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re[udlce and Creed

1he 8ooLs of lalse CaLed CommunlLles and

Lhe rlvaLlzaLlon of ubllc Spaces ln 8razll

A 8ahla norLh Shore CommunlLy MoblllzaLlon lllm
AdvocaLlng for Lhe 8lghL of lree Access Lo ubllc Areas

ln Lhe 8razlllan sLaLe of 8ahla some of Lhe worsL aspecLs of 8razll's land hlsLory are belng
repeaLed Local governmenLs are colludlng ln Lhe prlvaLlzaLlon of beaches and oLher publlc
lands Pouslng subdlvlslons are Lransformed overnlghL lnLo huge gaLed communlLles
1hese gaLed communlLles arenL reglsLered as such 1hey are whaL we call here false gaLed
1he resulL of almosL Lwo years of work Lhe documenLary ltejoJlce ooJ CteeJ 1be koots of
lolse CoteJ commooltles ooJ tbe ltlvotlzotloo of lobllc 5poces lo 8tozll exposes Lhese
lllegallLles from Lhe perspecLlve of Lhe affecLed socleLy 1he fllm was lndependenLly made
wlLh Lhe parLlclpaLlon of key communlLy leaders
1hls sLory ls Lold by acLlvlsLs and clLlzens vlcLlms of Lhese ouLrages commlLLed by false
gaLed communlLles 1hey have come LogeLher Lo challenge Lhe vlolaLlon of Lhelr rlghLs and
expose Lhe lllegal pracLlce of approprlaLlon of publlc land and llllclL proflLeerlng 1hey
demand Lhelr rlghL Lo access publlc space
ulrecLor 8oberval de Cllvelra
reproducLlon lranclsco Assls Sllva
roducLlon lmages and LdlLlng Leandro Sodre
Lngllsh SubLlLles 8oberval Cllvelra and 8eLsey Chace

A ro[ecL of ulaspora SolldarlLy AssoclaLlon

Slnce colonlal Llmes 8razll has granLed large land esLaLes Lo Lhe ellLe 1hrough Lhe
cenLurles mosL 8razlllan land has been held ln large prlvaLe esLaLes ln Lhe 1970's Lhe
mlllLary dlcLaLorshlp used flnanclal lncenLlves Lo dlsLrlbuLe" mllllons of square meLers of
publlc land ln Lhe Amazon reglon Lo prlvaLe lnLeresLs 1oday due Lo lnequlLable land access
8razll has one of Lhe worsL lncome dlsLrlbuLlons ln Lhe world 1hose who have land have

ln Lhls conLexL we arrlve ln coasLal clLles of Lauro de lrelLas and Camaarl ln Lhe sLaLe of
8ahla 1hese clLles are baLhed by beauLlful beaches cuL by rlvers wlLh large lakes and

8epeaLlng 8razlllan hlsLory currenL clLy governmenLs are faclllLaLlng Lhe prlvaLlzaLlon of
publlc land beaches and oLher communal asseLs for Lhe beneflL of Lhe prlvlleged few
Pouslng subdlvlslons are belng walled offLransformed overnlghL lnLo huge gaLed
communlLles 1hese gaLed communlLles are noL legally reglsLered as such 1hey are whaL
we call false gaLed communlLles CurrenLly Lhese false gaLed communlLles conLrol and
prlvaLlze access Lo several beaches rlvers lakes mangrove swamps and vasL LracLs of
woodlands ln addlLlon dozens of sLreeLs are closed or under conLrolled access WhaL
legally belongs Lo all ls now ln Lhe hands of a prlvlleged few

re[udlce and greed are Lhe rooLs of Lhese lllegal prlvaLlzaLlons 1here are many aspecLs Lo
Lhls problem vlolaLlon of federal laws local governmenL compllclLy raclal and class
dlscrlmlnaLlon unlawful proflLeerlng envlronmenLal and human rlghLs vlolaLlons and
especlally vlolaLlons of Lhe rlghL of free movemenL ln naLlonal LerrlLory

1hls sLory ls Lold by Lhe communlLy leaders and clLlzens vlcLlms of Lhe wrongs pracLlced by
false gaLed communlLy 1hese are people who have had enough of havlng Lhelr rlghLs
vlolaLed and [olned LogeLher Lo denounce Lhls lllegal scheme of proflLeerlng and land
approprlaLlon and Lo demand Lhe rlghL Lo come and go freely ln publlc areas

1 1he roblem

1aLlana S de Souza 8esldenL
Camaarl 8ahla
My name ls 1aLlana AfLer Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhese houslng subdlvlslons lL
became more dlfflculL for us because our access ls more resLrlcLed
Pow was lL ln Lhe pasL?
We had free access AnyLlme we wanLed we could walk freely 1here was noL Lhe
resLrlcLlon of showlng lu Lo walk ln some areas ln some of Lhese houslng
developmenLs you need Lo glve your lu Lo enLer lf you donL have an lu you
donL enLer

CrlsLlna Moles 8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla
l boughL my house ln a subdlvlslon So Lhe sLreeLs Lhe squares belong Lo Lhe clLy
So any person has Lhe rlghL Lo come and go freely because Lhese are publlc areas
Accordlng Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon nobody can clalm owner shlp of publlc land lf Lhls
house were ln a gaLed communlLy l could puL up a gaLe and llve by Lhe lnLernal
So Lhe blg dlfference ls LhaL ln a houslng subdlvlslon only Lhe loLs are for sale ln
gaLed communlLles Lhe loLs and a proporLlon of Lhe common areas are sold
Why are people maklng so much money? lor example lm a developer l boughL
Lhe LracL of land Lhen l conLacL Lhe clLy Lo seL up Lhe enLlre lnfrasLrucLure such as
sewer publlc llghLs and pavemenL ln some cases Lhe loL owners plLch ln wlLh
some cosL buL Lhe clLy always Lakes flnanclal responslblllLy for much of Lhe
lnfrasLrucLure 1he clLy and Lhe developer make a buslness parLnershlp
1hen laLer Lhe developer requesLs a llcense from Lhe clLy Lo seL up a small check
polnL on Lhe maln road enLerlng Lhe houslng developmenL and Lhls small
checkpolnL becomes a huge gaLe
1hls ls whaL ls happenlng here ln Lhe name of securlLy" we are selllng our
freedom Cur freedom Lo come and go freely Cur freedom Lo Lake a walk on Lhe
beach ln peace 8ecause you canL do lL anymore because Lhere ls always a prlvaLe
securlLy guard waLchlng you and vlolaLlng your rlghL of freedom of movemenL
lernando nazare
resldenL AssoclaLlon for Lhe roLecLlon of Lhe !aculpe 8lver
Camaarl 8ahla
1here are kllomeLers and kllomeLers of land LhaL we cannoL walk Lhrough
anymore and Lhe populaLlon LhaL used Lo llve near Lhe ocean ls belng pushed
furLher lnland
WhaL we are seelng here ls Lhe afroculLure ln [eopardy because people Lhey
donL have access anymore Lo rlvers sprlngs for Lhelr rellglous rlLuals
WhaL we are seelng ls our clLy belng fenced off and we have no way ouL
!ose Avellno de lrelLas
ulrecLor of Lhe Soclal AcLlon and Advocacy CenLer for Lhe LnvlronmenL
Camaarl 8ahla
lm a flsherman and whaL makes me lndlgnanL ls Lo see ln Lhe low lncomes areas
Lhe humble flshermen's rlghL Lo provlde food Lo Lhelr chlldren belng vlolaLed
We need Lo unlLe and LogeLher wlLh Lhe [udlclal sysLem resolve Lhls problem of
lllegal gaLed communlLles Lverywhere ls fenced off and we have nelLher space
nor anyone Lo Lurn Lo for help
8oberval Cllvelra
Leader 8ahla norLh Shore CommunlLy MoblllzaLlon supposed
Camaarl 8ahla

