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Khéa KIEN THU TON UAT TIENG ANH 9 — GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 Hoc d@ khang dinh minh VIDEO va LOI GIAI CHI TIET chi c6 tai website MOON.VN [Truy efip tab: THCS ~ Khos hoe: KIEN THUC TONG QUAT THENG ANH 9 (Chung trinh Luygn thi Lp 9 1én 10)] I. TOPIC VOCABULARY: A. GETTING STARTED: “Try to correct these following jumbled words by looking at the hints beside them: 1. ari Hupotoni = air pollution 2. destatni => deforestation forest 3. gabagear dpmu => garbage dump ~ Hoe dé khing dinh 1 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH 9 ~ GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 4, dymitena fingsi => dynamite fishing => water pollution moon B. NEW WORDS: oon Minimize /‘mmmmaiz/ (v): kim gidm thiéu, lam gidm tdi mire thip nhat Pollute /po'lu:t/(v): lim 6 nhigm Prevent /pri'vent/ (v): ngiin chin, phong chéng. Provide pro‘ vard/ (v): cung c4j Reduce /11' a vy ‘xudng Spray /spi : phun Spoil /spotl/ (v) = Damage /' dzemids/ (v): lam hong n Reeyele /,ri:' sarkal/ (w): tai ché Deforestation /di,foris'teifi’ (n): nan phd rimg Mo on ov (0. Exhaust fumes /ig'z9:stfju:mz/ (n): khéi xe 1. Garbage ga:bidds/ (n): ra Garbage dump /'ga: 12. Natural resourees / naetfaral 13, Poltuted pots (ad) bi 6 shiém# Unpolluted /anpo ute (a): khong bi 6 nhiém.chua i 6 nhiém 14, Cover / lay 15, Persuade rerd/ (v): thuyét phuc ees ay ee Moon. vn ~ Hoe dé khing dinh minh 2 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH 9 ~ GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 C. PRACTICE: “Link the words in column A with i in column B to make correct words or phrases: Collumn B 1. spraying a. wastes 2. environmental b. pollution 3. polluted c. dump 4. natural 4. rivers 5. garbage ©. resources 6. decrease vn f. deforestation 7. chemical pico g. air pollution 8. cutting do h. trees 9. prevent i. problems Vv 10. water ik pesticide Moot- IL, READING: + PARTI: Read the basse ee decide these following statements areTrue or False. The environi th natural and made by man. A major problem in the world today is the destructioi tural environment. This is a complicated problem. We burn fuel, and this causes air pollution. We throw away plastic bags, along with plastic toys and other subjects. These sae int i tienen: they are not like paper or wood that slowly disappear. We have made thousands ens that make or use chemicals always have chemical wastes. These are tr ny ‘thay also stay in the environment. Since 1945 several countries have been testing nuclear bombs in the air and underground. The explosions in the air cause nuclear fallout. The fallout causes cancer and kills animals and people. Nuclear power plants that make electricity also produce dangerous wastes and have accidents that can be very dissstrous. Bai djch: Méi trong anoom ing vn ching ta, bao gém cd te nhién va nhén tgo.Mot vin dé lon ma cd thé gidi dang doi mgt chinh la sye phd hity mdi trudng ye mhién. Day la mot vin dé phite tap. Ching ta dét hin igu va diéu dé gay ra 0 nhidm khong khi. Ching ta vit bo wi ni tong, dé chor bin nen cing ‘cde thie Ihde. Nhitng thit may sé 6 tai trong moi truing sing, Khe wit gidy 5 in hy Ching ta sin xudt ra hing nghin logi héa chét.Céic nha méy lam ra héa chat hog ae éu sinh ra chat thai héa hige.Nhiing thie nay rat dpc hgi va khong phan hiiy.Tie nim 1945, nhiéu quéc gia da thie nghigm bom hat nhdn trén cao va cd dudi long dét.Nhitng vy nd trén cao gay ra sw phéng xa. Ching gay ra bgnh ung the va giét chét dong vat vafc on ngwoi. Nha mdy dién hat nhan tao ra dién nang nhitng ciing thai ra chét thai nguy hiém va gay rad ét hai khé cé thé, A. Many bis ir pollution due to burning fuel. => T (line 2) B. Enviro ieee from nuclear power are simple and easy to solve. => F (last line, it causes cancer and kills animals and people.) C. Nuclear