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Dear Reader, I hope that the following words will show you the passion with which we work.

I wish to describe our world to you and, doing so, to present Prodir. Starting with our new communication concept, The write side from the inside, which sums up the essence of our values and the aim to always be on the right side: on the side of design, quality, swiss precision, and, last but not least, on the side of the environment. These are values that we seriously honour through compliance with the strict laws of our country and through our focus on production processes, making sure that they are fully in line with preserving the ecosystem. This is why we only manufacture writing instruments that will last over time: to give the environment the respect it deserves. This year, however, we have decided to take an even more decisive and meaningful step in this direction, setting up a collaboration with one of the worlds largest and most respected environmental organisations: WWF which, with more than 1.300 ongoing global projects, uses its experience and dedication to protect the natural world and the environment. As a result, we are proud to announce that Prodir is supporting the Ursina project, which seeks the coexistence between the alpine region and the returning brown bear in Italy, Switzerland and Austria. Actively contributing and doing our best is not just a choice, but an ethical duty that we feel we owe both to ourselves and to the planet we live in.
Giorgio Pagani Owner

Prodir is sponsoring partner of the WWF Brown Bear Project

( Passion, solidarity and determination: values

Punctual, precise, rigorous in compliance with rules, technologically advanced: yes, we are swiss. 100% swiss made. Every single component. Everything we manufacture. Pnktlich, genau, rigoros bei der Einhaltung von Regeln, technologisch fortschrittlich: ja, wir sind Schweizer. 100% swiss made. Jeder einzelne Bestandteil. Alles, was wir produzieren. Ponctuels, prcis, rigoureux dans le respect des rgles, technologiquement avancs: et bien oui, nous sommes Suisses. 100% swiss made. Dans chaque dtail, dans tout ce que nous produisons. Puntualidad, precisin, rigurosidad en el cumplimiento de las normas, tecnologa avanzada: s, somos suizos. 100% swiss made. Todos y cada uno de los componentes. Todo lo que producimos. Puntuali, precisi, rigorosi nellosservanza delle regole, tecnologicamente avanzati: s, siamo svizzeri. 100% swiss made, in ogni singolo componente, in tutto quello che produciamo. , , , : , . 100% . . , .

that make a difference. always on the right side. (

We feel that the ink should be the engine of the expression. And we are determined to look for improvements. Our writing instruments guarantee maximum durability and long-term perfect writing. For us: this is what quality stands for. Wir mchten, dass die Tinte zum Antrieb der Gedanken wird. Und wir sind entschlossen, nach Verbesserungen zu suchen. Unsere Schreibgerte garantieren maximale Schreibleistung und ein dauerhaft perfektes Schriftbild. Nur das verstehen wir unter Qualitt. Nous souhaitons que lencre soit le vecteur de lexpression. Et nous rechercher en permanence les amliorations. Nos instruments dcriture sont synonymes de longvit et de perfection du trac, dans la dure. Cest ainsi que nous voyons la qualit. Queremos que la tinta sea el motor de la expresin. Estamos decididos a seguir buscando la perfeccin. Nuestros artculos de escritura garantizan la mxima duracin y una escritura siempre perfecta a lo largo del tiempo. Esto es lo que nosotros llamamos calidad. Desideriamo che linchiostro sia il motore dellespressione. E siamo determinati nella ricerca del miglioramento. Le nostre penne garantiscono massima durata e una scrittura perfetta nel tempo. Solo questo chiamiamo qualit. , . . .

We are aware of the fact that we are a part of something much bigger, and we have decided to do our part to preserve it. More than just a moral value, the protection of our ecosystem is part of our standards, which are integrated into each of our production processes. Wir sind uns bewusst, Teil einer sehr viel greren Einheit zu sein und haben uns entschlossen, diese zu schtzen. Mehr als ein Wert. Die Schonung des kosystems ist fr uns ein Gebot, das in jedem unserer Produktionsschritte wieder zu finden ist. Nous sommes conscients dappartenir une dimension bien plus vaste, et nous avons dcid de la prserver. Plus quune valeur, le respect de lcosystme est pour nous un impratif: il sinscrit dans chacune des tapes de notre production. Somos conscientes de que formamos parte de algo mucho ms grande y hemos decidido protegerlo. Ms que un valor moral, la proteccin del sistema ecolgico es para nosotros una obligacin que puede constatarse en cada una de nuestras fases de produccin. Siamo consapevoli di far parte di qualcosa di molto pi grande e abbiamo scelto di tutelarlo. Pi che un valore, il rispetto dellecosistema per noi uno standard: lo ritroverete in ogni step della nostra produzione. , , . ,