1he reason LhaL l am lnvolved ln Lhe moblllzaLlon agalnsL Lhe prlvaLlzaLlon of
beaches and lllegal approprlaLlon of publlc space ls ouLrage aL seelng land areas
beaches lakes sLreeLs belng sLolen by groups of people who feel LhaL Lhey are
above Lhe law groups LhaL mock Lhe governmenL and populaLlon

Ladles and genLlemen houslng subdlvlslons ln Lhe clLles of Lauro de lrelLas and
Camaarl lnLenLlonally and mallclously use Lhe mlsnomer of gaLedcommunlLles Lo
block access Lo publlc areas Lhus lllegally prlvaLlzlng Lhem 1hese prlvaLe groups
commlL varlous lllegallLles and vlolaLlons of baslc rlghLs 1hey lnsLall check polnLs
and gaLes on publlc roads Lhey lllegally Lake ownershlp of mllllons of square
meLers of publlc land Lhey requlre clLlzens Lo show lu Lo go Lo a beach a rlver or
a lake Lhey approach people ln a publlc Lhoroughfare llke Lhe pollce wrlLlng down
llcense plaLes Lhey hamper and deny Lhe work of flshermen and flsherwomen

CrlsLlna Moles 8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla
CaLed communlLles arenL lllegal We can llve ln a closed gaLed communlLy
WhaL ls noL rlghL ls Lo Lake advanLage of a publlc slLuaLlon
ln Lhe gaLed communlLy parL of Lhe lnLernal sLreeLs belong also Lo Lhe loL owner
Lach loL owner has Lo pay for Lhe malnLenance and repalr of Lhe common areas
ln a houslng subdlvlslon lL ls dlfferenL Who pays for Lhe malnLenance ls you over
Lhere lL ls all of us who pay Lhe luxury of Lhese false gaLed communlLles wlLh our
So why are your Laxes belng used Lo malnLaln Lhese lllegally gaLed communlLles?
1hey are all false gaLed communlLles!!

8eaches 8lvers and Lakes rlvaLlzed

Ldson ! da Pora lnhlero
resldenL e de Arela rogress SocleLy
Camaarl 8ahla

lm Lhe presldenL of my nelghborhood assoclaLlon lm born and ralsed ln my
communlLy A few monLhs ago l was sLopped from accesslng Lhe beach where l
grew up surflng nobody can have access Lo lL anymore because Lhere ls a check
polnL ln Lhe way 1hey sald LhaL Lhe area now ls a gaLed communlLy and has
approval from Lhe clLy of Camaarl

1aLlana S de Souza
Camaarl 8ahla
We canL flsh or dlg for clams anymore
uld you and your moLher always dlg for clams?
?es we always dld
8uL nowadays lL ls more dlfflculL because Lhere are fences walls and boaL ramps
all Lhrough Lhe mangroves So when Lhe Llde ls hlgh we canL geL Lo Lhe
Why can'L you geL ln?
8ecause Lhe fences go all Lhe way down Lo Lhe mangroves and block our way 1he
only Lo geL Lhere ls Lhrough Lhese gaLed communlLles or ln a boaL

Ldson ! da Pora lnhlero
resldenL e de Arela rogress SocleLy
Camaarl 8ahla
1he maln lssue here ls accesslblllLy Lspeclally for women who make Lhelr llvlng
from Lhe rlvers lakes and beaches l don'L know lf Lhls ls your [urlsdlcLlon buL
access ls our maln complalnL because [usL a few meLers from Lhe beach our access
ls closed

Camarl 8ahla

We can'L leL Lhls happen 1hese houslng subdlvlslons call Lhemselves gaLed
communlLles lrom my house l can see Lhe ocean buL l canL geL Lhere because
Lhe rlch closed Lhe area and only Lhey and Lhelr people can have access Lo Lhe
beach We donL have Lhe rlghL Lo go Lhe beach anymore and l Lhlnk Lhls ls
dlscrlmlnaLlon We wanL Lhls Lo end

!ose Avellno de lrelLas
ulrecLor LnvlronmenLal Soclal AcLlon and Advocacy CenLer
Camaarl 8ahla

Wall off your whole damn area buL leave open a slx meLer corrldor A regular car
couldn'L pass because lL ls sandy buL a buggy a [eep a horse carL a wheelbarrow
could pass and we could have access Lo Lhe mosL sacred Lhlng LhaL Cod lefL for all
of us whlch ls Lhe beach 1hls ls lL lm noL asklng you Lo leL me walk Lhrough Lhe
forLress LhaL you bullL no l donL wanL LhaL because when you dle you wlll Lake
Lhe whole damn Lhlng wlLh you Lo Lhe grave ?ou can have lL all 1he same way
you have your super fancy enLrance of sllver gold and dlamond l wanL Lo have a
space of a meLer and a half ln Lhe mud LhaL l can pass So l can provlde food Lo my
chlldren so Lhey ln Lhe fuLure are noL hungry and walL for you Lo leave your
manslon [ump over your wall shooL your 8oLLweller Lo break lnLo your house Lo
brlng food home 8ecause youre Lalklng llke Lhls because you donL know whaL
Lhe hell hunger ls lf you knew whaL hunger was you wouldn'L say LhaL Lhere ls no
reason Lo change Lhls slLuaLlon


