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8LulSCSlnC 8LCll1A1lnC

age 32 y/o llfesLyle no exerclse

PeredlLary moLher and faLher dled due Lo a clgareLLe smoker 2 years ago
Pn on faLher and uM on moLher's slde occaslonally drlnk alcohollc beverages
ork ood carver and drlver

uesLrucLlon of 8eLa cells ln Lhe pancreas

uecrease producLlon of lnsullln

lncrease lnsulln reslsLance

PyperosmolarlLy of serum lnsufflclenL lnLracellular glucose supply chronlc elevaLlon of blood glucose
8enal Lhreshold for glucose reabsorpLlon
uecrease energy producLlon saLleLy cenLer responds by acceleraLed aLherosclerosls glucose become
AblllLy of Lhe kldney sLone Lo lncreaslng appeLlLe ln Lhe blood vessel alls glycoproLelns
8eabsorbed glucose as supressed eakness or faLlgue polyphagla blood flo ls blocked
Lxcess glucose ls secreLed ln Lhe urlne
Clucose acLs as osmoLlc dlureLlcs

uehydraLlon of Lhe body cells
ChemorecepLors respond by sLlmulaLlng P?L81LnSlCn
1hlrsL cenLer
8AAS acLlvaLlon
lncreased LhlrsL barorecepLor acLlvaLlon chemorecepLor reflex abnormallLy ln Lhe LransporL of sodlum
8y decrease C2 and pP ln Lhe renal Lubules lncrease blood volume
CL?ulSlA vasocenLer moLor acLlvaLlon cardloregulaLory cenLer sLlmulaLlon kldney produces renln lncrease perlpheral
vasoconsLrlcLlon reslsLance
lncrease hearL pumplng acLlon rennln caLalyzes angloLenslnogen
lncrease venous reLurn vasoconsLrlcLlon angloLensln 1 Lo angloLensln 2 Pn
lncrease perlpheral lncrease cardlac ouLpuL lncrease ln hearL raLe converLlon vasoconsLrlcLlon
reslsLance lncrease blood volume and sLroke volume lnhlblLlon of na excreLlon
sLlmulaLlon of adrenal corLex
above normal lncrease ln 8
prolonged and susLalned lncrease ln 8 sympaLheLlc sLlmulaLlon release of aldosLerone na reabsorpLlon
barorecepLors conLlnue Lo reseL alLeraLlon ln chemorecepLor auLoregulaLlon and k excreLlon
arLerlal barorecepLors become desenslLlzed

CP8CnlC P?L81LnSlCn

Caplllary membrane basemenL Lhlckenlng damage ln Lhe Llny blood vessels ln Lhe reLlnA PLMA1u8lA Leakage of proLeln from blood
And caplllary closure Lo urlne of all blood vessels of kldney
Leakage of proLeln on macula form a deposlL Lo kldney Llssues
uecrease blood supply and blood vessels
8Lu88lnC Cl vlSlCn
nerve damage decrease blood supply ln kldney
decrease glomerular fllLraLlon raLe
nLu8CA1P? decrease excreLlon of meLabollc asLe

AuLonomlc neuropaLhy kldney lmpalremenL
nuM8nLSS Anu 1lnCLlnC SLnSA1lCn Cn LCWL8 Lx18LMl1lLS uecrease producLlon of eryLhropoeLln
WAlS1lnC Cl ln18lnSlC MuSCLL ALLC8
CrLhosLaLlc hypoLenslon 8LCA1lnC nLu8CCLnlC 8LAuuL8 CPAnCLS ln !Cln1S


nAuSLA Anu vCMl1lnC

1hlckenlng ln Lhe amounL of collagen ln
Lhe basemenL membranes
of Lhe small vessels

lmpalred or slugglsh blood flo
uecrease Cl8


renal blood


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