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The Game

By: Tristan

It was a hot summer day, and it is one of the last games for Micheal's baseball season.

Micheal is a six year old boy with brown hair, blues eyes, he is short, very loud, and hyper. He

started playing baseball because he wanted to be like his cousin who also plays baseball. Micheal

is up to bat; their team is losing 7 – 4. Micheal walks up to the plate ready for the pitch. The

pitcher throws the ball, it was an outside pitch, so it was a ball. The pitcher threw the ball again

and it was perfectly in the strike zone.

The Umpire yelled, “strike one!”

Micheal shakes off the fact that his team was yelling at him to hit it and got ready for the

pitch. The pitcher throws the ball low. The count was now 2 –1 for Micheal, he was ready for the

next pitch to be thrown.

Micheal whispers to himself, “I’ve got this.” The pitcher throws the ball, another strike

but a little bit high to Micheal.

The Umpire yelled, “Strike two!”

Micheal got nervous about striking out and was ready to swing on the next pitch. The

pitcher threw the ball, but it was a curveball. Micheal saw it as the perfect pitch and just as he

swung his bat the ball curved down making Micheal miss the pitch.

The Umpire Yelled, “Strike 3 you're out!”

Micheal walks away from the plate angry that he missed the ball, his coaches helped calm

him down as he went into the dugout. He sat on the bench angry at why he swung at that pitch

but had to forget about it so he could go out on the field.

Micheal's coach said, “Micheal you can go to center field.”

Micheal yells while running out, “ok coach.”

Micheal runs to center field as everyone else runs to their positions. Micheal was waiting

in the outfield when all of the sudden the kid on the other team hit the ball straight at him.

Micheal starts running out to go catch the ball until, his cleat got caught on his other cleats

shoelace, making him fall face first and missing the catch. Micheals' teammate at left field ran

after the ball and threw it to second base but the batter was already safe. Micheal laid in the grass

for a minute after getting up and realizing that he just let him get a free double and that he could

have stopped that. Micheal throws his glove to the ground, picks it up and cleans the grass off.

On the next pitch the batter missed the ball and all the way from outfield, Micheal heard the


The Umpire shrieks, “Strike one!”

Micheal mumbles under his breath, “now you see how it feels to miss the ball.”

Micheal watches as the same batter that made Micheal strike out also just striked out.

Micheal realizes that he did not pay attention and that it was already three outs, so Micheal starts

to run back into the dugout and talk with his coaches.

As Micheal runs in, his coach screams, “alright boys, lets hit some baseballs!”

All the boys start to run in the dugout to get their bats and helmets. Some of Micheal’s

teammates were up to bat so he sat in the dugout and watched them play until it was his turn. He
watches as all his friends hit the ball and get on the bases. Micheal is up and the bases are loaded.

The pitcher throws the ball, it was a little too far inside near Micheal

The Umpire mumbles, “ball, inside.”

The pitcher threw the ball, it was a little low but still a strike.

The Umpire Yelled, “Strike one!”

Micheal walks in a circle then brings his bat back up. The pitcher threw the ball, it was a

perfect pitch. Micheal swung the bat but missed the ball.

The Umpire Yelled, “Strike two!”

Micheal mutters under his breath, “How did I miss that ball?”

Micheal shakes it off and gets ready for the pitch. The pitcher throws the ball, and just like last

time the pitcher ended it with a curveball. Micheal swings the bat just as the ball curved under

his bat.

The Umpire Yelled, “Strike three! You are out!”

Micheal storms back into the dugout as his coach asks why he swung on the curve.=

Micheal’s coach hollers, “Micheal why would you swing at the curve, you should have

expected it like last time!”

Micheal whines, “I did not expect him to do that again.

Micheals coach yells, “Well you should have expected it then!”

Micheal mumbled, “Sorry coach.”

Micheal starts running out to center field where coach told him to go.
The Umpire yells, “Mercy rule other team scored more runs than you guys could so come shake


Micheal runs over to first base defeated and shakes hands with the kids on the other team.

All of the boys on his team run to the dugout while Micheal slowly walks in the dugout. He

grabs all his stuff and leaves. Micheal gets home and calls his cousin, Tom.

Micheal said, “Hey Tom I need help with baseball.”

Tom said, “Well what exactly do you need help with because baseball has a lot of

different skills?”

Micheal whines, “Well I need help with batting and with catching balls in the outfield.

Tonight I messed up twice when I was batting because the pitcher threw a curve ball. In the

outfield, my cleat got caught on my other cleat’s shoelace, so I missed the catch.”

Tom blurted out, “Well when you are batting try to focus on the ball and keep your eye

on it even when you swing the bat. And with your shoelaces you can either tie them tighter or

tuck them in the side of your cleats so that you trip on them.”

Micheal cheers, “Ok Tom thank you I will try both of those tomorrow for my game.”

Micheal hangs up on the phone as he goes to bed to get ready for his game tomorrow.

The next day Micheal goes out to his game. This time he tied his cleats tighter so they would not

catch on each other. Micheal looks at the batting order and realizes his coaches put him fourth in

the order. Micheal watches as his friends hit the ball or get walked by the pitcher and realizes

that he was up next. Micheal walks up to the plate confident to hit the ball. The pitcher threw the

ball. The ball was coming straight at Micheals head, so he ducked out of the way.

The Umpire Mumbled, “Ball. High pitch.”

Micheal gets ready as the pitcher threw the next ball. Micheal sees the ball and realizes

that it was the pitch that he wanted. Micheal swung the bat and...

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