun B2 Unit 14
something can develop basis.
before long phrase B2 soon He'll be home before long. Unit 14
a very popular book that many people have
bestseller noun B2 Her books became bestsellers. Unit 14
bossy adjective B2 always telling other people what to do My sister's really bossy. Unit 14
a wire covered by plastic that carries
cable noun B2 overhead power cables Unit 14
electricity, telephone signals, etc
Interviewers sometimes observe candidates
one of the people taking part in an election or
candidate noun B2 having group discussions, to see how they Unit 14
trying to get a job
a complete circle that an electric current
circuit noun C2 an electrical circuit Unit 14
travels around

facts or events that make a situation the way I usually react to circumstances and tend to
circumstances noun B2 Unit 14
it is respond to things spontaneously.

the natural ability to be practical and to make The children shouldn't be in any danger as
common sense noun B1 Unit 14
good decisions long as they use their common sense.

computer literate adjective able to used computers well You need to be computer literate in this job. Unit 14

when things must be kept secret, especially in

confidentiality noun C1 We expect total confidentiality. Unit 14
an official situation
when you communicate with someone, We will certainly contact you if any suitable
contact verb A2 Unit 14
especially by speaking to them vacancies arise in the future.

your telephone number, email address, etc. We have your contact details and we will to
contact details phrase A2 Unit 14
that people can use to talk or write to you get in touch if we require your assistance.

a small piece of plastic that you put on your

contact lens noun I wear contact lenses. Unit 14
eye to make you see more clearly

to give something or do something in order to Do come to the meeting if you feel you have
contribute verb B2 Unit 14
achieve something together with other people something to contribute.

something that you do to help produce or

What contributions will you make to good
contribution noun B2 develop something, or to help make Unit 14
staff relations?
something successful
a letter that you send with something to To get to the interview stage, you really need
covering letter noun explain what it is or to give more information to sell yourself in your CV and covering Unit 14
about it letter.
a symbol on a computer screen which shows
cursor noun B2 Put the cursor at the beginning of the word. Unit 14
the place where you are working
a document which describes your
To get to the interview stage, you really need
qualifications and the jobs you have done,
CV noun B1 to sell yourself in your CV and covering Unit 14
which you send to an employer that you want
to work for
happening every day as a regular part of your I tend to respond to things on a day-to-day
day-to-day adjective Unit 14
job or your life basis.

to make something look more attractive by They decorated the room with balloons for
decorate verb B1 Unit 14
putting things on it or around it her party.

If something is desirable, it is very good or

desirable adjective B2 A good education is highly desirable. Unit 14
attractive and most people would want it.

to make a telephone call to a particular

dial verb B1 Dial 0 for the operator. Unit 14
windows that have two layers of glass to keep
double-glazing noun Does the house have double glazing? Unit 14
a building warm or quiet
phrasal to use your knowledge or experience of
draw on (sth) C1 This position will draw on all your skills. Unit 14
verb something to help you do something
dump verb C2 to suddenly end a romantic relationship Why don't you just dump him? Unit 14

the part of a telephone that you hold near to

earpiece noun He tapped the earpiece. Unit 14
your ear
electrify verb to supply something with electricity an electrified railway Unit 14
a small object through which an electric
electrode noun They attached electrodes to his head. Unit 14
current enters or leaves something
to ask someone for information about
enquire verb B2 Are you staying long? she enquired. Unit 14
external adjective B2 relating to the outside part of something the external walls of the house Unit 14
If two people make eye contact, they look at
eye contact noun He refused to make eye contact with me. Unit 14
each other at the same time.

a collection of information and documents Would you mind if we keep your records on
file noun A2 Unit 14
about someone or something file?

the mark made on something by the pattern The police found fingerprints all over the
fingerprint noun Unit 14
of curved lines on the end of someone's finger murder weapon.

Further into the future, we could very well

future noun B1 the time which is to come have a country-wide transport system of Unit 14
small electric cars.
futurologist noun someone who studies the future I work as a futurologist. Unit 14

a set of parts in a motor vehicle or bicycle that

gear noun B2 a mountain bike with 21 gears Unit 14
control how fast the wheels turn

to communicate with someone by We have your contact details and we will get
get in touch phrase B1 Unit 14
telephoning them, writing, etc. in touch if we require your assistance.

a number or letter that shows how good Steve never studies, but he always gets good
grade noun B1 Unit 14
someone's work or performance is grades.

someone who has studied for and received a New graduates should usually have some
graduate noun B2 Unit 14
degree (=qualification) from a university internship experience.

We’d like to express our gratitude for the

gratitude noun the feeling or quality of being grateful Unit 14
efforts you made.
How will you handle living in a closed
handle (+_ing) verb B1 to deal with something Unit 14

the action of taking someone's right hand and

handshake noun He had a firm handshake. Unit 14
shaking it when you meet or leave each other

using technology that provides very clear,

high-definition adjective a high-definition lens Unit 14
detailed images
the department of an organisation that deals
with finding new people to work there,
human resources noun keeping records about all the organisation's She works in human resources. Unit 14
employees, and helping them with any

in place phrase B2 in the correct position I tend to make sure everything's in place. Unit 14

a unit for measuring length, equal to 2.54

inch noun B1 The snow was 6 inches deep in some places. Unit 14

the ability to understand what something is The book provides a fascinating insight into
insight noun C1 Unit 14
really like, or an example of this the world of art.

