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Classification and Resolution of ADSL problems

What is ADSL ? ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is a data transmission technology which uses the ordinary copper telephone lines to provide a faster internet access. ADSL utilizes the free frequency band which is not used by PSTN (public switched telephone network) service and therefore both PSTN and ADSL services can be used simultaneously with the use of ADSL filter/splitter. This made the ADSL service more popular and faster speeds attracted several millions of customers worldwide within few years. However still ADSL is provisioned usually within the 4 Km copper cable length from the local exchange. If the wire gauge (diameter or cross sectional area) is good enough, ADSL can be provisioned for further distances.

Common ADSL Issues

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. No Synchronization No Authentication Dropouts Slow Speed Packet Loss High Latency

No Synchronization
How to identify a no synchronization issue ? There are many ways to identify this issue. The easiest way is to check the DSL/ADSL light status (90% of ADSL modems/routers have this light built in). If the ADSL light is flashing or off, most probably it could be due to no synchronization issue. Then the engineer can start troubleshooting on that. But on some modems there is only one light available for both synchronization + authentication (e.g. Netgear DG834g). If it is the case, the modems ADSL status page should be checked to identify whether the line is synchronized or not. This can be done by logging in to the router via web interface.

Causes & fixes for no synchronization

DSL Line Filters When it comes to no synchronization issue, the most common cause is faulty or incorrectly installed DSL line filters. The filters are designed to prevent interference caused by line noise. If the end user is using security alarm systems, telephone handsets, pay tv systems connected to phone line, etc. it is required to install DSL line filters. If the filters are already installed and still the no synchronization issue persists, it is better to check whether the devices are correctly connected to the filter. Filters can cause synchronization issues if installed backwards. If the issue still persists, end user should connect only the ADSL modem directly to the wall socket and check the line for the synchronization. It will help the end user to identify whether the filter is malfunctioned or not. ADSL light will be ON if the line is properly synchronized.

Faulty Modem/Router In some cases, line is simply not training up due to faulty modem. Mostly the ADSL light is completely off on these occasions and sometimes the modem itself does not allow the end user to access its configuration interface even after a factory reset. This can be checked only by using one of the below mentioned ways. 1. Testing end users modem at a different place where ADSL is enabled & working 2. Testing an alternate known working modem on end users ADSL line If the end users modem or alternate modem works fine on one of the above occasions in isolation (only the modem directly connected to wall socket) , then the end user can further check the internal cabling if required. If all other things seems to be fine (e.g. dial tone/ fast busy tone for naked ADSL is present), the end user can report the issue to the internet service provider as a no synchronization issue to be investigated from provider end.

Noise on the Telephone Line or No Dial Tone (Line Issues) When the telephone handset is directly connected to the wall socket if the end user can hear a line noise over the handset or there is no dial tone at all, end user should check the line with an alternate handset. If the issue still persists, it could be due to some line issue. That might directly affect to ADSL synchronization as well. Therefore notifying the phone service provider and getting it fixed will resolve the no synchronization issue if it is caused by PSTN* line issue. *PSTN - public switched telephone network

No Authentication
How to identify a no authentication issue ? No authentication is also a common ADSL issue among other ADSL issues. In most cases this can be identified by looking at the ADSL modems light status. When it comes to no authentication issue, usually the ADSL light is ON and PPP/ Internet light is OFF. If the modem lights indicate about a no authentication issue, end user should check all possible causes and take necessary actions to fix the issue (if it can be fixed from end users end)

Causes & fixes for no authentication

Invalid Username or Password The most frequent cause for no authentication is using an invalid username or password on the modem. This can be simply corrected by entering the correct login details provided by the internet service provider.

Issues with current configuration file on the modem This happens when the modems configuration file get corrupted or damaged due to some reasons. The configuration file is the main file which holds ADSL login information, ADSL connection settings, etc. However this issue can be fixed by completing a factory reset and re-configuring the modem. In very rare cases modem firmware update is required if the current firmware is also damaged.

