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Cur ueflnlLlon of Leadershlp

1here are many dlverse deflnlLlons of leadershlp 1hls page ouLllnes a few common approaches and
ouLllnes Lhe deflnlLlon of leadershlp underplnnlng ChrlsLlan Leadershlp World lor Lhls slLe our
leadershlp deflnlLlon ls deflned as enabllng a group Lo engage LogeLher ln Lhe process of developlng
sharlng and movlng lnLo vlslon and Lhen llvlng lL ouL We also emphaslse Lhe lmporLance of a leaders
characLer and lnLegrlLy ln bulldlng up Lhe LrusL necessary for Lhe leadershlp Lo be exerclsed over a perlod
of Llme lor ChrlsLlan Leadershlp Lhe lmporLance of prayer musL be emphaslsed slnce Cod seeks Lo
work ln parLnershlp wlLh hls people and prayer ls Lhe prlmary channel of communlcaLlon
Some of Lhe common ldeas LhaL oLhers lnclude ln leadershlp deflnlLlons lnclude exerLlng lnfluence
moLlvaLlng and lnsplrlng helplng oLhers reallze Lhelr poLenLlal leadlng by example selflessness and
maklng a dlfference lor perspecLlve we lnclude several oLher common deflnlLlons

Leadershlp ueflnlLlon 1he Colllns Lngllsh ulcLlonary ( 1998 ParperColllns ubllshers ) leadershlp (n)
1 1he poslLlon or funcLlon of a leader 2 Lhe perlod durlng whlch a person occuples Lhe poslLlon of
leader durlng her leadershlp very llLLle was achleved 3 a Lhe ablllLy Lo lead b (as modlfler) leadershlp
quallLles 4 Lhe leaders as a group of a parLy unlon eLc Lhe unlon leadershlp ls now very reacLlonary
1hls dlcLlonary deflnlLlon of leadershlp focuses on Lhe poslLlon (slngular or collecLlve) Lenure and ablllLy
of leaders As such lL mlsses key polnLs abouL Lhe purpose and hallmarks of effecLlve leadershlp

Leadershlp ueflnlLlon eLer urucker 1he forward Lo Lhe urucker loundaLlons 1he Leader of Lhe
luLure sums up leadershlp 1he only deflnlLlon of a leader ls someone who has followers 1o galn
followers requlres lnfluence (see !ohn Maxwells deflnlLlon below) buL doesnL exclude Lhe lack of
lnLegrlLy ln achlevlng Lhls lndeed lL can be argued LhaL several of Lhe worlds greaLesL leaders have
lacked lnLegrlLy and have adopLed values LhaL would noL be shared by many people Loday

Leadershlp ueflnlLlon !ohn C Maxwell ln Lhe 21 lrrefuLable Laws of Leadershlp !ohn Maxwell sums up
hls deflnlLlon of leadershlp as leadershlp ls lnfluence noLhlng more noLhlng less 1hls moves beyond
Lhe poslLlon deflnlng Lhe leader Lo looklng aL Lhe ablllLy of Lhe leader Lo lnfluence oLhers boLh Lhose
who would conslder Lhemselves followers and Lhose ouLslde LhaL clrcle lndlrecLly lL also bullds ln
leadershlp characLer slnce wlLhouL malnLalnlng lnLegrlLy and LrusLworLhlness Lhe capablllLy Lo lnfluence
wlll dlsappear

Leadershlp ueflnlLlon Warren 8ennls Warren 8ennls deflnlLlon of leadershlp ls focused much more
on Lhe lndlvldual capablllLy of Lhe leader Leadershlp ls a funcLlon of knowlng yourself havlng a vlslon
LhaL ls well communlcaLed bulldlng LrusL among colleagues and Laklng effecLlve acLlon Lo reallze your
own leadershlp poLenLlal

Leadershlp ueflnlLlon 8oman CaLhollc ulocese of 8ochesLer lor Lhe purposes of Lhe Leadershlp
uevelopmenL rocess of Lhe ulocese of 8ochesLer Lhelr leadershlp deflnlLlon ls Lhe process of
lnfluenclng Lhe behavlor of oLher people Loward group goals ln a way LhaL fully respecLs Lhelr freedom
1he emphasls on respecLlng Lhelr freedom ls an lmporLanL one and one whlch musL be Lhe hallmark of
ChrlsLlan leadershlp !esus lnfluenced many dlverse people durlng hls mlnlsLry buL compelled noone Lo
follow Plm

CLher perspecLlves on Lhe essence of leadershlp can be found on our leadershlp quoLes page

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