roperLy Manager
lalse CaLed CommunlLy
Camaarl 8ahla

Cood afLernoon my name ls 8oberval and l am maklng a documenLary abouL
gaLed communlLles and houslng subdlvlslons on Lhe norLhern cosL of 8ahla and l
have lnformaLlon LhaL Lhls ls a houslng subdlvlslon
lL's a gaLed communlLy
AL clLy hall ls lL llsLed as a gaLed communlLy?
8uL Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL l had
So was lL modlfled legally?
8uL lL sLarLed as a houslng subdlvlslon?
And how does a houslng subdlvlslon become a gaLed communlLy?
1hrough meeLlngs and documenLs LhaL we have andlL becomes a gaLed
l can see LhaL Lhls ls publlc sLreeL and Lhls nelghborhood assoclaLlon Lhrough
meeLlngs wlLh Lhe clLy closed Lhe sLreeL and Lransformed Lhe area ln a gaLed
1haL's rlghL lL closed Lhe sLreeL and changed lL lnLo a gaLed communlLy
WhaL's your oplnlon abouL closlng a publlc sLreeL Lo Lransform Lhe area lnLo a
gaLed communlLy?
See Lhese are declslon LhaL are made by muLual agreemenL undersLand?
Can l go Lhe rlver fllm and come back?
?es you can Someone wlll Lake your lu number

Sandro S da Luz
resldenL Camdomble Lecl 8ellglous AssoclaLlon
Camaarl 8ahla

lm Lhe presldenL of Lhe Candomble Lecl 8ellglous AssoclaLlon and lm also a member of Lhe
nelghborhood healLh councll l llve on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe rlver and Lo geL home l face an
obsLacleLhe prlvaLe securlLy guard of Lhe houslng subdlvlslon 1hls week l had Lo call Lhe
securlLy manager because Lhe guard sald l couldn'L pass Pe sald l could only pass wlLh an
order from Lhe manager As far as l know Lhls ls a gaLed communlLy l worked durlng Lhe
consLrucLlon of Lhls houslng subdlvlslon and l know Lhls ls a houslng subdlvlslon So why are
people calllng lL a gaLed communlLy? 1hey wanL Lo me go all Lhe way around Lo geL Lo my
house 1hls ls my rlghL and l wlll noL sLop

CrlsLlna Moles 8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

Lack of securlLy ls noL an excuse Lo Lake away our freedom 1he freedom Lo Lake
our chlldren Lo a beach lL ls noL excuse Who ln Lhls room wlll keep quleL ln face
of a slLuaLlon llke Lhls?
roperLy Manager
!aculpe ark 8esldence
Camaarl 8ahla
uonL you Lhlnk LhaL havlng Lhe name gaLed communlLy" ouLslde wlll Lurn people
away LhaL wanL Lo vlslL Lhls naLure reserve?
8oberval lL doesnL work llke LhaL l don'L Lhlnk so 1he name gaLed communlLy
doesn'L Lurn anyone away 1here ls no slgn ouLslde saylng LnLrance prohlblLed
resldenLs only" Anyone who comes here can enLer
Carlos 8 Mala
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla
1he orlglnal blue prlnL of Lhe ALlanLlc Carden houslng subdlvlslon has been
lllegally alLered
1he ALlanLlc Carden sLarLed as a buslness lnLeresL of Lhls company called Cl8Au
1hls company dld some work for Lhe clLy and ln exchange Lhe company recelved a
publlc park and publlc green area from Lhe clLy
Was Lhls a publlc area?
?es 1hls area ls ln Lhe orlglnal blue prlnL of Lhe area
Are we Lalklng abouL donaLlon or buslness deal?
l donL know whaL klnd of maglc Lhey dld Lo Lransform a publlc green area lnLo a
houslng subdlvlslon whlch was already wrong because lL was a publlc area So
Lhe clLy donaLes a publlc green area Lo a prlvaLe company ln exchange for who
knows whaL maybe Lo paLch a hole here Lo pave a road Lhere 1haLs how Lhe
ALlanLlc Carden appeared
CrlsLlna Moles
8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

nobody has Lhe rlghL Lo harass you aL one of Lhose gaLes sLopplng you and asklng
for ldenLlflcaLlon 1he rlghL Lo come and go ls guaranLeed by Lhe 8razlllan

LnvlronmenLal vlolaLlons
CrlsLlna Moles
8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

l have a documenL from Lhe Lauro de lrelLas ulrecLor of urban lannlng saylng
LhaL Lhe presldenL of Lhe nelghborhood assoclaLlon of Lhls houslng subdlvlslon
prohlblLed Lhe clLys garbage Lruck from golng lnslde And alLernaLlve Lrash
collecLlon polnL was creaLed ouLslde So ln order Lo follow Lhe demands of one
presldenL of a nelghborhood assoclaLlon wlLh 63 famllles Lhey are creaLlng
problems for all Lhe people LhaL walk by Lhe Lrash slLe ?ou also need Lo
undersLand LhaL for Lhe clLy lL ls more convenlenL Lo collecL Lhe Lrash ouLslde
even Lhough Lhere ls envlronmenLal and vlsual polluLlon
roperLy Manager
!aculpe ark
Camaarl 8ahla

nobody ls allowed Lo Lake down a slngle Lree here
ls Lhls an envlronmenLal proLecLlon area?
1hls gaLed communlLy ls all open 8ecause Lhls ls an LnvlronmenLal roLecLed
Area we have mangroves and fragmenLs of Lhe ALlanLlc loresL ln one slde a rlver
runs ln Lhe fronL and Lhe ocean ln Lhe back So for all Lhese reasons we cannoL
sLop anybody for comlng and golng here ?ou can come here anyLlme Lo see lf we
sLop anybody
Camaarl 8ahla

l canL undersLand how Lhe 8razlllan LnvlronmenLal Agency and oLher sLaLe
envlronmenLal agencles who should oversees Lhls area leL Lhls happen We used
Lo have access Lo Lhe beach now we donL any more l wanL Lo know how ls Lhls
golng Lo be resolved lm Llred of flghLlng for 17 years Lo save Lhe rlver and Lhe
rlver ls worse every day Pow can a mangrove become prlvaLlzed lf lL belongs Lo
everyone? Why does lL have Lo be desLroyed?
lranclsco A Sllva
ulrecLor SCS Caplvara 8lver
Camaarl 8ahla

ln reallLy Lhese are lllegal gaLed communlLles eople are lllegally bulldlng ln Lhese
envlronmenLally proLecLed areas We are now aL Lhe Caplvara 8lver 8ecause Lhls
parL of Lhe rlver ls wlde we need aL leasL 100 meLers (of space) on each margln of
proLecL Lhe vegeLaLlon 8uL whaL we see here are walls 8ehlnd me you see a wall
pracLlcally ln Lhe rlver 1hls wall belongs Lo a clLy offlclal of Lhe clLy of Camaarl 1hls
ls unaccepLable 1he person who needs Lo seL a good example doesn'L We have Lo
end Lhls
Claudemlro A SanLos
lormer resldenL 8usca vlda llshermen's AssoclaLlon
Camaarl 8ahla
1hls slde of Lhe lake here used Lo be llke LhaL oLher slde over Lhere We used Lo
flsh here ln our LradlLlonal way 1oday we can'L flsh 1hey removed Lhe
vegeLaLlon 1here aren'L flsh lefL because Lhey can'L flnd shelLer Lo reproduce
1he vegeLaLlon of Lhls lake as ln Lhe oLher slde ls Lhe nursery for Lhe flshes Lo lay
Lhelr eggs and Lo grow 1oday Lhere ls only sand and moss and Lhe flsh canL
reproduce anymore Cver Lhere ls a now Lhere ls man cleanlng Lhe lake Pe does
LhaL consLanLly 1haL's hls [ob noL allow Lhe vegeLaLlon Lo grow whlch ls whaL Lhe
flsh needs