Designing means a constant challenge. The goal: to combine functionality and practicality. And the result: a product with an irresistible design that expresses its distinctive style in a completely unique way. Entwerfen bedeutet stndige Herausforderung. Das Ziel: Funktionalitt und Sachlichkeit verbinden. Das Ergebnis: ein Produkt in unwiderstehlichem Design, das auf einzigartige Weise einen unverkennbaren Stil zum Ausdruck bringt. Dvelopper constitue un dfi permanent. Avec pour objectif dassocier fonctionnalit et simplicit. Le rsultat est un produit au design irrsistible, expression dun style unique. El diseo supone un desafo constante. El objetivo: unir funcionalidad y elegancia. El resultado: un producto con un diseo irresistible que expresa un estilo inconfundible. La progettazione una sfida continua. Lobiettivo unire funzionalit e semplicit. Il risultato un prodotto dal design irresistibile che esprime, in modo sempre unico, uno stile inconfondibile. . - . .

every identity has its own colour.

Unlimited alternatives, as well as the possibility of creating a completely unique variation. Of course, we can also provide you with a customised colour to match your individuality. Unendlich viele Alternativen zur Auswahl oder die Mglichkeit, eine einzigartige Variante zu kreieren. Wir bieten Ihnen mit Sicherheit die mageschneiderte Farbe zu Ihrer Individualitt. Une infinit doptions ou la possibilit de crer une variante unique. Nous sommes srs de vous proposer la couleur exactement la mesure de votre personnalit. Infinitas alternativas entre las cuales escoger o la posibilidad de crear una variante nica. Estamos seguros que podremos ofrecer el color que refleje su personalidad. Infinite opzioni tra cui scegliere o la possibilit di creare una variante unica. certo che sapremo offrire il colore su misura alla vostra personalit. . .

Personality can Be felt.

Innovative surfaces convey the uniqueness of your identity. From the transparency of water to the silkiness of a satin finish silver through the suppleness of Soft Touch. For individuality that can be felt. Innovative Oberflchen vermitteln die Einzigartigkeit Ihrer Identitt. Von der Transparenz des Wassers ber die Seidigkeit satinierter Metall-Finishs bis hin zur Geschmeidigkeit des Soft-touch. Fr Individualitt, die sich fhlen lsst. Des surfaces innovantes pour exprimer lunicit de votre identit. Transparence de leau, soyeux du mtal satin, douceur du soft touch. Une individualit qui se touche. Superficies innovadoras que transmiten la exclusividad de su identidad. Desde la transparencia del agua, pasando por la sedosidad de los acabados metlicos satinados, hasta la suavidad del Soft-touch. Individualidad que puede sentirse. Superfici innovative per trasmettere lunicit della vostra identit. Dalla trasparenza dellacqua, alla seta del metallo satinato alla morbidezza del soft-touch. Per personalit che si fanno sentire. . Soft-touch. , .

our Printing eXPertise will give your Brand its own identity.
We offer very flexible solutions through our individually designable surfaces in order to guarantee a solution that is completely in line with your requirements, and underlines your individuality. Die individuell gestaltbaren Flchen handhaben wir mit extremer Flexibilitt, um Ihnen eine Lsung zu garantieren, die Ihren Anforderungen entspricht und in hchstem Mae Ihre Individualitt unterstreicht. Nous traitons avec une extrme souplesse les espaces ddis la personnalisation. Pour vous garantir une solution la fois conforme vos exigences et entirement rvlatrice de votre personnalit. Tratamos con extrema flexibilidad las superficies dedicadas a la personalizacin para garantizar una solucin que cumpla con sus requisitos y subraye al mximo su personalidad. Trattiamo gli spazi dedicati alla personalizzazione con estrema flessibilit, per garantirvi una soluzione che soddisfi le vostre esigenze e amplifichi al massimo la vostra personalit. , , .

for every reQuest there is a right solution: you only need to choose it.



