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Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)

Teacher(s) Name: Heather Fulkman, Kayleigh Bledsoe, Natasha Garcia

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: All About Me/ Kindergarten
Wiki space address:
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 5/ My Favorite Thing

Learning Objectives
What will students accomplish / be
able to do at the end oI this lesson?
Be sure to set signiIicant (related to
SSS), challenging and appropriate
learning goals!

O The student will create a person to represent themselves.
O The student will share their Iinished product with the class.
O The student will bring in their Iavorite thing Ior show and tell.
O The student will use descriptive words to understand the purpose oI the
O The student will state their home address or phone number.
O The student will use complete sentences.

$$ Theme/
$$$ ext eneration
$:nshine $tate $tandards
List each standard. Cutting and
pasting Irom the website is
allowed. These can be downloaded
from the Florida Dept of Education

O LA.K.4.3.1: The student will draw a picture and use it to explain why
this item (Iood, pet, person) is their Iavorite
O LA.K.5.2.6: The student will use complete sentences when speaking.
O 'A.K.C.1.1: Create and share personal works oI art with others.
O How will student learning be
assessed? Authentic/Alternative
O Does your assessment align with
your objectives, standards and
O nIormal assessment (multiple
modes): participation rubrics,
journal entries, collaborative
planning/presentation notes
Unit Pre-Assessment:
enters 2 weeks beIore the unit lesson, student groups will visit one center
each day. Student groups will rotate to a diIIerent center throughout the week,
with Friday as a day to complete any center activity they may not have
4 Center 1- Students will label a blank picture oI a body by gluing down
pictures oI all the body parts in their appropriate place.
4 Center 2. Students will use an ' spy Ilip chart on the WB. The Iirst
time while blind Iolded they will try to Iind the objects listed and the
second time without being blindIolded. This will lead to a discussion
on the importance oI our eyes and why we need them.
4 Center 3. Students will draw a picture oI their Iamilies and share the
picture with an elbow partner. This picture will be saved and used
incase the students do not bring in a Iamily picture on Day 3 oI the
4 Center 4. Students will use house template and draw and label the
diIIerent things that can be Iound in their house. This will lead to a
discussion about their house and give the teacher an opportunity to see
which students know their phone number & address.

Unit Post-Assessment:
On the 5
day oI the Unit students will create a body portrait with speciIic
instructions on where to draw certain things:

O our Iavorite Iamily member on your heart
O our Iavorite things in your eyes-descriptive words
O our house in your brain-speak the phone number & address-
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)
incorporating whichever one they didn`t know during the pre-
On-going Assessment: Observations & the 'All About Me Book that the
students will be created to illustrate their understanding oI each topic and
allow the teacher to assess this understanding.
Design for Instruction
$t:dent ctivities & Proced:res

O What best practice strategies will be
O How will you communicate student
O What products will be developed
and created by students?
O Consider ontextual Factors
(learning diIIerences/learning
environment/learning styles) that
may be in place in your Iuture
What accommodations or
modiIications do you make Ior
ESOL, GiIted/Talented students,
Learning/Reading disabilities (SLD),
1) #eview: House activity and how knowing your address and phone
number is important.

) nticipatory: Set: Read-Aloud Like MyselI! By Karen Beaumont
) ontent:
a) will pass out all the supplies Ior their person cutouts (the people,
the shirts, the pants, glue, yarn, and shapes).
b) Students will pick the colors they want their shirts, pants, and hair
to be on their person.
c) Students will make their person which will include a house cutout,
a heart cutout, and oval cutouts.
i. The house cutout will be placed on their head because they
know their addresses and phone numbers.
ii. On the heart they will draw and name their Iavorite Iamily
member where their heart is located.
iii. Where their eyes are, students will place two ovals and in
each oval they will draw one oI their Iavorite things because
they can see them.
) Postssessment: Students will then present the person they created
with the class in complete sentences.
a) Students will say their addresses and/or phone number depending
on which they did not know during the pre-assessment.
b) Students will then say who their Iavorite Iamily member is, what
their Iavorite thing is and explain why.
Pre$entences: This is my person. My address is
********************. My phone n:mber is **************. My
favorite family is ******* beca:se ********************. I bro:ght in
************* beca:se ********************.)
$OL $trategies: 1) Word Wall with the names of all their family
members mom, dad, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, a:nt,
:ncle, co:sin, pet), ) Modeling I will have a person already done for the
st:dets to look at and follow if they need help), and ) I will have pre
sentences written o:t for the st:dent to look at if they need help d:ring
their presentation.


Like MyselI! By Karen Beaumont

Cutout Person, shorts, shirts, yarn (Ior hair), shapes (ovals, hearts, and houses),

All About Me Journal (
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)

Word Wall with Iamily member names on it

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