1he removal of Lhe vegeLaLlon also causes an elevaLlon ln waLer LemperaLure
whlch makes Lhe reproducLlon of any remalnlng flshes even more dlfflculL
because Lhey need a speclflc waLer LemperaLure for reproducLlon ln Lhe summer
you can puL your leg ln Lhe waLer noLlce how Lhe waLer ls hoLLer now
LeL me show you all Lhe Lrlckery LhaL Lhese properLy owners are plannlng 1he
norLh Shore LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Area orders Land CccupaLlon and Lhe
cleanlng of Lhe lakes"
lolks Lhls ls Lrlckery for Lhem Lo say now LhaL Lhese snalls LransmlL slckness All of
us who are naLlves know LhaL Lhese snalls are called oto 1he famllles ln Lhe pasL
would go ouL Lo flsh Lhem and make sLews 1hey are dellclous So Loday Lhey are
comlng ouL Lo Lell us LhaL Lhey need Lo clean Lhe lake of Lhese snalls 1hese snalls
are parL of Lhe ecologlcal balance
Why do you Lhlnk Lhey wanL Lo clean oLhers lakes now?
8ecause Lhey wanL Lo buy Lhese lands and make proflLs by consLrucLlng more
houslng developmenLs and gaLed communlLles and are already seLLlng up a clrcus
Lo proLecLed Lhem ln Lhe fuLure
1hese creaLures have been llvlng here for Lhousands of years and only now Lhey
are comlng ouL Lo say LhaL Lhey LransmlL slckness Lverybody knows LhaL all snalls
hosLs some Lype of dlseases buL Lhere was never cases of people geLLlng slck here
because Lhere ls a way Lo LreaL Lhem by removlng Lhelr feces
So do you Lhlnk Lhls one more Lype of real esLaLe speculaLlon?
And Lhey wlll end up kllllng Lhls lake 8ecause Lhey already cleaned one slde now
Lhey are already plannlng Lo clean Lhe oLher slde lf conLlnues Lhls way Lhere wlll
be only [usL waLer lL wlll be an arLlflclal lake
CrlsLlna Moles
8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

1he poor are Lhe ones who suffer Lhls Lype of harassmenL Lhe mosL lL ls much
easler for Lhem Lo sLop a person who ls noL drlvlng or ls rldlng blke llke Lhe
flshermen and flsherwomen Lhan Lo sLop a well dressed person golng Lo a parLy
When my cleanlng woman comes here Lhey ask her for lu 8uL when l recelve a
vlslL from a well dressed person Lhey donL ask for lu l have a good frlend of mlne
and once he came Lo brlng me some documenLs Pe wenL Lhrough Lo such
lnLense harassmenL aL Lhe enLrance Pe Lold Lhem LhaL he was comlng Lo vlslL me
and Lhey dldnL leL hlm geL ln Pe ls a black man
We are llvlng a momenL of pollLlcal lnsecurlLy where groups ln varlous clLles wanL
Lo close Lhemselves off and proLecL Lhemselves We are formlng small realms
where we leave Lhe populaLlon LhaL we Lhlnk ls dangerous ouLslde and proLecL
ourselves 8uL lronlcally we are noL dylng lnslde our houses we are dylng when
we go ouL ln Lhe sLreeLs lL ls hypocrlsy for we 8razlllans Lo say LhaL Lhere ls no
pre[udlce ln 8razll 8oberval 1here lsnL pre[udlce ln 8razll? Come on 1haL ls
rldlculous unforLunaLely we overvalue whaL you have and noL whaL you are
eople are noL looklng for whaL you are lnslde your culLure and your rellglous
and humanlLarlan feellngs eople are looklng aL your appearance
!ose Avellno de lrelLas
ulrecLor LnvlronmenLal Soclal AcLlon and Advocacy CenLer
Camaarl 8ahla
l only see words and noL acLlon and we canL accepL Lhls slLuaLlon Why? 8ecause
we are poor? 8uL we are human belngs And lf we donL flghL for whaL we have
lefL we wlll lose our dlgnlLy and Lhe man who loses hls dlgnlLy wlll become a Lhlef
Carlos 8 Mala
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla
And Lhese people (Lhe poor) have been sufferlng Llke a good lamb Lhey lower Lhelr
heads 8ecause of lack of lnformaLlon Lhey donL know LhaL Lhese acLs are lllegal
1hey are LreaLed as scum and poLenLlal crlmlnals 8ecause Lhere ls an lnverslon of
values here ?ou have Lo prove LhaL you are noL crlmlnal ?ou are a crlmlnal unLll you
prove oLherwlse
!ose Avellno de lrelLas
ulrecLor LnvlronmenLal Soclal AcLlon and Advocacy CenLer
Camaarl 8ahla
And Lhls slLuaLlon cannoL conLlnue 1here are several houslng subdlvlslons gaLed
off lncludlng vllas and !aculpe ark
l spoke wlLh Lhe properLy manager Lhere and he sald LhaL people have access
lL lsnL llke LhaL Pe sald LhaL buL lL lsnL everyone who can have free access 1ry
Lo pass Lhere wlLh a wheelbarrow or a sLreeL vendor's craLe Lo see lf Lhey leL you
Lhrough 1hey donL
lf we flsherman Lry Lo pass Lhere wlLh all our flshlng gear Lhey donL leL us
uo you see Lhls here? l use Lhls Lo make handmade flsh Lraps 1hls ls called
tlmbotooo 1here ls plenLy of Lhls ln Lhe scrubland of !aculpe ark buL lm noL
crazy enough Lo go geL lL A green area belongs Lo whom? 1o Lhe clLy 8uL me a
cerLlfled flsherman canL go Lhere ln Lhls publlc green space Lo geL Lhls maLerlal
because lm sLopped and Lhe maLerlal can be even Laken away
So he ls noL Lelllng Lhe whole LruLh Pe leLs some people pass buL noL everyone
and we cannoL accepL LhaL

