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SLory 1elllng

Chlld l'm golng Lo klck anchlLo because l wanL Lo

anchlLo Au! 1eacher aLrlco klck me! (no puppeL for hlm)
1eacher WhaL happens aLrlco? Why do you klck anchlLo?
Chlld 8ecause l don'L llke hlm
1eacher Well we have Lo conLlnue wlLh our class buL l'm golng Lo Lalk wlLh you ln Lhe break
Chlld Ck
__________________________________________ ____________________________________
1eacher raLlco WhaL happens wlLh you Why are you so bad wlLh anchlLo?
Chlld l don'L know Leacher anchlLo made me feel bad lasL week
1eacher Mmm l wanL Lo Lell you a sLory
Chlld l love sLorles!
1eacher SalnL AgusLln was a chlld llke you
Chlld Llke me? 8uL he ls a SalnL
1eacher lLs noL lmporLanL ?ou wlll see why? ln 334 a llLLle baby was born Pls name was
SL Monlca l'm very happy We wlll have a son
aLrlclus ?es 1he baby ls golng Lo be a boy he ls golng Lo be llke me
1eacher And afLer 16 years
SL AugusLlne Mom l am golng Lo Lravel Lo CarLhage My faLher Lold me LhaL l am golng Lo sLudy
SL Monlca ?es you have Lo be a good sLudenL
SL AugusLlne Ck moLher Lhank you and bye
1eacher When AugusLlne was ln CarLhage he wenL Lo Lhe LheaLer many Llmes and he fall ln love
wlLh a glrl and Lhey had a chlld
SL AugusLlne l'm golng Lo have a son l am golng Lo call hlm AdeodaLus because l know LhaL he ls
a glfL of Cod
1eacher 1hen he reLurned Lo 1agasLe and Lold hls moLher
Chlld And WhaL abouL hls faLher?
1eacher Pls faLher has already dled 8uL l am golng Lo conLlnue wlLh Lhe sLory San AugusLlne lefL
ChrlsLlanlLy and he was parL of Lhe manlquelsm for many years Pe was looklng for Lhe Lrue buL he
dldn'L flnd lL And one day
SLAugusLlne ( crylng) and now whaL am l golng Lo do Allplo was my besL frlend he always was
here when l needed hlm buL now?
l Lhlnk LhaL l have Lo conLlnue my llfe and l wlll always remember hlm
1eacher AfLer LhaL he Lravelled Lo Mllan and he had a supernaLural advenLure
1ake and drlnk" 1ake and drlnk"
SL AugusLlne l am golng Lo read Lhe 8lble Ch! l was wrong l can flnd Lhe Lrue ln my hurL
SL AugusLlne Mom l am golng Lo become a churchman l have found Lhe Lrue ln Cod
Mom Ch my son l am so happy
Chlld Wow Lhls sLory was beauLlful
1eacher l wanL you Lo know LhaL never ls laLe Lo be beLLer aL Lhe end SalnL AugusLlne recognlzed
hls mlsLakes l Lhlnk LhaL you can be beLLer each day lf you wanL 8uL flrsL you don'L have Lo klck
your frlends you have Lo learn Lo be beLLer each day
Chlld Sorry Leacher lL wlll never happen agaln l am golng Lo be a good boy

SalnL AugusLlne example of llfe
1he sLory of our pro[ecL ls abouL a boy LhaL was sLudled aL SalnL AgusLln
School and he had a bad behavlor wlLh hls frlends and Leachers Pe usually
klcks hls frlends and hls Leacher dldn'L know whaL Lo do wlLh hlm
Cne day Lhe Leacher declded Lo Lell hlm Lhe sLory of SalnL AgusLln She sald
LhaL SalnL AgusLln was a chlld llke oLher chlld he was born ln 334 ln 1agasLe
hls faLher's name was aLrlck and hls moLher's name was Monlca AfLer 16
years he Lravelled Lo CarLhage Lo sLudy and Lhere he wenL Lo many LheaLers
he fell ln love wlLh a glrl and Lhey had a chlld called AdeodaLus LhaL means
ClfL of Cod AugusLlne had a besL frlend hls name was Allplo when he dled
he lefL AugusLlne desLroyed When AugusLlne was ln Mllan he heard a volce
of a chlld Lelllng hlm 1ake and urlnk" so he read Lhe 8lble 8omans 131314
and he found Lhe Lrue LhaL he was looklng for many years AfLer LhaL he
became a prlesL and Lhen a blshop and he served Lo Lhe communlLy for many
years 1hen he dled wlLh 76 years old ln Plpona
1he Leacher Lold Lhls sLory Lo hls pupll so he can Lake lL llke an example of
llfe She Lold hlm LhaL SalnL AgusLln was a chlld llke hlm and flrsL he wasn'L a
very good boy buL aL Lhe end he changed and Lhe Leacher Lold aLrlco Lhe
chlld LhaL he can do Lhe same AL Lhe end she glves hlm a message
1eacher l wanL you Lo know LhaL never ls laLe Lo be beLLer aL Lhe end SalnL
AugusLlne recognlzed hls mlsLakes l Lhlnk LhaL you can be beLLer each day lf
you wanL 8uL flrsL you don'L have Lo klck your frlends you have Lo learn Lo
be beLLer each day



Oh gran Agustn,
nuestro padre y maestro!,
conocedor de los luminosos caminos de Dios,
y tambin de las tortuosas
sendas de los hombres,
admiramos las maravillas que la gracia divina
obr en ti, convirtindote en testigo apasionado
de la verdad y del bien,
al servicio de los hermanos.

Al inicio de un nuevo milenio,
marcado por la cruz de Cristo,
ensanos a leer la historia
a la luz de la Providencia divina,
que gua los acontecimientos
hacia el encuentro definitivo con el Padre.

Orintanos hacia metas de paz,
alimentando en nuestro corazn
tu mismo anhelo por aquellos valores
sobre los que es posible construir,
con la fuerza que viene de Dios,
la "ciudad" a medida del hombre.

La profunda doctrina
que con estudio amoroso y paciente
sacaste de los manantiales
siempre vivos de la Escritura
ilumine a los que hoy sufren la tentacin
de espejismos alienantes.

Obtn para ellos la valenta
de emprender el camino
hacia el "hombre interior",
en el que los espera
el nico que puede dar paz
a nuestro corazn inquieto.
Muchos de nuestros contemporneos
parecen haber perdido
la esperanza de poder encontrar,
entre las numerosas ideologas opuestas,
la verdad, de la que, a pesar de todo,
sienten una profunda nostalgia
en lo ms ntimo de su ser.

Ensales a no dejar nunca de buscarla
con la certeza de que, al final,
su esfuerzo obtendr como premio
el encuentro, que los saciar,
con la Verdad suprema,
fuente de toda verdad creada.

Por ltimo, oh san Agustn!,
transmtenos tambin a nosotros una chispa
de aquel ardiente amor a la Iglesia,
la Catholica madre de los santos,
que sostuvo y anim
los trabajos de tu largo ministerio.

Haz que, caminando juntos
bajo la gua de los pastores legtimos,
lleguemos a la gloria de la patria celestial
donde, con todos los bienaventurados,
podremos unirnos al cntico nuevo
del aleluya sin fin. Amn.

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