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Fluid and Electrolyte Management

Across the Age Continuum Continuing Nursing


Tamara M. Kear

isorders of fluid and electrolytes
Copyright 2017 American Nephrology Nurses Association.
are common in patients across
the lifespan. Many factors have Kear, T.M. (2017). Fluid and electrolyte management across the age continuum.
been found to be associated with Nephrology Nursing Journal, 44(6), 491-496.
the development of these imbalances.
Dehydration, over-hydration, and salt Optional function of body systems depends upon fluid and electrolyte balance; however,
and water deficits and overload have across the lifespan, disorders of fluid and electrolytes offset this, and the causative factors
been associated with morbidity and are varied. Nurses play a major role in the management of fluid and electrolyte balance.
mortality with populations at each end This article focuses on the role total body water content, plasma proteins, kidney function,
of the lifespan experiencing an and drug metabolism have on the age-related physiology impacting fluid and electrolyte
balance, and on nursing implications.
increased risk (El-Sharkawy, Sahota,
Maughan, & Lobo, 2014). This article Key Words: Fluid and electrolyte balance, body water content, plasma proteins, kidney
focuses on the role total body water con- function, drug metabolism.
tent, plasma proteins, kidney function,
and drug metabolism have on the age-
related physiology impacting fluid and
electrolyte balance. lymph system, joints, glandular secre- mately 70% of their body weight
tions, and eyes. There is no significant (Metheny, 2012). Infants also have
daily gain or loss of transcellular fluid. more ECF, which makes them more
Total Body Water Content ICF is located inside the cells and vulnerable to fluid volume losses and
Total body water varies with body comprises approximately 40% of an deficits. By the end of the second year
fat content, age, and sex. Body water adult’s body weight (Metheny, 2012). of life, the total body fluid percentages
represents approximately 60% of While capillary walls and cell mem- near those of adults. At puberty, total
body weight in young, lean males and branes separate ICF and ECF, ECF body water composition is attained,
50% of body weight in females must be balanced with ICF. ECF is and the onset of sex differences relat-
(Metheny, 2012). Body water is divid- more readily lost from the body than ed to body weight percentages occurs
ed into two major compartments: ICF (McLafferty, Johnstone, Hendry, (Metheny, 2012).
extracellular fluid (ECF) and intracel- & Farley, 2014).
lular fluid (ICF). ECF is further divid- Age Considerations:
ed into intravascular fluid (also Adulthood
known as plasma) and interstitial Fluid Losses
After age 40 years, mean total
fluid. The interstitial fluid surrounds Fluid losses are categorized as sen- body water decreases in relation to
the cells. ECF comprises approxi- sible or insensible losses. Sensible loss- body weight, yet sex difference body
mately 20% of an adult’s body weight es are those that can be measured and weight percentages remain. Between
(Gooch, 2015; Metheny, 2012). include urine, feces, blood, wound ages 40 to 60 years, total body water
Transcellular fluids are also a compo- and gastric drainage, and emesis. decreases to 55% in the male popula-
nent of ECF and are found in the Insensible losses cannot be measured tion and 47% in women (Metheny,
cerebrospinal column, pleural cavity, and include perspiration and fluid 2012). By age 60 years, the male pop-
losses through breathing. Fever, ulation has a total body water percent-
Tamara M. Kear, PhD, RN, CNS, CNN, is an
Associate Professor of Nursing, Villanova
increased respiratory rate and depth, age of approximately 52%, with 46%
University, Villanova, PA, and a Nephrology and humidity impact the loss of fluid in the female population (Metheny,
Nurse, Fresenius Kidney Care. She is a member of in individuals (McLafferty et al., 2014). 2012; Severs, Rookmakker, & Hoorn,
the American Nephrology Nurses Association Board 2015).
of Directors, the Nephrology Nursing Journal Age Considerations: Birth
Editorial Board, and ANNA’s Keystone Chapter.
to Puberty
Plasma Proteins
Statement of Disclosure: The author reported The body surface area of an infant
no actual or potential conflict of interest in rela- is greater than that of an adult, relative Plasma proteins (albumin, fibrino-
tion to this continuing nursing education activity.
to weight. Thus, infants generally lose gen, prothrombin, and gamma globu-
Note: The Learning Outcome, additional state- a greater portion of water from the lins) constitute approximately 6% to
ments of disclosure, and instructions for CNE skin than adults. Infants have a high 7% of the blood plasma. Plasma
evaluation can be found on page 497. body fluid content that is approxi- proteins maintain osmotic pressure,