bombs were first tested in 1945. => T (line 6) D. Chemical wastes are produced by chemical factories. => T (L E. Plastic objects and paper are the same beacai Ay > a, (line 3 +4) Moon. vn — Hoe dé khing dinh 3 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH9 —- GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 > PARTIE - Complete the passage with the words provided. There is one extra word that you do not need to use: down — air sea jut — save — dirty — important — pollute — grow We are all dest 7! he seas and rivers are too (1) dirty to swim in, TI much smoke in the (2) airthat itis unhealthy to live in many big cities. For exampl from cars (3) pollutethe air so much that policemen have to wear oxygen masks. We have cut so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world. As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot (5) growenough to eat. In certain countries in Asia there is so litte rice. Wild animals are (6) quicklydisappearing. For instance, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many for them to oe easy to talk (7) about the problems but not taking actions. We must act now before it so ete oan 1g about it, Join us now. (8) Savethe Earth. Bai dicl WV Th Ching ta dang phd hiiy tdi dét.Bién va cde dong song don bin mi 6 thé boi tai dé.C6 qua nhiéu khéi bui trong khong khi dén néi khong thé sng mét ce de manh tai cdc thanh phé lon. Vi du, khi ga déc tie xe 6 to lam 6 nhiém khong khi dén mite céc cinh sét phai deo m@t na thé 6 xy. Chung ta da ch@t qué nhiéu cay gay ra nhitng ving dét hoang 6 nhiéu noi trén thé gidi.HGu qua la 6 nhiéu khu vyc tai chéiu Phi, ngwéi néng dan khong thé tring trot di: dé song.M6t s6 nwéc 6 chau A thi sin xudt qué it gao. D6ng vat hoan; in mt céch nhanh chéng.Vi dy, hé ngay cang hiém & An BG vi con ngudi noi da) mir) ig qua nhiéu.Rat dé dé ndi vé nhitng vin dé nhung hanh dong vi ching thi Khéc.Chiing ra phai cd hank dong ngay lap tice truéc khi moi thie tri nén qué mugn.Tham gia ching chiing t0i-Hay citu lay tréi dit nay. n Vv 1 - Read the passage again and choose the best answer Moe 1. The seas and rivers nowadays A. are clean and beautiful. B. are less dirty than they used to be. C. are dirty enough to swim in. D. are polluted. 2. Smoke nh, Avis hai nh Wn ottne big cities, C. causes at life. D. makes life in big cities difficult 3. In big cities, traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks. ‘A. in order to protect themselves from being injured.B. because there are so many cars the stats. C. in order not to be recognized.D. because of air pollution. Modit- 4, Wild animals are... A. being protected from natural environment.B. in danger of extinction. C. killed so many that they cannot live in the forests. D. so rare that they cannot survive. Til. WORD FORMATION 0h A. WORD No Verb Noun ‘Adj - Adv Example 1. | Harm Harm Harmful (adj) Many people are not Jha:rw! Jha: ha:m.foll 9), | aware of the harmful Gay hgi, gay | Tai hgi, méi nguy hai i) effects of global nguy hiém be m.las/ warming. Nguy hiém # V6 hai (Nhiéu nguwoi khong Moon. vn — Hoe dé khing dinh 4 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH 9 GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 hin thike duge nhieng dnh hwéng xu cia Eavive= GA /m,vat.ron’ men.tsV/(adj) pijoon-v™ ‘in’ vat.ron. mont! Moi tring (thuge) moi truing Environmentally v1 Th /m,vat.ran'men.tal/ eaten (adv) ‘in, vat.ran'! Vé mat méi truéng Ngudéi hoat d6ng vi méi truong Endanger Danger Danawonsaj in‘demn.dgor/ | demn.dgar! /'dein.dgar. Gay nguy hiém | Sw nguy hiém, méi nguy hiém Nguy hiém Endangered (adj) ‘in'demn.dgor! Bj lam nguy hiém, chju nguy hiém hign tong bién doi [an se ‘a new factory in the city would be really environmentally disastrous. (Xay dung mot nha may trong thanh phé co thé sé réit tai hai xét vé mat aK ‘African elephants are living in danger