ADSL programming is incorrect/ not completed at provider end This situation is not common but happens occasionally after relocation or after provisioning a new service. Sometimes the ADSL username and password is not properly created on the radius server. Therefore end user cannot authenticate with the radius server. This issue can be easily fixed from provider end by simply adding the correct radius entry. In some cases, the DSLAM port is not programmed properly or not programmed at all for the new connection. If the issue is related ADSL programming, the DSLAM owner (ISP) should be contacted to get it fixed. All of these ADSL programming issues are not possible to identify at once (like from LED indicators, etc.) from end user location. However end user should complete a series of basic troubleshooting for no authentication (factory reset, alternate modem testing, etc.) before suspecting an ADSL programming issue. If the service is still not authenticating even after all basic troubleshooting, then it should be reported to the internet service provider for further investigation.

How to identify a dropout issue ? ADSL dropouts can be categorized in to two main sections. 1. Modem drops out with a loss of signal 2. Modem drops out without a loss of signal

Modem drops out with a loss of signal

End user can identify these types of dropouts in several ways. ADSL light on the modem will start flashing or goes off intermittently indicating loss of signal to the modem. Also ongoing downloads will be stopped/paused automatically and the issues with web pages loading will start at the same time. Causes & fixes In most cases related to dropouts are caused by ADSL filter malfunction. Therefore isolation test (connecting only the modem directly to the wall socket & testing the service) plays an important role when it comes to basic troubleshooting for dropout issues. If the signal loss is still present in isolation too, then it is better to check the status of the dial tone by connecting a standard corded telephone handset directly to the first wall socket. It will help the end user to identify if there is any noise on the line / no dial tone situation or not. If there is any problem with PSTN line, first of all it should be fixed in order to avoid ADSL dropouts. But if there is no issue with the PSTN line, next step will be testing the connection with an alternate modem. If that also fails, next cause of action should be reporting the issue to the service provider for further investigation.

Modem drops out without a loss of signal

If the modems ADSL light is solid green and still the service is dropping out (page loading & downloading stops in the middle of work) it can be identified as an ADSL drop out without a loss of signal. Causes & Fixes If ADSL dropouts are occurring without a loss of signal then there is a high chance of issue present at end users end. Most common causes and fixes are listed below.

Issues with wireless LAN These issues can be identified by turning off the wireless network and connecting to the internet via an Ethernet cable. If the cable connection does not drop out, which means the internal wireless network is causing the dropouts. If the end user is connected to the internet via a local wireless network (through Wi-Fi) there is a probability of dropping out the connection if the end user is further moving away from the transmitter (wireless router, access point) due to wireless network coverage limitations. Also if there are any obstacles (walls, concrete beams, etc.) present within the premises, there is a high chance of dropouts on the wireless network. The only way to prevent these types of wireless network dropouts is designing and implementing wireless networks by eliminating above mentioned bottlenecks. Wireless networks are best suited for the places which have more open space within the premises.

Issues with the Ethernet Cable This is very rare situation. But still this is important. If the end user is using an Ethernet cable to connect the computer and the modem and dropouts are happening without ADSL signal loss to the modem, it could be due to an issue with the Ethernet cable. The only available troubleshooting step is checking the service with an alternate cable.

Slow Speed
How to identify a slow speed issue ? When it comes to slow speed issues, end user will notice significant loss of usual speed. Also page loading and downloads/uploads might take more time than usual. If the end user believes that the ADSL connection is slower than usual, a speed test can be completed via speed test server (e.g. , ) and end user can check the current download/upload speed of the connection. Slow speed is one of the most commonly reported issue to internet service providers. The root cause for the slow speed issues can be divided in to two main sections . 1. End user equipment / configuration related issues 2. Network related issues