CrlsLlna Moles
8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

1he maln reason behlnd all of Lhls ls economlc lnLeresL
Pow does lL work?
1here are Loo many people maklng money erlod
1he posL offlce lnsLead of havlng an employee dellver mall Lo all Lhe houses [usL
leaves lL aL Lhe enLrance for Lhe prlvaLe securlLy Lo dellver lL So Lhe posL offlce
saves money
Who makes money here ls Lhe enclosed communlLy who Lakes advanLages of publlc
servlces aL Lhe expenses of Laxpayers WhaL ls Lhe value of a properLy ln a gaLed
communlLy even Lhough lL ls noL reglsLered as a gaLed communlLy? 8uL Lhe clLlzens
who pald wlLh Lhelr Laxes for all Lhe lnfrasLrucLure ln Lhe area such as waLer and
sewer whaL happens Lo Lhem? 1hey donL have access
8ealLors and lawyers are all maklng a loL of money because Lhey sell properLy
knowlng LhaL lL lsn'L ln a real gaLed communlLy buL Lhey sell Lhem as lf lL ls
because Lhe value ls much hlgher 1he prlvaLe securlLy companles are maklng
money 1he clLy ls also maklng a loL of money Why? 8ecause lL ls one less houslng
developmenL for Lhem Lo malnLaln
Are Lhese houslng developmenL homeowner assoclaLlons Lax exempL?
?es 1hey are 1hey donL pay any Laxes
Pow much money are Lhey maklng?
Cod only knows lor example ln Cuara[uba nelghborhood Lhe developer recelved
a crlmlnal senLence because he made a loL of money lllegally A loL of people are
vlcLlms of fraud 1hey Lhlnk Lhey are buylng properLy ln a gaLed communlLy when
ln reallLy Lhey are buylng ln a houslng subdlvlslon 8uL when Lhe new homeowner
demands servlces from Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe false gaLed communlLy Lhey say
lLs noL our responslblllLy lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe clLy" 1hls ls Lhe case of
ALlanLlc Carden lL ls houslng subdlvlslon 1he area was donaLed Lo Lhe Clrau
Company lL ls gaLed off lLs sLreeLs lead Lo Lhe beach Many people boughL
properLy Lhere Lhlnklng LhaL Lhey were buylng ln a gaLed communlLy l have a
cllenL LhaL ls ln Lhls slLuaLlon Cn new ?ear's Lve when Lhe admlnlsLraLlon
couldnL conLrol Lhe crowds LhaL wanLed go Lo Lhe beach my cllenL wenL Lo
properLy manager Lo complalnL 1he answer was lL ls noL our responslblllLy"
1he poLholes? Also noL our responslblllLy" So Lhey wanL beneflL on all sldes
1hey wanL Lo sell properLy as lf Lhey were ln gaLed communlLles because lL adds
value and Lhey wanL also publlc servlces ln Lhe area LhaL are pald for wlLh my
money as well as yours and LhaL of Lhe poor person over Lhere
So Lhey wanL Lo galn from all sldes
?es Lhey are galnlng from all sldes

Carlos 8 Mala
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

lL ls a quesLlon of economlcs eople bulld walls for economlc reasons 8ecause
you may have Lwo or Lhree ploLs of land LhaL you boughL very cheap because aL
Lhe Llme lL was [usL a houslng subdlvlslon 8uL now you need Lo add value Lo lL So
whaL you do? ?ou bullL a llLLle gaLe and a llLLle wall around Lhe area 1he clLy
conLlnues Lo come lnslde Lo change Lhe llghLs collecL Lhe garbage and flll Lhe
lL ls lucraLlve buslness
lsnL lL? l llve an area where lve four ploL of land LhaL l boughL for a few Lhousand
reals and now lm golng Lo sell for several hundred Lhousand of reals Pow do you
llke LhaL?
l say Lhls ls greed Creed Lo even wanLs Lo Lake over sLreeLs lmaglne LhaL Creed
now ls Laklng away sLreeLs publlc squares rlvers and huge woodlands

MesLre 1ouro
resldenL Lauro de lrelLas llshermen's AssoclaLlon
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla
WhaL ls Lhe maln problem wlLh Lhe 8usca vlda 8esorL and whaL do Lhey wanL Lo
do wlLh Lhls beach?
l Lhlnk Lhe 8usca vlda beach ls already prlvaLlzed because when one cannoL puL a
cooler aL Lhe beach (Lo sell beer) lL ls already prlvaLlzed 1hls gaLed communlLy
dlcLaLes where Lhe communlLy can play soccer 1haL man who ls 86 years old Lold
us LhaL he was a boy when he parLlclpaLed ln Lhe fesLlval so we aren'L sure how
old Lhls celebraLlon ls now LhaL sellouL and Lhe gaLed communlLy or subdlvlslon
Look away Lhe rlghL of Lhe people Lo seL up LenLs on Lhe beach and hold Lhe
fesLlval lL ls rldlculous
Sr !oo
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla
Pow long have you been a flsherman?
l'm 60 years old
And how long have you been a flsherman?
Slnce l was 13 years old
Pow was Lhe flshlng here?
lL was good l used geL a loL of flsh And we dldnL have Lhese prohlblLlon of
walklng along Lhe coasL now l ask Lhe offlclals responslble for Lhls Where are
Lhe flshermens rlghLs? Where ls Lhe flshermens rlghL Lo walk along a beach?
Where ls lL?" l ask Lhls quesLlon Lo [udlclal sysLem Where ls Lhe flsherman's
freedom? 1hey puL securlLy checkpolnLs and donL leL Lhe people pass 1he
flshermen whose llvellhood depends on Lhls Lhey now wanL Lo prohlblL us from
work 1hey donL leL us pass or wanL us Lo go all Lhe way around Why do we have
Lo go all Lhe way around? Where are our human rlghLs? Lxplaln Lo me where are
our human rlghLs? lf people walk Lhere moLorcycles wlll chase Lhem away Pow ls
Lhls accepLable?
WhaL Lhe name of Lhls gaLed communlLy?
8usca vlda
Claudemlro A SanLos
lormer resldenL of 8usca vldas llshermen AssoclaLlon
Camaarl 8ahla
1hey deslgned Lhelr blke paLh so LhaL lL wenL a meLer and half lnslde of our flshlng
shack 1hey cuL off parL of Lhe roof and nobody sald anyLhlng uurlng Lhe
consLrucLlon of Lhls blke paLh Lhey asked us lf Lhe hlgh Llde would reach lL We
sald yes We even sald LhaL someLlmes we would caLch flsh over Lhls slde and
every seven years Lhe ocean would rlse and desLroy everyLhlng here We sald LhaL
we couldnL be moved Lo anywhere else because our flshlng slLe ls here and we
would be far away from Lhe flsh 1hey even proposed Lo bulld us a new flshlng
shack 1hey also wanLed Lo remove our canoes because Lhey were Loo close Lo
Lhelr loLs and l sald no l donL care abouL your land ploLs l sald 1hls ls Lhe beach
and Lhls ls your problem All of Lhls area came Lo be admlnlsLered by 8usca vlda
8esorL and LhaL ls when our problems began 1hey wanLed change our beach
access 1hey argued LhaL Lhey were noL closlng Lhe passage [usL changlng lL Lo a
dlfferenL locaLlon 1he oLher slde would be Lhe communlLy access and Lhls slde
would be for Lhe flsherman LaLer Lhey creaLed lu badges and Lhey wanLed us Lo
wear Lhem on our chesLs and l sald no way
WhaL was your argumenL agalnsL wearlng lu badges?
1haL nelLher l nor anybody else was Lhelr employee We had lus Lo show aL Lhe
enLrance and galn access 1haL was lL ln Llme more resLrlcLlons sLarLed Lo
happen Lvery flsherman had an lu wlLh famlly member afflllaLed Lo lL 1hen Lhey
declded LhaL Lhey [usL wanLed 300 people Lo have access because Lhere were Loo
many people from oLher communlLles passlng Lhrough l sald all communlLy
members musL be allowed access and Lhls ls your problem