, new Products. we re ready to surPrise you. again and again. New DS3 Eco.
Here is the emblem that embodies a corporate vision and its ethics. A writing instrument that, thanks to the use of renewable materials, is environmentally friendly and also personalisable with 5 natural colours. More than a value, a result. Naturally, from Prodir. Hier ist das Sinnbild der Unternehmensvision, und seiner Ethik. Ein Schreibgert, das dank der Verwendung erneuerbarer Materialien umweltfreundlich und zudem mit 5 natrlichen Farben personalisierbar ist. Mehr als ein Wert, ein Ergebnis. Natrlich von Prodir. Limage dune vision dentreprise et de son thique. Un instrument dcriture cologique grce lemploi de matriaux renouvelables, personnalisables laide de 5 couleurs naturelles. Plus quune valeur, un rsultat. Sign Prodir, bien naturellement. ste es el smbolo de la visin de la empresa y su tica. Un artculo de escritura que gracias al uso de materiales renovables es ecolgico y adems personalizable con 5 colores naturales. Ms que un valor, un resultado. Naturalmente de Prodir. Ecco lemblema della vision aziendale, e della sua etica. Una penna che rispetta lambiente grazie allutilizzo di materiali rinnovabili, personalizzabile con 5 colori naturali. Pi di un valore, un risultato. Naturalmente da Prodir. . , , , , , . , , . Prodir.

New DS3 Glossy.
The DS3 adorns itself in light and comes in 5 new colours which, thanks to the high-gloss effect, are completely surprising: from the freshness of Aqua and intensity of blue Sky through to the vitality of Ruby Red. Der DS3 kleidet sich in Licht und prsentiert sich in 5 neuen Farben, die dank ihres Hochglanzeffektes berraschen werden: von der Frische der Farbe Aqua ber die Intensitt des blauen Sky bis hin zur Vitalitt des Ruby Red. Le DS3 shabille de lumire et se prsente en 5 nouveaux coloris, qui tonneront par lintensit de leur brillant: de la fracheur de la couleur Aqua, lintensit du bleu Sky et la vivacit du Ruby Red. El DS3 se viste de luz y se presenta con 5 colores nuevos que sorprendern gracias a su efecto de alto brillo: desde la frescura del color Aqua, pasando por la intensidad del azul Sky hasta la vitalidad del rojo Ruby Red. La DS3 si veste di luce e si presenta con 5 nuovi colori che promettono di stupire grazie alleffetto high-gloss, dalla freschezza del color Aqua, allintensit del blu Sky, fino alla vivacit del Ruby Red. DS3 5 , , , : Aqua Blue Sky Ruby red. Colour range: Print Areas: Imprint natural colours: Side cap Clip
red blue green brown grey aqua sky classic purple ruby red blue

20 x 4 mm (0.78 x 0.15) - 2 colours 40 x 8 mm (1.57 x 0.31) - 4 colours 25 x 4 mm (0.98 x 0.15) - 2 colours 50 x 25 mm (1.96 x 0.98) - 1 colour

Back cap Body

One colour per print area. For details see cover page.



New DS3 Soft.

A play of contrasts between the transparency of the body and the rubber: A unique detail that makes our DS3, with its five basic colours, even more functional, ergonomic and aesthetically impressive. Kontrastspiele zwischen Transparenz des Krpers und rubber: Ein einzigartiges Detail, das unseren DS3 mit seinen 5 Basisfarben noch funktionaler, ergonomischer und sthetisch eindrucksvoller macht. Jeux de contrastes entre la transparence du corps et leffet rubber: un dtail unique qui rend le DS3, avec ses 5 coloris de base, encore plus fonctionnel, ergonomique et esthtiquement percutant. Juego de contrastes entre la transparencia del cuerpo y la suavidad del rubber: un detalle exclusivo que hace nuestro DS3, con sus 5 colores bsicos, todava ms funcional, ergonmico y esttico. Gioco di contrasti tra la trasparenza del corpo e il rubber: particolare unico che rende ancora pi funzionale, ergonomica ed esteticamente impattante la nostra DS3, che si presenta in 5 colori basic. , DS3 5 , .

DS2 New option.


The DS2 reaches a state of elegance thanks to its push button in galvanised silver with satin finish and the new laser engraving personalisation that provides a pronounced aesthetic profile. Der DS2 erlangt neue Eleganz, dank seines mittels Laser individuell bedruckbaren Druckknopfes in galvanisiertem und satiniertem Silber, die dem Stift ein sthetisch ausgeprgtes Profil verleiht. Le DS2 senrichit dune nouvelle lgance grce son bouton galvanis satin, personnalisable au laser, qui confre au stylo une esthtique au profil incomparable. El botn de presin imprimible individualmente con lser en color plata galvanizado y satinado proporciona al DS2 una nueva elegancia que confiere al bolgrafo un marcado perfil esttico. La DS2 si arricchisce di nuova eleganza, grazie al bottone galvanico satinato personalizzabile a laser, che dona alla penna unestetica di alto profilo. , DS2 .