due to the illegal hunting. (Lodi voi chau Phi dang séng trong nguy hiém cho ngn sin ban trdi phép.) Pollute Jpo'lu:t! Gay 6 nhiém Pollution /po'lu: fon! Sw 6 nhiém Pollutant pa’ lu:tont! (Un)polluted (adj) J anpa' lu “~poomt fpa'lu:t/ (Khong)bj 6 nhiém Li factory is |rreleasing a lot of pollutants into the atmosphere, (Nhét may thép thai ra rat nhiéu chat 6 nhiém vio trong khong khi.) Deforest Chat gi ehh di el aan Deforestation is destroyinglargeareas of Mite ti thiéu vee ws” Phd rieng Su phd hogi rieng cay tro a i ritmg dd phé Mo ont | huiy m6t dign tich lo rieng nhigt déi.) Prevent Prevention Preventable (adj) A block in the pipe was ptr’ vent/ ‘prt’ venjn! fpr’ ven.ta.boV preventing the water Ngan chan ‘Sw ngan chain, phong ching Cé thé phong ching from coming through. o WV + (M6t khéi vét trong mo QBbe ducing éng da chin khong cho nucéc chay qua.) Minimize Minimum Environmentalists are /'mnmarz/ | /' doing everything within theirpower to minimize the impact of Moon. vn — Hoe dé khiing djnh minh 5 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH 9 - GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 moon the oilspill. (Cée nha hogt dong vi mdi truong dé lim moi Ap Bios om ths | ndng cia ho dé gidm thiéu sw anh hwéng cia sw cé tran dau.) 8 | Conserve ‘Conservationist To conserve electricity, kan’ sa:v/ /, {kan sar’ ver: fa" we are cutting down on Bao ton ourheating. ny (Dé béo tin nguén dign ‘onservation/,' nan; ta phat Sw béo tin dit swoi.) | Disappoint —| Dicppointmcat Tiappo aaa ie eoaaasbaaelin J.d1s.0' pot | /,dis.o' pomnt.mont/ /.dis.0' pain disappointing Lam thét vong | Sy thét vong Cém théy that vong (cam performance on a xtic chit quan cia ngwéi | misguidedbusinessplan. néi) (Cong ty dé léi cho vige © rit eV nt hhoge dmg that bi le we Disappointing (adj) bai ké hogch khong /.dis.9'pain.tin/ hoin chink) Ding thit vong (nhan xét vé edi gi) oom ‘nLve 10 Nature Natural (adj) Floods and /ner.tfor! /naetf.or.aV earthquakes are Tye nhién, thién nhién Cé tinh chit tg nhién natural disasters. VW nh (Lit lyt va dong dat la Moot e Naturally (adv) nhieng tham hoa te naetfior.oLi/ nhién.) M6t céich te nhién B. PRACTICE: 5. He couldn’t hide his disappointmentwhen he hi => Anh ta khong gidu noi sy that vong khi ngl gon-V + Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses: 1. The authorities are taking steps to preventdeforestation. (deforest) = Chink quyén dang ting bueée ngan chgn nan phd rimng. 2, He was very disappointedwith his mark in the exam as he had worked so hard for it. (disappoint) => seein i kim tra vi anh ta dé hge rit cham chi. 3. Wes s to stop wasting so many natural resources. (nature) = Chiing ta nén tim cich ngimng phi pham nguén tii nguyén thién nhién, 4+ Airpotatonis ne ofthe mos serous problems nig ces. poh) => O nhiém khong la mt trong nhitng vin dé nghiém tron; anh phé lin, isappoint) = idu noi i “6 dy sé khong toi. Moon. vn — Hoe dé khing dinh minh Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH 9 ~ GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 6. Teachers naturallyprefer students with good behaviours. (nature) => Cie thy cé thing wa thich nhieng hoe sink ngoan. 7. Some people are not aw: he harmfatTects of alcohol. (harm) => Nhidu me ite duge nhitng anh huéng nguy hgi cia r yoy oh 8. The authorities are encouraging farmers to use environmental! thods. (environment) => Chinh quyén dang khuyén khich ngwii néng dan sit dung. 1g bign phép trong trot than thién v6i mai truing. 9. The river is heavily pollutedwith toxic waste from local factories. (pollution) => Dong song bj 6 nhiém nang né boi chit thai doc hqi tir céc nha mdy trong ving. 10, Sulphur dioxide is a pollut aay cause acid rain, (pollute) aioe 1dt gay ra mua axit. > GO Y ab i. 7 KS 1g hard to protect the environment, but the results were rather disappoit (disappointment) VW ‘es => Ho da cé hét site dé bao ve méi trudng nhiing két quae sd ting nd von. 12. The children can watch that movie. It’s quite harmless(harm) => Bon tré cé thé xem b6 fim dé. Né khé la vo hai. 13, Most countries now have environmental problems. (environment) => Phan lén céc quéc gia déu dang cé vin dé vé moi trong. 