Nephrology Nursing Journal November-December 2017 Vol. 44, No. 6 491

Fluid and Electrolyte Management Across the Age Continuum

increase blood viscosity, and assist in um, excrete hydrogen ions, retain Assessment of Fluid Volume
maintaining blood pressure (McGloin, sodium, and reabsorb water resulting Excess
2015). The liver synthesizes all plasma in dysnatremia and hypovolemia Compromised regulatory systems,
proteins except for gamma globulins, (Lindner, Pfortmüller, Leichtle, such as heart failure, kidney failure,
thus explaining the rationale for coag- Fiedler, & Exadaktylos, 2014). The cirrhosis, and steroid use, may con-
ulopathies and proteins imbalances older adult also experiences decreas- tribute to fluid volume excess. High-
commonly found in patients with liver es in renal blood flow, glomerular fil- sodium diets and drugs, or prepara-
dysfunction and failure. Albumin tration, creatinine clearance, and the tions rich in sodium, such as Fleet®
plays an important role in maintaining ability to concentrate urine. In the enema, sodium bicarbonate, and
fluid homeostasis. When fluid filters presence of dehydration or hypov- Alka-Seltzer®, lead to fluid retention
through a capillary, albumin remains olemia, decreased blood flow to the and fluid volume excess. Further,
in the decreasing volume of water kidney also places the individual at overzealous administration of 0.9%
because the large molecular size of risk for acute kidney injury (AKI). sodium chloride or Ringer’s lactate
albumin does not pass through the solution can contribute to fluid vol-
capillary membrane with ease. This ume excess and may be compounded
Drug Metabolism
increased concentration of albumin if cardiac, kidney, or liver function is
pulls fluid back into the capillaries The cytochrome P-450 enzyme sys- impaired. Assessment findings in an
(plasma colloid osmotic pressure). tem in the small bowel and liver is the individual with fluid volume excess
Essentially, albumin plays the role of a most important known system for drug are found in Table 1 (McGloin, 2015).
“fluid magnet.” metabolism (Metheny, 2012). Drug
metabolism and elimination vary with Assessment of Fluid Volume
Kidney Function age, and with kidney and liver func- Deficit
tion, and depend upon the drug, route The loss of fluid can be related to
The kidneys play a vital role in of administration, and dose. many pathophysiological causes or a
fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base bal- decrease in oral intake. Gastrointestinal
ance. A healthy kidney filters approx- Age Considerations (GI) fluids may be lost due to vomiting,
imately 180 liters of plasma a day and Phenytoin, barbiturates, anal- diarrhea, excessive ostomy drainage,
produces approximately 1.8 liters of gesics, and cardiac glycosides have or gastric suctioning. Polyuria is anoth-
urine a day (McGloin, 2015). As kid- plasma half-lives two to three times er etiological factor that leads to fluid
ney function declines in patients with longer in neonates than adults volume deficit. Polyuria may be related
chronic kidney disease (CKD), indi- (Lindner et al., 2014). As liver and to diuretic, kidney failure, hyperosmo-
viduals lose the ability to filter the kidney elimination decrease with age, lar tube feedings, diabetes insipidus,
plasma, and fluid and electrolyte drug levels increase, and toxicity may and diabetes mellitus (Metheny, 2012).
imbalances result. The greatest elec- slowly develop. Diuretics are of par- Conditions such as excessive sweating
trolyte concerns for patients with ticular concern and will be discussed and fevers result in increased fluid
CKD are imbalances in potassium later in this article. losses.
and calcium levels due to the impact Fluid loss from a process called
on cardiac function. Nursing’s Role in Fluid third-spacing may also occur when
and Electrolyte Balance fluid accumulates in areas that nor-
Age Considerations: Birth to mally have little to no fluid. In third-
Early Childhood Nurses must employ several spacing, fluid shifts from the intravas-
Infants and young children excrete strategies to optimize fluid and elec- cular space into the interstitial space
urine at a higher rate than adults trolyte balance in individuals entrust- between cells. Third-spacing of fluid
because the higher metabolic rates in ed to their care. Such strategies results in decreased fluid in the vascu-
children produce more waste. include assessment of fluid and elec- lar space as plasma is shifted into the
Additionally, an infant’s kidneys can- trolyte status, prevention strategies, interstitial space. Third-spacing of
not concentrate urine until around 3 and fluid and electrolyte replacement. fluid may occur in the presence of
months of age and remain less effi- These strategies focus on managing trauma, surgery, burns, sepsis, pan-
cient than adult kidneys until around fluid volume excess and fluid volume creatitis, GI obstruction, and liver fail-
age of 2 years (Bekhof, van Asperen, deficit because fluid balance is deter- ure that leads to ascites. Assessment
& Brand, 2013). mined by daily gains and losses. Most findings in an individual with fluid
daily intake of water is oral, with a volume deficit are found in Table 2
Age Considerations: small percentage coming from food (McGloin, 2015).
Adulthood and metabolic processes. The majori-
As the adult ages, the kidney ty of body fluid losses comes from the Electrolyte Balance
loses function. This leads to an formation of urine. There are several electrolytes in
impaired ability to secrete potassi- the human body, and each electrolyte

