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Access Lng|neer|ng

Access Lnglneerlng 1eam whlch has grown Lo over 1400 persons lncludlng over 100 englneerlng
professlonals has successfully compleLed over 100 clvll englneerlng pro[ecLs lslandwlde Cur lSC and
lLSL accredlLed lnhouse deslgn offlce provldes pracLlcal englneerlng soluLlons Lo speclflc cusLomer
requlremenLs lncludlng deLalled englneerlng consLrucLlon drawlngs for many clvll englneerlng pro[ecLs
MalnLalnlng servlce quallLy and safeLy sLandards ls a Lop prlorlLy aL Access Lnglneerlng We sLrlcLly
adhere Lo all requlred quallLy and safeLy sLandards and have also developed our very own lnhouse
quallLy and safeLy manual and procedures gulde All our consLrucLlon slLes conform Lo envlronmenLal
regulaLlons and requlremenLs and consLanLly sLrlve aL sLrengLhenlng our conLrlbuLlon Lowards Lhe
proLecLlon of naLure
We have conLlnued Lo malnLaln our compeLlLlve edge ln Lhe englneerlng lndusLry by provldlng value
englneerlng servlces and belng deemed ploneers of lnLroduclng cerLaln Lechnologles and consLrucLlon
meLhods uLlllzed
WaLer WasLe waLer (1reaLmenL / 1ransmlsslon) uredglng 8eclamaLlon
8oads Plghways LnvlronmenL WasLe ManagemenL 8rldges llyovers
1elecommunlcaLlon lrrlgaLlon Land uralnage lllng 8ulldlng
Lnglneerlng ueslgns Parbours Marlne works
1o be Lhe foremosL Srl Lankan buslness enLerprlse ln value englneerlng
1o meeL Lhe challenges ln Lhe developmenL of mulLl secLor clvll englneerlng pro[ecLs provldlng
lnnovaLlve soluLlons whllsL developlng long Lerm progresslve relaLlonshlps wlLh all our sLakeholders
Puman 8ecourse

All personnel recrulLed by Access Lnglneerlng are senL Lhrough a process of lnLroducLlon of Lhe
company whlch explalns Lhe company's code of eLhlcs and worklng sLandards 1he company expecLs a
hlgh level of loyalLy and lnLegrlLy when conducLlng lLs buslness acLlvlLles and all personnel (especlally Lhe
managemenL personnel) are expecLed Lo undersLand Lhe company's expecLaLlons and compllance Lo lLs
requlremenLs Annual appralsals are carrled ouL for all sLaff members and blannual appralsals are done
for selecLed persons 1he appralsal ls focused on performance evaluaLlon of Lhe respecLlve employee
SLaff members are senL for boLh local and overseas Lralnlng as parL of our P8 developmenL process SLaff
welfare ls perlodlcally revlewed and among presenL sLaff welfare measures lnclude Llfe lnsurance cover
for Lhe employee and comprehenslve medlcal and llfe cover for Lhe employee and hls famlly CLher sLaff
welfare measures lnclude annual bonus annual Lrlps annual ChrlsLmas parLy and oLher welfare

No of Employees

Nanagement S Professional Staff : 113

Operational Staff : 32S

Technical Staff : 303

Skilled S Unskilled Work Force : 887

Nr. Dharshana
Nr. Shevantha
Nr. Ranjan
Nr. Sumal
Nr. Rohana
Nr. Christopher
Nr. Cration
Nr. Dilhan

Director Business
Director Business
]oint Nanaging
Chairman Director Chief
Operating Officer
Nanaging Director /
Director Projects Director

Our aim is to maintain long term relationships with all our stakeholders while satisfying our customer requirements in a profitable
manner. We at Access Engineering shall uphold our fundamental code of ethics.

We shall recognize all rights of all our stakeholders including shareholders, employees, clients, partners, financial institutions,
professional institutions, general public and the state and carry out our business activities with due consideration to their rights and
our obligations towards them.

We will conduct our business in a professional manner providing benefits derived from value engineering to our clients. We shall
uphold the principles of fair play and be vigilant against conduct which has intent of being deceptive towards our stakeholders.

We shall not merely abide by the law in a technical sense, but also try to serve our stakeholders with honest values, avoiding any
conduct or schemes which prey on human ignorance. We shall make accurate claims to all our stakeholders and strive to be open
about our business activities.

We shall carry out our work in an orderly manner with the interest of the company ahead of any self interest.

We shall support a healthy business environment through cooperation with other business entities and professional organizations in
order to benefit from a freemarket system.

Self Regulation
We will honour all our commitments and guarantees to all our stakeholders and will seek to resolve any disputes in a fair and
expeditious manner. We will always investigate regulatory requirements and will always comply to same, with a view to even
exceed compliance to such requirements.

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