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Pleuxe joln

Wayne Berman
Cbarlie & )udy Black
Cbris Ciblin
Drew Maloney

Foi a Reception honoiing

Lieutenant Covernor
David Dewburst {TX]
Candidate for United States Senate

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
S:Su P.N.

)obnny's Half Sbell
4uu Noith Capitol Stieet, NW

Suggested Contribution:
Bost: $S,uuu (uive oi Raise)
Sponsoi: $2,Suu (uive oi Raise)
Attenu: $1,uuu pei PAC $Suu pei peison

Please RSvP to Bana Baiiis oi Kiista Nauaio at
2u2-7S7-9u91 oi
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.
Contributions to Dewhurst for Texas are not tax deductible for federal income tax
purposes. Contributions to Dewhurst for Texas are subject to the limitations and
prohibitions of federal law. Under federal law, individuals may contribute a
maximum of $2,500 per election ($5,000 per couple). Joint contributions require
the signatures of both spouses. Qualified federal PACs may contribute a
maximum of $5,000 per election. Contributions from corporations, foreign
nationals and federal government contractors are prohibited. Federal law
requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the
name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual whose
contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle.

Paid for By Dewhurst for Texas

Yes! I will attend tbe Reception on December 13, 2011 at tbe following level:
____ $5,000 Host
____ $2,500 Sponsor
____$1,000 PAC Attendee
____$500 Individual

Full name

Spouses name (if joint contribution)


City State Zip

Home Phone Office Phone

Fax Phone E-Mail

Employer Occupation

Spouses Employer (if joint contribution) Spouse Occupation (if joint contribution)

If paying by check:
The contribution to Dewhurst for Texas, drawn on check #_____ of the account named as ____, represents personal
funds, is not drawn on an account maintained by an incorporated entity, and will not be reimbursed by another.

Signature Spouse Signature (if joint contribution)

If paying by credit card:
___ Visa___ MasterCard ___ American Express Amount
$________________ VPN__________ Expiration Date_____________

Name on Card__________________________________________ Account
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.
Signature Spouse Signature (if joint contribution)

Please fax this form to Randi Celey at 512-233-0564
Make checks payable to Dewhurst for Texas
P.O. Box 2667
Austin, TX 78768

Contributions to Dewhurst for Texas are not tax deductible for federal income tax
purposes. Contributions to Dewhurst for Texas are subject to the limitations and
prohibitions of federal law. Under federal law, individuals may contribute a
maximum of $2,500 per election ($5,000 per couple). Joint contributions require
the signatures of both spouses. Qualified federal PACs may contribute a
maximum of $5,000 per election. Contributions from corporations, foreign
nationals and federal government contractors are prohibited. Federal law
requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the
name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual whose
contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle.

Paid for by Dewhurst for Texas
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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