492 Nephrology Nursing Journal November-December 2017 Vol. 44, No. 6

Table 1 has specific functions. Electrolytes are
Fluid Volume Excess – Assessment Findings found in the intracellular and extra-
cellular spaces and move to maintain
• Weight gain balance and electroneutrality. The
• Peripheral edema extracellular electrolytes include sodi-
• Generalized edema um, chloride, calcium, and sodium
• Crackles in the lungs upon auscultation bicarbonate. The intracellular elec-
• Dyspnea trolytes include potassium, phos-
• Orthopnea
• Cough
phate, and magnesium.
• Distention of peripheral veins Sodium. The role of sodium is to
• Bounding pulse attract fluid and preserve ECF vol-
• Engorged carotid vessels ume. Sodium has a vital role in main-
• Low BUN and hematocrit taining fluid balance and is responsi-
• Changes in vital signs (increase in blood pressure, respiratory rate, ble for the osmolarity of plasma
and heart rate) (McLafferty et al., 2014). Sodium also
• Headache helps transmit impulses in the nerves
• S3 gallop and muscle fibers. Sodium imbalances
can be related to a number of patho-
Sources: Metheny, 2012; Reid et al., 2004; Severs, Rookmaaker, & Hoorn, 2015.
physiologic conditions (see Table 3) or
certain drugs. Drug-induced hypo-
natremia may result from the use of
Table 2
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Fluid Volume Deficit – Assessment Findings (NSAIDs), selective serotonin reup-
take inhibitors, cyclophosphamides,
• Decreased skin and tongue turgor
• Decreased oral cavity moisture
omeprazole, desmopressin, and oxy-
• Decreased urine output and urine specific gravity tocin. Drug-induced hypernatremia
• BUN rises out of proportion to serum creatinine may result from 3% and 5% hyperton-
• Changes in vital signs (increased heart rate, respiratory rate, and tempera- ic saline solution, sodium bicarbonate,
ture, and a decreased blood pressure) and excessive administration of 0.9%
• Decreased capillary refill time sodium chloride (Lindner et al., 2014).
• Thirst may be present, but often absent in the older adult population Chloride. Chloride is mainly pro-
• Decreased weight duced in the stomach as hydrochloric
• Dry, cracked, mucous membranes acid, so chloride levels may be impact-
• Dizziness, syncope ed by GI disorders because most of it is
• Orthostatic hypotension
absorbed in the intestines, with a small
Sources: Metheny, 2012; Reid et al., 2004; Severs, Rookmaaker, & Hoorn, 2015.
portion lost in the feces. Chloride and
bicarbonate have an inverse relation-
ship. Diuretics increase the risk of chlo-
Table 3 ride loss and deficiencies.
Sodium Imbalances Calcium. Ninety-nine percent
(99%) of calcium is found in the
Hyponatremia Hypernatremia bones, while 1% is in the teeth and
soft tissues (McLafferty et al., 2014).
• Gastointestinal losses • Water deprivation Serum protein abnormalities can
• Adrenal insufficiency • Insensible water loss
influence total serum calcium levels.
• Sweating • Watery diarrhea
• Drug-induced • Excessive sodium intake Ionized calcium levels measure the
• Head trauma • Diabetes insipidus (polyuria and various forms of calcium located in
• Excessive water intake polydipsia) the extracellular fluid. Calcium and
• Syndrome of Inappropriate • Treat by adding water or removing phosphate have an inverse relation-
antidiuretic hormone section sodium ship. Children have higher levels of
• Treat with water restriction and • Fluid therapy is over 48 hours to serum calcium than adults, and
sodium replacement (strict guide- prevent neurologic complications older adults have a decreased nor-
lines for hypertonic saline solution mal calcium range. The pathophysi-
ology of hypocalcemia and hyper-
Sources: Lindner, Pfortmüller, Leichtle, Fiedler, & Exadaktylos, 2014; Metheny, 2012.
calcemia are shown in Table 4
(Gooch, 2015; Lindner et al., 2014;
Methany, 2012).

