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NARRATOR: “In the heartland of India, amidst the vibrant cultures of Gujarat, Haryana,
and Rajasthan, unfolds a tale of familial love, neglect, and redemption. Join us as we
witness the transformation of a family’s fate, guided by the divine intervention of the
Goddesses Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga.”

[the stage light dims and the scene transitions to the past. The couple are showing
affection on their young son, while the daughters sit neglected in the background.]

MOTHER: Oh son, you are our pride and joy. We’ll do anything for you.”

FATHER: Yes, our son, our future!

[the daughters exchange glances, feeling invisible and unloved .] [Meanwhile Rishita
comes with a trophy in her hand]

NARATTOR: “The trophy was earned by Saraswati through her hardwork. But her efforts
were not approved by her ignorant parents who only seem to care about her brother.”

FATHER:*throws the trophy aggressively* What’s the use of getting this ‘trophy’ when
you can’t even do the household chores!! You better learn that from your mother now
itself before you are married off!!

MOTHER: Now don’t look at us like that and go clean the dishes…

[scene shifts to the future; the son bankrupts his family, get’s addicted to drugs, alcohol,
gambling etc. while the daugthers become successful in their respective fields and save
their family from the debt]

SON: *enters the house in a panic state; looks if money lenders are here to take money
from him*

FATHER: What happened son?! Why are you so panicked?!!*hurriedly goes to his son*
SON: “Some people are were threatening me to pay back their money. I somehow
managed to run from there but I think they’ll be here soon! Mother, Father, save me
FATHER: I have nothing to give you, son. You have spent all my life’s earning on

MOTHER: we even had to sell my gold jewellery in order to pay off your debt. What will I
give you now, my son?!
FATHER: You have brought us to a state we never dreamed of ever facing! How we
thought you would bring us good fortune when you were born.
MOTHER: But now it seems like you have no intention of doing other than ruining our
lives and leaving us homeless.

FATHER: It’s really heartbreaking to see you do this to us son. We provided you with
everything we had and only wished for a promising future for you.

SON: Ma , papa could you please lend me a hand with this issue instead of lecturing me
on irrelevant matters? It feels like your advice is only adding to my stress. I would really
appreciate it if you could stay silent for now.
[ mother starts to sob as her son storms away to his room and smashes the door on their

NARRATOR: “Through sheer determination, Rishita carved her path to success, rising
above the shadows of her past.”
[Rishita learns about her parents debt and her brothers deeds]
RISHITA: I will clear all the debts. But I need your help and support to accomplish that.

MOTHER: Can we trust you on everything?

NARRATOR: Despite the doubts, Rishita remained resolute, driven by a desire to mend
the broken bonds of her family. Night after night, she laboured, fueled by the promise
she made to herself.

RISHITA: *tears swelling up* I did it, Ma, Papa. The debts are settled.

PARENTS: *embracing her* We never thought you’d come through for us.

NARRATOR: “In the glow of redemption, Rishita found solace—the long awaited
acceptance from her parents. And so, her journey serves as a testament—that despite the
scars of the past, redemption can be found in the bonds of love and forgiveness.

[Lakshmi’s Dance sequence starts]

NARRATOR: Despite the discouragement received from her family, Prachi relentlessly
worked hard and dedicated herself onto fulfilling her commitments. She is now a
passionate teacher who runs a Dance Institute for the students who are eager to acquire
dance skills.

PRACHI: My sisters are trying their best to earn your trust and love despite ya’ll being
ignorant of their efforts from childhood.
MOTHER: We never realized how we were about you three….

FATHER: You’ve always been our rock and have shown us what true love and sacrifice
means. We’re so proud to call you our daughter.
PRACHI: in the dance of life, every step counts. I’m just glad we found our rhythm

[They reconcile and the stage fades to black as they stand united and stronger than ever

[Saraswati’s Dance]

[Samaira, now a lawyer by profession after days of her consistent efforts, discovers her
brother’s involvement in illegal activities which led to the loss of their family’s property]
SAMAIRA: You’ve destroyed everything, brother!
SON: I think its best if you stay out of this situation since you were never considered a
part of the family. You and your sisters were seen as a disappointment to the family.

SAMAIRA: But at least I’m proud that we have never brought any disgrace to our parents’
name and now are independent, standing on our own feet instead of relying on them.
SON: *ashamed and seeking a solution to justify his actions*

[Samaria tirelessly works to reclaim the lost property and clear her family’s name]

SAMAIRA: I’ll fix this, I promise. I’m trying my best.

FATHER: We trust you, daughter.

MOTHER: Remember, we are here if you need any help.

[She succeeds in her efforts]

SAMAIRA: *handing the documents*It’s all yours. Just like it should be.

MOTHER: *tearfully* We are so proud of you! Thank you!

FATHER: We should have seen your value all along.

NARRATOR: Her family finally realized her worth and embraced her with love and
affection, symbolizing their newfound bond and appreciation for each other.
[Durga’s dance sequel; Death of Mahishasur.]
NARRATOR: Finally the responsibility and willingness of the three daughters, portrayed
in the form of goddess Lakshmi, Durga and Saraswati, showed to help their family in
crisis awakened the conscience of their parents. The faced the problems head on,
proving themselves to be pillars of power and resilience. Their parents marveled on
their sense of responsibility towards their family and realized that the daughters whom
they underestimated as “burdens” were actually their pride.

The position if the girl child in Indian society is backward since ages because of the
extreme desire of parents for the boy child. It has created gender equality in our society.
Through these attempts of our characters, we are making an effort on enhancing the
importance of uplifting and supporting the women who are often observed to remain
[The cast of the play remains cohesive in conveying the narrator’s message as the final
curtain descends and the drama concludes.]

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