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Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)

Teacher(s) Name: Kayleigh Oser (Bledsoe), Natasha Garcia, Heather Fulkman.

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: All About Me/Kindergarten
Wiki space address:
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 2- I Spy with My Little Eye
Learning Objectives
What will students accomplish / be
able to do at the end oI this lesson?
Be sure to set signiIicant (related to
SSS), challenging and appropriate
learning goals!

O Students will be able to discuss the importance oI their eyes and what
they use them Ior.
O Students will be able to identiIy their eye color.
O Students will be able to write down their eye color in their 'All About
Me book.
O Students will be able to use their eyes to label pictures oI places in their
school and community.

$$ Theme/
$$$ ext eneration
$:nshine $tate $tandards
List each standard. Cutting and
pasting Irom the website is
allowed. These can be downloaded
from the Florida Dept of Education

Sunshine State Standards:
~SS.K.G.2.1: Locate and describe places in the school and
~PE.K.C.1.9: IdentiIy body parts.
~LA.K.4.1.1: The student will create narratives by drawing,
dictating, and/or using emergent writing.
NCSS Themes:
IV. Individual Development and Identity-Understanding and
explaining things that identiIy them
V. Individuals, Groups and Institutions- IdentiIying diIIerent
institutions and groups that that interact with or are surrounded by

This lesson addresses: Social Studies, Physical Education and
Language Arts.

OHow will student learning be
assessed? Authentic/Alternative
ODoes your assessment align with
your objectives, standards and
OInIormal assessment (multiple
modes): participation rubrics,
journal entries, collaborative
planning/presentation notes
Unit Pre-Assessment:
enters 2 weeks beIore the unit lesson, student groups will visit one center
each day. Student groups will rotate to a diIIerent center throughout the week,
with Friday as a day to complete any center activity they may not have
4 Center 1- Students will label a blank picture oI a body by gluing down
pictures oI all the body parts in their appropriate place.
4 Center 2. Students will use an 'I spy Ilip chart on the IWB. The Iirst
time while blind Iolded they will try to Iind the objects listed and the
second time without being blindIolded. This will lead to a discussion
on the importance oI our eyes and why we need them.
4 Center 3. Students will draw a picture oI their Iamilies and share the
picture with an elbow partner. This picture will be saved and used
incase the students do not bring in a Iamily picture on Day 3 oI the
4 Center 4. Students will use house template and draw and label the
diIIerent things that can be Iound in their house. This will lead to a
discussion about their house and give the teacher an opportunity to see
which students know their phone number & address.
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)

Unit Post-Assessment:
On the 5
day oI the Unit students will create a body portrait with speciIic
instructions on where to draw certain things:

O our Iavorite Iamily member on your heart
O our Iavorite things in your eyes-descriptive words
O our house in your brain-speak the phone number & address-
incorporating whichever one they didn`t know during the pre-
On-going Assessment: Observations & the 'All About Me Book that the
students will be created to illustrate their understanding oI each topic and
allow the teacher to assess this understanding.

Design for Instruction
$t:dent ctivities & Proced:res

OWhat best practice strategies will be
OHow will you communicate student
OWhat products will be developed
and created by students?
OConsider ontextual Factors
(learning diIIerences/learning
environment/learning styles) that
may be in place in your Iuture
What accommodations or
modiIications do you make Ior
ESOL, GiIted/Talented students,
Learning/Reading disabilities (SLD),


The teacher will ask all oI the students who are right handed to stand on the
right side oI the room and all oI the students who are leIt handed stand on the
leIt side oI the room. Then the teacher will lead the students in a game oI
'Simon Says. In this game the teacher will say 'Simon says that all oI the 5
years need to take Iive steps to the middle and the next will continue based on
the age range oI the students. Another instruction will be 'Simon says all oI
the boys will blonde hair jump three times. The game will continue through
several characteristics that would have been in their portraits. This activity will
end on 'Simon given instructions based on eye color and then 'Simon says
everyone with eyes have a seat.