Nephrology Nursing Journal November-December 2017 Vol. 44, No. 6 493

Fluid and Electrolyte Management Across the Age Continuum

Table 4 Bicarbonate. Bicarbonate plays

Calcium Imbalances an important role in respiratory func-
tion. Lack of bicarbonate causes aci-
Hypocalcemia Hypercalcemia dosis, and the respiratory rate increas-
• Surgical hypoparathyroidism • Malignancies es to blow off more carbon dioxide.
• Acute pancreatitis • Primary hyperparathyroidism Excess bicarbonate causes alkalosis,
• Hyperphosphatemia • Kidney transplant and the respiratory rate decreases to
• Inadequate vitamin D • Immobilization retain carbon dioxide. A change in
• Alcoholism • Thiazides, lithium, large doses of pH impacts electrolyte balance,
• Sepsis vitamins A and D, theophylline enzyme activity, muscle contractions,
• Loop diuretics, phenobarbital, • Hydration, mobilization, risk for and cellular function.
dilantin, citrate, calcitonin cardiac arrest, risk for fracture, risk Potassium. Potassium is the most
• Do not mix IV calcium with for digoxin toxicity
abundant intracellular cation (Eliacik
sodium bicarbonate or phosphate
(precipitate forms) et al., 2015). Potassium plays a role in
maintaining normal action potentials
Sources: Gooch, 2015; Metheny, 2012. in muscle and nerve cells, as well as
playing a role in maintaining acid
base balance (Crawford, 2014). Small
Table 5 changes in serum potassium levels
Hypokalemia and Hyperkalemia impact neuromuscular and cardiac
functions. Kidney disease, injury,
Hypokalemia Hyperkalemia drugs, treatments, GI losses, cellular
shifts, sweating, and nutritional intake
• Decreased dietary intake • Increased dietary intake
• Excess fluid loss • Rapid infusion of potassium
affect potassium levels (see Table 5)
• Kidney losses (diuretics, steroids, containing solution (Crawford, 2014; Eliacik et al., 2015;
diuretic phase of acute kidney • Salt substitutes (potassium chloride) Metheny, 2012). Medications that
injury) • Decreased kidney function may lead to hyperkalemia are found
• Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea • Release of potassium from tissue in Table 6 (Crawford, 2014; Eliacik et
• Laxative abuse or overuse trauma, burns, crush injuries, al., 2015; Metheny, 2012).
• Shift of potassium from extracellular catabolism, and hemolysis Phosphorus. Phosphate plays in
fluid to cells (hypothermia, sodium • Shift of potassium from cells to the important role in cell membrane,
polystyrene sulfonate, insulin and extracellular fluid (beta-blockers, muscle, and neurologic functions.
sodium bicarbonate administration) acidosis) Eighty-five percent (85%) of phos-
Sources: Crawford, 2014; Eliacik et al., 2015; Metheny, 2012. phate is found in the bones and teeth,
14% is found in the soft tissues, and
1% in the ECF. Alcoholism, burns,
Table 6 kidney function, refeeding syndrome,
Medications that Cause Hyperkalemia and dietary intake influence phos-
phate levels (Gooch, 2015). Antacids,
• ACE inhibitors
laxatives, and herbal supplements can
• Angiotensin receptor blockers impact the absorption of phosphate
• Antifungals (McLafferty et al., 2014). In infants,
• Beta-blockers the use of cow’s milk instead of
• Calcium channel blockers breastfeeding or formula can elevate
• Antibiotics (penicillin G) phosphate levels.
• Cyclosporine Magnesium. Magnesium does
• Digoxin not get a great deal of attention as an
• Aldosterone antagonist electrolyte. It plays an important role
• Heparin in carbohydrate metabolism and pro-
• Hypertonic solutions (mannitol, glucose)
• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
tein synthesis. Magnesium and albu-
• Pentamidine min are linked. Low serum albumin
• Tacrolimus levels (often from poor dietary intake
• Potassium sparing diuretics or liver disease) result in low magne-
sium levels (Velissaris, Karamouzos,
Sources: Crawford, 2014; Eliacik et al., 2015; Metheny, 2012. Pierrakos, Aretha, & Karanikolas,
2015). Gastrointestinal and kidney
function losses, alcoholism, refeeding