14, Pollution can har ine life. (harm) eS Sr tne hg sinh thdi. 15, People don’t realize that they are breathing polluted air. (pollutant) => Moi ngwéi khong nhén ra ho dang hit thé khong khi bj 6 nhiém WV th The UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENP > (GRAMMAR) 1. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. TU VA TRANG TU) A. OVERVIEW: i oot cho danh tir vi dai tir: + He isa good teacher. (Ong dy la mét gido vién gidi,) (Tinh tir + He is tall. (Ong dy cao.) (Tinh tir tall bé nghia cho dai tir be.) + One should not be selfish. (Ta khdng nén ich kj.) (Tinh tir selfish b6 nghia cho dgi tir one.) 2. Trang tir bé nghia cho bat cit loai tir nao ngoai trir danh tir va dai tir. Ex: * My teacher teaches well. Tay a i day gidi.) (Trang tir well bo nghia cho d6ng tir teaches.) «He dri (Anh i xe bat can.) (Trang tir carelessly bé nghia cho dng tir drives.) + She sp mee well, (Cé dy néi tiéng Anh rat gidi.) (Trang tir very bé nghia cho trang tir well.) + Icouldn't come simply because I was ill. (T6i khong thé t6i don gian chi vi t6i bj 6m) (Trang tir simply bé nghia cho lién tir because.) «It isa very interesting book. (Né li mét quyén. < somes nghia cho tinh tir interesting.) Moon. vn ~ Hoe dé khing dinh minh 7 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH9 —- GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 + Nhiéw rang te deg hinh thanh me céich thém ly sau tinh tie Ex: carefil nth quick - Sa Moot Vv * effective effectively «traditional -> traditionally + Néu tinh tit tin ciing bang y, thi y dwgc chuyén thanh i truéc khi thém ly. +Néu tinh tie tin cing bing ic, thi ta + al truée khi them ly. fic > sci Il ly: lively, lovely, likely, silly, friendly. You can talk to them. They are very friendly. (Ban c6 thé ndi cl ee fu thdn then.) + These animate look very lively and lovely. (Nhiing con vit niy ae {Ong va dé thuong.) + M6t sé tinh tir cé trang tir khong thay déi: fast, late. hard, far, early. Ex + This isa fast train. (Day 1a m6t chuyén tau nhanh.) + This rain runs fast. (Chuyén chay nhanh.) + bateLaely “a ad ary a khéng). 5 ty mother has been very sick lately. (Thii gian gin day me t6i hay bi 6m.) + Icould hardly understand what he said. (T6i hau nhu khéng thé hiéu nhitn; ‘andi + Hardly ever - almost never (haw nue khong bao gid). Otte Ex: She hardly ever watches TV. (C6 diy hau nhu khéng bao gi Mo + Hardly + any; hardly + anybody; hardly + anyone; hardly + anything; hardly + anywhere Ex: The house was very quiet. There was hardly anybody. (Can nha rat yén tinh. Hau nhu ching cé ai ca.) + Mor BE irene tir hard/ hardly; near/ nearly cé nghia hoan todn khéc nhau. . oe waaioai Bhs QR, ngay cé dy lam viée rat chim chi.) «She hi every day. (Méi ngiy c6 dy hdu nhu kh6ng lam vige.) ‘+ The bus stopped near market. (Xe buyt dimg Iai gin chg.) + Inearly missed the bus. (Téi gin nhu tré xe buyt.) moe B. PRACTICE: Choose the correct form: 1. - Theard Daniel isn’t very well) - Well, he fell and hurt hi "lauw...(badly/ bad) 2. Moot ~ There was (terrible/ terribly) accident on this road two days ago, wasn’t there? - Yes, two people were killed and the driver of the car was (Serious/ seriously) injured. 3. ~ The weather was so awful/ awfully) racial QQ SE vn home a - Yes, it was raining quite (heavy! heavily) so Il day. novi Moon. vn — Hoe dé khing dinh 8 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH 9 ~ GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 4 = You haven't cleaned the floor .......