Camaarl 8ahla

When l was flnlshlng my walk and approachlng Lhe gaLe a prlvaLe securlLy car
arrlves screechlng Lhe Llres
Whlch prlvaLe securlLy car?
8usca vlda gaLed communlLy
l asked whaL Lhe problem was
1hey sald LhaL Lhere were Lwo susplclous men who mlghL mug someone
WhaL you mean by susplclous? l sald 1he only Lwo people LhaL were walklng here
were me and my frlend
1hls ls raclsm l'm noL golng Lo flle a law sulL because l donL have wlLnesses
1he beach ls belongs Lo Lhe governmenL noL you or anybody else even lf Lhe
presldenL llved here l have Lhe rlghL Lo come and go freely Lo Lhe beach
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla
l wenL deep sea flshlng and on my way back Lhe Llde was agalnsL us We came ln
our boaLs unLll where we could 1hen we declded Lo sLop and reLurn walklng along
Lhe beach 1here was only a small area of sand Lo walk on and lL was very sofL and
sLeep We had a loL of flsh and we declded Lo walk on Lhe blke paLh 1haL s when
our problem sLarLed 1hey demanded LhaL l leave l sald no lm noL golng Lo
leave We sLarLed havlng an argumenL and more securlLy guards came l sald l [usL
wanLed Lo walk and lf Lhey were suspecLlng of me Lhey could follow me l [usL
wanL Lo pass by wlLh my flshes
1here was anoLher lncldenL wlLh a frlend of mlne where he was camplng Lhere
and Lhe pollce came and hlL hlm
1he pollce hlL hlm?
?es 1he pollce sald LhaL Lhe area was noL a camp slLe and he had Lo leave Pe
sald l'm here wlLh my famlly and lm noL golng Lo leave 1haLs when Lhe pollce hlL
hlm And Lhls happened rlghL Lhere ln LhaL publlc area
LveryLhlng he's descrlblng happened Lo !orge Lo Luclo Lo CalblLo and oLhers who
donL wanL Lo Lalk abouL lL and geL lnvolved
8oberval Cllvelra
Leader 8ahla norLh Shore CommunlLy MoblllzaLlon
Camaarl 8ahla
Where are you golng?
lm golng Lo Lhe beach?
lu please?
?our lu please?
Am l requlred Lo provlde my lu?
uo you know your number?
lm saylng do l have Lo provlde my lu Lo geL lL?
!usL provlde Lhe number
l canL geL ln lf l donL provlde my lu number?
?ou have Lo provlde lL flrsL
1o go Lo Lhe beach?
?es We ldenLlfy you flrsL and you can go
8lke paLh
(Walk Lalk) 1ell hlm Lo go back"
l already Lalked you
WhaL ls Lhe problem?
?ou cannoL walk on Lhe blke paLh
Sorry buL you canL
Cood afLernoon?
Cood afLernoon?
?ou have Lo leave
8ecause Lhls ls a gaLed communlLy
8uL for 30 meLers above Lhe hlgh Llde mark Lhe land belongs Lo Lhe 8razlllan navy
We appreclaLe lf you can cooperaLe wlLh our work
Sorry he ls my guesL and l forgoL Lo Lell hlm LhaL walklng on Lhls blke paLh ls
We are ln a counLry where Lhere ls no law for Lhe rlch lL doesnL maLLer LhaL you
know Lhe law We llve ln a hypocrlLlcal counLry l know Lhe law Loo 1he law only
works for Lhose wlLh power
8uL Lhls ls wrong
1omorrow you go on 1v and reporL Lhls 1haL's Lhe besL place Lo complaln8usca
vlda 8esorL
CrlsLlna Moles
8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

1he mayor of Lauro de lrelLas has known all abouL Lhls slLuaLlon slnce 2009 We
applled pressure and lL resulLed ln clvll acLlon 1he dlsLrlcL aLLorney sald Lhe
followlng ln lLs agreemenL wlLh Lhe clLy 1hls clvll acLlon lnvesLlgaLes Lhe clLys
Lolerance ln accepLlng Lhe prollferaLlon of Lhe socalled closed houslng
subdlvlslons An agreemenL beLween Lhe clLy and Lhe dlsLrlcL aLLorney was slgned
ln !uly 2010 and needed Lo be lmplemenL by uecember 2010 noLhlng was done
by Lhe clLy 1hls clLy LoleraLes Lhls slLuaLlon compleLely 1he mayor of Lauro de
lrelLas llves ln houslng subdlvlslon LhaL ls closed as a gaLed communlLy now l
have all Lhe documenLs Lhe law exlsLs 1here ls an obllgaLlon Lo comply wlLh Lhe
law buL noLhlng ls done 1he SecreLary of urban lannlng ls Lhe blggesL
collaboraLor ln Lhls slLuaLlon 1he mayor of Lauro de lrelLas ls unwllllng Lo resolve
Lhls slLuaLlon and she ls Lhe one mosL responslble for Lhls We had meeLlngs wlLh
Lhe clLy councll and Lhey also know abouL lL buL Lhey don'L have any lnLeresL ln
voLlng on Lhls lssue 1hey wonder lf Laklng down Lhese walls lL wlll brlng Lhem
voLes or noL 1hey are noL concerned wlLh dolng whaL Lhey are supposed Lo do
1hey are worrled lf acLlng on Lhls wlll be popular or noL