494 Nephrology Nursing Journal November-December 2017 Vol. 44, No. 6

syndrome, and certain drugs, such as or fluid overloaded. In 1957, Holliday calcium supplement. When providing
magnesium–containing laxatives, and Segar developed a paradigm for teaching and plans of care the patient
diuretics, cyclosporine, and mannitol, fluid replacement in children that esti- may use in the home environment,
may impact magnesium levels mates water losses based on weight, keep in mind the sensory impairments
(Velissaris et al., 2015). energy expenditure, and healthy that may be experienced by the older
physiologic losses. This paradigm sup- adult population (Lindner et al., 2014).
ported the use of hypotonic replace- The nurse should conduct a care-
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance
Prevention Strategies ment solutions. Evidence over the last ful medication reconciliation and
two decades indicates that this para- review medications with the older
Strategies to manage fluid and digm places the child at risk for adult or caregiver. Assess for medica-
electrolyte imbalances occur across hyponatremia and that isotonic solu- tions that may cause fluid and elec-
the life span and should involve edu- tions should be considered when trolyte imbalances. Diuretics, cardiac
cation, medication review, accurate using this replacement formula medications, electrolyte supplements,
intake and output measurements and (Cavari, Pitfield, & Kissoon, 2013). and laxatives should be thoroughly
recordings, and fluid and electrolyte Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea reviewed as an essential safety meas-
replacement. Management in each of can lead to fluid volume deficit. ure. Diuretic agents can provide a
these categories may vary based upon Nutritional intake must be carefully wide range of electrolyte imbalances
the age of the individual and the investigated in a child with dehydra- based upon the type of diuretic.
setting. tion. The nurse should inquire about Thiazides inhibit sodium reabsorption
the type, method, amount, tempera- and can lead to the loss of sodium,
Accuracy of Intake and ture, and frequency of fluid intake at chloride, potassium, and a slight
Output Measurement and home. Parents should be educated to decline in calcium levels. Loop diuret-
Recordings avoid diluting formula and to under- ics act in the Loop of Henle in the kid-
In the acute care setting, several stand that excessive water intake, ney (Lindner et al., 2014). This classifi-
studies have focused on the impor- especially if the child is febrile, will cation causes loss of sodium, chloride,
tance of accurate intake and output lead to hyponatremia (Bekhof et al., and potassium. Some patients on loop
measurement and recordings. Reid 2013). Tap water enemas can also diuretics require increased consump-
and colleagues (2004) discovered that cause hyponatremia. If the child has a tion of dietary potassium or potassium
staff shortages, lack of proper training, decreased fluid intake, the nurse can supplements (Lindner et al., 2014).
and limited time were barriers to educate parents to provide a comfort Potassium-sparing diuretics conserve
accurate intake and output measure- before offering fluid. Comfort may potassium by inhibiting the action of
ment and recordings. include a warm, dry environment aldosterone. This diuretic classifica-