-- aw properly). It still (dirty/ dirtily) - Oh,sorry. [is stil. inty/ dirt ; sorry. | is stil coaua n sn" ; , iy Vv = You didn’t look ver (happy/ happily) last night. Moo e = Well, I was disapointed that I did so A(bad/ badly) in the exau 6. - Can you remember what happen? - [can’t remember .......(clear/ clearly).{t all happened so ... 1. = Don’t go sth ok ..(safe/ safely) - Don’t worry. Pil eh (carefal/ carefully). n - Did you go to Sally's birthday party? Mo ont ov 7 = Yes, It was really a ..........(cheerful/ cheerfully) party.Everybody at the party was ...... (colrful/ colorfully) dressed. (sudden/ suddenly) 9. = Why do you look so .....(nervous/ nervously)? = Ob, my! I've just got a mistake. I cd my boss while he was on the phone, and he looked at me ; sna terupted him. 10. - Have you seen Richard . (recent/ recently)? See ee eciee yi oi _.(sad/ sadly) at me when he saw me. ILADVERB CLAUSES OF REASON (MENH DE TRANG NGU CHi LY DO) A. OVERVIEW: 1, HINH THUC: Ménh dé mer Ip do la ménh dé phy thuong bat déu bang cdc lién tiv: because, since, as (do; i) a Si+ Wit bd + because/ since/ as + $2 + V (adverb clause of reason) Ex: + [tumed the heating on because it was cold. (Vi tréi lanh nén 16 més [6 sé yn © We watched TV all evening as we had nothing better to do. (Ching emp budi tdi vi ching 16i chang c6 gi hay hon dé lam.) + Since he had not paid his bill, his electricity was cut off. (Vi anh dy khong thanh todn hod don, nén dién bj cat.) 2. CHU Y: Ménh dé tran gotten. mg truéc hodc sau ménh dé chinh. Khi ménh dé trang ngit dieng truvéc, gitta hai méni déu phiy (,). Ex: ‘+ Since/As/ Because he won't help me, I must do the job myself, (igang gitip toi nén ti phai tr lam vige 46.) ont + Joe started jogging because/ since/ as his doct to, (Joe bit diu chay b6 vi bie s¥ bio anh ta lam thé.) Moon. vn ~ Hoe dé khing dinh minh 9 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH 9 ~ GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 B. PRACTICE: Combine these sentences using BECAUSE/ AS/ SINCE: 1. Jane was worried. oon alone. => Jane was worried ai she was staying at home alone Moon yn 2. Tom couldn’t get the job. He was not confident during the interview. => Tom couldn’t get the job as he was not confident during the interview 3. [have to work extra hours. I want to support my family. =>I have to work extra hour since I want to support my fa 4, We adorehim. He is very t xa SO =>We soins lented. 5. She has to nus. She is an orphan. => She has to depend on us because she is an orphan. oh 6. L enjoy reading books. They help broaden my knowldege of the wor, OO =>I enjoy reading books since they help broaden my knowldege of the 7. Don’t believe him. He is always being a liar. => Don’t believe him because he is always being a liar. 8. [haven't finished my assighnment yet, don’t have enough materials. =>I haven’t finished m ‘etn ice I don’t have enough materials. 9. You must very urgent. => You must vn ight now because it’s very urgent 10. I feel atracted to her. Her voice is very sweet. => I feel atracted to her as her voice is very sweet. M eon yn III. ADJECTIVE + THAT CLAUSE (TINH TU + MENH DE THAT) A. OVERVIEW: 1. HiNH THUC: © Ménh dé that (that clause duge ding sau cdc tinh tir dién ta cam xtic hodc sur chic chin, 6 thé. © Mot sduti ig ig due sit dung: good, pleased, angry, sad, excited, disappointed, delighted, glad, afraid, sorry, relieved, worried, surprised, amazed, happy, thankful, certain, sure, wrong, true,.. 