1he malnLenance of houslng subdlvlslons belongs Lo Lhe clLy lL ls Lhe [ob of Lhe
clLy nobody has Lo pay Laxes Lwlce We already pay Laxes Lo Lhe clLy Lo collecL
our garbage so why do have Lo pay lL agaln Lo a homeowners assoclaLlon?
roperLy Manager
!aculpe ark 8esldence
Camaarl 8ahla

All publlc offlces LreaL us as a gaLed communlLy When l am lnvlLed Lo any
evenL aL Lhe clLy sLaLe or federal level lL ls as a gaLed communlLy So 8oberval
Lhls LlLle of houslng subdlvlslon or gaLed communlLy Cur gaLe was
consLrucLed aL Lhe same Llme as Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe houslng subdlvlslon
wlLh a permlL from Lhe clLy We proposed Lo Lhe clLy Lo recycle our Lrash 1hey
donL have Lhls sysLem yeL
So Lhe clLy doesnL come ln here Lo collecL Lhe garbage?
1hey come lnslde here aL mosL 10 meLers?

Carlos 8 Mala
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla
?ou walk around here and lLs horrlfylng Lvery sLreeL has a check polnL and
nobody sees LhaL nobody who ls ln publlc offlce sees Lhls
Where does all Lhls omlsslon come from?
lL comes from pollLlclans who also llve ln Lhese locaLlons 1hey donL have Lhe
capaclLy Lo say l llve here buL l have a ma[or duLy 1hey were elecLed by Lhe
people Lo resolve Lhelr lssues lL doesnL maLLer LhaL lm llvlng ln an lllegal houslng
subdlvlslon because Lhey are all lllegal because Lhey call Lhemselves gaLed
communlLles l donL have Lhe rlghL Lo advocaLe for myself l recelved a documenL
slgned by Lhe mayor ln whlch she ls obllged Lo resolves Lhls slLuaLlon 1hls
documenL was slgned ln !uly 2010 and had a deadllne and Lo Lhls day noLhlng has
been done l ask myself whaL klnd of power ls Lhls? Pow ls lL posslble LhaL Lhe
dlsLrlcL aLLorney requlred her Lo slgn a documenL and yeL she doesnL care aL all
abouL lL She ls charged by our munlclpallLy Lo Lake care of her consLlLuenLs She
compleLely dlsgraces Lhls documenL creaLed by Lhe dlsLrlcL aLLorney whlch by Lhe
way was slgned by her and noL by any of her secreLarles My Cod where are we?
ls lL a lawless land? We are llvlng ln a lawless land Where people do whaLever
Lhey wanL
8oberval Cllvelra
Leader 8ahla norLh Shore CommunlLy MoblllzaLlon
Camaarl 8ahla

We cannoL say LhaL Lhe clLy of Camaarl ls noL responslble for all of Lhls 8ecause
Lhe munlclpal ueparLmenL of urban uevelopmenL gave and conLlnues Lo glve
Lrafflc conLrol permlLs for Lhese houslng subdlvlslons whlch resulL ln Lhe
consLrucLlon of Lhese checkpolnLs so Lhe clLy ls compllclL WhaL ls more lL ls hard
Lo belleve LhaL Lhe ueparLmenL of urban uevelopmenL has noL noLlced Lhese
checkpolnLs and gaLes ln Lhe mlddle of publlc sLreeLs

roperLy Manager
!aculpe ark 8esldence
Camaarl 8ahla

Who gave Lhe permlL Lo bulld Lhls houslng subdlvlslon ln an envlronmenLal
proLecLlon area?
1he clLy

Sandro S da Luz
resldenL Camdomble Lecl 8ellglous AssoclaLlon
Camaarl 8ahla
now LhaL you are clLy councllors l wanL you Lo Lake Lhls sLruggle on as your own
8ecause you wlll go back Lo our communlLles and we wlll open Lhe doors Lo you
agaln 8uL wlLh Lhese gaLes how are we golng Lo come Lo voLe? Pow are our
chlldren golng Lo go Lo school? Pow am l golng Lo go Lo work?

CrlsLlna Moles
8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

Where are my rlghLs? uo l llve ln a democraLlc counLry or noL? ls Lhere or lsnL
Lhere a federal ConsLlLuLlon? l ask you ls lL a crlme Lo puL ln pracLlce whaL ls
wrlLLen ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon? 1hls ls a very serlous lssue LhaL needs Lo be faced lm
worrled abouL leavlng my chlldren and grandchlldren a 8razll wlLh less soclal
lnequallLy ls lL Lhe soluLlon Lo ralse my walls and leave Lhe problem ouLslde? My
chlldren need Lo go Lo school 1hey cannoL llve here locked ln all day We have Lo
deal wlLh Lhe lack of securlLy as a whole because lf we Lhlnk LhaL by closlng
ourselves ln bubbles solves Lhe problem lL doesn'L When a Lhlef wanLs Lo geL ln
Lhey also geL ln Lo a gaLed communlLy
lernando nazare
resldenL of Lhe AssoclaLlon for roLecLlon of Lhe !aculpe 8lver
Camaarl 8ahla
1he dlsLrlcL aLLorney [usL Lold us LhaL any legal acLlon wlll end up ln Lhe cemeLery
So we are ln a momenL where Lhe poor people wlll end up ln Lhe cemeLery or wlll
send someone Lo Lhe cemeLery 8ecause our rlghLs are been denled Cur
susLenance ls belng Laken away WhaL we need Lo do ls Lo leave here and organlze
ourselves so all of Lhls wlll noL end up ln a cemeLery 1he sLaLe dlsLrlcL aLLorney
should requlre Lhe presence of Lhe munlclpal dlsLrlcL aLLorney aL Lhls hearlng
because we are Llred of flllng legal acLlons and havlng Lhem end up ln Lhe
cemeLery 1he [udlclal sysLem has Lhe duLy and Lhe obllgaLlon Lo resolve Lhe
problems of our socleLy
CrlsLlna Moles
8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