Anticipatory Set:

The teacher will share one thing he or she saw the night beIore that they
thought was special. For example 'Last night when I was looking with my
eyes Ior something special I saw my teddy bear Irom when I was little sitting
on my shelI. This teddy bear was very special to me and I would hold it tight
whenever I got scared or lonely. Then the teacher will have the students share
with an elbow partner the one thing that they saw the evening beIore that they
thought was special. The teacher will remind the students oI the activity done
during the pre assessment and ask questions like 'What happened when you
were trying to Iind them objects blindIolded? 'Why are our eyes important?
'What do we use them Ior?

1. The teacher will lead the students into the Iirst activity by saying 'One
thing that makes all diIIerent is our eye color. So people have blue
eyes, some have brown, some have green.can someone raise their
hand and tell me what color you elbow partners eyes are? What about
what color your eyes are? Then the teacher will show the students his
or her page 4 in the 'All About Me book. He or she will instruction
the students to color the eyes in the picture with a crayon that is as
close to their eye color as they can Iind.

O This activity is modified for $OL and $ st:dents by
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)
having the vis:al examples of their peers eyes and the gro:p
disc:ssion to activate their prior knowledge to the
assessment that was already done.

2. AIter the students have colored the eyes the teacher will pass out a
word bank to each child and have the students point to the color that
matching their eyes and raise their hand when they have Iound it. Then
each student will write out the color on the blank given Ior the eye

O ach color will have a pict:re of the color next so that
$OL and $ st:dents have a vis:al aid d:ring this

3. AIter this activity the teacher will collect page 4, reminding the
children that they have done a great job working on their books and
that once that are all complete they will get to take them home to show
their Iamilies.

4. Next the teacher will ask, 'What are some things you see around this
classroom? What are some things you see around the school 'What
about in your neighborhood. Then the teacher will use a Ilipchart with
diIIerent pictures oI places around the school like the caIeteria,
basketball court, Iront oIIice etc. and places in the community like a
bank, the grocery store, the gas station, a house etc. to have the
students identiIy what they see with their eyes. The teacher will ask a
'What is this place? question to start with aIter every picture, and then
have the students describe what else they see in the picture.

O $OL & $ modifications: Vis:al ids of the flipchart
pict:res. Pict:res of familiar places to the st:dent, and
gro:p disc:ssions/team work on fig:ring o:t what the
places are. ifted/Talented modification: providing
worksheets the st:dent can do on their own where they
match the pict:res of the places to the word.

Wrap Up & Homework:
The teacher will read 'Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do ou See? to the
students and remind them to always be on the look out Ior special things
they may see everyday. Then the teacher will remind the students about the
slip oI paper in their planners and that they are going to ask a Iamily
member about what it was like when they were a 'kid.

ye colors wo:ld be listed on individ:al word banks with pict:res
representing each eye color
$t:dents co:ld also get extended time to work on any page d:ring an
art center if needed.

Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)

O 'All About Me book
O Crayons
O Word Bank with eye colors and pictures Ior each student
O A Ilip cart oI pictures oI local places in the community and places in
the school
O Matching worksheet Ior giIted/talented
O Homework slips oI paper with 'Please share one memory or experience
that you had when you were a child that could share with the
O 'Panda Bear, Panda Bear What Do ou See? by Bill Martin Jr.

Discussion Notes:
O The assessment Ior this lesson will be done by the teacher taking notes oI which students are
having diIIiculty identiIy places and who is having diIIicult identiIy and writing out their eye
O omework:
4 Each student will go home and ask a Iamily member to share something about when they
were a kid. Family members will be encouraged to write the inIormation down a slip oI
paper provided.
4 II possible, bring in a picture oI Iamily.
4 Review/Practice home address and phone number
O ield Trips: Students could take a Iield trip to any oI the places in the pictures and iI time
permits even take a Iield trip around the school to see what they can use their eyes to see.
O xtensions:
4 A math extension would be graphing the diIIerent eye colors represented in the classroom.
4 A language art extension would be using binoculars to look around the classroom and/or
outside and then drawing and writing down things they see.

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