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Peggy Berkowitz

University AIIairs Magazine Sports Section

350 Albert Street, Suite 600
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 1B1

Dear Ms. Berkowitz,

Vince Lombardi, an NFL coach once said, 'the price oI success is hard work, dedication to the
job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best oI
ourselves to the task at hand. A dedicated athlete puts Iorth all their eIIort by devoting
themselves completely to their sport. Working hard and staying motivated beIore, during and
aIter practice helps athletes achieve their success.

In university, the task at hand is Ioremost our academics and the reality is, student always comes
beIore athlete in student-athlete.` Sport is a traditional part oI campus liIe and Ior many
university students, the experience oI becoming a student-athlete is a dream come true. However,
a study in the Journal OI Sports Psychology states that 'student-athletes experience unique
stressors related to their athletic status such as extensive time demands, health issues and
problems in school, among other Iactors. The transition Irom high school to university can be
stressIul Ior any student, but athletes may experience even greater levels oI stress due to the dual
demands oI athletics and academics placed on them during their year.
I would like to propose an idea Ior a 1500-word Ieature article, Ior the Sports section in
University AIIairs Magazine, that Iocuses on the misconceptions surrounding the glamour oI
Canadian university student-athletes. The article would Iocus on the hardships and realities oI
being a student-athlete which include lack oI time to get a job which leads to a struggle to pay
Ior school, extra stress because Iinishing work while training twice a day is diIIicult to manage,
and lack oI sleep and undernourishment due to time constrains.
As a student-athlete at the University oI Western Ontario, I have personal experience with these
issues. I am in constant contact with athletes, coaches and sports doctors and therapists whom I
would quote. I have written extensively on sports related topics as I worked as an intern with the
London Knights Hockey Club. As a third year Media, InIormation and Technoculture Honours
Specialization student, I believe my educational background has provided me with knowledge
and technical writing expertise that would strengthen the Ieature article. I hope that you will be
interested in this idea, and I can begin working on this story as soon as you need. I look Iorward
to hearing Irom you soon.

Jenna LaPlante

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