1he clLy councll chambers ls Lhe rlghL place for us Lo be So Lhey can oversee Lhe
acLlons of Lhe mayor 1herefore genLlemen we are counLlng on you 8ecause lf
Lhese gaLes are Lhere and clLlzens are been harassed whlle walklng freely lL ls Lhe
responslblllLy of us all lncludlng me We have remalned quleL from fear 8uL you
represenL us We need you Lo pressure Lhe mayor Lo sLop belng passlve
lernando nazare
resldenL AssoclaLlon for Lhe roLecLlon of Lhe !aculpe 8lver
Camaarl 8ahla
We are demandlng a soluLlon and a clear poslLlon 1he organlzed communlLy ls
presenL here We are demandlng declslons ?ou all have Lhe pen ln your hands buL
donL forgeL LhaL we are ln conLrol of your mandaLe ?our [ob ls Lo defend Lhe
popular lnLeresL LeLs be very clear We are noL asklng you for any favors lL ls our
rlghL and lL ls ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon 1herefore we demand Lhe openlng of Lhese
gaLed communlLles lmmedlaLely Lnough ls enough

llnal Words
CrlsLlna Moles
8eal LsLaLe Lawyer
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

lreedom ls someLhlng LhaL ls way Loo preclous And we cannoL be sllenL when our
freedom ls Laken away When Lhey say Lo you uonL scream" have no doubL
LhaL aL LhaL momenL you need Lo scream
Carlos 8 Mala
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla
1haL [udge lndlrecLly Lold me your sLruggle ls belng recognlzed now All Lhe
humlllaLlon LhaL you wenL Lhrough ln fronL of LhaL lmposlng gaLe l'm
acknowledglng lL now All of LhaL was ouLrageous 1haL [udge gave me a presenL
wlLhouL knowlng me now lm back ?ou asked where l was lm back now ln Lhe
flghL agaln buL more moLlvaLed because lL was worLh lL
1raduo do LexL
ln Aprll 2011 Lhe Ponorable 8enaLa Cerquelra a new [udge ln Lauro de lrelLas
ruled LhaL dozens of cases where subdlvlslon homeowner assoclaLlons had
charged condomlnlum fees Lo properLy owners were lllegal

27a Appeals CourL Salvador 8ahla
uefendanL aradlse CaLed communlLy Camaarl 8ahla
ruled LhaL 'aradlse gaLed communlLy' does noL exlsL"

Leandro Sodre
CommunlLy AcLlvlsL
Camaarl 8ahla

We are noL golng Lo lower our heads or our flsLs ln Lhe pasL people foughL for
our rlghLs and Loday we are flghLlng for Lhe rlghLs of our chlldren and our

Sr !oo
Lauro de lrelLas 8ahla

lolks we are only passlng LhoughL ln Lhls world Some are ahead of us and some
are behlnd lL doesn'L work Lo Lry Lo be beLLer Lhan anyone else because we are
all Lhe same Money nelLher makes anyone sLronger nor moves us forward WhaL
moves us forward ls frlendshlp affecLlon and Lhe way we llve

1ranslaLlon of LexL

closed houslng subdlvlslon a geneLlcally modlfled producL of Lhe houslng markeL
whlch sees Lhe clLy solely as a buslness envlronmenL 1hese closed houslng subdlvlslons
runnlng over clvll and urban law are deslgned Lo promoLe ln pracLlce Lhe prlvaLlzaLlon of
Lhe use of publlc areas"
!ose Carlos de lrelLas
ulsLrlcL ALLorney for Pouslng and urbanlsm So aulo

1ranslaLlon of LexL
CurrenLly Lhere ls a clvll acLlon by Lhe lederal ulsLrlcL ALLorney lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe
prlvaLlzaLlon of publlc spaces and access Lo Lhe beach ln Lhe clLles of Camaarl and Lauro de
lrelLas ln 8ahla

1ranslaLlon of LexL
nelghborhood assoclaLlons and communlLy organlzaLlons LhaL are parLlclpaLlng ln Lhls

1 1 unlon of employees of Lhe 8ahla SLaLe ulsLrlcL ALLorney's Cfflce Salvador/8a
2 lnsLlLuLe for 8esearch and AcLlon for eace and Soclal !usLlce Salvador/8a
3 almarlno Clrcle 8lack naLlonal MovemenL Salvador/8a
4 CenLer for Soclal CrganlzaLlons Salvador/8a
3 vlsLa 8ala nelghborhood AssoclaLlon Salvador 8a
6 Pomeless MovemenL of 8ahla Salvador /8a
7 8urraqulnho llshermen's AssoclaLlon Lauro de lrelLas /8a
8 Amerlco Slmas Plgh School Lauro de lrelLas/8a
9 e de Arela rogress SocleLy Camaarl/8a
10 !au 8ella vlsLa nelghborhood AssoclaLlon Camaarl/8a
11 AbranLes 8esldenLs AssoclaLlon Camaarl/8a
12 lngodagua Mlsslonary Church Camaarl/8a
13 volLa do 8obalo and Caplvara nelghborhood AssoclaLlon Camaarl/8a
14 SCS Caplvara 8lver Camaarl/8a
13 Carauna CulLural and 8ecreaLlonal nelghborhood AssoclaLlon Camaarl/8a
16 Collna de lLuau 8apLlsL Church Camaarl /8a
17 ulaspora SolldarlLy AssoclaLlon Camaarl /8a
18 Arembepe unlLed AssoclaLlon Camaarl /8a
19 lonLes das guas Soclal uevelopmenL AssoclaLlon Camaarl /8a
20 LnvlronmenLal Soclal AcLlon and Advocacy CenLer Camaarl/8a
21 Camdomble AreLum 8ellglous and Soclal AssoclaLlon Camaarl/8a
22 Camdomble Lecl 8ellglous AssoclaLlon Camaarl /8a
23 oulLy and llsherles AssoclaLlon of Lhe Landless Workers' MovemenL
24 guas do 1rono Lvangellcal CommunlLy Camaarl/8a
23 SCS Camaarl 8lver Camaarl/8a
26 8arra de !aculpe nelghborhood AssoclaLlon Camaarl/8a
27 AssoclaLlon for Lhe roLecLlon and uefense of Lhe !aculpe 8lver Camaarl/8a
28 Alameda da Cebelo nelghborhood AssoclaLlon MonLe Cordo Camaarl/8a
29 So lranclsco de Cuara[uba SocleLy Camaarl/8a
30 Cuara[uba 8each vendors' AssoclaLlon Camaarl/8a
31 Cura[uba llshermen's AssoclaLlon Camaarl/8a
32 !la do 8lo CommunlLy roducers' AssoclaLlon Camaarl /8a
33 Cachoelrlnha and Area nelghborhood AssoclaLlon Camaarl/8a
34 8ua do Curo CommunlLy uevelopmenL CenLer Camaarl /8a
33 Shellflshers nelghborhood AssoclaLlon Camaarl/8a

8ahla norLh Shore CommunlLy MoblllzaLlon
AdvocaLlng for Lhe 8lghL of lree Access Lo ubllc Areas

ulrecLor 8oberval de Cllvelra
reproducLlon lranclsco Assls Sllva
roducLlon lmages and edlLlng Leandro Sodre
Lngllsh SubLlLles 8oberval Cllvelra and 8eLsey Chace

A ro[ecL of ulaspora SolldarlLy AssoclaLlon

1hank you Lo all Lhe people who dlrecLly or lndlrecLly conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe maklng of Lhls

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