Best practice indicates that intake with a stuffed animal. The airway tion reduces potassium excretion, and
and output measurement and record- should also be cleared prior to offer- elevated potassium levels may result.
ings are an interprofessional responsi- ing fluid. Potassium supplements are con-
bility. They are not primarily the traindicated with potassium-sparing
responsibility of the nursing assistant Older Adults diuretics due to the risk of hyper-
or patient care technician, but a Imbalances in older adults are kalemia (Lindner et al., 2014).
responsibility of all staff. Success has often related to medication regimens, Potassium-sparing diuretics are often
been demonstrated in improving accu- decreased dietary intake, and patho- combined with thiazides.
racy when measurement and record- physiologic conditions. The older
ings are incorporated into hourly adult should be educated that fluid Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
rounds. Providing cups that have fluid and electrolyte imbalances may be Nurses play a major role in the
volume markers and easy-to-use charts related to prolonged laxative use and management of fluid and electrolyte
can help involve patients. Subtotaling abuse for chronic constipation or diar- balance. While the concept is simple,
of intake and output amounts should rhea. Imbalances also occur from the the fundamentals of fluid and elec-
be ongoing or several times as day, as use of diuretics often prescribed for trolyte balance focus on increasing
opposed to at the end of an 8- or 12- cardiac and kidney disorders (Lindner fluid intake when fluid loss increases
hour shift (Reid et al., 2004). et al., 2014). Diagnostic test prepara- (unless it is contraindicated for reasons
tions (particularly for GI studies) or related to cardiac, liver, respiratory, or
Children periods of “nothing by mouth” can kidney disorders) and decrease fluid
Education related to maintaining lead to imbalances. There is a growing intake in many cases when fluid loss
fluid and electrolyte balance in chil- body of evidence that supports the decreases. Nurses play a key role in
dren is often targeted at parents or need for the older adult to take vita- offering fluids to young children, indi-
guardians. Such education should min D supplements for deficiencies. viduals with physical or cognitive
include the important fact that chil- Individuals are often prescribed a vita- impairments, and older adults.
dren can quickly become dehydrated min D supplement accompanied by a Acutely ill patients also rely on nurses

Nephrology Nursing Journal November-December 2017 Vol. 44, No. 6 495

Fluid and Electrolyte Management Across the Age Continuum

to provide fluid (McGloin, 2015). This fluid volume excess unless contraindi- McLafferty, E., Johnstone, C., Hendry,
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496 Nephrology Nursing Journal November-December 2017 Vol. 44, No. 6

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will be able to discuss the role nurses play in the Bodin, S. & Ray, T. (2017). Alterations in fluid, electrolyte, and acidbase balance. In: S. Bodin,
management of fluid and electrolyte balance. (Ed.), Contemporary Nephrology Nursing (3rd ed., pp. 465-478). Pitman, NJ: American
Nephrology Nurses Association.

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Nephrology Nursing Journal November-December 2017 Vol. 44, No. 6 497

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