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resent erfect

* Wr|te quest|ons |n present perfect s|mp|e

1 you / answer / Lhe quesLlon ____________________________________
2 !enny / lock / Lhe door ____________________________________
3 WalLer / call / us ____________________________________
4 you / see / Lhe plcLure ____________________________________
3 your parenLs / geL / Lhe leLLer____________________________________
6 lL / raln / a loL ____________________________________
7 how ofLen / we / slng / Lhe song ____________________________________
8 Maureen / waLch / Lhe fllm ____________________________________
9 how many books / 8ob / read ____________________________________
10 ever / you / be / Lo London ____________________________________
2 resenL erfecL and Slmple asL
* Choose Lhe correcL answer
- !o[l ________ ln 1okyo for flve years buL he lefL ln 1993
a llved b have llved
- 1he 1lLanlc ________ ln 1912
a sank b has sunk
- Somebody ________ my blcycle! now lll have Lo walk home
a sLole b has sLolen
- Cerry ________ off hls blke Lhree Llmes Lhls monLh
a fell b has fallen
- Chlka ________ from unlverslLy lasL !uly
a graduaLed b has graduaLed
- l ________ Lhe movle 1lLanlc Lhree Llmes lm golng Lo see lL agaln LonlghL
a saw b have seen

- l ________ Lo work every day for Lhe lasL slx weeks!
a walked b have walked

- When ?oung Pee was a chlld she ________ ln Seoul
a llved b has llved
- Cuch! ________ my flnger!
a l cuL b lve cuL
- l ________ my key yesLerday so l couldnL geL lnLo Lhe house LvenLually l found
lL ln my [ackeL pockeL
a losL b have losL
* Comp|ete the fo||ow|ng paragraph w|th the appropr|ate verb tense (resent
erfect or S|mp|e ast)
Pave you ever had malarla? lf you have Lhe chances are LhaL you (geL) ____________ Lhe
dlsease ln a hoL counLry Malarla ls mosL common ln Lroplcal counLrles especlally Lhose
wlLh weL and humld cllmaLes where Lhe mosqulLoes whlch carry Lhe dlsease can flourlsh
Powever recenLly malarla (become) ___________ more common ln Canada Accordlng
Lo a recenL reporL over 1000 people (conLracL) ___________ Lhe dlsease ln Canada ln
1997 and Lhe number (rlse) ____________ every year slnce 1994 1hls ls an alarmlng
Why ls Lhe lncldence of malarla rlslng Lhere? 1he answer ls Lravel More and more
Canadlans Lravel abroad every year and some of Lhem caLch malarla Powever when a
1oronLo woman (become) _________ slck lasL year her docLor (dlscover) ________ LhaL
she (never Lravel) ________ abroad ln her llfe She musL have been blLLen by a mosqulLo
whlch (geL) ___________Lhe dlsease from anoLher slck Canadlan

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