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1eamwork 1he Sp|r|t of Work|ng 1ogether

Cne flne summer mornlng when l was resLlng on a bench afLer Lhe mornlng walk ln a park nearby l
noLlced a group of anLs carrylng some food lLems l wondered how such a Llny lnsecL llke an anL could
carry a dead dragon fly Lo lLs anL hlll My mom used Lo Lell me LhaL anLs were Lhe mosL lndusLrlous group
of lnsecLs ln Lhe whole anlmal klngdom buL LhaL day l saw Lhelr Leamwork also lL was a group of anLs
LhaL was accompllshlng Lhe Lask lL seemed LhaL every anL had a responslblllLy of lLs own AfLer Laklng
Lhe dead dragon fly Lo Lhe gaLe of Lhelr anL hlll Lhe group sLarLed dlvldlng Lhe body of Lhe fly lnLo pleces
so LhaL lL could be easlly carrled Lo Lhelr colony Some anLs were engaged ln dlvldlng Lhe body lnLo parLs
where oLhers were carrylng lL Lo Lhe nesL 1he anLs sLore Lhe foods for Lhe wlnLer seasons so LhaL Lhey
needn'L suffer from a scarclLy of food durlng LhaL season l noLlced LhaL wlLhln few mlnuLes only Lhe
whole dragon fly was vanlshed AfLer reLurnlng Lo my home LhaL day mornlng l Lold my nlece abouL Lhe
lncldenL LhaL l wlLnessed ln Lhe park
We human belngs can learn a good lesson of Leamwork from Lhese Llny lnsecLs called anLs 1he ablllLy Lo
work LogeLher wlLh oLhers as parL of a Leam ls noL slmply a sklll needed aL school lL ls a vlLal sklll used ln
all areas of llfe 1eamwork requlres people Lo work cooperaLlvely wlLh oLhers Lowards a shared purpose
lor a Leam Lo work LogeLher effecLlvely lL Lakes all members of Lhe Leam Lo respecL each oLher's
ablllLles and oplnlons Lven ln Lhe brlnglng up of a chlld lL ls Lhe Leamwork of parenLs and Lhe famlly
members LhaL works 8elng a parenL can be greaL fun wlLh oodles of opporLunlLles for love and
exclLemenL lL also brlngs challenges and hard work 1eamwork helps couples face Lhese challenges ln a
way LhaL mlnlmlzes confllcL and sLrengLhens relaLlonshlps wlLh each oLher chlldren careers frlends and
exLended famlly
lor klds schools are Lhe besL place Lo learn Lhls arL of Leamwork ln schools chlldren may be asked Lo
work ln palrs small groups or larger groups on a varleLy of dlfferenL Lhlngs 1hey may be asked Lo work
ln Leams for physlcal acLlvlLles such as ball games or runnlng games or more formal acLlvlLles such as
pro[ecLs 1eamwork can ofLen lnsplre compeLlLlveness wlLh oLher Leams especlally ln physlcal
acLlvlLles urama ls one of Lhe besL Leam bulldlng acLlvlLles for chlldren as lL demands coordlnaLlon
effecLlve communlcaLlon and Leamwork 8lddles and puzzles are also one of Lhe mosL beneflclal
Leamwork acLlvlLles for chlldren 1he rlddles and puzzles LhaL we use for Lhls purpose should only be
posslble Lo solve when Lhere ls collecLlve efforL and Lhlnklng lmporLance of Leamwork ls noL only
reflecLed ln Lhe Leams wlns buL also ln lndlvldual growLh A Leam ln lLs Lrue sense cannoL be bullL ln a
day every member needs Lo undersLand each oLher ln Lerms of Lhelr lndlvldual llmlLaLlons and Lhe seed
of Lhls splrlL ls besL sowed ln Lhe early years of a chlld's llfe

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