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Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)

Teacher(s) Name: Heather Fulkman, Kayleigh Bledsoe, Natasha Garcia

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: All About Me/ Kindergarten
Wiki space address:
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 3/ Family Day

Learning Objectives
What will students accomplish / be
able to do at the end oI this lesson?
Be sure to set signiIicant (related to
SSS), challenging and appropriate
learning goals!

The students will be able to name the members oI their Iamily and explain
what they do and should do. And also be able to see the diIIerences between
the Iamilies and their roles in today`s society and in the past aIter they talk to
their Iamily members about it last night.

NCSS Theme/
NGSSS- Next Generation
Sunshine State Standards
List each standard. Cutting and
pasting Irom the website is
allowed. These can be downloaded
from the Florida Dept of Education

O HE.K.C.2.1: Name healthy behaviors that Iamily members should

O SS.K.A.2.1: Compare children and Iamilies oI today with those in the

O LA.K.5.2.5: The student will communicate eIIectively when relating
experiences and retelling stories heard
O How will student learning be
assessed? Authentic/Alternative
O Does your assessment align with
your objectives, standards and
O nIormal assessment (multiple
modes): participation rubrics,
journal entries, collaborative
planning/presentation notes
Centers- 2 weeks beIore the unit lesson, student groups will visit one center
each day. Student groups will rotate to a diIIerent center throughout the week,
with Friday as a day to complete any center activity they may not have
4 Center 1- Students will label a blank picture oI a body by gluing down
pictures oI all the body parts in their appropriate place.
4 Center 2. Students will use an ' spy Ilip chart on the WB. The Iirst
time while blind Iolded they will try to Iind the objects listed and the
second time without being blindIolded. This will lead to a discussion
on the importance oI our eyes and why we need them.
4 Center 3. Students will draw a picture oI their Iamilies and share the
picture with an elbow partner. This picture will be saved and used
incase the students do not bring in a Iamily picture on Day 3 oI the
4 Center 4. Students will use house template and draw and label the
diIIerent things that can be Iound in their house. This will lead to a
discussion about their house and give the teacher an opportunity to see
which students know their phone number & address.

Unit Post-Assessment:
On the 5
day oI the Unit students will create a body portrait with speciIic
instructions on where to draw certain things:

O our Iavorite Iamily member on your heart
O our Iavorite things in your eyes-descriptive words
O our house in your brain-speak the phone number & address-
incorporating whichever one they didn`t know during the pre-
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)
On-going Assessment: Observations & the 'All About Me Book that the
students will be created to illustrate their understanding oI each topic and
allow the teacher to assess this understanding.
Design for Instruction
Student ctivities & Procedures

O What best practice strategies will be
O How will you communicate student
O What products will be developed
and created by students?
O Consider ontextual Factors
(learning diIIerences/learning
environment/learning styles) that
may be in place in your Iuture
What accommodations or
modiIications do you make Ior
ESOL, GiIted/Talented students,
Learning/Reading disabilities (SLD),
1) #eview the importance oI eyes.
a. Where are your eyes?
b. What are they used Ior?

2) Group Discussion:
a. Name the roles oI Iamily members (i.e. mom, dad, sister, brother, pets,

) Lesson Content:
a. Take out your picture oI your Iamily or use the drawing you completed
during the pre-assessment. We will be decorating a picture Irame to
put our Iamily picture in. AIter they are done with their picture Irames
we will have a class discussion about the roles oI their diIIerent Iamily
members and what healthy behaviors they should practice.

b. We will then have a read aloud oI The Keeping Quilt by Patricia
Polacco. We will then discuss the book and make our own quilt with
each student telling me a Iun Iact oI their Iamily and will write it on
a post-it so we can create a post-it note quilt oI our class`s Iamily Iun

c. We will the wrap up the lesson with completing the Iamily page in the
About Me Journal where we will have a class discussion about what
their parents did when they were their age and iI they think their
parents as kids have a diIIerent liIe then they do as kids now.

SOL/S strategies:
(1) will write down their family fun fact for those who need help,
while more advanced students will be able to do what they can
(2) Provide visual/real example of how the picture frame should
look as a finished product with the picture in it.

The Keeping Quilt by Patricia Polacco

Paper Picture Frames, Crayons, Tape, Post-t Notes

All About Me Journal

Discussion Notes:
O Continue to review address and phone number.
O Talk with Iamily about Iurniture and rooms in their home.
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)
O Ask student Ior a guided tour oI your home.

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