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nP 5tudents

"Accred|tat|on ko|e of Students |n ua||ty Assurance"

AccteJltotloo kole of 5toJeots lo Ooollty Assotooce

8obberL uuvlvler

8apld advancemenL ln healLh sclence and Lechnology and lncreased demand on accesslble and hlgh
quallLy healLh care has puL Lhe needs of Lhe lmprovemenL of Lhe quallLy and quanLlLy of healLh
professlonals 1hls lncreaslng demand on Lhe number and quallLy of healLh care professlonals ls also
drlven by lncreaslng global and reglonal compeLlLlon whlch ln Lurn lnfluences Lhe needs on a quallLy
healLh professlonal educaLlon ln LhaL process of educaLlon quallLy lmprovemenL sLudenL engagemenL ls
consldered very lmporLanL 1he sLudenLs are Lhe maln sLakeholder ln educaLlon and also Lhe agenL of
change for Lhey have a greaL value ln many perspecLlves
1here ls a growlng lnLeresL Lo parLlclpaLe ln quallLy assurance ln sLudenLs however wlLhouL a good
undersLandlng of Lhese lssues Lhey cannoL parLlclpaLe meanlngfully and Lhelr role ln shaplng quallLy ln
lnsLlLuLlons may be llmlLed

1he prlmary ob[ecLlve of Lhls sesslon ls Lo ralse Lhe knowledge of sLudenLs abouL quallLy assurance
glvlng Lhem lnslghL on accredlLaLlon and role of sLudenLs ln quallLy assurance also Lo share experlences
of sLudenL lnvolvemenL ln accredlaLlon process worldwlde

Venue and 1|me
8all uecember 2
2011 14001900

1400 1613 LecLure by 8obberL uuvlvler
1613 1630 8reak
1630 1730 resenLaLlon by PLC ComponenL l
1730 1900 ulscusslon CreaLlng an accredlLaLlon model whlch lnvolves sLudenL ln Lhe process

Lxp|anat|on of the sess|on
Speaker ls expecLed Lo presenL an lnLeracLlve lecLure for esLlmaLed 20 parLlclpanLs whlch overvlews
baslc Lhlngs sLudenLs should know Lo geL lnvolved ln quallLy assurance
O vervlew of CuallLy Assurance
O 8ole of sLudenLs ln quallLy assurance
O Lxperlences of sLudenL lnvolvemenL ln accredlLaLlon process worldwlde
O ulscusslon CreaLlng an accredlLaLlon model whlch lnvolves sLudenL ln Lhe process

Speaker wlll have Lo submlL Lhe sofLcopy of presenLaLlon ln powerpolnL formaL 2 weeks before Lhe
conference CommlLLee wlll prlnL ouL handouLs and dlsLrlbuLe Lhe coples Lo Lhe parLlclpanLs

1ransportat|on Accommodat|on and kemunerat|on
CommlLLee wlll cover speaker's expense on reLurn alr LlckeL (economy class) provlde hoLel room durlng
sLay and allocaLe remuneraLlon aL Lhe raLe of 8p 1000000/hour Speaker ls asked Lo hand a copy of
passporL boardlng pass and LlckeL when arrlve aL Lhe venue


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