Causes & Fixes

End user equipment / configuration related issues
ADSL filter / Modem issues If the ADSL filter is malfunctioned or if it is having any issues, in that case also ADSL speeds can be affected and might become slower than usual. This can be easily checked by isolating the line (connecting only the modem directly to the wall socket without the filter). If the speeds are fine in isolation, which means the ADSL filter is causing the slow speed issue and needs to replace the filter after trying with an alternate filter. Also faulty modems can cause slow speed. Therefore alternate modem testing also a good troubleshooting step. Background Applications Most of todays operating systems and other software have built in automatic updates feature. Mostly it is enabled by default to get the updates automatically once they are released from the development team. If the automatic updates feature is enabled on the operating system and if it is downloading a large update (usually file downloads through automatic updates is a hidden process unless you specifically tell the operating system to notify you before downloading any update). When the end user tries to browse the internet or download a file while the automatic updates are being downloaded, then the end user will experience slow speed on his connection. The same thing can be happening if the end user is utilizing any bandwidth for file sharing applications like bittorrent, utorrent, etc. When the file sharing applications uploads the content, the end user will experience slow browsing and download speeds. The best solution for this issue is managing the traffic flow of the connection from end users end (e.g. scheduling automatic update time frames, limiting the upload speed through file sharing application, etc.) Viruses, worms and all other malware If the end users computer is infected by a virus, worm or some kind of malware, it could lead to the slow speed issues as well. Some viruses, worms start generating network traffic unexpectedly and it will slow down the speed of the network connection. It might use the full bandwidth to upload or download unwanted content using the internet connection. However this risk can be minimized or prevented by installing up to date internet security software suite with a firewall. Wireless networking issues If the end user is using Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) in order to connect to the ADSL router and the wireless signal strength is poor then the end user will experience slow speed issues. This can be eliminated by locating the computer as much as closer to wireless router or access point.

Network related issues

Corroded joints on the ISP network This is one of the most common issues found by ISP (Internet Service Provider) technicians as a culprit for slow speeds on provider cable network. An unexplained increase in attenuation may be a sign of corroded joint. These joints can be corroded due to exposure to heavy rain and salt spray in coastal areas. The only fix to this will be replacing or repairing corroded joints by a qualified telecommunications technician. Congestion on ISP network Congestion can be simply defined as reduction in network throughput due to rapid increase in traffic with a limited availability in resources (link capacity, DSLAM capability, etc.). Usually this happens when it comes to over utilizing of limited bandwidth/resources at internet service provider network. There are several solutions available to minimize the effect. But the best solution will be upgrading ISP infrastructure in order to meet the future requirements. Also there are other congestion control mechanisms like limiting new connections, traffic management (shaping, QoS, etc.) can be considered as temporarily solutions. However congestions can ultimately lead to packet loss or high latency issues as well.

Performance degraded ports on DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexor) If the slow speed issue is caused due to a DSLAM port there is nothing much can be done from end users end. Internet service provider can reset the DSLAM port and can check the service for better sync rates. If the slow speed issue persists even after a port reset and DSL profile adjustments, the final step will be a port swap which means changing currently connection to a different port on same or different DSLAM. However this decision should be taken only after a technician attendance at the local exchange.

Packet Loss
How to identify a packet loss issue ? The most common symptom for packet loss is slow speed. Also end user might experience inconsistency over time of the packet latency with VoIP, streaming and for some online gaming activities. When the packet is lost, it needs to be re-transmitted and that causes a delay. If the packet loss percentage is high, then re-transmission count also will be high. That will affect to network performance.

Causes & Fixes

Packet loss can be happened due to various reasons. Some of the reasons are network congestion, signal degradation, faulty network hardware, packets dropped by routers (e.g. packets with very large MTU sizes are dropped by some routers). If the packet loss is caused by a network congestion or signal degradation, then it should be fixed from the internet service provider end. If the packet drop is happening at intermediate routers, end user can reduce the MTU size (between 1300 - 1500) and can check for the results.

High Latency
How to identify a high latency issue ? Latency can be simply defined as the time it takes for a packet of data to get from one selected point to another (between two devices). Ping utility is one of the most popular built in utility on most operating systems to measure latency. But when using ping, it takes the round trip time as latency. Generally high latency issues are reported to the ISP by gamers. The reason is when it comes to online gaming, response time / delay on network plays key role and it may decide the ultimate results of the game too. Online auction web site users, online stock trading professionals also interested in latency factor due to the importance of valuable time (even a delay of millisecond could change their fortune).

Causes & Fixes

In most cases high latency issues are caused by ISP end issues. It could be due to end users ISP network congestion or may be some remote ISP network issue. The place where he high latency present can be identified by completing a trace route operation to the destination host. After getting the trace route result, based on that the network team of the ISP can take necessary actions to fix it. A resource upgrade or better traffic management at local ISP or remote ISP may be required in order to fix the issue in most cases.

NOTE: No references are added to this document since I did not borrow any ideas/content from internet. All the content on the document are based on my experience and I got all the theoretical/practical knowledge during the work at Exetel.

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