Colour range: Print Areas: Side cap Clip Back cap Body
clear sky classic red blue anthracite

20 x 4 mm (0.78 x 0.15) - 2 colours 40 x 8 mm (1.57 x 0.31) - 5 colours 25 x 4 mm (0.98 x 0.15) - 2 colours 35 x 3 mm (1.37 x 0.12) - 1 colour Print Areas: Button 30 x 4 mm (1,18 x 0,5) on both sides. Laser-engraving also available for push button galvanised chrome.



get insPired with our numerous eXamPles.





X 20 T 01 T 01



X 01 F 55

Y 70 M 75

Z 70 P 02

Z 70 A 70

T 12 V 03

P 25 T 50






X 70 M 01



X 70 F 25

T 75

F 25

O 35

O 50

D 01

D 75

E 04

F 01

A 70

V 51








T 53 P 58 P 75

T 01 T 12 T 50


T 01 P 75 T 41

T 01 F 10 T 41


T 01 V 03

P 75 A 70

F 01 T 55

F 21 T 76

F 06 M 75

M 75 V 03

P 02 T 30

R 75

P 12

M 22

R 75

M 75

F 20

A 70



Pen-Books: as individual as the PeoPle who use them.

For writing, painting, doodling, drawing and noting. Everywhere, and any time. The pen-books are original, well-made blank books with the selected writing instrument precisely moulded into the pages. The perfect combination of pen and book. Zum Schreiben, Malen, Kritzeln, Zeichnen, Notieren. berall und jederzeit. Die Pen-books sind originelle, hochwertig verarbeitete Blankobcher. Die Form des gewhlten Schreibgerts wird passgenau in die Seiten gestanzt. Die perfekte Verbindung von Stift und Buch. Pour crire, peindre, gribouiller, dessiner ou prendre des notes. Partout et tout moment. Carnets de feuilles vierges, originaux et de belle qualit. La forme de linstrument dcriture choisi est dcoupe avec une grande prcision dans le bloc de feuilles. Lassociation idale du stylo et du carnet. Para escribir, pintar, garabatear, dibujar, anotar. En cualquier momento y lugar. Cuadernos en blanco originales de alta calidad. La forma del artculo de escritura seleccionado se troquela con precisin en las pginas. La combinacin perfecta de bolgrafo y cuaderno. Per scrivere, dipingere, scarabocchiare, disegnare o prendere appunti. Sempre e ovunque. Quaderni originali e di pregevole fattura. La silhoutte della penna prescelta viene perfettamente sagomata nelle pagine del quaderno. Lideale combinazione tra penna e quaderno. , , , . . + . , , . . , , . .


10x16 cm: Big enough to provide room for all of your thoughts, and yet small enough to fit just about anywhere. A small notebook with elastic band and integrated DS3 ball point pen in two options available: Pocket Basic and Pocket Plus. To give the crowning touch, we offer a personalised inserted calendar bookmark. The Pen-books Pocket are available from 500 units. 10x16 cm: Gro genug, um Platz fr all ihre Gedanken zu bieten und klein genug, um berall hineinzupassen. Ein kleines Notizbuch mit Gummiband und integriertem DS3 Stift in zwei Ausfhrungen erhltlich: Pocket Basic und Pocket Plus. Wenn Sie den Punkt auf das i setzen wollen, empfehlen wir Ihnen den personalisierbaren Kalendereinleger. Pen-book Pocket sind ab 500 Stck erhltlich. 10x16 cm. Assez grand pour y noter toutes vos vos ides, assez petit pour lemporter partout. Un petit cahier avec bande elastique et un stylo bille DS3 lintrieur. Nous avons prvu deux versions: Pocket Basic et Pocket Plus que comprennent en option un calendrier marque-page. Pen-book Pocket sont disponibles partir de 500 units. 10x16 cm: lo bastante grande para que quepan todas sus ideas y lo bastante pequeo para que quepa en cualquier parte. Un cuaderno de notas pequeo con elstico y bolgrafo DS3 integrado. Disponible en dos versiones: Pocket Basic y Pocket Plus, opcionalmente con calendario personalizable como punto de libro. Pen-book Pockets disponibles a partir de 500 unidades. 10x16 cm: abbastanza grandi per darvi tutto lo spazio di cui hanno bisogno i vostri pensieri e abbastanza piccoli per infilarli dappertutto. Un piccolo quaderno con elastico e penna a sfera DS3 al suo interno. Disponibili in due opzioni: Pocket Basic e Pocket Plus. Dispongono dellopzione calendario e segnalibro personalizzabile. I Pen-book Pocket sono disponibili a partire da 500 pezzi. 10x16 : , , , . - Pen-Book Pocket Basic PenBook Pocket Plus DS3. -. : 500

New. CS8 Pen-Book Pocket.



