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Growing old is inevitable. Every human being undergoes aging and although everyone is
Iamiliar with this phenomenon, deIining it is not so straightIorward. Aging is a mysterious
process wherein physical, psychological, spiritual and mental aspects are aIIected.
The aging process is a course oI biological reality which has its own dynamic and is
largely beyond human control. Aging process depends on a combination oI both genetic and
environmental Iactors. Recognizing that every individual has his or her own unique genetic
makeup and environment, which interact with each other, helps people understand why the aging
process can occur at such diIIerent rates in diIIerent people.
UnIortunately Old Age has now become a prevalent social problem in the society. It is
strange that no one wants to grow old but every one wants to live long. In some society, where
money is the scale oI everything, old people are measured as an economic liability and a social
burden. Here in the Philippines, society were taught by the culture to value and respect older
people Ior they are considered pillars oI civilization.
Old age is observed as an unavoidable, undesirable, problem-ridden stage oI liIe that all
are compelled to live. Many people get extremely IearIul when they become old. This is where
the roles oI a Gerontological Nurse sets in. The gerontological nurse will be responsible Ior
providing adequate specialized care to the aged people, irrespective oI the environment or
setting. They may be expected to take care oI the aged people in a hospital, or in an old-age
home, or in a home environment. Their primary responsible is to prevent illness, promote
wellness, provide care and provide health education among these older people.


The study aims to explain the character and presentation oI older adults to Filipino nursing
student's perspective. The study is guided by the central question: How do Filipino nurse's view
older adults as a their subject oI care.


The outcome study maybe signiIicant to the Iollowing:
Older adults. This study will provide knowledge and inIormation regarding health care services
and approaches oI a student nurses to elders.
Nursing Students. This study will help to enhance and gain knowledge about older adults. Also,
this knowledge may help them in dealing, managing, approaching and specially in providing care
Ior these kinds oI patients in the Iuture.
Future Researchers. The study will give researchers background knowledge on how to develop
new stragies related to the study.


The study Iocuses on the perception, opinions and point oI view oI the nursing students.
Particularly those who are in NCM 101, 102, 103, 104, 105.

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