intend verb B1 to want and plan to do something What do you intend to do after this job? Unit 14

interior noun B2 the inside part of something the grand interior of the hotel Unit 14
a period of time spent doing a job as part of New graduates should usually have some
internship noun Unit 14
becoming qualified to do it internship experience.
a meeting in which someone asks you To get to the interview stage, you really need
interview noun B1 questions to see if you are suitable for a job or to sell yourself in your CV and covering Unit 14
course letter.
something that makes something start to I will do my homework - I just need a little
kickstart noun Unit 14
happen kickstart.
a strong beam of light that has medical and
laser noun B2 a laser beam Unit 14
technical uses
lifetime noun B2 the period of time that someone is alive I can't see it happening within my lifetime. Unit 14

long term adjective B2 continuing a long time into the future long-term unemployment Unit 14
phrasal thinking about and planning for what will
looking ahead C2 Unit 14
verb happen in the future
words that you write down to help you I have made a note of your telephone
note noun C1 Unit 14
remember something number.
CVs usually include a main objective, details
objective noun B2 something that you are trying to achieve Unit 14
of experience and references.
obsolete adjective C1 not used now obsolete equipment Unit 14
offensive adjective B2 likely to make people angry or upset an offensive remark Unit 14
a situation in which it is possible for you to do
We were pleased to have the opportunity to
opportunity noun B1 something, or a possibility of doing Unit 14
discuss your qualifications and expectations.
to hear what someone is saying when they are
overhear verb C2 I overheard him telling her he was leaving. Unit 14
not talking to you
the ability to deal well with people and form
You must be able to work independently and
people skills phrase good relationships with them, especially at Unit 14
have strong organisational and people skills.
a small point that forms part of the image on
pixel noun The image is formed of thousands of pixels. Unit 14
a computer screen

phrasal I like to plan ahead because then I have a

plan ahead B1 to decide what you are going to do in advance Unit 14
verb long time to look forward to things

What are your reasons for applying for this

position noun B2 a job Unit 14

There’s also the possibility that ‘thought

a chance that something may happen or be
possibility noun B1 recognition’ could allow you to just think a Unit 14
number instead of dialling it.

to say what you think will happen in the I predict that mobile phones will become
predict verb B1 Unit 14
future obsolete by 2020.
prior to phrase C1 before a particular time or event three weeks prior to her death Unit 14

prolong verb C1 to make something last longer Eating a good diet can prolong your life. Unit 14

promote verb B2 to advertise something The band is promoting their new album. Unit 14

the first model or example of something new

prototype noun a prototype for a new car Unit 14
that can be developed or copied in the future

a document or a statement saying how much

quote noun C2 We got three quotes for the work. Unit 14
a piece of work will cost
rail noun C2 the metal tracks that trains run on The train travels along the rails. Unit 14

to say, do, or feel something because of I usually react to circumstances and tend to
react verb B2 Unit 14
something else that has been said or done respond to things spontaneously.
information that is written on paper or stored
Would you mind if we keep your records on
record noun B2 on computer so that it can be used in the Unit 14
a letter that is written by someone who knows
CVs usually include a main objective, details
reference noun B2 you, to say if you are suitable for a job or Unit 14
of experience and references.

relentless adjective never stopping or getting any less extreme relentless criticism Unit 14

residence noun C2 a building where someone lives the Queen's official residence Unit 14

a part at the back of the eye, which is affected

retina noun a damaged retina Unit 14
by light and sends messages to the brain

a bad situation where you do the same things

rut noun C2 all the time, or where it is impossible to make I need to get out of this rut. Unit 14
Usually people don’t ask about salary and
a fixed amount of money that you receive
salary noun B1 but it’s discussed later when they offer you Unit 14
from your employer, usually every month
short term adjective B2 lasting a short time short-term memory Unit 14
the activity of sliding over snow and ice on a
sledding noun long platform with strips of wood or metal Free time activities include dog sledding. Unit 14
under it
a device that changes energy from the sun
solar panel noun We installed solar panels in our house. Unit 14
into electricity
solar power noun energy that comes from the sun We want to use more solar power. Unit 14
doing things suddenly and without planning
spontaneous adjective I tend to be quite spontaneous. Unit 14

I usually react to circumstances and tend to

spontaneously adverb Unit 14
respond to things spontaneously.

If you do something on the spur of the

spur noun C2 moment, you do it suddenly, without I usually act on the spur of the moment. Unit 14
planning it.

steer verb B2 to control the direction of a vehicle I tried to steer the boat away from the bank. Unit 14
a good quality or ability that makes someone What would you say are your greatest
strength noun C1 Unit 14
or something effective strengths?
feeling surprise because something has I’d be surprised if a prototype isn’t available
surprised adjective A2 Unit 14
happened that you did not expect in about five years.
telly noun C1 television What's on the telly tonight? Unit 14
tiny adjective B1 extremely small a tiny baby Unit 14
a general development or change in a There's a trend towards more locally
trend noun B1 Unit 14
situation produced television programmes.

An unspoiled place is beautiful because it has

unspoiled adjective C1 an island with clean, unspoiled beaches Unit 14
not been changed or damaged by people.

to copy computer programs or information

upload verb B1 electronically, usually from a small computer I uploaded some of the images. Unit 14
to a larger one or to the Internet

Tell me if you hear of any vacancies for

vacancy noun C1 a job that is available for someone to do Unit 14
vast adjective B2 extremely big a vast amount of money Unit 14
something such as a car or bus that takes
vehicle noun B1 people from one place to another, especially The driver of the vehicle was unhurt. Unit 14
using roads

the American term for covering letter; a letter

cover letter noun that you send with something else, to explain I sent the goods with a cover letter.
what you are sending

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