2. CAU TRUC ofa pera totes iv gon.V + I'm disappointed that you failed the exam. (Téi that vong vi be irugt trong ki thi.) + I'm surprised that he didn't come. (Téi ngac nhién la anh ta da khong dén.) + Mypparents are happy that I do well at school. (B6 me t0i hai lang vi t0i hoc gidi.) She was sure that she had left her keys on the counter. (Cé dy chac chén la cé dy da dé quén chia khoé trén qué Vv + . Its inpnttiney should feel comfortable. (Diéu quan trong la moi nguéi cam thay thodi mdi. B. PRACTICE: yi ‘ Make sentences with the words suggest: Qoti- 1. We / grateful / you / take / interest / our work. >We are grateful that you take interest in our work. Ex: Moon. vn — Hoe dé khing dinh 10 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH9 —- GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 2. You / sure / her child / disappeared ? => Are you sure that her child core 3. No one / convinced / 0 eV =>No one is com ew nager nil ve resign. yn 4, Everybody / not surprised / they / will/ divorce Moot => Everybody is not surprised that they will divorce. 5. 1/ disappointed / you / not / see / me / yesterday. => I’m disappointed that you did not see meyesterday. 6. We / thankfl / she / not tell / truth. => We are thankful tha Sie not tell the truth. Sunday. 1. Cuno @® => The are certain that they will go to thezoo next Sunday. 8, We/happy/ you / love / him. => We are happy thet you love him. wo ont 9.11/ glad / they / come / here => Iam glad that they come here. 10, L/ proud / my team / win / the first award of the completion. = 1am proud that my team “af the first award of the completion. WV. coxomioainivincen TYPE 1 (CAU DIEU KIEN LOI 1): A.OVERVIE! 1. HINH THUC: Didu kign e6 that (real condition) la diéu kién venign obo hign tai hogc tuong lai vi hanh dng trong ménh 8 If hoan toan e th . Ex:If I drink coffee, I won't be able to sleep. (Néu tdi udng ca phé, tdi sé khong ngii duge.) 2. CAU TRUC: If — clause (Present ah Main clause (Future simple: will + bare-infinitive) * Hfitd ic. (Néu tri khéng mura, ching ta sé di da ngoai.) + Hwe e hed pa the bus. (Néu chiing ta di nhanh, chiing ta sé bat kip xe buyt.) © Cé thé ding cdc déng tie tinh thai can, may, should, be going inca Sale fé thay will trong ménh dé chinh. BE o Ifit rains, everybody can eat inside. (Néu tréi mua thi moi ngudi cé thé Gn trong nha.) o IfHenry jogs ony a lose weight. (Néw Henry chay bé thudng xuyén, anh dy c6 thé ° ‘isa e clearly, you must wear your glasses. (Néu ban mudn nhin thdy ro thi ban phai “0 kinh, + Ménh dé If (If-clause) cé thé dig truéc hode diing sau mguh dé chinh (main clause). Khi ménh dé If ding truéc, thi ménh dé If cach ménh dé chinh bing déu phdy yn Ex: If [hear the news, Il phone you. = pro 1 + SUNLESS” duege ding trong 1 6 cdu dk véi ee ig tw nine “If... Not” Moon. vn — Hoe dé khing dinh a Hotline: 0432 99 98 98 Khéa KIEN THUC TONG QUAT TIENG ANH 9 ~ GV Phan Digu Facebook: phandieu89 Ex: Our health will be affected unless we stop polluting the air.(Stte khde eiia chiing ta s€ bj anh hung, néu ching ta khong ngimg gay 6 nhiém khéng khi.) B. PRACTICE: gotV yn > Write con 9 sentences Type 1 : Moot- 1. We (go out )will go outlater if it (stop) stopsraining. 2. Do you want to watch TV? I (switch) will switchit on if you (do) do. 3. Ifwe (leave) Leavenow, we (not be )will nota. 4, If Tam (not apologise) doesn’t ae to me, I (not speak) will not speakto him anymore. 5, Will you phone (phone) yu (have) havetime? 6. If 1 (not be) eee: morrow, I (visit) will visityou. 7. Ifyou a fon’t waterthe tree everyday, it (die) will die. 8. If she (not pass) doesn’t passthe exam, her parents (be) will bevery wo! _ 9. Ife (agree) agrees to help us with the housework, we (finish) wil Toay-V 10. If you (sit) sitin the back row, you (not see) will not seeanything on the blackboard. 11. I drop in) will drop into see him if I (finish) finishwork before 5 pm. 12. If your schoolwork (not improve) doesn’t improve, your parents (be) will bevery disappointed. 13. If you (find) findthis light ea too weak, I (get) will geta stronger for you. 14. If you (press) x (start) will startwithout the usual beep. 15. If he (mis (get )will getthe next one. py tein Digu Moon. vn — Hoe dé khing dinh minh 12 Hotline: 0432 99 98 98

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