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1he 1ourlsm lndusLry

1he Lourlsm lndusLry refers Lo Lhe seL of enLlLles LhaL are lnvolved ln Lhe producLlon and sale of goods and servlces
Lo Lhe LourlsL

1he 1ravel and 1our SecLor
1he Lravel and Lour secLor compromlses of flrms LhaL are ln Lhe buslness of LransporLlng LourlsL from polnL A Lo
polnL 8 such as
1our operaLors
CLher LransporLaLlon companles
ls a company LhaL offers alr LransporLaLlon servlces Lo Lhe publlc for a fee

lloq cottlet ot Notloool Altlloe deslgnaLed by lLs governmenL Lo operaLe lnLernaLlonal servlces llag carrler usually
carry Lhe name of Lhe counLry Lhey represenL
commetclol cottlet alrllne LhaL provldes regularly scheduled servlce
cbottet fllqbt ls a fllghL Lo a place aL a Llme deslgnaLed by a cllenL/cusLomer

8eglonal Alrllnes
Also known as feeder alrllnes brlng passengers from small clLles Lo ma[or alrporLs where passengers are comlng
from several polnLs board a large alrcrafL Lo anoLher desLlnaLlon 1hls sysLem ls called Pubandspokes sysLem
AspecLs of Alrllne Servlce
When chooslng an alrllne Lhe cusLomers make declslons based on several alrllne aLLrlbuLes LxCL1 for Lhe prlce
lLself Among Lhese are Lhe quallLy of servlce based on prevlous experlence frlends' recommendaLlons and Lhe
cholces of alrllnes avallable

An agreemenL reached beLween a suppller and a Lraveler or Lravel agenL or a clerlcal or elecLronlc process whereby
a seaL or oLher accommodaLlon ls wlLhdrawn from sale and seL aslde for Lhe use of a speclflc person
8eservaLlons may be made Lhrough
Oolloe bookloq enables Lravelers Lo do self servlce for reservaLlon and LlckeLs
Ovet tbe pbooehandled by a Lravel lnLermedlary aL Lhe LlckeL offlce

Cround Servlce
1hls refers Lo servlce rendered by Lhe alrllne Lo passengers aL Lhe alrporL before and afLer a fllghL
lL lncludes checkln checkouL boardlng deplanlng and baggage handllng

Checkln for a fllghL

1he counLer offlcer wlll ask you Lo presenL your passporL and/or LlckeL
1hen check ln your baggage (lf Lhere ls any) lL wlll be welghed ln and glven bag Lags
?ou wlll Lhen geL your boardlng pass
1he baggage clalm LlckeL ls usually aLLached Lo your LlckeL
AfLer checkln passenger pay Lermlnal fee go Lhrough lmmlgraLlon and anoLher round of securlLy scans before
proceedlng Lo Lhelr asslgned gaLes where Lhey walL for boardlng
1ypes of 8oardlng

kooJom ot fteefotoll seotloq passengers may seaL anywhere
kototloq zooe 8uslness and flrsL class passengers board flrsL followed by passengers of Lhe back flve rows Lhen
passengers ln Lhe flve fronL rows
OotslJe lo passengers board wlndows flrsL Lhen mlddles seaLs and flnally Lhe alsles
kevetse lytomlJ passengers slmulLaneously load Lhe plane from back Lo fronL and from ouLslde ln Wlndow and
mlddles seaL passengers aL Lhe back of Lhe plane board flrsL whlle Lhose on alsle seaLs near Lhe fronL board lasL
keottoftoot bootJloqls Lhe mosL common Lype of boardlng where passengers are Lravellng wlLh chlldren or
Lhose who needs asslsLance

ln lllghL Servlce

Cnce Lhe doors of Lhe alrcrafL are closed lnfllghL servlce sLarLs 1he cabln crew go Lhrough Lhelr rouLlne
ln preparaLlon for Lake off
Cabln crew wlll make sure luggage are safely sLowed
SeaLbelLs are fasLened
1he seaLs are ln uprlghL poslLlon
Lmergency safeLy procedures wlll be demonsLraLed

ln fllghL Servlce

Meals are anoLher feaLure of ln fllghL servlce Cn mosL domesLlc fllghLs ln Lhe hlllpplnes only slmple snacks are
Cn lnLernaLlonal fllghLs however Lhere wlll be aL leasL Lwo seLs of meals even ln Lhe economy secLlon


Alrllne lndusLry has a very sLrlngenL safeLy sLandards AlrcrafL safeLy facLors lnclude Lhe use of modern alrcrafL
seaL belLs and keeplng emergency exlLs and alsle clear of baggage
8lgger and newer alrcrafL also means a safer alrcrafL

lrequenL flyer lncenLlves

Ma[or alrllnes wlll usually have frequenL flyer program whlch enable Lhe member cusLomer Lo accumulaLe mlleage
polnLs and use Lhese polnLs Lo geL free Lrlps ln Lhe fuLure

Classes of Servlce

1he classes of servlce ln alrllnes are dlfferenLlaLed ln Lerms of ground servlce baggage allowance slze of seaL
quallLy of food raLlo of sLewardesses Lo passengers and compllmenLary lLems LhaL are belng glven
llrsL Classen[oy beLLer check ln and predeparLure servlces 1hey geL blgger allowance for Lhelr baggage (30kg)
8uslness Class somewhere beLween 30kg Lo 18kg allowable check ln baggage
Lconomy Class 20kg for lnLernaLlonal Lravel and 18 kg for domesLlc Lravel

llrsL Class
8uslness Class
Lconomy Class

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