CS8 Soft Cover.


Book cover fully personalisable outside as well as inside in high quality four-colour process. As option; the inside pages can also be personalised and a custom made promotional page inserted. Available in two formats: Small (180 x 180mm) and Medium (153 x 230mm) and free choice of the ball point pen DS3, DS5 or DS2. Buchdeckel in Vierfarbdruck individuell bedruckbar, sowohl auf der Auen- als auch auf der Innenseite. Es besteht die Mglichkeit, die Innenseiten individuell zu gestalten und eine Werbeseite einzufgen. Zwei Formate verfgbar: Small (180 x 180 mm) und Medium (153 x 230 mm). Dazu freie Auswahl zwischen den Stiften DS3, DS5 oder DS2. Couverture personnalisable en quadrichromie, lextrieur comme lintrieur. Possibilit dindividualiser les pages intrieures et dajouter une page de publicit. Disponibles en 2 formats: Small (180 x 180 mm) et Medium (153 x 230 mm), avec instrument dcriture DS3, DS5 ou DS2 intgrer au choix. Tapa imprimible de forma personalizada a cuatro colores, tanto exterior como interiormente. Con la posibilidad de disear individualmente las pginas interiores y de insertar una pgina publicitaria. Disponible en dos formatos: Small (180 x 180 mm) y Medium (153 x 230 mm) y posibilidad de elegir entre el bolgrafo DS3, DS5 o DS2. Copertina personalizzabile in quadricromia, sia esternamente che internamente. Possibilit di personalizzare le pagine interne e di aggiungere una pagina pubblicitaria. Disponibile in 2 formati: Small (180 x 180 mm) e Medium (153 x 230 mm), penna da integrare a scelta tra la DS3, DS5 o DS2. , . , . .

CS8 Hard Cover.

An elegant choice featuring particularly elegant bright colours, that thanks to its hard cover, makes it a unique object. Available with sophisticated personalisation options, singlecolour or shiny transparent relief in silkscreen printing. Dank dem festen Buchdeckel in besonders leuchtende Farben eine elegante Wahl. In raffinierten Personalisierungslsungen, einfarbig oder als transparenter Glanzreliefdruck. Un choix lgant avec la couverture rigide, unique grce ses coloris particulirement lumineux. En plus, solutions raffines de personnalisation, en une couleur ou en impression relief transparente. Una elegante eleccin gracias a la tapa rgida disponible en colores muy vivos. Con soluciones de personalizacin sofisticadas, en un color o como impresin en relieve brillante transparente. Una scelta elegante grazie alla copertina rigida, resa unica da colori particolarmente accesi. In pi raffinate soluzioni di personalizzazione ad un colore o in rilievo trasparente lucido. - . : .


yellow orange red


dark blue






Print areas
CS8 Soft Cover

Medium 153 x 230 mm - Format closed DS5/ DS3/ DS2 DS5/ DS3

Small 180 x 180 mm - Format closed


With elastic


12 mm



Outside: Inside: A. 371.5 x 180 mm B. 176 x 180 + 176 x 180 mm C. 317.5 x 230 mm D. 147 x 230 + 147 x 230 mm 12 mm

Book cover made of cardboard (300g/m2), outside and inside cover individually printable. High-quality four-colour process printing.

CS8 Hard Cover

Small 184 x 184 mm - Format closed DS5/ DS3/ DS2

CS8 Unplugged
Small 180 x 180 mm - Format closed

15 mm

With elastic 15 mm

E./F. 100 x 30 mm white

yellow orange red


dark blue





Sturdy book cover in nine standard colours. Printing surface for personalisation screen printed, single-colour or shiny transparent as relief.

New. CS8 Pen-Book Pocket Basic

100 x 160 mm - Format closed DS3

New. CS8 Pen-Book Pocket Plus

100 x 160 mm - Format closed DS3

65 x 158 mm

G. 60 x 90 mm H. 40 x 135 mm red With elastic



I. 160 x 212 mm J. 87 x 150 + 87 x 150 mm Outside With elastic Inside

Book Cover made of fine Soft Touch Paper (330 g/m2) in 3 standard colours: black, grey and red. Outside cover with silkscreen printing up to 2 colours, or shiny transparent as relief.

Book Cover made of cardboard (300 g/m2). Outside and inside cover printed in high quality 4 colour process.

Paper insert made of cardboard (300 g/m2). Fully personalised on 1 side in 4 colour process and standard 12 months 2010 calendar printed in 1 colour (black) on the opposite side.


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