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1. COMBAT MECHANICS CHANGES Weapons can clash if struck directly.

Impact system: upon striking, the force can knockback, stun, crumple, or possibly disarm opponent depending on the force (affected by weapon weight, powered-attacks, etc). Shields actually block most/full damage, depending on impact. Shield bashing provides additional impact in deflecting attacks. Actually interesting spells; currently almost all spells are: channel line damage, summon, single-shot damage, damage field. Potions/food have to actually be drunk/eat/are wielded. Taking damage affects character movement and item wielding speed. Weapons have actual descriptions of wielding speed and differ in length or coverage, perhaps even in some use. 2. GENERAL MECHANICS CHANGES Increased general movement speed, especially for horses. Overall +25% stamina. Add interesting perks which affect things like impact or movement. Remove stupid perks/shouts like slow-mo shielding and TIID-KLO-UL (Slow Time). Holding E will pick up and auto-equip items. Items have durability and are affected by wear and tear in combat/can be broken and repaired. Items have interesting effects beyond simple element-damage addition, steal/drain, and +Stats. Ex. additional durability damage, knockback on impact, etc. Elemental effects are not all applied even when blocked; that makes no sense. WULD-NAH-KEST (Whirlwind Sprint) does not have delay frames and does not stop character actions such as attacking. Being over-encumbered is not an instant massive speed drop based on held WT; speed drop is based on CURRENT EQUIPPED weight and scales somewhat lightly from a decent threshold. People cannot know of your crimes if there's no possibility of it being seen or word being spread. Suspicious activity will be questioned or punished (buckets on heads, picking up stuff at random, climbing around on people's desks) Character classes actually have useful abilities that are on reasonable cooldowns as opposed to being used once per day; this enforces actually recognizable character differences. Multiplayer. 3. UI CHANGES Non-esc menus do not pause the game. # hotkeys are auto-assigned to favorites, though they can be later re-labeled. Mouse can scroll through the lists, so there's actually some sort of speed to them. SMART weapon system; if switching from a 2h to a 1h weapon, also auto-draw last-used offhand. THIS OBVIOUSLY INCLUDES ARROWS; HOW STUPID WOULD IT BE TO HAVE ARROWS IN YOUR INVENTORY YET FIRE BLANKS BECAUSE IT WOULDN'T PULL THEM? RADICAL POSSIBLE CHANGES? Character assigns favorite weapons/potions/items to quick-draw slots.

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